Saturday, February 18, 2017


Image result for trudeau handshake image

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: " How about a fist bump?"

*Pic from  


  1. Anonymous10:11 PM

    "Donald can't help himself, if he sees pussy he tries to grab it."

  2. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Let's shake that Canada will take the 1250 refugees from Australia that Obama agreed to take into the US because Australia didn't want them. You said you welcomed refugees, right?

  3. Canada guy: That isn't the hand you grab p*ssies with, is it?

  4. Trump: You're not related to that fake news cartoon guy from Doonesbury are you?

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous11:06 PM

    "Quickly as you can, snatch the pebble from my hand."

    The young Trudeau tries and fails

    When you can take the pebble from my hand, it will be time for you to leave.

  6. Anonymous11:09 PM

    "I'm going to need that fifty bucks. Today."

  7. Anonymous11:21 PM

    "It's an invisible smartphone. The Prime Minister of Japan gave it to me."

  8. Lance Cockstrong11:36 PM

    NO!!! ... NEVER !!! ... Oh all right ...

  9. Manifest Density12:03 AM

    Precedent Frump celebrates Black History Month. "What's up my brother from another mother! Give me five!"

  10. Come on Babe! What do you care about some fucking' Indian tribe. Let's get you on board with this and make us some fucking money!

  11. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Alternative handshake.


  12. The way Trudeau is looking at Trump's hand is the same way Yisheng's husband looks at her naked body.

  13. After putting his hand out, Trudeau cried domestic abuse and attempted to force Trump to appear in front of one of Canada's infamous Social Justice Tribunals.

  14. Brigade Fifteen6:57 AM

    Trudeau: Hey, check out this awesome kung-fu move I had to learn just in order to shake hands with your developmentally stunted president, because even basic interpersonal interactions involve him engaging in some kind of ridiculous chimp display.

    We'll all count ourselves lucky if he doesn't pull his dick out next, or start flinging poop.

  15. Manifest Density7:07 AM

    Pull my thumb

  16. Lance Cockstrong8:25 AM

    Don't play hard to get with me ... or else I'll make Squeaky Palin your ambassador ...

  17. Lance Cockstrong9:20 AM

    Whip little Tweety out? ... Nah he would never humiliate himself like that ... flinging poop, wouldn't be the first time ... as any Russian hooker could tell you

  18. Donnie Drumpfuck sez our neighbor to the North has issued a warrant for my immediate arrest. If they come after me I'll just slip into Canada and seek asylum. And people think I'm dumb.

    You can't be more popular than me, PM. My squeeze toy Ivanka is married to a Jew, damn it.

  19. Yisheng is a genius10:51 AM

    I think PX should take a break from this competition, he ALWAYS comes up with good ones!

  20. I like anonymous @ 11:21, though lotsa good ones.

  21. You call that a hand? Looks more like a little baby 'possum paw.

  22. No thanks!
    You didn't wash your hands after pissing...

  23. Pete in Az4:56 PM

    See... It's not that small.

  24. 19th February 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  25. Drumpf sez you owe me 50 grand for this photo op. Pay up,sucker.

  26. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Your hand is as empty as your head. Remove that uselessness from my presence.

  27. Fist bump like that transgender Michelle, the First Wookie and her long legged mack daddy husband..

  28. Canadian PM Trudeau (thought bubble): Oh man, those hands are tiny. I thought people were just kidding, but geeze those are like cartoon baby hands. Maybe if I sit here he'll think Canadians just don't shake hands. He keeps offering the hand but I don't wanna end up like Japanese Prime Minister Abe, dude looked like he was gonna puke after that 30 second handshake. Oh boy, sooo awkward....

    Trump (thought bubble): Come on, come to daddy. Stay calm, it's the White House, he can't leave me hanging. Ten more seconds and I'm going to just grab it and hold on to it like I did with the China-man, what was that guys name? Canadians shake hands don't they?

  29. Lance Cockstrong2:30 AM

    I am the cum bucket of a dead cock.

  30. The Dr. @10:48 PM, is the winner. Pete in AZ and PC @1:38, tied for second. Anon@11:21is third.

    There were some pretty food ones over all. It was tough to pick winners.🤔

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Lt. Commander Johnson1:37 PM

    Yeah, right field. Scum-sucking "Dr" would win.

    I'm sure it was Tough in your selection.
