Friday, February 17, 2017

Presidential vacations.

Image result for obamas vacation imagesRemember when wingnuts got upset if the Obama's went on a date or on vacation on our dime? I do.

Well, consider.....

"President Donald Trump may have been elected as the nominee of a party that prides itself on fiscal conservatism, but he and his family are preparing to blow taxpayers out of the water as they continue with their posh lifestyle.

From the president’s frequent trips to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and his sons’ upcoming trip to the United Arab Emirates to open a golf course in Dubai to the First Lady’s decision to reside at Trump Tower in New York City, the lifestyle choices of Trump and family are running up taxpayers’ tab in an unprecedented manner, according to a report from The Washington Post.

Although the agencies which handle most of these expenses did not reply to the Post’s request for specific figures, the newspaper was able to estimate that the president’s three trips to Mar-a-Lago probably cost roughly $10 million, that New York City spends $500,000 every day to guard Trump Tower (which could reach over $730 million by the end of Trump’s first term), and that Eric Trump’s trip to Uruguay for a Trump-brand condo tower cost nearly $100,000 in hotel bills.

“This is an expensive way to conduct business, and the president should recognize that,” said Tom Fitton, president of the conservative group Judicial Watch, when speaking to The Post. “The unique thing about President Trump is that he knows what it costs to run a plane.”
By contrast, although Judicial Watch regularly criticized President Obama for forcing taxpayers to cover his vacation costs, they estimated that his expenses only equaled roughly $97 million during his eight-year presidency — a fraction of what is anticipated for Trump". [Source] 

The president will be in Mar-a-Lago again this weekend, That's three weekends in a row. Look,  I know that his wife is not there with him, but it would be nice if our president could stay in Washington at least once in a while.

Anyway, I think that the people are getting tired of it.

This might explain why his approval rating is only at 38%.

*Pic from



  1. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit10:44 PM

    Conservatives and tr**p lovers can shut the hell up about Obama now. He is no longer in the White House to scare the piss out of them with imaginary boogeymen. Obama at his lowest point will always be 1000 times better than tr**p at his highest.

  2. Porter10:49 PM

    Hey Mike from shithole Iowa, does your boyfriend know that you post here so often? Do you save any time for him?

  3. George Soros11:00 PM

    You think the Obamas are finally paying for their own vacations?

    I don't.

  4. Lance Cockstrong11:00 PM

    Micro-dick Josh: But...but black people are the real racists! My butt buddy Trump is making (white) America great again! I'm a scientific genius! Obama only gets love because he is black! Black racism! blah blah blah

  5. Trump's popularity rises again, now at 55%:

    Woo hoo!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Alternative reality.😏 Cause the real one bites sometimes.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Brigade Fifteen11:05 PM

    I made a promise to myself never to sink to a Trump-style level of egotism because I'm a good person. Perhaps better than most.

  7. Lance Cockstrong11:07 PM

    I wonder who has the smaller dick: Josh, James, or Mike?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What a waste of money. They should have to fly coach with the rest of the MAGAts.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. Yisheng is a genius.11:18 PM

      Whootemoos don't fly Doug, they ride on hogs.

  10. PilotX's Boss11:16 PM

    But Doug, Michelle's ass is too big to fit in coach.

    And why are you calling the Obamas "MAGAts"?

  11. Porter11:29 PM

    I am doubtful if another man in my lifetime has absorbed more ceaseless calumny from every conceivable quarter than Donald Trump. In the past year and a half, he has been called Hitler more times than Hitler was called Hitler.

    Yet practically every flapping mouth from every self-important institution, including those under his direct authority, has attacked him without respite. And no matter how we like to praise ourselves on tenacity, few men would not wilt under such a historical fusillade. I hope that by stroke of fortune or providence he is one of them. Traditional America has many enemies. And all have their knives out for Trump.

  12. Yisheng is a retard11:37 PM

    Obama is shit. Obama lovers are shit. Oh, and progressives are shit too.

  13. lilac's daddy is a little bitch11:46 PM

    Four disastrous years of Orange Hitler is White America's last gasp, and they know it, even if they vehemently deny, because it's just in their nature.

  14. AP - The DHS is planning to use 100,000 National Guardsmen to move huge wood chippers to the Mexican border as part of the Trump administration's internal efforts to enact its promised crackdown on illegal immigration. Detained Mexicans are to be fed into the wood chippers with their minced remains sprayed into Mexico.

    If implemented, the National Guard idea, contained in an 11-page memo ( ) obtained by The Associated Press, could lead to the pureeing of millions of immigrants living nowhere near the Mexican border.

    Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), said, "This administration's complete disregard for the impact its internal chaos and inability to manage its own message and policy is giving me flashbacks of my experiences in the jungles of Viet Nam"

    The memo also specified that only American manufactured wood chippers were to be utilized, raising questions of financial impropriety due to President Trumps 5% ownership stake in John Deere, the nation's largest maker of wood chippers, and the only company who produces the giant wood chippers with chutes too slippery to crawl out of that are required for this effort, code named "Operation Carnitas".

  15. I can run a wood chipper. I could use the claw to chip MAGAts all day long. Then they could be put to good use as fertilizer or pig food.
    They're not showing themselves to be good for much else.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. Anonymous1:56 AM

    "I can run a wood chipper."

    Then why don't you get a job, you useless maggot?

  17. The Ministry of Truth2:24 AM

    I have a REALLY tiny penis.

  18. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Who gives a shit about Barack Hussein Obama anymore?

  19. James Bold2:52 AM

    The Black view:

    "his approval rating is only at 38%."

    The White view:

    "Trump's popularity rises again, now at 55%"

    You don't live in our reality.  You say Trump isn't your president.  Time for you to get out of this country.  You don't have to go back to Africa, but you can't stay here.

    "Four disastrous years of Orange Hitler...."

    ... is more than long enough to run every Communist billionaire, every grievance-studies teacher or major and every black or brown clown on welfare or with a criminal record through a rendering plant.

    Remember that if you don't want to go back to Africa, that might be your ONLY other option.  The rest of the USA is waking to the fact that the budget deficit and the vast bulk of crime and social conflict would disappear along with you.  When the Saxon begins to hate, don't stick around.

    "I can run a wood chipper."

    I have rebuilt a wood chipper.  Chippers do not have claws, their feeders sometimes do.  Dougie, not being able to tell the difference, will be part of the feed, not the feeders.  He's a traitor and will be treated accordingly.

    You've spilled enough information to doxx you, Doug.

  20. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit3:22 AM

    tr**p's popularity is rising amongst which demographic? White trash?

  21. Lance Cockstrong3:48 AM

    The white view of Butt Trumpet?
    His micro-dick is just right for leader of the free world. They wouldn't have it any other way.

  22. Neutral Observer4:06 AM

    Wow, I'm surprised Josh and Mike from Iowa haven't chimed in yet with their usual moronic bullshit.

  23. Anonymous PilotX's Boss said...
    But Doug, Michelle's ass is too big to fit in coach.

    If Melanoma's escorted ass had as many dicks sticking out of it as have been shoved in it, she wouldn't be able to sit anywhere. Same for der potus drunpfuck and Russian dicks.

    The bald guy still has no clews about economics. If wingnuts disappeared that would be a blessing for the economy. Might be the only way to straighten out the economy. But. then again, wingnuts all live in fantasyland where Drumpf's shit smella and tastes like white chocolate fudge to dopey believers.

  24. Oh Porker, Flapping yer gums like always, eh? I noticed in your testimonial to Drumpf's being pilloried by the press, etc, you never once said drumpfuck didn't deserve the hate and ridicule he was getting.

    et practically every flapping mouth from every self-important institution, including those under his direct authority, has attacked him without respite.

    Still, Obama gets more shit dumped on him in a day than drumpfuch has seen in a month. We are just getting started on this worthless orange shitgibbon. Enjoy sucker.

  25. The bald guy sez-

    The Black and historically accurate, true and irrefutable view:

    "his approval rating is the absolute historical lowest rate at 38% until the next poll comes up at which time it will be a new historical low.


    Drumpf meltdown. Yeeesh! Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  27. Manifest Density7:09 AM

    Frump to sign legislation allowing coal industry to dump in streams saying,“But sometimes you have to fuel the well in order to really get the economy going.”


    At the present rate the SS is wasting money on security fot the orange shitgibbon and family, it will cost an estimated 3 billion in just four years.

    Drumpf promised as long as he was in the WH there would be no family business excursions overseas. In the first 4 weeks there have been a half dozen excursions. Liar liar pants on fire.

  29. Obama had 29 vacations in 8 years for a total 0f 225 days.

    dumbass dubya made 77 trips just to his Texas ranch 490 days and 11 trips to Kenney Boy Bunkport Maine for another 43 days of vacation for a grand total 533 days of vacation and still got nothing accomplished except destablising America's economy and the entire Middle East.

    Bush had nearly 2X the vacation days as Obama.


    Black is white in Drumpf's world. Hillary-ous!

  31. "If Melanoma's escorted ass had as many dicks sticking out of it as have been shoved in it, she wouldn't be able to sit anywhere. Same for der potus drunpfuck and Russian dicks.:

    Well double damn!

    FYI, PEEOTUS' security is estimated will cost 730 milli by 2020. How many whooteemoos will loose their coal mining jobs because of this!!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Who wants to bet that Field's top two whooteemoos weigh almost ton?

    Ok, that's not fair, I meant top 3!!


  34. Anonymous10:48 AM

    You jiggle like a bowl of shit when you laugh like that, Yisheng.

  35. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I'm so fucking bored with people who think they're edgy rebels for parroting the same liberal shit every pop culture/media hack agrees with.

    1. Whooteemoos smell like shit8:51 PM

      I'm so fucking bored with people who think they're edgy rebels for parroting the same alt-right/white supremacist shit every PEEOTUS admin hack agrees with.

  36. "Trump's so mean to the press," shrieked those who were silent as Obama prosecuted leaks, spied on AP and James Rosen, and tried to jail a reporter.

  37. Quote: Little Jimmy Bold

    ".. is more than long enough to run every Communist billionaire..."

    Wow! Who knew that communism was so profitable?

    Perhaps more of you should try it?

  38. 18th February 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  39. Anymoose opines- I love fake news. It's real. It's magic. There be unicorns flying around in the daytime. Drumpf is the greatest most honest liar in the world.

  40. 18th February 2017. Meaningful points made = 0.

  41. Truth be known, Obama should have had every wingnut congresscritter arrested and shot. Be a more peaceful, far better off economy than what we have. And what we have is lightyears better than what dumbass dubya left Obama. And Obama left Drumpf the best economy Drumpf will ever preside over -for about a month and then it all crashes around Drumpf's dumbo ears because everyone knows wingnuts can't govern and do not understand economics.

  42. Here is the memo that talks about using National Guard troops to help round up immigrants in case Drumpf lovers still refuse to believe it ever existed.

    ck out page 3 for guard notice.

  43. mike from iowa said...
    Truth be known, Obama should have had every wingnut congresscritter arrested and shot.--

    Woulda, coulda, shoulda.

    That kind of sums up the Obama years, doesn't it?

    The guy had plenty of hate and arrogance, but was just too damn lazy.

    Now America has crawled out of the grave he dug for it, and it's the commies who better start running.

    1. "Start running" or what?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. moron from iowa said...
    Here is the memo that talks about using National Guard troops to help round up immigrants in case Drumpf lovers still refuse to believe it ever existed.

    The memo exists, it just doesn't say what you want it to.

    But keep plugging that fake news, moron.


    Drumpf in a single moment of lucidity.

    Hail the Trumpenreich ejaculated- wait a damn minute, Drumpf is in bed with the commies. What was I drumpfing? I'll be coming after me before I know it.

  46. Another Drumpf lie/promise broken- “I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done.”


    How soon before Drumpf takes credit for this as his first terrorist success?

  48. For all my anal-retentive wingnut haters out there, help is on the way.


  49. julia2:23 PM

    What does the use of "Drumpf" signify?

    Is this supposed to be some sort of ethnic slur?

  50. Porter2:32 PM

    Hey Mike from shithole Iowa, what do you do when you're not posting stupid shit on here? Jerking off to Sasha and Malia Obama? or Barack himself?

  51. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Moron from Iowa has no job and no life.

  52. Wood chippers don't have claws? Tell that to these guys, you MAGAts:

    -Doug in Oakland

  53. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit3:15 PM

    We ought to put a few tr**p lovers through the wood chipper.

  54. Drumpf is how Trump's name used to be spelled. I guess the racist old man decided it was to ethnic for a racist old man.

    Porker- for a human enamored with foolish passion for sows and gilts (gilts would be the pig equivalent of you raiding the cradle), I'd think you would have better things to do than worry about my love life. But then, being a right wing nut job, you can't keep yer mind out of the gutter and other people's bedrooms.

    Anymoose, what can I say? I have devoted what is left of my life to making yer life uncomfortable every way I can think of. I am in yer head, just like Josh 2 Smart and the bald guy. Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  55. Great video< Doug. I doubt wingnuts can understand it. MAGAts are right wing organ grinders- Drumpf lovers with chipped teeth. Bwahahahahahaha!

  56. julia4:21 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Drumpf is how Trump's name used to be spelled. I guess the racist old man decided it was to ethnic for a racist old man.

    But you didn't.

  57. The fine-tuned machine:

    -Doug in Oakland

  58. Diversity is Strength!4:31 PM

    France in full on CIVIL WAR.
    1. 125,000 military personnel moving in.
    2. 20 cities now burning in France.

    press silent....

  59. The Purple Cow5:49 PM

    "France in full on CIVIL WAR.
    1. 125,000 military personnel moving in.
    2. 20 cities now burning in France.

    press silent...."

    Errr yes,press silent, becuase none of this is true. i'm watching Le 5 as I type this. There have been a couple of demonstrations, but the rest is just you masturbating.

  60. Anonymous julia said...
    mike from iowa said...
    Drumpf is how Trump's name used to be spelled. I guess the racist old man decided it was to ethnic for a racist old man.

    But you didn'

    Was I supposed to? DYK Drumpf's German Granddaddy was booted out of Germany for being a draft dodger? He made his fortune in America selling booze and women to miners- basically a pimp.

    Drumpf's daddy was the real racist and apparently passed it on to Donnie the el loco en la cabeza in the WH.

    Iknow-HRC had emails.

  61. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Mike from Iowa has a love life? Could've fooled me, considering how often he posts here.


    All you Drumpf lovers who say he is keeping his promise to bring coal mining jobs back need to see this. Jobs have declined for decades and being able to dumb shit in the water isn't bringing any jobs back. It just gives wealthy mine owners extra money.

  63. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit6:29 PM

    tr**p is a fool for promising to bring back coal mining jobs. So are the people who want them back.

  64. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Rasmussen says Trump has an approval rating of 55%,Pew says 39%. Kinda like the pre-election polls who said Hillary would win by a landslide. The polls were wrong.

    Do you think Hillary would have scored better at this point on any popularity poll in her presidency? She was equally unpopular. Trump may never be popular, but neither would Hillary.

    I wish you Black activists would give Trump a chance. If you want to always criticize without waiting for something to actually be angry about, fuck you, Field.


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  66. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  67. So, what TPC is trying to shout at me: Vladimir Putin is about 1/2 as bad as George Bush and Barack Obama, when it comes to invading countries, dropping bombs, and killing innocent people.

    Okay when Obama does it. Melanin grants you suupapowwahs, after all, converting sunlight to knowledge. So it's okay when the black one does it. The other two? Ah, world's worst people!

    I reiterate: The only reason you zombie, slave cunts hate Russia is because white corporate media tells you to. Same reason you morons probably also think Pewdiepie is a Nazi.

  68. Anymoose sez shit again- Rasmussen poll is right leaning and has always been that way.

    HRC would have taken over for Obama flawlessly, seamlessly and been ready to be Potus on Day 1.

    From Day 1 wingnuts would have used their power in congress to jam up the system for HRC the way did to Obama and Obama still succeeded. HRC is millions times smarter and more knowledgeable than all wingnuts combined.

    American citizens-doesn't include traitorous wingnuts- are sick and tired of the obstructionist games wingnuts prefer to do instead of their jobs.

    It isn't just Pew that sez the orange hypocrite is failing. Gallup and the rest concur. Drumpf is the absolute worst Potus ever. Don't let reality interrupt your little wingnut fantasies. They are about to crash.

  69. During his eight years in office, Obama's travel expenses averaged $12.1 million a YEAR. At this rate, Trump is on target to rack up $140 million a year, a staggering 1,157% more.

    In his first month alone, Drumpf has racked up over 11 million in travel costs.

    Fiscally responsible baby brats. Bwahahahahahahaha!

  70. Didn't he cite a poll that his approval was 55%

    Legal, decoration, and and travel bills at the white house will be a big story in a few months.

  71. James Bold1:41 PM

    "Wow! Who knew that communism was so profitable?"

    Of COURSE it's profitable... for the people at the top.  Do you think the oligarchs who appeared after the fall of the USSR just came out of nowhere?  They were already fantastically wealthy, just not rated for the Forbes 500.

    "Perhaps more of you should try it?"

    "Your BLM protests are counter-revolutionary activity, Comrade.  Off to the gulag with you."

    Be careful what you wish for.  You might get it.

    "What does the use of "Drumpf" signify?"

    It's "deadnaming" (the pre-anglicized name of Trump's grandfather), which makes leftard snowflakes head for their fainting couches when anyone does it to one of them.

    They haven't figured out yet that nobody else cares, and it just makes them look (even more) stupid.

    "Wood chippers don't have claws?"

    Hey, brilliant, that's new.  Now it's time to put a second claw on the other side, put it on crawler tracks with an up-turned feed chute and send it into BLM rallies and anywhere the Black Bloc is causing trouble.  Just start grabbing and dropping them in.

    You realize it's the gun-toting, Trump-voting red-staters you like to call MAGAts who have the chops to build and run those things, don't you?  You don't have a chance in a fight, Doug.  Don't start one.

  72. James Bold1:46 PM

    OBTW, here's a Black man's commentary on racial inequality, going back to Thomas Carlyle in the 19th century.  Enjoy.

  73. They haven't figured out yet that nobody else cares, and it just makes them look (even more) stupid.

    The stoopid ones are the ones cheering this pathological liar while he is undermining America beneath their feet.

    Drumpf has exactly one day left to keep his campaign promise tho deastroy ISIS in the first 30 days. No one to blame for Drumpf's failures but Drumpf and The bald guy.

  74. Here is the mess Drumpf claims he inherited from Obama-

    Also Obama did not create ISIS. And if wingnuts hadn't tied Obama's hands this country and this world could easily have been a much better place. After all, when Obama was legally elected wingnuts came right out and said they would male him a one term Potus and block every policy so he would fail. Then they expect Dems to give the orange marshmallow a chance? Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  75. James Bold5:15 PM

    "Also Obama did not create ISIS."

    As part of trying to overthrow Assad, Hitlery's (meaning, Obama's) State Dept. backed al Qaeda in Iraq which morphed into ISIS:

    So... you're wrong again.  I am still waiting for you to be right about something.

  76. Are you talking about the ISIS creator. obama and clintoon.... the most corrupt people to ever hold office. obama sucked dick in Chitcago at Man Country and MOOSCHELLE the Wookie is a transgender. Thank god they will be destroyed because they are ghetto trash assholes.
