Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Image result for trump images state of the union   I just listened to president trump's address to congress, and while he has gotten a little better at reading his teleprompter, it was still a pretty pathetic display by all objective standards. It was full of nationalistic tones with zero substance, and it was confusing to boot. (Cut corporate  and middle class taxes AND spend on infrastructure??)

He did not tell us how he was going to implement any of the grand policies that he was prattling on about; he demonized immigrants over and over again; and, once again, he equated poverty to black folks (and as my twitter fam observed), "tied it into violence". 

There were black people serving as props throughout the audience, and he called on them, time and time again, to show the rest of America that he is not a racist. (Good luck with that.)

The worst part of the speech, though, was when he called on the widow of a slain Navy Seal, Carryn Owens*Benghazi*  and when the audience gave her a long standing ovation. He couldn't help himself, so he had to make it all about him.

The speech was almost an hour long.
Unfortunately it is an hour out of my life that I will never get back.


  1. It would be nice if the damn fool would learn anything at all from the people who know what they're doing, but that's not gonna happen.
    He's seventy years old, fat, white, male, and has never had to do anything real in his whole life, so even though he did get some good advice about how to talk about terrorism, he made a special point in blowing it off, and obviously got off on doing so.


    What an ugly, evil, idiot. I hope his balls drop off into his shoe and he steps on them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Lance Cockstrong11:59 PM

    Nice touch trotting out the widow of CPO Owens. That standing O will let him off the hook for sure.

    "The way to make health insurance available to everyone is to lower the cost of health insurance" ... Shaaazzzzammmm!!!

    A new Homeland Security program to serve American crime victims ... unless said crime was committed by an Aryan ... Or a policeman ...


    This is one MAGICAL MOTHERFUCKER !!! ...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What's with the #SOTU? Asking since numerous press outlets mentioned the president's message to congress and the American people would not embody the usual SOTU address.

    This probably explains why President Trump's plans and policy proposals lacked specifics.

    Yet though this was not featured as a formal SOTU, must say I was surprised to see the SC justices and the democratic response afterward.

    Unfortunately I missed 45 minutes of the president's address to congress. Once the speech ended, interesting how none of the camera angles included the black congressional caucus, or even Rep. Mia Love and Sen. Tim Scott.

  5. Lance Cockstrong12:21 AM

    ... And as we mark the conclusion of Black History Month, ... in the audience tonight is ... Fredrick Douglass !!! ... GIVE IT UP !!! ...

  6. Lance Cockstrong12:26 AM

    ... My mistake ... that's Ben Carson ... NEEEVVERMIIIIND !!! ...

  7. StillaPanther212:30 AM

    The speech was like the academies- started with African Americans And ended with African Americans. We are shown as pathetic, needing the white Massa to educate us, feed us and keep us safe. A society that has not created solutions in 400 plus years. But if anybody can bring Black life to parity it will be donald. Now I will not hold my breath, but I will celebrate if the young black miscreants are on the beat down to let them know that at any time he majority can put your juvenile assz in place. I could try but white America needs dysfunctional blacks.

  8. Anonymous1:48 AM

    @ Pantha -

    There is no "solution" to black problems. You're primitives, you're savages by nature. You belong in the jungles of Africa, not in a high-paced 21st century human society. I'm not saying this to be mean - it's just the truth. Your ancestors were brought here as farm equipment, and now you've been made completely obsolete.

    No, America doesn't "need" dysfunctional blacks. America just wishes you'd go away.

    1. And in all of that you only see the dysfunction of black people not the depravity of white people.

  9. You know, I was tempted to say,"Give credit where credit is due." Trump did lead with a mild condemnation of violence against Jews and a half-hearted plea for unity, a forced admission of the importance of diversity. But it was just that. It did not come from the heart. It was way to milque-toast, lacking in any passion whatsoever given the gravity of the incidents of the last three weeks. Clearly someone told him that he needed to lead with that. Similarly, his nod to Black History month and Black Colleges and Universities was perfunctory at best. Just not on his radar. Remember, this is a guy who mostly only cares about his personal luxury, his dick and I guess, to some extent, his male progeny.

    From there it was all downhill. I didn't give him five miniutes. I didn't bother to tune it in in my house after I came home from driving out and about. Dinner and a film festival. This guy ain't Obama.

    He leads with all of this ridiculous shit about how we have been spending trillions of dollars on other countries while our own infrastructure has crumbled. He paints a picture of shining, brand-new cities with all-new highways and bridges. Fucking fantasy. And he's going to do all this without exploding the national debt? Whilst cutting taxes on the wealthy to near-zero? Shitting on the Obama presidency and the two guys before him, saying all the time about how much work it will take to make America great again? Reviving dead industries? What, with Zombies at workbenches? Clean coal? Vile, disgusting propaganda, so transparent you wouldn't believe anyone could be stupid enough to buy into it.

    Let's hear from some of you true believers. How does it feel to lap this stuff up like a kitten eating cream?

    1. Well said. And I bet u weren't reading from a teleprompter.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Brigade Fifteen3:49 AM

    The SOTU is FUBAR, because POTUS is a POS.

  11. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JzkKJN_b2PA/WLXZtkpukEI/AAAAAAABk_U/BipKmO1g89oABFKP2ItZzeeno4AiT9rJwCLcB/s640/gop%2Band%2Btaxes.jpg

    Jim Wright from Stonekettle Station nails Drumpf in his blog post this week. Drumpf is essentially dumbass dubya redux- we have violent gangs in Chicago and problems with guns everywhere so he goes after non-violent people seeking a better life in America. Drumpf pulled an immigrant with a brain tumoor out of a hospital and stuck her in jail awaiting deprtation. Drumpf is grabbing mothers picking up kids at school and deporting them. This is the new America under the new wingnut Nazis. Corruption is rampant on Wall Street and wingnuts roll back regs so the corruption can grow unabated again. Fucking morons!

  12. http://www.stonekettle.com/2017/02/red-sea.html

    Read it and learn.

  13. brick9:16 AM

    StillaPanther2 said...
    The speech was like the academies- started with African Americans And ended with African Americans. We are shown as pathetic, needing the white Massa to educate us, feed us and keep us safe.

    But apparently that is what the American public demands. Every politician has to emphasize how his or her programs will benefit blacks in order to give them any moral legitimacy.

    If President Trump had not specifically outlined how his intitiatives would address the interests of black Americans, he would have been raked over the coals today for that, instead of being raked over the coals for being patronizing. Tell me every black Democrat wouldn't have been out there screaming about how the President was ignoring the plight of black America.

    And as to your statement "white America needs dysfunctional blacks", you've got a point. Without black pathologies white America would have to look harder at its own. On the other side, when will black America decide to stop filling the societal niche they seem afraid to leave?

  14. Drumpf's policies towards Blacks- he is itching to send the military after Black "Thugs" in Chicago to have his own personal war he can make money from.

    Taxpayers are now paying for a heli-pad at Mar-a Lago for some reason. This is on top of the costs of Drumpf's other visits and the costs to protect the evil spawn in NY City.

    Did any of you little people get your Nanny taxcuts, yet? Bwahahahahahaha!

  15. Rahm Amandeep10:25 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    Drumpf's policies towards Blacks- he is itching to send the military after Black "Thugs" in Chicago to have his own personal war he can make money from.

    Much better to do nothing and let a thousand young black men kill each other every year.

    Wouldn't want to do anything "racist".

  16. Drumpf is a racist. Drumpf is synonymous with racist. Drumpf is surrounded by racists.

    Why does Drumpf bother with congress? He made it abundantly clear during the election that "he" alone could fix everything starting at Day 1.

    Only he can prevent forest fires. He can whip ISIS in 30 days. He can repeal and replace Obamacare on Day 1. He can throw HRC in jail. He can do all these things-just trust him. Bwahahahahahaha!

    Drumpf's compassion extends to himself because people don't like him like he thinks he deserves. Drumpf sucks. That is all.

  17. Brigade Fifteen10:47 AM

    "Drumpf's policies towards Blacks- he is itching to send the military after Black 'Thugs' in Chicago to have his own personal war he can make money from."

    Given that Chicago had a miserable crime year last year, and (so far) that trend has continued this year, under ordinary circumstances, the mayor would be happy to accept an offer of federal law enforcement assistance.

    But not with this president. God only knows how mini-Hitler would decide to "help" Chicago neighborhoods like Englewood or Garfield Park. His plans for addressing crime are likely to be so terrible, putting up with the gangbangers will look like the better option.

  18. 1st March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  19. Pence sitting behind the Bogus looks like a really bad casting job as a Bond KGB villain. His job is to remind Drumpf that Master Putin is nearby and Drumpf needs to stick to Putin's selected script, or else.

  20. Brigade Fifteen-what are the chances that Bogus Drumpf would bother to give Chicago a head's up before launching a full scale war? Wingnut's wet dreams include capturing Chicago and turning it into a wingnut stronghold in the Midwest.

  21. Brigade Fifteen11:00 AM

    "Pence sitting behind the Bogus looks like a really bad casting job as a Bond KGB villain."

    Everyone says that Pence looks like Hank Hill's cranky d-bag father, from the King of the Hill cartoon.

    I agree.

  22. Proglodyte11:09 AM

    "But not with this president. God only knows how mini-Hitler would decide to "help" Chicago neighborhoods like Englewood or Garfield Park"

    Yep, Trump is the most racist man ever to live. He exists only to torment POC, purely out of malevolent hatred for all things non-white. He just wants an excuse to send in his storm troopers to murder millions of helpless black children. It's much better to do nothing.


  23. Brigade Fifteen11:17 AM

    "Brigade Fifteen-what are the chances that Bogus Drumpf would bother to give Chicago a head's up before launching a full scale war? Wingnut's wet dreams include capturing Chicago and turning it into a wingnut stronghold in the Midwest."

    Not much chance of Chicago going wingnut.

    In any event, it appears all they really find Chicago useful for these days is as a sneery racist dog whistle:

    1) Falsely claim that all of Chicago is some kind of war zone, with people dying non-stop on every street corner. (In fact, with the exception of last year's spike in homicides, the violent crime rate in Chicago hasn't been exceptionally high. It just didn't fall quite as much over the last decade as in New York or L.A.)

    2) Imply that this is all the fault of black people being allowed to live there

    3) Terrify ignorant small-town white people into accepting that Big Strong Daddy Trump is needed to stomp on dangerous Negroes to keep them from "Chicago-izing" the rest of the country

  24. Brigade Fifteen11:19 AM

    "Yep, Trump is the most racist man ever to live. He exists only to torment POC, purely out of malevolent hatred for all things non-white."

    No, he exists to torment POC because this unfortunately seems to win him lots of support among the simpletons known as Republican voters.

    Ginning up fear is how he got his present job, and how he intends to keep it.

  25. Fifteen year old White Brigade11:53 AM

    That's right black people! Don't let Boss Man Trump try to do anything about the rampant criminality, drug use, shitty schools and poverty in many of your inner city neighborhoods! He doesn't want to help, he wants to destroy you cause he's Hitler!

    Better to cling to your insularity and despair, so as to remain viable moral props for progressive white people.


  26. I don't have tv so I can't agree he looks like anyone from King of the Hill.

  27. Brigade Fifteen12:34 PM

    Regarding mini-Hitler's "help" for people of color, Exhibit A is his announcement of his VOICE plan to create an office to highlight "immigrant crime" (even though illegal immigrants actually commit crimes at a lower rate than legal residents, so why does this need some kind of special reporting?).

    Imagine the public reaction if, say, President Obama had created something called the "White People Crime Office," which was designed to announce every occasion upon which a white person had committed a crime, implying that white people somehow deserved unique attention in this area. The outrage would be off the scales.

    But sure. Trumpy-wumpy cares so very, very much about brown people, and everyone is so mean for not giving him credit.

  28. Real Math1:24 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...
    Regarding mini-Hitler's "help" for people of color, Exhibit A is his announcement of his VOICE plan to create an office to highlight "immigrant crime" (even though illegal immigrants actually commit crimes at a lower rate than legal residents,

    Statistics, statistics.

    What the numbers you cite say is that crimes are committed by immigrants at a lower rate than legal residents, whose average rate is inflated by the astronomically high rate of black Americans.

    If the the per capita white violent crime is taken as 1.0, the relationship is like this

    Black: 8.8
    Hispanic: 6.5
    White: 1.0

    So for any given major metropolitan area, bringing in a lot of Hispanic immigrants who displace blacks will lower the overall violent crime rate for that area, but the population for the entire country is actually transitioning to one with a higher propensity for violent crime.


  29. Well, that's interesting1:39 PM

    "Law enforcement officials believe many of the threatening calls to Jewish community centers originated overseas."


  30. https://twitter.com/CAPAction/status/836785356196442113/photo/1

    51 lies in 61 minutes. Gotta be some kind of a record-not for Drumpf- but, for a politician in general. Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  31. The Trumpening2:09 PM

    The thermonuclear meltdown of liberals after last night's humilation by Donald Trump is a joy to behold.

  32. As Mother Jones points out, the Ferguson report was far from anecdotal, relying on the city’s own records in most cases, and finding that

    African Americans accounted for 93 percent of arrests made by Ferguson police despite being just 67 percent of the city’s population; that black residents were more than twice as likely to have their cars searched during traffic stops despite being more than 25 percent less likely to be caught with contraband than white drivers; and that some discretionary citations like “walking in roadways” were issued nearly exclusively to black people.

    The Chicago report also found abuses toward citizens, with these easily-dismissed anecdotal findings, as summarized by MoJo:

    Deadly force was used disproportionately against black residents.
    Only 1-in-6 recent graduates of the police academy interviewed by the DOJ “came close” to properly articulating the legal standard for use of force.
    Chicago’s police review board received more than 30,000 police misconduct complaints over the five years reviewed by the DOJ, but fewer than 2 percent of those were sustained or resulted in discipline. During that same period, CPD investigated 409 police shootings, but found only two to be unjustified.
    White residents were three-and-half times more likely to have an allegation of police misconduct sustained than black residents. White residents were six times more likely to have their use-of-force complaints sustained than Latino residents.
    A 2016 review of the department’s dashboard cameras conducted by the department itself found that the audio capability for 80 percent of the cameras were either not working or had been tampered with.
    Officers commonly colluded to cover up wrongdoing by their colleagues, and officers facing misconduct investigations were coached by union attorneys in a manner “experts had [not] seen to nearly such an extent in other agencies.”

    Read more at http://wonkette.com/613646/jeff-sessions-what-we-have-here-is-a-failure-to-communicate#lOhrbMW49xCdvSY9.99

  33. You know it's true2:24 PM

    If Kellyanne Conway was a Democrat she would be on the cover of every magazine and hailed by Media for her accomplishments.

  34. AP 'Fact Check' FAIL: Trump Claim on Terrorism and Immigration Correlates with Justice Dept Data:


  35. If Kellyanne Conway was a Democrat we'd all kill ourselves just to get away from the stank of that skank.

    Why no complaints from wingnut weasels about Drumpf walking off and leaving his escort behind on inaugural day, not once but twice? Bad form, what?

    As for Justice Dept figures, any info coming from Rafael Cruz is suspect.

  36. SOTU means sumpin different for wingnuts because they get paid to....wait for it.......wait for it....wait..stomp on the Unions. Stomping on unions is a koch bros remedy for whatever ails multi-billionaires.

  37. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Trump has already brought more union jobs back to America than Obama did in 8 years.


  38. Looks like someone is going to vote for a major boondoggle without knowing what is in it. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Collins also told Bloomberg that the committee may vote on the bill without receiving a score from the Congressional Budget Office. That is the budget agency tasked with estimating how many people the bill will cover and what it will cost.

    “It looks like, unfortunately, based on the delays, we may be marking it up and voting on it before we have a score,” Collins said. The Washington Examiner reported a similar story, although one Politico reporter has also tweeted that the meeting is not happening.

    It’s easy to see why secrecy is appealing to Republicans right now. One of their more recent proposals was leaked to Politico and quickly caused intraparty strife, as the Freedom Caucus began to protest tax credits in the individual market.

    At the same time, Republicans have spent years berating Democrats for what they describe as a closed-door process of secret meetings

  39. Drumpf ain't brought back shit from anywhere.

  40. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit7:20 PM

    Bad speech. Bad so-called "President." What else is new?

  41. "I think we are getting very, very close. We've got good input from all individuals across the Hill," Price said in an interview on Fox News.

    Anybody here, seen my old friend Bobby. Can you tell me where he's gone? I thought I saw him walking up over the hill with Abraham, Martin and John and they sure as fuck wasn't negotiating with slimy wingnuts on taking healthcare away from the needy.

  42. Obama's offered 60 million dollar book deal? Imagine the hearings wingnuts could have trying to drive publishers out of business for dealing with the Black couple. They can't afford to let Obama cement his legacy with a record book deal. Insult to all whitey wingnuts everywhere, I'm thinking. Where's the Klan when you need them? Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  43. http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2017/03/map-day-what-do-san-francisco-and-oklahoma-city-have-common

    Chokelahoma City is as earthquake prone as San Francisco because of wingnut greed and disrespect for the environment. And it is only going to get worse. Fracking will do that to you. But if you're a wingnut and ignore science, nothing bad will happen. Amirite?

  44. Anymoose sez my hero Obama saved tens of thousands of high paying union jobs when he saved the American Auto Industry which wingnuts were quite content to let go out of business so they could blame unions and Dems.

    You got it right, Anymoose. I iz prowd uv ewe.

  45. "it was still a pretty pathetic display by all objective standards."

    You have no idea what an objective standard is, and probably had to Google the spelling.

  46. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Barry turned into step and fetch it when his teleprompter or earpiece went down.....

  47. Trump is right. US should deport this Chinese, Maxican, Indians and all African Negros asap. These people are like dogs and we want clean america.

    Let's move with #cleardogsfromUS

  48. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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