Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Susan Collins, tax returns, and Felix Sater. Day 33 in trumpland.

Image result for russia trump images* I tried to tell you all a couple of nights ago that this Russian connection with trump and his people could be a "big deal".

We are now learning that Herr trump might have to finally release those pesky tax returns he has tried so hard over the past few months to hide from the American people. He claims that he is under an audit, and that his lawyers won't allow him to show them, but he has refused to  show us the letter from the IRS that shows that they are auditing him in the first place. My guess (and I am sure yours is as well) is that there is no such letter.

But I digress.

Senator Susan Collins of Maine, said today, that she would subpoena trump's tax returns if the Russia probe leads in that direction.   She is a republican, albeit a moderate one, but there are others like her, and this might be a crack in trump's wall of protection around his swamp in Washington.

They are seeing what we all see: that there is just too much smoke surrounding this entire Russian connection for there not to be a fire.

I am telling you people, this Russian cloud over team trump is like a bad hangover after a night of drinking vodka; it just won't go away.

"Asked whether that could include issuing a subpoena for the tax returns that Trump has refused to release, Collins said it could if that is what is required to find out if the president had undisclosed connections to the Russians.
“I don’t know whether we will need to do that,” Collins said. “If it is necessary to get to the answers, then I suspect that we would.”
But she also suggested she hoped it would not come to that. 
“My hope is that we’ll have a lot of voluntary cooperation,” Collins said."

Senator, you are wasting your time, there will be no cooperation from this administration.  We have learned over the first thirty days or so (seems like 30 years already) of this administration that they are just not built that way.

But there will be a reckoning, and I am sure that trump and his people know it.

I bet Felix Sater knows it. (You can read about him and his history with trump here.)

Across the pond in London, the bookmakers are already taking bets on how much longer trump will last in the White House. Just a hint for you: You won't make a whole lot of money betting that he will be impeached, because a lot of folks are already placing that bet.

"There needs to be a full-blown congressional investigation of the Trump-Russia connection, and there needs to be an independent prosecutor (and not Trump campaign supporter Jeff Sessions, the new attorney general) probing every aspect of a scandal that has all the potential of being worse than Watergate. And the first witness should be Felix Sater."

Yes it does. At least Watergate involved another domestic political party trying to influence our politics. We are talking about a foreign government with this one, and potential collaborators in very powerful positions. 

Donald, it might be time to call your accountant. We are going to need to see those returns.

*Pic from



  1. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit10:31 PM

    Really, what is tr**p trying to hide by not releasing his tax returns? Cowards, every single one of them in this disaster of an administration. We should all be embarrassed that this orange idiot "represents" the USA.

  2. So Dmitry Firtash got cleared for extradition to Chicago yesterday, but somehow got held on a warrant from Spain instead.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Who are you pulling for to win DNC chair this weekend? Ellison or Perez?

  4. Lance Cockstrong10:59 PM

    Maybe Butt Trumpet will get micro-dick homo white boy Milo Y. to join his joke of an administration.

  5. He can't. Milo is here on a special visa.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. James Bold1:36 AM

    "They are seeing what we all see: that there is just too much smoke surrounding this entire Russian connection for there not to be a fire."

    Yeah.  Trump doesn't want a war with Russia, which Hitlery and 0bama wanted desperately to distract attention from their own felonies and cement their hold on power.  0bama pulled a bunch of ridiculous diplomatic crap before the inauguration, including throwing 35 Russian diplomats and their families out of the country instead of letting them enjoy the estate Russia bought for their R&R.

    The "smoke" regarding Flynn was him declaring to the Russian ambassador that everything would be reconsidered on its merits after 1/20.  The (((neocons))) were infuriated, and all their Black puppets dutifully sang along with their tune.

    There's a fire blazing, all right.  It's a fire of Uniparty-financial interest pushing war, against a Trump-patriot-military camp (notice how many generals Trump has working with him?) with firehoses putting it out.  When the forensic analysis of the blaze is done, expect the arsonists to be in a world of hurt.

    It would be funny if you were high enough in the hierarchy to suffer along with the arsonists, but you really aren't that bright to have served in any significant capacity.

    "Senator, you are wasting your time, there will be no cooperation from this administration."

    How many years did it take for 0bama to release his long-form birth certificate... which turned out to be forged?  Why are his academic records STILL not released?

    For that matter, why are Michael Scott King's files still under seal almost 50 years after his death?


  7. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit2:42 AM

    tr**p doesn't live in a swamp, he lives in a cesspool.

  8. James and Josh are a cute couple7:29 AM

    James, while it's cute you and your little lover are singing from the same page it's clear to see both of you are as dumb as rocks. Asking to see the President's tax returns (as has been done for virtually ALL past candidates for this very reason) is somehow pushing for war? As far as Barack's birth certificate that is something that was not asked for for ANY previous candidate because he was clearly born in America so that argument is stupid (shocking coming from such a genius). Now we'll just wait for your butt buddy to spew some more right wing talking points.

    1. Yea where he was born was never really the real issue. It was the non citizenship of his father that made him ineligible to be president. That why they distracted with that birther nonsense. Natural born citizen he is not

  9. James Bitch7:32 AM

    Trump is the current President, have you seen his academic record? Why won't he release his tax returns?
    What are you hiding mother fucker?

  10. Anonymous8:54 AM

    why are sparklefarters so obtuse???

  11. Bald guy whines Obama's long form birth certificate was forged because .....reasons.

    Yeah,riiiiiiight. Birth cerificates aren't part of the established rules for being Potus. It didn't matter which certificate Obama graciously divulged, it wasn't going to satisfy wingnuts because they all say he was born in Hawaii-an actual, honest to goodness piece of US real estate.

    Wingnuts whine and whine that no one listens to them. All they do is spread gossip and outright lies about their opponents. Check out Bill Orally last night.

  12. James Bitch is pathetic9:29 AM

    Seems James would be too busy writing, inventing, looking for errors in a math book or whatever geniuses with 150 IQ's do. In reality he's spouting easily refuted far right bull and 69ing with his girlfriend Josh. Sad.

  13. James Bold is just totally fucking 'barking-at-the-moon' insane isn't he?

    He makes Josh seem rational.


    I believe in what I say, as the undisputed truth. (I stole that mostly from Supertramp, I believe)


    Orally talking points. Shit, there went the irony meter.

  16. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Your ability to propagate disinformation never ceases to amaze.


    Warning-Set irony meters at highest level before proceeding.

  18. I peddle the truth as truth is spoken between men, Sonny.

  19. Kellyanne Conway at CPAC: Feminists protesting Trump ‘just have a problem with women in power

    So, Drumpf is a woman, now. Interesting. These jokes keep writing themselves thanks to stoopid wingnuts.

  20. Lt. Commander Johnson10:16 AM

    I still can't understand your obsession with the "Russian Hacking" meme.

    Even if they did, what did it matter or change in the election? Revealing some more of Hillary's dirty panty laundry? The Chinese, Russian, Iranians, Israelis, EU, and God only knows who else, have been hacking at us for who knows how long.

    What was the effect? Exactly WHAT did it change?

  21. Even if they did????

    Some things are just so patently obvious they don't need to be explained.

  22. Anyone see the Afghan hound dog Ann Coulter anywhere recently? I meant no disrespect to the real hounds, it is just what she reminds me of. Anyway, she prolly needs her annual rabies vaccine and a month at the beauty saloon. I'm kinda missing the bombs she throws at Liberals.

  23. Brigade Fifteen11:07 AM

    "James Bold is just totally fucking 'barking-at-the-moon' insane isn't he?

    He makes Josh seem rational."

    I couldn't begin to determine which of those two is more detached from reality.

    Honestly, PC, the far right in this country is a bottomless well of incomprehensible horror. Don't gaze too deeply into the abyss, or you'll lose your own mind.

  24. Lt. Commander Johnson11:22 AM

    "0:16 AM
    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Even if they did????

    Some things are just so patently obvious they don't need to be explained.

    10:49 AM"

    Yeah, must be taking a break between surgeries....Bwahaaaaha!

    You don't answer just insult and change your poster name.

    Yeah "even if they did"??? was a question. You didn't ususal.

  25. Fox news one honest employee and the only true Liberal Alan Colmes passed at 66. Fake Noize IQ and decency quotients bottomed out immediately.

  26. Lt. Commander Johnson11:34 AM

    BTW, Queenie...since you seem to compare Conway as a dog, would it be an insult to compare Whoopi Goldberg as a chimpanzee?

    I'd do a side-by-side pictorial example, but field won't allow that on his blog, anymore.

  27. Another lie-Commandeered Queenie? I compared Afghan Coulter to an Afghan Hound. Conway's name didn't come up. I am sure I can find a suitable dog to compare her to. You are free to call anyone whatever you want. You just have to remember that process is reciprocal. Free speech goes both ways.

  28. I am surprised CQ that you think the game has rules. Would you abide by them or break them and accuse the other side of doing it first?


    Another wild eyed, southern boy, cracker wingnut from Texas.

    Claims he won't attend townhall meetings so the public doesn't get shot by radical lefties. This guy recently co-sponsored a bill to allow certain individuals with mental problems to obtain guns.


    My humblest apologies for the wrong link in above comment.

  31. Lt. Commander Johnson12:32 PM

    10:49 AM
    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Anyone see the Afghan hound dog Ann Coulter anywhere recently? I meant no disrespect to the real hounds, it is just what she reminds me of. Anyway, she prolly needs her annual rabies vaccine and a month at the beauty saloon. I'm kinda missing the bombs she throws at Liberals.

    10:59 AM

    For God's sake. Are you kidding, or just plain lying?

    "10:49 AM
    "Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Anyone see the Afghan hound dog Ann Coulter anywhere recently? I meant no disrespect to the real hounds, it is just what she reminds me of. Anyway, she prolly needs her annual rabies vaccine and a month at the beauty saloon. I'm kinda missing the bombs she throws at Liberals.

    10:59 AM"

    I just don't know what to say anymore. just post your trash.

  32. I see another whitey wingnut got arrested for plotting mass killings in Missouri. Makes the 4th or 5th recently, but since they aren't Muslims they can't/won't be charged as terrorists. This last dude even had corn rows.

  33. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit12:49 PM

    tr**p, Bannon and Sessions are empowering a lot of sick people to take out their hatred of anyone not white male.

  34. Oregon Pride1:33 PM

    Why the hell would anyone be "proud" to be black? Your race is full of loud, obnoxious, ghetto thugs, skanks, and retards.

  35. I was never a Trump supporter, but he is doing a hell of a lot better job than black people's goddess and empress Hillary would have ever done. You people are always so full of yourselves.

  36. Trump Lies2:03 PM

    Lie #1 I will repeal Obamacare on day 1. Hmmmm, are we talking about biblical days or something?
    Lie #2 Mexico will pay for the wall.

    More to come.

  37. Karl Marx2:08 PM

    "Why do you love Putin so much?"

    He loves his own White people, and that sets off your inner chimp SO satisfyingly. He's no threat to America or Americans, and by providing an example of throwing out misbehaving Africans he makes you worry that we'll do the same. I hope your nightmares come true.
    So now it makes sense why James, his girlfriend Josh and the rest of the large forehead inbred racist types (we see you Eric Jackassobus and Oregon Lies) like Putin so much. Should have guessed it had something to do with some form of moronic white racist shit. Carry on comrads.

  38. The Fixer ™2:09 PM

    Why the hell would anyone be "proud" to be white? Your race is full of loud, obnoxious, meth addicts, skanks, wet dog smelling assholes and retards.


  39. teh stupid2:10 PM

    I was never a Trump supporter, but he is doing a hell of a lot better job than black people's goddess and empress Hillary would have ever done. You people are always so full of yourselves.
    Oh teh stooopid is strong in this one.

  40. I was never a Trump supporter, but he is doing a hell of a lot better job than black people's goddess and empress Hillary would have ever done.

    Better at what- lying? Making money? Being stoopid? Cozying up to our enemies?

    The stoopid in wingnuts is palpable. It's Day 33 and ISIS hasn't been destroyed. HRC hasn't been jailed. The ACA is still alive. The economy is still alive. No coal mining jobs have been brought back from where ever ;ost coal mining jobs go. This administration can't walk and chew gum at the same time. They have alienated most of our allies and you think this is good? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  41. During the campaign Donnie the Drumpfuck said he alone could fix it. Why the hell ain't he fixed it? Don't tell me- he was lying again and we who believed are dumbasses for believing him-amirite?


    Dude pops three brown skinned guys in a bar thinking they are Muslims. Where in the world do you suppose this kind of hate is coming from? It isn't like anyone in particular in the WH or the wingnut party is spouting off about Muslims is it?

  43. Lt. Commander Johnson4:28 PM

    BTW, Queenie....I apologize for mistaking your criticism of Coulter as an attack on Conway.

    My bad.

    Still, your comparison to her as a dog, does not negate my comparison of Whoopi Goldberg as a chimpanzee.

    1. James Bitch's dildo5:19 PM

      Because racist assholes can never miss an opportunity to insult a negro.Isn't that right LT. COMM never served a day in his life and should be ashamed to identify himself as an officer?

  44. Lance Cockstrong5:35 PM

    Sorry to hear about Colmes ... He was quite popular on NYC radio in the '80s ... Sad to see him reduced to tomato can status vs. Mr. No Spine ...

  45. My comment on Coulter's dog looks may be in bad taste, but your comparing Goldberg to a Chimp is blatantly racist. There is a difference. A yooooge difference. I wasn't attempting to negate your comment. It needs the light of day.

  46. Lt. Commander Johnson5:40 PM

    I've explained the meaning of my poster name many times. I admitted I never served in the active military. Look it up, or shut up.

    Is calling Whoopi a chimp an insult? I don't know. You just look at a side-by-side of her, and a chimp. Tell me, Speaking of poster names, James Bitch's dildo doesn't sound so great to me.

    1. Lt. Comm James' dildo5:49 PM

      You insult people who serve and you're a racist asshole. You have no redeemable qualities.

  47. Lt. Commander Johnson5:47 PM

    I see you black folks constantly bitch there is "nothing called race". It doesn't exist. (tell that)

    So, why do you call people "racist?"

    Tell me this. Who looks more like a money/ape? Whoopi Goldberg, or Melania Trump?

    Why is that?

    1. Lt. Commander's momma is an ape5:51 PM

      Your momma looks like an ape you cowardly no serving racist asshole.

  48. Lt. Commander Johnson5:52 PM

    No. I don't. And don't apologize for it.

  49. Lt. Commander Johnson5:53 PM

    Whoa. Now that one really hurt.

  50. Lt. Commander Johnson6:08 PM

    Ya know...I smell Uptown Steve and Alicia Banks.

    Surely not.

  51. Lt. Commander Pussy6:11 PM

    Whoa. Now that one really hurt.
    That's what James said when you stuck it in his ass.

  52. Don't recall anyone accusing the former hooker/escort of being an ape, but since she is what passes as white calling her an ape would not be racist-unless the ape feels violated.

    That's not to say if Melanoma likes to swing she might have ape blood. I can't find any real tribe of apes who have bothered to claim her as one of their own.

    IN good news, Melanoma changed wording in her lawsuit against British Newspaper, removing the part about her using her status as first lady to cash in. Too late the hero. The damage has been done to her reputation. Being a greedy bitch is far worse than being an escort, I'm guessing.

  53. James the Bitch and Lt. Commander No-Johnson are lovers6:13 PM

    Ya know...I smell Uptown Steve and Alicia Banks.
    You smell your mom's rotten crotch on James' breath when you kiss. We know how you like threesomes.

  54. James the Bitch and Lt. Commander No-Johnson are lovers6:15 PM

    Lt. Commander Pussy must be busy having a threesome with Josh and James because we haven't seen anything about Jessica Chambers lately. Keep it up guys.


    O'Keefe sowed more wild oats and had another crop failure. Now he wants to purchase a scandal. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  56. Lt. Commander Johnson6:24 PM

    Once they go to trial, believe me, you will see all about the rape, murder, and torture of Jessica Chambers.

    I'm proud you remember it...thanks to me.

  57. Lt. Commander Johnson6:31 PM might want to remember this:

    You suck turds from the anus.

  58. James' wife6:39 PM

    Talk about irony for your ass. Imperial wizard in the klan who spent his whole life preaching hate against teh blacks is killed by his white wife and son. Sayyyy, anybody heard from James lately?

  59. Lt. Commander Johnson6:39 PM

    I did a bit of Googling...apparently, you might get to see it for yourself!:

  60. FULTCP6:42 PM

    Oh, so they caught the person who killed Jessica Chambers? You'd think the way Lt. Commander Asshole talks the killer is walking around free or something.. That's good to know.
    Hey Lt. Commander , what's the baby's name from Indiana who was raped by a white guy? Do you know or do you guve a pass to white criminals?

  61. Lt. Commander Johnson6:52 PM

    Huh. This is getting old. I would personally execute any person, regardless of race, if he/she was convicted of a Capital Crime.

    I think it should be required, just as voting, and paying taxes is.

    I don't WANT to pay taxes, or vote, really.

    Guy from Indiana who raped the child?

    Death. I volunteer.

  62. Lt. Commander Johnson7:04 PM

    "6:39 PM
    Anonymous FULTCP said...
    Oh, so they caught the person who killed Jessica Chambers? You'd think the way Lt. Commander Asshole talks the killer is walking around free or something.. That's good to know.

    6:42 PM"

    What the fuck are you talking about, you failure from Public Education?

    I said he was going to trial.

    How the hell can you say I said he was "walking around free?"

  63. James Bold7:21 PM

    "Some things are just so patently obvious they don't need to be explained."

    To you, to whom the truth is anathema and can be trampled and rendered irrelevant by enough jumping, chest-pounding and screeching to establish dominance, maybe.  To White people, for whom truth is fundamental and the pathway by which HItlery's e-mails reached the public is irrelevant to their relevance and meaning, your position leads to much head-scratching among those who are not educated in chimp-logic.

    This is why you can't live under the same government with us; we're taking it back and there's no place for you.  You don't have to go back, but you can't stay here.

    "Fake Noize IQ and decency quotients bottomed out immediately."

    Fox News is rated THE most trustworthy TV information source in the US by watchers.

    I wouldn't know.  I haven't turned on a TV to actually watch it since 2009.

    "I see another whitey wingnut got arrested for plotting mass killings in Missouri."

    Hmmm.... nappy hair, scraggly beard... looks like he might have got a touch of the tarbrush.  That would explain why he was dumb enough to try to plot with ISIS, or say the shahada in the first place.

    "since they aren't Muslims they can't/won't be charged as terrorists."

    "... charged in U.S. District Court of Kansas City with attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization."  Right there in the article.  Damn, are you STUPID!

    "Lie #1 I will repeal Obamacare on day 1."

    Presidents can't repeal laws.  Presidents CAN issue XO's to guide interpretation of laws by the executive branch.  Trump did that, ON DAY ONE.  Repealing the law takes Congress, and Ryan is deliberately dragging his feet.

    "Lie #2 Mexico will pay for the wall."

    It wouldn't take much of a tax on Mexican imports and remittances to finance the whole thing.  Remittances to Mexico alone are about $20 billion a year.  Tax those at 20% for 4 years, wall's paid for; get the Mexicans to go home to avoid paying the tax, wall is MORE than paid for.  And that doesn't include the Hondurans, Salvadorans, Squatemalans....

    "Dude pops three brown skinned guys in a bar thinking they are Muslims."

    Wow, you actually included a link for that one.  (I'll bet you can't do it twice.)

    Wanna make comparisons of the safety of Indian job-stealers in Olathe compared to White people who made the city from scratch in today's Black Detroit?  A fuck of a lot more than ONE of the latter have been shot and killed each.

    "Where in the world do you suppose this kind of hate is coming from?"

    If the Indians had been in Detoilet they'd have been dead a lot quicker, because Black people hate EVERYONE who isn't themselves... and are pretty quick to pop caps in each other too.

    "I said he was going to trial.

    How the hell can you say I said he was "walking around free?""

    You expect reading comprehension from these morons?  Were you born yesterday?

  64. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit7:35 PM

    tr**p is an unmitigated disaster. Anyone who still can't see it by this point is either blind or willfully ignorant.

  65. Bald Guy you are so full of shit you make a christmas turkey green with envy.

    The guy who popped the three fake Muslims was charged with murder, not terrorism because he is white.

    Fake Hoize is trusted by no one with 2 live brain cells. Trusted by watchers of what-kiddie porn?

  66. Lt. Commander Johnson8:04 PM

    WHY is Trump a disaster?

    I'm blind. Tell me. Why? Give me a reason.

    I was criticized earlier for my post name.

    Your's is racial at the most.

    Why do you get away with it?

    You know.

  67. Lt. Commander Johnson8:08 PM

    I'm watching Pence. I I notice none of you slimy-assed liberals have been attacking him. Why not?


    Wingnut Arizona congressvarmint sez we need wall because nukes can be smuggled into America in bales of wacky tabacky.

    Stoopid can't be fixed.


    Proof stoopid can't be fixed.

  70. Lt. Commander Johnson8:21 PM

    You stupid bitch. How big do you think nukes are now?

    Personally, I think they will come in with a 50 gallon drum, on a ship.

  71. Speaking of stoopid,Commandeered Queenie, please explain how you'd get that 50 gallon drum full of nuke, let alone the damn ship over the border wall?

  72. Lt. Commander Johnson8:51 PM

    God. You are soooo damn stupid.

  73. Commandeered Queenie, I am an atheist. Explain why you decided to call god stoopid. Isn't this fun?

    Smoke 'em while you got 'em, boys. I am out of here for this evening.

  74. Lt. Commander Johnson9:07 PM

    Yeah. Go suck the bedpans dry.


    -Doug in Oakland

  76. James is definitely a weirdo9:17 PM

    James is still posting? You'd think he'd be somewhere mastrubating watching his mancrush Milo.

  77. Pole smoker Johnson9:18 PM

    Johnson smokes poles.

  78. James likes to watch9:20 PM

    What's Milo to me? Fun to watch.
    James like to watch effeminate guys. Won't Josh be jelly?

  79. Field's a patriot; the trolls here don't care.
    From that I have his measure, and theirs. Thank you.

  80. I hear from NASA that there's a star only 40 light-years away with seven Earthlike planets, three in the habitable zone. I'd pack my bags but I don't have a ride. That's what I think of the Trump regime.

    Trump sees lies everywhere for the same reason that a man with jaundice sees yellow everywhere. So I describe him with this term:


    - meaning lying leader. Der Lügenführer tells führerlüge; leader's lies. Führerlüge = alternative facts = taking him seriously but not literally = creating reality. No doubt der Lügenführer will teach us other synonyms for führerlüge.

  81. Lt. Commander Johnson1:16 AM

    We would be happy to pack your bags, and send you back to Africa. God knows they could use intellectuals, like you, Paradoctor.

    Albinos & pygmies I hear are half-price!

    1. Lt. Commander Pussy1:38 AM

      Maybe we can send your pussy ass back to whatever shithole your smelly assed ancestors came from. We know they haven't contributed to society because they just make up fake titles they didn't actually earn. You pussy!

  82. Lt. Commander Johnson2:00 AM

    For Christ's sake. make up false titles?

    WHO did that! Elizabeth Warren, your hero?

    I am what I am....negroes have no fucking idea what they are,

    Drop dead, and eat pygmies,

  83. Lt. Commander Johnson10:01 AM

    BTW can also place a bet that the Cleveland Browns will win the next SuperBowl.

    Or, that Bruce Jenner will want his dick back.

    What a goof.

  84. Lt. Comm Pole Smoker1:05 PM

    Somebody's been smoking too much meth. And smoking poles.

  85. Lt. Commander Johnson1:12 PM

    Just out of curiosity, why in the world would you suppose I am a homosexual...what have I ever said or done that would lead you to that conclusion?

    Far as meth goes, I smoked a little "collie" H/T to field, in my younger days, but, that's it.

    1. Lt. Comm Pole Smoker6:22 PM

      One thing we do know is that you are a loser who never served in the military but uses a military title you didn't earn nor deserve. Other than that no one gives a damn that you smoke poles and specialize in "polishing hardware".

  86. The Fixer®6:10 PM

    Obama was an unmitigated disaster. Anyone who still can't see it by this point is either blind or willfully ignorant.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      This unoriginal thieving ass^.

  87. The Fixer6:16 PM

    Trump is an unmitigated disaster. Anyone who still can't see it by this point is either blind or willfully ignorant.

    There, fixed it.

  88. The Fixer®10:00 AM

    Obama was an unmitigated disaster. Anyone who still can't see it by this point is either blind or willfully ignorant.

    You broke it. I fixed it.
