Thursday, February 16, 2017

Was that press conference real or fake?

Image result for trump press conference images  I just watched a bizarre,wacky, and rambling press conference, where the leader of the free world pretty much confirmed that  he is not fit to hold the office.

Journalists were actually heard whispering that it was "insane".

Honestly, it was  surreal. (Mr Michaels, you can stop laughing now.) The man pretty much spent the first half hour lashing out at the press and declaring how great he was and what a "mess 'president Obama left him. It got so bad that we actually got to watch the president lie and try to correct the lie in real time. And,we were left with a quote that is sure to push "alternative facts" off  the top of the trump top hits list.

"The leaks are real. The news is fake"  

But that wasn't the only one. Take your pick.

 “Sit down. So here’s the story. Number one I am the least anti-Semitic person you’ll ever see in your entire life.”

“I’ve been briefed and I can tell you one thing about a briefing that we’re allowed to say because anybody that ever read the most basic book can say it—nuclear holocaust would be like no other.”

“The public doesn’t believe you people anymore. Now, maybe I had something to do with that. I don’t know.”

“We had Hillary Clinton give Russia 20 percent of the uranium in our country. You know what uranium is, right? This thing called nuclear weapons like lots of things are done with uranium including some bad things.”

You get the idea. There were other quotes that were just as bad and worse.

Then there is the way he called out April Ryan.

"When you say the inner cities, are you going to include the (Congressional Black Caucus), Mr. President, in your conversations with your urban agenda, inner city agenda?" Ryan asked, referring to an organization that represents the black Congressional members.

“I’ll tell you what, do you want to set up the meeting?” Trump asked.

Ryan replied that she is a reporter, implying her goal is simply to gather information.

“Are they friends of yours? Let's go set up a meeting,” Trump said. “I would love to meet with the black caucus. I think it’s great.”

The CBC responded on Twitter that Trump has failed to respond to its earlier request for a meeting.

“Hi, @realDonaldTrump. We’re the CBC. We sent you a letter on January 19, but you never wrote us back. Sad!,” it wrote.

In case you didn't get that, April Ryan is black, so, in trump's mind, she has to know the black folks in the CBC.

But not racist. Nooooo.

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Trump was amazing. Funny, smart, calm, confident. If you didn't like what he said so be it. I was in awe at his brilliance and control of the overwhelmingly hostile press. He made them laugh, squelched their BS, and spoke to me and the other multi-millions who voted for him. You didn't like him. So what. So what.

    He won! He is doing what he was elected him to do. He has 2 years to do it.

  2. Lance Cockstrong9:14 PM

    Sadly, Ms. Ryan fell into the trap, allowing that she does in fact know CBC members, then demurring that it is not her role to set up a meeting. A decisive response "Sure thing" or "Set up your own damn meeting" would have turned the tables on Tweety, and in not providing such was a missed opportunity.

  3. “The public doesn’t believe you people anymore. Now, maybe I had something to do with that. I don’t know.”

    You wish. That's every autocrat's dream, to get their subjects to stop believing reality and instead believe their lies.
    You probably do have the same hard-core crazies the right always has, around 25-27% of the electorate, so maybe 13% of the populace, who will believe you (and Fox and Breitbart and Drudge etc.) when you are obviously lying, but get this: They aren't "the public". Not by 80 or so percent.
    That doesn't mean there aren't a lot of people who support you who do know better, but hey, if the lies are helping your side, why bother saying anything?
    That Trump is crazy is not news. Anyone with two functioning neurons to rub together who has heard him say more than two sentences in the last ten years knows that. It's fairly common among useless 70 year old fat white guys.
    It's only really disturbing because instead of ignoring his ranting and raving at the bar, we have to take him, or more precisely the damage he is likely to do, seriously.
    The fact that he gets off on that is not healthy for the country because the US government does not run by trolling, and that's mostly what he wants to do, now that it is beginning to dawn on him that he is not king or dictator.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Hail the Trumpenreich9:54 PM

    Trump hasn't delegitimized the media, the media did that to themselves.

    Lie after lie after lie after lie, and eventually everyone sane stops listening.

    Eight years of stroking Obama's pecker whipsaws into calling for impeachment eight days into Trump's term.

    It is all so pathetic, so hysterical, so fake, that no one believes their bullshit anymore. Not even fifteen year old gay brigade members, retarded shut-ins from Oakland, or corn country morons. Losers may grasp at straws, but even they know the game is over.

  5. Brigade Fifteen9:55 PM

    In light of President Adolf Twitler's latest atrocious press conference / psychotic break with reality, here again is the list of warning signs of impending fascism:

    1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

    2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights

    3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause

    4. Supremacy of the Military

    5. Rampant Sexism

    6. Controlled Mass Media - Sometimes to media is directly controlled by
    the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled
    by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and
    executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

    7. Obsession with National Security

    8. Religion and Government are Intertwined

    9. Corporate Power is Protected

    10. Labor Power is Suppressed

    11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

    12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

    13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

    14. Fraudulent Elections

    Defaming and discrediting the free press is the first step toward destroying it and replacing it with compliant mouthpieces for the regime.

    1. Damn it Brigade, u are scaring me.🤔

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Trump Keeps Promise to Coal Country:

    Trump is like slavery.

    They both get shit done.

  7. Study Finds Trump’s Wall Could Pay For Itself More Than 8 Times Over:

    So. Much. Winning.

  8. BREAKING: President Trump rapes a reporter on live TV:

  9. Emporer Groyper10:25 PM

    God damn this press conference is why I love Trump. He really is a fighter and won't take shit.

  10. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit10:38 PM

    Ugh. tr**p is too stupid for words. His State of the Union address will be a disaster...if he even makes it till then.

  11. James Bold10:50 PM

    "You wish. That's every autocrat's dream, to get their subjects to stop believing reality and instead believe their lies."

    Oh, we've got plenty of that.  Examples:

    "Islam is a religion of peace."
    "Race is a social construction" and
    "All cultures are equal" which are usually paired with
    "Inequality is due to White racism."

    Then there's the constant gaslighting, telling people that their eyes are lying to them when they notice that these claims are belied by reality.  Lots of people absorbed it, or at least didn't contradict it.

    What you're complaining about is that the programming is wearing off, as the cost of keeping it up is too much to bear.  As each person speaks up, the Overton window of permissible speech opens up further toward the right-leaning side (where reality is).  People who finally feel free to say what they see and vent what they feel find that all kinds of other people see and feel the same, once-forbidden things.

    You are witnessing a preference cascade that is going to take your Communist brainwashing and wipe it all away.  If you live through the coming transition, you'll either be de-brainwashed yourself or be adjudicated incompetent.

    "Defaming and discrediting the free press"

    The so-called "free press" is just one more thing you've been gaslighted about.  A few major corporations controlled by a few billionaires own almost all of US media.  This is proven by the orchestrated publication of the same new talking points on almost every issue of public concern.

    But now the POTUS is actually communicating directly with reporters OUTSIDE the corporate Whitehouse press corps.  The end of elite-controlled media is at hand... and that scares the pants off of you, because without controlled media to push your agenda, you have nothing.

  12. Brigade Fifteen11:04 PM

    The FBI busted a white racist terrorist who was inspired by Dylann Roof and was planning on killing some brown folks.

    PS The number of hate groups has increased for the second year in a row. Hmmm, why might that be? Weird.

    PPS Trump says white Christian wingnut terrorism doesn't count as terrorism anymore and has redirected Homeland Security to focus its efforts only on the Islamic kind. Even though white Christian wingnut terrorism has taken more lives in the US over the last fifteen years than terrorism by jihadis.

  13. Godfly11:08 PM

    Why hasn't JOSH spewed his inane bullshit yet?

  14. Limpbaugh11:18 PM

    I wonder if peoplw will believe the Huffington Post?

  15. SPLJew11:23 PM

    "PS The number of hate groups has increased for the second year in a row. Hmmm, why might that be? Weird."

    Are you saying this trend started during the Obama administration?

  16. Brigade Fifteen11:28 PM

    "Are you saying this trend started during the Obama administration?"

    Yep. The last two years of the Obama administration -- during which Donald Trump ran his unbelievably racist campaign, Mr. Rocket Scientist.

    And we can expect more of the same during Donald Trump's unbelievably racist presidency.

  17. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Trump was running in 2014?

    Maybe Obama's War on Whites had something to do with amping up racial acrimony.

    The Ferguson Effect.

    If I had a son.

    The officer acted stupidly.

  18. Feel the Hate11:33 PM

    What's a hate group? Anything the SPLC says is a hate group?

    The SPLC is the biggest hate group in the country.

    Followed closely by BLM.

  19. Brigade Fifteen11:46 PM

    "Trump was running in 2014?"

    2015 and 2016, Mr. Rocket Scientist. Brush up on your kindergarten math.

  20. Everyone else11:49 PM

    Dear Media,

    We watched you crying on TV on election night.

    There's no coming back from that.

    Go fuck yourselves dead.


    Everyone else

  21. Brigade Fifteen11:49 PM

    "Maybe Obama's War on Whites had something to do with amping up racial acrimony."

    You know that's not an actual thing, right? Crybaby Glenn Beck having a great big drama-queen tantrum about it on national TV notwithstanding.

  22. No justice, no peace12:01 AM

    Obama's chickens are coming home to roost.

  23. The jew controls the media, and that's all you need to know to interpret everything ever printed or broadcast in your lifetime.

  24. Josh has a tiny pecker12:12 AM

    Trump is a douchebag. That is anything but an alternative fact.

  25. It's kind of fucked up, in that militia style white supremacist hate groups typically grow and multiply during Democratic administrations, as the gun lobby goes into overdrive with the "THAR COMIN FER YER GUNZZ" lie at top volume and limitless funding, but quiet down during Republican administrations when the rubes aren't as ripe for fleecing and the focus is better spent on lobbying for pro-gun legislation.
    Now the idiots are rampaging all by themselves because they think they have become acceptable and their moment has finally arrived.
    I don't know how much influence Trump's words have on these people, I think he's mostly an empty suit into which they project their most dear and twisted wishes, but it doesn't help when he can't answer a simple question.
    At his previous presser he was asked what his plans were to deal with the rising level of anti-Semitic activity that is being seen in the country since his election, and his answer was to lie about how much he won the election by. And this:
    "We are going to do everything in our power to stop long simmering racism and every other thing that's going on."

    Every other thing that's going on? Really? What does that even mean?

    All we get are his actual words. That's part of the job. Words from the president have larger effects than words from celebrities or real estate developers.

    So going by his words, which were his answer to a question about concerns over his policies and their knock-on effects of anti-Semitic activity in the general public, he says ??? I won the election by a lot? What does that have to do with the question? "Fuck you, I won"?
    Maybe not, but can he not see that it will be taken that way?

    You know, Obama used to be kind of annoying when he would pause and leave dead air while he chose his words in his head, but I'm sort of missing that particular annoyance right about now.

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit1:26 AM

    Are the people who voted for tr**p feeling stupid yet?

  27. Brigade Fifteen1:30 AM

    "So going by his words, which were his answer to a question about concerns over his policies and their knock-on effects of anti-Semitic activity in the general public, he says ??? I won the election by a lot? What does that have to do with the question? 'Fuck you, I won'?"

    Why wouldn't he respond that way? He takes inspiration from his rotten, dim-bulb supporters in the "alt-right," and that's how they respond to any criticism of their hero. As children, these people were the half-retarded, paste-eating, bad-smelling, no-friends, playground bullies, and they're no better now they're adults.

    Half the country could be in flames from Chinese missile strikes after the assclown in the Oval Office started a completely unnecessary war with that country, and they'd still answer anyone complaining about the widespread devastation with: "Fuck you, we won, get over it."

  28. James Bold1:39 AM

    You've got to feel for the poor, dumb victims of Fed setups like this patsy:

    "The FBI busted a white racist terrorist who was inspired by Dylann Roof and was planning on killing some brown folks."

    Yeah, the Feebs were obviously not just starting their involvement with this chump when he went looking for a gun.  He could have bought a gun off the street.  Just how far back did the Feeb handlers start talking to him?  This looks a lot like the Islamic "terrorists" who get set up with fake bombs by their Feeb informers, plant them under instructions, try to set them off... and voila, a "terrorist" is arrested in the attempt.

    And the agents get to say, "Look, we stopped the next Dylann Roof!"  Except this poor jerk was almost entirely of their own creation.  The only thing he did on his own was learn to hate Black people because prison is someplace where one can't avoid getting a face-full of the worst of your worst.  Can't blame him, and I'm sure as fuck not going to.  That blame belongs to you, for being what you are.

    "PS The number of hate groups has increased for the second year in a row."

    The $PLC counts Amren and VDARE as hate groups, but doesn't count BLM or the Nation of Islam.  That's all you need to know to know that the $PLC is a hate group.  It hates founding-population Americans who dare to advocate for themselves.

    "PPS Trump says white Christian wingnut terrorism doesn't count as terrorism anymore and has redirected Homeland Security to focus its efforts only on the Islamic kind."

    The body count in Charleston was half of an above-average but unexceptional week in Chimpcongo.  Dylann Roofs and Whites in general are very obviously not the problem, especially not for Blacks.  Omar Mateens and Nidal Hasans most definitely are.

    If you're so afraid of the vanishingly-small number of White-on-Black killings in the USA (including the rising number of justifiable homicides), Liberia's right over there.  I can guaran-damn-tee you that you will have NO White police or civilians shooting you in Monrovia.

    You're still here?  Why?

  29. Yisheng is a retard1:48 AM

    I'm loving Trump more and more as the days go by!

  30. Brigade Fifteen1:50 AM

    "The $PLC counts Amren and VDARE as hate groups, but doesn't count BLM or the Nation of Islam. That's all you need to know to know that the $PLC is a hate group. It hates founding-population Americans who dare to advocate for themselves."

    Wrong. The SPLC does list Nation of Islam as a hate group. Along with a whole bunch of other black organizations. If you consistently spew bigoted rhetoric against another group, including white people, you get tagged.

    They don't list Black Lives Matter, because BLM has not consistently said bigoted things or pushed a bigoted agenda. Sure, you can find a few individual members who've said obnoxious stuff, but that doesn't characterize the entire group's platform.

    Of course, that isn't really your criteria, is it? Your definition of racism is more along the lines of: "acknowledging the existence of racism is so mean and hurtful to white people!"

  31. When will blacks learn that their kind isn't wanted anymore? There's a reason most white people don't live around you people.

  32. Oh, he's objectively wrong about "you people" not believing the fake media anymore. He couldn't say a thing more wrong if he tried. Obviously you progressive geniuses lap up every single anti-Trump word spoken by the press. Y'all are the supposedly exceedingly intelligent people who believe 4Chan is a lone-wolf basement hacker, Pepe is a symbol of white nationalism, and Pewdiepie is an alt-right neo-Nazi -- and you believe it because crooked media say it.

    Y'all are like my 66-year-old father trying to work the remote control for Comcast. Well, scratch that. He'll at least admit he doesn't know WTF he's doing. Y'all keep bumbling around, never getting a fucking thing right, and just reinforce each others' bullshit through the use of echo chambers. But you're completely out of touch.

    "If you consistently spew bigoted rhetoric against another group, including white people, you get tagged..."

    Yeah, but the metric is different. "White" group says something like "Maybe if blacks didn't commit so many crimes, they'd have it better," and they're tagged. "Black" group goes on five-year street-spamming spree of telling us how dey wuz kangz and whites are recessive mutants and our babies need to be killed and, finally, after countless complaints, said group begrudgingly makes the list; but, once doing so, receives no literature or propaganda against it. They're just on the list for reference, so white people STFU and accept the "progressive" goal of eliminating all but allied whites.

  33. 17 February 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  34. O'Gurl6:49 AM

    Is there anyone left who can investigate 45 and his ppl? Democracy may be coming to a screeching halt if not.

  35. Wesley R7:32 AM

    Don The Con

  36. Brigade Fifteen7:39 AM

    "Damn it Brigade, u are scaring me.🤔"

    With my fascism warning signs list, or my comments on Trump provoking a war with China?

    Personally, if there's a war with China, I hope it will be of the trade variety (not that this would be good), rather than the shooting variety. Although nothing can be ruled out, given Trump's ignorant belligerence. But at any rate, I don't think the danger of that is imminent.

    The threat to American democracy, though, is dire. I wish I didn't feel things were so grim, but ... we need to take this crap seriously. Democracy has been on the ropes for a few years now in the US. Trump and his associates could deliver the knockout punch.

  37. Anymoose said...
    Trump was running in 2014?

    Maybe Obama's being a N##### had something to do with amping up racial acrimony.
    You got it exactly right, Anymoose. You white racists are the problem.

  38. CNN’s John King: A *Republican* senator texted him “He should do this with a therapist, not on live television!”

    Yow Drumpf is a nut case.


    Made a browser extension that turns drumpf's rants into childish scribbles. Great. This was needed a long time ago.

  40. UH OH Someone could be in trouble.


    Westminister Kennel Club featuring lap dog Drumpf and his handler Putin. Bwahahahahahahaha!

  42. Will of Burgh9:50 AM

    Can there be no doubt after witnessing the Evangelicals new Savior in Chief's 77-minute break with reality that Donald Trump has no business on the grounds of the White House let alone being president!

  43. Brigade Fifteen said...
    "The threat to American democracy, though, is dire."

    Maybe you could explain to those of us in the reality-based community how accepting the results of a legitimate election imperil democracy?

    Isn't there a much greater threat to American democracy arising from the fact that the losing party refuses to acknowledge they lost?

  44. cedric10:20 AM

    Did you see the highlight video of yesterday's press conference? Man, things sure are different:

  45. Lt. Commander Johnson10:44 AM

    Keep up that wall construction, Purple Bovine!!

    I can't wait to see how you "magically" disappear once it's started. far as how many meters of wall have been built, just where do you get that info, so that I might share.

    BBC Boy.

  46. Every single one of those "warning signs" on the fascist list apply infinitely more to the left, except the one about nationalism. Nationalism is the only one that qualifies specifically to the right, as the right-wing are objectively the only people who care about America. You progressive lunatics want to dissolve all borders and, so long as your personal neighborhoods stay intact, want the rest of the entire globe to settle in.

  47. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit11:10 AM

    Nationalism is a cancer on American society. It's what gave rise to tr**p and his brainwashed followers.

  48. Lt. Commander Johnson11:13 AM


    Funny , Mike from Iowa...only person I've ever seen in this forum to use this monkey shit expression is Queenie, Yieshit, Lilac, .....lord I can't even name this all, is Queenie.

    And, you claim you don't know the bitch?

  49. Lance Cockstrong11:15 AM

    There goes micro-dick Josh saying stupid shit from his safe, white-bread neighborhood. It's so easy for you when everybody who lives near you looks just like you. You don't have a worry in the world, epitome of white privilege.

  50. lilac's daddy is a little bitch11:16 AM

    Why doesn't anybody have anything to say about the white tears over "Dear White People" on Netflix?

  51. Black History Month Minute11:22 AM

    The American Left:

    1970 - Pro Russia, anti-CIA, anti-War, pro Free Speech
    2017 -Anti Russia, pro-CIA, pro-War, anti Free Speech

  52. I used to give a shit about black people, now I could care less. Continue shooting each other, please.

  53. In August, during his campaign against Hillary Clinton, Trump told his supporters, "Don't worry. We're gonna build a wall. That wall will go up so fast, your head will spin, and you'll say, 'You know, he meant it!'"

    Ooh ooh, my head is spinning. That was fast, Drumpf. Shut up Melanoma. You knew I prematurely ejaculated when I escorted your immigrant ass around New York City. Bwahahahahahahahaha!

    Commander Queenie- For all anyone knows you are Queenie. You are obsessed with her, like Drumpf is obsessed with Drumpf.

    1. Yisheng is a genius12:03 PM

      Ok Mike, I don't know how many times i have to say it. Field's racist trolls are a special breed of cuckoo-cuckoo. NO amount of rationalization, pharmaceutical intervention, or therapy will EVER help them!!

  54. James Crow11:25 AM

    Lance Cockstrong said...
    It's so easy for you when everybody who lives near you looks just like you.

    You are right Lance, living with white people is easy compared to living with black people.

    Even Mr. Field Negro himself agrees with that.

  55. Anonymous Black History Month Minute- dyslexic like all wingnuts.
    Free speech works both ways. What doesn't work both ways is you guys piss and moan and then claim to be victims when your bullshit is shovelled back in your faces.

    It ain't libs crawling into bed with Putin. That distinctive pleasure goes to the party of family traitors- wingnuts.

    Dems don't start wars-they are elected to manage the losses of wars ignorant right wing nut jobs foist on the world.

    The CIA, when it does its job is a useful, necessary tool. Drumpf absolutely was giddy with all the leaks during the campaign because they helped him cheat and become potus- a job he is not qualified for and is ill-suited to carry out and it is only right and proper for the CIA to take this buffoon down before he brings America down.

  56. Lt. Commander Johnson11:36 AM

    "Lance Cockstrong said...
    There goes micro-dick Josh saying stupid shit from his safe, white-bread neighborhood. It's so easy for you when everybody who lives near you looks just like you. You don't have a worry in the world, epitome of white privilege.

    11:15 AM"

    Well, that's sort of odd, Mr'dick-obsessed

    As I read your means that "White Privilege" means not having to live alongside Negroes?

    Why do black folks want to move next to white folks?

    White Privilege is genetic. That's why all you black guys go after the white wimmens. Have you a little Zebra.

    This is puke.

  57. Fake News Update11:37 AM

    "Trump Weighs Mobilizing National Guard for Immigration Roundups"

    Unsourced, unconfirmed, untrue.

    This is what fake news looks like.

  58. Commander Queenie- what do you make of Drumpf's new labor pick-the guy that fashioned a sweetheart plea deal for Jeffery Epstein-Drumpf's buddy in underage rape case?

  59. Lt. Commander Johnson11:52 AM

    If he a hand in it, no way. I have no idea what you're referring to. I have have posted, over, and over, and over again...let's wipe our ass clean before we begin! WHY do you NOT understand that!!!!

    Eric Holder was the worst AG this country ever had. (Maybe, except for the truck-driving Janet Reno".)

    No. Give him a chance...One thing about Trump...he WILL FIRE THEM!

    And, you won't see Conservatives cry over it.

  60. There ain't an ounce of conceit in Drumpf's entire family. He has every bit of it.

    The list of rotten AGs start and end with wingnuts, I can't even remember them all. Wingnut AGs believe it is their job to protect the potus from criminal charges. If wingnut potii weren't crooks to begin with, we would never need a wingnut AG.

    Drumpf has already proven he won't fire them until it is so obvious he has a mutiny on his hands. Drumpf doesn't believe felony lying to the FBI is a crime if his people do it.

    If yo don't know anything about Epstein and Drumpf you had your head buried in the sand somewhere.

  61. Ya know, I just read the biographical history of Eric Holder.

    You people are grossly disgusting. He was a low-down piece of shit. The only thing he "accomplished" was defending Obama from all of the criminal charges he should have been convicted for.

    Sessions will prosecute ANYONE.

    I'll be the first to call for his removal, if so.

  62. Lt. Commander Johnson12:20 PM

    Ya know, I'm going so say it again:

    The Attorney General of the Unite States is one on the most important positions in the United States.

    I expect Jeff Sessions to begin to clean the clock.

    First time he shows a inclination to give Trumps's administration a "give", based on political considerations. You will me SCREAM for his firing. Immediately.

  63. Anonymous12:37 PM

    You people here JUST DON'T GET IT.

    Donald Trump is actually a brilliant performance artist and improv actor.

    His "press conference" yesterday was not really a press conference.

    It was performance art of the highest order--incorporating elements of DADA, Method Acting, and comedic avant-gardism.

    Donald Trump combines the manic zaniness of Andy Kaufmann, the acerbic wit of George Karlin, and the pathos of a young Marlon Brando.

    Donald Trump is an artistic genius decades ahead of his generation!

    It is unfortunate that philistines today simply cannot appreciate The Donald's remarkable artistry.


  64. "his safe, white-bread neighborhood"

    Yeah. I grew up in Suitland, MD. Totally a white neighborhood. Totally! Just Google it. Where I live now is about 40% black on my street alone. My neighbors' names: Andre, Deandre, Clinton, Jamal, Shanice (sp), and there's one Mike, the odd negro out. LOL

    I live in row homes.

    Not sure why you'd reach for massive assumptions anyway, like I said something horrible. You're a fucking dumb shit, which has been established here ad infinitum. I'm speaking about open borders. The thing is, I wouldn't care about open borders if I lived in a safe, all-white neighborhood, like your progressive gods Tim Wise or Hillary Clinton; I'd be calling for everyone to come in! Because I'd know, without a doubt, that they'd never be able to move to my neighborhood because they couldn't afford it.

    As to more projection of gay lifestyles: Hey, man, I don't judge a man by what he likes. You have penis on your brain all day, every day. It is what it is. Just remember: There's no such thing as chicks with dicks; there's only guys with makeup and tits.

  65. Philly Cheese1:04 PM

    Josh said...
    "Where I live now is about 40% black on my street alone."

    Josh, dude, you gotta get yourself out of there and into a white neighborhood, like Field did.

    Everyone, even resentful racialist agitators like Field, knows once you get above 10% black, the quality of a neigborhood starts to crater.

  66. I've said it before and I'll say it again:

    Oh you special orange Snowflake
    It is time to quit your bitchin';
    If you cannot stand the heat
    Then you'd better leave the kitchen!

  67. Drumpf's old man jacked off in a flower pot and raised a blooming idiot.

  68. Why hasn't Sessions charged Drumpf with lying to Americans or violating the emoluments clause? His first order of business is persecuting HRC and her staff.

    Drumpf violated New York fraud laws yet he is still free. Drumpf has/is colluding with Russia. That is a no-no. Where't the handcuffs? Drumpf lied to cover up Flynn's felony lying to the FBI. Where are those handcuffs.

    Sessions himself lied about his work as a federal prostitutor. He was selected only because he will protect every illegal act Drumpf commits. Get that through yer heads!

  69. Drumpf said recently the country was bleeding jobs when he took over and then he immediately tried to take credit for the unemployment numbers and the number of jobs created in January. Lies lies and more lies. Impeach his orange ass.

    During the campaign the unemployment numbers were false according to his orangeness. Now he wants credit for how low the numbers are.

  70. Jeff Beauregard Sessions1:41 PM

    "His first order of business is persecuting HRC and her staff."

    2. Barack Obama
    3. George Soros

    Time to get the filth off the streets.


  71. On the record, Republicans criticized their Democratic colleagues for questioning the president’s emotional stability.

    “It’s divisive,” complained Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN). “The bottom line is, if Trump doesn’t succeed, we all fail. It’s time to give the guy a chance.”

    Two other Republicans, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID), actually burst out laughing when The Hill questioned them about their colleague’s concerns.

    “Are you serious?” Hunter told the website. “Yeah, I don’t care what they say.”

    “I think that’s a stretch,” Simpson said, although he conceded that it was reasonable to question Trump’s judgment. “The behavior is somewhat disturbing.”

    This is rich- the party that just spent 8 fucking years working to make Obama fail sez if Drumpf fails we all fail. We have to give him a chance.

    Noway, Jose. This guy is a fucking nut case and the sooner he is gotten rid of the better. Wingnuts will screw everything up again and then blame obstructionist Dems for their failures-again. Party before country you traitorous POS wingnuts.

  72. Crazy fact: EVERY SINGLE daily newspaper endorsed the same presidential candidate.

    Crazier fact: The other guy still won.

    Even crazier fact: They still don't get it.

  73. Michael Walsh, Yahoo News:

    "On Thursday, at the request of House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., the speaker’s staffers asked Congressional Hispanic Caucus members to leave the meeting, which was about the execution of President Trump’s controversial immigration policy. The Democrats were seeking clarification on the scope of the reported raids and arrests of undocumented immigrants."


  74. "Outrageous."

    They all have to go back.


  75. So, of course, there is a brand-spanking new, although really nothing new in the case of Jill Stein, unthinkable meme to blog about. Michael Flynn and Jill Stein both were regaled at Putin's table last August in a special banquet apparently celebrating RTV. On her campaign website last August, Jill proudly proclaimed a new stratagem of principled collaboration with Russia to defeat ISIS whilst trashing the approach taken by Shrub and Obama. At the time, no one was really paying attention to Michael Flynn. But Flynn is two spots over the Putin's right. Stein is across the table from Putin. They are toasting with champagne and eating untold delicacies at a black tie dinner with linens. Stein also appeared on Russia TV as part of a panel of experts that week.

    Un-fucking-believable. I posted about it on the venerable Dog Report.

  76. Winning!2:27 PM

    Retailers dropping Ivanka's product line are seeing their stock prices and sales decline.

    Do you hate losing? Because hate is losing.

  77. Wake Up2:35 PM

    Flying Junior said...

    Peace with Russia is un-fucking-believable?

    Working together to do something about ISIS slaughtering people is un-fucking-believable?

    Trashing the disastrous approach taken by Shrub and Obama is un-fucking-believable?

    You need to expand your intellectual horizons, Junior. The American people do not want World War 3 with Russia. They do not want to be on the side that is arming and funding ISIS. They do not want to continue with the Endless Wars for Israel in the Middle East.

    You'd better believe things are different now.

  78. We've had peace with Russia since 1776. But thank you for your comment. I appreciate your thoughts. some of mine. Isn't it funny that the term for a Russian president used to be four years. Dimitry Medvedev, (Putin pal and Russian oil baron,) only served four years as president after Putin's first two terms. So now, if re-elected, Putin will be president from 2012-2024. Pretty cozy, eh? What do you think about Pussy Riot still languishing in prison after how many years? Have you ever heard the condition's in a women's prison or any other prison in Russia described. I have some fading knowledge of prisons and "asylums" from the cold war before 1990. I'm not sure there has been very much reform.

    Since Vladimir Putin came to power in Russia, an estimated 200 dissidents and journalists have been murdered:

    Oleg Polukeyev (homicide), Igor Domnikov (hammer attack), Sergei Novikov (contract killing), Iskander Khatloni (axe attack), Sergei Ivanov (contract killing), Pavel Asaulchenko (contract killing), Yury Shchekochikhin (“acute allergic reaction”), Magomed Varisov (homicide), Oksana Teslo (arson attack), Anna Politkovskaya (shot in elevator), Anastasia Baburova and Stanislav Markelov (both by gunshots), Natalia Estemirova (abducted and shot), Paul Khlebnikov (killed by machine gun), Alexander Litvinenko (poisoned by polonium-210), and Boris Nemtsov (ambush killing), as examples.

    Not proven? Probably just some belly-aching from aging British Intelligence officials. Putin's not a good guy. It is fascinating how quickly he is being welcomed into the fold by many of the new right.

  79. Wake Up3:42 PM

    Putin is doing what he has to in order to preserve a Russian nation on the verge of extinction after 70+ years of Bolshevik terror.

    No society who tolerates a lying press or who refuses to control degeneracy survives.

    A healthy culture executes traitors and imprisons the seditious.

    You should embrace Trump, who offers corrective measures that fall within the bounds of law and propriety. He offers mercy to the repentent and redemption for the lost.

    If he is thwarted, what comes next will make Putin look like Justin Trudeau.

  80. Mike RosenbergVerified account

    Nordstrom stock closed up more than 4% for the day after Trump's tweet. It was their 6th best day on the market in 12 months

  81. Courtesy of CNBC:

    The claim isn't true. Between 2009 and 2013, Russia's atomic energy agency, Rosatom, purchased a majority stake in a Canadian company called Uranium One, The New York Times reported in 2015. The Toronto-based firm's mining assets in Wyoming, Utah and elsewhere in the United States account for about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity, according to the Times.

    PolitiFact pointed out that 20 percent of uranium capacity is different from 20 percent of existing uranium. Moreover, the State Department was one of nine government agencies that had to sign off on the deals. Other federal and state regulators also had to approve them.

    Clinton was the nation's top diplomat when the sales took place, and the Obama administration was still trying to reset relations with Moscow at the time, PolitiFact noted.

    However, Clinton did not represent the State Department on the panel of agency officials who approve deals such as the Uranium One transaction. The representative at the time, former Assistant Secretary Jose Fernandez, told the Times, "Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on any C.F.I.U.S. matter," referring to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

    Not only that but as Politifact also pointed out Russia does not have a license to export uranium outside of the United States which suggests that they were much more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, which is in fact the world's largest producer of uranium.

    In other words NONE of America's uranium fell into Russian hands.

  82. Ronnie Raygun speaks to Wake Up from beyond the senile grave.

    In hindsight, let me say to Wake Up- wake up dork. Lovingly Ronnie Raygun

  83. Lance Cockstrong3:55 PM

    Well Josh, do you and your teeny weeny dick say that shit to your black neighbors? Or is it specifically for us black people through the safety of internet anonymity? White boys like you never have the (big) balls to say what is on your mind to black people's faces. You are a race of cowards.

  84. News for goys3:57 PM

    Politifact is a partisan disinformation operationn.

    Zero credibility.

  85. That's right said...
    Trump Keeps Promise to Coal Country: Bwahahahahahahaha! Seriously fake news there, buddy. Drumpf promised to bring those jobs back and he can't because they went the way of cheap natural gas and until cheap natural gas is gone-coal mining jobs are gone. Bwahahahahahahaha! some more.

  86. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Reagan was right, the Soviet Union was an Evil Empire.

    That's why he crushed it out of exisitence, freeing the Russian people,

  87. News for goys said...
    Politifact is a partisan disinformation operationn.

    Zero credibility.

    YOU WISH, LOSER. Politi-Fact has more credibility in their little finger than all wingnuts combines with all their fake news sites.

  88. One last truth- Drumpf's shit is the smelliest shit ever. Bar none.

  89. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Nope, nobody believe Polifact.

  90. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Just like Obama, Trump is doing what he promised to do for the people who work in the coal industry.

    Obama promised to put them out of business. He did.

    Trump promised to undo Obama's punitive policies. He did.

  91. Politifact is complete bullshit:

  92. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit4:09 PM

    Unfortunately for West Virginians and Kentuckians, jobs centered around coal are going the way of the dodo. It's just the way it is. Coal is bad to work around anyway.


    Lppks like crooked Flynn committed another serious crime before Drunofuck got sweared in.

  94. Anymoose- take your pick of which Drumpf promises to bring coal jobs back story you want to say is false, moron.

  95. lilac's daddy is a little bitch4:22 PM

    We SHOULD get rid of coal mining jobs. They are bad for the human body. Obama (and Hillary) were definitely on to something when they talked about getting rid of them. Trump is an idiot for trying to bring them back. But Trump being an idiot goes without saying.

  96. 1) Do I say what to black people, Lance? That we shouldn't have open borders? Yep. I sure do.

    2) This is the sort of sickening racism Flying Junior would be calling out, if he weren't such an intellectually dishonest cunt. Here you are believing that blacks are SO savage and SO out of control and SO inherently violent that if you disagree with them in person, they're going to physically assault you or worse. How the fuck do you live with yourself, thinking such negative shit about black people? Sure, you'll pretend to stand against racism while virtue signaling, but in unguarded moments like the one you just had, you let your true feelings about blacks be known!

    You think they're a race of savages unable to handle personal disagreements without becoming unhinged and violent.

    From the time I was just a toddler, up through playing organized sports, etc, I've disagreed with plenty of black people to their faces. True, some are ignorant and want to fight over the slightest disagreement. Most don't. Most blacks aren't the blacks TV show rioting in Baltimore and Ferguson. Those are the savage street apes and not representative of all black people; though ironically they're the ones Field would call field nigs, while ones who would attempt to intellectually disagree would be house nigs.

    You think that ALL BLACK PEOPLE are inherently so savage and animalistic and tribal and gorilla-like that you best not disagree in their face!

    Thanks, Lance! Nothing like another fucking borderline retarded IQ progressive liberal and the bigotry of low expectations to remind we who have been maligned as the racists of who exactly deserves that label.

    I don't happen to think blacks are so savage they're going to kill people or attack them for merely disagreeing. You do. But since I've pointed out a historic hate fact that black Africans never created an advanced civilization, I'll be the one who goes down in history on this blog as the despicable, dangerous racist. The guy who thinks every single black person in the world is a violent savage waiting to strike? Oh, he b down wid da cause, yo!

    You people are a fucking joke. This shit is precisely why you lose. Everything.

  97. Black Lies Matter4:47 PM

    "Here you are believing that blacks are SO savage and SO out of control and SO inherently violent that if you disagree with them in person, they're going to physically assault you or worse."

    That's pretty much true in a relative sense, if look around the world.

    And it's true around here, where people like Yisheng threaten violence all the time.

    I believe it.

  98. Ronnie Raygun was ranked 9th best potus of all time. You gots to be shitting me. This guy was one of the very worst potii of all time. He quadrupled the nation's debt, he traded arms for hostages, he sold weapons to our enemies to support an illegal clandestine war in Nicaragua, he lied about everything, he virtually started the shift of wealth grom the poorest to the wealthiest, his trickle down economics was a joke, he was potus when unemployment was sky high, he allowed 241 Marines to die for nothing and then walked away from Beirut. In short this guy was a lying clusterfuck from Day 1.

  99. "Ronnie Raygun was ranked 9th best potus of all time."

    By who? Some democrat historian?

    Here's the real list ranking the last 20 presidents (since 1900) from the American Historical Association:

    1. Calvin Coolidge
    2. Teddy Roosevelt
    3. Ronald Reagan
    4. Dwight Eisenhower
    5. Harry Truman
    6. Franklin Roosevelt
    7. Gerald Ford
    8. George H.W. Bush
    9. William Taft
    10. Richard Nixon
    11. William McKinley
    12. George W. Bush
    13. Herbert Hoover
    14. John Kennedy
    15. Warren Harding
    16. Bill Clinton
    17. Lyndon Johnson
    18. Jimmy Carter
    19. Barack Obama
    20. Woodrow Wilson

    Obama came in 19th. At least he was better than Wilson.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Fake news!

      Obama is the 12th best prez of all time, as told by the greatest living presidential historians.

      That's the truth.

      But what's the truth to a wjngnut?


    One month out of office and Obama is already at #12 best of all time.

  101. Crooked Mike Flynn is being investigated by the Army for accepting illegal gifts in violation of the emoluments clause that Drumpf has literally stomped on. Great start to the law and order WH, Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


    Drumpf blows an effing fuse when he sees his approval rating hit 38%. Twitter war on going. Drump losing badly as per usual.

    Bwahahahahahahahaha! The guy is freakin' insane!!!!

    1. Yisheng is a genius7:54 PM

      Say that again Mike, bawhahahahahahahahha!

  103. Anonymous6:25 PM

    "Bwahahahahahahahaha! The guy is freakin' insane!!!!"

    Yes, it's him. Definitely not you.

  104. Idiot racists will defend this unqualified pedophile simply because he is an albino yet none would want an unqualified doctor to perform surgery or a pedophile to watch over their children but to be the leader of a country that's perfectly fine for the the racist albino devils of amerikka

  105. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Obama wouldn't make the top 12 eggs in a dozen.

  106. "Idiot racists will defend this unqualified pedophile simply because he is an albino yet none would want an unqualified doctor to perform surgery or a pedophile to watch over their children but to be the leader of a country that's perfectly fine for the the racist albino devils of amerikka"


  107. Yisheng is a retard7:56 PM

    Come on Mike, make the retard laugh again!

    It's funny when she laughs!

  108. Anybody see Kellyanne Conweasel lately. She is like missing in action.

    Only a month out of office and Obama is not only relaxing on the beach with his babe, he is climbing the list of the greatest presidents ever.Obama must be good cuz Drumpf lies about him all the damn time. Obama is in Drumpf's head like I'm in Josh 2 Smart and the bald guy's heads. Bwahahahahahahaha!


    This is perfect. I voted for every wingnut potus until 2004. The party used to be center-right and went extreme right to where ever Drumpf is in another universe.

  110. "Anybody see Kellyanne Conweasel lately. She is like missing in action. "

    Not really. She is living in an alternative America.

  111. Good one. Mr Field.

    What are the chances of being killed by a refugee in America? hint-not good (1 in 3.64 billion) Still that's better than the chance of Drumpf ever telling the truth.

  112. Here you go, wingnut.

    Glad I could help. I know that facts can be pesky things, but
    do your best to live with it.

  113. Porter8:39 PM

    mike from iowa has a microscopic dick.

  114. Whooteemoos smell like shit9:22 PM

    @8:39, that you probably wish you could s**k.

  115. Yisheng is a retard9:51 PM

    LMAO. So you censor the word "suck," but not "shit?" Go fuck yourself, Queen Cunt.

  116. MAGAts don't listen to reality, only Trump approved lies work for them. It's really stupid, and there's a history behind it, but they don't care. Yet.

    -Doug in Oakland

  117. Meanwhile, back in the real world, journalists have a lot of work to do:

    -Doug in Oakland

  118. One thing you can say about the pair of batshit crazy pressers, they did make "what did he know and when did he know it" go away for a little while.

    -Doug in Oakland

  119. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

    1. It's a pleasure knowing that albino devils are nearly extinct

    2. Now sign up for the military send your children and die in the next banker khazar profit war its your destiny

  120. #whites>#blacks = planet Earth

    "nearly extinct"

    Learn to math.

    1. You're such a bitch you will be first

  121. Porter said...
    mike from iowa has a microscopic dick.

    I don't like to brag,but, my microscopic dick is still twice the size of yours, Porker. Does yours corkscrew like all porcine dicks?

  122. Field negro said...
    "Not really. She is living in an alternative America."

    She's actually away having more plastic surgery, that's one oogly WW!


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  124. James Bold2:33 AM

    "Wrong. The SPLC does list Nation of Islam as a hate group. Along with a whole bunch of other black organizations."

    Along with what appears to be every border-control or immigration-control group in existence.  I couldn't find FAIR in the lists, but that's because if SPLC has one over-arching list you can search, it doesn't even try to make it easy to find.

    "They don't list Black Lives Matter, because BLM has not consistently said bigoted things or pushed a bigoted agenda."

    Sure it has.  It has pushed the agenda that White people are responsible for all Black ills (a hateful claim that you would recognize... if it was reversed) and deserve to have their lives turned upside-down until they devote all their efforts to catering to Black demands.  Getting to work, or getting your critically-ill child to the hospital... this is secondary to recognizing BLM demands.

    This was never fully the reverse even under slavery; the slave owners recognized obligations to their charges.  BLM recognizes no agency or obligations on Black people's part whatsoever.

    This is why you should not be considered citizens of the USA.  Citizenship carries duties as well as rights.  You have defaulted on that part for more than a half-century now.

    'Your definition of racism is more along the lines of: "acknowledging the existence of racism is so mean and hurtful to white people!" "

    Your definition of racism is "noticing and acknowledging the dys-civic, destructive and outright criminal behavior of Black people."

    And in the "irony of ironies" category....

    "Nationalism is a cancer on American society."

    There IS NO American society without nationalism.  We know you know it too, because you refuse to go enjoy Liberian whatever-it-is-ism.  (Funny that you denounce Puerto Rican cuisine and implicitly say American food is better.)  And if you hate living in a country full of people who would elect Trump, why are you still here?

    "It ain't libs crawling into bed with Putin."

    No, they crawled into bed with Lenin and Stalin and Castro and Pol Pot.  I notice none of you are volunteering to go to Zimbabwe and enjoy the 21st century equivalent of the Holodomor, engineered by "racial justice" in distribution of farmland.  Perhaps you should be conscripted into it.

    "the party that just spent 8 fucking years working to make Obama fail"

    By approving an omnibus spending bill in the first session of 2015 which kept funding his prize accomplishment... that they easily could have written out.  Damn, but you fucks is DUMB.

    "They all have to go back."

    "Go" is mandatory, "back" is optional; we have plenty of cheaper options.  Rope is reusable.

  125. The bizarro world.

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