Saturday, March 25, 2017


Image result for health care obama laughing at trump meme

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: "Then he said the vote was close. Do you believe that?"

*Pic from


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hillary: 45 is the Best PEEOTUS EVER, don't cha' think??


  3. And then he climbs up in the cab and plays around like he's driving an eighteen-wheeler!

  4. Dolt 45? Cheetolini? Twitler? He asked for it, he got it, good and hard.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Hillary: Then this retarded bitch "Yisheng", the one who has been in college for 40 years, says she is going to be a doctor!

    Obama: Motherfucker gonna piss myself!

  6. And they thought Donald was going to help the poor white Americans wait till I stop laughing

  7. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Hillary: The only reason I lost the election was because of those Russians.

    Obama: Yeah, it was those motherfucking Russians for sure!

  8. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Hillary: Sorry my niggah, but I had to turn state's evidence to save my cottage cheese-looking ass. You're going to prison.

    Obama: God help me, I wish I were dead!

  9. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Hillary: Today progressivism is the state religion, and Christianity is effectively suppressed. Recently existent Christianity enforced patriarchal durable monogamy, with divorce being damn near impossible. The wife got a permanent obligation to honor and obey, the husband got a permanent obligation to love and cherish. And, apart from some tolerance for polygyny in early Christianity, Christianity has always been this way, until now. The New Testament, and the communion of the Saints, are quite clear on the topic.

    The earthly church is a fictive kin of God, God and Church being a reflection of husband and family, (Ephesians 5:22-33) making all Christians in a church fictive kin, a tribe. Marriage is the sacrament that everyone has the power to make, the sacrament that priests could never take away from the congregation, and which links families to the congregation and to God, since the husband and wife rely on God and the congregation for social enforcement of the deal. If you end marriage as it used to be known, you end Christianity, and if you end Christianity, you end Europe. Durable Patriarchal marriage is not just one doctrine among many, it is a keystone part of the functioning of Christianity, hence the joke “Hatched, matched, and dispatched”.

    For 1900 years, from the beginning of Christianity, to second wave feminism in the nineteen sixties, men removed their hats on entering church, and women covered their heads in church and on the way to and from church. For 1900 years women had their hair long. (1 Corinthians:11)

    And now they don’t, and no one seems to notice that there is anything wrong with this. But don’t you feel just a little bit uneasy when you face a fertile age woman with a pixie cut? Something is wrong, something is off, something is odd, unpleasant, and disturbing, but you are not allowed to notice it.

    Today’s Christians, including the supposed reactionaries like Dalrock, Bruce Charlton, and Zippy will tell you it was just a cultural thing, just Paul foolishly mistaking the fashions of his day for the universal laws of God. Which is not much different from saying that when Paul prohibited men having sex with males, he was just mistaking the fashions of his day for the universal laws of God. Similarly, Ephesians 5. Bruce Charlton will tell you that Ephesians 5 is just a metaphor, about the relationship between God and man, but not about the relationship between husband and wife. Dalrock will tell you he totally supports Ephesians 5, except he does not, and Zippy would rather not go there.

    You cannot have Christianity without patriarchy, and if you are not entirely comfortable with patriarchy maybe you should be worshiping the Goddess.

    Also, by the way, your half-black ass is going to prison.

    Obama: God help me, I wish I were dead!

  10. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Hillary: Ryancare went down because it, just like Obamacare, required that insurance cover people with pre-existing conditions. That is not insurance, that is a handout. If the government is going to give people handouts, should be done openly through government funded hospitals and the like. If you rope private enterprise into giving handouts, you will find that this turns out to be a stupendously expensive way of providing handouts, not a cheap way.

    You order private enterprise to give handouts, you wind up giving them monopolies so that they can fund these handouts, and they wind up abusing these monopolies. Further, people receiving handouts tend to be problem people. Some of them are unlucky, but most of them are no good. You don’t want no good people showing up to hospital in front of the good people who are actually paying for the hospital, or you get the Canadian situation, where no Canadian who can avoid it goes to a Canadian hospital but rather nips across the nearby border to an American hospital, because the Canadian hospital is full of homeless and drug addicts. And when I say full, I mean very full indeed, with beds in the corridors and urine soaked sheets, and not a normal middle class person in sight.

    If the government is going to give handouts to people with pre-existing conditions, or handouts to anyone, it needs to keep the insurance companies and private sector hospitals out of it. Handouts need to be done openly and need to appear on the books as handouts. Hidden handouts inadvertently shut down the free market system, resulting in at best socialist levels of service, at worst socialist levels of service with staggeringly high costs. You really fucked things up with Obamacare.

    Obama: Oh who gives a fuck, I'm black.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous3:14 AM

    OBONGO: "Damn, Hillary, why'd you have to have TWO tuna burritos for lunch?"


  13. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Serious question: Who is ready for the chaos this summer?

    Cause it's comin'.

  14. Hillary: And then the dumb bitch said that Puerto Rican food is good! Haha! What a joke!

    Obama: Haha! I can't even get close to that shit without dry heaving!

  15. Lance Cockstrong8:59 AM

    Short circuited my ass ... Look at this shit you gave us ... Thanks for nothing Hillary

  16. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I told you you'd leave with a few million! Conned 'em all again did'nt we? Told you to listen to me and Bill!

  17. Hillary: It was easy to get Leftists to act as if Trump wanted to get rid of the rights of women and kill gays...

    Obama: Since when did he become a Radical Muslim?

  18. Hillary: In 2012, you said "Romney's an idiot for saying Russia is our biggest enemy."

    Obama: In 2016, you said "We lost and can't blame ourselves, so Russia is our biggest enemy."

    Hillary: Doesn't make much sense, does it?

    Obama: Doesn't have to, we're Democrats.

  19. Obama quoting Charles Sykes-wingnut pundit- “Yeah, so far the only president who had a worse 100 first days would be William Henry Harrison who didn’t last past 30 days,” Sykes quipped to laughter from the panel. (AM Joy) Bwahahahahahahaha!

  20. Which is not much different from saying that when Paul prohibited men having sex with males, he was just mistaking the fashions of his day for the universal laws of God.

    Which is exactly what he was, in fact, doing. And not even the fashions of his day, but those of a rather minor subculture which he happened to belong to.

    Nothing surprising about that, though. Most gods share the prejudices of whichever humans invented them.

    As for the picture, I can't think of a good caption at the moment, but no worries -- the Republicans will give us many more opportunities to post that picture over the next four years.

  21. Anonymous2:11 PM

    And then that mother fucker James who says he has an IQ of 150 said that after he finishes his "engineering projects" he's going to write a book.

  22. Anonymous2:17 PM

    And then that dumb cracker James said he reads math books looking for errors!

  23. Brigade Fifteen2:24 PM

    Do you remember when President Man-Baby said there'd be so much winning we'd get tired of it?

    Who knew he was talking about Republicans kicking themselves in the face while scoring on their own team?


  24. Anonymous2:24 PM

    And then that fat dumb ass James used a high school term paper as proof of some dumb shit he was trying to say.

  25. Anonymous2:27 PM

    150 IQ! bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  26. Anonymous2:30 PM

    And his best friend, who's a pussy who never served in the military calls himself a Lt. Commander! bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  27. Barack Obama2:37 PM

    And then Mr. 150 IQ says he can write a personal check for $100,000.

  28. Through sum serious googling I discovered why that danged fugitive from wingnut impeachment- Obama- is firmly ensconced on Marlon Brando's ex-South Pacific island. Not only is this day 3 of him not being indicted and kidnapped back to face justice- he is starting to write his PRESIDENTIAL memoir. There is something Drumpf can never ever be accused of doing. Bwahahahahahahahaha!

    1. James' publisher3:26 PM

      But Mike we all know James' book will outsell Obama's by a mile.

  29. @ Yisheng: Good one. I like SCROTUS better than PEEOTUS, though.

    Random may take the prize.

  30. Brigade Fifteen2:56 PM

    "Not only is this day 3 of him not being indicted and kidnapped back to face justice- he is starting to write his PRESIDENTIAL memoir. There is something Drumpf can never ever be accused of doing. Bwahahahahahahahaha!"

    I am sure this will work out just like his previous memoir: He will hire a ghost writer (i.e., someone capable of actually speaking in complete sentences, rather than meaningless word-salad gibberish, like a certain incompetent president we know) with the intention of making himself look impressive, but unfortunately, that ghost writer will later inform the universe what an obnoxious, ignorant dick and racist Trump is in real life.

  31. Brigade Fifteen3:05 PM

    To be clear, I was talking there about Trump's eventual (ghost-written) memoir, which will be toilet paper in book form.

    I'm sure lots of people will be eager to read Obama's memoir.

  32. Ditzy Miss Lindsey Graham is up in arms because Dems aren't rolling over for GoSuck's nomination to the Scotus. What extremely short memories wingnuts have. Barely a year ago they denied Obama his choice for the Scotus and then made up all kinds of excuses how there cheating Obama wasn't something they pulled out oftheir asses.

    On another strange note- Trey "I totally screwed up the HRC Benghazi inquisition" Gowdy sez Nunes did not speak to Drumpf aboput Russia even though Nunes clearly admitted he had. Keystone wingnut pols can't do anything right except steal elections.

  33. Bill Ayers4:11 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...
    To be clear, I was talking there about Trump's eventual (ghost-written) memoir, which will be toilet paper in book form. I'm sure lots of people will be eager to read Obama's memoir

    He'd better get someone to write it for him, like he did with his "auto"biography, although this time he'd better not try to pass it off like he did it himself.

  34. justin kanew ✔ @justin_kanew
    .@seanhannity: "You think I'm bad for America?"

    The great Ted Koppel, to his face: "Yeah."


    That's go9tta hurt.

  35. Drumpf didn't go to Drumpf Dump South. He let Melanoma toll her SS agents down there to fleece the gubmint.

  36. 26th March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  37. Fox News gets brutally mocked for ‘News Alert’ that Trump spent weekend ‘working from the White House’

    Drumpf golfed Saturday and then spent an hour or so at his golf course near Washington for a meeting. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  38. "And they thought Donald was going to help the poor white Americans wait till I stop laughing"

    Random is the winner, FJ@10:08 is second,and Doug@ 12:01 is third.

  39. HRC: Then they put up ads praising themselves for repealing the healthcare law!!!

    -Doug in Oakland

  40. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  41. "There is no "c" in "loser"...

    h/t: Driftglass.

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. Lt. Commander Johnson11:31 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

    3:00 PM"

    I still don't understand this, field. Why do you allow folks to make these disparaging, insulting remarks of a racial nature?

    If they God, so can I.

  43. Anonymous12:36 PM

    We are going to jail......

  44. Anonymous12:40 PM

    They found your Kenyan birth certificate.....

  45. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Violet Beauregard.
