Thursday, March 30, 2017

Poor women's health under attack.

Image result for planned parenthood images I personally don't have a stake in the abortion fight. I am, after all, a man.

I suspect, though, that if men could get pregnant there would be drive through abortion clinics on damn near every corner. They would be more popular than McDonald's.

I guess  you can tell that I am pro-choice, and I definitely don't like to get personal with a woman's body unless she asks me to. This is not  the case with right-wingnut men, they love to tell women what to do with their bodies.

Today the GOP voted to allow states to defund Planned Parenthood, which, to right-wingnuts, is a somewhat of a dirty word. They despise Planned Parenthood, because to them it represents abortion on demand and women taking control of their own bodies.

Sadly, as is the case with so many other things, they are wrong about what that organization does.

Panned Parenthood offers so much more to women (especially poor ones) than just abortions. Numerous poor women and women of color depend on Planned Parenthood to provide them with basic healthcare and preventive screening for illnesses. But the right-wingnuts in Washington do not care, because poor women can't afford lobbyist.

The vote was close, and it took Mike Pence (the guy right out of central casting to play a Nazi soldier) to cast the deciding vote to block access to reproductive health services for poor women.

This is the same Mike Pence, by the way, who recently said that he will not dine alone with another women if his wife is not present.  He also said that he will not go anywhere that alcohol is being served without his wife present.  I am just going to leave that one out there..... no wait, I can't.

"This rule will, without question, stop women from excelling in the workplace that is the White House. As Mother Jones Editor-in-Chief Clara Jeffery wrote in a Twitter thread
If Pence won’t eat with a woman alone, how could a woman be Chief of Staff, or lawyer, campaign manager, or… Would Pence dine with Ivanka? Or KellyAnne? Or are they too relegated to second class citizens. For that matter, how would he ever even interview a woman. With a chaperone? It means that female reporters, also, would be cut out of his information flow, now and in the past.”
So how do we get over the monumental hill of sexism in the workplace? As Elsesser told The Atlantic, it’s simple, just normalize it.  “If you always saw men and women meeting together for dinner, people wouldn’t see it as suspicious,” she said."

 Or maybe the guy just can't trust himself. I mean we all know how those right-wing men roll.

Anyway, it was Pence who cast the deciding/dividing vote in the senate today, and I am sure that his wife of over 30 years was not by his side when he voted to ruin the lives of millions of other women.

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I'm number one. This comment is as inane as most that are dropped here.

  2. It took Mike Pence (the guy right out of central casting to play a Nazi soldier) to cast the deciding vote to block access to reproductive health services for poor women.

    Blocking "access"? Are Nazi soldier-looking guys going to form a phalanx around abortion clinics and demand to see a woman's W-2 before letting her pass?

    Actually, all it means is less profits for the ghouls at Planned Parenthood.

    They'll just have to scrape by by selling bits of babies they scrape out of irresponsible women. Or maybe progressives who want to exterminate poor babies can start donating some of their own money.

  3. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Two Pence, four Pence, six Pence a dollar

    One Pence won't save this Putin-established administration, supported by Russian billionaire oligarchs.

    If Vegas isn't giving odds on when Trump will be impeached, it should.

  4. Brigade Fifteen10:59 PM

    "Actually, all it means is less profits for the ghouls at Planned Parenthood.

    They'll just have to scrape by by selling bits of babies they scrape out of irresponsible women. Or maybe progressives who want to exterminate poor babies can start donating some of their own money."

    Ah, the "profits from baby parts" conspiracy. The stupid is starting early.

    Almost as good as "Pizzagate," but not on the same level of audacity as "Obama controls the weather."

  5. Democrat Values11:00 PM

    Bill Clinton: Diddles 21 year old intern in oval office - HERO!

    Ted Kennedy: Leaves 28 year old woman to drown in his car - HERO!

    Mike Pence: Faithful to his wife - MONSTER!

  6. "Ah, the "profits from baby parts" conspiracy. The stupid is starting early."

    They just said they sold fetal tissue on video, that's all.

  7. Brigade Fifteen11:08 PM

    In addition to the congressional GOP attacking Planned Parenthood and selling off Internet privacy, and the FCC kicking poor people off the Internet, Trump also rescinded Obama's executive order preventing federal contractors from discriminating against gays in employment.

    Pence will be especially pleased with recent development, since the two groups he hates most -- women and gays -- took it in the neck.

  8. Jimmy "Clean Fingers" Calamari11:09 PM

    "If Vegas isn't giving odds on when Trump will be impeached, it should."

    I'm sure someone will take your money, pinhead.

  9. Brigade Fifteen11:12 PM

    "They just said they sold fetal tissue on video, that's all."

    A heavily edited, faked video -- for which the filmmakers are currently charged with 15 felonies.

  10. Hedda Gabler11:12 PM

    "Pence will be especially pleased with recent development, since the two groups he hates most -- women and gays -- took it in the neck."

    That's where they like it, "in the neck".

    Everybody's happy!

  11. We have always been at war with Eastasia11:20 PM

    "A heavily edited, faked video -- for which the filmmakers are currently charged with 15 felonies"

    Everytime liberals are busted, they blame "editing". You think you can use your media and government power to hide the truth, but it just keeps getting through.

    BTW, the California AG responsible for charging the Pro-Life activists who exposed the Planned Parenthood scandal was given money by Planned Parenthood:

    I suppose you are all for governments imprisoning people for spreading the truth. You should go back to your old handle of 'Ministry of Truth', it was a lot more apt.

  12. Winning!11:22 PM

    As stated in the Senate Intelligence Committee report, No Russian Connection.

    Trump vindicated again.

  13. Brigade Fifteen11:25 PM

    Trump says NYT 'failing' -- but stock up 30% since election

    Someone's ratings are "winning" -- but that someone is definitely not Trump

    *sad trombone*

  14. Brigade Fifteen11:29 PM

    Meanwhile, over at "failing" CNN:


    It turns out that Trump sucking so bad as president is even more profitable for the media than Trump acting like an obnoxious clown as a candidate.

  15. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes11:33 PM

    Ya know, "poor women" brings about as much "giving a shit" about the Pygmies in the Congo do.

    Gimme a break.

    Who cares? Is it my job?

    Lemme guess which "poor women" you are crying for??

    Hell just look at the pic.

    Bring us some po fatherless children.

  16. Sterno12:03 AM

    Mike Pence and his wife are IN LOVE.

    This is what the fake news, part of a nihilistic death culture, despises.

    They destroy beauty.

  17. Brigade Fifteen12:23 AM

    "Mike Pence and his wife are IN LOVE.

    This is what the fake news, part of a nihilistic death culture, despises."

    I'm fairly confident that lots of people who aren't religious fanatic nutjobs manage to eat lunch with women to whom they are not married, and yet still love their wives.

  18. I'll bet you never "ate lunch with a woman".

  19. Really stupid bullshit from Republicans scared to death of women. Here's what the late great George Carlin had to say on the subject:

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Brigade Fifteen12:43 AM

    Here is the very admirable and righteous way wingnut Christianity works, as explained by fine upstanding Christian Erick Erickson:

    In Matt 25, when Jesus talks about caring for 'the least of these,' he isn’t talking about the poor in general, but fellow Christians.

    Who knew this was the central message of the New Testament?:

    Lookest thou after thine fellow man -- unless he shall be of the wrong religion, in which case, fuck 'em.

    Why do wingnuts fail at their own religion?

  21. dinthebeast said...
    Really stupid bullshit from Republicans scared to death of women.

    Says the guy who wanks off while peering through the blinds at elegant fruit-carrying black women.

  22. Uh huh. Another "retraction" Councillor?

    Get's old, being sued, doesn't it?

    You're right. You are too damned smart for me.

  23. Lt. Commander Johnson3:07 AM

    Field says, squirming on his sidebar:

    "On or about 01/18/17 we published an article from The Daily Beast"

    OK. WHO IS WE?

  24. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes3:24 AM

    Field posts:DISCLAIMER

    THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed."

    But. He does, over and over again. Yuk, yuk.

  25. Lt. Commander Johnson3:53 AM

    Hey. Where all all YOUR LEFTWING NUTS to support you?

    That's was Thursday. I forgot they have to go and get their money.

  26. Lt. Commander Johnson5:06 AM

    I still want to know why black men with money, choose white women.

    And, you still won't answer this.


    C'mon Queenie!

  27. Lt. Commander Johnson5:14 AM

    "They just said they sold fetal tissue on video, that's all."

    Nothing wrong with that at all.

    Was the "tissue" white, black, yellow or brown?

  28. 31st March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson8:52 AM

    Thanks, PC. Keep it up.

    Do you/would you consider the examples from the what, 600 companies to build the wall, including some Mexican company, to be "wall built", and you will admit you're wrong?


    You still have a faggot cat/dog.

  30. Commandeerwed Queensland-you are a god damn fucking moron. Look at the unedited PP videos and even a pea brain like yours could tell the tape was edited to make PP look bad. O'keefe, dead Breitbart and Project Veritas edit all their tapes to give morons like you your daily hate hardons.

    15 states-mostly run by right wing fucking morons like you investigated PP and not a single state found a single PP violation. PP does not sell body parts. Only twp of their clinics handle fetal remains. The remains are donated and the only money exchanged is to cover shipping costs.

    Look back at Acorn. Npr, and the Dept of Ag stings and you will find every tape involved was edited. dead Breitbart got sued for impugning the reputation of the lady from the ag dept. O'Keefe got sued and had to pay people at Acorn.

  31. Lt. Commander Johnson9:01 AM

    Now that I think of are a negro of some damn African type...maybe a Nubian Prince!

    Why did you seek out and marry a white girl?

    Black women here are pissed about that sort of thing, but the won't say it in public. Wonder why.


    O'Keefe's record is just as bad.

  33. Lt. Commander Johnson9:12 AM

    Mike/Queenie...(funny how you two seem to post together), You dumb, corn-eating bastard.

    EVERYTHING you watch is edited!

  34. You dumb, corn-eating bastard. I don't eat corn. What I watch isn't selectively edited to change the context of what is/was being said. dead Breitbart and O'Keefe are super duper famous for doing just that. You can tell when you compare the actual videos to the altered ones but you are too stoopid to understand.

    Why did Breitbart get sued by Shirley Sherrod? Why did O'Keefe get sued by people from Acorn?

  35. Lt. Commander Johnson9:41 AM

    Mikie, everyone get sued by everyone, these days.

    I got sued from my next door neighbor for shooting (with a high-dollar) pellet rifle.

    NOT for shooting the rodent...but because I left the carcass in his yard.

  36. I see I'd have a better conversation with a fence post. At least a post knows when it is wrong. Do fence posts ever get sued? I dunno but I changed context once and sent wingnuts through the roof. Bad, fence post, bad!

  37. LOL @ the "sad trombone", many of you are so damn funny!

  38. Abortion done in abortion clinics is a safer procedure for women than childbirth at a fully staffed hospital.

    If you didn't want a baby, why did you allow yourself to get preggers? Now that you allowed yourself to get preggers, we will force you to carry that parasitic fetus to term and have that baby you claimed you didn't want. BTW we don't want it either. We just want to punish you for getting knocked up-even by rape or incest. Because we be gawd fearing fauxknee fucking kristians. And since the majority of right wing nut job pols are lily white men, we know what is best for women, especially underage ones.

  39. "That's why you have the leaking"

  40. Lt. Commander Pussy10:54 AM

    I guess the real question is why white women like negro men so much?

  41. 10:32 AM What was yer point?

    Obama administration sucked up all the damning info about Drumpf's ties to Russia or someone tried to make it appear Obama surveilled Drumpf?

  42. James Bold11:18 AM

    "They just said they sold fetal tissue on video, that's all."

    They sell adult tissue too.  And skin (for skin grafts).  And bone (for bone grafts).  Just a hint, a corpse donated by next of kin is raw material.

    The abortion clinics are doing God's work in Mississippi.

    "As stated in the Senate Intelligence Committee report, No Russian Connection."

    And more.  Here's the bomb that just did to Zero's legacy what Ivy Mike did to Elugelab:

    "It was there that Montgomery laid out how persons like then businessman Donald Trump were illegally spied upon by Clapper, Brennan, and the spy agencies of the Obama administration. he even claimed that these spy agencies had manipulated voting in Florida during the 2008 presidential election, where illegal tampering resulted in helping Obama to win the White House."

    Zero's election was fraudulent.  Zero's eligibility for the office was fraudulent as well.  And we are soon going to have a declaration that all acts of the Obama administration are null and void, including all laws, executive orders, hires and appointments.

    Americans will have their country back.  You hyphenated Americans need to go back to your home-in-front-of-the-hyphen.

    "I guess the real question is why white women like negro men so much?"

    When you live in the ghetto, the only White women you see are mudsharks and whores (but I repeat myself).  In the real world, mudsharks are the ugly fat ones no White man wants.  They usually have bad attitudes as well, which means they're perfect for the racially-privileged who are so hard to prosecute for domestic violence that "mudshark sunglasses" is a thing.

    1. James' 150 IQ11:25 AM

      Hey James how are the "engineering" projects going?
      How about that book? Is it gonna be a NYT best seller?

      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

      Maybe James' ghostwriter is the kid he stole his information from. It'll be based on the kid's term paper.


    2. Vinny Pulaski11:30 AM

      James, why do you hate Italian-Americans? Polish-Americans?

  43. Larry Klayman-you stoopid SOB? Larry Fucking Klayman? The attorney (I hjust threw up in mouth a little) that has been kicked out of and denied access to more courts than the bald guy has access to cat houses. That Larry Klayman?

    You weren't serious. Nobody is that damned dumb as to believe any thing Klayman comes up with. Keerist you are desperate. Klayman!

  44. Baldy, you have jumped the shark for certain sure.

  45. James' 150 IQ11:36 AM

    Mike, you're talking about a guy who linked us to a 10th grader's term paper to try to prove a point once. The guy is a moron who will link you to the first thing that pops up that agrees with him. Shhhhhh, he thinks he's smart and does "engineering" projects, checks math books for errors, writes books and doesn't live in a trailer. Just humor him, his life is probably shit like the rest of the racist trolls on the interwebs. It's a tough life walking around with a bowl haircut.

  46. I noticed wingnut Marsha Blackburn's 15 month inquisition against Planned Parenthood ended with a huge whimper, several false conclusions and no charges against Planned Parenthood-except for the whole idea to defund PP because -reasons.

    Wingnuts have spent millions of bucks and wasted all kinds of time lying about Planned Parenthood and they use right wing fake kristian groups as their independent outside experts to claim the PP videos were not altered in the least. What a see through joke wingnuts are.

    I know the bald guy is not right in the head. But, thanks.

  47. James is truly an idiot11:54 AM

    "Pizzagate conspiracy theory
    spread by and elaborated on by other fake news websites, including SubjectPolitics, which falsely claimed the New York Police Department had raided Hillary".

    Wow, our resident genius troll uses fake news websites to try to prove something. Dear god, if this is the best 150 IQ gets us in the trailer park I should move there. I'd be a super genius worshipped by all of James' neighbor.
    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahHHHHHHHHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahagagagahaahahahah gasp hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahaahahaaahahahahaaahahahahhahahahahaahaahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahaahha!

  48. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Will Trump be hurt if the coal jobs don't return?


  49. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I know you'll dig Doc. All female meteorologists on duty at ATL NWS station. Happened in Dallas too on St. Patty's Day and one was an AKA. You know I had to send my skee-phi shout out! Ha!


  50. Drumpf's base won't care that coal jobs have been disappearing for 20 years and nothing he does will ever bring them back.

    Seems like Drumpf supporters have abandoned in droves from this spot.

  51. Hey PX, I'm giving serious thought to some grad chapter "goings on", I'll let you know when it all gets confirmed.


    Flynn's request for immunity apparently turned down.

  53. Anonymous2:36 PM

    "This is the same Mike Pence, by the way, who recently said that he will not dine alone with another women if his wife is not present."

    Get your facts straight.

    What Mike Pence really meant was that he will not have sex alone with another woman if his wife is not present.

    Big difference.

  54. Actually, all it means is less profits for the ghouls at Planned Parenthood

    PP is a non-profit. They can't make money. They don't sell body parts. They don't break the law, but wingnuts have broken several laws trying to prove their cases against Planned Parenthood.

  55. The Mexican-owned New York Times can lie all they want, coal jobs are already coming back:

  56. mike from iowa said...
    "PP is a non-profit. They can't make money. They don't sell body parts. They don't break the law, but wingnuts have broken several laws trying to prove their cases against Planned Parenthood."

    Five lies in one sentence!

    Keep trying, moron.

  57. Brigade Fifteen3:02 PM

    "Will Trump be hurt if the coal jobs don't return?


    Will Trump be hurt if, in general, he doesn't make good on his campaign promises? He's isn't going to make good on about 90% of them. His poorer devotees will end up no better off, and in many cases worse off, than they were when they voted for him.

    So will those voters ever catch a clue about how badly they screwed up?

    Well, Trump's polling is plummeting, except with hardcore Republicans, but when asked if they'd change their votes, the answer is still mostly no. Which tells me that while many of those fools now do realize Trump is terrible, they haven't yet caught a clue about how much of their perception of Hillary Clinton was the result of a defamation campaign. She's still seen as equally terrible -- pure evil, Satan in a pantsuit.

    In short, memes like this one and this one and this one and this one ... are completely true.

    And that's discouraging, because -- assuming Trump and his party don't manage to outright dismantle democracy -- the only hope for turning things around in this country is for the public to become smarter media consumers and develop the ability to tell the difference between real news and nasty smears.

  58. "Uh huh. Another "retraction" Councillor?"

    So which council are you suggesting he is a member of, exactly?

    -Doug in Oakland

  59. Quote: Lt Cmmdr Johnson

    "Do you/would you consider the examples from the what, 600 companies to build the wall, including some Mexican company, to be "wall built", and you will admit you're wrong?"

    If you could retype this sentence in English that would be great, thanks.

    Who knows when I finally understand what the flying fuck you are talking about you might even get an answer.

  60. You can lie but you can't hide said..uses an altered video to prove he is the idiot.

    Planned Parenthood just endured a 15 month right wing inquisition and investigations by at least 13 states-most run by wingnuts and Planned Parenthood received a clean bill of health from everyone.

    Daleiden is under felony indictment in California for what? For breaking the law trying to prove PP broke a law. 15 felony counts. That is a lot of lawbreaking trying to prove someone else broke the law.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha moron!

  61. Brigade Fifteen3:25 PM

    "Do you/would you consider the examples from the what, 600 companies to build the wall, including some Mexican company, to be 'wall built', and you will admit you're wrong?"

    PC shouldn't consider that "wall built," because it isn't.

    Sure, a number of companies are announcing they'd be happy to bid for the job of building a wall (despite the distinct possibility of a serious revenge campaign against any companies that actually won such a contract).

    But not a lot of money has been appropriated in Congress to PAY those companies to do the wall-building. It turns out, congressional Republicans aren't all that excited about the prospect of ponying up the massive amount of cash necessary to construct Trump's pointless monument to hatred. Paul Ryan insists the dough will be in next year's budget. Yeah, okay, we'll see. This is from the same guy who said he'd be able to repeal Obamacare.

    And just a reminder: Mexico ain't gonna pay for it.

  62. Anonymous3:30 PM

    To progs like Field, Women's Health Care Is Abortion

    That's just creepy.

  63. Ben Carbon said...
    The Mexican-owned New York Times can lie all they want, coal jobs are already coming back:

    You guys are really getting desperate. Caol jobs aren't coming back. Natural gas is too cheap and coal can't compete. The writing is on the walland some of you are desperate to read what you want into it. More coal plants shut down last week. Even more will close. Coal mining jobs have disappeared over decades but it is all Obama's fault.

    It isn't just the NYT telling you the truth. Forbes, Fortune and eveyone else except Fake Noise and Breitbart are telling you what is a fact.

  64. Brigade Fifteen4:11 PM

    You guys are really getting desperate. Caol jobs aren't coming back. Natural gas is too cheap and coal can't compete. The writing is on the walland some of you are desperate to read what you want into it. More coal plants shut down last week. Even more will close. Coal mining jobs have disappeared over decades but it is all Obama's fault.

    All of Trump's pretenses that he'll bring back the manufacturing and mining economy of the 1950s are lies/delusions.

    Here is the top exec of one the nation's largest coal mining companies saying Trump is full of shit about bringing back coal jobs.

    Coal executive: Trump "can't bring mining jobs back"

    Trump and other Republicans (such as Kentucky's Mitch McConnell) who suggest that these jobs can be saved or resurrected aren't doing the residents of these hard-hit regions a favor. They are screwing them over even worse by encouraging them to believe in a fantasy while supplying no realistic economic alternatives.

  65. Anonymous4:48 PM

    With his vote, Mike Pence ensured that there will be more abortions. Many women who have no or limited access to pregnancy prevention and become pregnant will resort to pregnancy termination. And if they don't have access to safe, legal termination procedures, many will resort to illegal, and often risky, procedures. It's that simple. Pence and his so-called "pro-life" cohorts by their actions and policies, are actually pro-abortion.

  66. Paranoid white guy4:59 PM

    Hey Field, I haven't heard anything about the knockout game recently! I can't leave the house because I don't know if this is still a thing! Even Sean Hannity won't tell me! Please help Mr. Field.

  67. So is Flynn trying to be Dean, or is he trying to be Poindexter? One brought a president down, and the other protected a far more guilty president. Or is he lining up for his chance to be Alberto Gonzalez? And if so, does he have the stones to pull it off?

    -Doug in Oakland

  68. Anonymous5:07 PM

    7 murdered in Chicago.

    1. Hillbilly Jim8:50 PM

      How many overdoses in W. Virginia?

  69. Believe it5:10 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...
    All of Trump's pretenses that he'll bring back the manufacturing and mining economy of the 1950s are lies/delusions.

    Trump will never win the nomination - check
    Trump will never win the Presidency - check
    Trump will never bring back the manufacturing and mining economy - you are here

  70. Brigade Fifteen5:16 PM

    "With his vote, Mike Pence ensured that there will be more abortions. Many women who have no or limited access to pregnancy prevention and become pregnant will resort to pregnancy termination. And if they don't have access to safe, legal termination procedures, many will resort to illegal, and often risky, procedures. It's that simple. Pence and his so-called 'pro-life' cohorts by their actions and policies, are actually pro-abortion."

    No one said these folks were logical. PP provides contraception as well as abortion, so if you defund them, there will inevitably be more unintended pregnancies, and almost certainly more women wanting abortions.

    Some will resort to "back-alley" abortions, but fortunately technology has advanced and so surgical abortion isn't always the only option anymore. We will see lots more women buying abortion pills off the Internet illegally. The only thing this unpopular legislation by Republicans will accomplish is inflicting financial and other sorts of misery on yet another group of people their party's base doesn't like.

    So what's next? Jail everyone who thwarts their efforts and manages to get an abortion anyway? That's already happened in a few cases, but if this becomes commonplace, it's really going to blow up the GOP's faces politically. Incarcerating anyone who refuses to become a mommy is not a good look. The majority of the voting public are not Christian fundie wackadoos, or socially defective man-o-sphere losers who spend all their time raging about "sluts."

  71. Brigade Sixteen5:19 PM

    "PP provides contraception as well as abortion,"

    Walgreens provides contraception.

    Planned Parenthood provides abortion.

    Both should be on your dime.

  72. Brigade Fifteen5:22 PM

    "Hey Field, I haven't heard anything about the knockout game recently! I can't leave the house because I don't know if this is still a thing! Even Sean Hannity won't tell me! Please help Mr. Field."

    Haha, you know that's exactly the sad existence of this blog's trolls. Right now, they are probably cowering in their basements, clutching their firearms and praying a horde of scary Negroes doesn't come for them.

  73. Brigade Fifteen5:34 PM

    "Walgreens provides contraception.

    Planned Parenthood provides abortion.

    Both should be on your dime."

    Uh huh.

    And for the poor women who do somehow end up not being able to get contraception or abortion and end up with a kid they don't want, they will become poorer. Which means more benefits they will then have to draw from the government. Which will be on your taxpayer dime.

    And if you say, screw it, let's not pay any benefits to anyone, ever ... well, then she and her unwanted kid will become more desperate still, and will likely resort to crime.

    So when that unwanted child grows up to be a hardened criminal and burglarizes your house, that will be on your dime. When he hits you over the head with a brick, your medical bills, followed by your disability costs, those will be on your dime.

    Police, courts, prison, parole officers -- all your dime.

    This is the fantasy that conservatives want to live under: the idea that there is some way that they can get away from caring for the poor and everything will be fine and it will cost them nothing. It isn't a real option. One way or another, costs will find their way back to you because you are stuck living in the same society as the people you don't like.


    Read 'em and weep, wingnut laideez.

  75. Police and fire protection are socialist programs. Wingnuts wouldn't dare use them. Police maybe, if it was just to shoot blacks in the back and claim self defense.

  76. Brigade Sixteen6:33 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...
    "And for the poor women who do somehow end up not being able to get contraception or abortion and end up with a kid they don't want, they will become poorer."

    Don't engage in activities for which you cannot afford the consequences.

    I don't.

    Your poor choices are your problems, not mine.

  77. Brigade Unhinged at 16- when was the last time you got preggers by rape or incest? You god damn dummy. You shouldn't have done that. Weren't you taught any better? Now you got a baby you son't want and you expect the rest of us to pay for it. No way Jose. You were dumb enough to get incested that is your problem. Have a nice day.

  78. You wingnuts might want to consider moving to Somalia, I hear the taxes are really low there and social services almost nonexistent...

    -Doug in Oakland

  79. Brigade Fifteen7:41 PM

    "Don't engage in activities for which you cannot afford the consequences.

    I don't.

    Your poor choices are your problems, not mine."

    a) Poverty has never been a simple matter of "poor choices." That's just more ideological wingnut crap, divorced from reality

    b) One way or another, these problems will find a way of becoming yours.

  80. Brigade Sixteen8:02 PM

    a) Poverty has never been a simple matter of "poor choices."

    True, but getting pregnant usually involves a choice.

    b) One way or another, these problems will find a way of becoming yours.

    I'll take the "other" over subsidizing pathology.

  81. Breaking: Intelligence Official who Illegally unmasked Flynn & others is a Direct Appointee of Former President Barack Obama.

  82. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Do you think President Trump will pardon Obama?

  83. Brigade Fifteen8:24 PM

    "a) Poverty has never been a simple matter of "poor choices."

    True, but getting pregnant usually involves a choice.

    b) One way or another, these problems will find a way of becoming yours.

    I'll take the 'other' over subsidizing pathology."

    The "choice" you're talking about is the choice to have sex. This includes, by the way, even married people having sex. A majority of pregnant women who decide they want abortions are in committed relationships, and many already have kids and simply do not want/cannot afford any more. It ain't all teen hookers on the corner.

    This is the bonkers universe you inhabit, in which you've decided people too poor to afford contraception shouldn't be allowed to have sex, and if they do, then that's "pathology."

  84. True, but getting pregnant usually involves a choice.

    Most preggers can be prevented with birth control if females have access to and can afford it. That is where PP comes in.

  85. Anonymous8:47 PM

    All industrialized nations provide free medical services except the US. Poor people need medical too. I don't mind paying taxes to help out others because it's cheaper anyway because if they wait until they get sick then it's more expensive and we end up paying anyway. PP provides a low cost alternative and abortion services is but one small part of what they do, mamograms, health screenings, ect. In the end we should applaud anyone who gives medical services to those on the lower economic scale.


  86. Orange is the new black8:57 PM

    Do you think President Trump will pardon Obama?
    It'll be hard for Trump to do that from prison. Heard he's paying former Trump U. students for his fraudulent behavior. Sad.

  87. Brigade Sixteen9:23 PM

    "people too poor to afford contraception shouldn't be allowed to have sex"

    Yes. Except no one in America is that poor.

    Birth control pills are $7 week.

    Condoms are about a buck.

    Anyone who says that can't afford that is lying.

    1. Conservative Pete10:40 PM

      PP has breast cancer screenings and other health services. It's not just about condoms. Conservatives are soooooo shallow.

  88. Cletus the Fetus10:44 PM

    No, PP is just about abortion. You can get all that other stuff elsewhere.

    If you want to killl your baby, PP is there for you.

    1. Johnny Conservative4:18 AM

      Uh, ok. 90+% of what they do has nothing to do with abortion but whatever, conservatives have given up on having anything to do with truth.

  89. "Trump will never bring back the manufacturing and mining economy - you are here"

    "Here" being so far up your own ass that you're working for the Russians as they try to fuck up the country and you don't even know it.

    Let's just see how many coal mining jobs Trump brings back before his administration goes tits up, OK? Oh that's right, that'll never work with you. Reality doesn't matter, and Trump could take a massive dump on your tablecloth and you'd scarf it down like it was Belgian chocolate if Rush, Breitbart, RT, or Sputnik told you to.

    -Doug in Oakland

  90. Boris Beckerwood11:46 PM

    Everyone who doesn't share Doug's paranoia is working for the Russians.

  91. Everyone who helps Russia spread their lies and propaganda intended to damage this country is working for the Russians.

    There, I fixed it for you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  92. Carlos Slim1:47 AM

    As far as I can tell, the Russians may have attempted to disrupt our electoral process by revealing that the Democrat party actually did disrupt our electoral process.

  93. That's because you are stupid.

    -Doug in Oakland

  94. Carlos Slim2:19 AM

    The managerial elite hates Putin because he refused to enshrine their globalist economic and political aims into Russian politics.

    Doug hates Putin because the managerial elite's media tells him to.

  95. 1st April 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  96. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Well at least these asshats stopped using the stupid argument that anyone who wangs an investigation into Russia's interference wants to go to war. Thank god for small favors.

  97. Vinny5:21 AM

    Planned Parenthood is an abortion clinic. Pregnancy is not a disease to be treated.

  98. Vinny said.. My math skills, like the rest of me, is none too sharp.

    3% of PP business involves abortion/abortion related services. Yumping Yeesus that the vastest majority of what they do. Kill 'em.

  99. Carlos Slim said...
    As far as I can tell, the Russians may have attempted to disrupt our electoral process by revealing that the Democrat party actually did disrupt our electoral process.

    Yeah, Slim but your only expertise is in being a fucking sheeple wingnut moron who can only see what Fake Noize points out to him. Even a majority of wingnut pols agree that Russia hacked with the intention of throwing the election to Drumpf.

  100. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes and Faggots9:10 AM

    #BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful

  101. Anonymous Brigade Sixteen said...
    "people too poor to afford contraception shouldn't be allowed to have sex"

    Yes. Except no one in America is that poor.

    Birth control pills are $7 week.

    Condoms are about a buck.

    Anyone who says that can't afford that is lying.

    Stoopid is rampant in wingnuts. Birth control, which cannot be bought on a whim-it isn't sold OTC- is about 91% effective. RU-486 is more effective in getting rid of unwanted wingnut brats but wingnuts scream it is an abortifacient so you need a note from god, Satan and you Mother plus the pharmacist's blessong to get it.

    Speaking of pharmacists, in many states your pharmacist does not have to dispense b/c if it violates his/her sincerely held religious beliefs. So b/c is not readily available or affordable to everyone, shit fer brains.

  102. If you want to killl your baby, PP is there for you.

    Stoopid-just have yer boyfriend slug you in the belly. No muss, no fuss if you get knocked out first. What's spousal abuse among friends? Oh that is right. PP can help you get counselling, too. PP, unlike stoopid wingnuts, is extremely useful in many situations.

    Down Florida way they voted to defund PP and told women to go see the school helath nurse for services PP had provided them. I don't think school nurses are abortion service providers. They can barely dispense aspirin.

  103. Ever notice how the bright light of early morning sends wingnut arachnids scurrying for the depths of darkness? Can't stand the light of day, can't handle the light of truth.

  104. Wingnuts, EWE have met the enemy and it is EWE! How do EWE like EWE now?



    Watch out whitey winguts. Minorities are stocking up on guns to protect themselves from the Klan, the WH and wingnuts in general.

  106. Lilacpr12:15 PM

    Planned Parenthood is a nice name for 'abortion'

    Why not take that money and channel it into parental responsibilities education, and education in general for women and men?

    If you can't do the time, don't do the crime! No abortions! Just don't fuck unprotected!

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      You have to account for health problems of the mother, bad health problems of the child, rape, ect. Abortion is no one's business except the mother and maybe the father other than that it's not ya business.


  107. I expected better, Lilacpr. Women of all ages get raped and forced incest and their abusers aren't likely to be considerate enough to wear or provide pregnancy protection.

    Should there be a law forbidding unprotected rape and incest? That sounds like giving whackos the green light to rape and incest.

    To lower the need for abortions we need more and comprehensive birth contro, and sex education classes- not less and harder access to preventing abortions.

  108. For our Nation's health-

    Obama officials hand delivered pertinent info to investigators about Drumpf and Russia so it wouldn't accidently get lost or destroyed.


  109. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Anonymous Democrat Values said...

    Bill Clinton: Diddles 21 year old intern in oval office - HERO!

    Ted Kennedy: Leaves 28 year old woman to drown in his car - HERO!

    Mike Pence: steals healthcare from girls and women so he and his cronies can have a tax break - MONSTER!

    Fixed it fer ya :-)

  110. Yo, Field, you're barking up the wrong tree on the Pence and women alone issue. It's a classic R distraction to let him eat alone with guys whenever he wants, cause you know how them right-wingers roll...


    This Chinese outfit plans to build some of Hatrian's wall and will dump hot oil on detected climbers at 8 feet above ground.

    Drumpf also wants to introduce alligators to the Rio to deter immigrants along with jaguars and poisonous spiders and snakes. Oh, my!
    I will include a tiny url that would work easier.

  112. Here is the new url for above link

  113. Lilacpr9:42 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Women of all ages get raped and forced incest and their abusers aren't likely to be considerate enough to wear or provide pregnancy protection.

    Should there be a law forbidding unprotected rape and incest? That sounds like giving whackos the green light to rape and incest.

    To lower the need for abortions we need more and comprehensive birth contro, and sex education classes- not less and harder access to preventing abortions.

    12:32 PM

    And I also expected better from you! I mean really do you know what the actual numbers of abortions are for rape and incest? Minimal at best. But of course abortions are necessary in those cases,but early chemical abortions.

    I definitely agree on the need for more comprehensive birth control and sex education,so why isn't it being done?

  114. Lilacpr9:46 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Should there be a law forbidding unprotected rape and incest? That sounds like giving whackos the green light to rape and incest.

    12:32 PM

    Well yes there should, but I certainly thought there already was a law forbidding rape and incest!!! xD

    Whackos don't need anybody to give them the green light to rape and incest my friend, not as far as I've seen anyway!

    Gee Mike...I dunno 'bout you...xD...

  115. James Bold11:20 PM

    "And for the poor women who do somehow end up not being able to get contraception or abortion and end up with a kid they don't want, they will become poorer."

    White people invented a wonderful thing.  It's called "keeping your legs together".  If Black people are true equals, they would be using it to excellent effect.

    Having a few baby mamas in the 'hood who are skinny because they can't buy food and lost their public assistance because they wouldn't control themselves might have an exemplary effect upon the rest.  Assuming hood rats are capable of learning.  Which they would... if only racial equality was actually true.

    "she and her unwanted kid will become more desperate still, and will likely resort to crime."

    As if Black people could be even MORE criminal than they are with today's massive support via TANF, EBT, WIC, and Section Ape.

    Really, what we should have is mandatory Depo-Provera or Progestasert at puberty for every child supported by public funds, renewed on schedule.  At age 18 their records are examined and they are tested.

    All with juvenile felonies:  STERILIZATION.
    All illiterates or sub-literates:  STERILIZATION.
    All with psychological diagnoses and below-average mental function:  STERILIZATION.

    We would have no desperate Black baby mamas in the 'hood.  Every woman who hadn't gotten a real job and gotten out would be sterilized, the problem cut off permanently.

    "when that unwanted child grows up to be a hardened criminal and burglarizes your house, that will be on your dime."

    Nah, that's what the AR-15 is for.  A few cartridges are a lot cheaper than the elevated insurance premiums from a burglary.  (And yes, the two wiggers earned it too.)

    "When he hits you over the head with a brick, your medical bills, followed by your disability costs, those will be on your dime."

    So much better to make sure he is never born in the first place, then.

    "when was the last time you got preggers by rape or incest?"

    It happens a lot less often in White populations than Black.  Maybe Black people should try to be "equal" and internalize White values about women and girls.

    "You wingnuts might want to consider moving to Somalia"

    If we wanted to live in Zoomalia, we'd make a society like it.  We don't.  We don't want to live with Zoomalis here either.  Neither do you, you flaming hypocrite.

    "Pregnancy is not a disease to be treated."

    But Africans are.

  116. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  117. White people invented a wonderful thing. It's called "keeping your legs together"

    Keep this in mind, bald guy, when the Brothers surround you in the Pen where you'll end up for inciting race wars.

  118. James' 150 IQ10:01 AM

    James is the result of some major incest. You can tell by his forehead.

  119. White people invented a wonderful thing. It's called "keeping your legs together"
    Of course this a lie. If it were true, jeebus would never have been able to straddle a dinosaur and horses would not have been invented. Geez, you can't even keep your legs together sidesaddle.

  120. James Bold10:29 AM

    "Keep this in mind, bald guy, when the Brothers surround you in the Pen where you'll end up for inciting race wars."

    Keep in mind, Mandingo, that if inciting race war was actually a crime King Samir Shabbazz would have been in the Graybar Hotel years ago and so would almost everyone associated with the Nation of Islam, Black Lives Matter and every other so-called "protest" organization.  We wouldn't have anything like the level of racial violence we have today.  But because the overwhelming majority of that racial violence is Black-on-White, you're okay with it.

    Well guess what, nigga?  There's a new sheriff in town, and his chief deputy Sessions looks like he's fixing to hold you to the same standards you expect Whitey to obey.  That's gonna hurt!


    Very long, very good read that gets you to the heart of non=fraud voting and clearly, concisely explains how wingnuts managed to entirely politicize voting rights and voter fraud investigations. On top of that wingnuts still haven't discovered the mother lode of voter fraud because it exists in their fevered imaginations. Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  122. ps my congressional shit fer brains, "Cantaloupe Calves" King's office asked constituents to send letters of support to him. What they received and what was shown by comments in the Soo City Journal were not exactly the results they asked for. King has been rated as the worst congresscritter out of 435. He is 435.

  123. Sessions won't last long as he committed perjury in front of a psnel of his peers. Gonna have to do better than that. Next I'd suggest you dial down yer racist hate for Blacks because you will soon be surrounded by them and others you have insulted, denigrated and made fun of. Karma is a bitch, I hear. I expect to be hearing from you when you discover that sad fact fer yerself. Your rights will be violated one by one by dozens at a time. Ouch!!!! I;m just joshing you, bald guy. There ain't a mean bone in my body. I don't speak for the others.

  124. Brother in the pen11:33 AM

    mike from iowa said...

    White people invented a wonderful thing. It's called "keeping your legs together"

    Keep this in mind, bald guy, when the Brothers surround you in the Pen where you'll end up for inciting race wars.

    9:08 AM

    not all 'the brothers in the pen' are rapists mike,there ya go stereotyping again

  125. I never suggested they were all rapists. I'd be willing to guess, like any group, many of them are sports fanatics and willing to join the crowd and watch the bald guy get what is coming.

  126. James' uncledaddy4:22 PM

    I bet James' book is going as well as his "engineering" projects.

  127. James got pwnd4:24 PM

    Hey James PC really slammed you on the next blog.

  128. Pen Pals5:34 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    White people invented a wonderful thing. It's called "keeping your legs together"

    Keep this in mind, bald guy, when the Brothers surround you in the Pen where you'll end up for inciting race wars.

    9:08 AM

    mike from iowa said...

    I never suggested they were all rapists. I'd be willing to guess, like any group, many of them are sports fanatics and willing to join the crowd and watch the bald guy get what is coming.

    2:49 PM

    Sports fanatics? Then why would he have to keep in mind to 'keep his legs crossed'

    1. James' ghost writer8:06 PM

      I don't know, what do you think? You certainly are a dumb one huh Pen Pal? Not as dumb as James but still dumb.

  129. James Bold1:33 AM

    Mandingo writes:


    You can stop right there.  Politico is a hard-left organization which spins for The Narrative to the exclusion of truth.  Huge numbers of non-citizens are nevertheless registered to vote.  There's NPR's exposure of literally tens of millions of invalid voter registrations going back decades, and more cases which keep being exposed to this day.

    "not all 'the brothers in the pen' are rapists mike,there ya go stereotyping again"

    So why do you use the prospect of homosexual rape by "the brothers in the pen" as an implied threat... against campaigning against Black-on-White racial violence?  You could scarcely be more ironic if you tried.

    "I bet James' book is going as well as his "engineering" projects."

    The engineering projects are more concrete than the book, and they're doing fine.  I solved several major issues in the last few days.  I will be starting construction on one of them shortly.

    "Hey James PC really slammed you on the next blog."

    He won't put money on it; he's all talk and no action.  In other words, a pussy.

  130. James is kinda a pussy12:24 PM

    Says the guy who promises a fake race war but doesn't ever do anything. I don't know whether you're a bigger pussy or dumbass.

  131. James is a pussy12:26 PM

    James, you're such a pussy you only post on old posts so you can sneak in your stupidity. You should really read PC's burn on you. That shit was funny as hell but you're to big of a pussy to even do that.

  132. James Depussy2:23 PM

    James is such a pussy that Trump tried to grab him.

  133. Does anyone here realize that some people would like to see the black abortion rate at 100%?
