Saturday, April 01, 2017


Image result for obama laughing  cool

I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. Lilacpr11:37 PM

    Boy now I know I'm really out of the loop! LOL! Ahahaha! I don't even know who the guy next to Obama is!

    As everyone can see I def do not keep up with current events...

    Can anybody help me here? :D

  2. Anonymous11:52 PM

    @Lilac: Nobody does.

  3. Lilacpr12:01 AM

    Anonymous said...

    @Lilac: Nobody does.

    11:52 PM

    Lolol! Well thank you! :D In that case I hope Field clarifies!

  4. Hey Lila :-) Are you saying that you do not recognize former VP Joe Biden?

  5. "Then he ran away from the reporters and forgot to sign it? Stop, you're killing me!"

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Brigade Fifteen12:30 AM

    Joe: Trump said Americans would get sick of "winning." Well, I guess we're sick of it already -- his approval rating's fallen 10 points in 3 weeks!

  7. Lilacpr12:48 AM

    Oh thanks Faith! Just from the angle of the pic, I didn't recognize him! But I gotta think up a caption :) tomorrow cos I'm going to sleep now...

  8. "Hey, what say we get suite at Mar-a-Lago, get drunk on Vodka, put on Dr. Zhivago really loud, order tons of room service fruit, and send it all back every time demanding they re-peel and replace it! AHAHAHA!!!"


  9. Milton Bradley8:33 AM

    Obama: Man, I am so glad you talked me out of getting Puerto Rican food tonight. I would have definitely regretted it.

    Biden: I would have regretted it too if I had let you eat that shit.

  10. Lance Cockstrong8:54 AM

    No points for correctly guessing which one has the bigger dick.

  11. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes and Faggots9:00 AM

    #BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful

  12. You and me against the world,
    Sometimes it seems like you and me against the world,
    When all the others turn their backs and walked away,
    You can count on me to stay.

    Remember when the circus came to town
    How you were frightened by the clown,
    Wasn't it nice to be around someone that you knew,
    Someone who was big and strong and looking out for

    You and me against the world,
    Sometimes it seems like you and me against the world
    And for all the times we've cried I always felt that
    God was on our side.

    And when one of us is gone,
    And one of us is left to carry on,
    Then remembering will have to do,
    Our memories alone will get us through
    Think about the days of me and you,
    Of you and me against the world.

    Me and joe against the wingnut world shout out to Helen Reddy

  13. Anonymous9:57 AM

    And then he said if you need immunity you must be guilty!

  14. James' 150 IQ9:59 AM

    And then James said he was writing a book! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  15. Quote: Little Jimmy Bold

    "White people invented a wonderful thing. It's called "keeping your legs together".

    No Jimmy, that's just what women do when they meet you.

    1. PC @12:09, your microphone almost fell on my foot.😀

  16. 2nd April 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  17. Brigade Fifteen12:45 PM

    This is not related to the picture of Barack and Joe, but I saw a funny quote yesterday that made me think of this blog's brainwashed, racist trolls:

    "Ah, April 1st: the only day of the year that people critically evaluate things they find on the Internet before accepting them as true."

  18. We have always been at war with Eastasia5:31 PM

    Brigade Fifteen never critically evaluates anything he finds on the internet that validates his prejudices and resentments.

    He has dedicated his life to defending the interests of the oligarchy as dictated to him by their media.

    He clings to false narratives about racism and Russia and false heroes like the FBI and CIA in the existential battle to dethrone Trump.

  19. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Obama: "I signed an executive order three days before leaving office, allowing CIA to spy on anyone applying for security clearance - WITHOUT a warrant!"

    Biden: "You are going to jail!"

  20. We were always stupid8:04 PM

    He clings to false narratives about racism and Russia and false heroes like the FBI and CIA in the existential battle to dethrone Trump. You should be at war with your own stupidity.
    And your dumb ass believes coal and horse and buggies are making comebacks and the effort to keep the oligarchy in power.

  21. The Donald sucks8:38 PM

    O: and then his supporters gave him an A.

  22. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Don't men wear ties anymore?

  23. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  24. Anonymous4:22 AM

    And then she said microwaves!!!!

  25. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Just think,we dont have to do nothing else for life!!!! Bwahhh!!!

  26. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Do you want to suck my cock....

  27. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Most people think we are straight.....

  28. Anonymous4:53 PM

    We stole so much money and nothing will happen to us......
