Friday, April 21, 2017

Bad week for the buds.

Image result for oreilly trump images  I think we all are happy that Bill O'Liely got the boot over at FOX.  As his friend Maxine Waters eloquently stated:  There might be something psychologically wrong with the man. And the fact that he lasted so long at FOX without his allegedly piggish behavior being an issue, tells you all you need to know about that network.

I hate to kick a man when he is down, but we are talking about Bill O'Reilly here. Besides, he has 25 million reasons  not to be too down on himself. 

Then we have our president and his lawyers who don't seem to quite understand how this 1st Amendment thing works

"Well, this one takes the cake. And I’m not talking about the most beautiful chocolate cake you’ve ever seen.

Donald Trump is being sued for inciting violence at his 2016 Louisville rally at which several African American protesters were assaulted by his fans after he screamed “Get ‘em out of here!” from the stage. And yesterday his lawyers made one of the most ridiculous arguments I think I’ve ever heard of. They’re claiming that even if Trump did incite violence, the protesters had no right to demonstrate at his rally because they were interfering with his First Amendment rights.
Trump’s lawyers also argue that he had every right to call for the removal the protesters since they “obviously interfered with the Trump campaign’s First Amendment right” by “vigorously expressing their disdain for Mr. Trump,” including by chanting and holding up signs depicting Trump’s face on the body of a pig, among other anti-Trump messages.
“Of course, protesters have their own First Amendment right to express dissenting views, but they have no right to do so as part of the campaign rally of the political candidates they oppose,” Trump’s lawyers wrote.
I had to read this article a couple of times to make sure this is really what they’re arguing. It is." [Source]

No words.  

*Pic courtesy of



  1. Brigade Fifteen10:01 PM

    Of course Trump had the right to throw protesters out of rallies his campaign had organized.

    He did not have the right to incite the crowds to throw protesters out, and to do violence to them in the process. Removing unwanted attendees is the job of security staff.

  2. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I agree. No words. It was an appalling display when it was happening and now seems so prescient to the nightmare we are experiencing in the Trump presidency.

  3. Brigade Fifteen10:11 PM

    Trump is boosting fascist Marine Le Pen in France's presidential election this weekend, grotesquely celebrating the possibility that Le Pen might benefit politically from a recent jihadi shooting of police officers there.

    Meanwhile, ex-prez Obama is #TeamMacron.

  4. James Bold1:24 AM

    Black people applaud when "racists" are no-platformed by crowds of masked thugs (hey, wasn't the KKK a bunch of masked thugs?).

    Black people object when their agitators are prevented from using a candidate's paid-for space as their platform.

    Black people are too stupid to understand either natural or Constitutional rights.

    Black people are not Americans.  You all have to go back.  Or just go.  We Americans don't care what happens to you, as long as you're not here anymore.

  5. New day dawning2:24 AM

    What nonsense. Leftist thugs go to Trump rallys to incite violence, then sue Trump over their own actions.

    I look forward to the day they are all swinging from lamp posts.

  6. J. Burton2:26 AM

    We have to keep handing our countries over to groups of foreigners who occasionally kill us like dogs in the street. Or the terrorists win.

  7. Lilacpr8:47 AM

    Wow! Why is France having so many jihadist attacks? :( are they that mean to the Middle Easterners living there? Because as I understood it, there has been a very large peaceful population of Middle easterners there for many years and even a mayor.

  8. Out of nearly 65 million bucks in settlements at Fake Noize, the majority of it went to the 2 perpetratitors-whatever AILES O'REILLY. Both got yooge severance pay for being human pigs.

    Baldy, since you have such affection for Blacks and feel free to share it with everyone, did some Black kid take your lunch money at school? Maybe yer girl? Did one fool you into using Crisco to make yer dick as big as every Black kids dick?

  9. Lilacpr9:27 AM

    When I could afford satellite TV years ago, I did sometimes watch O'Reilly just because it's important to know what these people are thinking.

    I now just get news feeds on my Facebook page just so that I'll at least have some knowledge of whats going on in the world.

    O'Reilly may not be there anymore but that doesn't mean his way of thinking is gone. After all he was removed for sexual harassment, not ultra conservative or racist views. They prolly have a clone waiting in the wings to take over his time slot :).

    But, on the other hand, since this is a 'democratic' society, that stations views must be aired also. Otherwise this would be a dictatorship no?

  10. Brigade Fifteen10:11 AM

    If you think that Trump's lawyers' legal logic is faulty (rally protesters were "interfering with his First Amendment rights"?), they've got nothing on Maryland's police.

    Two black girls have been charged, not with vandalism, but a hate crime for torching a pro-Trump sign.

    Apparently, the cops in Princess Anne, Maryland, think "MAGA moron" is a race?

  11. Brigade Fifteen10:43 AM

    "Wow! Why is France having so many jihadist attacks? :( are they that mean to the Middle Easterners living there? Because as I understood it, there has been a very large peaceful population of Middle easterners there for many years and even a mayor."

    Yes, some of them are mean to the Muslims (mostly of North African origin) who live there. Many Muslims are not well integrated and live unhappily in poor ghetto suburbs called "banlieues."

    France also has a stated policy of secularism ("laïcité"), which sounds like a nice, liberal concept of maintaining separation between church and state. But in practice, it often takes the form of persecuting Muslims for wearing traditional Islamic dress in public. In fact, this is one of the things that Marine Le Pen's hateful party is all about: bans on headscarves and halal meats, etc., for the purpose of harassing Muslims.

  12. More bad news for Drumpf-

    Liberal lying rag WSJ says no lawmaker from any state where the border wall is supposed to go supports it.

  13. Brigade Fifteen11:32 AM

    For anyone interested, here is a video on French Trumpism (the Front National Party).

    It's basically the same crap as American Trumpism. Rural white French have been screwed by bad economic policy, but their grievances have been redirected toward foreigners/minorities (and also, in France's case, the European Union), who had nothing to do with the problem.

    Racist rednecks getting angry at scapegoats seems to be a universal problem in Western countries at the moment.

  14. Lilacpr12:05 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...

    Racist rednecks getting angry at scapegoats seems to be a universal problem in Western countries at the moment.

    11:32 AM

    Wow! Yup!

  15. Lance Cockstrong12:28 PM

    Butt Trumpet's 1A rights trumple protesters 1A rights ... sounds like a winning argument with right wing SCOTUS ... to which end his lawyers are petitioning the district court to step aside while they appeal directly to a higher court "before subjecting the President to unique and extraordinary burdens of litigation" ... no doubt Butt Trumpet's next demand will be the removal of Judge Curiel from the DACA deportation case

  16. Brigade Fifteen12:39 PM

    "Butt Trumpet's 1A rights trumple protesters 1A rights ... sounds like a winning argument with right wing SCOTUS ... to which end his lawyers are petitioning the district court to step aside while they appeal directly to a higher court 'before subjecting the President to unique and extraordinary burdens of litigation' ..."

    The absurd thing is that this isn't about anyone's First Amendment rights. Those arguments would be irrelevant regardless of their merits. The case is about whether Trump has the right to cause people to get beaten up by an angry mob (he doesn't).

    "no doubt Butt Trumpet's next demand will be the removal of Judge Curiel from the DACA deportation case"

    ... on the grounds that Latinos aren't Real Americans and shouldn't be allowed to be judges anyway.

  17. Curiel has a serious conflict because he comes from the same state as the vice bogus potus and so cannot serve the federal gubmint at the same time as Pence.

    All the federales say they could have had Drumpf any day
    They only let him get away, they got problems of their own.

  18. James Bold1:21 PM

    "... on the grounds that Latinos aren't Real Americans"

    On the grounds that anyone who joined La Raza Lawyers is a National Socialist (Mexican chapter).

    You do realize that Mexicans hate Black people, don't you?

    When the Mexicans come to your town, I hope that any case involving Mex-on-Black crimes is heard by a Curiel clone.  It's what you asked for, and you deserve to get it good and hard.

  19. Brigade Fifteen1:54 PM

    "On the grounds that anyone who joined La Raza Lawyers is a National Socialist (Mexican chapter)."

    The mission statement of the La Raza Lawyers:

    • Increase the overall number of Latinos in the legal profession.

    • Encourage and support Latino and Latina judicial candidates to apply to the bench

    • Advocate for the promotion and retention of Latino and Latina attorneys and judicial officers.

    • Improve the professional skills of our members through our certified MCLE programs.

    • Provide for the professional and social interaction among our members and other organized bar associations.

    • Improve the delivery and access of legal services to the county’s Spanish speaking community.

    • Provide role models and mentoring to Latino youth through direct interaction with students and school districts.

    • Strongly advocate positions on judicial, economic and social issues to political leaders and state and local bar associations that impact the Latino community.

    What a scary bunch of stormtroopers, amirite?

    Okay, they don't exactly say "Death To All White People!!" but obviously that's must be what they mean by "provide role models."

  20. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Anonymous Lilacpr said...
    Wow! Why is France having so many jihadist attacks?

    Because Islam mandates jihad against non-Muslims.

    They have been murdering non-Muslims for 1400 years.

  21. Proglodyte2:50 PM

    Brigade Fifteen said...
    "Racist rednecks getting angry at scapegoats seems to be a universal problem in Western countries at the moment."

    Angry about hostile colonists murdering your childeren? Then you're a RACIST REDNECK!!!

  22. More bad news for Drumpf- In Kaintuck, the head of Drumpf's campaign-a former judge/present day school board member is charged with sex trafficking-

    'Mad Dog" Mattis sez Drumpf's budget is no way near big enough to rebuild the military. We could cut 500 billion from the bloated military budget and still outspend everybody else.

  23. Just more President Stupid trying to cheat his way out of another self-made shiutstorm. Too bad he never brought his campaign to Oakland, that would have been fun.

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. Al Gore wishes you a happy Earth Day from his $9 million mansion with no solar panels and six fireplaces bought with money from Qatari oil.

  25. Brigade Fifteen6:24 PM

    Welcome to wingnut fantasyland, where Muslim immigrants are "hostile colonists" and global warming doesn't exist because Al Gore has a big house.

    Perfectly sensible. No paranoid delusions whatsoever.

  26. Lt. Commander Johnson6:45 PM

    So what? Who is here defending O'Reilly.

    Glad he're history


  27. You do realize that Mexicans hate Black people, but hate white people more, don't you?

  28. James Bold8:14 PM

    So, Blockhead Fifteen... would you not consider an organization which promoted White judges and court officers, White legal organizations, improved delivery of legal services to White, English-speaking clientele... utterly and totally racist?

    Or do you just support Hispanics because you think they'll side with you against Whites, no matter how hard they'll come down on you?  If so, the results will serve you right.

    "You do realize that Mexicans hate Black people, but hate white people more, don't you?"

    Suspicion confirmed.

    You all have to go.  "Back" is optional, "gone" is mandatory.

  29. Things to do today and everyday- ignore Baldy. Wait. What? Can't ignore Baldy. He is off his meds and it is fun trying to determine which meds he is off. I guessing dopioids.

    Baldy mellow out on pot and you will see everything clearly and you won't hate all things non-white.

  30. Wesley R8:54 PM

    If haven't seen it make sure you watch Burn Mothfucker Burn on Showtime. It's a very good documentary.

  31. Brigade Fifteen9:28 PM

    "So, Blockhead Fifteen... would you not consider an organization which promoted White judges and court officers, White legal organizations, improved delivery of legal services to White, English-speaking clientele... utterly and totally racist?"

    Ugh, here we go with the "Why isn't there a National Association for the Advancement of White People?" reasoning.

    For bonus points, James, how 'bout throwing in a "Why isn't there a White History Month?" That's always entertaining.

  32. Anonymous9:57 PM

    ...james bold
    ...we will leave when every piece of property is returned to the Indians ...then and only then will we leave ..looks like that will never happen we'll just stay here cozy with you

  33. Chief Windbreaker10:12 PM

    "we will leave when every piece of property is returned to the Indians"

    Which Indians? The last ones to drive off their neigboring tribes just before the white man came, or the ones before?

    Should north Africa be returned to Rome? China to the Mongols?

  34. So now Alex Jones has to try to prove he's not crazy to get custody of his kids, and he's calling for, I shit you not, the press to be "respectful and responsible and to show due deference to the process of the law and respect the boundaries defined for this case..."

    Uh Alex? I know you said that you only smoke weed once a year for strictly scientific purposes, but maybe think about taking it up on a more regular basis as a replacement for whatever you're smoking now as it's made you too stupid to live.

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. All whites have to go. "Back" is optional, "gone" is mandatory.

  36. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes2:39 AM

    OK, Jambo. I'm game.
    When and where would you like to start? Detroit would always be a good choise. Somebody destroyed it already.

  37. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Hmmmmm, I'm at least 5th generation American so I call dibs. Ha! Somebody can always buy my condo and include a substantial sum and I'll consider moving but after I retire in about 20 years.
    I also wonder if the wingnut narrative about Obama fleeing the country will change when he rolls back to the Chi? They are not good at readjusting on the fly.


  38. James Bold3:13 AM

    "I'm at least 5th generation American so I call dibs."

    You aren't American.  You're "African-American", which is a kind of fake American that means African.  Same with "Mexican-American".

    "Somebody can always buy my condo and include a substantial sum and I'll consider moving but after I retire in about 20 years."

    We'll just do to you what you did to Americans.  We'll AFFH a bunch of MS-13 into your building and offer to buy out the first wave of departures at 20% of FMV (Former Market Value), falling at one percent per month.  After the last of you has sold, been foreclosed on or killed, we'll put the building in receivership and move the MS-13 to blacker pastures, then turn the whole shebang over to white yuppies aka "urban pioneers" for renovation.  We'll re-district the local public schools to keep the dindus and beaners out so the yuppies won't even have to move to have kids.  If the new schools teach building trades starting in 8th grade or so, they'll graduate HS about to profit from flipping a renovated condo and be ready to start their own families by age 20.

    Your job gives you options, like moving to Rio.  After wage garnishments to pay off your mortgage balance, I'm sure you can find space in one of the very nice favelas there.  <snicker>

  39. James is one dumb mother fucker3:15 AM

    Black people aren't US citizens. _Holy fuck I knew James was as dumb as a fucking stump but he just literally became the single dumbest carbon based lifeform in the universe.

  40. James' 150 IQ3:17 AM

    150 IQ! bwahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  41. Mr. Rational6:37 PM

    "Black people aren't US citizens. _Holy fuck I knew James was as dumb as a fucking stump"

    Apparently, even major distinctions are too difficult for you.

    There's more to being an American than US citizenship.  Syed Farook and Omar Mateen were US citizens.  Luis Guttierez is a US citizen.  George Soros is a US citizen.

    None of them think, act or vote like Americans, and the places they dominate are very obviously not American.  They are not Americans, and neither are you.
