Saturday, April 22, 2017


Image result for north korea china images

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: "Dude, why are you yelling?

*Pic from the


  1. Real niggaz recognize, real niggaz and you ain't nan
    You don't know how to stab a nigga dead, keep a clean hand
    Sell a block for 24, you got's to 17 gram
    From Eastside niggaz and Kirkwood and Little Vietnam

  2. "Stop jabbing my ass with that bayonet, Kim!"

  3. "Chrome!? They plated these pieces of shit with chrome?"

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. "I love a parade..."

  5. Lt. Commander Johnson2:19 AM

    I love's me some Hitler.

    Watch us goose-step.

  6. Lt. Commander Johnson2:25 AM

    BTW, your comment a bout "chrome" a joke?

    Or, are you just stupid about modern military weapons?

  7. "BTW, your comment a bout "chrome" a joke?"

    Well, Lt. Commander Dingbat, I would suggest that given that Doug was given the task of writing a humorous caption to a photo, then yes indeed, it is more than likely a "joke."

    Hope this helps.

    (Oh and by the way, 'about' is one word - not two.)

  8. 23rd April 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  9. Obama will be in Chicago Monday. I wonder if the Keystone Kluster Fuck can find Chicago on the map and direct Seal Team 6 there to arrest Obama for being Black?

    I wonder if Drumpfuck remembers where he left Seal Team 6?

    Drumpf wants to trade funding for Obamacare for funding for Hatrian's Wall. Dems have no earthly reason to negotiate Obamacare. If it fails the public sez they will blame wingnuts.

  10. Korean military version of "Oh sexy Kim Jung Un... Oppa Bay'net Style"

  11. Lilacpr8:32 AM

    "Oh beautiful for spacious skies,
    For amber waves of grain,
    For purple mountain majesties
    Above thy fruited plain,
    America! America!
    God shed his grace oh thee
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea!"

  12. Lt. Commander Johnson10:22 AM

    Yeah. I know how to spell, PC. It was just a typo.

    Thanks for the wall update, though.

    As far as the "chrome thing" joke, my apologies. I don't live on the 'puter like you, I guess.

    I must have missed the "chrome" references. I was looking at the weapons the NORKS were marching with.

    But, I did ask a question to help clarify.

  13. Lilacpr yer song needs some changes. You need substitute specious for spacious. Can't use fruited, not even as a joke in a song. It has to be straight white plains. Better make it and crown thy good koch brotherhood. Dogs name needs to be removed and replaced by the 1%.

    That oughta fix it.

  14. Men who wear funny hats shouldn't carry loaded rifles.

  15. Lilacpr11:51 AM

    mike from iowa said...

    Lilacpr yer song needs some changes. You need substitute specious for spacious. Can't use fruited, not even as a joke in a song. It has to be straight white plains. Better make it and crown thy good koch brotherhood. Dogs name needs to be removed and replaced by the 1%.

    That oughta fix it.

    10:44 AM

    Lol! But noooooo! Pleeaassee, I love that song!!! I sang it so many times in school along with the Pledge of Allegiance!!! With my little right hand up to my heart!

    "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! and the 'Star Spangled Banner'!...'O say can you see'...

    Isn't that beautiful? and noble and pure? I get all teary eyed just remembering...That's what being an American is all about!!! You can't change it Mike! Sorry, that's not allowed!!!

    I'm going to sing it now...:D

  16. **SNIFF-SNIFF** Pass the Kleenex, Lila... "And the home of the brave..."


    -Doug in Oakland

  18. Lilacpr2:36 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    **SNIFF-SNIFF** Pass the Kleenex, Lila... "And the home of the brave..."

    1:38 PM

    I know right? :)

    and this one:
    My country tis of Thee
    Sweet land of libertyyyyy
    Of thee I sing.
    Land where my fathers died!
    Land of the pilgrims pride!
    From every mountain side
    Let freedom ring!

    We had to sing these all the time in school, so we're really indoctrinated xD

    Meanwhile back at home it was:
    "La cucaracha, la cucaracha, ya no puede caminarrr!"

    "La tierra de Borinquen donde he nacido yoooo,
    Es un jardin florido
    De majico primorrr!"...

    Whose confused? Not me...00

    1. Brings back memories, Lila :-) Also learned "La Cucaracha" during my early catholic school years.

  19. Doug @ 2:26- don't worry. Only drumpf can fix this. Yikes! Unfortunately he is an extremely slow learner.

  20. Brigade Fifteen3:08 PM

    "and this one:
    My country tis of Thee
    Sweet land of libertyyyyy
    Of thee I sing.
    Land where my fathers died!
    Land of the pilgrims pride!
    From every mountain side
    Let freedom ring!"

    Also known as the British national anthem, but with new American replacement lyrics.

    I always thought that one was a bit weird.

  21. "But, I did ask a question to help clarify."


  22. This edition of El Clásico has the greatest TV viewership of all time being shown live in 160 nations, and that was some goal by Lionel Messi, tends to suggest that those 'Messi is past it' stories are well wide of the mark.

  23. Land where my fathers died! Fathers? This is the stuff wingnuts have to guard against-having multiple fathers or mothers for that matter. You should have only one father- a straight white god fearing fauxknee goddamned kristian.


  24. Anonymous5:51 PM

    America please airdrop food...we are starving.....

  25. @Mike from Iowa... Becoming concerned someone could be hijacking your account. Land where my fathers died. Sort of like it takes a village.

  26. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  27. Which one of you mofos is standing on my corn??????????

  28. Lilacpr8:19 PM

    The one looking down on the right hand corner: Lookout! don't step on that dog shit!

    Guy next to him with closed eyes: Damn, too late I stepped in it!

  29. Lance Cockstrong9:57 PM

    Sgt. Poontang's Lonely Hearts Club Band ...

  30. Lance Cockstrong12:34 AM

    Where's Butt Trumpet's fucking Armada already .... any day now ..

  31. beemer@10:18 pm,#1, LC@9:57 pm, #2, PC@ 7:12 pm, #3
    HM to makaii7@ 11:07 am.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Anonymous10:02 AM

    From the Big Lebowski

    This is what happens when you fuck someone in the ass Donnie

  34. Lt. Commander Johnson8:04 PM

    3:08 PM
    Blogger The Purple Cow said...
    "But, I did ask a question to help clarify."


    3:20 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    Yeah. I know how to spell, PC. It was just a typo.

    Thanks for the wall update, though.

    As far as the "chrome thing" joke, my apologies. I don't live on the 'puter like you, I guess.

    I must have missed the "chrome" references. I was looking at the weapons the NORKS were marching with.

    But, I did ask a question to help clarify.

    10:22 AM"

    Now. Help me out here. What was I "lying about"?

  35. Anonymous9:07 PM

    North Korean Soldiers Unveil New Uniforms Based on Hillary Clinton Fashion Style.

  36. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Ha....we aint got no bullets.....
