Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sean's bad day.

Image result for sean spicer images        I like to joke that "I have never had a bad day in my life". I mean just waking up every day means that you have already had a good day, right? 

But even I have to admit that some of my days have been worse than others.

There was the time (while still a teenager) that I took a date to a fancy restaurant thinking that I had enough to pay for the meal, only to realize, after we were seated at the table and looking at our menus, that I couldn't even afford one of the appetizers.

Other days come to mind. Like that Sunday in 2005 when I watched #5 puke over himself in the fourth quarter costing my Birds their first ever Super Bowl.

Still, those days are nothing like the day that Sean Spicer had today.

"The White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, set off an intense backlash on Tuesday when he suggested that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria was guilty of acts worse than Hitler and asserted that Hitler had not used chemical weapons, ignoring the use of gas chambers at concentration camps during the Holocaust. Mr. Spicer later apologized.

During his daily briefing for reporters, Mr. Spicer was defending President Trump’s decision to order a missile strike on Syria by trying to lend gravity to the actions of Mr. Assad. American officials accuse the Syrian president of using sarin gas, a lethal chemical weapon, in an attack on a rebel-held area of Idlib Province last week that killed dozens, many of them children.
But in misconstruing the facts of the Holocaust — Nazi Germany’s brutally efficient, carefully orchestrated extermination of six million Jews and others — Mr. Spicer instead drew a torrent of criticism and added to the perception that the Trump White House lacks sensitivity and has a tenuous grasp of history.
“We didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II,” Mr. Spicer said. “You know, you had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”
He continued, “So you have to, if you are Russia, ask yourself: Is this a country and a regime that you want to align yourself with?”' [Source]
Dude it's Passover! Stop it!
Four corrections and an apology later did not make Spicer's comments any less outrageous  and controversial.
But this is part of a bigger pattern with this administration and those on the right. This normalization of all things Nazi . It's actually kind of scary if you think about it, and this might actually explain Spicer's outrageous statement. It just didn't seem that out of the main stream to him to make such a declaration about Hitler.   
If I were to take a poll and ask who had a worse week between Pepsi, United, or Sean Spicer, who would you choose?  Personally, I would have to go with Sean. United and Pepsi are corporations and they will bounce back. Folks who like to drink Pepsi products will keep drinking them, and United is one of the airlines with a monopoly in this country. They will take a PR hit, but they will ride it out. Folks won't stop flying.  
Sean, on the other hand, is a terrible spokesperson working for a terrible president, who-- you heard it here first-- will soon be out of a job. 
"I was obviously trying to make a point about the heinous acts that Assad had made against his own people last week, using chemical weapons and gas. Frankly, I mistakenly made an inappropriate and insensitive reference to the Holocaust, for which there is no comparison," Spicer said. "And for that I apologize. It was a mistake to do that."
Shake it off, Sean. Tomorrow is another day. For your sake I just hope that our president isn't tweeting tonight. 
*Pic from cnn.com


  1. Yisheng is a genius10:23 PM

    Spicey is what happens when dumb ass white men leave their trailer parks and attend community college.

    Spicey is what happens a triple mutant blond tried to defy the bomb stereotype.

    Spicey is what happens when whootemoos who desperately need ACA vote in record numbers against their own best interests.

    I'll think of more after I troubleshoot the (MATLAB) code for my SVM. Damn school!��

  2. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Sean will be on monster.com by the end of the week.


  3. Brigade Fifteen10:54 PM

    "Spicey is what happens when dumb ass white men leave their trailer parks and attend community college."

    Nah. Spicey isn't trailer trash. He can't use poverty as an excuse for his lameness and ignorance. He grew up middle class and attended private schools.

    He's just kinda dim. And a jerk.

    Look, for all the trendy privilege-theory-based talk about mediocre white people, there are plenty of smart white folks who could do Spicey's job infinitely better than him. But none of them would ever choose to work for a massive douche like Trump. (And anyway, I don't think Trump is really capable of recognizing who is talented and who isn't. I think he generally hires whomever sucks up to him the hardest.)

    This is what happens when a section of the voting public is so besotted with economic fantasies and racism that they are willing to elect a president who is manifestly unqualified for the job, so long as he is willing to tell them the lies they desperately want to hear. An incompetent boob at the top will lead to incompetent boobs all the way down the governmental hierarchy.

    There is even a word for this sort of government: Kakistocracy

    This means government by the absolute worst members of society, rather than the best it has to offer. Which is what we're now forced to live with.

  4. You could just see the fascism trying to get out of the bottle in Spicer's frantic backpedaling: the way he would go to say some fallback position justification of what he'd already screwed up and let slip, only to realize in horror that the other position was just as fucked up and carried even more fascist leanings with it, and tried to change up too late to keep from signaling what he almost said. Hitler didn't gas "his people" and those people weren't "innocent" like the civilians Assad gassed, etc. Basically he had to remember that you can't talk to decent human beings the same way you can talk to the Bannonite alt-right Nazi scumbags who now surround him at the White House, and he sucks at his job so horribly that even that was too much to ask in the delivery of his daily lie-fest. Perhaps they should look into hiring a parrot as press secretary: "AWK! AWK! Fake news! MAGA! AWK!" Would make as much sense as his daily secretions.
    I think he's more dumb than evil, but in high levels of responsibility the difference sometimes becomes indistinguishable.

    And about those chemical weapons: Maybe we should try funding some science about them at the levels we're funding blowing shit up over them:


    And earlier I said that it always seems that whenever a Trumpling says some really outrageously fucked up shit, it turns out to have been a distraction away from something they really didn't want attention on, and now it seems that Carter Page had a FISA warrant on him after his involvement with convicted Russian spies made them wonder if he might be an unregistered agent of Russia during the campaign...
    And Comey had to be overseeing that to some extent, and still thought it was more appropriate to write a letter to congress about nothing, I mean emails, than say anything at all, even to the intelligence chairs about Trumplets being investigated for espionage...

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Brigade Fifteen11:21 PM

    "I think he's more dumb than evil, but in high levels of responsibility the difference sometimes becomes indistinguishable."

    This is the open question about our current president: Will he do more harm by being evil, or by being stupid? Unfortunately, both factors are in play.

  6. Lt. Commander Johnson12:34 AM

    Uh huh.

    Hey Dougie...please define "facism".

    Not by Google...using your own words.

    You have no idea what it means.

  7. Lt. Commander Johnson12:40 AM

    BTW...Hitler wasn't a Fascist. Mussolini was.

    Hitler was a NAZI...which defines as a Nationalist Socialist.

    Tho, the Commies called him a "facist".

  8. I didn't say anything about Hitler being a fascist, I said that Spicer, while stepping on his own dick, exposed the fascist underpinnings of his despicable boss.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. And meanwhile back at the clusterfuck, the noises coming out of the White House on the subjects of Syria and North Korea are starting to sound eerily Iraq/WMD-esque.
    But who has time to listen to the run up to a stupid war or two when the press secretary is being so endlessly entertaining?
    I mean they're just lies, and we hear lies from them all the damn time, so why pay any attention to these specific ones?

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Lt. Commander Pussy1:33 AM

    You have no idea what it means.
    Dumb ass Lt. Commander Pussy, just because you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground doesn't mean everyone else is as dumb as you.

  11. Lt. Commander Johnson4:12 AM

    Instead of just insulting me, why don't you explain why I am wrong?

    I mean, you Anon, are apparently too smart.

  12. Lt. Commander Johnson4:19 AM

    "12:40 AM
    Blogger dinthebeast said...
    I didn't say anything about Hitler being a fascist, I said that Spicer, while stepping on his own dick, exposed the fascist underpinnings of his despicable boss."

    Oh, wow. Excuse me, Dougie.

    I guess I misunderstood what "fascist underpinnings" meant.

  13. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes6:12 AM

    BTW....tell me something Negros...You constantly use the term "trailer trash".

    Is that not a term to refer to nasty white people?

    Can I say nigger?

  14. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes6:32 AM

    Sean Spicer.

    Why don't you comment about that lying bitch, Susan Rice?

    Lemme guess.

  15. 12th April 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  16. Actually Tarzan, lord of stupid trolls, Ms. Rice was vindicated yesterday.

    Or don't u get the news in your little corner of the Ozarks?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Spicer was pissed because he didn't get to break the news that President Ivanka ordered the missile attack-according to Drumpf spawn Eric the Brown Nose.

    Alongside PC's meters of wall built should be the number of dollars appropriated for the meters of wall. That would be zero as well. Even too still yet, number of plans accepted to build wall-zero.

    1. Yisheng is a genius8:36 AM

      Why don't we keep a daily tally of how much it costs to keep a former buck naked "model" safe and PEEOTUS' weekly vacations in Florida.

      I'm sure the bill is in the 10s of millions so far.

  19. Yisheng8:32 AM

    I can't imagine what it must feel like to be in the military, and have PEEOTUS be your CIC.

    PEEOTUS is the epitome of white male clusterfuckness and I'm certain history will remember him accordingly.

  20. Tar Sands prowd of his drapes- According to a report in CNN, Republican and Democratic lawmakers and aides have not found evidence that the Obama administration did anything unusual or illegal after reviewing some of the same intelligence reports brought to light by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes. Their assessment contradicts that of President Trump, who alleged that former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice broke the law by requesting that certain identities of U.S. individuals be "unmasked." Rice defended her actions last week on MSNBC, saying her requests were “absolutely not for any political purposes, to spy, or anything.” Last week, Nunes recused himself temporarily from the ongoing Russia investigation as the House Ethics Committee announced it was investigating whether Nunes revealed classified materials.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaahha! That has got to hurt!

  21. Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes8:53 AM

    "Blogger field negro said...
    Actually Tarzan, lord of stupid trolls, Ms. Rice was vindicated yesterday.

    8:03 AM"

    "Vindicated" Bullshit.

    Your stinking Defense Lawyer is showing.

  22. US Navy Seals have a serious drug problem and apparently are dealing drugs. I guess killing isn't enough of a high. Or is it stress and just some shit to do?

    Drumpf claims he has created 600000 jobs in his 11 weeks in office. Even if you add in Obama's job totals for January it comes to barely 500000 jobs. What a moron.

  23. Mike, he is not a moron to claim that.
    The folks that believe it, they would be the morons..

  24. Brigade Fifteen12:28 PM

    "Actually Tarzan, lord of stupid trolls, Ms. Rice was vindicated yesterday.

    Or don't u get the news in your little corner of the Ozarks?"

    Given that Susan Rice had already become a vilified hate object in the wingnut-o-sphere as part of the whole Benghazi smear campaign, it's not surprising that Trump found it useful to also make her the chief villain in his latest sad persecution fantasy that the feds "wiretapped" him.

    But that might not be what your troll is referring to. It's also the case that the wingnuts have been driven into a hysterical frenzy over a recent WaPo story dissecting some of Ms. Rice's comments on Obama's deal with Russia/Assad to dismantle Syria's chemical weapons. The Post basically called her a big ol' liar.

    Susan Rice’s claim that Obama got Syria to ‘verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile’

    Now, it's certainly the case that Obama's 2013 deal didn't completely work. It probably did result in some of Syria's weapons stockpiles being destroyed ... but clearly not all of them, as the Syrian military kept right on gassing civilians afterwards. And Susan Rice knew that probably not all of the stockpiles were gone, and she used qualified, lawyerly language that could fairly be described as somewhat deceptive and as making the deal sound more successful than it was.

    But a 4 out of 4 Pinocchio rating? WTF, WaPo? I can't agree with them there. This puts her use of ambiguous language on par with Trump statements that were 100% indefensible, blatant fabrications -- like Obama's alleged Kenyan birth, or the fictional Arabs in NJ Trump claimed to have seen celebrating 9/11, or the "biggest crowds ever" at his inauguration.

    I can't think of a better example than this of MSM false equivalence, of treating misdemeanors by the Left the same as felonies by the Right. According to the Post, a left-wing politician making what are, at worst, exaggerated claims is supposedly equivalent to right-wing politicians shamelessly spouting utter bullshit?

    No. Just no. This is exactly what is wrong with our media and it's one of the reasons that Americans vote like such complete morons.

  25. Ivanka ordered the Syrian missile strike according to brother Eric the Dumb.

  26. James Bold1:33 PM

    "statements that were 100% indefensible, blatant fabrications -- like Obama's alleged Kenyan birth"

    You mean, fake sources like Obama himself, relayed through his agency?

    "BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller."

    It is going to be REALLY hard for you to ever come back to reality.  I bet a lot of you are going to commit suicide rather than face the pain.

    1. James' 150 IQ6:37 PM

      No James, we mean fake news like the sites you always link.

  27. elanor Roosevelt nailed wingnuts way back when- https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rwrGjSpM8lo/WNg4OCHrB4I/AAAAAAABl9s/k2AYpi0I8bIsoKVDA-ylmAooyXtetADzQCLcB/s640/y%2Beleanor.jpg

    Wingnuts are ruled by money!

  28. Brigade Fifteen2:15 PM

    So, in other news, UK tabloid The Daily Mail has reached a financial settlement with Melania Trump for defaming her by calling her a ho.

    However, if you marry a gross old man of despicable character purely for the money ... aren't you still a ho? I'm so confused.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. From Steve Benen at the Maddow Blog:
    "More Americans than ever view the news through red-colored glasses. In 2013, when Barack Obama was president, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found that only 22 percent of Republicans supported the U.S. launching missile strikes against Syria in response to Bashar al-Assad using chemical weapons against civilians.

    A new Post-ABC poll finds that 86 percent of Republicans support Donald Trump's decision to launch strikes on Syria for the same reason. Only 11 percent are opposed."

    There are the infinitely reprogrammable pig-people who are to blame for this whole hideous mess in all of their fucked up glory.

    Those same two polls showed that 38% of Democrats supported Obama's proposed missile strikes in 2013, while 37% support Trump's strike last week.

    Both sides don't.

    -Doug in Oakland

  31. A tiny slice of poetic justice:


    -Doug in Oakland

  32. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90iPgPgSPi

    Sez video does not exist, Doug. :(

  33. It works, you just didn't get the last character in the link.

    Why are the perverts always the ones passing laws about everyone else's sexual behavior?


    -Doug in Oakland

  34. Lance Cockstrong6:14 PM

    Spice Boy will fit right in with United Airlines, they can't get their story straight either:

    "The passenger was disruptive and belligerent"

    "I apologize for having to re-accommodate these customers"

    "I deeply apologize to the customer forcibly removed and to all the customers aboard. No one should ever be mistreated this way." - read: I apologize to our shareholders for the plummeting stock price

  35. It's simple albinos hate other albinos especially the ones who control their lives

  36. James' literary agent6:41 PM

    I wonder how many more books James will sell compared to Obama.


  37. Pretending not to undertand what Spicer meant in order to engage in fake outrage.

    Jig, Field, jig for your masters!

  38. Limpbaugh7:49 PM

    After reversing himself on non intervention in Syria, shadow government puppet Trump just reversed himself on NATO. European countries want a pipeline through Syria. It will mean cheaper oil for them. And they use terrorists to get it. Russia doesn't want the pipeline because it would be a competitive disadvantage for their oil, so they fight NATO's ISIS "moderate rebels" to protect their ally Syria. Trump also reversed himself on China being a currency manipulator. They are, and I don't even know of any of the politicians who didn't do anything about it denying that they were. Trump is on pace to being the worst president we've ever had. He should have reversed himself on things like the wall, gestapo tactics against immigrants, trickle down economics, and destroying the environment. Instead of getting good with the bad, we are getting bad with the bad.

  39. Cattle8:10 PM

    It took three months, but the unceasing chants of Trump is Hitler who colluded with Russia to Hack the Election finally broke him. When presented with a false flag chemical attack, he caved and fired missiles at Israel's enemy who is allied with Russia, thus garnering the praise of America's 46 top newspapers, not one of which endorsed him for President.

    When your enemies praise you, you know you've lost.

    Nobody beats the Jews.

    The truth about American elections is that no matter who you vote for, you get Hillary.

  40. Uncle Remus9:37 PM

    Pretending not to undertand what Spicer meant in order to engage in fake outrage.
    Pretending to not see the parallels to neo-nazi sympathizing (Steve Bannon, no mention of Jew during Holocaust Remembrence Day and no mention of anti-Semitic violence) is shameless jigging.

  41. Alternative facts9:38 PM

    The truth about American elections is that no matter who you vote for, you get Hillary.
    Dear god if only that was the truth.

  42. Speaking of "crazy as a shithouse rat":


    -Doug in Oakland

  43. Brigade Fifteen10:22 PM

    "It took three months, but the unceasing chants of Trump is Hitler who colluded with Russia to Hack the Election finally broke him. When presented with a false flag chemical attack, he caved and fired missiles at Israel's enemy who is allied with Russia, thus garnering the praise of America's 46 top newspapers, not one of which endorsed him for President.

    When your enemies praise you, you know you've lost.

    Nobody beats the Jews."

    Conclusive proof that racists' brains don't work too good.

  44. Brigade Fifteen10:29 PM

    "Why are the perverts always the ones passing laws about everyone else's sexual behavior?"

    When they're not passing laws about everyone else's behavior, they're passing laws that say churches can have their own police forces.

    This sounds like it must be some kind of joke, and I only wish it were. But, you know, it's Alabama, so ...

    Everyone knows red-state America is a third-world country. But why do they insist on dragging the rest of us down to their abysmal level?

  45. They can drag and drag all they want, I ain't going.

    -Doug in Oakland

  46. You can't get any lower, Dougie.

  47. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!
