Saturday, June 10, 2017


Image result for trump fool image

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: ~Man in glasses~ 'I don't care if he is the president, if he lets one go one more time I am leaving."

*Pic from


  1. Lilacpr11:22 PM

    The Donald: I'm sure that the good Lord up above will strike down Comey for all those lies he told! and all of these others that are hindering me from MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

    Can I get a amen?

    Man in glasses thinks: I ain't messing with the good Lord! That's where I draw the line! But oh well...amen...

  2. "We've done a lot a things to Make America Great Again, but as I look upon the traitor Obama swinging from the end of a noose, I think this is the greatest."

  3. "Alas, poor Flynn! I knew him, Jared: a fellow
    of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath
    boned me on his back a thousand times; and now, how
    abwhorred in my imagination it is!"

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Anonymous11:47 PM

    President Trump: Civilization is the advance of technical and scientific knowledge, and most importantly, social organization. Most of all it is the capability to maintain cooperate/cooperate relationships in very large groups. You will notice that the enlightenment is a root and branch attack on civilization, and Rousseau explicitly framed it as an attack on civilization and intent to destroy civilization.

    Man in glasses: The devaluation of local prejudices and customs is the dismantling of Chesterton’s fence, the abandonment of the slowly and painfully accumulated habits, customs, laws and institutions that make civilization possible, the devaluation and abandonment of the roots of Western Civilization. Our Cathedrals are empty and abandoned.

    President Trump: Motherfuckers.

  5. ctrl+halt+del10:43 AM

    The good book says we are all sinners and I don't mean to disappoint.

  6. ... Trump then gestured upwards, toward the "Chinese hoax" filling the atmosphere and threatening all of humanity, and assured the gathering of like-minded morons that he would do nothing about it.

  7. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Holy shit! Are those dragons? (the drugs kick in)


  8. Roger Waters played here last night, and while I didn't go as I can no longer navigate crowds of that size, some video showed up on YouTube this morning. Holly and Jess from Lucius are singing backups for him still, and I'm hoping the whole show gets uploaded because their rendition of "The Great Gig in the Sky" will send shivers down your spine.
    Here he is ripping holes in president four-year-old with "Pigs":

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Sid Vicious2:52 PM

    It's sad what Roger Waters has become, a bitter old man haranguing people who came to hear music with self-indulgent rants against a person he knows next to nothing about.

    At least it makes resentful shut-ins like Doug happy, in a pathetically hateful way.

  10. ctrl+halt+del4:06 PM

    Precedent Twamp thinks back to when he was three and fondled his first vagina.

  11. "... self-indulgent rants against a person he knows next to nothing about."

    That Trump guy -- who could possibly figure him out? Who could glean any information about his character? He's so shy and inscrutable.

    Well, except for the constant, obvious lying and petty vindictiveness. And the unethical business deals. And the pathetic ignorance about basic issues of science, economics, international relations, or law. And the sexual assaulting. And the shameless racism.

    Yep, he's a total mystery, lol.

  12. You know what? It's pretty easy to understand his supporters, too.

    Mr. Tangerine Man

    "Hey, Mr. Tangerine man, build a wall for me
    I'm not that bright and don't know that you're not going to
    Hey, Mr. Tangerine man, keep Muslims away from me
    With my jingoistic world view, I'll come following you

    Fake me out with this,
    I'll be your newest apprentice
    My sister thinks you're a trip
    All my friends say "Get a grip"
    And my skull's too numb to think
    Waiting only for the bullshit you've been pedaling

    I'm ready to think anything
    Your orange face does not fade
    My IQ's 88
    Cast your protesters my way
    I promise to go punching them

    Hey, Mr. Tangerine man, build a wall for me
    I'm not that bright and don't know that you're not going to
    Hey, Mr. Tangerine man, keep Muslims away from me
    With my jingoistic world view, I'll come following you"

  13. OK, B15, that was fucking hilarious. And as for the "... self-indulgent rants against a person he knows next to nothing about." thing, that song was recorded for the album "Animals" in 1976, and Mr. Waters has expressed the same sort of surprise that everyone else feels that someone would so exactly conform to the lyrics he wrote more than forty years ago as has president four-year-old.

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. "OK, B15, that was fucking hilarious."

    If he's heard it, I'm sure Bob Dylan is laughing with us.

  15. Probably Crosby and McGuinn also.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. Sid Vicious8:22 PM

    "Yep, he's a total mystery, lol."

    He is to you. Everything you think you know is based on the cartoon characterizations and misinformation fed to you by the Fakestream Media.

    Incessantly talking about impeachment and nullifying the election over absolute fantasy scenarios - you are a joke.

  17. Sid Vicious8:26 PM

    "Mr. Waters has expressed the same sort of surprise that everyone else feels that someone would so exactly conform to the lyrics he wrote more than forty years ago"

    That's not delusional, is it Doug?

  18. BF @4:49 is the winner. Just because. :)

  19. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  20. Anonymous9:06 AM

    "There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway
