Friday, June 09, 2017

Who do you believe?

Image result for trump comey imagesPresident trump has now called James Comey a liar, and he has volunteered to testify under oath to refute what James Comey said while he was under oath.

The question now is which one of these two men do you believe.

The president?

"There’s a high bar to accusing someone of committing a “lie,” and we don’t do it lightly.

A lie isn’t just a false statement. It’s a false statement whose speaker knows it’s false. In these instances, the president — or his administration — have clear reason to know otherwise. Reporters are understandably cautious about using the word — some never do, because it requires speculating on what someone is thinking. The cases we call "lies" are ones where we think it's fair to make that call: Trump is saying something that contradicts clear and widely published information that we have reason to think he's seen. This list also includes bullshit: speech that is — in its academic definition — "unconnected to a concern with the truth.
trump's words: "The NSA and FBI tell Congress that Russia did not influence electoral process."
Lie: Trump posted the above tweet just hours after FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers began testifying about Russian interference in the 2016 election in favor of Trump. Comey testified that the FBI came to believe that Russia was using “active measures” to hurt the Clinton campaign and help the Trump campaign.
“They wanted to hurt our democracy, hurt her and help him,” Comey said. “Putin hated Secretary Clinton so much that the flip side of that coin was that he had a clear preference for the person running against the person he hated so much.”
Trump's tweet — and the video clip included with it — is a selective portion of the hearing where Nunes was asking Rogers if he had evidence Russia changed vote tallies in specific states.
Trump's words: “We got 306 because people came out and voted like they’ve never seen before so that’s the way it goes. I guess it was the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan,” Trump said during a news conference on Feb. 16.
Lie: Trump actually won 304 electoral votes, because two electors refused to cast their vote for him when the Electoral College met.
Several former presidents have also received more electoral votes than Trump. George H. W. Bush won with 426 electoral votes in 1988. Bill Clinton won 370 votes in 1992 and 379 in 1996, and Barack Obama won with 365 votes in 2008.
When a reporter at the news conference called Trump out for spreading false information, the president said, "Well, I was just given that information. I don’t know. I was just given…We had a very big margin."
Trump's words: Trump tweeted on Sunday, "While on FAKE NEWS @CNN, Bernie Sanders was cut off for using the term fake news to describe the network. They said technical difficulties!"
Senator Sanders was on CNN's Erin Burnett Out Front on Feb. 10, discussing Trump's travel ban and controversy surrounding National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, among other topics.

Lie: During the interview, Burnett showed Sanders a clip of Trump responding to a reporter's question following news that Flynn called the Russian ambassador to the US before the inauguration to discuss previously-imposed sanctions. In the clip, Trump says he has "not seen the report."
Burnett then asked Sanders if it's a problem that the president did not know about the report, in which Sanders criticized Trump for dismissing negative news as "fake news."
CNN PR tweeted a transcript of the interview, which reads:
Burnett: "He says he knows nothing about it, hasn't seen any of these reports. Is that a problem?"
Sanders: "Well, I don't know, maybe he was watching CNN fake news, what do you think?"
Burnett: "You don't buy it?"
Sanders: "That was a joke."
Burnett: "I know it was a joke. I'm saying, you don't buy what he said, obviously?"
Right after Burnett acknowledged that Sanders was joking when he called CNN "fake news," the audio cut out and CNN went to a commercial break. When the show returned, Burnett picked up her interview where they left off and Sanders went on to say it's "not a joke" when "you have a president who attacks people in the media who make critical remarks of him — which is what their jobs is — as providing 'fake news.'"
rump's words: Trump again claimed there was widespread voter fraud during the November election, this time telling senators “thousands” of people were bussed in from Massachusetts to vote in New Hampshire.
Trump made the unsubstantiated claims in a closed-door meeting with 10 senators Thursday to discuss his Supreme Court nomination, Neil Gorsuch, Politico reported.
Trump blamed “thousands” of people who were “brought in on buses” from Massachusetts to vote illegally in New Hampshire during the meeting, which was also reported by the Associated Press.
Lie: Officials at New Hampshire’s secretary of state office, US Attorney’s Office, and Massachusetts’ attorney general’s office told BuzzFeed News there was no evidence to support the president’s claim.
“We have not seen any evidence of busloads of out-of-state voters coming across the border to vote in New Hampshire elections,” David Scanlan, deputy secretary of state for New Hampshire, said. Read more here.
rump's words: Trump tweeted at 6:57 a.m., "Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had (major lie), now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?"
At 8:17 a.m., Trump added, "Chris Cuomo, in this interview with Sen. Blumenthal, never asked him about his long-term lie about his brave 'service' in Vietnam. FAKE NEWS!"
Blumenthal was interviewed on CNN Thursday morning, following his statement from the previous day, in which he said the president's nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Gorsuch, said Trump's recent attacks on the judiciary are "disheartening" and "demoralizing."
Lie: Cuomo asked that exact question. His question to Blumenthal was, "What is your response to the president of the United States, who says you should not be believed because you misrepresented your military record in the past?" [Source]
There is lots more where that came from, but I think you get the picture.
James Comey?
James Brien Comey Jr. (born December 14, 1960) is an American lawyer who served as the seventh Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from September 2013 until May 2017.[2] Comey has been a registered Republican for most of his life, but is now independent.
Comey was the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York from January 2002 to December 2003, and subsequently the United States Deputy Attorney General from December 2003 to August 2005 in the administration of President George W. Bush. Comey appointed Patrick Fitzgerald to be the Special Counsel to head the grand jury investigation into the Plame affair after Attorney General John Ashcroft recused himself.
In August 2005, Comey left the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and became general counsel and senior vice president of Lockheed Martin, based in Bethesda, Maryland.[3] In 2010, he became general counsel at Bridgewater Associates, based in Westport, Connecticut. In early 2013, he left Bridgewater to become a Senior Research Scholar and Hertog Fellow on National Security Law at Columbia Law School. He served on the Board of Directors of HSBC Holdings until July 2013.[4]
In September 2013, Comey was appointed Director of the FBI by President Barack Obama.[5] In that capacity, he was responsible for overseeing the FBI's investigation of the Hillary Clinton email controversy. His role in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, particularly with regard to his public communications, was highly controversial.[6] His decisions have been regarded by a number of analysts, including Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight, to have likely cost Clinton the election.... [Source]
I think we have read enough.


  1. Never believe Trump. That is a universal rule. Doesn't matter the credibility of the person he is in a dispute with; Trump's credibility will always be worse.

  2. The Trumpening10:39 PM

    Reality does not go away just because you deny it. Trump is going to be your President until January 20, 2025, and you are going to have to accept that.

  3. The FBI and the DOJ should not be independent. They should answer directly to Trump and be tasked with prosecuting top Democrats.

    There is so much malfeasance going on that the FBI could investigate practically anybody for any reason. They must be directed by the President to focus on Democrat politicians and their media co-conspirators.

    If the FBI refuses to do it's job, then Jeff Sessions should begin appointing special counsels to investigate the Clintons, the Podestas, George Soros, the New York Times et cetera.

    If we truly want to Make America Great Again, we are going to have start imprisoning the Enemies of America.

  4. Reality does not go away just because you deny it. Trump is going to be forced out, and then he will not be your President until FOREVER, and you are going to have to accept that.

  5. "The FBI and the DOJ should not be independent. They should answer directly to Trump and be tasked with prosecuting top Democrats."

    Should probably change the name of the FBI, too, then. "Gestapo" sounds appropriate.

  6. "Trump is going to be forced out"

    Go ahead, end America, the only thing that is keeping you alive.

  7. It's time to put journalists in a camp "until we can figure out what the hell is going on."

  8. It becomes increasingly difficult to understand how anyone who purports to stay objectively abreast of news could still be defending Islam.

  9. "Go ahead, end America, the only thing that is keeping you alive."

    What would be most likely to "end America" is Trump being allowed to keep his job.

  10. President four-year-old may have wandered into a trap with his blustering bullshit about wanting to testify under oath. He may have a lot of experience bullying people with less money than he has into settling in civil suits by being utterly unethical and hiring attack dog style attorneys who remind him of his mentor, Roy Cohn, but he isn't playing for peanuts with peons any more. These people are the real thing, and he has no idea how to act around them, much less compete with them legally.
    Not only has Comey very carefully handed Mueller the foundations of a case with his very corroborable testimony, but Mueller is signalling with his hires for the investigation that he's not fucking around.
    A few days ago it was announced that he would be bringing Andrew Weissmann onto his team, and that's not good news for anyone in president four-year-old's orbit that isn't as clean as the driven snow, and today it was announced that he would be bringing Michael Dreeben on:
    “Michael is the most brilliant and most knowledgeable federal criminal lawyer in America — period,” said Walter Dellinger, a law professor at Duke University School of Law and acting solicitor general for the 1996-1997 term of the Supreme Court.

    So it looks like Mueller is serious about both investigating even when it's hard and putting together a criminal case that even someone with real wits can't weasel out of, so offering himself up to them may not have been the wisest legal strategy.
    But hey, it probably played well on TV with the Pig-People, who care fuck all about the truth as long as their Orange Fire Demon is behind it.
    And perhaps he should think twice about saying anything at all about "leakers" given his history. It only makes people think of hookers when he says it, and not just any hookers, but Russian hookers.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. James Bold1:35 AM

    "trump's words: "The NSA and FBI tell Congress that Russia did not influence electoral process."

    Lie: Trump posted the above tweet just hours after FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers began testifying about Russian interference in the 2016 election in favor of Trump."

    You lie yourself.  Russia "aspired" to hurt Clitlery (and who wouldn't aspire to hurt a candidate whose backers want a war with you?) but that doesn't mean they accomplished anything or favored Trump at all.

    "Rogers clarified that while he was highly confident the Russians wanted to prevent Clinton from winning, and to undercut her effectiveness if she did win, he was only moderately confident the Russians actively wanted Trump to win."

    The active tampering of Mexico in US elections is something you won't even mention.

    "Trump actually won 304 electoral votes, because two electors refused to cast their vote for him when the Electoral College met."

    Trump received 306 electors.  Funny that you don't mention that Clitlery lost 5 EVs, 3 to Colin Powell (a Republican!), 1 to Bernie Sanders and 1 to Faith Spotted Eagle.  She would have lost 3 more but those electors were replaced under state laws binding them to the will of the voters.  Had Trump's electors been similarly bound he would have received the full 306.

    But we know that truth doesn't matter to you.  It's tribal warfare all the way down.

    And Blockhead Fifteen joins the fray:

    "Trump is going to be forced out"

    IOW, Blockhead is expecting a coup to overturn the results of a free and fair election... or as free and fair as it could ever be with epidemic Demonratic vote-tampering.  But as someone who lives in greater Chimpcongo, he probably accepts this as normal.  He may even be part of it.

    I've got news for you, Blockhead:  this is how you get a civil war.  There are about a trillion rounds of ammunition in civilian hands in the USA.  Most of that is held by people who hate Clinton and the Washington insiders.  Kick Civil War II off, and all the Demonratic cities will be cut off from electricity, fuel and food shipments... and that's just the first week.

    "What would be most likely to "end America" is Trump being allowed to keep his job."

    Marxist love to invert the meaning of words.  In their lexicon, "tolerance" means rabid bigotry and hatred.  "America" means anti-America.  We want to end what YOU call "America", and we're not the least bit reluctant to say so.

  12. Anonymous3:02 AM

    You can't bring Big Dick Trump down, no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you lie. Trump is making America great again. End of story.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go jerk off to pictures of Sarah Palin in her black leather boots.


  13. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go jerk off to pictures of Sarah Palin in her black leather boots.

    A warning from the American Urological Association:

    Masturbating to Sarah Palin causes erectile dysfunction.

  14. Limpbaugh4:58 AM

    I don't believe Russia gave Wikileaks the leaked data. The DNC didn't offer any reward money for information about the death of their Data Director Seth Rich. Wikileaks did. The DNC had plenty of money to give out for bonuses though, and there is a second lawsuit against them now for not paying overtime pay when they had all that money. The first was for not following impartiality rules in their charter and cheating Barry Sanders. They collected donations under false pretenses. Since Trump had no chance of winning, I guess Russia must have been a pissed off Barry Sanders supporter, instead of Republicans as the media would have us believe. They were so pissed off that they wasted their blackmail documents on a hopeless cause instead of saving them until Hillary was president.

    Nothing was taken in the supposed "botched robbery" attempt of Seth Rich. They left his his phone, wallet, and credit cards, etc. Podesta had written about making an example of a leaker. Taking Seth Rich's valuables would have made the murder look like a robbery and not accomplished the purpose of scaring potential leakers.

    The intelligence agencies all have high or moderate confidence that Russia interfered in the election (by telling us the truth). WMDs in Iraq was a slam dunk. Maybe I'll believe that Russia gave the DNC and Podesta leaks to Wikileaks if Colin Powell shows us vials of talcum powder and cartoons based on descriptions from Curveball. Have you ever heard anyone who blames Russia mention that the Wikileaks Vault 7 release of CIA documents showed the CIA can can fake every aspect of a Russian hacking?

  15. Limpbaugh5:44 AM

    My guess is that Trump is lying about not demanding loyalty, but that is just a guess. One reason why Trump feels vindicated is that Comey said he did tell Trump he wasn't being investigated three times. He also said that CNN lied about it. Supporting that they are fake news. I suppose that Comey not saying it publicly before could be one point on the side that Comey was justifiably fired. Comey admitting leaking a story to the NY Times might be another factor on the side of him being justifiably fired. But these aren't important issues. Not being the subject of the investigation only means Trump's campaign is being investigated and Trump will be investigated if they find something on him. And Trump fired Comey because of the Russia investigation whether or not other minor factors are questionable. The intelligence heads did say they found no proof that Russia did successfully influence the election. That is completely stupid. Of course the DNC and Podesta leaks changed votes, but Russia didn't leak them. They blame Russia to sell weapons and escalate the proxy war in Syria. Some of the big take aways from the hearing were Loretta Lynch ordering Comey to use Hillary's campaign terminology to describe the email investigation, and disgusting John McCain's idiocy. We have more proof the DOJ and FBI are politicized. And I wonder how many kids his ISIS moderate rebels raped today? ...but the Russians made Hillary use that unsecure server in her bathroom closet.

  16. Every time Drumpf opens his bung hole he is attempting to obstruct justice. He is trying to change the narrative to fit his alternative la-la land views.

    Baldy wants a race war and like most wingnuts when the shit starts flying he will be in hiding. Prolly behind his Mother's skirts in her basement.

    Want to know who wants to destroy America? Read up on racist Bannon and his ilk.

  17. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Never trust an FBI man...........

  18. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Progressive Center Left strategy is working.....they will loose as usual.

  19. Anonymous8:59 AM

  20. Lilacpr9:37 AM

    Wait! While this is as entertaining as a Mexican novela, what happened to MAGA? What happened to the great wall? What happened to all the jobs? What happened with "just give me a chance"? Where's all the good stuff that was supposed to be happening???

    Oh that's right...I forget, same old,same old...everything changes and blah,blah,blah...

  21. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Politico? What a source!

    What to take away from Comey Day:

    Comey is a perjurer. Comey used his position as a political tool (He's a tool as well). Comey is a 6'8" wimp. Loretta Lynch needs to be investigated.

    Most importantly liberals now embrace a shyster as their savior. The same guy(?) that liberals say cost them the 2016 election. It's hard to understand liberal logic. Must be the feelz.

  22. Anonymous10:03 AM

    "Mexican novella" that's racist! I'm hurt, no I'm traumatized, no I'm oppressed...that's it oppressed. I needs dat money nomesayin'.

  23. James Bold10:10 AM

    "Baldy wants a race war"

    I'd be more than happy to move all Africans-in-America back to da muddaland and get rid of any possibility of a race war (and reclaim Baltimore, Detroit, Newark and Memphis for civilization, among many other dead cities).  Blacks would still have gang/tribal wars but they wouldn't affect Americans any more.

    "like most wingnuts when the shit starts flying he will be in hiding."

    You think I bought an AR-15 to hide in my basement.  Uh-huh.

    It's been the left, like the fascist Antifa and BLM, who've been starting shit all over the country.  (Not too often where concealed-carry is the law.  Funny about that, isn't it?)  What you don't get is that action begets reaction; you went after free-speech advocates one time too many and got them to band together into a league of alt-knights.  Now your Antifags and Black Liars Mutter can either raise the stakes to firearms and serious explosives, or go home.

    You're the ones who want universal gun control.  My side is the one sitting on 200 million guns and a trillion rounds of ammunition.

    You are so completely deluded.  Your salty tears are really going to be a treat.

    1. Jamie Bitch is an inbred moron11:34 AM

      No Jamie, your type is a bunch of inbred ignoramuses with a collective IQ of 150. Oh, so that's what you mean by 150 IQ, your entire trailer park. Ah, now that makes sense.

  24. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I wish all europeons would get on planes,and boats and go back to the old country,fatherland,or whatever it's called! I'm sure all Indigenous people in the Americas would be grateful!

  25. Jamie Bitch is really really dumb11:29 AM

    Demonratic cities will be cut off from electricity, fuel and food shipments... and that's just the first week.
    And then the idiots like Jamie Bitch come riding out of the woods riding unicorns waving their magic wands while their dragons burn the cities. And this is what a mind with an IQ of 150 gets us huh?

  26. "And then the idiots like Jamie Bitch come riding out of the woods riding unicorns waving their magic wands while their dragons burn the cities."

    Yeah, there are some major problems with this theory of some massive pro-Trump uprising restoring him to power.

    For starters, lots of people who voted for Trump, never even liked him. They held their noses and voted Republican out of habit, or because they wanted a tax cut or a conservative SCOTUS pick, or out of deranged Hillary-hatred.

    And with Trump becoming more and more of an embarrassing joke with each passing day, in another year, it's only going to be his hardcore racist "alt-right" weenie fanboys who still even want him around. Unless Trump can find some way to declare martial law and make himself dictator, removing him will become increasingly feasible.

    And then what? An army comprised of James Bold, Cletus Sisterhumper, and Dwayne Trailerdweller facing off against the actual Army? It's going to be a very short (and entertaining) battle.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Yeah, they'll attack the cities? Yeah, you know the place they hate because it has jobs and money two things the Jamie Bitch types know nothing about.

  27. Alt pussies12:33 PM

    Alt knight? You mean a bunch of pussies bitching on the internet about how they won't watch ESPN anymore?


  28. You think I bought an AR-15 to hide in my basement. Uh-huh

    Baldy is so fucking dumb. He thinks we want universal gun control and then tells the world he hid an AR in his basement fer chrissakes. He not only admits it, he confirms it in the same stoopid sentence.

    What a maroon!

  29. Winning!1:15 PM

    How is that "resisting" going?

    -Kathy Griffin: Fired
    -Reza Aslan: Fired
    -Trump not under investigation
    -Reality Loser Leaker in prison

  30. Has McShame been carted off to the old age/ nuthut? Wingnuts can't govern. They are impotent, gutless, nutless little girlie men who don't understand economics or gravity or much of anything else. They bon't know how to run investigations or get convictions because they are stoopid little shits.They need to go up the mountain, get focused and all jump at once. Do some good once in your life.

  31. "You think I bought an AR-15 to hide in my basement. Uh-huh"

    He know that's exactly why he bought it.

    He's probably cowering there now, worried that any moment, a horde of scary black savages will descend on him.

  32. Razor1:21 PM

    Trump hoped Comey would do something but he didn't.

    Lynch ordered Comey to lie for Hillary and he did.

    Which is the abuse of power?

  33. From the Rude Pundit:

    "Random Observations on Comey's Testimony (and a "Thank You" to Trump Voters)
    1. Hey, there, Americans who voted for Donald Trump for president. I just wanna offer a hearty "thanks" for putting Trump in office. I mean, I thought things would be crazy, but, seriously, I never expected Trump to exceed expectations so quickly. Are you having fun yet? Are you tired of winning? Man, I sure am. I can't handle all this winning.
    That's what it is, right? Trump's wins? Having the former director of the FBI testify under oath that Trump is a debased, immoral lying liar who lies so much that you gotta be ready for more lies? That's winning, no?

    Having an attorney general who perjured himself repeatedly? Winning so hard that it hurts! And bonus winning: Trump never asked Comey about Russian interference in American elections. That means Trump knew the answer already. Or he didn't give a shit because it benefited him.

    Goddamn, I don't see how you Trump voters can stand all this fucking winning."

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. Comey personally obstructed justice in covering up the Obama deepstate in a massive scheme:

    Obama spied on Seth Rich, unmasked and exposed him to the Clinton camp, caused his death, then framed the Trump/Russia.

    Deep State traitors will hang.

  35. Ricky1:41 PM

    Liberal Logic: A boy who identifies as a girl really is a girl, but a terrorist who identifies as a Muslim is not really a Muslim.

  36. Jamie Bitch is one dumb sob1:56 PM

    "You think I bought an AR-15 to hide in my basement. Uh-huh"

    Puleeze, you think Jamie's dumb ass can afford a gun on his salary cleaning planes? He about as much has an AR-15 as he has a 150 IQ.

  37. Conservative=dumb ass1:58 PM

    Conservative logic. Oh that's right, there's no such thing.

  38. Wingnut logic- Obama's biggest scandal-and it got Hannity's full attention had Obama putting mustard on a hamburger. Why oh why did they not impeach the Kenyan usurper?

    Sorry, I forgot. Wingnuts are too stoopid to be able to indict a ham sandwich.

  39. President Criminal2:18 PM

    Obama's biggest scandal was the unprecedented criminal abuse of power in weaponizing the IRS, EPA, and other regulatory agencies against his political opposition and the use of the NSA, CIA, and FBI to spy on American citizens for political ends.

    If this were a real country, he'd end up in prison for the rest of his life.

  40. James Bold2:26 PM

    "He thinks we want universal gun control and then tells the world he hid an AR in his basement fer chrissakes."

    Oh, no.  That gun is only in my basement right now because that's where it's convenient for me when I'm working.  There are others also conveniently placed.

    ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ.  You'll get them bullets first.

  41. Baldy Drumpf is lying out of both ends, now. Stock up on Depends, buddy, When the bullets fly the shit in your britches will, too.

  42. Dumbass dubya and Darth Cheney tppk the IRS off auditing the wealthy and sicced them on the poors.

    Remember the Patriot Act that was passed without anyone knowing what was in it?

    Remember Ashcroft and his stoopid color alerts and the suspension of Habeas Corpus?

    Of course wingnuts won't remember. Their memories are shorter and darker than their micro-pee pee tails.

  43. The Trumpening said...

    Reality does not go away just because you deny it. Trump is going to be your President until January 20, 2025, and you are going to have to accept that.

    Negatory. dude. Drumpf is not now and never will be my presnent. He is the biggest joke ever perpetrated on America and he is a wholly owned subsidiary of wingnuts R us.

  44. Lt. Commander Johnson4:23 PM

    You know, I have been sickened by politicians calling someone a liar, and trying how to do so without saying the actually word. Trump did it. And volunteered to testify to it.

  45. What commandeered Queenie nrglected to say is Drumpf loed when he swore to testify under oath because he is a pathological liar and can't help himself.

    More reasons to hate wingnuts-

    Let's play games with people's lives. Sounds like wingnut's kind of fun.

  46. Lance Cockstrong4:52 PM

    They are both white boys with teenie weenie dicks. They are both fucked.

  47. I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes and Faggots5:40 PM

    The vast majority of white people are liars and crooks. We should lock them up and throw away the key.

    #BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful


    Kellyanne 'I am uglier than sin' Conway is the WH leaker.

  49. James Bold6:31 PM

    "Drumpf is not now and never will be my presnent."

    The USA doesn't have a "presnet", it has a president.

    And if Donald J. Trump isn't yours, the USA isn't your country.  GTFO already.

  50. Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit6:36 PM

    Anybody who doesn't claim that moron tr**p as their "President" is standing up for their country.

  51. Because Trump's America is an ever more disgusting place:

    Anti-Sharia demonstrators hold rallies in cities across the country

    Our country has real problems but these creeps want us to worry about imaginary ones. Sharia, my ass.

  52. Make me, Baldy. Go ahead and make my day, punk!

  53. Anyone seen the article that proves Drumpf has no problem lying under oath in court? This is the douche bag that brought 2 count them two bibles to his coronation and still lied his ass off.

  54. If Melanoma was an illegal alien living in America illegally, does that make Barron Drumpf an unwanted anchor babby?

  55. Lt. Commander Johnson8:08 PM

    43 PM
    Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Anyone seen the article that proves Drumpf has no problem lying under oath in court? This is the douche bag that brought 2 count them two bibles to his coronation and still lied his ass off.

    7:47 PM

    NO. I haven't seen that article. Would you be so kind as to provide a link?


    There are numerous articles about Drumpf's lack of veracity. Go ahead and nit pick.

  57. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Nonsense, Trump is the most honest President of my lifetime.

  58. Anyone seen the article that proves Drumpf has no problem lying under oath in court?

    Here we see how the libtard delusion works:  anything they wish was not true is a "lie", and the facts be damned.  The facts that the Gay Mulatto Messiah was
    (a) a mystery through his formal education, including a stint as president of the Harvard Law Review during which he wrote nothing published in it,
    (b) got his Senate seat through Chicago dirty tricks,
    (c) started running for POTUS despite having no record of accomplishments besides being partly African,
    (d) got the Democratic nomination despite being a tyro up against Hillary's known skill at dirty tricks (seriously, you think she wasn't doing everything she did against Sanders?), and
    (e) was supposedly elected despite the claimed "institutional racism" of the USA,
    makes absolutely perfect sense to them because they wished it to be true!

    But when the former acting CIA director said months ago regarding the Russian tampering "On the question of the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians here, there is smoke, but there is no fire, at all.... There’s no little campfire, there’s no little candle, there’s no spark. And there’s a lot of people looking for it"....
    they cannot acknowledge it.

    They wish that to be false, so everyone saying so has to be a liar.

    Maybe these delusions can be treated, but more likely they'll just be put down with force because no other option is available.  And it would be totally unnecessary if you libtards would just pull your heads out of your asses!

  59. Azzmador10:29 PM

    America is white country.

  60. "Nonsense, Trump is the most honest President of my lifetime."

    You must have been born yesterday.

    *still laughing*

  61. You can't keep your doctor11:24 PM

    Laugh clown, laugh.

  62. Not only do I still have my fucking doctor you maggot, I had my cataract surgeries because of the ACA so I'm not fucking blind any more.
    And I'll laugh if you'll bugger yourself to death with a sheep.
    Or any other fucking time I feel like it, like every morning when I wake up and realize I'm not as fucked-in-the-head as you. That gives me a big grin every damn time.

    -Doug in Oakland

  63. Lt. Commander Johnson1:18 AM

    Sigh. OK, Mike Queen. You give me a link that refers to Trump ten years ago.

    That is so sorry.

  64. You trying to tell me after 10 years the lies are true? Or they don't count after 10 years? You think you wingnuts get to put a statute of limitaions on Drumpf's lies?

  65. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  66. This guy pegs the pig in the WH as a pathological little lying shit.

  67. Jamie is a biatch1:47 PM

    The USA doesn't have a "presnet", it has a president.
    And you are absolutely correct to use lowercase. The first time in history Jamie Bitch is right about something. 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  68. Anonymous11:32 PM

    TRUMP 2020

  69. Anonymous11:06 AM

    My Expression
    thanks for the blog very interesting
    Anyone seen the article that proves Drumpf has no problem lying under oath in court? This is the douche bag that brought 2 count them two bibles to his coronation and still lied his ass off.
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