Friday, June 23, 2017

Justice for Jethro, but not for Philando, Samuel, and Sylville.

Image result for jethro k-9 imagesI swear  if someone could come up with a brilliant invention to make black men look like dogs after a traffic stop, I for one would buy one of those devices. I have been stopped a few times for no apparent reason, but I have been lucky. I am still here to type this blog post. My brothers, on the other hand, not so much.

I say this because if you are a dog and happen to meet the unfortunate fate of being shot by someone, there is a pretty good chance that your killer will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. The same can't be said for killing a black man.

"The man who shot and killed K-9 Officer Jethro, of the Canton Police Department in Ohio, has been sentenced to 45 years in prison.

Kelontre Barefield, 23, received the sentence after pleading guilty to charges related to the police dog's death and other charges in an unrelated robbery case, a spokeswoman for the Stark County Clerk of Courts told ABC News today.
Barefield's attorney, Steven Reisch, didn't immediately respond to ABC News' requests for comment."
Well there you have it, justice for Jethro.  I for one couldn't be happier. I love dogs, and anyone who thinks it's cool to take the life of a loving animal like Jethro, deserves whatever punishment he gets. 
The thing is, though, that being a black man myself, I happen to think that we deserve justice as well, just like poor Jethro.
Unfortunately, that has not seemed to be the case of late.
Just today yet another man was given the chance to walk out of a courtroom after killing a black man in live and living color.

"A judge declared a mistrial Friday after a jury deadlocked in the case of a former University of Cincinnati police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black man during a 2015 traffic stop, the latest in a series of high-profile law enforcement shootings that spurred charges but not convictions.
The mistrial was the third time in a week that jurors weighing a fatal shooting by a police officer did not convict the officer involved, following acquittals in other cases. It was also the second time a jury has deadlocked considering this particular shooting.

Judge Leslie E. Ghiz, speaking from the bench, read from a note sent by the jurors who said they were “almost evenly split regarding our votes toward a final verdict” and unable to reach a unanimous decision."

Oh well, no justice for the DuBose family, the Smith family, or the Castile family, but we are getting used to it. This is the third such case in the last few days.  Throw in the not guilty verdict for Betty Shelby for the killing of Terence Crutcher last month, and we can see a national tragedy playing itself out before our eyes.

All I can say is that I hope they come up with that invention real soon.

*Pic courtesy of



  1. I wouldn't try out that invention too lightly, as police shoot dogs all of the damn time, and unlike the case of a police dog that got some justice, most of the owners of the dogs the police shoot never even get compensated for the price of a dog.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Hate Fact™1:58 AM

    "I say this because if you are a dog and happen to meet the unfortunate fate of being shot by someone, there is a pretty good chance that your killer will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. The same can't be said for killing a black man."

    K-9 dogs serve a purpose, and aren't out looking for people to rob, rape, and kill.

  3. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Damn shame for the dog.

  4. Fuck racist white assholes6:50 AM

    K-9 dogs serve a purpose, and aren't out looking for people to rob, rape, and kill.
    And neither were any of the gentlemen named in this post. Asshole.

  5. Anonymous9:24 AM

    A police dog is a cop's tool,like his gun and his taser!I detest that they label them as an officer on the level of humans.Sometimes the tool no longer works.

  6. Anonymous Hate Fact™ said. gurgle, glub, derp. Professionally trained canines are not infallible. There have been numerous videos of K-9 cops that don't stop biting people on command. There are any number of studies showing detector dogs falsely identifying drugs to get the reward.

    This is what America is coming to-dog lives matter more than POC.

  7. This is why one should think twice before using a black doctor:

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. CBS News: Bernie and Jane Sanders are under FBI investigation for bank fraud and have hired prominent defense attorneys.

  10. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Maybe if y'all would stop acting like stereotypical n¡gggers you wouldn't get shot. Just a suggestion.

  11. Anonymous2:39 PM

    This is why one should think twice before using a black doctor:

    Affirmative Action killed the idea that the best and brightest are accepted into medical school.


    The owners of the natural foods distributor I worked for in Emeryville bought a police dog for the EPD, who nevertheless harassed me repeatedly when I had to work there late at night for about a year.

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Officer Bawles3:42 PM

    Dogs can judge a person's character quite well. It is not surprising that a dog used to interacting with scumbags would not like Doug.

  14. The dog didn't harass me you moron, the cops did.

    -Doug in Oakland


    These dumb fuckers need more and better training. Or the whitey wingnut that shot a fellow officer already engaged with two other cops is a racist and took the opportunity of a lifetime to bag a Black.

  16. Sounds like Office Her No Balls just insulted a bunch of school kids he/she/it has never seen. Police dogs get acclimated to kids in schools.

  17. Yisheng thinks whooteemoos should be sterilized6:31 PM

    Your comment at 5:47 is one of thousands of pieces of proof that racist white men will eventually destroy America.

  18. Anonymous6:43 PM

    "Affirmative Action killed the idea that the best and brightest are accepted into medical school"

    Even AA couldn't get Yisheng into medical school.


  19. James Bold7:47 PM

    If your MCAT score is 27-29 and your GPA is 3.4 up to 3.6, you have 81% odds of being admitted to med school... if you're Black.

    Your chances are only 29% if you're White.  Obviously, the med schools don't think people with MCAT scores of only 29 will make very good doctors.  But they admit 59% of Blacks with MCATS of 24-26 and just barely more, 61%, of Whites with MCATS of 30-32.

    If you go to the doctor, you really do NOT want that doctor to be Black.  The only people who deserve Black doctors are Black people.

  20. German shepherds are the most beautiful dogs on the planet.

    But the fact that a dog's life means more than a Black man's, is NO surprise in the MAGA/KKK era.

  21. Progtard10:08 PM

    In 60% Black New Orleans, Almost 99% of Homicides and Nonfatal Shootings are Committed by Blacks.

    I blame racism

  22. Arthur10:25 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    "But the fact that a dog's life means more than a Black man's, is NO surprise in the MAGA/KKK era."

    I'll bet the imaginary boogeyman Hollywood Hitler neo nazi klansmen you're battling in your mind are really scary dudes.

  23. Will the trump justice department look into state killings? I doubt it.

  24. Okay, so I took this story at face value. I started thinking, if K-9 police dogs lives matter, and blue lives matter and surely anyone convicted of killing an officer gets what they rightfully deserve, fucking fine. But, don't armed robbers lives matter even a little tiny bit? I know that armed robbery is a huge, violent crime, but if the robber doesn't actually kill anyone, do they really deserve to be treated like a murderer? What I mean is, why couldn't they just have surrounded the grocery store and called for SWAT? What a reckless decision it was to send in a police attack dog! Didn't the officer in charge of the animal have any regard for the dog's life? If an attack trained police German Shepherd was coming at you, would not your first impulse be to shoot him?

    Why do we train big German dogs to attack criminals just like the fucking Nazis and East German Stasi did? Can't we use the K-9 police enforcement tool in a more intelligent way?

    My own brother-in-law, who I never had a chance to meet, was killed by an angry property owner in New Jersey thirty years ago. He struck down a German Shepherd that was attacking him. The property owner was never even charged. He shot my brother-in-law dead.

    So I'm thinking, why did this guy get forty-five years? Why are we reading silly letters on foolscap from eleven-year old girls donating their allowance to buy bullet-proof vests for police dogs?

    You guessed it. The suspect was black. That kinda explains it, doesn't it. The poor bastard's lawyer understood that his client was in some major trouble and advised him to plead guilty. I guess with a sentence of forty-five years, he probably would have been better off mounting a legal defense based on self-defense.

    Stand your ground, bitches.

  25. "My own brother-in-law, who I never had a chance to meet, was killed by an angry property owner in New Jersey thirty years ago. He struck down a German Shepherd that was attacking him. The property owner was never even charged. He shot my brother-in-law dead."

    He shouldn't have been trying to steal the owner's property. I'd be angry too.

    Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

  26. Anonymous11:44 PM

    "Maybe if y'all would stop acting like stereotypical n¡gggers you wouldn't get shot. Just a suggestion."

    You mean like becoming a lawyer, doctor or pilot?

  27. "German shepherds are the most beautiful dogs on the planet."

    Doc, that would be the second most beautiful. :)

  28. @Field Negro....Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Meet the world's ugliest dog, or the world's most beautiful dog. You decide.

  29. Maybe if stereotypical white cops stopped acting like stereotypical white cops and stop shooting unarmed blacks we wouldn't have this problem.

  30. James Bold9:32 AM

    You could go live in Black countries and never have to deal with White cops at all, stereotypical or otherwise.

    This idea fills you with horror, because you KNOW what Black cops are like.

    Even when you have the best you can possibly have, you still whine and try to tear it down.  That is why you will lose everything.

  31. We Americans will lose everything when wingnuts take it and give it to the wealthy. Even you un-American traitors will lose everything because you are too stoopid to see what is going on.

    You will be wandering around lost trying to figure out what just happened. Don't say you weren't forewarned. Poor little Baldy will wander around talking to himself.

  32. Here's an interesting article written by a veteran cop who has some good ideas about how to reduce the number of unnecessary police shootings. He doesn't seem too confident that his ideas will be taken up, especially by younger, more aggressive officers, and he has some advice for CCW holders for when they get stopped by police.

    My only quibble with his article is that in my experience, cops who "screw things up" aren't "fired in a heartbeat", but I haven't been a cop for twenty years like he has, so maybe I don't really know.

    Also, on a related topic, some of the states that have legalized marijuana have reported a 50% drop in warrantless searches during police traffic stops, a prime vector for the sort of unnecessary killing that makes the news so much these days.

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. Anonymous4:11 PM

    K-9 lives matter!!

  34. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Chief Windbreaker said...
    Dogs can see your soul.
    3:45 PM

    Those are cats....
