Wednesday, June 21, 2017


TWEET MEIt's hump day in America, people, and I need to know your thoughts on a few stories in the news.

First, the dems are 0-4 in these recent special elections (yeah I know I know, they were close, but close only counts in horseshoes), is it time to rethink their strategy in picking candidates? Or is the voter purge and gerrymandering just too much to overcome at this moment in time?

Also, what's up with all of these state killings  of black folks and the killers walking free?

Will Donald trump's justice department step in? Or will the police have to start killing innocent white people before he cares?     

Finally, what's up with Otto Warmbier's family refusing the autopsy for their son?



  1. Anonymous11:25 PM

    FN:"Will Donald trump's justice department step in? Or will the police have to start killing innocent white people before he cares? "

  2. What makes you think he would care about innocent white people being killed? He's trying to pass the fucking AHCA, and it would kill a whole lot of innocent white people.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Limpbaugh2:02 AM

    The Democrats took the Republicans' Citizen United decision and made it their own. There is a good chance that Bernie Sanders would be president now if the DNC and media hadn't cheated him out of the nomination. Remember the AP announcing that Hillary won the nomination before California voted? How about the mainstream fake news' collusion with the Clinton campaign? A racist game show host is president because the Democrats ran a corrupt lying war criminal. If Republicans hadn't seen through the establishment media Jeb Bush would have been their nominee. The corporate media holds good people down and promotes the establishment tools. My advice to the Democrats is find better candidates, like Tulsi Gabbard and Nina Turner. We need honest progressive candidates, not corporate Democrats from the Hillary wing of the party. One thing that shows the Democrats haven't learned their lesson is that Tom Perez is chairman of the DNC instead of Keith Ellison.

  4. Will Donald trump's justice department step in? Or will the police have to start killing innocent white people before he cares?

    I think the behavior and condemnation at Trump's political rallies in 2016 is probably enough to answer that question. The seventy-year old cowboy who sucker punched the BLM guy? Other instances of clashes with BLM protestors. I can't remember exactly what he said, but Trump laid it squarely on the line. He was not in the least bit concerned with police killings of unarmed black people or otherwise blameless black people. He made it damn clear he did not want to be bothered with any reports of police misconduct, particularly with respect to black people. It wasn't just Trump. The entire right-wing culture staged a huge backlash at protests of police killings. I think the golden moment was a fairly good-looking and serious black police chief at one of the hardcore right rallies stating with no lack of emphasis, "Blue lives matter!" with quite a shout.

    I'm not sure he would care if they started shooting white people as well.

  5. I think that "Limp Paw," is a fine name for another Hillary-hating pseudo-liberal.

    Your misogyny is showing. No, I don't remember the AP announcing that Hillary had won California before people voted. Where the hell do you think California is located? We're only three hours behind New York. The democratic party can nominate whoever the hell they damn well please. But that fact alone has nothing to do whatsoever with the California democratic primary. If I hear one more goddam idiot impugning the fairness of the California election process... Well I can't say. Whatever happened, it happened at the convention. Nine years ago it was Hillary who got the short shrift when the old boys network, led by Jimmy Carter, slammed Hillary with pretty much the same shaft, nominating Obama. Wake the fuck up.

  6. Limpbaugh2:25 AM

    A video of Philando Castile's fiance, in handcuffs, with her daughter came out. That little girl will be afraid of cops for the rest of her life. Today I also saw videos of a cop punching out a white woman and two cops beating the crap out of a black jaywalker who was on his way home from work.

  7. Anonymous2:28 AM

    I believe asparagus is good in moderation.

  8. Limpbaugh2:31 AM

    When I first heard that Otto Warmbier's parents weren't going to get an autopsy, my thought was the government should be pushing them to get one.

  9. FN:"Will Donald trump's justice department step in? Or will the police have to start killing innocent white people before he cares?"

    Dammit! Are you the same Anonymous troll I just took to task, or another worthless dumbshit?

    I can't tell you how tired I am of racist, right-wing buttholes using this ancient Chris Rock routine as some kind of a primer for black people on how to behave when being stopped by the police. That's right, asshole. This is more or less what most black people try to do in order to not get shot. It's not always enough. You may have seen that Philando Castile was extraordinarily cool, calm and collected as he tried to make his way through his traffic stop without being killed. Fer Chrissakes! His girlfriend barely even raised her voice after the low-level Nazi shot her boyfriend to death, barely calling upon the Lord's name by saying, "Oh my God!"

    People as stupid as you are a fucking cancer.

    No, mini-trump. These people can't always just lick boot and be okay. No, it's not their fault if they protest their unfair treatment.

  10. “I thought if he’s, if he has the, the guts and the audacity to smoke marijuana in front of the five-year-old girl and risk her lungs and risk her life by giving her secondhand smoke and the front-seat passenger doing the same thing then what, what care does he give about me?”
    Said officer Jeronimo Yanez about his concern for the well being of a little girl that he admitted was in the line of his fire while he fired seven shots into her father.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. What a liar! After the autopsy and toxicology report finds trace THC in Mr. Castile, this POS has the nerve to say that the smell of marijuana made him fear for his life? Because Castile was so reckless with the little girl's life that he didn't even care if he killed her with second hand marijuana smoke?

    That makes no sense at all except to some reactionary bigot like Trump, Sessions, or maybe any one of you right-wing psychotics.


    If this doesn't touch yer heart strings, you aren't human. Wingnut racists don't need bother to read and/or watch this video.

    Why did this and other killings of unarmed blacks occur?

  13. Drumpf's death for American's bill explained-

    Taxcuts for the wealthy. What were you expecting?

  14. Doug in Oakland- am I hearing about another civilian shot by a deputy out your way? The were no specs in the report. Just all the agencies involved in investigation.

  15. Hon Omarosa? In Drumpf's Whor...White House of ill repute? Too funny for mere words. Maybe Meerkats would like it better.

  16. Sessions has basically turned the cops loose w/o oversight.

    Jeff Sessions Backs Down From Policing the Police - The Atlantic

    Apr 5, 2017 ... Sessions has made clear that when it comes to police abuses, ... conceded he had lost the Most Important Special Election in History, the last ...
    Justice Department Gets Ready to Turn the Cops Loose – Mother ...

    Apr 4, 2017 ... Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered a sweeping review of federal agreements with dozens of law enforcement agencies…
    AG Sessions Says DOJ to 'Pull Back' on Police Department Civil...

    Feb 28, 2017 ... Donald Trump's attorney general said Tuesday the Justice Department will limit its use of a tactic employed aggressively under President ...
    Law enforcement sees Sessions as 'police-first' AG | TheHill

    Jan 9, 2017 ... Law enforcement groups view Sessions as someone who will bring a .... eager to turn the page and see the relationship between police and ...
    Sessions Indicates Justice Department Will Stop Monitoring ...

    Screwdy Rudy Patootie's NY cops are free to shoot unarmed POC and frisk evry POC they come across.


    Through the miracle of chance Drumpf just happens to profit from the only low income housing program his budget does not cut. Shear coincidence, I'll bet. Grifters gotta grift.

  18. James Bold2:14 PM

    Glad to see you monkeys missed me.

    What are you going to do when I find better entertainment than you?

  19. Canadian sniper klls ISIS target at 2.2 miles-new world record.

    Should pols be worried?

    McCTurtle showed his ugly mug today with the revelation of the new taxcut for billionaires bill. Between McCTurle's ugly fizz and Ted Cruz ugly fizz- I am torn as to which would be the most fun for a person to bitch slap.

    New taxcut bill cuts Medicaid, health services to women, defunds Planned Parenthood and in general continues wingnut's war on women.

    And Baldy comes along and mewls if anyone missed him. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  20. James Bold3:36 PM

    In Mandingo's delusion, I'm not important here.

    In reality, there were multiple comments like this one.  I really do live rent-free in your heads.

    1. A real orbital engineer6:23 PM

      No Jamie Bitch, obviously we live in your head because the only way you can feel good about yourself is to come here and lie about how smart you are and make up some bullshit about being some kind of astronautical engineer or some shit. You obviously have self esteem issues that you should be resolving but instead you play on the internets. Sad that everyone here is smarter and more accomplished that you'll ever be. Now if you put some of the time and energy you spend here you can get your GED and make something of yourself but we all know that ain't gonna happen.

  21. Anonymous5:04 PM

    This is what's on my mind:

  22. I'm in yer head, Baldy and it was funnier since I said it first.

    Asshole Arizona congress shithead wants to make it illegal for leftist college students to vote in their college towns because they dilute the vote. He apparently is okay with snowflake snowbirds voting in Arizona, though.

    The new senate taxcuts for the wealthy is worse than the last abortion they tried to replace Obamacare with. Wingnuts should just come right out and tell the poor and the elderly, disabled, etc to go ahead and die already. Their poor, elderly, disabled etc base would prolly vote for them on their dying beds. What have they got to lose?

  23. An orbital engineer6:32 PM

    What are you going to do when I find better entertainment than you?
    We would have to find someone that can make us laugh as much as you do.
    That'll be hard.
    Orbital Engineer who does "chemistry" at his desk.

  24. Well James,

    You are a little bit grandiose and delusional, but what good Trump supporter isn't? Opposing viewpoints are always welcome. Tired KKK memes and Breitbart-style false news make for fresh meat to lacerate with the talons of truth.

    I would have loved to kick your ass back when the Trayvon Martin murder was going on.

  25. Anon @ 5:04 Great link. Thanks for that one.

  26. New study shows almost 6 million non-citizens illegally voted in the 2008 election, making Obama President.

    In 2012, the estimate is almost 4 million.

    That means both of Obama's election wins were fraudulent.

    His two terms should be voided and every bill and Executive Order he signed be cancelled.

    We also now have definitive proof that Hillary's popular vote total was inflated with millions of illegal votes, meaning Trump actually did win a majority of the national vote.

    I hope a lot of election officials go to jail for this.

  27. New dickhead, un-American troll who goes by the name of, "Fight for Voter's Rights,"

    You don't believe the ridiculous lie you just posted. Nobody could really be that, stupid. You just posted it because you believe in the Nazi thing.

    Springtime for Hitler and Germany


  28. Alternative facts alert at 9:13 PM!

  29. No autopsy makes it easier for wingnuts to lay the blame on Obama.

    Story claims Drumpf adminitrone negotiated for his release. I thought Drumpf was the best negotiator ever and he failed again? Drumpfuck is getting to be a real disappointment, now ain't he? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  30. Finally, what's up with Otto Warmbier's family refusing the autopsy for their son?

    Field, I wondered the same thing when I first heard it, esp. when the North Koreans were talking about botulism and such, which I assume(d) an autopsy could confirm or deny. But my best guess for the family's refusal was that they figured their boy had already suffered enough and decided just to let him rest in peace.

  31. James Bold11:47 PM

    "I'm in yer head, Baldy and it was funnier since I said it first."

    Typical Google.  Not only does iron-clad evidence not matter, he sees something 8 months ago and suddenly thinks it was his idea all along.

  32. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Alternative facts alert at 8:04 AM!

  33. Anonymous4:16 PM

    field negro said...
    Alternative facts alert at 9:13 PM!
    8:04 AM

    Delusional thinking alert!!

    You progressives make this so easy.

  34. The Democrats took the Republicans' Citizen United decision and made it their own. There is a good chance that Bernie Sanders would be president now if the DNC and media hadn't cheated him out of the nomination. Remember the AP announcing that Hillary won the nomination before California voted? How about the mainstream fake news' collusion with the Clinton campaign? A racist game show host is president because the Democrats ran a corrupt lying war criminal.
    thank you for this article

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