Sunday, June 25, 2017

Trumpism and race. The new identity politics.

Image result for trump image racismThe following insightful article from Johnathan Chait  is a couple of months old, but it is a must read for those of use who want to understand what is happening with the presidency of Donald trump.

The field Negro education series continues.

"In August 2015, Marco Rubio, a rising star in the Republican Party and, by the reckoning of many at the time, the most likely candidate to claim its 2016 presidential nomination, gave an interview to Fox News. In it, Rubio offered a moving explanation for why he sympathized with the anger many African-Americans felt toward police. “This is a legitimate issue,” he said. “It is a fact that in the African-American community around this country, there has been, for a number of years now, a growing resentment towards the way law enforcement and the criminal-justice system interacts with the community.” Rubio shared the story of “one friend in particular who’s been stopped in the last 18 months eight to nine different times. Never got a ticket for being stopped — just stopped. If that happened to me, after eight or nine times, I’d be wondering what’s going on here. I’d be upset about it. So would anybody else.”
One should not mistake Rubio for a principled crusader for racial reconciliation. He is a partisan cipher, blessed with a talent for locating the midpoint of acceptable thought within the Republican Party and articulating it with apparent sincerity. And indeed, by the end of Barack Obama’s second term, one could plausibly identify the Republican Party as having begun the task of shedding what was known as its “southern strategy” of appealing to whites through their discomfort with blacks. In 2002, Republican Trent Lott had to resign his position as Senate Majority Leader after praising Strom Thurmond’s 1948 segregationist candidacy. In 2005, Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized for the southern strategy. In 2006, Congress almost unanimously extended the Voting Rights Act. In 2008, John McCain forbade his campaign staff to mention the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a line of attack he considered racially inflammatory. By 2013, many Establishment Republicans (including Rubio, before he changed his mind) had come to believe they needed to embrace immigration reform to maintain their party’s long-term viability. Throughout Barack Obama’s second term, the cause of criminal-justice reform attracted increasing bipartisan support in Congress, as well as financial support from the Koch brothers, who were eager to complicate their public reputation.
This is why Obama’s legacy will endure long beyond his presidency.
The point is not to glorify the racial outlook of Republicans but to note that its direction appeared encouraging. The party may have largely ignored the persistence of systemic racism and clung to an unrealistically color-blind ideal, but it increasingly shunned not only overt racism but the dog-whistle appeals of the era of the welfare queen and Willie Horton. If, in the summer of 2015, Rubio had been signaling some measure of support and understanding for Black Lives Matter protests, then there was every reason to believe that this stance represented the political high ground.
But Rubio’s idea of the Republican future was not the one that prevailed. Instead, the future belonged to a very different vision, a glimpse of which could be seen in a furious dissent registered on Breitbart, a popular young news site that railed against the country’s growing pluralism. MARCO RUBIO LENDS SUPPORT TO ANTI-COP RHETORIC, BLACK LIVES MATTER SEEKS MEETING, blared the headline. “Rubio’s rhetoric echoes progressive rhetoric that black progress is impeded by institutional racism rather than left-wing policies,” reported the story, which took care to contrast Rubio with a surprisingly popular candidate who was attracting favorable coverage. (“Trump,” the article added approvingly, “has said that the Black Lives Matter protesters are ‘a disgrace’ and that those who pander to the anti-police movement are ‘unfit to run for office.’ ”) The article’s author, Julia Hahn, went on to take a position as an aide to Steve Bannon, who now serves as the main strategist to the president of the United States.
Measured in traditional terms, Trump’s accomplishments as president have been meager. He made a series of popular campaign promises, such as replacing Obamacare with something terrific, negotiating more clever trade deals, and building a wall on the Mexican border, that require technocratic aptitude to deliver and thus have mostly floundered. But traditional measures do not capture the most profound changes he has wrought.
Where he has defined Trumpism most clearly is in his sharply distinguished theory of race. Race is the unifying idea Trump has used to recast not only his party’s place within the country but his country’s place in the world. It is where his administration has been most passionate — and also most effective. Unlike economic or health-care policy, which requires dealing with Congress, Trump’s ethnonationalist program can be carried out by Trump and his tight band of loyalists on their own. And while Trump has foundered at the complex work of policymaking, he has succeeded at the simple work of tribalism, precisely because it is so simple. In both words and deeds, the White House has established the federal government as the defender of white power in America, projecting a blunt-force message of zero-sum dominance. Trump has done little to change the country’s policies, but ten weeks into his tenure, he has already made the United States a very different place and positioned himself to reap the terrible rewards that will follow.
In 1989, Trump took out a full-page advertisement in four New York City papers demanding that five black and Latino teenage boys receive the death penalty for the rape of a white female jogger in Central Park. It is one of the most important early clues to the political style that would carry him to the presidency more than a quarter-century later. Most of the elements of Trump’s worldview were already in place: the value of marshaling fear, the conviction that simple solutions were available and being ignored by the authorities, the fetishizing of the past as an ideal in need of restoration (“What has happened is the complete breakdown of life as we knew it”) and the demands for uncritical adulation of law enforcement (“Criminals must be told that their CIVIL LIBERTIES END WHEN AN ATTACK ON OUR SAFETY BEGINS!”).
Of course, civil liberties exist to ensure that people identified as criminals actually are. In the case that inspired Trump, the alleged rapists turned out to have been coerced into supplying false confessions. Trump, typically, has never reconsidered his original position, insisting as recently as last fall, “They admitted they were guilty.” From Trump’s standpoint, the political style he modeled had worked. And if it could work in the balkanized urban landscape depicted in Bonfire of the Vanities, which spawned the bitterly racialized mayoral contest of Rudy Giuliani against David Dinkins, it could work in the rest of America, which was hardly more evolved.
Perhaps it had seemed so, in the days immediately following the election of the first black president. But Obama’s presidency filled the Republican base with racial terror. Beginning in 2008, social scientists identified a sharply rising correlation between racial resentment and Republican voting behavior. Obama “pitted the blacks against the whites,” Diane Fitzpatrick, the mother of Kellyanne Conway, told The Atlantic’s Molly Ball. “If something happened to a black person, he and his wife were right there. But if something happened to a white person, you never saw them, did you?” [More]
*Pic from


  1. I'm not sure if Michael Steele was or was not really the best and brightest example of a conservative black politician, but he started off pretty well. I remember his tenure as RNC chair began roughly the same time as Obama's inauguration. Almost as if the republicans would not be outdone in recognizing the talents and contributions of black Americans. Steele would never be as important to our nation as Obama was and is, but he seemed to be a good man. Even today, he remains a good sport. I always look for him at the WH Press Correspondents Dinner. I remember clicking on the RNC website in 2009. It looked like a school website for Black History month. He was doing bios of Lincoln, Douglass, Tubman and other great heroes of the Reconstruction Era with little pictures. Republicans! The party of Lincoln.

    Then Böhner got a little bit tired of Michael's style of partying and the next thing we knew, Priebus was in charge. Clearly in hindsight that was one huge step backwards.

    It's quite interesting that the Shrub and John McCain and many other prominent republicans used to support immigration reform. It's almost surreal that Rubio was able to express sympathy for the black traffic stop problem only two years ago. I guess it would have been pure poison for him to mention Trayvon Martin.

    The coffin is nailed shut now.

  2. Jews like Chait have spent the last 60 years weaponizing blacks as they created the identity politics that has come to dominate how America is ruled.

    Republicans preached "color blindness" as they tried to sell their vision of America as a propositional nation, where different peoples could be united by a common set of values and shared ideals about what it means to be an American.

    They lost.

    Identity politics is the game that is being played, and you get in or you lose. Obama-era democrats pushed too hard too fast and white people started to notice that the end game of the left was a world without white people.

    That's why Trump is President and grifters like Rubio have nothing left to sell. Trump saw an opening a mile wide, where the establishment Republicans had no interest in standing up for white America and Democrats were actively trying to destroy it.

    You started this game, now we are going to finish it. Trump is just the start.

  3. All of my best friends were Jewish when I grew up. I grew up with the University of California, San Diego. Our lives coincided. I saw longstanding La Jolla real estate covenants crumble in the face of the beauty and intelligence of our Jewish brothers and sisters. My parents grew up in Oklahoma and Texas. Yet their politics and philosophy of inclusion would be considered pretty far left today, even though it came of age in the 1940s when most people from the South were Roosevelt democrats.

    Personally, I never felt threatened by black people. What's your thing, man?

    I think you're a major fuckup like any other Trump supporter.

  4. Limpbaugh11:41 PM

    One event that formed my opinion of Little Marco was a statement he made shortly before he announced that he was running for president. He was criticizing Obama's treaty with Iran. He said Obama was taking it easy on ISIS to placate Iran. Iran had two brigades fighting ISIS in Iraq at the time. Little Marco isn't qualified to run for dog catcher.

  5. "Personally, I never felt threatened by black people. What's your thing, man?"

    I've never felt threatened by black people either. A tree shouldn't fear the ax, it's the woodsman who swings it that's the issue.

    Blacks are the biggest victims of the current power play. Isn't that obvious?

  6. "He said Obama was taking it easy on ISIS to placate Iran"

    Because that's what the Israelis who were financing his campaign told him to say.

  7. Trump isn't that big of a deal, it's the Republicans who are doing their dead level best to tear the country into chunks. All Trump did was say fuck pretending to have human decency, let's just do what the Republican Pig-People have wanted all along.
    He never thought he would win, and was just as surprised at the results of the confluence of Russia, Comey, and Kobach's crosscheck, as everyone else.
    Which isn't good, as now he *believes* he is somehow special and exempt from the norms and rules that the country runs on. Which is to say that he's delusional. Why else would he lie so much about things that don't matter and are easily found out? Some people speculate that it's a strategy to devalue facts and hard news, but he's not really that smart. He may lean toward the evil of his former mentor Roy Cohn, but that is only aspirational, and the two are not in the same class at all.
    Except for the fact that they are both despicable. But even there, he doesn't sink to the level of despicability that Cohn inhabited, and it's just one more chip on his pampered shoulder that even in the presidency, he doesn't feel like he has the kind of clout that Cohn worshiped. What does a rich, ignorant, fuckhead have to do to get some respect around here?
    More and more it looks like the answer he comes up with is "break things", and the main question to be answered about that is when and how will the next thing he breaks turn out to be him.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. From twitter:

    Peter Huestis‏ @RealSparklePony 9h9 hours ago

    So it looks like the competing white nationalist rallies on The Mall today attracted approximately 100 people apiece.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Doug, you lost me at "pig people".

  10. We've lost a big chunk of the country at Pig-People.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Every white wingnut in America who sticks their shit stained foot in their shit rimmed mouth claims victimhood. Nothing they utter is ever their fault. Obama being Black made them say it.

    Obama-era democrats pushed too hard too fast and white people started to notice that the end game of the left was a world without white people.

    Uh, in case you really don't know, whitey is on his way to minority status in America. Obama had virtually nothing to do with that. Whitey wingnuts are using every dirty trick in their vast dirty tricks book to remain in control by trying to control which minorities and how many are allowed to vote.

    Whitey sees his own downfall at his own hands. Whitey is and always will be a racist whiner.

  12. Brit Hume said yesterday that even if Drumpf colluded with Russia, so what? Hume claims it is not a crime. Say what? Sleeping with the enemy for the purpose of tilting an election is not a crime? Maybe in Moscow it isn't.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      As Nixon said, when the President does it it's legal.


  13. PilotX's Boss10:02 AM

    Like using government intelligence agencies to spy on the opposition's presidential campaign?

  14. Philando Catile's mother gets nearly 3 mil in wrongful death suit.

  15. PilotX's Boss said...

    Like using government intelligence agencies to spy on the opposition's presidential campaign?

    Didn't happen. More fake news from wingnuts. That is all you got.

  16. Oy Vey!12:51 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Philando Catile's mother gets nearly 3 mil in wrongful death suit.

    Just goes to show how expensive Affirmative Action is.

    First you have to hire an incompetent Hispanic cop to meet the diversity quotas.

    Then you have to pay $3 million to a career criminal's family after he loses his cool and kills him.

    They got you coming and going.

  17. James Bold1:26 PM

    "I grew up with the University of California, San Diego."

    In other words, you grew up with the most elite and privileged of the IKAGOs.  Only those in the Ivies had it better.

    "I saw longstanding La Jolla real estate covenants crumble in the face of the beauty and intelligence of our Jewish brothers and sisters."

    And then you saw cities literally crumble under the assault of the Black undertow, but you don't want to talk about that part.  The neighborhood around 4600 Labadie is reverting to open land, one destroyed house at a time.

    "Every white wingnut in America who sticks their shit stained foot in their shit rimmed mouth claims victimhood. Nothing they utter is ever their fault."

    Projection again.  Have you ever held the speakers responsible for saying "Let's burn this bitch down" or even "If you want to be free, you gonna have to kill some White people"?  Of course not.  What irks you is that Whitey is rejecting the rigged rules of your game.

    "whitey is on his way to minority status in America. Obama had virtually nothing to do with that."

    Obama's virtual cessation of immigration enforcement and massive "refugee" surge had NOTHING to do with that?  Every time someone tries to cash your reality checks, they come back marked NSF.


  18. Oy Vey! said... Castile was targeted for being black. He was stopped over 5o times for minor infractions and over half of the charges were dropped. The career criminals are the cops racially profiling POC and it is well documented.

    Castile , not you, was the victim of a murder under the guise of a frightened cop afraid of Black people.

  19. Baldy awoke from his psychedelic drug induced stupor just in time for the flashbacks to occur.

    Give the world a break, Baldy and come back when you have something more to say other than you hate Blacks. Gets tiresome.

  20. "Castile , not you, was the victim of a murder under the guise of a frightened cop afraid of Black people."

    Why would anyone be afraid of black people?

  21. War on Poor People2:28 PM

    All Mitch McConnell wants to do is bring affordable market based healthcare to Americans and help the sick and the poor but Dems are obstructing

    McConnell: "We should try to help children, the elderly, and the poor."

    Dems: "No!"

    Democrats are the Death Party.

  22. Winning!2:32 PM

    Today, in a per curiam ruling, the Supreme Court restored the vast majority of the Trump administration’s temporary travel ban — including the temporary ban on refugee entry. The lower courts’ injunctions remain only in the narrowest of categories — where the person seeking entry has a “bona fide relationships with a person or entity in the United States.”

    7-2, baby.

    1. Winning@ 2:32, u might want to read that opinion again.

      trump supporters aren't that bright.😐

    2. Winning@ 2:32, u might want to read that opinion again.

      trump supporters aren't that bright.😐

  23. Jamie is an idiot2:35 PM

    Obama's virtual cessation of immigration enforcement and massive "refugee" surge had NOTHING to do with that?
    Reality isn't your friend.

    Then again this is the moron who thinks he's an orbital engineer who does "chemistry" at his desk.

  24. Reality2:38 PM

    All Mitch McConnell wants to do is bring affordable market based healthcare to Americans and help the sick and the poor but Dems are obstructing

  25. This post reminds of the all the bullshit flack people in the Black community gave me for supporting McCain over Obama in 2008. But before I begin my response to this post,allow me to reiterate that McCain was in fact MORE qualified to be POTUS in 2008. His dumb ass mistake was allowing himself to be suckered into putting Palin on his ticket.

    I posted here that "America" (translated MANY White folks and ALL poor Whites), weren't "ready" for a Black POTUS and that fact played a role in my decision not to support President Obama in 2008. Yeah, most weren't "ready" for civil rights either. But many of y'all COMPLETELY neglected the fact that these people are the descendants of the people who justified slavery in America for HUNDREDS of years. Was it realistic that not even 50 years after the passage of civil rights legislation, these people would be "ready" to support a Black president? Hell to da' naw!!

    President Obama's 2 wins reactivated the herpes infection called white supremacy in America. And what they've done since the passage of the civil rights passage, is lie dormant in the ganglia like herpes, until "activated" by the rise of the status of minorities in America which cumulated with President Obama's election and reelection. And they've been mad as hell every since a fact, tRump capitalized on.

    Fact is, most Blacks, decent Whites, and other minorities gave these whooteemoos too much credit, credit history has shown us time and time again, they NEVER deserved OR earned. And NEVER will.

    I saw this coming in 2008. It's just a shame few others did too.

  26. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Lookit that step and fetchit House Negress Yisheng try to justify not supporting the First Black President. Aunt Tomala!

  27. James Bold3:15 PM

    "Reality isn't your friend."

    Projection.  Obutthole re-classified voluntary removals in lieu of deportation as deportations so his numbers would look higher.  Interior enforcement essentially stopped under his aegis.

    Trump is deporting so many MS-13 gangsters that El Salvador is now dealing with a crime wave.  BTW, MS-13 hates Black people.  You ought to be thanking Trump for making you safer.

    "these people are the descendants of the people who justified slavery in America for HUNDREDS of years."

    America only came into being as a country in 1776.  1776 to 1865 is only 89 years.  Innumeracy is one of the known deficiencies co-morbid with Blackness.

    "President Obama's 2 wins reactivated the herpes infection called white supremacy in America."

    No, it was the fact that not even electing him twice got Blacks to cut it with the race-hustling.  Instead, we got "implicit racism" and "White privilege" and even stronger Black tribalism (though it was another (((tribe))) which masterminded those campaigns, Blacks went along instead of rejecting them).

    When White people voted for Obama, they gave you one last olive branch.  What they got back was the vicious murders of Antonio Angel Santiago and Dorothy Dow, among many, many others.  They got proof that no matter what they did for you or gave you, it would never be enough.

    You DON'T expect a backlash from this?  You're a fool.

  28. "Like using government intelligence agencies to spy on the opposition's presidential campaign?"

    You mean the thing that drove Nixon from office?

    -Doug in Oakland

  29. No, moron, like Obama did with the NSA, CIA and FBI.

    The Watergate break-in of a Democratic Party campaign office was done by members of Nixon's re-election committee.

    What Obama did was orders of magnittude worse.

  30. Yisheng4:07 PM

    @3:06, nice try trying to post "Black", you simple minded muthafucka.

  31. An orbital engineer4:12 PM

    When White people voted for Obama, they gave you one last olive branch. What they got back was the vicious murders of Antonio Angel Santiago and Dorothy Dow, among many, many others. They got proof that no matter what they did for you or gave you, it would never be enough.
    You have GOT to be the biggest idiot on the planet. White people voted for Obama because they saw the hillbilly McCain chose as his running mate and he was clearly the superior candidate both times he ran. This wasn't some olive branch to us negroes. Now go wet your pants about M-13 with the rest of the large forehead inbred types like you.
    Go pretend to do "chemistry" at your orbital engineer desk. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  32. Will someone please remind the dude destined to be the first whooteemoo to orbit Saturn's moons, that I don't understand or speak whooteemoo. Assuming he responded to me at all. Thank you!

  33. Juan Orina4:14 PM

    Ha Ha Ha!

    If there's one thing black and white people can agree on, it's that Yisheng is piece of shit.

  34. Trump supporters are idiots like Jamie Bitch4:16 PM

    Trump's Muslim ban has been neutered. Refugees can still come here and people from the 6 countries can still obtain visas but if I were a Trump supporter I'd call this a win too because he's losing soooooooooooooo much.

  35. Juan, Yishing is a doctor, how far did u get in school?

  36. You know who4:20 PM

    If there's one thing black and white people can agree on, it's that Jamie Bitch is a piece of shit.


  37. Drumpfuck sez MS-13 started under Obama's watch and ISIS did, too. Drumpfuck is so far wrong on all counts he doesn't need to be argued with. He needs intervention and years in the insane asylum right alongside his stoopid ass voting base.

    Now he has accused Obama of collusion with the Russians. He can't prove it because it isn't true. Just more bloviation from the world's fattest ass bloviator who has never told the truth about anything.

  38. Jamie Bitch is a moron not an orbital engineer4:27 PM

    Hey James, will whites stop killing other whites because Trump was elected? You do know most whites are killed by other whites. You do know most whites are robbed by other whites? You do know most whites rape other whites right? So by your insane logic did whites elect Trump as an olive branch to other whites?
    You are a fucking moron and you want us to believe you are an engineer?

    Orbital engineer. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahha!

  39. Smellyanne Conway's take on cuts to Medicaid- These are not cuts to Medicaid, George. This slows the rate for the future and it allows governors more flexibility with Medicaid dollars because they’re closest to the people in need. Medicaid’s imperative, its founding was meant to help the poor, the sick, the needy, the disabled children, some elderly women, particularly pregnant women. We are trying to get Medicaid back to its original moorings.

    So the dipshit blonde thinks Medicaid was set up for the poors and by giving 900 billion in taxcuts to the wealthy that is getting Medicaid back to its original moorings. If I had a child that stoopid I would have drowned it at birth. Wingnuts are a special breed of stoopid. No doubt about that.

  40. Jamie is a bitch not an orbital engineer4:33 PM

    MS-13 hates negroes? Don't you hate negroes Jamie? Maybe you should be deported. One less fake orbital engineer won't hurt.

    Orbital engineer. BwahahahahahahahahahahahahahHHahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahaha!

  41. Juan Orina5:03 PM

    field negro said...
    Juan, Yishing is a doctor

    Yisheng is not a doctor.

  42. @Field, I finish the first part of my dual degree training in 2019!!! And you're getting an invite, so I hope you can come! 😀

    But yeah, I'm SIGNIFICANTLY smarter than the whooteemoos here. SIGNIFICANTLY!! 😂

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Whoa no invite for pilots? Ha!


  43. BTW, that NE reunion on BET last night was LIT!!!😃

  44. Jamakin no sense5:50 PM

    Guess the Travel Ban wasn't unconstitutional after all.

    Probably takes an American law degree to figure that out.

    1. Yisheng is a great Scientist too6:29 PM

      Or a hatred of Muslims. I guess burning them alive in England wasn't enough for you people.

  45. Jamakin no sense said.. You're an idiot. The court has not ruled on the constitutionality of the ban. They will get around to it in the Fall-maybe.

    What you had in front of you was a teachable moment for moron wingnuts. You just got a lesson in how our democracy works within the judicial branch of gubmint.

    The dumb fucker in the WH does not get to make the rules and have them obeyed just because he is supposed to be in charge. The judicial system is the sole decider on constitutionality of the rules. Judges give their OPINIONS and then the next higher court gets a chance to rule.

    Some parts of the Muslim ban are unconstitutional on their face as lawyers and judges gave stated past precedence. You nutjob wingnuts and Drumpfuck would have claimed victory if only one justice had agreed with you. You are desperate for tiny victory,any

  46. You know you can come too PX!😉

  47. I bet someone gets shot at Yisheng's Special Ed party.

  48. I've got a pen8:20 PM

    "The dumb fucker in the WH does not get to make the rules and have them obeyed just because he is supposed to be in charge."

    No, you have to be black for that.

  49. "The Watergate break-in of a Democratic Party campaign office was done by members of Nixon's re-election committee."

    No, you moron, what drove him from office was the recording of him ordering the CIA to tell the FBI to stop investigating him for "national security" reasons. He did it himself, and recorded himself doing it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  50. "The Supreme Court cleared the way on Monday for President Trump to prohibit the entry of some people into the United States from countries he deems dangerous, but the justices imposed strict limits on Mr. Trump’s travel ban while they examine the scope of presidential power over the border."

    They will hear arguments on this in the fall.

    "Winning" that was for you.

    I am not sure where the big "win" is, but at this point I guess Mr. Orange Hair will take whatever "win" he can get.



  52. Anonymous I've got a pen said.crap! You have obviously mistaken style, class and eloquence of Potus Obama with crass bullshitism of Donnie Drumpfucks. Easy to do when you are a total retard.

    Drumpf isn't fit to suck Obama's dog's dick.

  53. James Bold12:13 PM

    "Hey James, will whites stop killing other whites because Trump was elected?"

    Did Blacks stop killing other Blacks because Obama was elected?  Fuck no; your murder rate shot through the roof.

    "You do know most whites are killed by other whites."

    Yes, and THANK GOODNESS for racial separation.  Blacks commit an outright majority of all murders and robberies in the USA.  Because Whites avoid Blacks, the bulk of Black crime falls on other Blacks (who are the only ones who deserve it).  Almost all of the 1940 Black homicide victims in 2012 were killed by other Blacks.

    "You do know most whites are robbed by other whites?"

    Blacks would rob White people more often... if they had the opportunity.  In 2003, Blacks killed more than twice as many Whites as the reverse.  White people are absolutely justified in avoiding Blacks.  It's not "racism", it's you.

    "You do know most whites rape other whites right?"

    And Blacks rape Whites whenever they have the opportunity.  You're just rape machines.

    "Don't you hate negroes Jamie? Maybe you should be deported."

    This is MY country, shitskin.  You're going to be the one who leaves.

  54. Anonymous8:23 PM

    That NY Mag article is a wake-up call that White nationalists are crawling out of the woodwork like cockroaches--with their fantasies of race war and "taking back their America" dancing in little brains.

    Race War is what America--the self-styled "Land of the Free"--was literally built upon with the enslavement of Blacks and the ethnic cleansing of Native Indians and theft of their land.

    Trumpettes and like-minded Whites are the 21st-century spawn of America's bloodthirsty race war tradition.

    Ultimately, these Whites are going to have to be dealt with in their own language--they understand nothing else.

    I doubt it's a war that they can win. And deep down, they know it too.
