Monday, June 26, 2017

What should really embarrass us.

Image result for healthy care cbo scores images* So the CBO score of the right-wingnut healthcare bill came out today, and as was to be expected, it predicted that 22 million Americans will be without healthcare as a result of this bill in 10 years.

I am not quite sure how these politricksters can try to sell this bill with a straight face, but , not surprisingly, some have tried. 

I wish they would just be honest and tell the country that they are just trying to  undo everything that former president Obama did.  Their hatred for the man is so strong that they will do everything in their powers to undo his legacy. Even if it means leaving 22 million Americans without heath coverage.

The hater in chief has Obama on his brain so much that he is now blaming him for not stopping his buddies the Russians from hacking into our elections.  Think about this for a minute: This is like a rapist saying, Why did you wear that dress?

 This is the same guy who was just days ago telling us to move on from this Russia story because there is nothing to see here.  Now he is saying that if there IS something to see here, it's Obama's fault.    


Speaking of president Obama, here is a wonderful essay about him and the class and dignity he showed while in office, and possibly the real reason for the hatred in some quarters towards him.  
"The following story, "No, White Friend - You Weren't 'Embarrassed' by Barack Obama," was originally published on
I remember the day after the Election, a friend of mine who happens to be white, remarked on social media that he "finally wasn't embarrassed of America and our President."
I sprained my eyes rolling them and they have never fully recovered.
Since then I've heard this sentiment echoed by more white folks than I can count, especially in recent months; supposed relief at once again having a leader who instills pride.
Since I don't have the time to ask each of the individually, I'll ask here:
So, you were embarrassed for the past 8 years, huh?
What exactly were you embarrassed by?
Were you embarrassed by the way he lovingly and sweetly parented and protected his daughters?
Were you embarrassed by his Columbia University degree in Political Science or his graduating magna cum laude from Harvard Law School?
Maybe you were embarrassed by his white American and Black Kenyan parents, or the diversity he was raised in as normal?
Were you embarrassed by his eloquence, his quick wit, his easy humor, his seeming comfort meeting with both world leaders and street cleaners; by his bright smile or his sense of empathy or his steadiness - perhaps by his lack of personal scandals or verbal gaffes or impulsive tirades?
No. Of course you weren't
Honestly, I don't believe you were ever embarrassed. That word implies an association that brings ridicule, one that makes you ashamed by association, and if that's something you claim to have experienced over the past eight years by having Barack Obama representing you in the world - I'm going to suggest you rethink your word choice.
You weren't "embarrassed" by Barack Obama.
You were threatened by him.

You were offended by him.

You were challenged by him.

You were enraged by him.
But I don't believe it had anything to do with his resume or his experience or his character or his conduct in office - because you seem fully proud right now to be associated with a three-time married, serial adulterer and confessed predator; a man whose election and business dealings and relationships are riddled with controversy and malfeasance. You're perfectly fine being represented by a bullying, obnoxious, genitalia-grabbing, Tweet-ranting, Prime Minister-shoving charlatan who's managed to offend all our allies in a few short months. And you're okay with him putting on religious faith like a rented, dusty, ill-fitting tuxedo and immediately tossing it in the garbage when he's finished with it.
None of that you're embarrassed of? I wonder how that works.
Actually, I'm afraid I have an idea. I hope I'm wrong.
Listen, you're perfectly within your rights to have disagreed with Barack Obama's policies or to have taken issue with his tactics. No one's claiming he was a flawless politician or a perfect human being. But somehow I don't think that's what we're talking about here. I think the thing President Obama did that really upset you, white friend - was having a complexion that was far darker than you were ever comfortable with. I think the President we have now feels much better.
Because objectively speaking, if what's happening in our country right now doesn't cause you great shame and doesn't induce the continual meeting of your palm to your face - I don't believe embarrassment is ever something you struggle with.
No, if you claimed to be "embarrassed" by Barack Obama but you're not embarrassed by Donald Trump - I'm going to strongly suggest it was largely a pigmentation issue.
And as an American and a Christian committed to diversity and equality and to the liberty at the heart of this nation - that, embarrasses me." [Source]
The scoreboard is lighting up, because you sir, just hit one out of the park.
*Pic from


  1. Eloquent, Obama-esque rant, Mr Field. But you sure take the long way around the barn to point out the obvious racism at play with these people. I fear you may have lost the majority of Drumpf's base voters within your monologue.

    Being subtle is all well and good, but not when dealing with thugs who believe a punch in the nose is subtle.

  2. Wesley R10:26 PM

    45 and his CONservative friends could care less about helping Americans with health care. Their whole purpose is to get Obama's name off of the health care bill.

  3. Anonymous11:52 PM

    What exactly were you embarrassed by?

    His fecklessness when dealing with America's enemies and with the real needs of the people who elected him.

    How he always put the interests of party over country.

    How he always put the interests of foreigners ahead of citizens.

    The way he always ran down and disparaged his own country when speaking overseas.

    His ungracious and mean-spirited wife.

    The way he and his administration lied to us about Obamacare.

    The way he and his administration lied to us about his illegal climate deal.

    The way he and his administration lied to us about weaponizing the IRS.

    The way he and his administration lied to us about Benghazi.

    The way he and his administration lied to us about the Iran deal.

    His use of the FBI, CIA, and NSA to try spy on his political opposition.

    The way he reflexively sided with black criminals over white cops.

    His planting of operatives in critical positions to sabotage the incoming administration.

    The time he got busted colluding with debate moderator Candy Crowely.

    The time he was taking selfies of himself with a blond Danish chick at Nelson Mandela's funeral.

    The way he squandered a historic opportunity to bridge the racial divide in favor of exacerbating it for political gain.

    1. Anon@11:52, do u have a prescription for those drugs u are taking?

    2. Anon@11:52, do u have a prescription for those drugs u are taking?

  4. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Obama said all the right things but didn't really DO shit.

    Trump says all the wrong things but keeps getting shit DONE.

    You decide which you'd rather have.

  5. Obama got quite a lot done, and kept many of his promises. Trump gets nothing done except chaos; and his promises are worthless.

  6. Anonymous's bill of particulars is about hurt feelings, projections, trivialities and falsehoods.

    1. Paradoctor u nailed it.😏👊👏

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Embarrassment implies shame, and the Pig-People have none of that.
    They hated Obama for having the temerity to skillfully execute the duties of office and have a wise, steady, respected hand on the ship of state while being both black and Democratic.
    He was never any of the awful things they accused him of, but they had to keep making shit up to accuse him of because he had no real scandal to crow about. That's how he became the Muslim Kenyan Usurper in their wingnut media: they had nothing to complain about in the way he did his job.
    I liked him, but wished he had been a real liberal, and had figured out that the Republicans would never work with him no matter what much sooner. But no, he's a process guy, and his faith in the process of government would have been an even larger detriment to his administration had he not been so adept at it.
    But he did take the job seriously, what ever you thought of him or his policies.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Anonymous3:48 AM

    "But he did take the job seriously, what ever you thought of him or his policies."

    As do Democrats. Republicans aren't serious people and their voters don't call them out for it. Especially this troll of a President. 45 is the poster child of what is happening in the country, he was born into wealth and didn't do anything to make himself but just basked in his father's hard work. As a country we're doing this. We're letting all of our infrastructure crumble while ignoring science and becoming a dumb theocracy like we were on a trajectory before WW2 and Sputnik. If we were serious Trump would invest in STEM education for our coal miners' kids so they can get good jobs in Silicon Valley instead of promising more obsolete mining jobs. Barack symbolized everything they're not; smart, savvy, scientifically literate, serious and sympathetic. Trump represents a desire to go back instead moving forward.


  9. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Interesting read.


  10. Drumpf is not qualified to lick the sweat off Obama's balls let alone run around with nukular codes. BTW has the guy with the football been kidnapped yet? Remember when Drumpfuck pointed him out at Drumpf Dump South and told the whole fucking world who this supposed top secret individual is?

  11. "Trump represents a desire to go back instead moving forward."

    To go back to when science meant going to the moon instead of quasi-religious climate nonsense, when corporations couldn't offshore profits and onshore costs, when third-world serfs weren't imported to keep labor costs down, when men sucking dicks wasn't something to have Pride in, when this was a great country with a great future for all of its people.

    Yeah, I'll go back.

  12. Project Veritas strikes again. CNN producer caught admitting all these Russia stories are bullshit produced to hurt Trump and to keep moronic liberals tuning in:

    American Pravda.

  13. Next potential bombshell: A secret memo indicates that the FBI's investigation into Michael Flynn may have been engineered by now acting director McCabe as a retaliation for Flynn interceding on behalf of a woman who was planning on filing a sex discrimination against McCabe and other top G-Men:

  14. Three CNN Employees Resign Over Retracted Trump-Russia Fake News:

    There’s finally been some fallout from all this Russia kookspiracy crap. The CNN propagandists responsible for a now retracted story on Trump and Russia have submitted their resignations.

    Three CNN employees have handed in their resignations over a retracted story linking President Trump to Russia, the network announced Monday.

    Thomas Frank, who wrote the story in question; Eric Lichtblau, an editor in the unit; and Lex Haris, who oversaw the unit, have all left CNN.

    “In the aftermath of the retraction of a story published on, CNN has accepted the resignation of the employees involved in the story’s publication,” a network spokesperson told The Wrap in a statement.

  15. Anonymous10:44 AM

    CNN viewers are like WWE fans. They know it's fake but watching it supplements the liberal fantasy world they live in.

  16. Here is an expert in criminal law- Bonifield also acknowledged: “I haven’t seen any good enough evidence to show that the President committed a crime.” He continues:

    Some expert Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  17. CNN sez the htree voluntarily resigned. Then CNN sez the report was basically factually correct, the way it was done was the problem.

    So CNN and its employees have integrity sorely missing in Fake Noize and the Drumpf WH, Breitbart, O'Keefucker, etc.

    And the videos will be found to have been selectively adited as per usual.

  18. Anonymous11:15 AM


  19. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Mike from Iowa has a filthy mouth and mind. Doug from Oakland is the same. Foul souls.

  20. Anonymous11:26 AM

    "Foul souls."

    White trash.

  21. G.W.Bush was an embarrassment. Trump is an embarrassment. Certainly not Obama.

  22. If we were serious Trump would invest in STEM education for our coal miners' kids so they can get good jobs in Silicon Valley instead of promising more obsolete mining jobs.

    PX, this was a great post.

    But you know good and damn well whooteemoos aren't the bright enough to learn STEM. And tRump KNOWS that.

  23. Out of 37 nations questioned, only 2 preferred Drumpfuck to Obama. Russia and our enemy Israel.

    Conficence in Drumpfuck's foreign policy is 22%, down from 64% under Obama.

    Remember when dumbass dubya sent some wingnut lackey to Iraq to set up a provisional gubmint and screwed the process silly because he, like dubya had no clue what he was doing? Perfect example of Drumpfuck sending his SIL to Palestine to broker a peace deal according to Israel's demands. Wingnuts, for some inexplicble reason, prefer their pols just as god damn stoopid as they are. You couldn't even drink a beer with Drumpfuck- he would charge you a million bucks just to be in his presence.(and a couple grand for the warm beer. Ice cooling would at least double the cost)

  24. I see mfi keeps good company with Boug.

  25. Anonymous12:35 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "I see mfi keeps good company with Boug."

    White trash infecting a black blog.


  26. Yīshēng is a lab assistant12:36 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    But you know good and damn well whooteemoos aren't the bright enough to learn STEM. And tRump KNOWS that.

    As you know good and damn well the great majority of blacks aren't bright enough to learn STEM. Or understand basis statistics. Or even pass a fire department aptitude test. And everyone KNOWS that.

  27. Liberalism is about hurt feelings, projections, trivialities and falsehoods.

  28. field negro said...
    Anon@11:52, do u have a prescription for those drugs u are taking?

    Yes, it's called the Red Pill.

    You should try it.

  29. We now have proof that CNN is not a news organization. It is just a propaganda arm of the Democrats.

  30. mike from iowa said...
    CNN sez the htree voluntarily resigned. Then CNN sez the report was basically factually correct, the way it was done was the problem.

    The people getting the ax should tell you just how bad the story was. These are not nameless interns or low level writers. These are major names.

    I hate seeing people get fired but CNN has deteriorated to the point where there is literally no lie they will not tell if they think in will damage the Trump administration and get clicks.

  31. mike from iowa said...
    Out of 37 nations questioned, only 2 preferred Drumpfuck to Obama. Russia and our enemy Israel.

    Have you been overseas? The press outside America is basically state-run media. There are no alternative views and everything supports the globalist agenda. I was in the UK for a couple of weeks ahead of the election and the anti-Trump deluge in the media was astounding.

  32. Anonymous1:22 PM


    If emails exist between Lynch and former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz improperly discussing the Clinton email investigation, the former attorney general could be charged with “misconduct in office,” a felony carrying five to ten years in jail.

    “It is alleged, this document has not seen the light of day if it exists, that there are one or several emails between Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Loretta Lynch concerning the behavior that Loretta Lynch will take to further the DNC interests while Mrs. Lynch was attorney general,” “That, if it happened, would be ‘misconduct in office.'”

    “It’s a felony. Depending upon exactly what they charged her with, it could be five or 10 years in jail. It’s very serious. It’s the equivalent of obstruction of justice. It’s the same allegation they are making about the president.”

  33. What's embarrassing?1:38 PM

    Bill Clinton, as President, stuck a cigar in a White House intern's twat and then smoked it.

  34. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Golden showers, embarassingly tiny hands, and Twitter rants are what instill chest-beating pride in Cracker America.

  35. Having Obama for president was the coo-lest. It was like Sugar Bear from the super Sugar Crisp commercials. It probably will not ever really be that good again. We just don't have musical icons like Stevie Wonder coming up in this age. We just have indie rockers or over-produced celebrities.

    No, baby. It was the golden age. We scarcely realized how good it was.

    Maybe if Christ Christie was ever elected, he could invite Springsteen and friends to the WH. Oh, never mind, Obama already beat him to it.

    January 12, 2017! Right before they opened up the sewer pipeline to the WH. Wouldn't you love to have been a fly on the wall for that gig?

  36. "Yes, it's called the Red Pill."

    A strong laxative would be more appropriate to people so full of shit that they can no longer function.

    My friend Dan, from Cuba, noted that it was most likely a Cuban cigar, but said he wouldn't have smoked it.

    PX: That was a good article. Language is indeed powerful, as can be learned from examining the results of Newton Leroy Gingrich's GOPAC memo "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" from 1996. It almost single-handedly destroyed the ability of the two major political parties to cooperate to get things done. And yet the slimy, grifting, creep is still regularly invited onto TV to opine about world affairs as if he weren't a despicable bomb-throwing moron.
    I wonder what the Pope thinks about him accompanying his third wife to the Vatican in her new job as ambassador?

    -Doug in Oakland

  37. O'keefucker's smoking gun in CNN video is the producer saying it 'feels' like bullshit. More innocent blacks have been incarcerated in wingnut land on similar evidence. Numerous Blacks have been executed on less evidence.

    Be fun when minorities gain total control and start offing wingnut scumbags for the hell and be damned of it. Payback will be a whiny wingnut bitch.

    HRC has been under investigation since the 8o's and you don't hear her whining on Twitter that she should be above investigations since she had a yooge electoral victory, biggest since Raisin Raygun. Brumpf is a total disgrace as a human or a politician. A failed businessman with beaucoup bankruptcies and a history of groping women and not paying workers or suppliers.

  38. Anonymous4:49 PM

    "Golden showers, embarassingly tiny hands, and Twitter rants are what instill chest-beating pride in Cracker America."

    Pathological narcissism, unparalleled corruption, and dick sucking are what instill chest-beating pride in Negro America.

  39. Lilacpr5:01 PM

    Wow! Those guys from CNN admitted to making up stories and resigned!!! Holy cow, what the hell is this? Can't trust anybody these days!!! That's why I don't bother!

  40. "Pathological narcissism" says a tRump supporter. Feels like projection to me.

    Well if true about CNN, at least the Dems now have what the repubs have had for years with FOX. Seems fair to me.

  41. “In a staff meeting Monday afternoon, investigative unit members were told that the retraction did not mean the facts of the story were necessarily wrong,” Stelter reported. “Rather, it meant that “the story wasn’t solid enough to publish as is,” one of the people briefed on the investigation said.

    Other outlets just make shit up and it passes as gospel because the core audience doesn't know shit from Shinola.

  42. Anonymous6:13 PM

    CNN has zero credibility.

  43. J. Burton6:38 PM

    Liberals have this absurd belief that any dissent against their infantile worldview must have somehow originated from the dreaded FOX NEWS!

  44. Anonymous J. Burton said. even us dumbass wingnuts are catching up to Fake Noize's fake noize.

    There just might be a sliver of hope for you wingnuts yet.

    Even with zero credibility, CNN is light years ahead of any and everything put out on the real fake news programs- Fake Noize, dead Breitbart, Info-whores, etc.

  45. The Rude Pundit writes about what will happen to towns that overwhelmingly voted for president four-year-old if the BCRA becomes law:

    -Doug in Oakland

  46. Drumpfuck's attorney Jay Suck you low begged people to donate to his kristian charities and then siphoned 60 million away for himself, family and friends. Apparently it might just be a major violation of charities.

    There is no honor among wingnut greedy thieves.

  47. Anonymous9:03 PM

    tfw white people read the Rude Pundit and the Daily Beast and then repeat that shit on a black blog.


  48. Lilacpr10:09 PM

    field negro said...

    Well if true about CNN, at least the Dems now have what the repubs have had for years with FOX. Seems fair to me.

    5:23 PM

    I don't know about that, I don't remember Fox doing something this big, involving another world superpower! I mean three people admitted and resigned! The entire world will be laughing at us, and remembering Putin's emphatic and dismissive denial, in which he almost sneered, well no, not almost, he did sneer at the reporter as he then gave his answer! Wow! But worse yet is the credibility lost. I dunno...

  49. NO news agency has ANY "credibility" as far as I'm concerned.


  50. CNN is ISIS11:04 PM

    @ Yīshēng: So where do you get all of your misinformation?

  51. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  52. Lilacpr9:16 AM

    Yīshēng said...

    NO news agency has ANY "credibility" as far as I'm concerned.


    11:00 PM

    I've gotten to that point also, sadly...

  53. James Bold1:34 AM

    "More innocent blacks have been incarcerated in wingnut land on similar evidence. Numerous Blacks have been executed on less evidence."

    More Black delusion.

    "Be fun when minorities gain total control and start offing wingnut scumbags for the hell and be damned of it. Payback will be a whiny wingnut bitch."

    So you admit that Rwanda-style genocide is your actual goal?  And you wonder why the pushback is still growing... while you're 12.4% of the population pushing against 18% Hispanic and 60+% White?  But damn, are you stupid.

    This torrent of hate from you is red-pilling White people left and right.  Their eyes are opening to the fact that you are only too eager to be the SS troops in the Second American Civil War (or the Cheka in the First American Holodomor, given (((who))) is pushing it), and there can be no peace while you remain here.  Those of you who leave now will at least be guaranteed to get out.  After it kicks off and Whitey is fighting for his life, all bets are off.  Then the tables will be turned.

    Think Treblinka and Belsen times one hundred.  Wait, I forget that you can't.  Words mean nothing to you.  You won't realize what's going on even as the light fades from your eyes for the last time, just like a cow at the slaughterhouse as the captive-bolt gun comes up to its head.  You lack the human ability to foresee consequences and choose against the bad ones.  You choose hate and blood lust every time.  Well, guess what:  Golden Rule, suckaz.

  54. Once again (like always) Baldy cries wolf, wolf when he is befuddled by superior intellect.

  55. Anonymous11:32 AM

    What is embarrassing is that snowflakes need crayons and stress ponies......
