Thursday, July 06, 2017

Dude, where is my limo ?

I must admit that when I first saw the following story I thought that it was a joke from The Onion. Sadly, though, after researching the matter,  I found out that it was true.

I say sadly because as much as I rip Mr. trump, I do want our leader to be somewhat competent, and I do not want a president who suffers from some sort of mental disease calling all the shots.  I think we can all agree that a development like that would be bad for America. I mean who wants a president who doesn't have a clue where he is at any given moment during the day?

Which brings me to the above mentioned story:

"A new video (below) released on Twitter shows that Trump may have something seriouslywrong with him.
We’ve seen some strange behavior from Donald Trump recently, and we may have some answers, thanks to some psychologists, as to why he’s been acting is such a ridiculous manner.
“The behavior of the new president in his first week in office has experts and elected officials wondering: is this just a case of a president with predictable quirks, or is it something that raises concerns about Trump’s judgment and adherence to factual reality?...Now, we may be starting to witness something incredibly sad. Trump may be suffering from some sort of disorder like dementia.
Now, I want to stress that this isn’t something that’s meant to be funny or to be laughed at. We’ve all seen loved ones struggle with something similar to this, and it’s heartbreaking.
Trump has a habit of wandering off at the worst times. In this clip, he was seen looking for his limo, while standing directly in front of his limo." [Watch]
That's right, after stepping down from Air Force One, with his limo right at the bottom of the steps, Mr. trump proceeded to go wondering down the tarmac towards god knows where. Thankfully he was stopped by a trusted aide who led him to the right direction.
This is the man who will be squaring off with Vladimir Putin tomorrow to discuss issues that could have a serious impact on the world. If he can't even find a limo that is right in front of him, how can we trust him to stick to the talking points ( which I am sure the people around him will be giving him) to help him stay on script?
Today he went off script and we say the sad results: Attacking a former president; attacking the free press; and attacking the US intelligence community, all while he is standing on foreign soil.
Here is hoping that his aides will not let him out of their sight tomorrow. If they do he could wonder off to Russia.



  1. James Bold10:27 PM

    "I do want our leader to be somewhat competent, and I do not want a president who suffers from some sort of mental disease calling all the shots."

    So you voted for Clitlery, who had seizures in public appearances, has lingering brain damage causing permanent double vision and had a collapse after the 9/11 memorial ceremony.

    But damn, Black people are stupid.

  2. He wandered off and they brought him back? What on Earth for? If he wandered out into reality for a while, some of it might have rubbed off onto him. That might have been good.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. What a nothing story Field. Really, are you serious? What the hell is with you? You'd better up your game, dude.

  4. Obama 2009: "America is horrible and sucks, I'm sorry."

    Trump 2017: "America is exceptional, and will defend western civilization."

    Things are definitely getting better.

  5. Buh-bye Demented Donald12:26 AM

    The 25th Amendment to the Constitution, Section 4 (aka the Covfefe Clause):

    Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

  6. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Dream on, faggot.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sleep deprivation, old age, and IV viagra, is aging the wig wearing old fart.

  9. Anonymouse1:29 AM

    Fuck Trump, and fuck all of you.

  10. James Bold Alter Ego said...

    "I do want our leader to be somewhat competent, and I do not want a president who suffers from some sort of mental disease calling all the shots."

    So I voted for Lil' Trumpy, notwithstanding Field Negro's concern, a presidential candidate who misbehaved in public appearances, has lingering mental issues causing permanent tunnel vision and had a collapse in judgment and direction--wanderer's disorder--after disembarking a plane

    But damn, white people like me are stupid.

    10:27 PM

  11. Some people think he may have untreated syphilis.

    And while we can't really know that unless he gets examined by a proper doctor, one woman said "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it probably fucked some questionable models in the eighties."

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. So who's running the show?

  13. Has ass wipe run out of chances yet? There is no doubt he is mentally unstable and needs an interdiction for the sake of the entire world.

    He claims everyone at G-20 was talking about John Podesta and why he wouldn't turn over DNC server to the FBI.

    Podesta never worked for the DNC and had nothing to do with their servers. Brumpfuck is the most dangerous shit fer brains in the entire world. He is all the fault of wingnuts and Russians.

  14. Trump sure is deep inside your heads, isn't he?

    Meanwhile, things just keep getting better for America.

    US nonfarm payrolls total 222,000 in June vs 179,000 expected:

    Record 153,168,000 Employed:

    1. My Lord u trumpets are delusional.😶

  15. Yeah, I speak as a 73-year-old: let the word go forth that a presdiential candidadte in his 70s—of any party—is not a good bet.

    Now let's see, how do I post this comment? Where am I?

  16. The elevator in Trump's tower doesn't go to the top floor10:50 AM

    "So who's running the show?"

    Bannon? Ivanka? Vladimir?

    Who knows? It's a mystery. But whoever is actually in charge while Donald is busy golfing or hate-tweeting or having a "mental episode," it's bound to be someone bad. He hasn't exactly surrounded himself with a lot of competent, morally upstanding people.

  17. Meanwhile, things just keep getting better for America. Has zero to do with Drumpfuck or wingnut policies. Every policy they want in place will slow growth, put people out of work, make the wealthier richer and screw everyone else.

    Fortunately, wingnuts are too stoopid to know how to9 govern. Otherwise they would have destroyed America in 6 months of this blithering fucking moron's precedency.

  18. Any idiot could have reaped the benefits of President Obamas hard work and be "winning" 9 or so months after having the Russians help them win the election.

    Oh that's right, one did!!

  19. CNS Noize founded by L Brent Bozo is a right wing joke.

  20. @Winning 9:52 AM:

    Since the day after the election, there has been a new mood in America. Immediately the stock market took off, and companies starting announcing they were bringing jobs back home. We are no longer bombarded with negativity and divisive hate from our President. Instead, we have a President who believes in this country and is working to make better lives for everyone. It's as though a black cloud has been lifted off America's future.

  21. Anonymous12:41 PM

    What is the most interesting, controversial and proven fact or data point you know, which nobody ever talks about?

  22. "What is the most interesting, controversial and proven fact or data point you know, which nobody ever talks about?"

    That almost all central banks are private and are owned by the same people that own almost all the world's media.

  23. Okay Sarah, what universe did you crawl out of? How does kicking poor people off food stamps, taking away their health insurance, privatizing public schools help anyone?

    Dirtbag Donnie Drumpfuck had nothing to do with the stock market rising, he has had nothing to do with unemployment going down, he has had nothing to do with any ofthe positives in the US because he has done nothing.

    Once his misguided projects get started, if he isn't forcibly removed from office first, the economy will head south faster than a wingnut patriot runs away from enlisting in the military.

    Drumpfuck- like most right wing nut jobs is totally worthless POS and he and they cannot govern. They have no clue how to run a country. Enjoy what little prosperity you have. It won't last with these dumb sonsabitches ruining everything.

  24. and dumbass wingnuts just removed the only constraints on the banks that prevented them from collapsing the economy like they did under dumbass dubya.


    Here is what the other dumbass half of Drumpfuck-Pence is busy doing. He totally ignores sign telling people not to touch sensitive space equipment. We went from a Magn Cum Laude Potus to road apples in one election.

  26. I saw donald and his bro together, today. What a lovely couple.

  27. Sarah2:17 PM

    mike from iowa 1:47 PM:
    "Okay Sarah, what universe did you crawl out of? How does kicking poor people off food stamps, taking away their health insurance, privatizing public schools help anyone?"

    You can file those examples under the heading "Things That Never Happened".

    Everyone can see how much better things are getting.

    Trump is a shining light after years of darkness.

  28. Trump and Putin finally got to meet, and the first thing they did was hammer out a cease fire in Syria, ending Obama's disastrous war to topple the Syrian government. This is a great day for peace.

    Hopefully this portends an era of mutual respect and increased cooperation between these two great (and massively nuclear-armed) nations.

    God Bless President Trump.

  29. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Putin denied Russia’s involvement in hacking the DNC emails. Therefore we now know this whole Russian hacking thing is a Democrat/media hoax and we can start arresting people.

    1. Yes, because Putin, like trump,is so reliable.*eye roll*

    2. Yes, because Putin, like trump,is so reliable.*eye roll*

  30. The so called "hammered out deal" has been in the works for a long time.

    Although U.S. and Russian officials had been discussing a potential deal for some time, it didn't reach fruition until the run-up to Trump's meeting with Putin on the sidelines of the Group of 20 economic summit in Germany, officials said.

    It was basically done before the head to head. Drumpf lost again. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    And Sarah, wingnuts plan to cut foodstamps by a 100 billion bucks and when Drumpf don't care insurance is passed 24ooo citizens(estimated) will die for lack of coverage. * times more than in our worst terrorist attack.

    Death and destruction brought to you by the fauxknee kristian right. Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  31. J. Burton3:57 PM

    Everyone panicky over Trump's defense of the West yesterday understands on a visceral level that they are interlopers in it or enemies of it.

  32. MAGA said...

    Trump and Putin finally got to meet, and the first thing they did was hammer out a cease fire in Syria, ending Obama's disastrous war to topple the Syrian government. This is a great day for peace.

    Hopefully this portends an era of mutual respect and increased cooperation between these two great (and massively nuclear-armed) nations.

    God Bless President Trump.

    So Trump and Putin finally meet! Imagine that. Aren't you just precious? Yeah. Nice job on the cease-fire. I haven't read the details. Are you telling me that Trump immediately caved on Syria and pledged U.S. support for Assad? Gee, I guess four million Syrian refugees could have stayed in their homeland if we had just elected a fascist eight years ago. Thank you for that refreshing perspective.

    I too am looking forward to getting into be with an old-school KGB communist who rigs and steals elections for a living. What could go wrong? Guess when Putin leaves office if he doesn't make any changes to the presidential term laws in Russia. Try 2024. Sound good? Let's just let Trump stay president for as long as he wants.

    Just about everybody knows about Trump's relationship with Putin. Everybody but you. Do you get all of your news from Trump's twitter feed? He even had Trump's mobile phone number election night. Who knows the extent of this of this vile and destructive friendship? Here is a brief timeline in Trump's own words.

    Statements made by Trump on Vladimir Putin:

    “I do have a relationship with him” November 2013

    “When I went to Russia with the Miss Universe pageant, [Putin] contacted me and was so nice” February 2014

    “I will tell you that I think in terms of leadership [Putin] is getting an A, and our president is not doing so well” September 2015

    “Yes [we met], a long time ago. We got along great, by the way” October 2015

    “I never met Putin. I don’t know who Putin is. He said one nice thing about me. He said I’m a genius ... I never met Putin” July 2016

  33. News you can use4:27 PM

    "I too am looking forward to getting into be with an old-school KGB communist who rigs and steals elections for a living"

    Actually, it has now been proven that Russia did not "hack" our election, it was all a Democrat hoax to hide Hillary's ties to Russia and Obama's illegal spying on Trump.

    It wasn't the Kremlin, it was the Kenyan.

  34. whalefish4:50 PM

    Whites are so privileged that calls for their continued existence are met with universal condemnation by the power elite.

  35. You can't keep your doctor5:08 PM

    Putin has never lied to us.

  36. Jay Z5:16 PM

    Obama isn't anti-nationalism, he's anti-White. He is fine with other races pursuing their interests.

  37. I get that you guys are true believers, but come on.

    What I meant was that Putin is in the business of fixing elections in Russia. I would have thought that was obvious.

  38. News you can use5:24 PM

    What's obvious is that he's better at it than Obama is.

  39. We have a concensus- Drumpfuck and one other dumbfuck believe Russia didn't hack the election.

  40. CNN is ISIS6:06 PM

    Trump: "Did you cheat the election, Putin?"

    Putin: "Do I look like Donna Brazile?"

  41. Noose is tightening around Loretta's fat neck:

    The Senate Judiciary Committee, which has launched a bipartisan investigation into Lynch for possible obstruction of justice, recently learned of the existence of a document indicating Lynch assured the political director of Clinton’s campaign she wouldn’t let FBI agents “go too far” in probing the former secretary of state.

  42. Y'all should check Podesta's tweets on Twitter, he went in on ol' senility.

  43. La Raza is the Mexican Klan6:35 PM

    Anonymous Jay Z said...
    Obama isn't anti-nationalism, he's anti-White. He is fine with other races pursuing their interests.

    It's funny because they only want white people to think color is irrelevant... every other race openly advocates for their interests.

  44. Someone sent Nipples in to wrap up the meeting.

    I wonder how many bleach showers Putin needed afterwards.

    Probably fewer than if he had been with assnon's greasy fat mammy!

  45. And then we have coal-king Murray finally admits there is no such thing as clean coal. He has spent millions of dollars and all sorts of lies to keep coal flowing.

    Before the infamous meeting between Liars 1 and 2, Drumpfuck offered to suck Putin's little Vlad and polish the knob.

    Drumpfuck and Putinfuck have a cease fire in Syria that covers a small corner of the country. Syria had already stopped military fighting 4 days ago in anticipation of cease fire. Drumpf got ass fucked and raped by Putin and he is smiling about it. Bet Melanoma never did that to Donnie Drumpfuck.

  46. So Putin got everything he wanted, everything he had prepared to get, and president four-year-old... what? Didn't shit and fall back in it?
    So now that Lavrov is claiming president four-year-old made more concessions than Tillerson reported, whose version will win out?
    The president may be under a lot of pressure to stand up to Russia over their attack on our last election and the likelihood they will attack our next as well, but he also probably still wants their help in 2018 and especially 2020, as his prospects go farther into the shitter each day.

    -Doug in Oakland

  47. El Chapo9:28 PM

    "as his prospects go farther into the shitter each day.

    How can someone be as deluded and out of it as Doug obviously is?


  48. Sarah9:30 PM

    DQAE said...
    Someone sent Nipples in to wrap up the meeting.

    I wonder how many bleach showers Putin needed afterwards.

    Probably fewer than if he had been with assnon's greasy fat mammy!

    Someone has them some deep insecurities about White women.

    Just sayin'


  49. ^^^^^^^

    Whooteemoo supremacy is illogical AF.

  50. So the 3rd Circuit in Philly has ruled that it is constitutional to photograph, record, or video police officers in public. Whether that will stop them from beating, arresting, or taking the recording devices from citizens exercising that right remains to be seen.

    -Doug in Oakland

  51. Sarah9:47 PM

    "Whooteemoo supremacy is illogical AF."

    Then you shouldn't be so jealous!

  52. Whooteemoos are marching with the Kooks Kucks Klowns in Charlottesville tomorrow.

  53. Mike,

    While it is typical of the entitled arrogance of Trump's VP and cabinet in general, this story about Mike Pence is more chilling than cute or funny. That the same sick fucks that have not only defunded NASA, but vehemently denied any validity to NASA's most important earth science data related to climate change and global warming research will now be in charge of the newly reopened National Space Council is nothing short of frightening.

    These Kekistani, Frankenstein's monsters from hell don't care any more about science than they care about unemployed, unwed mothers. If Mars is to be explored, it would be nothing short of insult to take this honor away from NASA. Pence's agenda is mostly fantasy. But if they should succeed in diverting huge amounts of national treasure to their ridiculous plans to capitalize, privatize and weaponize space, this can only do massive harm to our nation and the rest of the world.

    Not since the dangerous and unstable years between Sputnik and the Partial Nuclear Test Ban, (1957-1963) has there been such a concerted effort to weaponize and militarize space. Do you think that before the ban, Eisenhower was interested in nuclear tests in space? You can bet your bottom dollar friend. Trump himself has declared space dominance to be a security must-have. While Pence has touted boots on Mars.

    Nightmare science fiction reality. Let's all work together to prevent this, even you dumbass Trumpistas,

  54. Lt. Commander Johnson2:51 AM

    Oh yeah. Some Negro got shot while frogging, Innocently.

    Give me a puking break.

    Tell me, Councillor...why does the Jessica Chambers torture and murder trial keep getting pushed back? The perp killed another woman, too. Will it be on TV?

    I don't damn well think so.
