Monday, July 17, 2017

"Made In America"?

Image result for made in america week imagesSo it is "Made In America Week" in trump world. Yes, you read correctly, "Made in America". (No Melania jokes, please. We know that she was not made in America.)

This from an administration led by a man whose family is notorious for importing (and outsourcing the making of goods) items from other countries, including his long ugly ties. (China)

"If America produces the best craftsmanship, why, then, does Ivanka Trump’s company manufacture no items in the United States? As The Post reported just last week, her company relies “exclusively on foreign factories,” including in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam and China, to manufacture the shoes, handbags, blouses, dresses, jeans and shirts for the first daughter’s line of clothing.

Similarly, many items in Trump’s own clothing and home accessories are produced overseas in countries including China, Bangladesh and Mexico. When he excoriates American companies for moving manufacturing jobs overseas, then, he is including himself in his own criticism — but of course would never admit that. Instead, when questioned about why he manufactures items overseas, his answer was, essentially, everyone else does it. "
Anyway, every time I see the rampant hypocrisy of trump and his minions, I search out thoughtful and sane poeple who are not afraid to put their thoughts and feelings out there for the world to see.

This is from columnist Leonard Pitts:

"So here we are, six months later. How time has trudged.
But the calendar does not lie. On Thursday, we will be half a year through the Trump Era. And, contrary to his signature promise, America seems less great by the day. Nor are his other promises faring particularly well.
There is no sign of progress on that border wall, much less any idea how he is going to make Mexico pay for the thing. His promise to preserve Medicaid and provide healthcare for everyone has dissolved into a GOP bill that would gut Medicaid and rob millions of their access to healthcare.
Meantime, the guy who once said he would be working so hard he would seldom leave the White House spends more time on golf courses than a groundskeeper.
But for all that Trump has not achieved, there is, I think, one thing he indisputably has. He has taught us to live in a state of perpetual chaos and continuous crisis. Six months later, the White House commands the same horrified attention as a car wreck or a house fire.
In that sense, last week’s revelation that the Trump campaign, in the person of Donald Trump Jr., did in fact collude with a hostile foreign power to influence the 2016 election was just another Tuesday. Sure, it might have been shocking from the Bush or Obama campaigns. But under Trump, we live in a state of routine calamity.
Besides which, a few days from now, there will be something else. With Trump, there inevitably is. Things can always get worse — and usually do.
And when they can do, we can count on the GOP, that inexhaustible fount of righteous outrage, to stand tall and courageously look the other way. For almost 20 years,the party has never seen a minor episode (“Travelgate”), a sheer nothing (Whitewater) or even an international tragedy (Benghazi) it could not turn into Watergate II. Yet, as credible accusations of treason, obstruction, collusion, and corruption swirl about this White House, the GOP has been conspicuous in its acquiescent silence. It seems the elephant has laryngitis.
But the rest of us can’t stop talking.
Indeed, from the studios of CNN to the bar stools of your neighborhood watering hole, amateur psychoanalysis has become America’s favorite pastime in the last six months. Dozens of theories have been floated, all aimed at answering one question:
What is wrong with him?
But I have come to believe that question misses the point. Sixty-three million people voted for this. And make no mistake, they knew what they were getting. It was always obvious that Trump was a not-ready-for-prime-time candidate, but they chose him anyway. And the rest of us need to finally come to grips with the reason why.
It wasn’t economic anxiety. As a study co-sponsored by the Public Religion Research Institute and The Atlantic reported in May, people who were worried for their jobs voted for Hillary Clinton. But people who dislike Mexicans and Muslims, people who oppose same-sex marriage, people mortally offended at a White House occupied by a black guy with a funny name, they voted for Trump.
That’s the reality, and it’s time we quit dancing around it.
This has been said a million times: Donald Trump is a lying, narcissistic, manifestly incompetent child man who is as dumb as a sack of mackerel. But he is the president of the United States because 63 million people preferred that to facing inevitable cultural change. So I am done asking — or caring — what’s wrong with him. Six months in, it’s time we grappled a far more important question.
What in the world is wrong with us? [Source]



  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Field Negro is maintained by a low IQ nigger piece of trash who wouldn't know truth from his asshole.

  2. Lilacpr9:33 PM

    "Six months in, it’s time we grappled a far more important question. What in the world is wrong with us?"

    Umhum! Exactly! :)

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Yup, all Trump had to do was play the "Beware of The Black Boogie Men" race card and 63 million people were led to the poles to vote for him like cows being led to the slaughterhouse.

    Right On! Field...You are brilliant! This is a great blog!

  4. Bold, James Bold10:12 PM

    "There is no sign of progress on that border wall"

    Prototypes going up this month.  The god-emperor makes a mockery of your whining.

    "much less any idea how he is going to make Mexico pay for the thing."

    Sending the Mexican't illegals back and giving their jobs to Americans will pay for it just in the savings on Medicaid.  Stopping the flow of remittances to Mexico and cutting off the international telephone revenue which made Carlos Slim the richest man in the world is just lagniappe.

    "It was always obvious that Trump was a not-ready-for-prime-time candidate"

    The guy set the stage for his campaign through years of prime-time TV shows.  Too funny.

    "Donald Trump is a lying, narcissistic, manifestly incompetent child man who is as dumb as a sack of mackerel."

    The only reason this isn't written about every single Black leftist commentator, academic and activist is because there's a huge media machine ready to slam the writer as racist, get them and their family fired from their jobs, kicked out of their schools and even barred from their workout gyms, and then threaten their lives.

    But that's coming to an end pretty fast, as America's negro fatigue goes nuclear.

    BTW, I see Mangingo from Iowa missed me last Friday.  Hi, Mangingo!  I'm back from my weekend.  I bet I had a better time than you did.

  5. What's wrong with us? We have a conscience, fuckhead wingnuts don't. We believe in fair play and equality for all. They don't. They want special privilege rights for whitey fucking wingnut. They think by stealing every election they will somehow acquire the wisdom of how to govern and push their white supremacist agenda through congress and make it the law of America as it was nearly 200 years ago.
    That, plus the fact they stink to high heaven. Skunks won't associate with stinky whitey.

  6. Baldingo- fucking the dog and running over children of color isn't my idea of a good time.

  7. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Remington 870s are made in America.

  8. Leonard Pitts wrote a pretty good column last week in which he went full Driftglass and stated that the Republican party had lost its damn mind.

    And the Rude Pundit posted today an answer to the "what is wrong with us" question, which is simply, it wasn't us, it was the Pig-People, and as they were wrong about everything they said and did concerning president four-year-old and his presidency, fuck listening to them and paying special attention to their stupid, stupid opinions. They have fucked the goat, he says, so nothing else they do is worthy of serious consideration. Sort of like how nobody with a working neuron should listen to a single word uttered by a single neocon about the Middle East. They were so spectacularly wrong about every single aspect of it that their current thoughts on it should be discounted except maybe as examples of what not to do under any circumstances.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. "Remington 870s are made in America."

    And they suck. I gave mine away years ago.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Bold, James Bold12:06 AM

    Mandingo, why is sex with canines and running over children on your mind?

    Do you envy your Muslim role models of Europe who run people over?

    They wouldn't screw dogs, though.  They prefer goats.  You may want to make a note of that.

  11. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Bold, James Bold

    Face it! You're trumpatized along with other trumpatized supporters of trump, supporters who will back him even if Putin was sitting at the presidential desk in the oval office, with trump sitting at a kiddie table.

  12. Filed under rant...

    As far as the rubes who elected Trump just because he had serious Obama hatred cred, the wall, immigration, BLM, etc...

    Well I'm sure that these stellar minds accepted Trump's ready-made explanation of pure red meat in the form of a Trump steak sandwich as to why he only hired Chinese factories to manufacture fashions for Trump and Ivanka.

    "Unfair currency manipulation." That was good enough for you, James, right?

    That simple, huh? And all the time I thought it was near slave conditions at Chinese factories. Dormitories with bunk beds, twelve-hour shifts, minimum wages ranging from $0.25/hour all the way to $2.50/hour in Shang Hai. Walled factories with walls topped with barbed wire. A business model that gave Mitt Romney a major hard-on.

    Oh, yeah. And the United States has a $17 trillion national debt because of the imbalance of trade with China? Nice doctoral thesis, Professor Trump.

    Hey genius. At least they are oppressing their people to make a few dollars making nice stuff for us to enjoy instead of the other way around.

    We also have good trade with Japan and Germany. The fact that there is an imbalance speaks to the fact that we are more wealthy. And if you would like to see a shining example of a beautiful trade relationship, look no further than the trade and production sharing that exists between Mexico and the U.S. since NAFTA.

    Now would you guitarists really want to play a Mexican stratocaster? Maybe not. Am I proud that my Ford was built at the Kentucky Truck Plant. Damn right I am. These are all achievements that occurred under Clinton, Bush and Obama. We didn't need a super turdie-head to try and make America shitty.

  13. I'm sorry, I guess I haven't checked in on the National Debt Clock for several months. Wake me up when we hit twenty trillion.

  14. So there is an official "no touch" policy in DC when it comes to goats, and so the application for a "goat yoga" class at the cemetery there was denied:

    -Doug in Oakland

  15. FJ: I don't play strats myself (I'm really more of a Gibson guy), but my friend Nick, who is much better than I will ever be, swears by them, owns dozens of them, and can build one from parts (as opposed to my friend Koa, who can build a Gretsch from scratch). Anyway, Nick says that some Mexican strats are just dandy, but you have to know how to tell the good ones from the ones that require a lot of work before they play right. He says that there are good ones from all of the different factories, but fewer good ones from the poorer factories, no matter where they are.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. They wouldn't screw dogs, though. They prefer goats. You may want to make a note of that.

    Baldingo you have confused Muslims with Montana. Texas, Wyoming wingnuts.

  17. Daddy Criminal Drumpfuck is blaming Dems for his failure to get taxcuts for the wealthy. Meanwhile, this dooshbag does not care that he is a lying narcissist or anything else. He ignores reality like Baldingo does.

    Leonard Pitts is one of my favorite journalists. Always lays the blame on right wing nut jobs-where it belongs. America needs more Black voices and less whitey wingnuts.

    I see cops in Minneapolis decided to do something about the racist label they so richly deserved, imho. They went and shot an unarmed white female Australian through the squad car door-no mean feat in and of itself. Wonder what made them fear for their lives?

  18. Wake me up when we hit twenty trillion.

    That 20 trillion can be traced back to right wing nut jobs austerity policies and other treasonous attempts to make America suck balls.

  19. Anonymous, what is wrong with you? Bold: ditto.

  20. "Tropical Storm Don losing steam"

    The article didn't specify whether it was Don Sr. or Don Jr.

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. So the latest pair of Republican healthcare tax cuts have gone down in flames, the first due to it not being awful enough for the extremists, and the second due to three female Republican senators having vestigial consciences.
    So now president four-year-old has stamped his little trotters and bleated that he won't own it, Republicans won't own it, and all he can do now is try to sabotage the ACA and start over.
    You know, the same thing he's doing with the country, and under the same false premises.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. Made in Soviet America-you know, wingnutland-

    That’s according to an astonishing new survey from the left-leaning Public Policy Polling. Here some additional highlights:

    Fewer than half of Trump voters (45 percent) believe Donald Trump Jr. met with Russians about information that might be harmful to Hillary Clinton; 32 percent don’t believe the meeting even took place; 24 percent are unsure.
    13 percent of Trump voters think there was knowing collusion — as in, that Trump’s team actively worked with the Russians — to gain an advantage in the election, whereas 81 percent say it didn't happen at all.

  23. Anonymous11:49 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    "Remington 870s are made in America."

    And they suck. I gave mine away years ago.

    -Doug in Oakland
    11:47 PM

    In continuous production since 1950....over 10 million made.

  24. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Mossberg 500 made in USA!!

  25. Bold, James Bold10:07 AM

    "As far as the rubes who elected Trump just because he had serious Obama hatred cred, the wall, immigration, BLM, etc..."

    Trump was elected because America elected Obama twice and you STILL wouldn't stop playing the race card every chance you got.  Trump is by far the mildest thing in the pipeline if you won't stop.

    Believe me, in 2025 you are going to be wailing about how bad it is and how much better you had it under Trump.  Those of you who are still alive, that is.

    "The article didn't specify whether it was Don Sr. or Don Jr"

    Don King.

  26. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Colt 6920 American made!!

  27. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  28. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Remington 700 made in America.

  29. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Nobody has to lie about the Black Plague that is and will destroy America to get themselves elected. Cultural change...??? You don't have a culture, and do not give me that bullshit that 10 thousand years ago you all invented UFOs and brain surgery Christ you all are too stupid to figure out birth control and parenting. I can't wait for the day that it all collapses and we will see how bad ass you all really aren't.
