Sunday, July 16, 2017

Delta vs. Angry Ann.

Image result for delta airlines imagesI happen to fly Delta airlines a lot, because I usually fly South and make my connections in Atlanta. So, for my domestic flights at least, Delta is usually my airline of choice.

I am glad to say that this trend will most certainly be continuing, because recently right-wingnut mouth piece, Ann Coulter, chose to put Delta on blast.

"In a series of scathing tweets, Coulter called Delta “the worst airline in America” and claimed the airline gave away the “extra room seat” she purchased before the flight departed. A spokesman for the airline confirmed with HuffPost that Coulter was on a flight from La Guardia Airport in New York to Florida on Saturday. "

What a loser! She gets bumped for a seat she paid a few bucks for on an upgrade on and she whines.

Talk about the "victim card". And to think conservatives like to blame liberals and blacks for playing the that card from the deck.

So you had to switch seats. Put on your narrow girl pants and suck it up. Shit happens when you are traveling.

Delta's response was classic.

"But the second was a remarkably bold admonishment from a corporate social media feed:"

Good for them, because political bitterness and rancor has found its way into everyday life, and it's folks like Ann Coulter who are driving the anger train.

We can't seem to get away from these whiny angry people no matter how hard we try.
You would think that the election of trump would make them happy, but it has only seemed to make them worse.

"Coulter’s rant against the airline, which lasted about two hours, included complaints about the flight’s WiFi, which she claims wasn’t working, “probably to prevent passengers from tweeting from the plane about how they’re being treated.”
Coulter claimed she was upset over the alleged seat change because she took the time to “investigate” Delta’s aircraft and meticulously chose her “pre-booked seat.” She pointed fingers at the female passenger in the above photo, claiming that she had “waltz[ed] at the last min” and took her seat."
Oh shut up!
Next time go Greyhound, and then tell the driver to drop you off in small town in fly-over country and just stay there. 
*Pic from


  1. Ha! If Delta had run out of pretzels for a black passenger, you'd be screaming "RAYCISS!" and demanding free flights for negroes.

  2. I can't understand why people are starving in Venezuela when they have so many Hispanic laborers.

  3. St, Louis is 49% black, 43% white, and 8% Hispanic/Asian.

    There were 222 St. Louis murder suspects in 2013-2014

    Racial breakdown:


    Tell us again why considering blacks more dangerous is irrational.

  4. And of course this story overlooks the real victim: whoever was unlucky enough to have to sit that much closer to that gorgon for an airplane ride.
    I hope Delta compensates them for their traumatic experience.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Doug is not allowed on airplanes.


  6. CNN is ISIS11:37 PM

    Democracy really works when journalists only hold one political party to account with the other's rules.

  7. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Spirit is the worst airline

  8. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Quick point about "no evidence can sway them"

    A lot of us Trump supporters understand that we are at war—that what is at stake is land, sovereignty, the very right of our people (whoever they are) to have our own country. It's not policy, it's not tax rates or the size of government, it's war for whether we are going to be allowed to have our own country or whether we will live in a third world country as a despised and physically endangered minority without even the right to speak or assemble in our interests. It's a war for freedom in the historical sense of the word: political independence.

    In a war you only care if your guy is on your side, and if he is being effective. You don't care what he does other than that. No amount of "evidence" is going to make us say "oh shit, this guy is kinda corrupt after all/his facts are kinda unreliable aren't they, guess I'll let him go and support the side that wants to dispossess me and my progeny." No fucking way.

    You did the same with Obama. You didn't care that he was funded by Wall Street, that he used the IRS to attack his opponents, that Obamacare was a disaster that he lied about to get passed, that he expanded NSA surveillance to all Americans, that he started new illegal wars in Libya and Syria, that he armed ISIS and gave $150 billion to Iran, gave a big chunk of our uranium reserves to Russia, and that he used intelligence agencies to spy on the Trump campaign. None of that mattered because you considered Obama to be on your side.

    And of course, even if all the insane Russia bullshit were true, you'd still have to demonstrate to me that Putin wants to destroy my country and people through immigration and totalitarian repression of speech and assembly. Unless he wants to do that, I've got bigger enemies to deal with, and yeah, "literally no evidence" is going to sway me.

    When the rhetoric from the left changes enough to convince me you don't want to genocide my people, maybe we can start talking about normal political issues again. But until then, this is war.

  9. Bigger enemies in your own head, maybe. Your comment is really typical of someone who has bought all of the lies and propaganda the right has been pushing for decades for the exact purpose of creating people just like you who are so terrified of nothing and deluded that you're willing to sell out your own country, family, and life to be under the fake protection of your Big Father Figure who will keep you safe from all of the danger he has invented to scare you into submission.
    So let's see how your war plays out when they take away your health insurance to give themselves a tax cut.
    The only genocide on offer here is that of the 24,000 poor people, most of whom are white and Christian, who will die each year if "your side" gets their way.
    And you wouldn't know a war if it bit you on your ass, because if you did, you would see that we, the USA, are being attacked by Russia right now. And the country isn't being helped by poltroons like you who are too far gone to accept reality.
    But go ahead, play right into their hands and try to divide us so they can conquer us, there are always dumbfucks like you around at such times.

    -Doug in Oakland

  10. Limpbaugh5:33 AM

    This is interesting. The comments are too. The interviewer is a completen idiot.

  11. Dear Mr Wilson@10:15, please Google the name Cosmo DiNardo.

    Have a lovely day.

  12. Coulter has been shunned by right wing nuts so she bays at the moon for attention. She was going to quit flying Delta years ago. Apparently she is addicted to abusive airlines and can't leave them.


    California farms are critically short of labor since Drumpfuck's crackdown on immigrants-legal or otherwise. Farms have raised their pay to heights never seen before and still can't get Americans to take the jobs.

  14. Yisheng's Advisor10:14 AM

    people who jack off in the bedroom: spiritual, harmonious, Attuned
    people who jack off in the bathroom: intellectual, mechanical, productive

  15. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Doug jacks off in the basement.

  16. Cletus10:21 AM

    dinthebeast said...
    And you wouldn't know a war if it bit you on your ass, because if you did, you would see that we, the USA, are being attacked by Russia right now.

    I'm a looking out my window right now, and I don't see no Russians yet. What do you think they are up to, Doug? Can y'all see some out there in Oakland?

  17. @mike from iowa:

    agribusiness, another shoe to drop. Drumptweet won't be out of the picture until enough corporate heads decide he's hurting business, not before. the clusterfuck of his administration, undercutting his half-assed oligarchical fealties, will likely cost corporations dearly before they pull the ripcord and get theier Congressional puppets to follow suit.

  18. Off the fucking deep end10:40 AM

    Drumptweet won't be out of the picture until enough corporate heads decide he's hurting business, not before. the clusterfuck of his administration, undercutting his half-assed oligarchical fealties, will likely cost corporations dearly

    Progressives 2017:

    1. We need to protect the interests of corporations and subvert the political choices of the people.

    2. We need to provoke a nuclear holocaust with Russia.

  19. mike from iowa said...
    California farms are critically short of labor since Drumpfuck's crackdown on immigrants-legal or otherwise

    This is a real emergency. Unless we dissolve our borders and flood our fields with helot laborers, mike will have to pay 10 cents more for a head of lettuce.

    I bet his great-great-great grand pappy was saying the same thing about cotton in 1865.

  20. Old Man River you would be wrong on all counts, Charlie. I don't buy lettuce. I buy seeds and grow my own. Ever tried Buttercrunch lettuce fresh from the ground, rinsed and chilled? I grow much of the veggies I eat and give lots of stuff to neighbors and elderly residents of assisted living in town. So far I have poisoned no one with salmonella or any other shit one gets from factory farm produce.

    I can't tell you anything about any grand pappy. I only knew my Mother(of blessed memory) 's Mother. All other grands passed before I was born.

  21. mike from iowa said...
    "So far I have poisoned no one with salmonella or any other shit one gets from factory farm produce."

    That's because you are not Mexican and use toilet paper, I assume.

  22. It is because I don't irrigate with dirty water and reuse it over and over again. I compost cattle manure for approx 2 years before I use it to help build garden soils. I don't us pesticides or herbicides in my garden other than some weed control, in areas that did not get planted to any crops this year. I also grind up and till old vines and crop residue into the ground. I try to be as sonscientous and responsible as I can be.

  23. Angry, mangy Coulter hound
    iz pissed enough to Delta ground
    if only she had poisoned darts
    this feud be done before it starts

    Annie's gun is concealed heat
    About a foot above her teats
    Nestled inside a cavernous mouth
    Just itching to be ordered out

    Venom flys and slobber spurts
    to rend proud flesh on korporate jerks
    who happen to make Afghan Annie mad
    and hurt her feelers, that's too sad

    Our Annie has nefarious ways
    it amuses her to insult Gays
    and libs, Dams and korporate stiffs
    that make fun of her petty tiffs

    What's next for Ann dear? who gives a shit?
    She'll make something up, her persona splits
    So many ways much too hard to consider
    Is it true Bill Maher was the last guy that did her?

    So a mystery remains that needs be solved
    Between Delta Air and a blonde involved
    a petty outrage and so many scoff
    a how little it takes to set Coulter off.

  24. "I'm a looking out my window right now, and I don't see no Russians yet. What do you think they are up to, Doug? Can y'all see some out there in Oakland?"

    No, I don't "see" any Russians invading Oakland, but DHS and FBI see them breaking into computers at nuclear facilities.

    -Doug in Oakland

  25. Let's kick Walmart around some, too, shall we?

    What was that product description again. WalMart? Some N word Brown?

  26. Anonymous5:24 PM

    The racist person is a third-party seller using Wal-Mart's website to sell their product. All this really proves is that Wal-Mart don't thoroughly review all ads posted on their site. That's probably true for Amazon and Ebay as well.

  27. Out of curiosity, Anon, is WalMart responsible for the content on their website(s?

  28. "Progressives 2017:

    1. We need to protect the interests of corporations and subvert the political choices of the people.

    2. We need to provoke a nuclear holocaust with Russia."

    When did right-wngnuts get so chummy with the Russians? (White nationalism might have something to do with it.)

    Would you rather be nuked by the North Koreans?

  29. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Field Negro loves nigger trash because they think his low IQ of 84 is intelligent.

  30. Anonymous9:26 PM

    mike from iowa suck field negros 2 inch cock.

  31. And they take the low road. Anymoose-Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  32. They always došŸ˜

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Uh, maybe stopvflying Delta? Try United. Ha!

