Sunday, July 09, 2017

Meet and greet.

 We can't say that we didn't see this coming. The talks between Mr. trump and the Russian leader was clearly a disaster if you happen to have America's best interests at heart.

They were supposed to talk for a half hour or so, and yet they ended up talking for over two and a half hours. The problem is, of course, that because only two or three other people were in the room, we have no idea what was actually said.

That was the first mistake made by team trump: Not putting more people in the room. Now we have all kinds of different versions of what actually went down between the two best bros.

Poor Rex Tillerson tried to get his leader's back, but as is always the case with trump, you get his back at your own risk.    Or, you can be like Nikki Haley and try to state the obvious and risk his trust. She had a different take on what should have happened when Vlad met Donald as well. Of course we will probably never know, because there was really no one there to tell us.  

Mr. trump claims that he raised the issue of the Russian election meddling twice, and that Vlad assured him that Russia did no such thing. Mr. trump, inexplicably, believed him. And in his words they had a "tremendous" meeting, even though members of his own political gang are questioning just what they hell he was doing.  

Everyone, except the little man in trump's head (and his trumpbots), pretty much agree that his meeting with Putin was a disaster, and that his trip to the G20 Summit was as well. (Really Donald? Your daughter sitting in for you at a crucial meeting with other heads of state?) 

Anyway, since American journalism is pretty much dead. (May it RIP.) It took an Australian to sum up how we all are feeling about Donald's latest oversees adventure.

"Speaking on Sunday from the G20 conference in Hamburg, Uhlmann said Trump had shown 'no desire and no capacity to lead the world' and was himself 'he biggest threat to the values of the west'. 
'He was an uneasy, lonely, awkward figure at this gathering and you got the strong sense that some of the leaders are trying to find the best way to work around him,' Uhlmann said.
'Where was the G20 statement condemning North Korea which would have put pressure on China and Russia? Other leaders expected it, they were prepared to back it, but it never came.'
Uhlmann said Trump was obsessed with 'burnishing' his celebrity' and had 'diminished” his own nation to the benefit of Russia and China.
'We learned that Donald Trump has pressed fast-forward on the decline of the United States as a global leader. He managed to isolate his nation, to confuse and alienate his allies and to diminish America.
“[He is] a man who barks out bile in 140 characters, who wastes his precious days as president at war with the west’s institutions like the judiciary, independent government agencies and the free press.”' [Source]
Throw another "shrimp on the Barbie" for that man.


  1. Bloody Australian told it like it was. I called it. Putin had his way with Drumpfuck's fat ass and made Drumpfuck like it.

  2. The way I figure it, when Trump was in Moscow in 2015 currying favors with the Kremlin, Putin had him hypnotized. While the prostitues were having sex with each other, Trump was given a post-hypnotic suggestion. Now Putin just has to whisper some key word like "caviar" or "fur coat" and Trump goes back into a waking trance and becomes as weak and compliant as a kitten.

  3. NYT is reporting that Donnie Junior met with the Russians during his father's campaign because he was promised they would give him some (presumably stolen) information that might be damaging to Hillary Clinton.

    Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort were also reportedly at the meeting.

  4. Richard Engel called it ahead of time: with no note takers in the room, the two diplomats would come away from the meeting with conflicting accounts of how it went down, and we can deduce a lot about what they are trying to do by the specific differences.

    Specific difference number one: Lavrov claims that president four-year-old fully accepted Putin's claim that Russia didn't meddle in our election.
    Tillerson tells it slightly different, saying that the president just agreed to disagree and had them move on to other issues.

    What that says about Lavrov: They're manipulating president four-year-old's reactions and using the discrepancies to sell their positions to the Russian people by seeming smarter and in control of things to them, which is advantageous when you're stealing from them and want to continue to do so. Also that they expect president four-year-old to back down and get with their program.

    What that says about Tillerson: That he's trying desperately to spin this as a case of his boss being in control of the meeting, and of the "other issues" being more important than Russia's attack of our election. And to be fair, to him they are, especially the Ukraine stuff, which is just an attempt at political cover for lifting the sanctions preventing Exxon's half-trillion dollar deal with Russia which would make him a very rich man.

    The more you pick the details apart, the more it becomes clear that Mueller is probably on the right track staffing the investigation with mob, financial crimes, and Russian specialists, as pretty much everything Tillerson and the president did only make sense if either they are incompetent and totally got played, or they are corrupt and trying to clear the way for their own graft and enrichment.
    Or, of course, both.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Trump's own tweet clearly delineates his own exoneration of Putin.

  6. There 👏🏽 are 👏🏽 NO 👏🏽 surprises 👏🏽 about 👏🏽 This 👏🏽 Administration!!!

  7. What could possibly make the G20 more exciting?12:59 AM

    Oh, I know! A dumb MAGA song (yes, there really is one) played behind a Trump-worshipping highlight reel!

    This presidential administration is a bad joke.

    1. A song. Anon@12:59, did I read that right? Help us all!!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Well, I guess the bait that the Russian lawyer used to attract young Donnie and Manafort was that Hillary and the DNC were working with Russia to skew the election. WTF?

    That explains where the outlandish notion that Hillary was colluding with the Russians instead of Trump must have come from. Again. You can't make this stuff up. Truth is by far stranger than fiction.

    Many thanks to the various right-wing trolls that frequent this blog who pointed this out to us so many weeks and months ahead of the actual fact finding. Kudos. You are indeed a valuable source of information.

  10. Anonymous1:36 AM

    If you are a "citizen of the world" then why does this matter?

  11. And now they're shopping forged documents purporting to be US intelligence highly classified NSA stuff that detail collusion between Russia and specific members of the campaign team around to news services in the hopes that they will run with them and have the story (and the reporting on collusion) blow up in their faces.
    They're not likely Russian, as the quality is too bad, they're definitely not NSA as they name specific US persons, and they seem to be forged from the NSA document that the Intercept received from that contractor in Georgia and posted online.
    I wonder who would do such a thing?

    And as for the MAGA song, this one's much better:

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Imbecile from Iowa typed...

    "Bloody Australian told it like it was"

    Or what it should be, or what it could be, or where it should be, or how it might be, or how someone should take control? ETC.

    Anyway, you blithering idiot, why does the Australian have to be bloody?

    Sincerely, Anymoose

  13. Dammit. Fucking Pussy Riot. Outrageous!

  14. Let's hear the end of this matter: trump is compromised. Putin has him by his sack of marbles, and everyone is afraid to say so.

    The British agent dossier reveals it all.

    Trump is not our president so much as he's Putin's Puppet.


  15. Here you go, Field- Video included. I don't have sound so I can't listen to this.

    Anymoose- I'd explain where the bloody Australian thingie came from, but it is long and tedious. I suggest you get the 6 or 8 hour Australian mini-series "1915" (it ran on PBS decades ago), and eventually you find the reference.

  16. Our country gets less great by the day8:59 AM

    Mike, to get the full annoying effect, you've really got to see that highlight reel -- Trump's greatest G20 hits! -- that he posted on Twitter.

    Watching that, you'd think that Trump's visit was a smashing success, rather than the reality, which is that all the other leaders (except Vlad) thought our president was a complete and utter tool.

  17. Former dumbass dubya ethics lawyer sez he would have Drumpfuck jr. and Drumpfuck's SIL in custody for questioning. Sez meeting a Russian agent during the election campaign borders on if it is not outright treason.

    Of course wingnuts won't care because HRC had emails.


    Drumpf will claim and Conway will back him up, that Drumpf never heard of Russia or organized crime before. Of course, you know, HRC had emails.That is the real story.

  19. The Trumpening10:44 AM

    "Everyone, except the little man in trump's head (and his trumpbots), pretty much agree that his meeting with Putin was a disaster,'

    Negotiating a cease fire in this horrifically stupid war in Syria is a "disaster"? For who?

    And really, everyone? How does "everyone" know the content of this meeting?

    All of the sources you quoted are Trump-hating ninnies whose analysis (since they had absolutely no way of knowing what was discussed) consisted of 100% speculation.

    You really need to get out more and broaden your reading.

    Get a grip, Field. You need to accept reality.

    We are holding a seat on the Trump train for you when you are ready. Don't wait too long.

  20. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I'm really starting to believe that there was no Russian interference in the election but the intelligence agencies saw that Trump was going to give the store away to Putin and needed something to slow it down.


  21. Is that really you PX @10:55? What a f**king mess posting/participating here has become! URGH!!

  22. Pilot x's half brother11:09 AM

    "the intelligence agencies saw that Trump was going to give the store away to Putin"

    As in....?

    What could Trump give Putin that would be counter to the interests of the United States, and what evidence is there that he would?

    And on another note, are you cool with intelligence agencies dictating US policy by subverting the directives of a duly-elected President?

  23. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Well let's look at the obvious. Oil is 40% or such of the Russian economy and the current sanctions won't allow arctic drilling, a deal which was created by our current SoS who was awarded Russia's highest civilian award. You don't have to be a Mensa member to figure it out. And yes, if I were a member of the intelligence agency and I saw a coup coming I would consider throwing a monkey in the wrench.


  24. James Bold11:21 AM

    This obsession about Russia tells you (((who))) is writing the narrative.

    You need to know (((who))) has a generations-old hatred of Russians, first for keeping (((them))) penned up in schtetls, second for taking their country back after they'd overthrown the republic which replaced the Tsar, and third for making it hard for them to leave rather than pay for their crimes.

    You need to know (((who))) wants Syria turned into a failed state so that the Golan can be annexed.

    Blacks are just (((their))) tools.  Blacks aren't smart enough to see through it.  Even after I've spelled it out here in black and white, you Blacks will go on spouting (((their))) narrative.

  25. Brumpfuck didn't negotiate shit of the cease-fire. Those negotiations have been ongoing for months. Drumpfuck merely announced the non-enforceable cease-fire so dumbfucker Drumpfuck dummies would bask in his greatness.

  26. Pilot x's half brother11:30 AM

    "if I were a member of the intelligence agency and I saw a coup coming I would consider throwing a monkey in the wrench."

    How can a duly elected President initiate a coup against himself?

    An intelligence agency subverting an elected government would be a coup. A President pursuing his own policy would be how representative government is supposed to work.

    And how is Russia exercising its sovereign right to develop its own energy resources counter to the legitimate interests of the United States? It might mean lower oil prices realized by US oil companies, but more/cheaper energy is better for everyone else.

    I think you need to think through the costs of irrational antagonism towards the other major nuclear power versus the benefits of pursuing better relations.

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Russians have been acting aggressively towards its neighbors and illegally invaded a soverign nation thus the sanctions. Easing those sanctions is against the interests of most European nations and the US.


  27. The Drumpfuckening said- derp.

    How many ceasefires have been negotiated in Syria? Let you count the ways-

    Drumpfuck's make believe cease fire is just one of a whole damn bunch of them. You need to bone up on your material before you post easily refutable stuff!

  28. Can you imagine the nukular impeachment charges had Obama broken this many laws and turned the WH into a money making machine for his family? Drumpfuck should be shot just for the amount of lies he has ejaculated in 6 months stinking up the people's house.

    No regard for truth. No regard for protocol. No regard for the constitution. No regard for any of our allies- just our enemy Russia. No regard for American citizens or the health, wealth, well being, etc.

  29. A real orbital engineer with a real 150 IQ1:20 PM

    Even after I've spelled it out here in black and white, you Blacks will go on spouting (((their))) narrative.
    Even after YOU spelled it out in black and white? And who the fuck are you? Oh so now you're a foreign policy expert in addition to being an author, math book editor, orbital engineer and chemistry doer. Looks like you're the one spewing anti-semetic bullshit that you saw on stormfront or some other retarded website. No thanks asshole, we'd rather trust our own common sense that says that there is way too much evidence of Russian influence on Trump. Now go back to celestrial engineering or whatever bullshit job you want to pretend you have today and leave us Blacks alone. And don't take it personally if we don't take your word for important international issues.

  30. You can find that misguided song on YouTube. It's quite new. It was written by a Baptist Minister who also is a music director and a passable composer and arranger. Apparently Trump must have really liked it. I imagine the son-of-a-bitch wrote it for the Fourth of July weekend.

    I'm just praying that he doesn't strike a deal with a major publisher of religious anthems arranged for SATB or SATB with orchestral parts. So far there is no evidence of that. If it does happen, we will no doubt begin to hear this anthem in republican churches on Sunday mornings and concerts. Maybe they will trot it out four or five times a year for the patriotic holidays. May the God of Israel prevent this sacrilege from taking place.

  31. Is there any possible reason normal, mainstream journalists have to interview that lying sack of shit Conway? She flat out lies and then changes the subject and flat out lies some more. I thought CNN had banned her from ever appearing and lying to them again. What a ditzy, fucking moron. And she is butt ugly to boot.

  32. "Negotiating a cease fire in this horrifically stupid war in Syria is a "disaster"? For who?"

    For us and for Syria, as it is only a tiny, temporary cease fire that will soon lapse and be forgotten, and as the whole deal is a retreat from our former stated position that Assad had to go, you know, the one thing that could start to actually end the civil war there.

    But go ahead, carry on appeasing Putin so he can keep his navy base and continue propping up Assad until another 400,000 are dead and a few million more refugees that you are dead set against helping are living in camps in the desert and starving.

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. Anonymous5:46 PM

    James Bold said...

    This obsession about Russia tells you (((who))) is writing the narrative.

    Either James Balderdash is compromised by the Russians, or he's a Russian hack.

  34. It seems that someone is delving into the actual history of Africa, and it turns out that there were many great civilizations there that just never make it into Western history books:

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. Deanter5:56 PM

    James Bowel: "Even after I've spelled it out here in black and white"

    You haven't spelled it out in black and white. Only a relatively few people, mostly your fellow delusionals, know that the triple-parentheses is a standard anti-Semitic way of saying that the person or entity named within the parentheses is Jewish.

    If you believe that evil Jews are manipulating the Trump-Russia narrative, why not say it straight out in black and white, in words everyone can understand without knowing wingnut code?

    By the way, Israel annexed the Golan Heights a long time ago (and had good reasons for doing so).

  36. James Bold's Alter Ego said...

    This obsession about Russia tells you (((who))) is writing the narrative.

    You need to know (((who))) has a generations-old hatred of Russians, first for keeping (((them))) penned up in schtetls, second for taking their country back after they'd overthrown the republic which replaced the Tsar, and third for making it hard for them to leave rather than pay for their crimes.

    You need to know (((who))) wants Syria turned into a failed state so that the Golan can be annexed.

    Whites, not Blacks, are (((their))) tools. Blacks are smart enough to see through it, but not Whites, as Blacks aren't the ones with the power, who own the media, the military, or corporate America. Even after I've spelled it out here in black and white, brown and yellow, purple and pink, and red, white, and blue, you whites with your media conglomerates will go on spouting (((their))) narrative.

  37. Jamie is kinda dumb6:33 PM

    The triple parentheses have been adopted as an online stigma by antisemites, neo-Nazis, and white nationalists to identify individuals of Jewish background as targets for online harassment
    Has Jamie EVER had an original thought? Everything he posts is either standard right wing propaganda or something from the standard issue hate site. For an individual who is supposed to be a nuclear space engineer with an IQ of 150 he is very underwhelming.

  38. James Bold7:00 PM

    "Either James Balderdash is compromised by the Russians, or he's a Russian hack."

    You guys are the best entertainment.  Sometimes you make my sides hurt from laughing so hard.

    "Only a relatively few people, mostly your fellow delusionals, know that the triple-parentheses is a standard anti-Semitic way of saying that the person or entity named within the parentheses is Jewish."

    Oh, dear.  Now EVERYONE who reads FN knows too.  See what you've done?

    Oh, wait, I forgot that 8 months after I admitted that I'm trolling here, people are still calling me a troll as if I'd take it as an insult.  Everyone but you will have forgotten by tomorrow.

    "Has Jamie EVER had an original thought?"

    Multiple patents list me as sole inventor, so there's that.  But you clowns aren't worth real originality, even if you could comprehend it.  The IQ gap is just too big.

  39. Anonymous7:17 PM

    James Bawled "Multiple patents list me as sole inventor, so there's that. But you clowns aren't worth real originality, even if you could comprehend it. The IQ gap is just too big."

    I'm thmart! I'm thmart! Never mind that I can't give any evidence that I ever invented anything! Never mind that I believe thtoooopid racist bullshit! I have to maintain my thmarmy thuperiority! I'm way way thmarter than yooooo!

  40. Baldy is lying through his teeth, Racist whitey wingnuts have no soles.

    Baldy is patently fucked up in his head.

  41. Anonymous8:19 PM

    James Balderdash..."You guys are the best entertainment. Sometimes you make my sides hurt from laughing so hard.

    Hmmm. Telling us we're a joke, confirms what we already know--we got to you.

  42. Jamie's 150 IQ10:59 PM

    Ok let's see multiple patents, author, math book checker, orbital engineer, international relations expert, chemistry at desk doer and high IQ genius. Well, if you had EVER posted anything close to being halfway intelligent we MIGHT consider believing you for a second but all the evidence points to the contrary. You post easily refutable right wing stories, stupid memes, link us to high school student's research papers as evidence and just are a very basic racist troll. At least you're consistent because most other trolls give up lying about their supposed genius and highly technical careers. Then again that might also be a sign of insanity. Being honest, you kind of come across as an idiot. Maybe step your game up?

  43. Black James11:20 PM

    Yeah you people are too slow to get me if I ever posted something original so I just don't post anything original. I could slam dunk on you but I choose not to because you suck. I have 130 patents, I designed the Boeing 787, I do chemistry at my desk as a hobby but I just have problems posting anything intelligent because uh, just because. Nah.

  44. Jamie is kinda dumb11:21 PM

    Fuck, even pussy as Josh would occasionally even post something halfway smart and he's not even half as smart as Jamie. What gives?

  45. Big Black James, a real orbital engineer11:24 PM

    I admitted that I'm trolling here,
    Because that's what orbital engineers with 150 IQ's do in their spare time.

    Orbital engineer bwahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahhaahahahgahahahahahahahaha!

    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahgaahhahahahhahahhahahaahahahahaha

  46. James Bold5:33 PM

    I love the smell of projection in the morning.  It smells like... victory.

    "Baldy is lying through his teeth"

    There's a reason you won't even try to put up money to call me on my bets.  You have been lying to yourself all your life, and say everyone else is too.  You fear the truth, and the truth is what I've been telling you all this time.

    "Racist whitey wingnuts have no soles."

    That's what I'd expect a soul-less (or shoeless?) nog to say.  You hate and fear those who see you for what you are.

    "Baldy is patently fucked up in his head."

    A fucked-up head is what you get from lying to yourself all the time.  Like you.

    Now back to your delusions of adequacy.  Speaking of which...

    "Ok let's see multiple patents, author, math book checker, orbital engineer"

    Here's where your brain breaks down.  I've told you several times that it was ONE formula in a REFERENCE book, but you cannot understand this so you always go back to "math book".  Your IQ is literally too low for you to grasp that difference, among so many others.

    And when not grasping the differences causes you to fail while Whitey succeeds, you instead blame "tricks" or "racism".  You really should have been shipped back to Afreaka generations ago, where your magical thinking is the norm and you're not confronted with things beyond your ability that only make you envious, resentful and angry.

    "Because that's what orbital engineers with 150 IQ's do in their spare time."

    It beats watching the Negro Felon League or Negroes Bouncing Around.  The TV keeps Black people at a safe distance, but it's so much better without any at all.

    1. Black James, a real orbital engineer with a 151 IQ1:05 PM

      Wow, you're not even smart enough to get the snide remark. Jeez you're dumb.

      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  47. "James Balderdash"
    Does James need hid balder dashed? Because I know a guy who will do it for him if the money is right...

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. James Bold10:05 AM

    Oh, look, it gets upset when nobody pays it the attention it believes it is due.

    Absolutely TNB.

  49. Black James the only real orbital engineer on FN2:19 PM

    Please Jamie, just one time post something that suggests a 150 IQ.

    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha!

  50. Anonymous1:46 AM

    "Racist whitey wingnuts have no soles."

    We have plenty of quality footwear with Vibram lugs.
