Thursday, July 13, 2017

Where in the world is Jim?

"Jim "loves the City of Lights, he loves Paris. For years, every year during the summer, he would go to Paris. It was automatic, with his wife and his family."
Trump one day asked Jim: "How's Paris doing?"
"'Paris?" Jim replied, as relayed by Trump. "'I don't go there anymore. Paris is no longer Paris.'"

That was our president talking to a bunch of conservatives about his imaginary friend, Jim. 

I am thinking about Jim today because the president is in Paris, and Jim had so many bad things to say about Paris. Heck according to him he doesn't even go there anymore.  trump sans Jim has been beating up on Paris in the past as well. So much so that the Mayor of Paris had to check him a time or two.

Anyway, it seems that the Parisians  have been good to trump on his trip so far. So if the trip goes well, will he (trump) tell Jim not to speak so ill of Paris and France anymore? I am sure it will be easy to do, because something tells me that Jim is never too far from president trump. 

Parisians are so concerned about trump and his friend Jim, that one French reporter actually asked him about Jim today in his press conference with the French president. (Mr. president, if you made up the story about your friend Jim, please take note that the whole world is laughing at us.)  Of course, as is always the case,  the president ducked the question, and deflected so that he wouldn't have to talk about Jim. 

Poor Jim must not be very happy with all the scrutiny that comes with being the president's friend. News outlets have been trying to find him with no luck.  Jim must be a very reclusive guy. 

"Jim from Trump’s description, sounds old, settled, rich. His Paris, one imagines, spanned from Cartier to L’Ami Louis. But he didn’t ring a bell for observers of the New York–Palm Beach power scene. “I haven’t got a clue as to who Trump’s friend Jim is,” David Patrick Columbia, of New York Social Diary, said. “I know a few Juleses but no Jims who fit the bill,” the writer William Norwich said, confessing that he’d been puzzling over Jim’s identity ever since Trump name-checked him. “You really think there is an actual person?” the journalist Kati Marton asked. “Jim is akin to Mexican rapists and Swedish terrorists.”

I am not as cynical as Kati Marton.

I just hope that when Jim does show up the president will keep him away from the codes.

*Pic from



  1. Lilacpr10:16 PM

    LOL! Thanks for the late night laugh! xD 'Jim' is Trumps imaginary friend. Every white child has one I've heard :)

  2. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Your trolls get around.


  3. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Marton asked. “Jim is akin to Mexican rapists and Swedish terrorists.”

    WTF does that mean?

    You folks go with fake news every time. Grow up and balance your thoughts. Please, in the name of all that's reasonable try and have an original thought.

  4. Well maybe he went to vote for a Republican
    Maybe he went to say some racist bullshit
    Maybe he went to screw over some poor folks
    Maybe he went to jerk off to Palin...

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Let me just put this small matter to bed. Maybe I have an insight that has escaped the masses.

    Donald J. Trump never made an actual friend, let alone a male acquaintance whom he befriended. People like you and me know what it is to simply love just about everybody you meet. When you meet them it's like a puppy. They can feel the love. The more you get to know them, the more you like them. And they like you too because they can feel the love. You can't help it. You love people that you meet, no matter how small the interaction. And they in turn just naturally befriend you. It's not going to be just everybody. But surely most people that you see day after day. You develop a camaraderie. Kinda like Will Rogers.

    You have all felt it. You just make friends. What could be more natural and beautiful?

    Donald Trump doesn't really have the same mind as we do. No friends. Not even.

  6. "WTF does that mean?"
    It means that he only exists in president four-year-old's twisted imagination, like the fictitious Mexican rapists and the Swedish terrorists he dreamed up after soaking up his nightly propaganda.

    PX: Could be different trolls: the misspellings and grammatical errors looked a little different than ours. There are lots of them around.
    They did seem like they would fit right in, though.

    -Doug in Oakland


    -Doug in Oakland

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Doug@1:43, thanks for explaining that to our wingnut friend. Who said progressives aren't nice?

    FJ, of only there was a mental test given to folks before they run for president. Now, sadly, we are stuck.

  10. Jim could be none other than bald face racist Baldy-James Bold. But seriously, Drumpf doesn't have any friends, not real ones. People hate or fear Drumpfuck. Nobody likes him. They know they are just one immature temper tantrum from a trip under the bus in Drumpfuckland. Come to think on it, that is prolly where Jim is now. He has outlived Drumpfuck's usefulness for him.

    1. Black James world traveller11:50 AM

      Uh no, Jamie is a moronic hick who has never left his trailer park in Hicksville. He can't afford to go to Paris and he is definitely not married, his sister turned him down.
      150IQ bwahahahahahahahaha!

  11. I forgot this, Have you heard of the 3000 E-L-I-T-E pedophiles Drumpfuck has arrested since he took office. According to the moron that wrote this, the Clintons and Obama are going down.

    I guess I will have to start a countdown until the wall ge....until Obama and Clintons go to jail.

  12. I found a real Gem (Jim)

    Jimmy Carter was building a Habitat for Humanity house in Winnipeg this morning, just generally being his badass 92-year-old best-former-presidential self and cutting some wood for a staircase with a handsaw, when he collapsed due to dehydration and was rushed to a hospital. Carter had been working in the sun for about an hour with his wife and best pal Rosalynn, according to a witness. His bodyguards took him to a nearby vehicle, and then an ambulance got him to St. Boniface Hospital.


  13. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Looks like key players in Clinton email hack are starting to drop dead.


    Someone else from Russia was at that June meeting last year. This guy has confirmed he was there.

  15. Anymoose- he left a note saying his health had gotten worse and his 5 million life insurance policy was about to run out. He also claimed there was no foul play. A bag was over his head attached to a container of helium.

    Sure sounds like HRC did the deed herself, right?

    Back to Drumpfuckland- there are rumors of a sixth person at that June 2016 meeting.

  16. Anonymous11:45 AM

    These new revelations must be something, even Fox is talking about them. Trump is in trouble if (((Fox))) is turning on him.

  17. The new mystery man at that June meeting was charged in an international hacking conspiracy.

    Oh what a tangled web we weave
    When Drumpfuck has pardons up his sleeve.

    Dems were blocked by wingnuts trying to get Kushner's security clearance revoked.

    Lewandowski claims Drumpf wasn't in Drumpf Dump North when that meeting took place. Drumpf now claims he knew about the meeting. Screwy Lewie had Drumpf at a campaign rally in Florida on that fateful daY, except Drumpf's schedule listed that rally as 2 days later. Another whopper told by the Whopperest telling family ever.

  18. The only one at Fox with much cred is Shep Smith. Chris Wallace grades out okay on occasion.

    I don't know how Fox reconciles all their claims of fake news with actually being concerned now.

  19. Charles Krauthater is 86 ing Drumpfuck and family. He admits wingnuts can no longer claim fake news since Jr sold the family down the river with his emails.

    Where are the Baldy types to assure us every thing is good in wingnutland?

    Krauthater is pinning the blame on the kids for letting Drumpfuck lie about this stuff for so long. Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  20. Yup, the rats are scurrying off of the foundering ship. All of those bothsiderist creeps are running around in circles muttering to themselves that it wasn't supposed to be this way.
    They remind me a little of the scene in The Life of Brian where the ex-leper complains about losing his livelihood when Jesus cured him.
    "Just no pleasing some people."
    "That's what Jesus said."

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. Ex-Red Army Counter-Intelligence agent, working as a lobbyist for Russia...

    Little short guy, black hair, pencil mustache, thick accent?

    I knew it! It was Boris Badenov! Up to his old tricks.

    But even though it has been several years since Sarah Palin shot and killed Bullwinkle when he was in Alaska working on environmental causes, Rocky is still in seclusion.

    We are helpless. Where can we turn?

  22. AND THEN THERE 8, count them EIght! from AP

    So far acknowledged in attendance: Trump Jr., Kushner, Manafort, Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, Akhmetshin and publicist Rob Goldstone, who helped set up the meeting. A source familiar with the circumstances told CNN there were at least two other people in the room as well, a translator and a representative of the Russian family who had asked Goldstone to set up the meeting. The source did not provide the names.

    A few more in the room and there would be enough to pair up with each Drumpfuck cabinet member.

  23. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I'm a "Jim", and I'll state for the record that I'm definitely NOT Trump's "Jim".

  24. From Brainworm Barbie:
    "We were promised systemic -- hard evidence of systemic, sustained, furtive collusion that not only interfered with our election process but indeed dictated the electoral outcome."

    Uh, tell that to the grand jury, punkin.

    -Doug in Oakland

  25. Conway is lying through her teeth again. There were no promises, no guarantees other than all of this was fake news. They raised the collusion bar so high you can't see it w/o Hubble.

    As Charles Krauthater tried to explain to stoopid fucking wingnuts- bungled collusion, incompetent collusion is still collusion and Drumpf Jr is mucho guiltio of that.

  26. So president four-year-old just admitted that his walldoggle won't actually keep drugs out of the country:

    "And I'll give you an example. As horrible as it sounds, when they throw the large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don't see them -- they hit you on the head with 60 pounds of stuff? It's over. As crazy as that sounds, you need transparency through that wall. But we have some incredible designs."

    Uh, Mr. President, doesn't that mean that the drugs were, you know, in the country?
    If he wants transparency, perhaps he could hold his head sideways and let them sight through his ears?

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. So does Natalia double as a urinating prostitute?

  28. I believe you meant Natasha Fatale, Yisheng.

    I am getting tired of all Drumpfuck's whining. Jr Drumpfuck came clean about four bodies in the room to soon. Shep Smith is beside himself with all the lies that keep coming out and yet people still tell him this is all fake news. Welcome to the real world, Shep. It is much different than where you are right now.

  29. Oh what a tangled web they weave
    When Drumpf has pardons up his sleeve
    Forget it ain’t no crimes committed
    At least not the ones pardons permitted

    Don Jr, Kush and all the rest
    Are free to return to the nest
    No one here has to pay the pipers
    When Daddy Drumpf is King of vipers.

  30. Lilacpr8:56 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Oh what a tangled web they weave
    When Drumpf has pardons up his sleeve
    Forget it ain’t no crimes committed
    At least not the ones pardons permitted

    Don Jr, Kush and all the rest
    Are free to return to the nest
    No one here has to pay the pipers
    When Daddy Drumpf is King of vipers.

    6:47 PM

    Pretty good! ;)

  31. Hate to break the news cycle, but, tiday has been one filled with me watching Mom Oriole bring fledgling to the patio table and attempt to teach them to eat grape jelly out of a tin can.

    Unlike Drumpfuck siblings some Orioles are quick studies and learn on their own. Others are downright lazy and want Mama to do the work.

    It has been an immensely enjoyable day watching Drumpfucks implode and watching orange birds learn and grow.

    I am outa here for the rest of the night.

  32. Lilacpr9:18 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Hate to break the news cycle, but, tiday has been one filled with me watching Mom Oriole bring fledgling to the patio table and attempt to teach them to eat grape jelly out of a tin can.

    I am outa here for the rest of the night.

    9:07 PM

    Awww! How sweet! Grape jelly??? You gave them grape jelly??? Those birds are gonna looovveee you! You better be prepared to be putting out goodies for them from now on, or they'll be pecking at your windows xD

  33. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Here is the best thing you'll see all week. My buddy's 4 year old daughter doing aerobatics. You can see his hands so you know she's doing the flying! If she flies this well at 4 she'll be a monster at 24! Watch out Patty Wagstaff!


  34. We had a lovely married couple of hooded orioles freshen up in our bird bath one fine morning in late Spring here in San Diego not so far from the coast. Apparently they are seen around here fairly commonly during the breeding season.

  35. When I first saw the picture at the top of this page:

    ...I thought that somehow the Republicans had invaded Oregon again, but it turned out to be 7,500 pounds of live hagfish spilled on 101...

    -Doug in Oakland

  36. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Dug from dugout bleated...

    "It means that he only exists in president four-year-old's twisted imagination, like the fictitious Mexican rapists and the Swedish terrorists he dreamed up after soaking up his nightly propaganda."

    You never answered the question. Just some usual bullshit deflection.

    Anyway, how are things with you Dug?

  37. I answered the question, dear.
    "Marton asked. “Jim is akin to Mexican rapists and Swedish terrorists.”

    WTF does that mean?"

    was the question, and that was the answer.
    And I am well, thank you, the peach tree in the back yard has hundreds of peaches this year, as does the pear tree.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Iliapr- I have been feeding these Orioles since late May. I am on the 8th quart jar of jelly for the year. There used to be a pair of orchard Orioles every year, but they didn't show this year. There is one American Robin that enjoys grape jelly. Orioles will eat whatever kind of jelly you want to feed them. They also like oranges.

    The first pair of Orioles showed about 7 years ago and more come back each year. Satbords like jelly, too.


    Drumpf drives up deficit by nearly 250 billion in next 2 years.

  40. Lilacpr2:28 PM

    Flying Junior said...

    We had a lovely married couple of hooded orioles freshen up in our bird bath one fine morning in late Spring here in San Diego not so far from the coast. Apparently they are seen around here fairly commonly during the breeding season.

    11:17 PM

    Beautiful birds!

  41. Quote: مة الدقة للتنظيف

    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالجبيل"
    شركة تنظيف منازل بالجبيل
    "شركة تسليك مجارى بالجبيل

    المتأنق، في المرة القادمة أنا في دبي وأنا بحاجة إلى القرف تنظيف أنا سوف ندعو لك.

  42. Lilacpr2:40 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Iliapr- I have been feeding these Orioles since late May. I am on the 8th quart jar of jelly for the year. There used to be a pair of orchard Orioles every year, but they didn't show this year. There is one American Robin that enjoys grape jelly. Orioles will eat whatever kind of jelly you want to feed them. They also like oranges.

    The first pair of Orioles showed about 7 years ago and more come back each year. Satbords like jelly, too.

    8:53 AM

    I didn't know they liked jelly! We don't have many birds around here, well not those kinds, we do see humming birds from time to time and a small bird called a 'Reinita'these will make nests wherever, We have one that loves to make nests in the motor that opens the garage gate, and the parrots, but they stay mainly in El Yunque forest away from civilization, the 'Ruisenor' they sing really pretty. There's a couple more but you don't see them except in the country areas. We also have owls, pigeons and hawks,(Guaraguaos) which I love! But they only come around at certain times or if they spot chicks or lizard. I just love that scream the make! Dunno why just love it!

  43. My keyboard must have had a rough night drinking last evening. It cannot spell to save itself today. Sorry about it messing up yer name, Lilacpr. I can't swear it won't happen again because after I shut the computer down I go upstairs to bed and who knows what devilment this machine can get into. Chinese believe machines have souls.

    Satbord was supposed to be catbird. Again, I must apologize. I am installing trail cams to see what this dang keyboard is doing when I'm not around.

    I have never seen hooded orioles. Have had a few hummingbirds. They like sugarwater (nectar) and so do Orioles. Orioles will swamp hummingbird feeders if you don't put out a feeder designed for Orioles. They make a nice splash of color in dreary green iowa.

    They are more interesting than the orange brigade of crooks in the WH. Things have been fairly quiet on that front. Can't believe Drumpf is keeping his Twitter yap shut down. I find it funny that even Fake Noize realizes the trouble Drumpf's are getting into. Isn't so fake anymore.

  44. PX what a special younglady you have there. Having the time of her life a hell of a lot closer to heaven than I figure to get. Pink headphones-what a blast. Thanks for sharing.

    Lucky you.

  45. Hope you don't mind, PX. I shared the video with a childless friend from Minnesota. Lordy she looks like she is having the time of her life. :)

  46. Lilacpr7:05 PM

    Lol Mike! I was wondering what a satbord bird was! xD. And yes, I think I need cameras also!

    But lemme tell about my phone, I'm beginning to freak out a little bit! Every time im going to make a call,I swear wben I open the contact list, the first letter of the person I'm going to call has disappeared and just has a line! Swear to God! I kid you not! It reads my mind!!! Spooky!

  47. Remember Mr Barstool Palin? The marine? that was awarded the MOH from the Honorable and Upstanding Barack H Obama? Well Dakota Palin turns out to be a shitweasel of the first order. Here is his latest(and lowest) instagram-

    This little bastard needs his nutz removed and shoved up his ass.

  48. One last time. PX. I watched and re-watched videos of young ladies flying and am still chuckling about it today. That was so kewl. And not a Drumpf in sight. Thanks again.

  49. Anonymous8:07 PM

    That was pretty cool huh Mike. And the best part is she enjoys it and does it cause she wants to:-)


  50. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Field Negro thinks the Eiffel Tower in in Paris, Tennessee.

  51. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Where is Waldo??

  52. OK, I have not-so-secret information about president four-year-old's friend Jim. Really, it should have been easy, as it was obvious.
    I know his last name.
    His last name is Crow, and he truly is president four-year-old's special friend.

    -Doug in Oakland

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