Saturday, July 15, 2017


Image result for image trump putin press funny

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: Melania, come back here, I promise I won't be like Tiger's wife. This club is just to help me  up this hill.

*Pic from


  1. Where's the camera? I'm such a badass, willing to get grimy to get the job done.. Did they get the shot?

  2. Limpbaugh11:02 PM

    "Damn Putin! He could have scheduled this meeting somewhere easier to get to".

  3. I'll teach you kids to smoke weed on my course, damn you! Security is on the way. You better hope they get here before I club the shit outta you!

  4. "Look! A ladybug!"

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Wiiiiiiiiiiide loooooooooad!

  6. President with the widest ass in the last 100 years, lol!!

  7. This makes his what, 100th trip since he was elected.

  8. Anonymous3:54 AM

    "Beached White Whale spotted on golf course. More news at 11".

  9. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Why don't you show us your picture Field, so we can get a real laugh.

  10. Twamp's tax returns9:07 AM

    His royal imperial travesty helps Jim look for his golf ball.

  11. Prime Minister Trudeau shoulda built a wall9:14 AM

    A desperate Trump scuttles across the border to Canada to beg for asylum as the Feds close in to arrest him.

  12. Pic is a metaphor for Drumpfuck's legal woes- deep rough.

  13. Broadly speaking, most of the falsehoods levelled against Trump fall into one or more of four categories, each of them drawing from and feeding into four public personas inhabited by the President.

    They are:

    *Donald Trump: International Embarrassment
    *Trump the Tyrant
    *Donald Trump: Bully baby
    *Trump the Buffoon.

    Some of these claims are downright fake, entirely fabricated by unreliable or dubious web sites and presented as satire, or otherwise blatantly false. But the rest — some of which have gained significant traction and credibility from otherwise serious people and organizations — provide a fascinating insight into the tactics and preoccupations of the broad anti-Trump movement known as “the Resistance,” whether they were created by critics of the President or merely shared by them.

    Generally speaking, we discovered that they are characterized and driven by four types of errors of thought:

    *A lack of historical context or awareness
    *Cherry-picking of evidence (especially visual evidence)
    *A failure to adhere to Occam’s Razor — the common-sense understanding that the simplest explanation for an event or behavior is the most likely.

    Infused throughout almost all these claims, behind their successful dissemination, is confirmation bias: the fuel that drives the spread of all propaganda and false or misleading claims among otherwise sensible and skeptical people. Confirmation bias is the tendency to look for, find, remember and share information that confirms the beliefs we already have, and the tendency to dismiss, ignore and forget information that contradicts those beliefs. It is one of the keys to why clever people, on all sides of every disagreement, sometimes believe stupid things that aren’t true.

  14. Anonymous1:01 PM

    OOPS! Think I shit my pants!!!

  15. Most of the falsehoods leveled against that lying sack of shit in the WH are 200% true. Snopes admits much of this waste of time was meant to be satire and not taken seriously, which you didn't bother to copy and paste.

    The worst thing about Drumpf is the idiots that follow and vote for him. To them, nothing this asshole ejaculates if a lie.

  16. How to scale a wall like a golfer.

  17. Oh Gee!! Imagine that - our president is golfing. BLAH--BLAH and double - BLAH...

    Major whatever, people!! The masses who voted for him and the RNC DO. Not. Care.

    Would be awesome urilizing these forums in a way that when trolled with misinformation, nonsense and lies, our collective diligent effort meets the highest standards of factual information and honesty.

    Of course, always grateful to fields that toil even when the mid-day nonsense is running full steam.

    On another note, even I LOL with the 1:01pm Anon post.

    1. Correction: "Would be awesome **utilizing**"

  18. Heal thyself:

    Now what were you saying about confirmation bias, as if no-one else had ever heard of it?
    So while we're playing "Captain Obvious", let me introduce you to the Dunning-Kruger effect:

    -Doug in Oakland


    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Epic ground breaking of southern security wall.

  21. Douging-Kruger2:40 PM

    You're not an insane loser twisted by hate and despair, Doug.

    You're a genius that doesn't receive the accolades you deserve.

    Don't ever stop telling us just how evil President Trump is.

    We need your reasoned and well-informed opinions to help us get though these, the darkest days in human history.

  22. Drumpfuck admitted the wall won't stop the flow of drugs. It won't stop the flow of determined immigrants. He needs to stop the flow of Americans moving to Mexico where living is cheaper.

    ABC poll showed Drumpfucks approval at 36%. Drumpfuck says being close to 40 % at this juncture is good and then bawled about ABC being the least accurate poll last election. Considering HRC won by 3 million votes, it seemed pretty accurate to me.

  23. mike from iowa said...
    Most of the falsehoods leveled against that lying sack of shit in the WH are 200% true.

    It's a good thing we have people like mike who are immune to confirmation bias.

  24. Words to live by: Punch ALL NAZI's and MAGA hat wearers!

  25. Danger Will Robinson! Troll detected. Repeat, troll alert. Proceed with caution. Activate anti-troll protocols. Danger. Danger.

  26. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Hey, there's no koffeve up here! Stop laughing!


  27. Anon@9:14 #1, Limpbaugh@11:02 #2, Doug@12:33 #3.
    HM to Anon@ 2:33, EhD@ 1:33.

  28. My vote is for Yisheng @ 1:32 a.m.

  29. Lilacpr8:28 PM

    Pilot 8:05 LOL!

  30. Drumpfuck's whine of the day says HRC's getting questions in advance for debate is a crime and Drumpfuck Jr is innocent of any crimes. Plus he says the Russia probe is still fake news.

  31. The reality-based community9:33 PM

    That's right mike, Clinton has committed several serious crimes, Trump Jr. committed no crime, and the Russia probe is Fake News.

    Figure it out, already.

  32. Fuzzy Zoeller (gasp),
    Said he (wheeze),
    Had well done steaks (pant),
    With ketchup (cough),
    Just over this hill....

  33. The reality-based community...

    Thanks for weighing in. I will do everything in my power to get that crazy-ass, bitch-criminal behind bars ASAP.

    What community would we have without concern(ed) trolls such as yourself? Thank you for providing the guiding light. I was so confused before I heard from you.


    Damn right. Lock her up. No one is safe with HRC at large.

  34. Anonymous5:24 PM

    The White male finds his true calling in life: crawling on his hands and knees.

  35. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The White male finds his true calling in life: crawling on his hands and knees.
    5:24 PM

    Sometimes you have to take cover when niggers shoot at you.
