Thursday, August 10, 2017

America, we have a problem.

Image result for trump crazy images I see this with all sincerity: The president of the United States is not well.

I have been saying for a while now that the man is suffering from some serious mental issues, and quite frankly, I am amazed that he has been able to hide it from everyone for so long.

Fortunately, some are starting to take notice. And I am not talking about the left wing "never trump" folks, I am talking about former republican senators and other members of his own administration.

This development regarding trump's mental state is even made more serious now that we could be on the brink of a nuclear war with North Korea, and the world is hanging on to all of his crazy unfiltered words.
"Donald Trump is seriously sick. He is dangerous," read Humphrey’s letter, which he shared with news station WMUR on Wednesday.
"As a citizen, former U.S. senator, and twelve-year member of the Armed Services Committee, I urge you to act [at] once. Donald Trump should be relieved of the powers of the presidency at the earliest date,” the open letter from the former New Hampshire lawmaker added.
Humphrey said a Commission on Presidential Capacity could potentially remove Trump under Article 25 of the Constitution, which states the vice president should assume the role of president if he and a congressional majority believe the president is unable to discharge his duties."
Honestly, how can we not think that there is something wrong with the man? Consider. He rips the senate majority leader of his own party, a man he desperately needs to get all types of bills passed in the coming months.  He declared that Putin kicking out American embassy officials is a good thing because it will save us money, and he attacked a sitting senator -----who actually served in the military---- and called him a fraud when he himself never served a day, and in fact did everything in his powers to get out of serving.
Today Mr. trump ratcheted up the rhetoric with North Korea by double daring them to launch a missile near Guam. And, much to the surprise of folks in the diplomatic community, he called out the other bad haircut leader in no uncertain terms.
“He has disrespected our country greatly,” Trump said. “He has said things that are horrific. And with me, he’s not getting away with it.”
We could say the same thing about you Mr. trump, the only difference is that you're actually getting away with it.  
*Pic from


  1. Yisheng = nigger10:03 PM

    Trump has never been well. We have evidence his life has been full of bigotry. That makes his supporters reprehensible.

  2. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit10:17 PM

    Even George W. Bush didn't create this atmosphere of animosity amongst his fellow Republicans. tr**p is the most incompetent President since at least Herbert Hoover.

  3. Lance Cockstrong10:36 PM

    I suppose if my dick was as small as Butt Trumpet's I would have serious mental issues too.

  4. The Ministry of Truth10:47 PM

    Put that thing called Yisheng in charge of the country and watch even the American military threaten to bomb the White House. That thing called Yisheng is not only an embarrassment to black people, she is an embarrassment to this country.

  5. The Ministry of Truth10:48 PM

    Also, I have a tiny penis.

  6. Fuck You11:04 PM

    Yes it is TRUMP that is crazy, NOT the hysterical progressives who have melted down after losing 100% control of every Goddamned thing.

  7. Lilacpr11:14 PM

    Lol, this post was way too long for me to read, and much too complicated for my brain to handle. Could you please make your writing more simple? :)

  8. Donald Trump sez that his rhetoric on North Korea was not tough enough11:33 PM

    But what's tougher than promising to rain down fire and fury like the world has never known? What could possibly be more bellicose than that?

    Maybe: "We will cook all your children and eat them in front of you and THEN we will nuke you"?

    I honestly don't even know. Most reasonable people would say Trump has dialed the tough-guy talk up to eleven. And then broke off the knob.

  9. Limpbaugh11:49 PM

    Senator Blumenthal did lie about being in Viet Nam. He never went overseas anywhere during his reserve service. Pointing out his lie provides information that voters should be able to take into consideration. They can also take into considation that Trump didn't serve, but telling half the story is propaganda.

  10. I Hate All White People11:52 PM

    I hope to never see a white person occupying the White House ever again after 2020.

  11. Limpbaugh11:55 PM

    I also have a tiny penis.

  12. "Can't You Tell" by Aimee Mann:

    That bastard making fun of me in front of all my peers
    Those people think I own this town, you’re stripping all my gears
    Well guess what Mr. President, I’ll be seeing you
    In four years

    Though on the campaign trail the papers paint me like a clown
    Still all I see are crowds who want to fit me for a crown
    I point out all my enemies just so my fans
    Bring them down

    Isn’t anybody going to stop me?
    I don’t want this job
    I don’t want this job, my god
    Can’t you tell
    I’m unwell

    You try to pin me down but you don’t really try that hard
    I throw out any shit I want and no one trumps that card
    So dazzled and distracted by your fantasy
    Of Hildegard

    Isn’t anybody going to stop me?
    I don’t want this job
    I don’t want this job, my god
    Can’t you tell
    I’m unwell

    You ask about my plan but baby my plan is to win
    I wind up all the tops and watch the others keep the spin
    You handing me grenades is just compelling me
    To pull the pin

    Isn’t anybody going to stop me?
    I don’t want this job
    I can’t do this job, my god
    Can’t you tell
    I’m unwell

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Dexter from Nebraska12:14 AM

    Retards. Every single one of you.

  14. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Hey Doug - do you put a dress on when you sing that song?

  15. Sure don't. Do you squeal like a pig while being buggered by a sheep?

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Dug can't afford a dress, but he'll rent you his ass for a nominal fee.

  17. Google 'Iconic American' and most of the images are white males in the military.
    I think Trump has an idea of what it is to be a great American but he just lacks the understanding or common experiences so he models himself on a swaggering, big talking, John Wayne-type cowboy and it is this imagery and nostalgic feeling that appeals to his base.

  18. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Well, we know James Bold still loves him, and always will, sane or insane.

  19. Lilacpr6:58 AM

    Well China has stated without equivocation that should the US or South Korea make the first move towards North Korea it will step in. Under no circumstances will it tolerate any unbalancing of the status quo in that area of the world.

    So that's the end of that. ;)

  20. The Coatesville ExPat7:39 AM

    It will take more than your own virulent racism, and the facts that the POTUS is both Caucasian & Republican to invoke Article 25 Judge.

  21. Blumenthal embellshed his service, has apologized profusely over and over. again. Ronnie Raygun flatout lied about his service. So did any umber of other lying wingnut, pos you care to look up. Worse, when not lying about themselves they lied about their opponents service.

    Blumenthal was in the reserves and served during Vietnam, just not in country.

    He also didn't claim to be on a swift boat with John Kerry and collect a bronze star for the same action Kerry did, all the while claiming Kerry did not deserve the bronze star necause there was no enemy fire.

    Wingnuts are the worst form of scum ever imagined.


    More Drumpfuck voter fraud perpetrated by another wingnut official. Every case of voter fraud encountered for the 2016 election has been a cheating, fucking communist wingnut fucker.Every god damn one!

  23. "I am amazed that he has been able to hide it from everyone for so long."
    He has? I thought it was an emotional age thing. You know, his emotional age is about 4. If you criticize his policy he picks on your facelift.

    "He declared that Putin kicking out American embassy officials is a good thing because it will save us money..."
    REALLY? Reminding me I come here for NEWS. Missed that one on the outlets I frequent. This is beyond bullshit, beyond rationalization.

    But catastrophic immaturity isn't spelled out in the Constitution. Better go with Article 25's wording, whatever it is.

  24. Bold, James Bold11:06 AM

    Mandingo ignores the 256 fake votes in just one precinct in Demonrat-controlled Detoilet and points to ONE Republican getting back at his ex-wife, and jumps up and down ooking and eeking "WHITEY DOES IT TOO!"

    And you wonder why we call it Typical Negro Behavior.

    Mandingo also ignores the many and varied violations of the law by Zero, including DACA and DAPA (since overturned by the courts), while calling for a coup against the lawfully elected POTUS who outrages him by actually enforcing the laws on the books.

    All of this proves that Africans-in-America are not Americans.  Not one bit.

    You all have to go.  You don't have to go back, but you can't stay here.

    1. Black James, who got a 1600 in math on the SAT8:33 PM

      No we call what you're doing as typical dumbass behavior. What evidence do you have for these fake votes? Now is your especially dumb ass going to link us to another opinion piece by the dumbest man on the internet or another 10th grader's research paper. You are certainly stupid.
      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  25. Poor Baldingo, HRC won by 300000001 votes in the popular election. Yer still bitter you can't be black. Deal with it.

  26. Anonymous The Coatesville ExPat said..

    Since when have orange, mangled apricots been considered caucasian?

  27. Affirmative action is just a dog whistle for male whooteemoos who can't compete with superior, highly educated women and minorities.

  28. Lilacpr1:27 PM

    Bold, James Bold said...

    All of this proves that Africans-in-America are not Americans. Not one bit.

    You all have to go. You don't have to go back, but you can't stay here.

    11:06 AM


    The Yale historian David Blight writes that in 1860 slaves were the largest financial asset in the country. More so than manufacturing, railroads, products etc.

    "The largest financial asset" and that the wealth of the country was founded and built with that.

    How ironic that slaves were "freed", to be subjected to Jim Crow, and never given the knowledge, education, opportunities,for them to be able to catch up to the rest of society.

    and you're throwing them out? Do you realize that this country belongs to them much more so than it does to you? They built it with free labor.

  29. I think that the African American Negro has more rights to this country than the alt-right nut jobs who post here.

  30. Baldingo ain't throwing anyone, anywhere for any reason. He barks at the moon when he isn't leading circle jerks as pivot man-stroke, stroke, stroke...........

    Stroke, stroke, stroke we go gently down the stream
    Happilly, hornilly jerking in form are we
    Masturbating til we creme.

    Soeed it up boys. We have a new song to learn for tomorrow.

  31. Lilacpr3:00 PM

    field negro said...

    I think that the African American Negro has more rights to this country than the alt-right nut jobs who post here.

    2:35 PM

    Oh of course! The African American built the country and its base wealth! That's what they were brought there for and it was done! Free labor, you can't beat it for making wealth.

  32. Black James, a real orbital engineer who doesn't molest kittens5:11 PM

    You all have to go. You don't have to go back, but you can't stay here.
    You would think someone who is so busy doing chemistry at his orbital engineering desk, writing a book, correcting math books and molesting kittens by rubbing their butts bald would be too busy to try to move 33,000,000 people out of the country.
    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha!

  33. Black James, an inventor with 30 US patents5:14 PM

    You all have to go. You don't have to go back, but you can't stay here.
    Nah, I'm doing orbital engineering stuff and making the country better with my 30 patents and the 20-30 more on the drawing board. James needs to go because he is a drag on our society.

  34. Yisgheng's stalkers are camel diarrhea5:29 PM

    Whooteemoos have ALWAYS wanted privilege and free shit.

  35. How humiliating7:34 PM

    I suppose most readers of this blog are at least somewhat aware that in the last few years, there has been a wave of desperate migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean from Europe or the Middle East in low-quality boats in hopes of getting asylum in Europe. These boats often capsize, resulting in many deaths. NGOs operate rescue services to save some of them from drowning.

    Recently, "alt-right" scumbags have chartered their own boat to harass and interfere with rescue services and try to cause more of the migrants to drown. Hilariously, today it was reported that the racist vermin had their shitty boat break down in the Med and were forced to call the same rescue services to save them. Bwahahahaha!

    The only thing that would be better than this is finding out that Steve Bannon got accidentally deported to Mexico by ICE.

  36. Stalkers smell like camel diarrhea8:10 PM

    So the Distractor in chief is going after Venezuela.


  37. @ 8:10 - I was just thinking the same thing.
    Back in high school - I have a younger brother who would always talk shit and run. Guys would come talk to me about wanting to beat his ass. I'd always tell them that I would take care of it and ask them to let him make it. Once a group of guys had him hemmed up and were about to punish him as my clique and I were walking by. The group stopped and explained that they were tired of him and asked if they could whoop him. 'Beat his ass.', I said as I walked away with my crew. My friends said that was brutal but fair. Of course my brother's dad was mad when my brother told him what happened. I just told my step dad that he had to learn to back up his trash talk or learn to shut up because I wasn't going to be there to protect him the next year.

    In this story I would be China, my younger brother would be North Korea and the group of guys would be the US. At some point China will get sick of getting North Korea's back and will let them get their ass kicked as a lesson to them but the US will need to understand that if we do too much damage then China will b e forced to retaliate.

    A president in trouble needs a victory in a war and Venezuela is a more likely target. They're cool with Russia but they don't seem to matter as much to them as does Brazil. If Venezuela's oil can be controlled by Russia it would be a win for both Putin and for Trump. Trump gets a win playing the moral authority card and Putin gets the win for nation building.

  38. Bold, James Bold11:21 PM

    "The Yale historian David Blight writes that in 1860 slaves were the largest financial asset in the country. More so than manufacturing, railroads, products etc."

    And that was the last time you were an asset to the United States; ever since then, you've been tearing down what you claimed that your ancestors built.

    In other words, Africans are only productive when they are owned and directed by Whites.

    The obvious solution is to MAPA:  Make Africans Property Again.  (I'll pass, I don't want to have you around.  You can go Make Africa Great Again.  Go show us how to fly pyramids around with the power of your minds, if you're dumb enough to believe that Afrocentric nonsense.)

    "I think that the African American Negro has more rights to this country than the alt-right nut jobs who post here."

    One could not ask for a purer example of the Gibs Me Dat mentality.

  39. @10:37, with that kinda brotherly love, who needs whooteemoos?

  40. Black James, a brotha with a 151 IQ8:31 AM

    In other words, Africans are only productive when they are owned and directed by Whites.
    Unlike you who have never been productive. You just sit around and lie about having a high IQ and inventions. So sad. Just sit around and collect welfare.

  41. Bold, James Bold8:54 AM

    "You just sit around and lie about having a high IQ and inventions."

    That's what you say, but you won't put up your money against mine.

  42. @ Yisheng - Pardon my ignorance on the euphemisms used here but what is a 'whooteemoo'? (I'm assuming it's a pejorative term?)

    @ Bold James - Make Africa Great Again? I agree with that - kind of.
    Since I'm not African all I can do is to make my community here in America great. No hand outs from other groups (that only ensures that others retain control) - just form and/or maintain groups of our own to help our own.

  43. Whooteemoos- typically male, white racist, likely a PEEOTUS supporter.

    Anyone catch the tiki torch protest by the whooteemoos last night?


  44. @ Yisheng - So, someone who's been Red Pilled or a 1488er?
    Oh, that's all...
    Thor Daddy (at the old 'Denmark Vesey' blog) and Birdeye (Who used to comment at the 'Subrealism' blog) had better stats and understanding and were more clever (even funny).
    Most 1488ers can do nothing TO me nor can they do anything FOR me so why should I get upset at their racism?

  45. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  46. Anonymous1:46 PM

    He who controls the negroe controls the crime!!
