Friday, August 11, 2017

The white supremacist president.

Image result for trump white supremacist images  "No one is quite sure what Sebastian Gorka, officially a deputy assistant to President Trump, actually does at the White House. This hasn’t stopped him, however, from being a near constant presence in the media.

Wednesday, Gorka appeared on Breitbart News Daily, the radio show of his former employer. Gorka responded to criticism stemming from a previous media appearance on MSNBC where he said “[t]here’s no such thing as a lone wolf” attack. The concept, according to Gorka, was “invented by the last administration to make Americans stupid.”

The idea of a “lone wolf attack,” Gorka says, is a ruse to point blame away from al Qaeda and ISIS when “[t]here has never been a serious attack or a serious plot that was unconnected from ISIS or al Qaeda.” Critics were quick to point to the example of Timothy McVeigh, who was not connected to ISIS or al Qaeda and killed 168 people when he bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

On Wednesday, Gorka lashed out at “at [New York Times reporter] Maggie Haberman and her acolytes in the fake news media, who immediately have a conniption fit” and brought up McVeigh. He added that “white men” and “white supremacists” are not “the problem.”
It’s this constant, “Oh, it’s the white man. It’s the white supremacists. That’s the problem.” No, it isn’t, Maggie Haberman. Go to Sinjar. Go to the Middle East, and tell me what the real problem is today. Go to Manchester.
Gorka noted that the Oklahoma City bombing was 22 years ago, which is true. But since 9/11, right-wing extremists — almost always white men and frequently white supremacists — have been far more deadly domestically than Muslim extremists. A study found that in the first 13.5 years after 9/11, Muslim extremists were responsible for 50 deaths in the United States. Meanwhile, “right-wing extremists averaged 337 attacks per year in the decade after 9/11, causing a total of 254 fatalities.”'

This White House really does have a white supremacy problem, and it has emboldened that group in ways that we could never have imagined just a few years ago.

Just yesterday trump supporter,  Jeffrey Lord , was fired from CNN because he chose to use the words  Seig Heil in a tweet. Jeffrey didn't deny  that he sent the tweet, but instead, he chose to attack CNN for not protecting his 1st Amendment rights.  (Racists sure like to try and hide behind the 1st Amendment.)   

Anyway, who do you think was one of the first people to call Lord to sympathize with him being fired? If you said Steve Bannon move to the head of the class.

I think it's Mr. Banon who is advising trump not to call the members of that mosque that was torched in Minnesota, recently. Can you imagine if a Christian church was torched in a similar manner? President trump would be on television so much that our televisions would start showing everything in orange.

People might criticize trump for not recognizing how to unify the country, but he clearly doesn't want to do that at this time. He is playing to his base by doing the most racist things possible, and giving them reasons to love him even more.

So far it seems to be working.   

*Pic from



  1. White Power in the White House10:28 PM

    The Jeffrey Lord thing was dumb. This was not an example of him being racist, just a stupid wingnut. He did that thing that stupid wingnuts always do: whine that their free speech rights have been violated when someone has merely criticized the ridiculous things they've said. Because his free speech rights had allegedly been violated (again, they hadn't), he claimed that made his left-wing critics Nazis and tweeted "Sieg Heil" to taunt them.

    Of course, Jeffrey Lord should never be invited on CNN, but that's because he is a clown and a liar and his opinions are worth nothing, not because of this lame Twitter exchange.

    Speaking of goose-steppers, though, Sebastian Gorka is genuinely Nazi-ish and dangerous.

    "No one is quite sure what Sebastian Gorka, officially a deputy assistant to President Trump, actually does at the White House."

    Actually, we know exactly what he does. He is the Islamophobia advisor. As in: He advises Trump on how to be as Islamophobic as possible.

    He ranks right up there with Steve Bannon and Steven Miller among the worst of the professional bigots that have been invited to work in this administration.

  2. Oh and good ol' Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, too.10:30 PM

    Wouldn't want to leave him out.

  3. Why don't all the whooteemoos pack their shit and move to Antarctica?

  4. If this administration has to be white supremacist like this, couldn't they at least get a better crop of white guys to be all supreme-y?
    These white guys seem lame, slow, dumb, and ugly. And obnoxious as fuck.
    Hell, I know at least ten far better white guys right off the top of my head, although I don't think any of them would be caught dead in this administration. But that's just me. There must be dozens of honorable, decent, white guys out there, and surely one or two of them could be convinced to hold their noses and work in this white house.
    But then maybe not; they are white guys, after all.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Trump says he hates "losers" but surrounds himself with them1:49 AM

    If this administration has to be white supremacist like this, couldn't they at least get a better crop of white guys to be all supreme-y?

    The short answer is no.

    It's 2017. People should know better than to believe in this biologically superior master race garbage. If you're someone who hasn't clued in yet, it is overwhelmingly likely you have intellectual deficits or terrible character flaws.

    And this is in addition to the requirement that White House recruits must be willing to take orders from Donald Trump, aka worst boss in the history of bosses. Nobody decent wants to work for that dick. They'll be miserable while they're working for him, and afterwards, their careers will be tainted by association with him.

    Put it all together and it's guaranteed that only the most bottom-of-the-barrel mutant white people are going to serve on his staff.

  6. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Feelz sez...

    "Can you imagine if a Christian church was torched in a similar manner? President trump would be on television so much that our televisions would start showing everything in orange."

    You really think so? Good grief, you are an imbecile. Or maybe that was humor? Either way you are the epitome of affirmative action. You have to go back.

  7. Limpbaugh3:11 AM

    I'm not sure what can be done about racist lone wolves. But we create Islamic terrorists and the lone wolf anti Islamic reactions to them. The same is probably true for white supremacists, but the causes seem to be more ingrained and subtle. It would be harder to stop. But we could stop creating Islamic terrorists. I would say Libya was genocide. The darker your skin was, the more likely you were perceived to be inclined to support Qaddafi. That was Muslim extremists backed by the U.S. Yemen might be another genocide. Yazdis in Iraq. Maybe Palestine is too. These were all supported by the U.S. and/or Saudi Arabia and Israel. We oppose ISIS in the countries that have already been overthrown, but we supported them in even in Iraq if you count forming Al Qaeda to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. There also was an Islamic caliphate in the Ottoman Empire around the time of WW I. It was called the Armenian genocide but they killed other people too. Most genocides involve Muslim extremists and most involve regime change by the west. All of those examples involved at least one or the other.

  8. Bold, James Bold3:52 AM

    "Critics were quick to point to the example of Timothy McVeigh, who was not connected to ISIS or al Qaeda and killed 168 people when he bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995."

    Yes.  22 years ago.  That's a whole 7.6 people per year, and almost all of them were White.  Meanwhile, Black people kill other Black people at ~800 per year in Chimpcongo alone, but you don't care.

    Black lives don't matter as such.  All that matters is getting Whitey, and any lives will serve if they do that.

    "A study found that in the first 13.5 years after 9/11, Muslim extremists were responsible for 50 deaths in the United States. Meanwhile, “right-wing extremists averaged 337 attacks per year in the decade after 9/11, causing a total of 254 fatalities.”'"

    So you think we should just keep importing Muslims until they're a BIGGER problem than the "right-wing extremists".  Then we can ignore the RWEs, right?  Even though they're a vastly smaller problem compared to the White population than are the terrorist Muslims?

    What am I thinking?  You ONLY care about getting Whitey and taking what's his.  Importing Muslims to kill more of Whitey is absolutely part of your agenda.  The voices of sanity saying we should return Muslims to the Dar al Islam and eliminate those 50 deaths... will be called racist.

    What you don't want is people Noticing that Blacks, Muslims and other non-Whites are the biggest domestic problems the USA has, and taking away their subsidies and preferences to get them to go back among their own kind is absolutely in the interest of the majority.  Because that would mean you, too.

    'Why don't all the whooteemoos pack their shit and move to Antarctica?"

    If we all moved to Antarctica, in 20 years you'd all be clamoring to get in there to partake of our Magic Dirt all over again because you'd be lamenting all you were left is Tragic Dirt with its Mean Streets and Shots Ringing Out (until you ran out of the ammo you don't have the brains to manufacture yourselves).

    Cracka don' play dat no mo.  This time, you are the one going away.  And that can be in any sense you like.

  9. Black James, a real genius wiho got 1600 on his math SAT8:40 AM

    Great James is here to say more stupid shit. You'd think a genius inventor would have better use for his time. Then again I guess it's better than him molesting kittens by rubbing their butts bald. What a sick individual.

  10. Stroke, stroke, stroke yer gopher
    gently down the seam

    Baldingo must have finished meat beating practice early tonight.

    A study sez if you shake it more than twice yer playing with it. Baldy prefers to choke it til it is nearly asphyxiated, sez the orgasm is more intense. Tastes great, less filling!

  11. Black James, a brotha with a 151 IQ8:43 AM

    More dumbasses like James. I bet they are all orbital engineers with 150 IQ's.
    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  12. James is kinda dumb8:45 AM

    Baldingo must have finished meat beating practice early tonight.
    Nah, James prefers to run cats butts bald. Is that why you call him baldy?

  13. Bold, James Bold9:05 AM

    "You'd think a genius inventor would have better use for his time."

    Using the Shomate equation to determine favored reaction products is very tedious.


    Baldingo and NK's Kim have exactly the same de-evolution tract. Bwahahahahahahaha!

  15. James is kinda dumb10:26 AM

    Using the Shomate equation to determine favored reaction products is very tedious.
    BwahahahahahahahahahahahHHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha oh dear god bwahahahahahahhahahaha!

  16. James is still dumb10:37 AM

    Kim has a better haircut. James is rocking the mass shooter crazy eyed white guy bowlcut

  17. Lilacpr12:46 PM

    In Virginia decision to bring down a confederate statue brings thousands to protest in Charlottesville.

  18. So whooteemoo Google dude is a liar, NO surprises here!

  19. Black James, the brotha who REALLY uses the Shomate equation.2:57 PM

    Using the Shomate equation to determine favored reaction products is very tedious.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Yeah right. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  20. So now Arpaio is fishing for a pardon from president four-year-old, and offering to "help in any way I can".
    What a creep.
    Put on yer pink underwear, Joey, and meet yer new cell mates...

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. And you don't need the Shomate equation for your brand of chemistry, you just need some hydriodic acid and some red phosphorus...

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. @3:39, you forgot the HCN chaser!!

  24. UPDATE: One Dead After White Supremacist Plows Car Into Charlottesville Protesters
    August 12, 2017, 1:59 PM

    Another white terrorist attack that wingnuts claim don't happen.

    Orioles have left the building headed for the most racist areas of America. Not a one showed up today. Females and youngsters have been gone for three or four days.

  25. Don't help, Donald4:29 PM

    One person has died and several were injured after one of the racist scum drove his car at high speed into a crowd of counter-protestors at the big Nazi rally in Charlottesville, VA.

    Donald Trump responded with the following statement:

    “'We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides.' Trump added that this has been 'going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. A long long time.'”

    Inside Donald's brain as he composed the statement:

    I have to say something because this story is going to be on all the news stations, including my favorite, Fox!

    I know: I'll pretend to be very shocked and offended by racism. Better say that "many sides" were responsible for the mayhem, too, because my supporters will be quite upset if I admit that really only the alt-Reich thugs were engaged in violence.

    Hmmm, should probably throw in something about how none of this is in any way my fault for creating a climate of hate -- even though it totally is, haha! Also, include the standard "fuck Obama" ...

    Okay, that ought to do it. Back to golf.

  26. Yisheng = nigger4:47 PM

    America has always been a white supremacist nation. People like Trump and his low-IQ supporters only exacerbate the problem.

  27. Stalkers are lemur shit eating, fuktards!5:00 PM

    I hope you whooteemoo lovers are happy, YOU KILLED SOMEONE TODAY AND THERE'S BLOOD ON ALL OF YOU!

  28. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit5:03 PM

    The white nationalist rally in Virginia is 100% on tr**p. Anybody who still supports or defends that imbecile should be ashamed to call themselves American.

  29. Lance Cockstrong5:28 PM

    A bunch of micro dick white boys and their ugly women holding a stupid rally. They are all delusional and sick.

  30. Lance Cockstrong5:29 PM

    And yes, Butt Trumpet is the main culprit.

  31. Lilacpr5:57 PM

    Thank God in Heaven a church hasn't been bombed yet. Could one of those perverted and sick gay and tranny clubs get bombed? That would be wonderful! :)

    P.S. There are still too many big and complicated words in these blog posts for my brain to handle! LOL

  32. There is not such thing as a good white person5:59 PM

    Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.

  33. Uh ok6:09 PM

    Using the Shomate equation to determine favored reaction products is very tedious.
    yeah right

  34. "you forgot the HCN chaser!!"

    Nope, just some ephedrine and anhydrous ether. That's how they used to make meth.

    -Doug in Oakland


    -Doug in Oakland

  36. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  37. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Would everyone please, please, please stop calling these people white 'supremacists'. There is nothing supreme about them. Please call them what they are: white racists.

  38. They are whooteemoos.

  39. Best Krypto ever was San Diego County Lemon Drop.

    I can only assume that it was the precursor to Ecstasy.

    Nobody should ever be that happy with no fucking reason whatsoever.


    Whitey wingnut Drumpfucker failed the only intelligence test he ever attempted. So did Pence and he cheated.

  41. Bold, James Bold10:49 AM

    Dougie knows about synthesizing meth.  So much is explained.

    "Another white terrorist attack that wingnuts claim don't happen."

    The terrorists were the BLM/Antifa attacking the vehicle with baseball bats.  Running over Antifa to escape was self-defense.  If someone took out 80 of them with a hijacked semi, THAT would be terrorism.


    Hey Jackass has 9 shot and killed in Chimpcongo this weel, but you won't EVER protest the gangs and crooks or otherwise hold Black people accountable for killing them.

    You think Black people are sacred objects, even when they're violent criminals.

    We're sick and tired of your phony religion and demand the state stop supporting it.

  42. So the mini grand dragon that drove the car through the crowd has a mother who is as dense as she is oblivious.

  43. @ Bold James - Ummm, have to seen the videos? It doesn't appear that he was being threatened when he decided to accelerate into the crowd from a half a block away.
    But okay, keep fighting against your oppression.

  44. "Dougie knows about synthesizing meth. So much is explained."

    Yeah, that I can read a deposition all the way to the evidence addenda at the bottom.

    And I have an internet connection.

    "The terrorists were the BLM/Antifa attacking the vehicle with baseball bats."

    It's on video, dear, and that's bullshit. As much as you want the Nazis to be the victims for propaganda purposes, they're not. And you siding with the motherfucking Nazis speaks volumes. Nothing we didn't already know, but still.

    -Doug in Oakland

  45. Bold, James Bold2:54 PM

    Latest word on your "terrorist" is that a "counter-protester" threw a rock at his car.  The "counter-protest" initiated the incident.

    Rocks are deadly weapons.  Use of deadly force to escape is self-defense, and he did get away.

    There was obviously no premeditation, or he would have used a stolen vehicle and had an accomplice along to pick him up.

    Why is your side "counter-protesting" other people's exercise of free speech and freedom of assembly?  Why is your side bringing deadly weapons against people who want to preserve public monuments?  WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA?

  46. Bold, James Bold2:58 PM

    "Using the Shomate equation to determine favored reaction products is very tedious.
    BwahahahahahahahahahahahHHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha oh dear god bwahahahahahahhahahaha!"

    Yes, you moron.  Shomate Equation.  Which, if you had the slightest clue about algebra, you could make use of instantly by using the formula from the NIST page for the appropriate element or compound, like nitrogen.

    But you think that anyone who says something that you don't understand is the dumb one, not you.  That's why you are not merely ignorant, but stupid.  You can't fix stupid.

  47. Bold, James Bold3:11 PM

    Just catching up on the Charlottesville stuff.

    Your "White supremacist" "murderer" turns out to be left-wing Never-Trumper Jerome Vangheluwe.

    Is he a BernieBro too?  That would make FOUR murderers/attempted murderers in a row who are BernieBros, including that guy who shot his neighbor twice in the head the other day.  All leftists.  All YOURS.

    Watch out, people are Noticing.

  48. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  49. "Your "White supremacist" "murderer" turns out to be left-wing Never-Trumper Jerome Vangheluwe."

    Nope. I'd say "wrong again", but it would be more accurate to say "still wrong" or maybe "always wrong" or perhaps "wronger than fuck".

    -Doug in Oakland

  50. So let me get this right, James.

    The cops got the wrong guy. It was really this lefty, Bernie-Bot, Jerome V.

    But he didn't really betray his own cause or mistakenly plow into counter-protestors as some of your alt-right buddies suggest. Maybe he did it to discredit the confederate/nazi guys?

    One of the protestors threw a rock at his car. A rock is a deadly weapon. Thus he was justified in using his muscle car as a deadly weapon to respond in kind to a murderous threat. Stand your ground so to speak. Never mind that he struck dozens of people.

    Nice. This is just the exact kind of cognitive dissonance that a fucking nazi like trump needs to survive. Congratulations. You are the dumbest motherfucker to ever visit this blog.

  51. Bold, James Bold1:57 PM

    Come now.  Do you think I wouldn't troll you with real-but-inaccurate information if it falls into my hands?  The VanGheluwe report was based on initial photos of the car's license plate and DMV records, and came out well before Fields' name was announced.  The DMV database was wrong.

    Given the number of Antifa chasing his car with baseball bats, Fields was absolutely justified in being in fear of his life and using whatever means he had to get away.  He did that using his 3000-lb bludgeon.  It was self-defense.  The guy should be free already.

  52. '...real-but-inaccurate information....'
    Seems to be the key words here.

  53. Begging the Colonel's pardon...

    I think it was your side that arrived with clubs, baseball bats and shields. You guys even had military style columns, field commanders with headsets, troop leaders for the commanders to give orders to. Your boys came looking for some violence.

    But yeah, say it was the old white people and the black people. We believe you.

    I guess it worked out pretty good slamming the car in reverse to scare off those guys with baseball bats. How long till Bannon and Butowsky organize a legal team for this sick criminal? Maybe he can get off like Zimmerman and pal around with gun store owners.

  54. Anonymous1:45 PM


  55. It's not news, dumbass, it's just my opinion. In fairness, I did hear a first-hand report on the commanders, etc. on NPR. So it was second-hand news.

    So I trust NPR. I'm surprised that the Dick-Tater Trump hasn't moved yet to defund NPR and PBS. I guess he is just too busy destroying the world.

    How come all of you alt-right pussies don't even have the balls to establish an I.D?

    Who the hell cares what some anonymous dumbshit has to say? You will never talk to him/her again, so fuck a duck.

  56. Anonymous1:20 PM

