Tuesday, August 01, 2017


Image result for trump lying  images I feel like I am in the middle of a Bill Murray movie about groundhogs with this president and his administration.

Everyday we are supposed to reset and start all over again. (John Kelly was supposed to take care of all of that.)  But alas, every day seems like the one before. It's just one story of lies and cover- ups after another.

Today we learned that president trump helped craft his son's misleading statement about his e-mail exchange regarding his meeting with Russians at trump Towers.

"In response to New York Times reporting that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer during the campaign, President Donald Trump dictated a misleading statement for his son, The Washington Post reported Monday evening.

The Post, citing multiple people with knowledge of the situation, said the original plan in response to the Times' reporting was to issue a truthful statement ahead of the story, but then Trump personally decided to have the statement say Trump Jr. had met with the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, to discuss adoption of Russian children by people in the US. The Post reports that Trump dictated the statement while flying back to Washington from the G20 summit in Hamburg, aboard Air Force One." [Source]
It seems as if the president of the United States is incapable of telling the truth. And that's a bad thing. But you know what's worse? That the people around him seem to be willfully oblivious of his lies and obfuscations. Being able to willfully suspend disbelief is a trait that is obviously needed by his supporters. 
Finally, I have been saying all along that FOX VIEWS is not a news organization, but that it is more of an entertainment and propaganda network masquerading as something serious and objective. 
Now, sadly, they have been just shamelessly shilling for the current administration, as they were for George W. Bush and his administration during those disastrous years. 
The following story shows how far they will allegedly go to push their agenda. Desperately trying to find another Benghazi, they thought they found it in the tragic death of  young DNC staffer named Seth Rich.
"On May 16, the Fox News Channel broke what it called a "bombshell" story about an unsolved homicide: the July 2016 shooting of 27-year-old Democratic Party staffer Seth Rich.

Unfounded conspiracy theories involving Rich abounded in the months after his death, in part because WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange cryptically suggested that Rich's death may have been related to the leaks of tens of thousands of emails from Democratic Party officials and their allies at the peak of the presidential campaign.

Julian Assange story, which took flight online and ran in segments across major shows, breathed fresh life into the rumors. Fox reported that the leaks came from inside the party and not from hackers linked to Russia — despite the conclusions of the nation's most senior intelligence officials. The network suggested that Democrats might have been connected to Rich's death and that a cover-up had thwarted the official investigation.

The network cited an unnamed FBI official. And the report relied heavily on Wheeler, a former police detective, hired months earlier on behalf of the Riches by Butowsky.

These developments took place during growing public concern over a federal investigation into the Trump camp's possible collusion with the Russian government during the campaign. The allegations have since touched the president's son and son-in-law, his former campaign manager, his attorney general and his first national security adviser, who resigned as a result.

The question of Rich's death took on greater urgency for Butowsky after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in early May. Comey had been overseeing the Russia investigation. The story ran just a week later.

Fox's report went sideways shortly after it was posted online and aired on Fox & Friends. It was denounced by the Rich family, D.C. police, Democratic Party officials and even, privately, by some journalists within the network. Within hours, Wheeler told other news outlets that Fox News had put words in his mouth.

Despite those concerns, Wheeler appeared on the shows of Fox Business host Lou Dobbs and Fox News star Sean Hannity, who devoted significant time to the story that night and in subsequent days. In speaking with Wheeler, Hannity said: "If this is true and Seth Rich gave WikiLeaks the DNC e-mails ... this blows the whole Russia collusion narrative completely out of the water."

A week later, on May 23, Fox retracted the story, saying the reporting process failed to live up to its standards. Hannity said he would take a break from talking about Rich's death out of respect for the family. And there it has largely stood — until now.

The fake news story

In the lawsuit, the private investigator sets out a different version of events. Wheeler, a paid Fox News contributor since 2005, alleges the story was orchestrated behind the scenes and from the outset by Butowsky, who hired him on behalf of the Rich family.

The following account reflects the verbatim quotes provided from the texts, emails, voicemails and recorded conversations cited in Wheeler's lawsuit, except as otherwise noted.

According to the lawsuit, Trump press secretary Sean Spicer meets at the White House with Wheeler and Butowsky to review the Rich story a month before Fox News ran the piece.

On May 14, about 36 hours before Fox News' story appears, Butowsky leaves a voicemail for Wheeler, saying, "We have the full, uh, attention of the White House on this. And tomorrow, let's close this deal, whatever we've got to do."

Butowsky also texts Wheeler: "Not to add any more pressure but the president just read the article. He wants the article out immediately. It's now all up to you." [Source]

One thing we know about house Negroes is this: At some point they all realize that those in the house does not view them as equals. Rod Wheeler played the god house Negro for years over at FOX. Now that he feels that he has been defamed and misquoted in his investigation for the people at FOX, he has found religion and wants his good name back.

He has filed a lawsuit. Hopefully there will be formal discovery and depositions to come.

I can't wait.   
*Image from thedailybeast.com via chicagonow.com



  1. Fox always pushes sketchy stories from the knockout game, the Seth Rich story and now the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz story. Trolls push hard but then after it's debunked it's like they never happened. What else is new?

  2. Maybe Trump should have had John Barron call in to the papers and explain it all. Or John Miller. One of those guys.


  3. Anonymous9:47 PM


  4. Once again, Field Negro is way behind the curve:

    Audio: Seymour Hersh States Seth Rich Was WikiLeaks Source:


    I don't know what Rod Wheeler is up to - whether this is a brilliant move to gain access to Seth Rich's computer via the discovery process or just trying to not wind up on the Clinton Hit List, because he said the exact opposite thing one day before he launched this lawsuit.

    In any event, Mr. Wheeler's accusations have exactly nothing to back them up, which of course will not stop you and the rest of the Lamestream Media from reporting them as fact.

    Wake up and open your eyes, Field. You might walk in front of a bus some day.

  5. The fact that any given lie would make some of your problems go away does not make said lie any more true.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Lilacpr11:35 PM

    Well things are going from bad to worse here! They are planning on cutting off food stamps and a bunch of other social programs, so that "the people will be encouraged to work" Ha and triple ha! Even professionals can't find work here! There are no jobs! Anyway well see how that goes...as for me, I'm very sick thanks to the Saharan Dust, and may be hospitalized :(

  7. Miguel G.11:45 PM

    "I'm very sick thanks to the Saharan Dust"

    Fuck those Africans and their goddamned dust getting all over the fucking place.

  8. The only winner here will be the legal profession12:01 AM

    It's not only Wheeler suing Fox News. It's also possible that the Rich family will sue Wheeler for spewing that bullshit on Fox without their permission. They're hopping mad and had their lawyer send Wheeler a cease and desist letter.

    "'Your improper and unauthorized statements, many of which are false and have no basis in fact, have also injured the memory and reputation of Seth Rich and have defamed and injured the reputation of the members of the family,' wrote the family's lawyer, Joseph Ingrisano.

    Ed Butowsky, a Dallas financier who regularly appears on Fox's business channels and on other networks, had been paying Wheeler to investigate the case for the family. A spokesman for the Rich family said that Wheeler had offered his services to the family, 'claiming he wanted to help.'

    The letter sent by Ingrisano also alleges that Wheeler violated his contract with the family by speaking out about the case without its approval."

    Uh-huh. Ed Butowsky, a Fox News operative and Trump supporter contacted the Riches about helping pay for a private investigator, Wheeler, to try and find their son's murderer, "claiming he wanted to help." He neglected to mention that he wanted to help ... Trump.

  9. Feed me, Seymour12:15 AM

    @ ignorant troll @ 10:03

    Did you read the story Field linked? No, Seymour Hersh doesn't buy this "Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC" garbage.

    "In an interview this week, Hersh sounds unconvinced.

    'I hear gossip,' Hersh tells NPR on Monday. '[Butowsky] took two and two and made 45 out of it.'"

    And, just as an FYI, but Hersh hasn't really been a credible reporter for many years anyway. It's sad, because he did break some major stories back in the day, but in his old age, he doesn't seem to have any genuine sources anymore. Like he says, he "hears gossip," but can never seem to corroborate any of it. He's still desperately trying to land that one last big scoop, but it's never gonna happen. It's time for him to go play shuffleboard in Miami now.

  10. Enjoy your award, Mr. Wheeler12:34 AM

    "Butowsky weighs in: 'One day you're going to win an award for having said those things you didn't say.'"

    More likely he is going to be paying an award to the Rich family, after they sue him.

  11. limpbaugh12:55 AM

    There are problems with the claim that the Seth Rich story is fake. First of all, even if Trump did push Fox News to report on Seth Rich, which isn't proven, Trump probably did it because he believes the DNC did have Seth Rick killed. There is more evidence pointing to that than "the Russians did it". The DNC didn't let the FBI see their "hacked" servers. The "hacking" analysis only came from a private firm. And it hasn't been released to the public. Podesta did write an email about making an example out of a leaker, even if they didn't get the right person. Rich's valuables weren't taken. A robbery wouldn't have scared potential leakers. I don't know if it is true or not, but it has been reported that the killer did take the time to pick up his shell casings. Wikileaks offered a reward for information about the murder. The DNC didn't. Kim dot Com offered to testify that Seth Rich leaked DNC info to Wikileaks.

    Rod Wheeler did back away from some things he said and he said that Fox News told him that information. Other things he didn't retract, such as the DC Police coverup and Donna Brazille threatening Rich's parents. So another big problem with the media's coverage is to claim that DNC involvement is disproven. It was never dependent on what Rod Wheeler said in the first place. He added some damning accusations to the evidence that already existed. Doubting the credibility of his statements, including the ones that he didn't retract, doesn't refute the evidence that didn't come from him. There were more than one leak and more than one company involved in the coverup. One of them testified before Congress. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vhGoJfA7M4

  12. They have the Fox news slimeball on tape admitting the Wheeler quotes she ran were fake. On that evidence alone, the lawsuit is likely to succeed.

    -Doug in Oakland

  13. Hey Limp Paw,

    I have been trying to figure out if you were a friend or an enemy since I met you.

    No longer any doubt.

  14. This blog sure has some interesting visitors2:36 AM

    "Hey Limp Paw,

    I have been trying to figure out if you were a friend or an enemy since I met you.

    No longer any doubt."

    He's a 9/11 Truther, terminally embittered Bernie bro/Hillary hater, and card-carrying member of the anti-anti-Russian Left (someone who hates the American government and military establishment so much, he assumes that anyone the government dislikes must automatically be a great guy -- yay, Putin is our friend!).

    In short, he's someone whose pacifist sentiment has totally melted his brain. I suggest you ignore him.

  15. Limpbaugh4:20 AM

    MSNBC had segment that sheds some light on how the Rod Wheeler lawsuit relates to the grand scheme of things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFTdWAWrocQ

  16. THIS... from
    poster @2:36am: "He's a 9/11 Truther, terminally embittered Bernie bro/Hillary hater, and card-carrying member of the anti-anti-Russian Left (someone who hates the American government and military establishment so much, he assumes that anyone the government dislikes must automatically be a great guy -- yay, Putin is our friend!).

    'In short, he's someone whose pacifist sentiment has totally melted his brain. I suggest you ignore him."
    Along with Flying Junior, I've also been wondering about Limpbaugh, happening to notice that many of his postings contain links to the former RT today or a combination of extreme right/left news commentary.

    At the end of the day, we should not ignore this. For bloggers with the time to do so, please keep up the good fight in terms of providing reputable sources. Yet there are times moderates and progressives make mistakes, for which it's a huge disservice not calling out those errors as well. This will nip that "Well the other side does it too...," as though it's okay to put ethical behavior on the back burner.

    And Limpbaugh's MSNBC link is actually the CNN segment from Tonight with Don Lemon, hosted by Chris Cuomo, who was no pushover allowing Ed Butowsky to spew mistatements and falsehoods. From what little of the interview I caught yesterday, Mr. Butowsky came off like a carnival barker with zero credibility.

    In any event, FN edition knocks it out of the park. Special note to the daily warriors: Doug, Mike from Iowa, Pilot & the anons with the clever names.

    By the way, hope you feel better soon, Lila :-)

  17. Monday last was actually ground hog day. I saw a half grown one ambling down a gravel road a mile and a half west of my residence. They are a nuisance and we shoot/trap everyone we can because they are destructive rodents of no particular redeeming social values, not unlike the typical wingnut one sees or hears everyday.

    I have yet to see one on February 2nd of any given year and if I did I would do my best to eliminate the varmint before he could tunnel under any more buildings, including this old farmhouse. U,like wingnuts, I can't seem to work up a good hate for rodents.

  18. Faith and Fairness-you are too kind. Now duck!!! Incoming troll flak!

  19. Living proof that wingnut stoopidity is pervasive-


  20. Frenemy at the Gates9:55 AM

    Flying Junior said...
    I have been trying to figure out if you were a friend or an enemy since I met you.

    Enemy = Someone who doesn't conform to the corporate media narrative that you embrace.

  21. It's ok to talk about Seth Rich, but only to bash Trump, not help the family and certainly not to seek justice.


    Corporate Media Hacks

  22. I noticed only right wing hacks posted the Hersh so called smoking gun audio. Some even went so far to say "it seemed" like Hersh said Rich was the leaker. Ringing endorsements like that make me all warm and fuzzy inside.

  23. Hey, Field, Rod Wheeler needs to get consideration for the "House Negro of the Day Award" just for getting involved with this mess from day 1.

  24. mike from iowa said...
    "I noticed only right wing hacks posted the Hersh so called smoking gun audio. Some even went so far to say "it seemed" like Hersh said Rich was the leaker. "

    If you listen to it, Hersh actually does say Seth Rich was the one who gave DNC emails to Wikileaks:


    Clear as a bell, for someone who doesn't only hear what he wants to hear.

  25. If you listen to it, Hersh actually does say Seth Rich was the one who gave DNC emails to Wikileaks:

    Hersh could claim to be the pompatus of love and I would not know if he did or not. One reason is my computer does not have audio and the second reason is my hearing is so far gone I couldnt understand most of what was being said.

    Thirdly, since only right wing outlets have this I suspect the audio has been edited ala dead Breitbart and O'Keefe.

  26. http://www.snopes.com/seth-rich-dnc-wikileaks-murder/

    Snopes sez Rich was not the leaker and Wheeler changed his story several times.

    I'm afraid I'm going to believe Snopes until someone has actual, verifiable into to the contraire.

    Goofy fucking wingnut bitch and former whack job Minn congress weaselette-'One L' Bachmann sez Minneapolis setting up hate crime hotline violates separation of church and state laws that otherwise wingnuts claim don't exist. Can't fix stoopid.

  27. Seth Rich's ghost12:59 PM

    It's ok to talk about Seth Rich, but only to bash Trump, not help the family and certainly not to seek justice.
    Yep, Sean Hannity is the prime example. The family asked him to stop pushing stupid conspiracy theories but he continued.

  28. Though I could not hear audio report, only read the breaking news, CNN is reporting Pres. Trump signed the bipartisan Russians sanctions bill.

    Could it be a semblance of hope on the horizon the actual adults in the room will serve as the leaders a sane electorate requires?

  29. Chuck Wood1:34 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Hersh could claim to be the pompatus of love and I would not know if he did or not. One reason is my computer does not have audio and the second reason is my hearing is so far gone I couldnt understand most of what was being said."

    Well maybe you should STFU then and go chase groundhogs.

  30. Fact Jack1:38 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Snopes sez Rich was not the leaker and Wheeler changed his story several times.

    Snopes is not a credible source. It's some dude and his ex-pornstar girlfriend pretending to be factual authorities when in truth they are just a couple of partisan scammers.

    Also, if Wheeler is not credible, why believe him now?

  31. From the Dallas Morning News yesterday- The Dallas financial adviser said he connected with Rich's parents in December and asked friends for information about Rich. Earlier this year, Butowsky said, he got in touch with investigative journalist Seymour Hersh.

    Butowsky said Hersh told him about an FBI report that a trusted source had discussed with the journalist. The report allegedly explains that Rich had made contact with WikiLeaks, offered a sample of "juicy emails" and demanded payment for sending documents.

    Wheeler's lawsuit also goes over the conversation with Hersh. It claims that the journalist "cautioned Butowsky that the information was not necessarily true, and that, even if true, it did not preclude the possibility that the Russians also hacked the DNC."

    Hersh didn't immediately return messages seeking comment late Tuesday, but he told NPR that he hears gossip.

    "[Butowsky] took two and two and made 45 out of it," Hersh told the radio station.

  32. Chuck Wood said...

    mike from iowa said...
    "Hersh could claim to be the pompatus of love and I would not know if he did or not. One reason is my computer does not have audio and the second reason is my hearing is so far gone I couldnt understand most of what was being said."

    Well maybe you should STFU then and go chase groundhogs

    What was yer point? You don't chase groundhogs. You see and stalk them.


  33. Home » Fact Check » The 10 Best Fact Checking Sites
    The 10 Best Fact Checking Sites

    Posted on July 20, 2016 LOOKEE @ NUMBER4- SNOPES


    The purpose of this website is not only to deliver news, but to also be a resource on media bias and fact checking. When checking facts these are the 10 sites we find to be most valuable. In most cases, one of these sites has already covered the fact check we are seeking, making the job easy. Listed below you will find our favorite (most trusted) fact checking websites. Bookmark them or just visit MBFC News and we will filter them for you.

    Politifact– PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others who speak up in American politics. PolitiFact is run by editors and reporters from the Tampa Bay Times, an independent newspaper in Florida. Politifact is simply the best source for political fact checking. Won the Pulitzer Prize.

    Fact Check– FactCheck.org is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. They are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. They monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Fact Check is similar to Politifact in their coverage and they provide excellent details. The only drawback is they lack the simplicity of Politifact.

    Open Secrets– Open Secrets is a nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit, run by the Center for Responsive Politics, which is the nation’s premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. Open Secrets are by far the best source for discovering how much and where candidates get their money. They also track lobbying groups and whom they are funding.

    Snopes– Snopes has been the definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation for a long time. Snopes is also usually the first to report the facts.

  34. Faith_and_Fairness said...
    Could it be a semblance of hope on the horizon the actual adults in the room will serve as the leaders a sane electorate requires?

    Why is pushing conflict with Russia "sane"?

    You should know by now that Russia did not "hack our election". The DNC emails were most likely released by someone on the inside. And whoever exposed the corruption at the DNC did America a huge favor.

    No, America is being pushed into belligerence with Russia solely to further the interests of Israel, who wants regime change in Syria to keep the region in chaos and allow them expand settlements. They also desperately want to prevent any reconciliation between the two greatest powers on the earth, as furthering the globalist agenda requires war and economic sanctions directed to crush rising nationalist movements.

    It is a testament to the power of the media that insanely dangerous posturing against a major nuclear power is considered by most Americans as the right thing to do. Our congress is bought and paid for by the Israeli lobby, so these sanctions were to be expected. Since they were passed with a veto proof majority, and since we have been subjected to six months of the Russian collusion hysteria, Trumps hand are tied and he had to sign it.


  35. Ministry of Truth1:55 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    The 10 Best Fact Checking Sites

    ALL fact checking sites are partisan disinformation operations.

    Do your own fact checking if want some degree of credibility in what you are reading.

  36. Limpbaugh2:03 PM

    Ministry of Truth is right.

  37. Limpbaugh2:05 PM

    Judging by the MSNBC interview of Wheeler, the lawsuit seems to be about Fox News saying Wheeler knew Seth Rich emailed stuff to Wikileaks, and he didn't know for sure because the FBI and DC Police gave him a Comcast customer service type run around about where the computer is. It could be something like Bush saying the UK learned Saddam Hussein tried to procure uranium from Niger, after Bush faxed the forged uranium documents to the UK. Or Cheney quoting the NY Times about WMDs after he was their anonymous source. The lawsuit might come down to whether Wheeler repeated something Fox News told him, or did they attribute something to him that he didn't say. Actually, the media hyped that original controversy as debunking the DNC's involvement in the Seth Rich murder more than they used this controversy to call it fake news.

    Butowsky was on CNN. I take what him and Wheeler say with a grain of salt, but the tape of Seymour Hersh talking about Seth Rich being the leaker came up in that interview. Butowsky said the claims that Trump knew about the investigation were tongue in check joking around. It is possible they are fighting fake news with fake news, but things the Russia hacking conspiracy theorists don't want you to hear are coming up. They came up in answers to the questions the interviewers asked. Stuff like Wheeler saying Donna Brazile threatened Seth Rich's parents for having him investigate. The media overplayed their hand. Maybe they should cover the Awan brothers instead.

  38. Ockham's Razor2:18 PM

    Seth Rich was a Bernie supporter who was upset about what he learned about the DNC rigging the nomination for Hillary.

    Seth Rich had access to the email server and a motive for leaking.

    Seth Rich set up a drop box for the email files for WikiLeaks and for two friends, "in case something happened" to him.

    Julian Assange has said that the Russians were not the source of the leaked DNC emails.

    Seymour Hersh stated that a contact in the FBI confirmed that there was communication between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks.

    Podesta sent an email saying they should make "an example" of a leaker that would convince others to stop leaking.

    Seth Rich wound up dead.

  39. Seth Rich3:12 PM

    Rod Wheeler changed his tune overnight.

    Seymour Hersh is hedging what he said now, but we have it on tape.

    Kim Dotcom was the go-between for Seth and Wikileaks, but he suddenly stopped talking about it.

    One would almost think that these men were in fear for their lives.

  40. Living in the USSA3:19 PM

    I have no idea if there is precedent for this bill, but I doubt there is. What it does is remove the President’s ability to withdraw sanctions placed on Russia (or North Korea) without the approval of Congress. These are obviously executive matters.

    What you have here is the legislative branch seizing executive powers in order to attempt to cripple the President. This is exactly what happened with the judicial branch and the travel ban – they illegally usurped executive powers, in order to thwart Trump’s national security agenda. But there is no one stopping the legislative and judicial branches from engaging in this blatantly illegal activity, because the entire government is utterly corrupt and allied against Trump.

    98/100 Senators supported stripping Trump of his Constitutionally-awarded duties to protect this country.

    What we have is a completely insane situation here, where the whole government is at war with the elected leader of the government, and it really draws into focus just how absurd this entire system of “democracy” actually is. This “checks and balances” thing doesn’t even work.

    They don’t want peace with Russia, they don’t want a safe country, they don’t want a functional economy – they want to flush this country straight down the toilet, and they will do whatever they have to do to get that done.

    The entire basis of the Russian sanctions – at least the biggest part of it – was the theory that Russia “interfered with the election.” Well, now the entire “Putin did Wikileaks” narrative has been dropped. Just – POOF – it’s gone.

    In its place, the proof of “Russian meddling” is now a 20 minute meeting Donald Trump Jr. had with a random Russian lawyer.

    And now that narrative is collapsing, so they’re going to plug something else in the whole. This is a conviction in search of a case. It is insane. It is hurting this country.

    Someone has to put an end to it.

  41. Ground hog day? That was when I lived in Berkeley and the corner store had a meat counter that sold sausage by the pound...

    -Doug in Oakland

  42. By signing the sanctions bill, president four-year-old tacitly admitted that Russia meddled in our election. If he really, truly, believed his bullshit about Russia not being guilty, he could have vetoed the bill to take a principled stand, as it probably wouldn't have made any difference when the veto was overridden.
    But he has no principles to stand for, other than emulating Putin in a retarded bid to become the first trillionaire.
    Plus, he's not even politically competent enough to know that, and too stupid and narcissistic to understand his own incompetence.
    His is a full-on Dunning-Kruger presidency.

    -Doug in Oakland

  43. Bold, James Bold3:32 PM

    "despite the conclusions of the nation's most senior intelligence officials."

    You mean the DNC computers that the FBI has not been allowed to examine, so all we have is the word of a Russian expat calling himself Crowdstrike?  THOSE conclusions?

    You are as dumb as a box of rocks.

    Oh, and the degree and job you were Affirmative-Actioned into?  It looks like Trump is gearing up to dismantle all of that and force you to compete on an equal footing.  Watch for things to become a lot less "diverse".

    "Fuck those Africans and their goddamned dust getting all over the fucking place."

    It's the Tragic Dirt that follows Black people everywhere, making Shots Ring Out and Turning Streets Mean.  And it's all the rayciss White people's fault for taking the Magic Dirt with them when they leave.

  44. They don’t want peace with Russia, they don’t want a safe country, they don’t want a functional economy – they want to flush this country straight down the toilet, and they will do whatever they have to do to get that done.

    No what they don't want is the stoopid son of a bitch in the WH starting global nukular war because someone said something that made the mangled apricot sad-you know, like the truth.

    Drumpf has done nothing to help the economy, fortunately. If he gets his massive taxcuts for the koch bros we will slide right back into dumbass dubya's worst recession since the stock market crash over a hundred years ago.

    Drumpf will start a war out of spite and to prove he is in charfe. Hopefullt wingnuts wake up and lock this fucking moron in the looney bin where he delongs long before Srumpf jumps over the edge.

  45. It looks like Trump is gearing up to dismantle all of that and force you to compete on an equal footing. Watch for things to become a lot less "diverse".

    No higher education for dumbass dubya, Drumpf or Kushner. Of their parents hadn't been rich and passed much dinero around, these giant wombats of degeneracy would never had sniffed the halls of eastern Academia.

    And Baldingo would still be posting his sorrow about not being Black on Field's blog and slapping Bag Balm on his hands from constantly spanking the monkey.

  46. Living in the USSA said- What you need to know is this investigation might have stopped last fall if anyone in Drumpf's campaign could ever tell the truth. This started out as an inquiry whether anyone in Drumpf's campaign had contact with Russian officials during the campaign.

    Every last one of Drumpf's group flat out lied and many of them on different occasions. So the investigation continues and then Drumpf's people tell more lies and the investigation gets bigger and then they tell more and more and bigger and bigger lies. Now they are lying about the lies.

    But, but HRC had emails. Wah!

  47. Anonymous Ockham's Razor said...

    Seth Rich was a Bernie supporter who was upset about what he learned about the DNC rigging the nomination for Hillary.

    Seth Rich had access to the email server and a motive for leaking.

    Seth Rich set up a drop box for the email files for WikiLeaks and for two friends, "in case something happened" to him.

    Julian Assange has said that the Russians were not the source of the leaked DNC emails.

    Seymour Hersh stated that a contact in the FBI confirmed that there was communication between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks.

    Podesta sent an email saying they should make "an example" of a leaker that would convince others to stop leaking.

    Seth Rich wound up dead

    And the dish ran away with the spoon. I finished yer little fairy tale.

  48. Maybe they should cover the Awan brothers instead.

    Roger Stone sez the Amar brother recently arrested was partying with Seth Rich the night he was killed.

    So the right is still tying knots in everyone's tails to hide the fact that Drumpf and Russians colluded on something.

  49. Butowsky said Hersh told him about an FBI report that a trusted source had discussed with the journalist. The report allegedly explains that Rich had made contact with WikiLeaks, offered a sample of "juicy emails" and demanded payment for sending documents.

    and demanded payment for sending documents. There's your motive why wiki leaks murdered Seth Rich. Prove it wrong.

  50. Kick him while he grovels. Drumpf's new low is 33% approval. Bwahahahahahaha!

    Just 33 percent of Americans approve of President Donald Trump nationwide, the lowest approval numbers that have been seen since his inauguration, according to a new Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday. Sixty-one percent of American voters disapprove of Trump, according to the poll.

  51. Douging-Kruger4:53 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    By signing the sanctions bill, president four-year-old tacitly admitted that Russia meddled in our election.


  52. http://www.thedailybeast.com/he-died-of-a-k9-bite-after-three-days-in-jail?google_editors_picks=true

    Even K-9 dogs can kill blacks with impunity.

  53. Ivan Beatinov5:02 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    This started out as an inquiry whether anyone in Drumpf's campaign had contact with Russian officials during the campaign.

    No, this started out as way to cover up the fact the Obama Administration illegally used the intelligence services (via the unmasking process) to bug the Trump campaign during the election campaign, for the purpose of helping Hillary.

    They were sure Hillary was going to win and that her administration would cover their tracks, but when Trump won they freaked out and needed a diversion, both from their crimes and from Hillary's real collusion with foreign countries.

    If they had actually uncovered any collusion (or anything illegal) involving Trump, you can be damn sure we would have heard about before the election.

    You have to be one dumb motherfucker to not see what a complete hoax this whole Russia/Trump conspiracy thing has been. You sure are one dumb motherfucker.

  54. "Even K-9 dogs can kill blacks with impunity."

    Dogs hate black people.

    I know this because I am Native American.


  55. No, this started out as way to cover up the fact the Obama Administration illegally used the intelligence services (via the unmasking process) to bug the Trump campaign during the election campaign, for the purpose of helping Hillary.

    Steerike One. Beatinov-are you one of Baldingo's circle jerk crew. Senator Burr-the senate leader of the investigation has already stated that unmasking was done by Congressman in charge of the House committee investigation ( NUnes)- the guy who recused himself after getting handed info from the WH late at night.

    They were sure Hillary was going to win and that her administration would cover their tracks, but when Trump won they freaked out and needed a diversion, both from their crimes and from Hillary's real collusion with foreign countries

    Steeerike two- the investigation into Drumpf and Russia started way early last year before Drumpfuck got the nominee.

    You have to be one dumb motherfucker to not see what a complete hoax this whole Russia/Trump conspiracy thing has been. You sure are one dumb motherfucker

    Steeerike 24,25 and 26 and you are not only a true ignorant dipshit, you are a really easy to fool fool, as well. You are so blinded by the bullshit from Drumpf you can't see straight.

  56. BTW Politifact, the numero uno most trusted fact checker, gave the Rich/wili-leaks story a pants on fire rating.

  57. The Quinnipiac University Poll found, “American voters say 54 – 26 percent that they are embarrassed rather than proud to have Trump as president. Voters say 57 – 40 percent he is abusing the powers of his office and say 60 – 36 percent that he believes he is above the law.”

    Too bad, so sad.

  58. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Isn't it interesting how our president is trying to run this country like a dictatorship?
    And the saddest part is that his base can't even begin to understand that they are being bamboozled.

    Now, in order to keep his base on his side he's encouraging police brutality against minorities, and suing universities that participate in affirmative action.

    Now, let's see how long Trump's base can continue to pretend that this is not happening.
    The mind is a very easy tool to manipulate...followed by the heart.

    Russia is laughing their asses off at the "Dumb Americans."

  59. Bold, James Bold6:19 PM

    After the November election proved beyond doubt that opinion polls are rigged to produce the results desired by the people who pay for them, Mandingo from Iowa still believes in opinion polls.  (Hint:  you do it by over-sampling libtards.)

    He sure is a dumb motherfucker.

  60. In another case of you'll see anything whether or not it's really there if you're terrified of it, some Norwegian wingnuts freaked out over a picture of empty bus seats because they thought they were women in burqas.


    -Doug in Oakland

  61. And for those in president four-year-old's administration who claim their tax cut will be paid for by sustained above 3% growth, first, bullshit: you don't give a rat's ass whether it's paid for, and second, because words actually have meanings, the workforce isn't replacing itself anywhere near fast enough for that kind of growth, and the other way of achieving it is immigration, and you're now trying to cut down on legal immigration.
    You may be stupid enough to believe you can do both, but we aren't, and the economy isn't.

    -Doug in Oakland

  62. Black James, a real inventor with over 30 US patents6:36 PM

    He sure is a dumb motherfucker.
    Says the moron who uses Steve Sailor as his economic source. James is the dumbest commentor on FN.
    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  63. Black James, a real orbital engineer6:40 PM

    Oh, and the degree and job you were Affirmative-Actioned into? It looks like Trump is gearing up to dismantle all of that and force you to compete on an equal footing. Watch for things to become a lot less "diverse".
    Shows how dumb James really is. There is no standing for the JD to challenge long standing laws upheld repeatedly by the SC. Trump is only doing that to make his stupid base forget about his troubles and it seems to be working. You are one dumb mother fucker James.
    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  64. @ Bold James - Being one who suffers from anosognosia I needed a to actually look up some facts. A quick Google search would indicate that a meritorious immigration policy and the elimination of Affirmative Action would make schools and employment MORE diverse.
    Africans in general (and Nigerians in particular) 5 are outperforming every immigrant ethnic/racial group in both educational attainment and average income.

  65. Africans in general (and Nigerians in particular) 5 are outperforming every immigrant ethnic/racial group in both educational attainment and average income.

    Just a question, exactly how long should "Africans" in America be referred to as "Africans"? What about their kids? Are they "Africans" too? At what point if any, do they become "African Americans" since they ARE the true "African Americans"?

    No doubt, Nigerians are doing the damn thing. But given that these "Africans" aren't descended from slaves, I for one, don't think affirmative action should be applied to them.

  66. He sure is a dumb motherfucker. I am so in Baldingo's head.

  67. Frenemy at the Gates said...

    Enemy = Someone who doesn't conform to the corporate media narrative that you embrace.

    That's a valid criticism, my Frenemy. And I value your opinion. But it's not just that simple. I enjoy a legitimate, reality-based, conservative opponent. I have had just that several times.

    But anyone who participates in the dissemination of disinformation is indeed my sworn enemy.

    Unless it's just so ridiculous it's funny. Then I will play along.

  68. Drumpfuck referred to the WH as a dump. Classy son of a bitch, ain't he?

    Has everything given to him and trashes it- ain't that what illegal immigrants are noted for or at least accused of? Drumpfuck the pig. Potus pig. Potbelly Pig potus. Portly potbelly pig potus. Poopybutt portly potbelly pig potus.

  69. From twitter:

    Peter Huestis‏ @RealSparklePony 24h24 hours ago

    "That White House is a real Dump," said Trump. Can you imagine HOW MUCH saliva is going to be in their meals for the foreseeable future?

    -Doug in Oakland

  70. Limpbaugh8:57 PM

    Yisheng's post about Aricans being successful is a good topic for Field to cover.

  71. Limpbaugh9:12 PM

    I believe I posted a link to the MSNBC Wheeler interview and only referred to the CNN Butowsky interview. I don't accept what either of them say as proven fact, or dismiss it as definite lies. The same goes for Seymour Hersh. But I do know the war profiteer sponsored media lies. People who believe that buildings fall through themselves as fast as a dropped bowling ball falls through the air don't know how bad the media lies. They believe snopes. I believe Issac Newton. As I said, it could be "fighting fake news with fake news" but my point was that things are getting discussed that the Russia conspiracy theorists don't want you to hear.

    I agree with most criticisms of Trump, but Trump ended the CIA's covert support of ISIS against Assad. It started in 2011 when the secret program was approved by Obama, Hillary, and the two intelligence committees. They should be hung for the atrocities they caused. Untold death, suffering, rapes of children, the refugee crisis, and Brexit. All to overthrow Libya and to try to overthrow Syria. Libya was genocide. The darker your skin was, the more likely you were perceived to be inclined to support Qaddafi. "Moderate rebel" pimp John McCain should be hung along with them before he can die a natural death, even though he didn't get to vote on the covert CIA action. So should many in the war profiteer sponsored media. War propagandists were prosecuted in Nuremberg. It isn't hard to see that our population is duped also.

    Nobody criticized Trump as much as me when he bombed Syria, blocked a UN investigation of the gas attack, shot down a Syrian plane to protect American troops embedded with ISIS, and promised Saudi Arabia and Qatar big weapons deals. I wrote stuff on Trump Facebook pages like how he took it up his ass for the deep state and killed innocent people so we won't see videos ouf prostitutes pissing on him. Supporting ISIS is unacceptable to me. If Trump sticks to fighting ISIS instead of recruiting, training, arming, and paying them, and he doesn't start a war with Iran or something like that, he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize no matter how bad his domestic policies might be.

    Polls came out about how unpopular Trump is in European countries. The polls undoubtedly reflect what the countries' medias tell them and don't tell them. Europe wants cheaper oil from a pipeline through Syria. We are allied with terrorist Saudi Arabia who keeps OPEC selling oil in dollars, so we oppose moderate Shia countries in the Sunni/Shiite power struggle. Russia is allied with Syria and doesn't want more competition with their oil. NATO supported ISIS. Russia supports Assad. There are indications that Macron might be less anti Assad and pro ISIS than I expected him to be though.

  72. Nigerian Nightmare9:13 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    No doubt, Nigerians are doing the damn thing. But given that these "Africans" aren't descended from slaves, I for one, don't think affirmative action should be applied to them.

    No, they are smart ones who sold us your dumb ancestors.

  73. Anonymous9:25 PM

    "Polls came out about how unpopular Trump is in European countries. The polls undoubtedly reflect what the countries' medias tell them and don't tell them."

    I work for a European company and go to Europe a couple of times per year. I was there a couple of weeks before the 2016 election. Every single newscast was about how horrible Trump was. The news is completely monolithic in its viewpoints. There is no alternative media. Most media is state run and/or state subsidized. There is no freedom of speech guarantee like our first amendment and you can go to jail for saying the wrong thing.

    Over here, 90% of the media toes the state information line, but at least you can find alternate viewpoints if you try. In America, the government doesn't censor you, its the corporate media that does it themselves. And they'll never stop trying until they get the kind of control they have in the rest of the world.

    Resist these cocksuckers.

  74. Yisheng's post about Aricans being successful is a good topic for Field to cover.

    People allowed to "be" their culture will ALWAYS be successful.

  75. Stephanie Rawlings-Blake11:09 PM

    "People allowed to "be" their culture will ALWAYS be successful."

    Just give them "space to destroy". You go girl!

  76. Bold, James Bold1:14 AM

    "Yisheng's post about Aricans being successful is a good topic for Field to cover."

    Yes, let's talk about the "success" of the Zoomalis in Minnesota and Maine.

    I need another laugh.

  77. Or the Russians on Philadelphia.

    I am rolling on the floor right with you.

  78. Limbaugh sez some claimed Russia killed Rich. Never heard that one.

    The shooter took time to pick up his shell casings. On the off chance he used a revolver he/she would have no need to pick up casings.

    People have seen some strange police reports through the years. Maybe Rich committed suicide.

    He could've yelled at a white cop that he was a black man and then turned and ran.

  79. Black James, a real inventor11:20 AM

    I need another laugh.
    Unlike you I don't have time to laugh. I have to do my orbital engineering while also doing chemistry at my desk while working on ny 20-30 new inventions while judging international science competitions and writin. my autobiography. I guess a janitor has that kind of time.

  80. Bold, James Bold3:00 PM

    Guess what?  A little White kid shows that "nigger" trumps "racist", triggers a NAPA something awful:


    Word is he stank of weed.  Not just stinking of weed in public, but making a scene in public and attracting attention to himself.  And you wonder why you idiots get arrested all the time...

    1. James is kinda dumb8:46 PM

      Genius James spews like an idiot again. Anyone surprised?
      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha!

  81. Tarzan Lord Of The Apes8:07 PM

    Yeah. The Russians have kicked their ass.

    Niggers are smart not to mess with them.

  82. Maybe8:21 PM

    Yuk, yuk.

    A "professional" killer does NOT use an automatic weapon the leaves shell casings. And, the gun disappears.
