Monday, July 31, 2017

The Terminator gets terminated.

So Scaramucci is out after just a couple of weeks on the job. (It looks like "the leakers" outlasted you there big guy.) It was fun while it lasted, but there will  be no Mooch jokes tonight. Governing is serious business, and the joke is on all of us if we allow Donald trump to continue playing these games with the American presidency. 

The guy (Mooch) was a disaster from the start, but somehow it all seemed normal in this very chaotic White House.

The real joke coming out of the White House is that one of the reasons given for Mr. Scaramucci being ousted is that trump felt that some of the things that he said were "inappropriate".  Let me repeat that: Mr. trump said  that some of the things that Scaramucci said were "inappropriate."

Mr. "Grab em by the pussy" himself fires someone for saying something inappropriate? I
swear you can't make this stuff up.

Anyway, someone who reads this blog on a regular basis asked me today why I despise trump so much.

I told her that the answer is simple, really: The man rose to political prominence on a racist lie, and he has never apologized for it. In fact, you could argue, that he benefited from it. There are other reasons of course, but that's the main one.

What's scary is that as Americans we have tried really hard to  normalize him, primarily because he is such a national embarrassment that him being elected president reflects poorly on all of us. Thus the push to make him seem normal when we know damn good and well that there is nothing normal about him. Exhibit A: The totally chaotic and helter-skelter way that he has been running his White House has led to the ouster of yet another one of his top aides. (I think that this is number eight in six months.)

"If they’re going to stay on that staff, they’re going to stop leaking,”....  “If you’re going to keep leaking, I’m going to fire everybody.” 
Bye Mooch, we hardly knew ya.



  1. Yisheng = nigger9:45 PM

    Trump is worthless.
    Pence is worthless.
    Trump supporters are worthless.
    Everybody associated with Trump is worthless!!!

  2. Lilacpr10:02 PM

    Hahaha! Funny post! xD

    Oh Lord! Trump, Trump, don't know whether to laugh or cry...

    But I did read somewhere he brought 1,000 and some,jobs back...

  3. Lilacpr10:04 PM

    btw, the guy in that picture is pretty hot. :)

  4. NO ONE with a name like Mooch was going to last long in this Whooteeministration.

  5. Stalkers suck ostrich balls10:25 PM

    Plus, Trump doesn't want to share the spotlight.

  6. Lance Cockstrong10:39 PM

    Micro dicked white boys are incompetent at everything, except being dumbasses.

  7. "The man rose to political prominence on a racist lie, and he has never apologized for it."

    How is asking to see someone's birth certificate "racist"?

    John McCain had to produce his.

    Everyone applying for a security clearance has to produce theirs.

    Obama had previously claimed to have been born in Kenya when it helped him sell books. He probably claimed to be a foreign student to get into Occidental and Columbia. His passport records were mysteriously stolen from the government archives in 2008.

    Obama had told a lot of stories about his life (two autobiographies before he even ran for Senate!), yet when asked for something as simple as his birth certificate he balked. He even went to court to keep people from seeing it. Why?

    It's racist to expect black people to have to live by the same rules as everyone else.

    Crying racism over every failure is a sign of weakness.

    Barack Obama should apologize to everyone in America for playing games by refusing to release his birth certificate for four years. Everything about Obama was fake, even his name.

  8. Drumpfuck is what passes as normal for right wing nut jobs these days.

    Oh how the Obama fallacies keep changing over time.

  9. No President has released his birth certificate until Obama.

  10. Though the president expounding on inappropriate comments or remarks is a case of the kettle meet pot, must say I agree with CNN chief political analyst, Gloria Borger, discussing on AC360 the similarities between the firing of former FBI director James Comey and Scaramucci. Pres. Trump accused Comey of showboating and kicked Scaramucci to the curb for grandstanding, for which the subsequent blowback reflected poorly on his royal kingship. Oops!! I mean presidency.

  11. Trump is the real Al Gore12:06 AM

    "But I did read somewhere he brought 1,000 and some,jobs back..."

    Hmmm. More likely you read somewhere that Trump SAID he brought 1,000 jobs back, which isn't really the same thing. Trump claims he did a lot of stuff, but um ... these claims have an unfortunate tendency to not be true.

    Such as:

    Donald Trump Thinks He Invented a Phrase That’s Been Used Since 1932

    And to think that back in the day, everyone made fun of Al Gore for saying he invented the internet, even though Al Gore never actually said that.

    Trump is the prevaricator extraordinaire!

  12. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit12:27 AM

    The tr**p administration is the biggest FAIL in American history.

  13. 5 stages of WH employment:


  14. Next we need Bannon gone. Also I wonder if The Donald is going to sign the Russian sanctions bill. Could be interesting.

  15. He says he's gonna sign them, but hasn't gotten around to it yet. Must be too busy lying, running the white house as his own personal reality show, and sucking like a supermassive black hole on acid.
    What a douche.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. Frank's link to the "American Crapper" article, asks, "Why are people still talking about the birther issue?"

    I guess because Trump is president?

    Man you're dumber than a junebug.

    Yes it's racist, genius boy. Duh.

    And no, Obama never claimed to have been born in Kenya.

  17. Be very afraid of the Kenyan Marxist Socialist Nazi Jihadi Obama!2:17 AM

    "And no, Obama never claimed to have been born in Kenya."

    The troll is probably referring to an error made by Obama's book agent for one of their promotional materials. Naturally, the reaction of the racist wingnuts at Breitbart was: "Aha! Proof Obama really is a Kenyan citizen!"

    It's dumb as hell and is proof of nothing, but if a person is dead set on believing in a conspiracy theory, then any old thing will get him excited.

  18. Anonymous3:49 AM

    White people are dumb as hell. Why would you ever want to sleep with one?

  19. "Scaramooch! Scaramooch! Will you suck your own wang now?"*

    *This joke courtesy of my Irish buddy Shane, who is on a roll at the moment.

  20. Fetish5:33 AM

    Fuck Trump and fuck all of you.

  21. This a.m. on CNN they were trying to figure out if Trump "really" wanted police to "stop being so nice," to go ahead and rough up the people being arrested. Is that really what he think should happen?

    Asking whether Trump "really" believes something is a waste of time, just as it was a waste of time to ask that question about Bush Jr. These guys have no center, no core beliefs. Everything is up for sale, for exploitation in the political moment. There is no there there.

    We all know people like that, but we persist in thinking that people who reach positions of great power must have more gravitas. They don't. They listen to money and power, and perform the actions necessary to keep hold of both. And yet the press keeps wondering what they really believe. Get a clue!

  22. Flying Junior said...
    "And no, Obama never claimed to have been born in Kenya."

    Yes he did.

    Long ago in 1991, the aspiring author had a literary agency, Acton and Dystel, which prepared a promotional booklet including a brief Obama biography. They printed similar bios for the other 89 authors they represented. Standard practice in the publishing world.

    In the bio, Obama is described as “Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii”. This booklet was first published in Breitbart and verified by Snopes. The excuse for the birthplace discrepancy is that the bio was written by some editor at the literary agency, not by Obama himself. Which may very well be true. But where did the editor get this information?

    As Obama’s school records are sealed, there is no way of knowing if he promoted himself as “foreign born” earlier in his educational career. Perhaps for admission preference or financial aid, but pure speculation in the absence of his actual school records. Meaning that his literary bio represents the first promotion of his being born in Kenya.

    If this was a mere oversight, it would have quickly been corrected. Instead 16 years went by with the bio neither revised nor updated. It was finally corrected in 2007 when Obama announced his Presidential candidacy. During that Presidential campaign, the birth issue was not raised by Obama’s opponent John McCain. McCain actually went so far as to chastise anyone for even mentioning Obama’s middle name of Hussein.

    Instead it was Obama’s Democrat primary opponent, Hillary Clinton, who picked up on the birth issue.

  23. Fact Jack yer facts are fucked-totally. Breitbart published a short synopsis of Obama's bio, the industry published for use in the industry. Read your link.

    What Snopes verified as true was the booklet Breitbart published did indeed say Obama was born in Kenya. Snopes did not and could not verify Obama being born in Kenya because he was born in Hawaii.

    The lady that made the error spoke out about it immediately and took full responsibility for the mix up. This is all in your link.

  24. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Instead it was Obama’s Democrat primary opponent, Hillary Clinton, who picked up on the birth issue.

    But the Field Negro never got around to hating Hillary because of a "racist lie".

    Funny how that works.

  25. Strike three, Fact Jack. One of the authors of the Politico story, Byron Tau, now a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, told via email that “we never found any links between the Clinton campaign and the rumors in 2008.”

    The other coauthor of the Politico story, Ben Smith, now the editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed, said in a May 2013 interview on MSNBC that the conspiracy theories traced back to “some of [Hillary Clinton’s] passionate supporters,” during the final throes of Clinton’s 2008 campaign. But he said they did not come from “Clinton herself or her staff.”

    Clinton and her staff were not involved in the birther issue. I hope for the very lasttime.

  26. Fact Jack9:58 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Snopes did not and could not verify Obama being born in Kenya"

    The point was not that Obama was born in Kenya, it was that it was not unreasonable to ask for the birth certificate of a man who had claimed to have been in Kenya in order to help sell books.

    Obama plays like he's a foreigner when it can help him, and then calls people racist for asking him to prove he's not.

    And mike: Fuck you. Everyone knows Clinton started the whole birther issue. You are such a partisan hack.

  27. I take credit for Drumpf of the 1000 jobs being brought back to America. I posted the day Putin booted 755 American diplomats (and support staff boosted the total toover a thousand)

    I said Drumpf could make the claim that he alone returned 755 high paying American jobs back to America.

    He will take credit for anything that sounds positive.

  28. Drumpf's life just got worser. Comic/cartoon artists are suing Drumpf.


  29. And mike: Fuck you. Everyone knows Clinton started the whole birther issue. You are such a partisan hack.

    You wouldn't like it. I'd just lay there.

    Why did Obama have to show a birth certificate? No other potus ever did. Why doesn't Drumpf show his tax evading tax returns? What secrets is he hiding?

    And the only people who claim to know HRC was behind the birther issue are, strangely enough, partisan hacks-like you, Jack.

    I correct the record when I see an obvious error.

    The point was not that Obama was born in Kenya, it was that it was not unreasonable to ask for the birth certificate of a man who had claimed to have been in Kenya in order to help sell books.

    Obama did not claim to have been born in Kenya. Learn to read what you link. The error was not Obama's, you partisan hack!

  30. Lilacpr11:34 AM

    mike from iowa said...

    I posted the day Putin booted 755 American diplomats (and support staff boosted the total toover a thousand)

    9:59 AM

    Wow! 755 salaries, not too mention that those diplomats all live the high life! That's more people than the fishing village where I lived! Were they really necessary? NOPE! America is so wasteful!

  31. This witch hunt just keeps getting better as Drumpf digs hisself in deeper and deeper.

    Directly implicated in trying to cover up Russiagate.

  32. Stalkers suck ostrich balls1:02 PM

    The ONLY reason PEEOTUS hasn't been impeached yet is because political white men are p*ssies! And that goes for Rethugs and Dumbocrats!

  33. From Bloomberg- Seth Rich was killed on a Washington street in the middle of the night last year. The crime remains unsolved. The story was published on May 16 and later retracted by the network, according to the complaint.

    Fox News didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

    Actually Fox just released a statement essentially saying that nothing about this reporting is untruthful. In other words they are admitting it.

    So just mull that over in your mind a little.

    Donald Trump worked with is propaganda outlet, Fox News, to frame Hillary Clinton and the DNC for murder.

    And this surprised no one ever. Drumpf might need to consider some competent legal advice pretty pronto.

  34. I have no coherent political opinions, I just hate white people, especially white men.

  35. Stalkers suck ostrich balls1:46 PM

    @ mike

    The DNC murdered Seth Rich for leaking their emails to Wikileaks. It wasn't the Russians. That's pretty clear.

  36. Yeah man! This lawsuit by Rod Wheeler naming Malia Zimmerman and Ed Butowsky is a real kick in the pants. Ha ha! Take that you purveyors of Fake News.

    Oh, that's right. Fake News refers to the NYT, LAT, WaPo, CBS, NBC and NPR.

    Forgot that. Long live Emperor Obama and the Deep State. Coming soon to take your guns.

  37. "The point was not that Obama was born in Kenya"

    Right, because he wasn't. The point is that it is a lie. A lie among a mountain of lies which have spread like a rot through the Republican party for forty years.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. Stalkers suck ostrich balls while stealing usernames2:16 PM

    @1:46, get your own username, ya' sick, wimpy bastard!

  39. Stalkers suck ostrich balls while stealing usernames2:27 PM

    Maybe Obama was born in Hawaii, but Barack Obama Sr. wasn't his real daddy.

  40. Bold, James Bold2:58 PM

    "Snopes did not and could not verify Obama being born in Kenya because he was born in Hawaii."

    Housenigga Hussein's half-brother Malik verified his Kenyan birth with his Kenyan birth certificate.

    1. Black James, a real inventor/orbital engineer3:04 PM

      Another post by our supposed "genius" that links us to a dubious site. 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahaahaahhaagahHahaahaahahahaha!
      Now back to my 20-30 new inventions that I am obtaining US patents for.

  41. Maybe My mammy was born in a hut, but I don't know who my real daddy is.

    Clearly the pregnancy termination didn't work in your case. 🙃

  42. Anybody remember the 1988 movie "They Live"? Just saw it. Sneaky aliens hide in our midst via camouflage, abbetted by humans who get rich in return as the freaks plot to take over and enslave us. Who cares if the planet gets trashed eventually?

    Wit from John Carpenter! A buddy movie with a pro wrestler + Keith David. Nothing to do with today's reality, of course. Just escapism.

    1. Great movie. "I came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass......."😂

  43. Stalkers suck ostrich balls said

    So many shark jumpers, so little time.

  44. Baldingo dumkopf- WND debunked that fake birth certificate years ago.


    I believe Baldingo is dumb and blonde, therefore the perfect candidate to claim Drumpfuck as Daddy.

  45. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Audio: Seymour Hersh States Seth Rich Was WikiLeaks Source:

    Big if true.

  46. Anonymous7:01 PM

    anotherbozo said...
    Anybody remember the 1988 movie "They Live"? Just saw it. Sneaky aliens hide in our midst via camouflage, abbetted by humans who get rich in return as the freaks plot to take over and enslave us.

    John Carpenter meant for the aliens in "They Live" to be an allegory for the way Jews control society.


    They Live is a 1988 American science fiction film written and directed by John Carpenter. The film stars Roddy Piper, Keith David, and Meg Foster. It follows a nameless drifter referred to as “Nada”, who discovers the ruling class are in fact aliens concealing their appearance and manipulating people to spend money, breed and accept the status quo with subliminal messages in mass media.

    Yep. That's them. Or "They".

  47. They Live was a super creepy movie!!

  48. James is kinda dumb9:25 PM

    I believe Baldingo is dumb and blonde, therefore the perfect candidate to claim Drumpfuck as Daddy.
    Not sure of the blonde part but he is certainly dumb.

  49. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Lance Cockstrong said...
    Micro dicked white boys are incompetent at everything, except being dumbasses.
    10:39 PM

    anitbiotics,manned space flight,the airplane,science,math,the light bulb,telephone,electricity,submarine,navigation,laser.......

  50. Anonymous9:52 PM

  51. Stalkers suck ostrich balls10:10 PM

    @9:59, you left out STDs, that shit originated in Europe.
