Sunday, August 13, 2017

Profile in cowardice.

Image result for charlottesville riot virginia imagesIt's hilarious to me how some folks (see white people) are shocked at what they are seeing in Charlottesville, Virginia They are openly wonder how we could have come to this. "We have taken a step back when it comes to race relations." Or, "What happened ? We are a better country than this."

Ahhhm, no we are not.

Where have these people been for the past two years? Didn't they notice how the man who is sitting in the White House came to power? How can they watch Donald trump's rise over the past two years and not be convinced that racism is alive and well? I guess many of them were suckered into the phony narrative that all those trump voters were just disgruntled blue collar white folks who had lost their jobs. Some of them even believed that a lot of them were Obama voters at one time. Just like the pundits on television were telling them.  Obviously this is not the case.

Anyway, the alt-right came to UVA this weekend,  and after marching with torches on Friday night, they took to the streets Saturday. That's when things got ugly. Three people are dead after a domestic terrorist used his car as a weapon to kill an innocent protestor,  and two state troopers lost their lives when a police helicopter crashed on the way to the scene. 

As of my writing this post, the president has failed to condemn the white supremacist and his alt-right friends for their actions that brought terror to the streets of Charlottesville. Rather than forcefully and openly condemning them, he blamed "many sides" for the madness and mayhem that visited the sleepy college town of Charlottesville, Virginia.

But why would he condemn them? He needs them to even have a chance of winning again, and they have been his most loyal supporters.  It would have taken real courage to condemn, and our president is a coward. So that was not going to happen.  

We are all the mayor of Charlottesville tonight.

“Well, look at the campaign he ran. I mean, look at the intentional courting––both on the one hand of all these white supremacists, white nationalists, groups like that, anti-Semitic groups, and then look on the other hand––the repeated failure to condemn, denounce, silence, you know, put to bed all those different efforts just like we saw yesterday. This is not hard.”
He added, “There’s two words that need to be said over and over again. Domestic terrorism and white supremacy. That is exactly what we saw on display this weekend, and we just aren’t seeing leadership from the White House.”
*Pic from



  1. "But why would he condemn them? He needs them to even have a chance of winning again, and they have been his most loyal supporters. It would have taken real courage to condemn, and our president is a coward. So that was not going to happen."

    In previous post for Caption Saturday, Mr. Field, I pointed out how the president was unwilling to speak truth to white supremacy groups because thier support led to his winning the White House.

    And if progressives, moderates and liberal do not form a cohesive alliance, the alt-right is indeed on its way to unleashing unimaginable harm to social and economical equality for all citizens.

  2. "How can you not see it?", indeed9:17 PM

    I posted a link to Spike Jones' satirical anti-Nazi song "Der Fuehrer's Face" on the last Field Negro blog post.

    But then I discovered that someone has done a Trump-themed video to it. Enjoy!

    And as the video suggests, despite all of Trump's nasty life history and all of his abominable statements, lots of people seem unable to grasp how hateful he is, and how destructive an effect he is having on the country. Let us hope enough people wake up and stop making excuses for him, before things get truly grim.

  3. Limpbaugh9:43 PM

    Trump is terrible on racism. The federal government has traditionally led progress against racism, although they were often weak about it. Trump sets a bad example. The least he could do is set a good example. But racism isn't something new. I am one of the eight million voters who voted for Obama (twice) and then for Trump. I know people who did that because Trump was better on jobs. He repealed NAFTA. Wikileaks showed that one of Hillary's Wall Street private positions was supporting it. But I voted for Trump because I think Obama and Hillary should be hung for supporting ISIS against Syria. Trump ended the covert CIA program to do that. It was started in 2011 and ended in 2017. The DNC and media stole my vote for Bernie Sanders.

    By the way, Bloomberg News and The Nation have recently reported on evidence that the Russia hysteria is lie. I remember CNN getting scared and pretending they didn't know when information came out about Syria. That was around the time when Russia got involved. CNN had been telling us that we had been fighting ISIS for a year and they still lie about it. Expect the truth about Russia-gate getting debunked to continue to be under reported too. They will sweep it under the rug and move on.

    I wanted the 2016 election to be between Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. And recently they happened to be the only two senators who voted against increasing sanctions on Russia. If I had to pick the president right now I would probably pick Nina Turner. But I would still prefer Trump over someone who recruits, arms, trains, and pays terrorists who rape children and kill their parents. And it isn't hard to deduce that Adam Schiff was one of the intelligence committee members who voted for that. Eisenhower was right about the military industrial complex taking over. And it has taken over both parties. Obama supported McCain's ISIS "moderate rebels".

  4. Limpbaugh9:59 PM

    I should have said NAFTA and the TPP.

  5. Maybe it's been long enough since the second world war that the idea of Nazism has lost some of its potency.
    Maybe a lot of young white people have never had anything more adverse than a parking ticket happen to them, so they simply don't cognize what Nazism is really about as it could apply to their own lives.
    Maybe a lot of people have had it so easy in their lives that none of it feels real to them, and they can't really get interested in the trappings of modern American life, so they seek out things that they feel in their guts and their lizard brains to satisfy the part of them that disdains our society for its bland flavor and ease of negotiation (read that lack of thrills.)

    I know some people like that, but in a different context. They are (formerly) affluent white women from a wealthy bedroom community who took up with outlaws and lived in the ghetto. I could never understand that kind of choice, having been poor myself, until a biker I know explained it to me.

    Whether a few rounds with violence in the real world will change the perspective of these younger people is an open question, and probably works at the individual level too much to accurately predict.

    I'm not that hopeful about it, though, as both of the women I referenced are still living with the outlaws, despite having wealthy families in Moraga, after decades of struggles and abuse.

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. Anonymous11:43 PM

    The muslim terrorists must be laughing their asses off right about now.

    An American used the same tactic that they CRITICIZE muslim terrorist of and killed a fellow American by running them down in a moving vehicle.

    Muslim terrorist must be thinking " ...hmm how HYPOCRITICAL!"

    America need not worry about an outside enemy destroying this country...because America is imploding from WITHIN.

  7. Anonymous11:45 PM


  8. Anonymous11:57 PM





  9. Bold, James Bold12:20 AM

    "We are all the mayor of Charlottesville tonight."

    Yes you are.  You are guilty of conspiracy against civil rights and violation of civil rights under color of law.  You are individually and collectively responsible for ghettoization, the oppression of the rights of millions of White people, violent crime that you excuse as "the legacy of slavery" and a host of other cancers of the American body politic.

    You need to be excised, like all cancers do.

    "I pointed out how the president was unwilling to speak truth to white supremacy groups because thier support led to his winning the White House."

    Trump speaks vaguely in order to give his enemies only vapor to attack and the opportunity to hang themselves.

    The mayor of Charlottesville ordered the police to stand down, instead of keeping Antifa and BLM away from an event with a duly-issued permit backed by a federal court injunction against its revocation.  Gov. McAuliffe ordered the Virginia State Police, not to keep the two camps separate, but to physically attack Unite The Right and push UTR through a gauntlet of violent "counter-protestors".

    These acts are conspiracy and violation of civil rights under color of law, from the governor and mayor down to every last participating officer.  When the indictments are handed down, McAuliffe's 2020 presidential aspirations go down in flames.  The NSA has all the evidence already, but things will start with a bunch of indictments of officers and command staff and the trials will yield plea bargains which implicate people higher up.  McAuliffe may resign in disgrace before the buck lands on his desk.  That would be fitting, but he should stand trial anyway.

    "I wanted the 2016 election to be between Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul."

    More evidence that the leftards here are crazy.  In oil-rich Venezuela, people are starving because the socialists take everything over but cannot produce anything.  People were mobbing sites where powdered milk was distributed.  It was the same story with Cuba, yet Sanders is such an idiot he wants to emulate them.

    Capitalism gives you your trouble-free EBT; socialism gives you starvation.  You really should all be living in Venezuela.  You deserve the Chavistas, and the Chavistas deserve you.

    1. You need therapy and a hug be real you know it parents basement thug troll

  10. Anonymous12:20 AM

    President Trump has more class and intelligence to comment about the lawlessness in Charlottesville.

    Now, Obama would have jumped right in...just to stir the pot. He was really the most "racist" first prez evah!

  11. So how do you suppose president four-year-old and the rest of his despicable crew would have reacted had the driver been a Muslim instead of a Nazi?

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Limpbaugh said...

    Trump is terrible on racism...Trump sets a bad example.

    You are an important voice here. Please continue posting.

    Oh yeah. You voted for Trump. That seems a very unlikely thing to admit. It might even call into question your overall leftiness. But I will let James be the final arbiter on that.

    You voted for him. You got the president you wanted. Be happy.

  13. George Santayana wept6:10 AM

    @ Doug

    Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

    But that doesn't seem to stop people from making such mistakes anyway.

    The global financial crisis, which began in late 2007 and plunged the U.S. and much of the world, into economic misery, should never have happened. Sensible regulations on banking were put in place after the Great Depression to prevent another one. And yet, greedy bankers and wingnut ideologues of recent years convinced our national politicians that the "libtards" of Grandpa's generation really didn't know what they were doing. So they foolishly repealed those regulations.

    Free markets are self-regulating! Who needs all this state intrusion into the world of business? Let those smart bankers regulate themselves and "unleash" economic growth and innovation. What could possibly go wrong?

    Similarly, not enough Americans realize that fascism isn't an extinct concept. They take for granted that their country will always be democratic and protect basic civil liberties, even as our democracy is degrading year by year. Hell, a large slice of the public don't follow politics at all and don't even bother to vote.

    Immigrants who came here from undemocratic countries aren't so blasé about it all. They know these things are precious and it is necessary to work to preserve them.

  14. Anonymous6:47 AM




  15. Anonymous6:49 AM




  16. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I didn't know social justice warriors could fly, but after seeing that video ....


  17. Lance Cockstrong9:02 AM

    A bunch of micro dick Nazi virgins gathering together can only mean utterly despicable results. I hope someone drives a semi over them.

  18. Yisheng = nigger9:19 AM

    Trump and his supporters are truly the dregs of society.

  19. Not a lot of doubt about the motive here9:20 AM

    According to the high school teacher of James Fields, the guy who ran over people with his car in Charlottesville, “Once you talked to James for a while, you would start to see that sympathy towards Nazism, that idolization of Hitler, that belief in white supremacy,” Weimer said. “It would start to creep out.”

    “It was a known issue,” Weimer said. “It was quite clear he had some really extreme views and maybe a little bit of anger behind them,” Weimer told CNN. “Feeling, what’s the word I’m looking for, oppressed or persecuted. He really bought into this white supremacist thing. He was very big into Nazism. He really had a fondness for Adolf Hitler."

    Just a really great guy, then.

    By the way, the Nazis are planning on holding another hate rally at Texas A&M University. I hope the cops are ready for them this time.

  20. Puerto Rican food looks, smells, and tastes like shit9:25 AM

    Of course tr**p words his tweets and statements carefully so as not the offend white supremacists and nationalists. The idiot actually thinks he has a chance of reelection in 2020.

  21. NYTs reports Korea most probably got their advanced missile tech from Drumpfucker's butt buddy Vlad. Sounds exactly like something Drumpfucker would pitch to Putey to show Drumpfucker's undying admiration for a bare chested fucking moron from Russia.

    Wonder if the permits for Drumpfucker Tower Moscow have been issued yet? ( not yet or Drumpfucker would have bleated to the world how great a negotiator Drumpfucker is)


    Once a plagiarist.....etc, etc..

    Here is proof Michelle Obama stole from Melanoms Drumpfuck's speech via Obama's time machine.

  23. From The Root, this got to me, at the bottom of an article about Deandre Harris being beat up around the corner from a Charlottesville police station:

    "...It’s gone from being cloaked in white masks to crisp Walmart and Target polos, but until those so-called allies stand up to their racist counterparts, nothing will change. People of color are tired. We’ve faced this head on, it’s now your time to face it and change it."

    "People of color are tired." I guess the hell! Shame whitey into joining the fight, i say. Go ahead, ask. "White liberals" may not be a safe category, either, for much longer, and every friend of justice needs to get in the game.

  24. Limpbaugh11:40 AM

    It seems like denouncing Nazis and the KKK should be about the easiest thing a politician could do. Yet it posed a dilemna for Trump. On a different topic, how bad the establishment lies, this video has information people should see.

  25. Lilacpr12:12 PM

    Mayor Signor is to blame for this fiasco. Why did he decide to remove that statue now??? Why undertake such an inflammatory action as this now???

    I think it was a calculated action, with the worst intentions possible, and this is these are the consequences!

    I place the blame fully and squarely on his shoulders!!!

    He has the blood of those three deaths,as well as the hurt hospitalized ones on his dirty, evil, political hands!

  26. "In order to insult me, I must first value your opinion." Odell Beckham Jr.


    Good work Field for the courage it takes to keep these stories relevant!!

  27. Bold, James Bold1:00 PM

    "The global financial crisis, which began in late 2007 and plunged the U.S. and much of the world, into economic misery, should never have happened. Sensible regulations on banking were put in place after the Great Depression to prevent another one. And yet, greedy bankers and wingnut ideologues of recent years convinced our national politicians that the "libtards" of Grandpa's generation really didn't know what they were doing. So they foolishly repealed those regulations."

    Yes, we used to have these things called "lending standards" which were intended to keep the risk of default low and also help prevent blowing of asset bubbles.  But Clinton (remember him? the first Black president?) signed a repeal of Glass-Steagall and started a campaign of bullying of mortgage lenders which rejected minority borrowers at a higher rate than Whites.  There was no discrimination based on credit-worthiness (minority default rates were the same, meaning that good risks were not being rejected on the basis of race) but in your demand for "equality of outcome" that was not good enough.  Combined with the bundling of loans into "mortgage-backed securities" which could be unloaded as fast as they were created, and the bomb was ticking:

    1.  $Trillions were made available to people with no ability to pay it back.
    2.  The inwash of money drove prices up, making even bad real estate look like a hot investment.
    3.  Fraudsters were everywhere, taking advantage of the loose standards like NINJA loans.

    When the default rates on the mortgages could no longer be denied, the house of cards collapsed.

    The whole thing was caused by treating Africans, indios and mestizos as if they are just White people with various shades of sun tan.  They aren't.  The races are neither equal nor fungible.

    "Shame whitey into joining the fight, i say. Go ahead, ask. "White liberals" may not be a safe category, either, for much longer, and every friend of justice needs to get in the game."

    You're even losing the White gays because you throw them under the bus in favor of trannies and Muslims (who kill the gays when they get the chance).  And you think you can EXPAND your base of support from groups you explicitly hate?  Nope, your collapse is well under way and you're going to be on the ash-heap of history by 2020.

  28. So a late model, Post-Obama, Dodge Challenger could have been equipped with the 345 cid Dodge 5.7 liter hemi. It would develop 372 hp with a fairly light chassis. That's one kid who didn't deserve a new car on his birthday. I can only imagine it has a fairly nice roar with a tuned exhaust.

    Imagine the intense anger orgasm that the little Nazi must have had when he mashed that gas pedal to the floor. No doubt he was screaming "Heil Hitler!" He had to have his windows up so nobody heard him.

    You know what I'm talking about, little boy at 6:47 through 6:50 a.m. You're probably still dreaming about it. You've got a new hero. Let's see what the alt-right community does with this story.

    Keep us posted James.

  29. Anonymous3:15 PM

    A bunch of folks from outside of Charlottesville came to tell the citizens of that City just what kind of public space they ought to have...

  30. Fucking douche bag wingnuts in congress will handle this like everything else. More taxcuts for the koch bros ought to stop the violence.

    Baldingo is flailing and failing to blame all our ills on POC and then he lobbies to become one for some reason. He must assume if he was black he would have been given everything in life free when what he really needs is a single POC to beat the ever loving whitey wingnut stoopidity out of him. Stroke it, Baldy, stroke it.

  31. James left out the Wall Street parasites who figured out how to make money off of those subprime loans even when they defaulted by slicing them up and reselling them as "mortgage backed securities" while protecting themselves with credit default swaps. They created a market incentive for predatory lending that nicely dovetailed with George W. Bush's "ownership society" and its bet that the housing bubble wouldn't burst until he was out of office.
    He lost that bet in spectacular fashion, and regular American citizens who had payable, if inflated mortgages, lost first their jobs, then their homes by the millions when the bottom dropped out of the goddamn ponzi scheme those parasites were running.
    Several trillion dollars of ordinary citizens' wealth disappeared in a cloud of felonious greed, for which almost no-one paid any price, except those same citizens who had to then bail out those same parasites with their tax dollars to keep the country from spiraling down into a full-blown depression.
    But no, go ahead and blame the con on the marks if it makes you feel better. That's what the conmen always do, and if it works for them, why wouldn't it work for you?

    -Doug in Oakland

  32. Lilac:
    Here is Mitch Landrieu delivering a speech for the ages on the subject of removing confederate monuments from New Orleans, where he is the mayor. It's kinda long, but it improves as it goes along and I feel it's well worth anyone's time to hear it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. And here's an anti-fascism American propaganda film from 1947 called "Don't Be a Sucker" that praises what was at the time non-existent equality, but gets the issues of divide-and-conquer fascism right on the money:

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. Lilacpr6:09 PM

    dinthebeast said...Lilac:
    Here is Mitch Landrieu delivering a speech for the ages on the subject of removing confederate monuments from New Orleans, where he is the mayor. It's kinda long, but it improves as it goes along and I feel it's well worth anyone's time to hear it.

    -Doug in Oakland

    4:08 PM

    What a bunch of crap! What a sleazeball!!! What a POS sleazeball! I am sooo tired of ALL of these lying, corrupt, money hungry, self centered politicians!

    Why the hell didn't he give this speech during the Obama presidency? Or the mayor of Charlottesville for that matter???

    Oh no, he becomes all culture sensitive ans pro black now! Wheres his concern for the human lives that he damn well knew would be affected, for the protests that would ensue???

    It is all about party politics and lets grab the money!!!

    They don't care! None of the them!

    This is the same old bullshit rhetoric of the Democrats towards the Black voter! They come around, do the nay-nay, whip out a bottle of hot sauce, sing amazing grace and they've got the vote!!!

    Give me fqing break! These people have to be held accountable!

    The blood of those people is on their hands! Enjoy while you spend all the government money!!!

    1. Black James Bold6:13 PM

      I guess that's better than not condenming white racists and nazis and telling dumb whites he can get their jobs back digging holes in the ground. Give me the Dems any day over that dumb shit. Now take your hillbilly ass to your monster truck rally fool.

  35. Black James Bold6:09 PM

    Only dumb people like James believe the financial crisis of 08 was caused by people of color buying houses. I guess when your evidence is an opinion writer who specializes in making up pseudo-science you fall for the dumb shit like James does every time. At least he didn't link us to a 10 grader's research paper so maybe James is now has about the mental capacity of special ed 5 year old. Well we can thank our gods he hasn't posted a video of him rubbing an innocent kitten's butt bald. Yet. That is some psycho shit but so is running down peaceful protesters with a car.

  36. Lilacpr6:15 PM

    Because what did he accomplish by wanting to bring down the statue??? What? Is that going to finish racism? Will that be the magical end of white supremacy? NO! Now it's really worse!

    Is that going to give justice and reparations to African American blacks who were toiling in the fields and homes for free while the white man got rich?

    What exactly is bringing down a statue going to accomplish?

    1. Big Black James Bold6:19 PM

      What is leaving a racist statue up going to help? Take that shit down, it's a fucking eyesore!

  37. Bold, Black James Bold6:17 PM

    Now let me get back to Laplace's equation so I can finish the supersonic jet transport I'm designing. That's during a break from from my orbital engineering job where I sometimes do chemistry at my desk. Later losers!

  38. Lilacpr6:54 PM

    I wish people were this serious about taking down the perverted and sick gays and trannies, abominations in God's eyes, as they were about taking on white supremacists.

  39. Lance Cockstrong7:05 PM

    Butt Trumpet is probably controlling this whole thing from the safety of the White (Man's) House. Probably using his teeny weeny white dick to press the buttons too.

  40. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Fuck the gooks and chinks!

  41. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Field have a twin. His name is Bakari Sellers on CNN.

    Handsome, intelligent, articulate, brave black proud lawyers.

    Always speaking the truth and telling it like it is! Never "selling out."

    Amen to you both. Keep up the excellent work!

  42. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Just normal white beast behavior thats been going on since they eliminated the Indians. Aint nothing new in this country for white boys to be pissed off about anything.Dangerous neanderthals!!!

  43. Days to hit 61% disapproval (Gallup)

    Carter: Never
    Reagan: Never
    H.W. Bush: Never
    Clinton: Never
    W. Bush: 1,932
    Obama: Never
    Trump: 207

  44. LilacprLi9:25 PM

    6:54 pm is NOT ME!

  45. Bold, James Bold10:27 PM

    "James left out the Wall Street parasites who figured out how to make money off of those subprime loans even when they defaulted by slicing them up and reselling them as "mortgage backed securities" while protecting themselves with credit default swaps."

    (pssst!  dougie!  go here, first bolded paragraph, second-to-last line.  maybe your alzheimer's will abate long enough for you to understand it this time.)

    (also, you mis-spelled (((Wall Street parasites))).  try to remember that one, it's important.)

    "But no, go ahead and blame the con on the marks if it makes you feel better."

    I don't blame the pawns, I blame the enablers who allow that game to be played.  That means you.  You're the one who thinks that we only have unequal outcomes because of "institutional racism" or other BS, yet every time you're allowed to try equalizing things it blows up.  This happens literally EVERY time, from the push for equal ratios of non-White homeowners to "fair housing" to the Kansas City schools debacle, but you NEVER learn from it and NEVER look for any of your premises that could be wrong.

    Nope, you always attribute YOUR failures of policy to us "wreckers and "kulaks"" and "witches" who keep you from achieving the perfect society by daring to disbelieve in it.  It's NEVER your fault.  Your religion of equality is the One True Faith and cannot be questioned.

    "Only dumb people like James believe the financial crisis of 08 was caused by people of color buying houses."

    I know that fine distinctions are beyond oafs like you, but you're wrong.  The FCO2018 was caused by extending way too much credit to (mostly Black and brown) people who couldn't pay back their loans.  Perhaps if they'd bought something in their price range (like a $5000 house in Detroit) they might have come out okay.

    Still, there are millions who do not have the personal habits required to be a successful homeowner.  For instance, if you aren't bright and motivated enough to fix a leak in the roof early on, you will suddenly have expensive repair bills that others would have avoided.  This is why many if not most "disadvantaged minorities" should be renters, because landlords are specialists in that sort of thing and take care of them for people who can't do it themselves.

    To put it bluntly, a community which supports a bunch of payday lending businesses does not have many (if any) people with the qualities required to be homeowners.  They SHOULD be redlined.  Danika Patrick should be shunned for touting such predatory activities.

  46. @ Bold James - I'll give you the class differences in some who rent and some who own.

    I inherited 37 rental houses and set up a one man social services program.
    I gave away twenty houses (only three still own them), vehicles, set up a community garden on a big empty adjacent lot, used a duplex as my office where I tutored kids and ran a food pantry, ran errands for my elderly tenants and checked on their wellbeing, I dropped the rent from $500-$600 dollars a month to $200 and told the tenants to save their money (only one elderly woman did), .... I blew through over a million bucks trying to help those who may not have had the same opportunities as myself.

    In the end I became so disgusted that I tore the houses down and just have the land sitting there to rest.

    I live in an (almost) all Black neighborhood where the only white people we see are those who may be doing work at one's home. Mostly two parent households where everyone has jobs or is retired.
    The city wanted to build affordable homes about half a mile away but our neighborhood association petitioned the city to deny low-income housing permits because many people moved from the hood and no one wanted it moving back in with them.

    Some people can handle a house and some cannot.

  47. Black James Bold who is really an orbital engineer11:41 PM

    Well James there are several of us Black home owners who have very nice homes in affluent communities. We're doctors, lawyers Indian Chiefs and orbital engineers. There are also trailer trash like yourself who live in sloppy, smelly dilapidated hovels that I wouldnt let my dog shit on. Keep believing you're some kind of genius who does better than us negroes here.

  48. Lilac: He said in the speech that it wouldn't end racism, only right one small wrong that was way overdue, namely stop making black residents of New Orleans have to walk past a statue of someone who fought to enslave their ancestors and deny their humanity.
    If you don't like that, I can't help you.

    -Doug in Oakland

  49. Lilacpr8:42 AM

    dinthebeast said...

    Lilac: He said in the speech that it wouldn't end racism, only right one small wrong that was way overdue,

    -Doug in Oakland

    2:23 AM

    LOL! Oh, and that's enough for what??? "Right one small wrong" really now! Take a gaping wound and put in one suture, give a starving person one crumb, because, well it's way overdue?

  50. Bold, James Bold4:02 PM

    "We're ... orbital engineers."

    There's no such thing.  Watching you beclown yourself that way is funny.

    "We're doctors, lawyers Indian Chiefs...."

    Aside from Feeled, none of you are any of those things either.

    "Well James there are several of us Black home owners who have very nice homes in affluent communities."

    So all your posturing about being an "oppressed minority" is bullshit?  Glad to have your admission.  That means it's time to eliminate affirmative action, "disparate impact" doctrine, all law establishing "protected classes" and "diversity" preferences, effective immediately.

    Man, things will be SO nice when we don't need "human resources" departments to try to cram unfit people into jobs they can't do to meet quotas, and can fire you stupid whiners for being stupid whiners without having to worry about you filing a lawsuit.  Laying off all the worthless SJWs at the EEOC and the entire DOJ CRD would be spectacular, but the least of the gains.

  51. Black James Bold9:49 PM

    Shows how much you know dumb ass, I'm one of the top orbital engineers in the world. I also do chemistry, correct math books, write my auto biography and work on my new 20-30 new patents to go along with the 30 I own currently. Just go away James, you are so far out of your league here son. Like a little leaguer playing in the majors.

  52. Bold, James Bold10:50 PM

    9:49, the first rule of Dunning-Kruger club is, you don't know you're a member of Dunning-Kruger club.

  53. Black James Bold12:03 AM

    And the second rule is stupid people like you need to stay in the special ed lane.

  54. James is a pervert who rubs cat butt bald12:58 AM

    The third rule is at least try to stop being a pervert who rubs cats' butts.

  55. Black James Bold the brotha with an IQ of 1511:05 AM

    9:49, the first rule of Dunning-Kruger club is, you don't know you're a member of Dunning-Kruger club.
    This from the guy who lies about being an inventor, orbital engineer, author and having an IQ of 150?

    1. James' fake IQ1:07 AM

      150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahHhHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  56. Bold, James Bold1:02 PM

    This, from the guy who took 2 minutes to type 1 line and get through the Captcha.

    When doubting someone else's IQ, it's not good to confirm that your own brain works at a snail's pace.

    1. Black James Bold3:24 PM

      Don't worry about me James. I am a top orbital engineer with 30 patents. Your jealousy reeks man. Not a good look sweety, kinda like you rubbing cats butts bald.

  57. Anonymous1:43 PM

  58. James is a weirdo3:31 PM

    This, from the guy who took 2 minutes to type 1 line and get through the Captcha.
    That's about the time it takes your weird ass to rub a cat's butt bald. Weirdo.

  59. Bold, James Bold2:26 PM

    Two minutes?  I have been rubbing the same cat for almost ELEVEN YEARS and not even one ear is bald yet.  Everything is as fuzzy as the day I began.

    My efforts to create cat with bald spots have been a total, abject, utter failure.  I'm so depressed now.  I need a drink.  Thank goodness happy hour starts at 3 and drafts are half-price.

    BTW, the brewery is just down the street from the bar and there's a brand-new distillery in between the two.  This is us exercising our White privilege to build nice things that you can't, showing off our racial superiority.

    Wait, I'm not depressed anymore.

  60. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Make Ready........Level...........
