Saturday, September 30, 2017


Image result for nfl kneeling images*

I need a caption for this pick.

Example: "No Ray, we are not going to pray with you. We have a game to play." 

*Pic from


  1. I didn't kill no mother fuckinin' lion. I don't know who did it. We need to forget about that Simba shit and focus on this Pittsburgh game. Okay, I saw a fuckin' wildebeest do something man.

  2. When you protest the killings of innocent black men but you also killed an innocent black man.


  3. Shhhhhh, the police are after me. They'll never find me here.

  4. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Is that Ray Charles?

  5. "Let us pray to the god of the ACL..."

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. You know that the person who wrote this was a slave owner

  7. Limpbaugh12:40 AM

    Don't just kneel! Burn that flag! The U.S. joining a Syrian War style covert attack of Iran. Are we going to support terrorists again and kill more innocent people for Israel? Most of us know what General Wesley Clark said about Iran being on the Pentagon's list of seven countries to attack. And we have seen a lot of blatant demonizing of Iran for years. Trump has been worse than Obama about that.

    There is a group, the Balochs, who are allied with ISIS. They want their own country and are fighting a guerrilla war to get it. The Balochistan area includes large parts of Iran, Pakistan, and some of southern Afghanistan. It seems India has been training Baloch separatist fighters in Afghanistan. India's main goal is probably to destabilize Pakistan. Ours would be to destabilize Iran. When Trump announced the troop increase in Afghanistan he also alluded to a shift of favoring India over Pakistan. The "hack" lies about Russia also fit with this possibility of us supporting terrorists against another of Russia's allies again. It prepares us for even more increased hostilities.

  8. Random's Master12:42 AM

    Everything dubious is infested with serpents. Every single particle of the profane world is pockmarked with sheer drops into the Pit.

    1. Yet another albino racist on my jock

  9. Black men aged 20-24 comprised over 14% of all arrests for murders last year.

    Black men in that age range make up less than half of one percent of the total population.

    That means they are over 3,450% as likely to be arrested for murder as the rest of the population is.

    1. Just another dumb racist7:58 AM

      Math really isn't your strong suit is it? You get these numbers from stormfront?

  10. limpbaugh12:54 AM

    a note about my caption - I made a few changes to make it fit as a caption, but I have been posting a version where my conclusion is accurately represented as speculation. If it does turn out to be true, I am breaking an important anti Trump story. I have posted it in places where people who lead large activist groups, have radio shows, and professional speaking tours, will see it. It seems to be spreading like wild fire.

  11. Anonymous2:27 AM

    A stage pro fell on rocker Marilyn Manson tonight and he was rushed to the hospital. His condition is currently not known.

    Please pray for Mr. Manson tonight. He is a good man who loves people of all colors and creeds. His beautiful music has inspired millions across the globe. If we lose him the world will be a poorer place.

    1. See we keep tellling you guns kill people.

  12. @ 10:34 - LMBAO.

    @ 10:50 - Don't worry, since the vast majority of those killings are of other Blacks you should be safe.

    1. Whereas white people specialize in genocide

    2. Yes, but using his information, if viewed differently, he'd (she'd) stay in the house.
      Blacks kill other Blacks 93% of the time.
      Whites kill other whites 84% of the time.
      Using his 1488 math; Since there are about five times more whites in the US than there are Blacks (12% - 63%) he should look over his shoulder every time he leaves the trailer park for the nearest Win Dixie.
      And many of these homicides stats don't count school shootings or other mass homicides.
      Maybe the opioids are clouding his ability to reason.

  13. Limpaw is the only one left that refuses to believe Russia hacked our election. Must be a commie agent or a paid troll.

  14. The Juice is loose!


  15. “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” — H. L. Mencken

    Yes, it’s true, newspaperman H.L. Mencken wrote these words that were published by the Baltimore Evening Sun on 26 July 1920. The words were written 97 years ago, coming true in 2017.

  16. So right at the beginning of flu season, the Rethug led govt let deadline for CHIP funding/health insurance for poor children, expire.


  17. Jet Fuel CAN Melt Steel Beams10:43 AM

    "Limpaw is the only one left that refuses to believe Russia hacked our election. Must be a commie agent or a paid troll."

    Limpbaugh can't keep up with the real news. He's too busy following conspiracy theories about 9/11 being an inside job by the military industrial complex, and Obama causing the Syrian War. (Assad who?) In fact, he likes to get his news from the very reputable RT (aka Russia's official propaganda channel).

    Meanwhile, the unofficial Russian propaganda channel keeps chugging away, too. Remember that time when they tried to defame Antifa to help out Nazis, but screwed up? Haha, that was funny. Putin loves Nazis (and Trump, what a coincidence).

  18. And treasury suckretary, Munchkin, claims wealthy do not benefit from taxcuts.

  19. News for losers11:25 AM

    Russia did not "hack" the election.

    In fact, there has never been any evidence produced that anyone hacked the DNC. The DNC never gave their servers to the FBI, instead they hired their own private contractor to examine the system. That's right, the FBI has never had access to the DNC servers.

    Julian Assange has offered to provide conclusive evidence that the DNC emails did not come from Russia, this in return for a pardon. I'd say that's a fair deal if it can put this issue to bed.

    It was revealed last week that the investigation by Facebook and Google into Russia's involvement in the "fake news" aspect of the election has uncovered hundreds of ads bought by Russians, however they were all pro-Hillary! There were even some that were promoting Black Lives Matter.

    So the narrative that Russia somehow helped Trump win the election is dead. Just bringing you up to speed.

    Now you can devote your time to trying to turn Maria into Katrina, trying to turn cop killers into patriots, or maybe you can start in on Trump's tax returns again.

    Good luck with all that.

  20. "Math really isn't your strong suit is it? You get these numbers from stormfront?"

    No, the FBI:

    Black men aged 20-24 are over 3,450% as likely to be arrested for murder as the rest of the population is.

  21. Anonymous12:57 PM

    'Yas 'suh 'Marse Bisciotti, it's easier to kiss 'yo ass on 2 knees than on 'jes one.

  22. I stand corrected, there are two paid Russia trolls on here- Limpaw and this guy- Anonymous News for losers said...

  23. Don't forget the fake ass, mentally ill, penis obsessed, half Vietcong, orbital engineer.🙄

  24. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I've got no caption for the picture, but enjoy this cheery Broadway show tune about how Washington, DC's village idiot is working hard to tweet us into a nuclear war.

  25. And I suppose none of those guys had any reason to murder whoever they killed. They just do it for sport or some horse shit.

    -Doug in Oakland

  26. Anonymous2:16 PM

    We beez Niggas!!!

  27. Cold, hard truth2:32 PM

    uglyblackjohn said...
    Blacks kill other Blacks 93% of the time.
    Whites kill other whites 84% of the time.

    For interracial murder, blacks are 50 times more likely to kill a white than vice versa.

    The point of those statistics is to objectively verify that young blacks are much more dangerous to be around than any other kind of person, and that police are right to approach them with more caution.

  28. and whitey cops are a gazillion more times likely to shoot an unarmed black than they are an armed whitey.

  29. Armed whooteemoos get trips to the whooteemoo fav, Burger King, after mass killings of Christians in church.

  30. Yisheng is incredibly ignorant3:23 PM

    Dylan Roof got the death penalty, actually.

    1. Whooteemoo defenders can suck elephant balls4:14 PM

      He got the death penalty AFTER the Whooteemoo cops took his low life ass to your wide load mammy's favorite fancy dinner spot, Burger King.

  31. mike from ignorance said...
    and whitey cops are a gazillion more times likely to shoot an unarmed black than they are an armed whitey.

    No, white criminals are shot by police at a higher rate than black criminals:

  32. Ignorunt Fact Jack- Police killed at least 104 unarmed black people in 2015, nearly twice each week. (See which police departments were responsible for these deaths)
    Nearly 1 in 3 black people killed by police in 2015 were identified as unarmed, though the actual number is likely higher due to underreporting
    36% of unarmed people killed by police were black in 2015 despite black people being only 13% of the U.S. population
    Unarmed black people were killed at 5x the rate of unarmed whites in 2015
    Only 13 of the 104 cases in 2015 where an unarmed black person was killed by police resulted in officer(s) being charged with a crime. 4 of these cases have ended in a mistrial or charges against the officer(s) being dropped and 4 cases are still awaiting trial or have a trial underway. Only 4 cases (Matthew Ajibade, Eric Harris, Paterson Brown Jr., and William Chapman) have resulted in convictions of officers involved, with a fifth case (Walter Scott) resulting in the officer pleading guilty.
    Of the 4 cases where the officer(s) involved have been convicted and sentenced, none were sentenced to serve more than 4 years in prison. Only 1 of 2 officers convicted for their involvement in Matthew Ajibade's death received jail time. He was sentenced to 1 year in jail and allowed to serve this time exclusively on weekends. The officer who killed Paterson Brown was sentenced to only 3 months in jail. Deputy Bates, who killed Eric Harris, was sentenced to 4 years in prison and Officer Cobb, who killed William Chapman, was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison. Officer Slager, who killed Walter Scott and pled guilty, has yet to be sentenced.

  33. Limpbaugh4:46 PM

    To add to the Facebook "Russian ads" conversation, some of the "Russian ads" were opposing fracking. Great ways to promote Trump, huh? Support Black Lives Matter and oppose fracking. The Russia hack assessment also cited RT's reporting on fracking as an example of Russian interference. Mark Zuckerberg wrote friendly emails to Podesta, which is fine, but the COO of Facebook outright professed her support of Hillary to Podesta. But CNN told Mike from Iowa not to read Wikileaks and he believes in fiction like the Russia hack conspiracy theory. I know my Iran theory is only a theory, but Mike wasn't smart enough to realize that it would implicates Trump in war crimes, or Mike would choose to believe it.

  34. teh stupid5:09 PM
    You post a link from a blog as evidence? You are as dumb as James. You white racists are certainly quite dim.

  35. Cold, hard truth5:19 PM

    The blog provides an analysis of the 2016 FBI data, which was also linked to.

    Math can help you make sense of the world, if you can grasp it.

  36. Fact Jack5:21 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    36% of unarmed people killed by police were black in 2015 despite black people being only 13% of the U.S. population

    But blacks commit 50% of violent crime, therefore they are being shot by police relatively LESS often.

  37. Cold hard hillbilly5:29 PM

    The blog provides an analysis of the 2016 FBI data, which was also linked to.
    Which is cherry picked by a racist poster. Thanks for the info now you can go back to your trailer and have sex with your auntie/momma.

  38. Cold, hard truth5:33 PM

    "Which is cherry picked by a racist poster."

    No, that's the Field Negro Blog.

    You could read the data for yourself, but apparently you can't understand basic statistics.

  39. Ignorunt Fact Jack- which of all those Unarmed blacks were committing violent crimes? The whole point is unarmed blacks are shot by cops way out of proportion to their numbers. One can only dream of the unarmed whites that would need to be murdered to even the score.

    You are comparing apples to road apples.

  40. Limpaw is full of more shit than a holiday turkey. Let's see all these pro-Clinton ads. There are hundreds of stories out there how Russia hacked the election, how they did it and why they did and continue doing it. Yet you want everyone to forget what all the intelligence bureaus tell us and take the word of of a despicable traitor. You're fucking nuts.

  41. Need a caption for this-

    Looks like the little shit stain has a little shit stain. Of course Obama did this to his pants.

  42. Cold hard cowards7:24 PM

    You could read the data for yourself, but apparently you can't understand basic statistics.
    I do and there are more stats other than "fear blackie". Now go cower in corner bitch.

  43. Cold, hard truth7:44 PM

    I'm not cowering anywhere, just trying to point out that there is a reason for everyone, including cops, to be extra wary around young black males.

    Even Jesse Jackson agrees.

    What's wrong with the truth?

    1. Wet limp paranoid white boy7:53 PM

      Since most crime against whites is comitted by fellow whites maybe you have some misplaced fear. Now go in your corner and piss yourself ya little bitch.

    2. Evidence7:54 PM

      Now that's the truth

  44. Conclusion8:07 PM

    So black people should really be afraid of other blacks, right?

    1. Another conclusion8:23 PM

      Maybe you should mind your white business.

  45. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Conclusion said...
    So black people should really be afraid of other blacks, right?
    8:07 PM

    Black people should be afraid of niggers.

  46. Limpbaugh10:48 PM

    Mike from Cognitive Dissonance Land's proof of the Russian hack is that the same sources who told him Iraq had WMD's have told him the Russians did it, over and over. They didn't even have to show him vials of talcum powder this time. His 17 intelligence agencies are really only three and the one that would know, the NSA, only has moderate confidence. He is easily duped and believes war propaganda.

  47. Yes, Blacks should fear Blacks.
    And if Vegas is indicative of old white men with automatic weapons - whites need to fear other whites.

  48. Reality7:55 AM

    Black people should be afraid of niggers.
    And crazy white guys with guns.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Cold, hard truth said...

    I'm not cowering anywhere, just trying to point out that there is a reason for everyone, including cops, to be extra wary around young black males

    Why? Whitey cops shoot unarmed blacks and then make up shit about them looking suspicious because they are/were black males. Age apparently isn't a factor in how soon the trigger gets pulled over and over and over and over.........

  50. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I'm not cowering anywhere, just trying to point out that there is a reason for everyone, including cops, to be extra wary around young black males
    Like that young black male that just shot over 300 people in Vegas. Oh wait.

  51. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Why? Whitey cops shoot unarmed blacks and then make up shit about them looking suspicious because they are/were black males. Age apparently isn't a factor in how soon the trigger gets pulled over and over and over and over.........
    8:29 AM


  52. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Like that young black male that just shot over 300 people in Vegas. Oh wait.
    10:02 AM

    That happens EVERY month in Chicago.

    1. Yeah right8:55 PM

      Nope, no one shoots at a concert full of thousands of people. Get real, only white boys shoot 500 people at a time.

  53. pterochromics1:44 PM

    - As per my most recent comment, anyone with any sense is wary of ANY member of the human species.

    - Humans suck. Period. Racism is nothing more than an insipid attempt to convince oneself that one is "better" than other humans. WRONG. The entire species sucks.

  54. Anonymous4:49 PM

    2017 Race of Victim/Assailant Chicago

    Self Defense

    As of 9/25/17

  55. Anonymous6:00 PM

    To me, this issue is about Multiple Standards: about how both African-Americans and Veterans may be treated one way inside a football stadium, and then in entirely different and quite often worse ways outside of it.

  56. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Get real, only white boys shoot 500 people at a time.
    8:55 PM

    That's because junebug doesn't understand technology.......

  57. Anonymous11:09 PM

    We bow to our Yiddish Masters!!

  58. Abe Lincoln should have stuck with Plan A.
