Friday, September 29, 2017


Image result for puerto rico flag maria images
I am off tonight field hands, in the meantime, please keep the folks of Puerto Rico in your thoughts.

Remember, they are Americans just like you. 

Someone has to think about them, because your president clearly is not.

*Pic from


  1. Anonymous10:29 PM

    The president is thinking about how he can help his vulture fund friends make money off of Puerto Rico's debt. He seems to be less concerned about the welfare of Puerto Ricans.


    "And I want to clarify these two points that sometimes seem contradictory. Number one, we do need more aid. But the president and the administration have done everything that they can, that we have asked them to do.

    And we have gotten those results. The fact of the matter is that Puerto Rico is an island. And a lot of the things need to be flown in or brought in boats. And that takes some time. The air traffic control is a little bit congested.

    And we have assets on the ground. We have food. We have water. We have distributed them with FEMA. We have opened 11 regional centers that distribute food, water, over two million liters of water, over a million portions of food that have been delivered so that people can have access to those.

    Fuel is beginning to pick up, although it's been our biggest challenge to be able to complete the logistic pathway to distribute fuel. So, the reality is that administration and the president, every time that we have spoken, I have had an ask. They have delivered.

    So much so that this morning, I have -- well, late last night, I asked for a waiver on the Jones Act. And late this morning, the president accepted that waiver."

    So, basically, fuck you and false narrative Field, you lying motherfucker.

  3. Limpbaugh12:28 AM

    We don't care that Obama used our taxes to finance ISIS. But there must be something important to talk about. Didn't Melania wear inappropriate shoes when she gave kids racist Dr. Seuss books or something?

  4. The mayor of San Juan begs to differ:

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. dinthebeast said...
    The mayor of San Juan begs to differ:

    And does so while standing in front of literally tons of food flown in by the federal government:

    What a piece of shit.

  6. Anonymous12:59 AM

    White House statements on Puerto Rico clash with ground reports

    Looks like Puerto Rico's governor is fibbing about everything going great there.

    Maybe he is afraid that if he says Trump is not doing a good job, he will get even less help than he is now. Or maybe the governor is just covering his own culo, because he knows his people are already inclined to blame him for not doing such a good job himself.

  7. No you ignorant, coprophagic, imbecile, those pallets were donated by other people than the US, and what good are they doing anyone just sitting there? They need fuel and drivers for the trucks, passable roads, and a fucking plan to follow to get it to people who need it, all stuff that the military is very capable of doing right now, and should have been doing last week.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Yeah, the governor probably thinks he needs to kiss Fergus' ass to get anything at all to happen for Puerto Rico, especially where the debt relief for the duration of the recovery is concerned.
    Fergus mentioned the bondholders over and over and didn't say much about the actual crisis, except what an outstanding job he was doing to deal with it, and how much praise he was receiving over it.
    And to his credit, praise is the most effective method of getting Fergus' attention for anything, so in the absence of any other workable approach, perhaps lying about how cool Fergus is might seem like the best strategy.
    Perhaps he also should have complimented Fergus on his trenchant observation that Puerto Rico is an island in the middle of "very big water."

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I bet Doug likes free stuff.

  10. Anonymous9:22 AM

    They have to be careful about bringing too much free stuff or the island might flip over. Right Doug?

  11. Anonymous9:29 AM

    "They have to be careful about bringing too much free stuff or the island might flip over. Right Doug?"

    Why did we give so much free stuff to those flooded-out right-wingers down in Texas? Surely someone ought to have been concerned that those ungrateful, lazy right-wingers might forget the value of a hard day's work?

    Where were Trump's "conservative principles"?*

    *(There are no "conservative principles." This is a euphemism for "being an asshole.")

  12. We don't care that Obama used our taxes to finance ISIS.

    Let's see yer proof, Limpaw. Put up or shut up!

  13. Kiss Drumpfuck's orange ass? Pick a spot. He is all ass.

    ISIS leader sez funds were routed through America to his group.

  14. Anonymous10:18 AM

  15. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Trump is now basically saying that relief efforts are not going well because Puerto Ricans are lazy and won't help themselves. He is a class act.

  16. What a completely incompetent, WIDE orange ass, moron PEEOTUS is, the office of the presidency will NEVER be respected again.

  17. Anonymous said...

    I bet Doug likes free stuff.
    9:21 AM

    Free stuff? Like what exactly is free? Medicare? Don't make me laugh.

    Prescription drugs? Don't make me laugh.

    What free stuff are you yapping about?

    Obamaphones? Don't exist.

    Obama SUVs? Nope.

  18. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Doug is a leech.

  19. I think we can all agree that the orange leader is way over his head.

    We should have known by the way he handled his own business interests.
    One bankruptcy after another. Had it not been for Russian money he would still be sinking in debt.
    And he has the nerve to talk about PR's debt. 😔

    What a joke of a man.

  20. All men are not equal11:39 AM

    "relief efforts are not going well because Puerto Ricans are lazy"

    And incompetent, don't forget that.

    People respond to natural hazards differently.

    When an earthquake hits a place like Japan, or a hurricane hits a place like Texas, people pull together, help those in need, and start rebuilding.

    When an earthquake hits a place like Haiti, or a hurricane hits a place like New Orleans (or Haiti), the people are completely helpless, attack each other, and start looting.

    Times of crisis reveal our true nature.

  21. Anonymous11:42 AM

    "Obamaphones? Don't exist."

    No, they do exist. But they are correctly referred to as "Reaganphones." Obama had squat to do with the program in question, which had already been in existence for decades before Obama ever took office.

    Besides, the fools who object to such a program should ask themselves some questions, such as: What are poor people supposed to do if they can't afford a phone and then experience an emergency? And wingnuts always bitch that poor people need to "get a job," but how are they supposed to do that, exactly, without a phone?

    The only reason an individual would not ask himself these questions and come to some reasonable conclusions is if he's one of those fools who has convinced himself that poor people are somehow not actually poor and don't need any help from anyone. Such individuals are too dumb to be allowed to live and need to be euthanized immediately.

  22. It's been a good month for me, I won't lie. After a 12 year drought with no hurricanes, it's good to have a full stock of Heineken again.

  23. President Downgrade11:47 AM

    "Obama had squat to do with the program in question"

    The scary part, is that liberals can really believe shit like this.

  24. Anonymous said...

    Doug is a leech

    You got the name calling down pat. Explain how Doug is a leech? For all you know he could be allergic to blood. Like Limpaw. put up or shut up.

  25. Times of crisis reveal our true nature.

    Gotta ask- is the state of Texass smaller, larger, the same size as Puerto Rico or Haiti?

    Is the population of Texass (and the US) smaller than, larger than or equal to the population of Puerto Rico and Haiti?

    Is Texass richer than, poorer than or the same as Puerto Rico and Haiti.

    Is Texass a small island nation like Puerto Rico and Haiti?

    From experience could you say the state of Texass is more likely to suffer less damage (area wise) than smaller island nations?

    Bonus question- are you a compassionless wingnut or someone who gives a shit about others?

  26. All men are not equal12:28 PM

    "Is the population of Texass (and the US) smaller than, larger than or equal to the population of Puerto Rico and Haiti?"

    The population of Texas is whiter, and therefore smarter, richer, more civilized, and more cooperative in a common crisis.

    And luckily for Puerto Rico, and Haiti, and Mexico, white people are more compassionate towards other people and always send massive amounts of aid after a natural disaster.

    Have you ever heard of a black country sending aid to a non-black country?

    Israel sent millions of dollars in aid for Harvey and Irma victims - who were Jewish. Jews are the richest demographic in America.

    When blacks, or Hispanics, or Jews give aid or donate to charity, it is always specifically aimed at their own people. Only white people donate their time and money for other peoples.

    Yet, every time there is some disaster affecting non-whites, whites get rewarded for their efforts by getting called racist.

    Fucking clown world.

  27. Bravo Field, I'm so thankful to have this site as a good resource about injustice and politics in America!!👍🏽

  28. All men are equal said- something.

    On the Records: Texas 1 of 5 "Minority-Majority" States Steeerike 1.

    Israel is sending back some of the millions the US has given them over the decades. They could do alot better and send billions back. Steeerike 2.

    Sreerike 3 is coming, fast.

  29. Here is Babs Bush donating money for Katrina relief with the designation it be used for her son Neil's goofy education software. Nothing like keeping charitable giving in the family.

    I'm giving you a break on this and calling it a foul tip. But the catcher (me) held on so that is Steeerike 3. Yer out.

  30. All men are not equal1:11 PM

    "On the Records: Texas 1 of 5 "Minority-Majority" States Steeerike 1."

    Just a couple of week ago the liberal press was bemoaning having to help "rednecks" affected by Harvey.

    It also matter who runs things. Texas is run by whites.

    We see the same thing during every natural disaster: White rescuers, black looters.

    It shouldn't be about race, it should just be about helping people in need. But of course, liberals can never let a crisis go to waste.

    Y'all got a good thing going here, and should just STFU. Eventually, whitey is going to realize it's not worth it.


    Good thing whitey ain't ever caught on tape lootin', huh?

    Some of us get tired of hearing how it is always/only minorities that loot.

  32. All men are not equal2:01 PM

    "always/only" is a way of obscuring the truth of "typically/usually"

  33. "Doug is a leech"

    Don't worry, I'm not gonna bite your ass. Gross.
    And by the way, I AM whitey, and from a family full of Oklahoma rednecks to boot (thank the flying spaghetti monster I was born in California) and what I realize is not worth it is trying to communicate with Pig People while simultaneously supporting their damn "leeching" states with California taxes.
    Talk shit about us, or rob us, but don't try to do both, as we are way better armed than you have been led to believe.

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. All men are not equal said...

    But, I am not depending on dead Breitbrat or Alex Jones or Fake Noize for my talking points. I check out real world media and while they are not perfect, they do tend to at least objectively look at both sides.

    Typical and usually are Fake Noize responses.

    Was Drumpf golfing this weekend and last? WAPO reported he was last weekend and WH spokesperson accused them of lying.

  35. As for Florida and Texas handling their recovery better, first, they didn't sustain as much damage as Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands did, and second, they had more resources to begin with. You can't materialize fuel, trucks, and passable roads out of thin air. You have to get them somewhere else.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. And even trump is smart enough to know Puerto Rico is an island.

  36. Never let a crisis go to waste3:11 PM

    "You can't materialize fuel, trucks, and passable roads out of thin air."

    But you can blame Trump for it.

  37. Hank Johnson3:24 PM

    We're just lucky it didn't capsize from the storm.

  38. pterochromics3:45 PM

    All men are not equal blithered...
    "The population of Texas is whiter, and therefore smarter, richer, more civilized, and more cooperative in a common crisis."

    - You obviously don't live here in the Houston area, or Eastern Texas in general. You obviously have no fricking clue about who lives here, or about who was helping whom. You certainly have no clue as to who here is or is not "smart". One thing for certain is that your delusional verbal flatus makes it eminently clear that you are distinctly unqualified to pass judgement on anyone else's intelligence. As for "inequality", your words prove that you most certainly do not live up to being the equal of my neighbors, or most Houstonians.

    1. All my exes4:02 PM

      Yeah, those idiots elected W as governor and Louis Gohmert to congress. There is a lot of stupid in Texas.

  39. Anonymous4:25 PM

    There is not much doubt that Texas is wealthier than Puerto Rico.

    Texas per capita income: $27K
    Puerto Rico per capita income: $11K

    There's also not much doubt that Texas is both whiter and way more right-wing than Puerto Rico, which explains why Trump appears to give a shit about Texas but not so much about Puerto Rico.

    Everyone in Texas is not an asshat, but there sure are a lot of them there. I don't have to like right-wingers and I unapologetically don't. Most of them are utter garbage, as conclusively proven by the garbage president they've saddled us with.

  40. pterochromics4:44 PM

    Anonymous All my exes said...
    "Yeah, those idiots elected W as governor and Louis Gohmert to congress. There is a lot of stupid in Texas."

    - True, but on the other hand, it didn't help that, when there was a decent candidate, Kinki Freedman just HAD to split the non-Republican vote merely to fap his own damn ego. And it most certainly doesn't help that the Nabobs and Poohbahs of the Democratic Party bureaucracy have no clue about how to run an effective campaign here ((or much of anywhere else, evidently)), and completely ignores the "rank'n'file", while the only thing the muckety-mucks here seem to do well is beg for money and pay themselves.
    - So it's a vicious cycle, where getting the non-Republican voters to agree on anything is like trying to herd feral cats, so the vote ends up being fractured ((and that's IF there are even any non-Republican candidates for an office...)), while the reactionaries vote in lock-step and the right-wing retains control.
    - People keep doing the same thing, and always act all shocked and surprised when they keep getting the same result.

  41. pterochromics4:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "There is not much doubt that Texas is wealthier than Puerto Rico."

    - Etc. Well duh. Except that wasn't the point, and isn't relevant to my objection. I don't think I know how make my point any more obvious than I already have, so maybe someone else can explain it to you.

  42. All men are not equal5:04 PM


    So, there's no difference in how white communities and black/Hispanic communities respond to a crisis?

    And I know Houston has lots and lots of black and brown people. That's why you have some amount of looting when the opportunity arises. But it's a white-run country still, so most areas are capable of dealing with natural disasters.

    That will change with changing demographics. But for now, be thankful white people are there to pick up the pieces.

  43. The beautiful thing about Trump is that he absolutely gets that the Dem/Media talking points on Puerto Rico are not a good faith critique but a conscious lie designed to take political advantage of the situation, and Trump feels no obligation not to fight back hard against their lies.

    He's no W.

  44. El Bastardo Grande5:11 PM

    The mayor of San Juan is a big fan of Chavez, so no surprise she is is an incompetent liar.

    She should ask Venezuela for help.

    They'll get right on it...

  45. Esta puta de la palmada said...
    dinthebeast said...
    The mayor of San Juan begs to differ:

    And does so while standing in front of literally tons of food flown in by the federal government:

    The insufferable mindset to make things political is only exceeded by the ridiculous optic of calling for federal aid while surrounded by relief supplies provided entirely by the U.S. federal government.

    •50% of the native Puerto Rican National Guard refused to report to duty when the governor called them up.
    •Thousands of tons of supplies and equipment, provided by FEMA, U.S. military and U.S. relief agencies, sit at ports while municipal government has no process for delivering them.
    •Frente Amplio (PR Teamsters Union – truck drivers) are on strike and refusing to deliver supplies.
    •Over 10,000 U.S. federal personnel are providing recovery and relief on the island….


    Haiti earthquake response when a president is in control. Unlike the fuck off Drumpfuckoff.

  47. pterochromics6:27 PM

    All men are not equal said...
    "So, there's no difference in how white communities and black/Hispanic communities respond to a crisis?

    - I sure as hell didn't see any.

    "And I know Houston has lots and lots of black and brown people. That's why you have some amount of looting when the opportunity arises."

    - Despite your endless bleating as to the supposedly-subhuman status of people whom you dislike and/or fear, the fact is that looters come in ALL colors.
    - Some people loot after a disaster with their hands, and take food and TVs. Others loot after a disaster using fountain pens and legal trickery, and take $millions away from people. Most of the latter are "white", though, and therefore invisible to you, despite the fact that the damage they do is obscenely huge.

    - But hey, keep deluding yourself that you're the crown of creation merely because lower sunlight levels in the North and subsequently, lower Vitamin D conversion rates, exerted environmental pressures on your ancestors which selected for less melanin,and meanwhile, you and your ilk go ahead and loll back on your imaginary laurels as if you PERSONALLY thought up, and did *all* of the RDT&E, on everything since the wheel, yeesh.
    - It's bad enough to be part of the dumbass human species, but you and your fellow travellers' ego-masturbating racial "pride" make it so much worse and make me ashamed to be a blue-eyed blonde of Northern European descent.

  48. 10k troops on the ground is not enough. After earthquake in Haiti (2010)Obama had 20 000 troops in Haiti the next day.

    Took well over a week to install a three star general to organize relief.

    Drumpf 's followers accused Obama of golfing during Katrina. What the hell was the potus doing during hurricanes? Golfing, of course.

  49. President Obama was the US' last president.

    History will show that after the number 44, came 46.

  50. I'm predicting deaths in the tens of thousands if not 100K, when they do get around to tallying the number of deaths due to the hurricane in Puerto Rico.

  51. They may be American, but they ain't white enough to suit Drumpfuck and they can't vote, either, Yisheng. I am out of here.

  52. "And it most certainly doesn't help that the Nabobs and Poohbahs of the Democratic Party bureaucracy have no clue about how to run an effective campaign here ((or much of anywhere else, evidently)), and completely ignores the "rank'n'file"

    Complete truth. For example the S.C. senate race was completely winnable but the Dems blew it bigly. While Tim Scott seem reasonable and decent for a repub had the Dems run a serious candidate they had a good chance of winning. Dems are masters at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

  53. Yisheng has the IQ of a slug.

  54. You know who10:41 PM

    James has the IQ of a slug.


  55. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Doug sez...

    "You have to get them somewhere else."

    This sums up Dug's world view.

  56. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Why is this a US territory?? We should just dump them.

  57. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Federal immigration agents are targeting "sanctuary jurisdictions" including Cook County, arresting nearly 500 people this week during a four-day nationwide sweep.

    U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE) officials say "Operation Safe City" focused on cities and regions where they have been denied access to jails and prisons to interview suspected immigration violators or jurisdictions where ICE detainers are not honored.

    There were 30 arrests made by ICE agents in Cook County and Chicago, a city embroiled in a sanctuary fight with the feds.

  58. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Anonymous2:18 PM
    Why is this a US territory?? We should just dump them

    Could it be Because it is chock full of U.S. Strategic Air Force Bases?

  59. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Could it be Because it is chock full of U.S. Strategic Air Force Bases?
    2:29 PM

    Name them...........

  60. Anonymous12:32 PM

    There are no airbases on PR. Last one closed in 1973. The PR military doesn't even have fighter planes anymore.

  61. pterochromics2:24 PM

    - What was once Ramey Air Force Base has been under the purview of the U.S. Coast Guard, and is designated Coast Guard Air Station Borinquen. It handles C-130 traffic and helicopter traffic; I don't recall what else, and others can look it up if they care to.
    - More important to the US is that, in 2006, Congress installed tax exemptions for U.S. corporations that settled there, and allowed corporate subsidiaries operating there to send their earnings back to the parent corporation at any time, without paying federal tax on corporate income. That is also the year that the economic depression began in Puerto Rico.
    - IOW, Puerto Rico is important, not to "US interests", but to US corporate interests, which matter much more to the Powers That Be than would military bases.
