Sunday, September 17, 2017

Manson's war.

Image result for Helter skelter imagesCharles Manson, after all these years, might be finally getting his wish.

Down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, an armed white man (or men) is randomly killing black people, and the reports so far are not pretty.

"Police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, said on Sunday that there is a “strong possibility” that the murders of two black men in the city last week were racially motivated, according to the Associated Press. A 23-year-old white man, Kenneth Gleason, is considered a person of interest in the fatal shootings, which happened two days and five miles apart. Gleason is currently being held on drug charges, as police say they do not have enough evidence to charge him with the murders yet.
On Tuesday night, a 59-year-old homeless man named Bruce Cofield was shot and killed in Baton Rouge in what originally seemed like a random crime. Then, two days later, 49-year-old Donald Smart was killed in a similar manner while walking to his restaurant job on Thursday night. According to a police bulletin obtained by The Advocate, in both cases, the gunman, wearing dark clothes and possibly a tactical vest, shot the men from a red sedan using a 9-mm handgun, then exited his car to continue shooting them multiple times. A witness reported hearing about 12 shots on Tuesday when Cofield was killed.
The shootings were later linked after ballistics tests, and a manhunt for the killer began. It’s not yet clear how Gleason became a suspect, but police said that his car matched the description of the vehicle they were looking for, and shell casings linked to the crimes were found inside." [Source]
I know I know, but what about Chicago?
That's what folks always say when you tell them about racially motivated killings of black folks: "But what about Chicago and other places where there is a lot of black on black crime?"
Well, that is sad as well, and I have spent a great portion of my life trying to educate young black men to respect themselves and to value the life of others who look like them. That's ongoing battle that I will continue to fight,  but I am going to continue fighting these other battles. 
Those urban terrorist kill each other over drugs, money, and turf. The last time I checked they were not out looking for random white folks and killing them because of the color of their skin.    
That's what this punk in Baton Rouge allegedly did, and it is what another sick racist did to poor Timothy Coughhman in New York as well. He repeatedly stabbed the poor man with a sword until he was dead, all because of the color of his skin.
Make no mistake, this is what cost Treyvon Martin and many others like him their lives: The color of their skins.
Sadly, it will get worse before it gets better. Why? Just look who occupies the White House, and how he rose to power. He encouraged it, and then fed on what it brought.
Now the Genie is out of the bottle, and we are all left to live with the consequences. We all know, of curse,  that a race war is the kind of war that will ultimately ruin America. Contrary to what they might tell you, it's the kind of war that not even your most virulent racists want. 
Helter Skelter, indeed.  
*Pic from


  1. Get real, negroes10:34 PM

    "The last time I checked they were not out looking for random white folks and killing them because of the color of their skin."

    Well, check again, because three are hundreds of white folks killed every year because of the color of their skin.

  2. Anonymous11:30 PM

    "A 23-year-old white man, Kenneth Gleason, is considered a person of interest in the fatal shootings, which happened two days and five miles apart. Gleason is currently being held on drug charges, as police say they do not have enough evidence to charge him with the murders yet."

    It's disturbing that they don't have any evidence to hold him on anything besides a charge of possession of a minuscule amount of drugs. I really hope the cops in Baton Rouge have got the right guy here. Because, if they haven't, then the real killer is out there free to keep killing, and they've defamed an innocent man as a racist double murderer.

    That's what folks always say when you tell them about racially motivated killing of black folks: 'But what about Chicago and other places where there is a lot of black on black crime?'

    Turns out that the wingnuts are still lying about Chicago. It was never the murder capital of America. And, with the statistics now available, even with the bizarrely huge spike of crime Chicago experienced in 2016 ... Chicago is still not even close to number one for homicides.

    Among major cities, it clocks in at eighth place, after St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, Cleveland, Newark, and Memphis.

    Chicago Still Isn’t the Murder Capital of America

    So, you know, when the lying pinheads on Fox start talking about Chicago crime, this roughly translates to: "blah blah blah I hate Obama." It has no relation to anything resembling a fact.

  3. Anonymous11:43 PM

    "We all know, of curse, that a race war is the kind of war that will ultimately ruin America. Contrary to what they might tell you, it's the kind of war that not even your most virulent racists want."

    No, the hardcore skinhead types do want a race war. They do not care how many white people would have to die, as long as ALL the brown people die.

    These are not folks with what you'd call a rational world view. What was that famous quote from a senior American officer in the Vietnam War? "It became necessary to destroy the town to save it." That pretty much sums up their insane ideology. They'd rather live in a smoking crater, as long as they wouldn't be forced to share that crater with people who don't look like them.

  4. When I had a paper route when I was about eleven, to pay for my motorcycle addiction, I was out collecting one night and this nice lady invited me in while she got the money from a different room. There was a typewriter on a shelf by the door, and on it was a plastic label that read "Manson is love." I didn't come in after that.
    When I was in high school, my band played at an outdoor party in Freshwater, with two other bands we were friends with. We finished our first set with a killer version of "Helter Skelter" and took a break to smoke a bowl of hash. As I was leaning my guitar against my amp, this girl with straight, blonde, hair and empty, blue eyes came up to me and said "Could you play that song again? It's my FAVORITE song..." and I got the hell out of there.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Just the facts jack12:39 AM

    Well, check again, because three are hundreds of white folks killed every year because of the color of their skin.
    Prove it.

  6. Anonymous1:03 AM

    "When I was in high school, my band played at an outdoor party in Freshwater, with two other bands we were friends with. We finished our first set with a killer version of 'Helter Skelter' and took a break to smoke a bowl of hash."

    All these years later, it is still hard to understand how Charlie Manson managed to convince those nice suburban girls to go commit multiple murders of random victims and blame it on black people as part of plan to start a race war, which he'd cleverly named after a Beatles song. What part of that sounded like a good idea to them? How were they unable to figure out that old Charlie was a few fries short of a happy meal?

    Some things will forever remain a mystery.

  7. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Here you go:

  8. Anonymous8:05 AM

    It's unbelievable how these so called"United" States are still fighting a race war after 400 years.

    Eventually this country will implode from within. Remember, no empire lasts forever. It either implodes from within or is conquered by a super power.

    Also, with so much white hatred towards people of color, who the hell is going to want to fight a war for a country that believes only white lives matter?

    Sadly, Russia, North Korea, and China are all watching, and laughing their asses off at they prepare for their next move on America. "Divide and Conquer."

  9. Just the facts jack8:41 AM

    Uh dumb ass, that's ONE example. What did you expect, white racist assholes aren't good at math. Jesus.

  10. Funny you mention Chicago. I know when I'm flying with a Fox News type when they ask about how "safe" my neighborhood is. These guys are obsessed with crime or more to the point negro crime. They always know the latest paranoid fear whether it's the knockout game or last week the guy told me about how two cars block you in the alley and rob you. How do these guys sleep being so scared of their own shadows. It does explain how brothas get shot because conservative media feeds their fear.

  11. Anon @ 11:30 P M- Gleason is being held for having prescription drugs w/o required prescription. Cops in one story said shell casings found in his car matched casings at murder scene. Just saying.

  12. Anonymous11:43 AM

    It's not looking great so far for the cops in Baton Rouge. This Gleason guy just got released on bail, investigators having failed to find any hard connection to the murders, and the offenses they had been holding him on being very minor-league stuff.

  13. Lilacpr12:14 PM

    Field said...
    "that is sad as well, and I have spent a great portion of my life trying to educate young black men to respect themselves and to value the life of others who look like them. That's ongoing battle that I will continue to fight, but I am going to continue fighting these other battles"

    Well yes but I think there are powerful reasons as to the why of the black on black killings in Chicago. It has to be looked at in all of it's context.

    The Italian mafia right there in Chicago killed themselves also, or has everybody conveniently and selectively forgotten ;) Over what? Over their criminal activities! Why? Because they were poor immigrants who were also marginalized when they came to this country and had nothing! Same thing with the Irish! I don't understand why everyone either refuses to or conveniently forgets these mobs and their killings of each other in their quest for money and power:)

    Now the difference is that the government decided to give them opportunity en mass and include them in the society. How? By giving them good paying government jobs! The Police force to the Irish,Fire Department to the Italians, and so on and so forth. They also made it easy for them to get loans for houses and whatever else was necessary for them to get the proverbial leg up, and join the middle class.

    Another important factor is that the high schools taught Vocations such as plumbing, electricity, wood working, refrigeration, auto body repair, etc. Skills that would enable a young man or woman to graduate with a marketable skill and a sure way to make a living. These were removed from the curriculum of high schools.

    The Black American was not given this opportunity en mass as they were. We know that there are police departments that are virtually still all white! I'm not referring, here nor do I want someone to pipe up with "oh yeah but in such and such a place they have two Blacks" or three or four, puhleeze!

    So there are many reasons as to why there is Black on Black crime in Chicago.


    Poor oppressed whitey. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  15. HRC fires a shot across Limpaw's bow-

  16. FN, you actually bring up an interesting point. It's like when white folks ask; "Why can't I call you nigger? You guys do it." It's kind of the same reason that why you don't want us sexing your wives; it's our business and has a vastly different meaning for us. Context is everything so we need not try to justify violence by shouting "Chicago!" like we're part of a Broadway musical.

    Black men, young and old, are under threat from a variety of sources. All of them dangerously close to home. Black women as well, we all know how potentially dangerous welcoming a stranger to bible study can be. We should understand how potentially dangerous it is for a child to attempt to make it home from a convenience store at night wearing a hoodie with a button of his father's face on the front. Are we not asking for trouble??

    Of course I say this a little tongue in cheek: the shameful aspect of what I've said is that it's true. You mention that a race war will ruin America. I respectfully disagree. The U S is a case study of perpetual race wars. I will purposely omit the wars waged overseas and restrict myself to merely mentioning the wars against the Native population, the Chinese immigrant labor force, and the diminishing cease fire with the African American community. I would argue that a war requires two combatants. Otherwise these skirmishes only reach the level of tyranny and victimization.

    The writing is on the wall.


    Racism in jobs hiring is just as prevalent as it was at least since 1989.

  18. Anonymous4:40 PM

    500....and Counting

    The four-bagger this Friday evening pushed Chicago over the 500 mark for the ....well, probably like 80th year in a row or something. HeyJackass has the totals at 506 although the Department is hiding a few, insisting it's "only" 496.

    Has Rahm even had a year with less than 500 homicides?

    Labels: crime, stats
    posted by SCC at 12:01 AM 9 comments

  19. Anonymous4:42 PM

  20. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Chicago Still Isn’t the Murder Capital of America

    So, you know, when the lying pinheads on Fox start talking about Chicago crime, this roughly translates to: "blah blah blah I hate Obama." It has no relation to anything resembling a fact.
    11:30 PM

    That article is bullshit. Chicago had 806 murders in 2016 and 80%+ were by African Americans. Blacks kill each other at unprecedented rates.

  21. Limpbaugh5:37 PM

    I think gang shooting are almost exclusively same race. Chicago is a city of neighborhoods. One side of a street can be one gang's territory and the other side another's. In Chicago the gangs are young people who feel like they protect their neighborhood. They will shoot someone from a different gang who comes in their neighborhood from the next neighborhood over. Then there are the drive by retaliations where the other gang comes back. They shoot at people from the rival gang, often in public places Innocent people get shot by gangs shooting out of moving cars. If people from different gangs run in to each other in neutral territory they leave each other alone. If an area has Latino gangs for example, they don't bother the white or black people who live there or go there.

    When I lived in L.A. it seemed like a lot more people were in gangs there. That included older people and people who you wouldn't expect. But the gangs were more like a networking group with contacts to get deals on tires or whatever. People from different gangs could socialize with each other.

    Drug dealing is probably a lucrative part of it for some gang members, both in Chicago and L.A. For others, the gang is their connection to buy drugs. I think other factors are involved, but selling drugs could be a root cause.

  22. Anonymous5:49 PM

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. "Whataboutism" is a recognized evasion tactic used by people who cannot properly defend their viewpoint on whatever topic is being discussed, and thus try to change the subject. "What about black crime in Chicago?" One could just as well say "What about the cartel violence in Mexico?" or "What about the persecution of gays in Russia?", etc. No. The topic of the post is the topic of the post.

    I don't think there's any real risk of a race war, but the nuts who do want to start one have been emboldened by Trump's rhetoric -- hence local outbreaks like the Charlottesville riot, the savage beating of a Latino homeless man in Boston during the primaries (by thugs who openly said Trump inspired them), and perhaps the Baton Rouge killings as well. Such people will not succeed in starting a race war, but they will make this country a nastier and more dangerous place.

  25. Anonymous7:15 PM

    The funny part is I have friends in Texas who talk about Chicago being a shooting gallery but ignore their state has more shootings than any other. Sure in Chicago it may be more concentrated but they shoot just as many people down there. Look at shootings in a state by state basis and you'll see some surprising data.


  26. Just remember whitey white guy in Louisianna was arrested and placed in jail and bailed out unlike so many blacks whom the cops shoot on sight in fear for their lives.

  27. Lilacpr8:47 PM

    Infidel753 said...

    ...One could just as well say "What about the cartel violence in Mexico?" or "What about the persecution of gays in Russia?"

    I don't think there's any real risk of a race war, but the nuts who do want to start one have been emboldened by Trump's rhetoric -- hence local outbreaks like the Charlottesville riot, the savage beating of a Latino homeless man in Boston during the primaries (by thugs who openly said Trump inspired them), and perhaps the Baton Rouge killings as well. Such people will not succeed in starting a race war, but they will make this country a nastier and more dangerous place.

    6:03 PM

    We're not talking about, or concerned with the "cartel violence in Mexico or the persecution of gays in Russia". We're talking about the American Blacks in Chicago.

    and furthermore, not only is there a "risk of a race war",do you not think that all of those very examples you mentioned, as well as the many others that have occurred, indicate that there is a race war already? The American black male is getting killed for having a broken tail light ;) walking with a hoodie,as well as being poisoned with their drinking water, etc.,etc.,etc.

    And yes such people will "succeed in starting a race war"
    As KEMELYN well said, these things are on the "level of tyranny and victimization"...FOR NOW...but of course the writing is on the wall, if you choose to turn a blind eye, so be it but...

  28. Lilacpr8:52 PM

    Yīshēng is a genius said...

    Be safe PR, MUAH!!

    7:58 PM

    Thank you so much! I'm watching this thing closely, there's still a chance that it will move upward, thus skipping or skimming the island. I have my hopes up,and I'm tracking it's coordinates on a map. If it does go over us, it's going to be a doozy! I still remember Georges, That one really did a number on the island. But with the grace of God we'll get through.

    We're about as prepared as we could be, so now it's just a waiting game, but the next few hours it's movements will be very telling.

    I'll continue to post as long as I can and we have power and internet

    Thanks again!

  29. Ditto what Doc said:

    Be safe Lilacpr.

  30. Lilacpr10:31 PM

    Thanks guys I'm praying, but I'm also waiting with my dukes up xD I ain't askeered!!! Not after Georges!

  31. Lt.Commander Johnson5:15 PM

    Remember the last time that there was a a killer in Baton Rouge?

    The cops searched high and low for a white man....turned out, he wasn't white at all. DNA was just getting a hold of things.

    They said he was black.

    Turned out...they were right.

  32. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Remember the DC sniper case. Everyone had it pegged that it was a white guy(s) but turned out to be two black dudes.

  33. Bold, James Bold4:24 PM

    "I know I know, but what about Chicago?"

    What about the Black-on-White serial killer in Kansas City?  Is BLM going to stand down this time because Scott was allowed to bag five before he was caught, and Gleason only got two... if he even did it?  (Yeah, right.)

    "That's what folks always say when you tell them about racially motivated killings of black folks: "But what about Chicago and other places where there is a lot of black on black crime?" "

    Why don't you get up in arms over the far more numerous Black victims of Black murderers, to concentrate on the statistically-insignificant White-on-Black killings?

    It's because you don't give a damn about Black lives, Field.  You just hate Whitey.  It's tribalism all the way down.

    "Those urban terrorist kill each other over drugs, money, and turf. The last time I checked they were not out looking for random white folks and killing them because of the color of their skin."

    They're out looking to kill White men who try to protect their little daughters from abduction.  In Philly, at least.

    "it is what another sick racist did to poor Timothy Coughhman in New York as well. He repeatedly stabbed the poor man with a sword until he was dead, all because of the color of his skin."

    Wait, whut?  Jackson went from Maryland (which was a slave state and full of Blacks) to NYC to find a Black man to kill?  This has "CIA asset" and "false flag" written all over it, just like Dylan Roof.

    "this is what cost Treyvon Martin and many others like him their lives: The color of their skins."

    Yup.  It was the color of Martin's skin which made him double back to deliver a beat-down to Zimmerman after he'd gotten clean away.  Nobody but a Black man would be that stupid.

    "it will get worse before it gets better."

    It will start getting better when all the Trayvon Martins go to jail the instant they're caught with stolen property, the Frederick Damond Scotts are stomped HARD every time they say they want to kill White people, and the Mona Nelsons are burned at the stake in the middle of the "community" to send a message about what is not tolerated in civilization.

    And Mikey thinks Jews are White.  Noel Ignatieff begs to differ.

    What, do you think he was talking about HIS people there?

  34. Big Black James Bold, a swinging brotha who actually has an IQ of 1515:22 PM

    Hey guys, our resident genius James is here to guide us through an orbital engineering problem. Oh that's right, he's just here to spew more stupidity. Does anyone believe this moron actually has an IQ of 150?

    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  35. James excuses baby rape because he rubs cats butts bald5:25 PM

    Yup. It was the color of Martin's skin which made him double back to deliver a beat-down to Zimmerman after he'd gotten clean away. Nobody but a Black man would be that stupid.
    No, you have dumb asses like Lacy Peterson's husband who killed his pregnant wife and stayed around til the obvious happened. Didn't say shit about that did you white civilization crusader? Or how about the white guys who rape babies to death? Oh that's ok James because you whites are the epitome of civilization.

  36. James is kinda weird5:26 PM

    James is one sick sonofabitch.

  37. Bold, James Bold12:15 AM

    "you have dumb asses like Lacy Peterson's husband who killed his pregnant wife and stayed around til the obvious happened. Didn't say shit about that did you white civilization crusader?"

    We caught him.  We tried him.  We convicted him.  We put him in prison.

    We never had anyone marching in front of the courtroom saying he should be let go because there are too many White men in prison.  There probably are (only 39% of the US prison population is White vs. 40% Black, when it should probably be 30:49 on the merits) but nobody said that HE did not belong in prison.

    What else is there for me to say, or do?  It's all been said and done already.

    You, on the other hand, ought to explain why 3 of your coons from Ft. Bragg killed another pair of coons.  Supposedly they were vetted and trained, and they STILL went out and committed a capital crime in the course of armed robbery.  The victims were Black so NHI (no humans involved), but what is Black Lives Matter going to do to prevent such things from happening in the future?  End affirmative action in the military, so thugs like these don't get weapons training from the government?  Hey, I'm all for that!

    "James is one sick sonofabitch."

    NAPAs Always Project.

  38. James is an inbred with a large forehead3:36 AM

    James, c'mon man you are the biggest projector here. They oughta use your ass to show movies. Now take your silly inbred ass back to whatever shithole trailer park your momma/auntie spawned your dumb ass and leave us good folks alone.

  39. Bold, James Bold12:21 PM

    "you are the biggest projector here. They oughta use your ass to show movies."

    How many months did it take for you to realize what my put-down "you project like an IMAX" means, and try to use it back at me?

    And you did it lamely, like you do everything.

  40. Anonymous2:13 PM

    NAPAs cannot survive without their freebies from the taxpayers.......
