Saturday, September 16, 2017


Image result for sessions idiot images

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: "He has one more time to call me an idiot".

Pic from



  1. "I refuse to compare hand sizes with you."

  2. Outta get that black woman from the Help to serve Trumplestilskin a slice of "pie" :-)

  3. JBSIII: Maybe I am an idiot. I helped this bozo get elected.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. pterochromics11:33 PM

    - Cartoon Thought Bubble for tRump:
    - This is so boring. Here I am, hugely, tremendously GREAT, but I have to be sitting next to this idiot and he's about to cry because someone called him an idiot. Well he IS and idiot. I mean, look at those mutated batwings sticking out of his head. Did he get 'em fixed? Nooooo, he makes everyone have to look at those damn things because he's an idiot. They're bigger than his damn hands. And his hands are tinier than mine, I don't care what anyone says. And his feet. Damn tiny little sissy-feet. Those pie plates sticking out of his head are bigger than his feet. MY feet are *great*. Me ears are great, too! I have the best ears, AND the best feet, because I AM the best, the most tremendous - I'm the most modest person because no matter what I say, I can't say just how great I am, that's how great I am! Idiots like Mr. Donkey-Ears, Hahaha!, Ass Ears!, idiots like him are why America doesn't love me, they can't even see me behind idiot Mr. Ass-Ears' floppy clownshoe mutant dinner-plates to see how great shit, someone asked somebody something -
    - "Well let me say this, Jeff Sessions is a great American, a *tremendous* A.G. and I'm completely supportive of his ideas and pledge that I will not stand by and let anyone get away with calling him an idiot, because that's just the kind of great guy I am..."
    - ...if I have to look at those damned box ears for one more minute I'm gonna bend 'em until they twist off...they look like fucking satellite dishes, Hey Jeff, ya pick up ESPN with those things?, HaHa, HaHaHa, I'm great AND I'm funny as hell! It's great to be me!

  5. Limpbaugh12:41 AM

    How many times do we have to watch this video of prostitutes peeing on you?

  6. Limpbaugh12:46 AM

    "I want you to find out if Susan Rice leaked to the Washington Post, or if the CIA is using her as a scapegoat".


    "You idiot".

  7. Anonymous8:00 AM

    "This 'MO FO' calls me an idiot...well I guess it takes an idiot to know another idiot!"

  8. Drumpfuck to Perjurer- you have the brains of an idiot.

    Perjurer to Drumpfuck- want them back?

    (in the interest of full disclosure I stole this from Benny Hill)

  9. In memory of Anthony Lamar Smith (and hundreds of other blacks murdered while being black)

  10. Anonymous11:32 AM

    are the green buses ready to deploy..........

  11. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Limpbaugh said...
    How many times do we have to watch this video of prostitutes peeing on you?
    12:41 AM

    How many times can you cry wolf???????

  12. When white men get old, they start looking like the Rhesus Monkeys to which they're related. There's nothing more to say about any of them. Dangerous killers and haters that they are.

  13. @Omigosh 11:51 AM

    That doesn't sound like a caption...

  14. Lilacpr12:16 PM

    My goodness! Several more hurricanes on the way, Maria and Jose! So all we need is the Baby Jesus, and Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar the Three Kings!

  15. Satan is late again

    1. Ha-Ha, random: Hope I can piggyback...

      "Satan is late again."

      Oh!! Steve Bannon's not late. I fired him a weeks ago" :-)

  16. Wonderful you are safe & sound, Lila, although the soundness is somewhat debatable.

    Just kidding!! You're quite amusing, my dear :-)

  17. Some pretty good captions.

  18. Lilacpr6:03 PM

    Faith_and_Fairness said...

    Wonderful you are safe & sound, Lila, although the soundness is somewhat debatable.

    Just kidding!! You're quite amusing, my dear :-)

    2:41 PM

    xD Lolol! Thanks Faith! I'm just praying this thing will skip on right by us! We'll soon see!

  19. Anonymous7:12 PM

    "Let me tell both of you bigoted morons something,,,,,

  20. You Better have your depends on Shit sessions

  21. Anonymous7:19 PM

    My two douches

  22. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Doctor Evil and Mini Me devise a racist plan. It will cost 1 MILLION dollars.

  23. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Trump: Hey Jeff, where's your banjo? I saw you in the movie Deliverance.

  24. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I'm going to win again in 2020.

  25. Guess I'm somewhat notorious for this piggyback quirk. Simply cannot pass up Anon's 6:33 caption...

    "I'm going to win again in 2020"

    Well, don't count on me being the first one to endorse you like the last time. Hillary's right: Back up you creep" :-)

  26. Anonymous11:11 AM

