Friday, September 15, 2017

The White House vs. Jemele.

The North Koreans are launching missiles all over the place, and  they just sent another one over the country of Japan. This after the UN Security Council passed fresh "sanctions " against the rogue nation. There is no doubt that North Korea is causing all kinds of problems on the world stage. They are the type of problems that would keep a president up at night. Not this one.

Sadly, while all of this was going on, your president was tweeting about a sports anchor and how he wants her to apologize for hurting his feelings.(That sound you hear is me laughing all the way from  Philly.)  

The White House pretty much doubled down on their request to have Ms. Hill fired today, and I am quite sure that the seriousness of their posture,  and the chilling affect their demands have on our Constitution is lost on them. As a mentioned above, it is laughable. This is a president who never apologizes to anyone, and yet he is asking for a sports reporter to be fired for speaking her mind on twitter. I m quite sure that Barack Obama would like an apology as well for the racist birther lie that he (trump) peddled for all these years, but we all know that it is never coming. Only real men know how to say I am sorry. 

Anyway, I think it's kind of sad when an administration prosecutes some poor woman for simply laughing at something Jeff Sessions said during his confirmation hearing, and then they call for the firing of a  sports reporter because she said what many folks believe to be true. I see a pattern here. I will let you figure it out.


  1. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Thanks for this blog...The POTUS can "dish it out" but he "can't take it".
    Who the hell did he ever apologize to for his false accusations and filthy behavior?

    This is just further proof that we have a very sick, demented, and unstable individual occupying the Oval Office.

    Is it any wonder why American is becoming the laughing stock and losing respect on the world stage?
    With North Korea, China, and Russia all looking at us and laughing the loudest.

    While America implodes from within and the POTUS continues to instigate and fan the flames of "race wars" in 2017.... while we're fighting from within we are "ripe for the picking" by any outside countries that see how divided we really are in these "United" States.

    Ha! What a joke!

  2. I'm just happy NONE of the other Black folks at ESPN would fill in for Jamele.

    I don't the world is laughing at America. They're laughing at WHITE Americans thanks to PEEOTUS and the Koo Koo Klan.

  3. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Re: Yisheng said:
    "I don't the world is laughing at America. They're laughing at WHITE Americans thanks to PEEOTUS and the Koo Koo Klan."'re right. That's a great point.

  4. Fergus is running out of shiny objects with which to distract attention away from the ever tightening noose of the truth about his involvement with the Russians during the campaign, and this woman seemed worth a shot.
    Now Facebook has reversed their insistence that they sold no ads to Russians to try to influence the election, admitting to taking at least $100K for such illegal ads, after apparently finding out they were partially paid in Rubles. They must be employing a crack team of investigators up in there. And I do mean that their investigators seem like they must be on crack.
    And they have discovered yet another meeting between Flynn, Kushner, and I think Manafort and Russians along with some foreign leaders in which Flynn was trying to set up a deal to build nuclear reactors in the middle east with the Russians.
    What could possibly go wrong with that?
    And Fergus came out in support of the tiki torch Nazis again, so maybe that will distract them for another news cycle, but pretty soon he's gonna run out of chunks of what should have been his human decency to set fire to on camera in the service of obfuscation.
    Perhaps it would have worked out better in the long run if he had just come clean and admitted "Yeah, we weren't an experienced political organization and we may have fucked a few things up, but we're gonna get to the bottom of it all and try to make it right."
    Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen.
    Utterly refusing to ever admit a mistake might have been a better strategy for someone who was less of a total fuck-up than Fergus, but he's got the first truly Dunning-Kruger presidency, and only recently figured out that most of us "fucking hate him."

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. pterochromics1:27 AM

    @ Doug in Oakland -
    - "[...] the first truly Dunning-Kruger presidency..."
    - Sadly, you hit the proverbial bull's eye. The truth is, indeed, often ugly :(

  6. Ms. Huckabee is certainly no beauty queen. But when she took this job, she was a fresh face, a happy person with a good life. I see the changes in her face almost overnight, being forced to toe the Trump line against all reason and civility. Her face is morphing into a mask of evil. When a person perverts decency and sides with the malicious, it distorts the features of their face. I might imagine she probably had very pretty eyes about a month ago. Window to the...

    It's a revers Twilight Zone episode. Instead of the wicked, whiny children being forced to wear the masks by their shaman grandfather in order to receive their inheritances, her face has simply changed into a mask

    She is a far greater WH press secretary than Spicer could have ever hoped to be. His face and sense of humor remain intact.

  7. Speaking of Spicer...

    Here is his official exit interview with Jimmy Kimmel.

    It's sweet how he continues to defend the president to some extent and yet cannot resist the irrefutable truth of Kimmel's humorous approach to this aberration in the life of American politics. I mean the guy was working for Trump. What was he supposed to say? Fucking hilarious.

  8. Is it okay to triple comment on this blog? I am on the west coast.

    So dig my San Diego homey, cut her teeth in the humble San Diego Repertory Theater, (believe me, no significant budget or high salaries, just a whole lot of soul), the celebrated Whoopi Goldberg on the NBC's fabulously successful lady's talk show, "The View," kick some major ass like a star NFL place kicker on not only Governor Huckabee, but more importantly his crazy, toe-the-line daughter.

    You may also notice that she was not ugly and malicious a few weeks ago.

  9. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Amen D L Hugley:

    ESPN owes NO apology to Trump.

  10. Why should anyone be punished for stating the obvious?

  11. Limpbaugh8:28 AM

    Once again I am not needed here to pile on about Trump's racism. I'm needed to point out what was left out. Does anybody recall Hillary's role in perpetuating the birther rumor when she ran against Obama? How about Bill Clinton flying back to Arkansas to witness the execution of a black man? It wasn't Trump who got privatized prison lobby donations. He didn't steal ten billion from poor Haitians or call black teens super predators. He didn't override transparency rules for foreign aide that went to dictators in Africa. Former Klan leader Robert Byrd wasn't his mentor. Don't forget what Malcolm X said, "the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political “football game” that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives."

  12. Anonymous8:30 AM

    The POTUS behaves worse than a "white privileged" 5 year old in a sandbox.

    Question: Would white America accept the same kind of shitty behavior from Barack Obama?
    Answer: HELL NO.

  13. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Lets keep it real...

    Most whites (be they liberal or conservative or Democrat or Republican) are not in the
    least beat interested or concerned about the "advancement of colored people."
    Therefore, Blacks must still discern and select those white candidates that represent the "lesser evil"

    Because at the end of the day, those same whites that "applaud the loudest" at the achievements of black folks...still run like hell to get away from blacks that move into their all white neighborhoods and all white schools.

  14. Anonymous10:03 AM

    What? no coverage of niggers rioting and looting in St. Louis???

  15. Once again Limpaw breaks out in his HRC envy, and as far as I know she doesn't have a penis. HRC is not the Potus, Limpaw. She should be, but Russians made sure she wasn't getting elected. You need to accept the facts of life and get on with what passes for your life.

    HRC has not been charged with or convicted of a single fucking crime in over thirty fucking years of bogus investigations and yet you assholes persist in barking HRC this and HRC that. Get over yourselves.

  16. Anonymous10:53 AM

    "I m quite sure that Barack Obama would like an apology as well for the racist birther lie that he (trump) peddled for all these years, but we all know that it is never coming."

    Nope, Trump never apologized. But he did issue a correction: Okay, I was wrong, but it was still all somehow Hillary's fault.

    Note to tinfoil-hatted idiot Limpbaugh: Birtherism had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. (Also, jet fuel CAN melt steel beams, and 9/11 was an OUTSIDE job. Just for the record.)

    The story about Obama's birth certificate was an invention of Andy Martin, a right-wing crank who's run for office a million times in Illinois, but who never gets elected (for good reason). And then Trump jumped on that bandwagon, and rode it longer than just about anybody else.

    No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.

    So, you know, Trump lied. Yet again.

  17. Bold, James Bold11:38 AM

    ESPN's pozzed owners try to make a sports channel more about Blacktivism than sports, losing literally thousands of subscribers every day... and you call for more Blacktivism?

    Cool.  I refuse to subscribe to kay-bull Talmudvision, so burn it all down.  ESPN was something like a third of Disney's revenue, and the sooner it collapses the better.  The NFL and NBA get huge amounts of revenue from ESPN, and will go down with it.

    "at the end of the day, those same whites that "applaud the loudest" at the achievements of black folks...still run like hell to get away from blacks that move into their all white neighborhoods and all white schools."

    Now why would they do that?  Moving is expensive.  What behaviors could they find intolerable?  (Burglary, robbery, vandalism, rape, assault and murder ring any bells?)  What defects of character could they find abhorrent?  (Standing up for all of the above crimes because "oppression" or other BS?)

    You'll never ask yourselves why you can't make your own good schools with well-behaved students performing at high levels.  Whitey made all those things out of wilderness.  You can't even maintain them when you're handed the keys.  You move into high-performing school systems like Shaker Heights and fail, have the entire Kansas City school system made over at a cost of $2 billion just to suit you... and fail.  The only common element is you.  Yet you blame Whitey, not yourselves.

    Whitey ain't havin' none of it no more.  Call it "racism".  We. Don't. Care.  If you're White and aren't racist yet, you aren't paying attention.

  18. Bold, James Bold11:41 AM

    Oh, I almost forgot this one...

    Revolting Black rape-ape enters a day care and sexually assaults an 8-month old baby.  This sort of thing probably happens weekly if not daily, but we just don't hear about it.

  19. @Bold, James Bold....

    You are incredible at capturing the very societal thread that percolates just under the surface in our country, and other countries as well. You've got the blame game down pat as well as selective history revision. Understand, I'm not saying these words to insult you, I find it refreshing that you are able to present your point of view clearly and unapologetically. Give it to us right between our eyes...It's what we need.

    "Whitey made all these things out of wilderness"..that's classic.

  20. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Why people don't want to live next to blacks or hispanics:
    loud music,
    drive by shootings,
    drug dealers,
    unwed mothers with babies by 5+ different daddies,
    angry self hating parents,
    angry self hating children,
    unemployed ,
    liquor stores on every corner,
    ex cons and felons...and the list goes on

  21. Define "people". Is it everyone except blacks and Hispanics? Please clarify.

  22. Anonymous12:36 PM

    NAACP....National Association of Always Complaining People or ... Negroes Are always Causing Problems. You Pick Oh Great Kangz and Queenz of Old who invented everything and ruled the World from their UFOs High above lowly cave dwelling whites Blah, Blah ,Blah.

  23. I can see that you're well read.

  24. Baldingo's llnk, like Baldingo itself, doesn't show anything like what he claimed. No surprise there.

  25. pterochromics1:50 PM

    - My neighborhood is one that many people would envy. The homes are spacious and nicely-designed, the yards have been generally well-kept, although Harvey made a mess for some of my neighbors; it's quiet at night, although there is one home which holds a yearly party on the third Saturday in August, but even at that, they usually wrap-up by 12:30 or 1:00; and we have none of the things listed by "Anonymous" at 12:08PM.
    - So what?, one might ask - well, this area is only about 1/3 "White".
    - Frankly, I get totally sick of the ignorant BS that people CLAIM to be true of all of MY neighbors. The problems which they CLAIM is genetic in "non-white", are problems of POVERTY.
    - Plus, the exact same shit was said by WASPS about the Irish; and the Irish then said the exact same things about the Italians, who said the exact same things about Poles.
    - The fact is that poverty, and its perennial travelling-companions Malnutrition (and no, "calories" is NOT the same thing as "nutrition) and Bad Schools/Education (because most schools are funded by property taxes).
    - The FACT is that kids who get a good start in life, meaning, among other things, decent *nutrition*, decent mentors, and decent education, do equally well regardless of all of the defamatory BS that some people CLAIM are "genetic" or "racial".
    - Of course, they are usually the same people who also reject Science, and facts in general, because it's easier to blame one's frustrations and failures and bad choices on "immuhgrintz, cullurdz, an lihbroolz", rather than bruising their frail-yet-overinflated egos. They prefer to shout over, or shoot, anyone who *dares* to point out their errors.
    - Losers need scapegoats - that's all there is to it, it's one of the ugly facets of human nature - and their vehemently-screamed, and tediously-repeated, denials of their own shortcomings are proof of those shortcomings. That proof is most notably proven when they spend their supposedly-super-valuable time going onto the bogs, FB pages, and so on, of those whom they claim are "inferior", to merely whine about how ever-so-very put-upon they are by the existence of, well, pretty much everyone else.

  26. pterochromics:
    Yeah, all of those fictitious drawbacks don't seem to deter everyone and his brother from wanting to live in Oakland, either. With the median price for a home at $687,600, even shitty landlords can't afford to buy here and rent to the kind of bogeymen our esteemed anon was fantasizing about any more.
    We're barely holding onto our nice two bedroom by the freeway with fruit trees in the back yard, but our landlord is a pretty good guy, so he probably won't pull any shenanigans to try and rent to someone else for twice the rent like he could if he wanted.
    And most of the poor neighborhoods where I used to live have been gentrified out of existence. There are giant condo farms in Dogtown, fergawdsakes.
    And in the neighborhoods that truly are dangerous, and I've lived in a few of them, they're selling houses to tech workers from the peninsula with six-figure salaries in the hopes that their money will somehow run the danger out and drive the property values up. By the numbers, it would seem that none of them have been killed yet, but give it time and some of them will. They're like the new shock troops of gentrification.
    We, the artists and musicians, were the old shock troops. We moved into neighborhoods where the rents were affordable on the money we got from our day jobs, and once there, did our best to try to make them some place you could actually live. Communities formed, more people moved in, rents went up, and we would have to move somewhere else and start the whole dance over again.
    But now all of the low-hanging fruit has already been used up, and they're down to selling houses in what they call "deep East Oakland" to unsuspecting techies who want to buy, but are confronted with the sort of prices and competition for spots that can keep you and your six-figure salary in limbo for a year while you look.
    Not the sort of situation you would expect to find were this the sort of hellhole our anon seems to believe results from having a diverse population.

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Rent, Rent, Rent...when will blacks understand the importance of home ownership.

    Blacks need to own where they live. It's quite simple, and you don't have to be a rich person to do so.
    Owning a home is an American Dream that American blacks have been bamboozled into believing is only for the rich and the whites.

    If you own where you live, and actually take pride in ownership, then when the ghetto that you live in gets gentrified by young pioneers then they'll be offering you top dollar to sell it to them.

    Blacks have been in this country for 400 years and still even rent the furniture in their homes (which keeps RENT -A -CENTER and the slum lords in business.

    Immigrants just getting here from 3rd world countries buy houses in a minute and even own the building where they open up stores.

    Wake up people.

  28. @Anon

    My Spidey sense tells me that you're not even a homeowner...

  29. Anonymous3:40 PM

    "If you own where you live, and actually take pride in ownership, then when the ghetto that you live in gets gentrified by young pioneers then they'll be offering you top dollar to sell it to them."

    Massive logic fail here.

    Any area in which property values are super duper cheap, to the point moderately low-income people could actually afford to buy them, is either:

    a) Located in a high-crime urban hellhole, in which case most sensible people with options would typically rather rent somewhere else and be safe, than buy real estate in that neighborhood and get shot.

    b) Located deep in redneckland, where the local Caucasian population is openly hostile to blacks, and which is never, ever going to get gentrified by rich people anyway.

  30. Losers need scapegoats...


    Especially those who stalk Black blogs and the people on them.

  31. 16 September 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  32. Anonymous5:16 PM

    For Blacks That Are Seeking Upward Mobility:

  33. There are lots and lots of black owned houses in Oakland. I have had four black landlords myself, one of whom came in and bought our little apartment complex, a series of duplexes in the woods between Humboldt Ave and Peralta Creek and improved the property for several years until today, ten years after I moved out, the apartments are renting for five times the rent I paid from 2002 until 2007.
    That was an interesting neighborhood when I lived there, right on the border between a mostly black and Hispanic area and a mostly Taiwanese and Chinese area. The only way you could tell who was who without knowing them was on holidays, when the Asians had far superior illegal fireworks...

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. Anonymous6:33 PM

    "There are lots and lots of black owned houses in Oakland. I have had four black landlords myself, one of whom came in and bought our little apartment complex, a series of duplexes in the woods between Humboldt Ave and Peralta Creek and improved the property for several years until today, ten years after I moved out, the apartments are renting for five times the rent I paid from 2002 until 2007."

    Sure, but I would just say, this is not addressing the bullshit point the troll was trying to make about poor black people digging their way out of poverty via home ownership.

    These black landlords are clearly not truly poor. Poor people, by definition, cannot afford to buy and rent out investment properties in addition to the home they actually live in. And, as landlords, they can buy and rent out the property in a crappy neighborhood and make money on it without having to be exposed to all the negatives of said crappy neighborhood. And, of course, they can sell it off at a profit when said crappy neighborhood gentrifies.

    All of which is great, but does not apply to poor people, who rent for a reason -- because they don't have any other realistic choices -- not because they're too stupid to realize they could have bought a home instead.

  35. If we have all slid down the passage way to life, what makes you so damn "supreme" over me? Did you come here clean, smelling like Chanel? I doubt that!! What is a damn "supremacist any way?? Have you bastards looked at each other when you get past 50? All of you look like you've been dug up from your graves. Including Trumpf!!!!!! You're nothing special, just a bunch of killers, haters, racists and ugly bastards. That's all you are. Products of the white genitalia; either "white" or "dog".

  36. This is another white fairytale. Poverty isn't the sacred province of African Americans. I understand that it soothes the fragile ego and feeds the mythology that allows and encourages you to rise and shine each morning. But it simply ain't true. Neither is there a Santa or Mrs. Claus. The Union Army won the war in 1865, and just as the public school system tells us; to the victor goes the spoils. Your opinions about us concerning whether we are ideal landlords, neighbors, or tenants has absolutely zero importance to us. What matters most is our opinion of ourselves.

  37. You call a racist a racist a racist gets upset you recognize their evil i went to school with her and you evil devils have selective amnesia the creator of all things does not

  38. If racist fascist devils didn't vote for trump he wouldn't have a base nor a non majority corporate sponsored electoral presidency hillbillies are bold enough to be evil and stupid

  39. @random

    Unfortunately lots of black folks voted for Trump as well, or were prevented from voting at all. Hard to believe that in the year 2017 we've still got an issue about voting rights.

  40. KEMELYEN, and anon@6:33:
    That was pretty much my point. Black people aren't all poor. I, a white guy who will never, ever, own a house, have had a few black landlords in the 33 years I've lived in and around Oakland.
    I will state for the record that the poor black people in Oakland are getting shit on in a big way right now. Neighborhoods they've lived and worked in for multiple generations are being "developed" right out from under them, and in my experience, they have a somewhat harder time than someone like myself in the cutthroat housing market, rental and purchase, when they do get displaced.

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. Yes Junior, Brother Field is truly an equal opportunity man. Speak your mind. West Coast we read you in the AM. It nice to know that for people so far from D.C. you guys are on the same page.

  42. Ms Hill spoke truth to power. Drumpfuck lies like a dog. POC built this Nation. Whitey Wingnuts are tearing it apart.

  43. @Mike & Anon: THANK YOU!!!!!

    And to you and fellow bloggers as well, here's something we might need to consider: The FN blog plus countless other liberal/progressive forums are enduring its share of inflammatory bots and RUSSIAN TROLLS.

    As such, please continue dismantling the misinsformation, alternative facts, and basically what comes down to blatant lies.

  44. pterochromics11:07 PM

    Anonymous said "Rent, Rent, Rent...when will blacks understand the importance of home ownership."

    - It's amazing that people who know nothing are always telling others what to do.
    - Buying is not automatically "always better" than renting, hence the phrase "house poor", which is what happens when people follow the advice of know-nothings, and sink all of their resources into a house, and then get hit with all of the costs that the know-nothings never tell you about.
    - Even *if* the price someone will offer you for your place does go up ((and that is not gauranteed)) and is more than what you paid, few people remember that there are also years' worth of maintenance, alterations, to the building and lot, plus either the purchase or rental of all the tools needed to do all of those things, or else the money that gets paid to someone else to do them. Most people also have to pay property taxes, and since few people pay cash, there also is the cost of mortgage insurance, plus property insurance AND liability ((in case some idjit sues you because s/he supposedly stumbled over a pebble on "your" section of the sidewalk)).
    - By the time the costs are *all* factored in, few people come out ahead. It only seems that way because selling a house puts the biggest bolus of cash most people will ever see, all at once into their hands.
    - AND even if you sell your place, you then have to fins somewhere else to live - thereby incurring all of the associated costs all over again. -
    - It *is* better than "buying" a new car every 2 or 3 years, but it is not automatically "the way out of poverty", and it's either ignorant, or else flat-out disingenuous, to push it as The Absolute Solution. Especially since poverty typically *precludes* buying property in the first place.
    - The advice of know-nothings, and money-for-nothing "mortgage brokers", is what led to the real estate crash. Buying a property should be done very carefully, and only after piles of research, calculation, and self-evaluation - because not all people are cut-out for doing all of the stuff which home ownership entails.
    - Then, too, given things like property and city etc. taxes, sewer fees, and so on, in a very real sense, one *still* is only renting the property from the city - anyone who doubts that need only stop paying all of those taxes and fees, and see what they "own" after the city boots them out of the house.
    - Oh, and a definite round of Kudos to KEMELYEN, who observed with complete accuracy that: "Poverty isn't the sacred province of African Americans. I understand that it soothes the fragile ego and feeds the mythology that allows and encourages you to rise and shine each morning. But it simply ain't true."
    - The irony of it is that many ((and no, I didn't say "all" - "many" is not the same thing as "all")) of the same people who endlessly bark and bray pretentiously about "Blacks 'choosing' to live in poverty" are themselves on the government dole, or among the working poor. And you're correct, since they don't have what it takes to figure out any way to "strike it rich", they feel better about their own situation if they can beeee-LEEEEV, no matter how delusionally, that there is an entire permanent "underclass" a few economic rungs below them consisting of people who are supposedly "inferior" and who supposedly "choose" to remain so.
    - It's petty, it's vindictive, and in the end, it's self-defeating, but it's another part of "human nature" to recreate the world in one's own self-image...

  45. Good points Ptero. Home ownership is generally desirable if it can be obtained within one's means. But it is certainly not an easy or inexpensive proposition. I thought I had won the lottery when I found an honest plumber that lived in my neighborhood. Only problem is he solid his business... So I found a new handyman. Good guy. He always tells me owning a home is like taking a second job. It's true, just cutting the grass, watering, caring for the garden, keeping everything nice. New dishwasher and fridge every ten years. New washer, dryer, water heater and a new roof every twenty years. It adds up. Plus, depending upon where you live or how long you have owned your home, property taxes alone may put you out-of-business. Plus, for a typical loan for a nice house in the suburbs, your payment may be upwards of $2,500 a month for thirty years. A whopping $900,000 for a house worth one half of that. Apartment living can actually bring a better quality of life for many. A pool and jacuzzi. Gymnasium. Proximity to the beach, parks or shopping. Ability to walk to someplace nice.

    That troll definitely does not own his home. I hope his mother owns her house. He is probably the same guy who said that all of the people who lost their homes in the 2008 mortgage crisis were POC and should never have received any type of mortgage whatsoever. He blamed the entire downfall on the people who were foreclosed.

  46. There is only one pathway out of poverty for the populace. That is slow and steady, hard-fought progress. It's brick by brick. Each child, each life. Many victories, triumphs and sacrifices will be required. But since 50% of the power belongs to the obstructionist republican party, that progress has stalled out.

  47. If you are racist you're evil

  48. And I read a lot of cowardly evil comments from albinos that have been given a continuous anonymous I'm not close enough to your larynx to rip it out to be as evil as they can

  49. I don't listen to evil albinos think they're words carry more weight than there deed i know your devils by your actions why would I believe anything you say most of you are as bold as your fake ass names

  50. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Re: Home ownership
    Owning and maintaining property is not a difficult task. You have to pay for where you live regardless of whether you own it or not. It's always better to "own where you live" for reasons too numerous to mention (do your homework and find out why). After 400 years of servitude black folks should know this.

    White kids are taught from birth to start putting away their money early and use it towards home ownership. Most white men would rather die and go to hell rather than to bring a bride back to a rented apt. And whether married or not... they purchase something by the time they are 30.

    Blacks have been brainwashed to believe that they can't even afford to own a condo. A black veteran who served our country and is eligible for a VA Loan (which requires no downpayment) is still living paying $1500 a month for a sub standard apt for the past 15 years because he doesn't realize he could have purchased a "move in ready" home for the same damn price and been half way to owning it.

    Blacks only become subject to predatory lending when they do not read. They do not educate themselves. And they don't read the fine print. A 30 yr fixed rate mortgage is always better than an adjustable rate mortgage. That way your payments stay the same for 30 years and do not increase making your monthly mortgage payments unaffordable.

    As stated in a speech by Willie Lynch (a white slave owner sent to the colonists to teach slave owners how to keep their slaves in line: "As long as you enslave the MINDS of black can release their physical chains and still have them thinking, acting, and believing as slaves!"

    P.S. Instead of aimlessly searching for honest plumbers...look for licensed and certified master plumbers that do their own work and don't send sub standard inexperienced handymen to your may spend a little more but it's worth it. It'll be done correctly the first time. After all, you get what you pay for.

    Also, when seeking a service you should always request their license numbers and check to c if their license for the service they provide is still current. If the service that they provide also requires that they be insured, you have the right to ask to see their insurance and you have the right to check to c if their insurance policy is still current. People are professionals in the business they provide should have no problem giving you this information. AVOID SHIFTLESS, LAZY, UNPROFESSIONAL PEOPLE. It's a very simple and easy process.

  51. Anonymous8:53 AM


  52. Limpaw- this one's fer ewe.

    and the rest of the wall building dildos.

  53. Anonymous11:36 AM

    If you are progressive Center Left you are evil.

    1. Yet another parents basement racist terrorist give it name bitch ignore that your kind has been perpetual evil coward. Your very being depends on coming to a black website you and your type are fixated on the very things you claim to hate, your a clown at best a lifeless racist who can do no better than eavesdropping on conversations that your not meant to hear or read

  54. It sounds to me like you have all been drinking the proverbial kool aid and don't even understand the industry. Long story short; the bank always wins and is shielded from risk/loss via insurance. Mortgages are packaged, rated, and sold internationally because they are hugely profitable. I've been in the industry for nearly 16 years. Is that your bubble I hear bursting?....

  55. "White kids are taught from birth to start putting away their money early and use it towards home ownership. Most white men would rather die and go to hell rather than to bring a bride back to a rented apt. And whether married or not... they purchase something by the time they are 30."

    I have literally never met anyone who even slightly conforms to this fairy tale of a statement.
    Now if you were to substitute the word "rich" for the word "white" you might have a usable path out of the fiction zone, but even then declarative statements in such generalities aren't really worth much.

    -Doug in Oakland

  56. "It's always better to "own where you live" for reasons too numerous to mention (do your homework and find out why)."

    Not necessarily. I've had this argument numerous times with friends and family who argue that owning real estate is the be all end all but there are times that renting is better. One example is a buddy who lost his shirt after the housing market collapsed and another home was in Louisiana during Katrina. Sure you can say those are extreme examples but if rents are reasonable you can save up to $1,000 per month by not having to pay property taxes. Now if you bank or properly invest that grand a month over the years you come out as well as any home owner. Cash and liquidity have their place. My question is always would you rather have a house worth $200,000 or that in cash? I'll take option B 9 out of 10 times.

    1. Not to imply taxes alone make mortgages a grand more expensive per month but the cumulative effect of taxes, insurance, maintenance ect. You get the point.

  57. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Re: Blacks becoming homeowners

    "Enslave their minds and they will remain slaves even after you take off their chains..."

  58. Re: Blacks becoming homeowners

    "Enslave their minds and they will remain slaves even after you take off their chains..."

    Own a home and then what? There are soooooo many ways to break the chains owning a home is a small step.

  59. Anonymous7:02 PM

    What is 'House Poor'

    A house poor is a situation that describes a person who spends a large proportion of his or her total income on home ownership, including mortgage payments, property taxes, maintenance and utilities. House poor individuals are short of cash for discretionary items and tend to have trouble meeting other financial obligations like vehicle payments.

    Read more: House Poor
    Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook


  60. Anonymous11:49 PM

    How To Use Section 8 Toward Home Ownership

  61. Anonymous3:20 AM

    And keep in mind home ownership isn't the be all end all. A healthy bank account and retirement fund make life easier.


  62. Anonymous3:23 AM


  63. pterochromics2:33 PM

    - The fantasies that get propagated here about The Wonderful World of Whiteness never fail to boggle my mind. One aspect of leaving one's insular small town is that one sees the realities of how most other people actually live.
    - As I wrote elsewhere today, I've lived in 8 US states and have had extended stays in a few others, and I've lived in 2 Canadian provinces. The fact is that there is NO such thing as the Wonderful World of Whiteness that certain people endlessly prattle and babble about. I say that as a very-white person.
    - Their delusional focus on "race" denies the =proven fact= that poverty is a vicious cycle, because of *known and proven* factors that *can* be changed, and which, when changed, =do= in fact create equal access to opportunity.
    - Malnourishment permanently denies equal access to opportunity because, regardless of "race", a child who is malnourished from conception onwards cannot develop to his or her full physical, INCLUDING full brain/mental, capacity. That is a known and proven fact.
    - Racists just loooooove to babble ignorantly about IQ ((which itself is only ONE aspect of intelligence)) while deliberately ignoring the entirety of biochemistry, physiology, and really, the realities of the physical universe in general.
    - The fact is that, even if only on an unadmitted and subconscious level, they fricking well KNOW that what they say is bogus - BUT if they *admit* it's bogus, they're afraid they might have to do something about improving the situation. Which means, they piss themselves in absolute terror that they might have to "give up" something like a whole nickel or - OH NO HORROR OF HORRORS!!! - a dime a day, YEESH...
    - It's like the issue of global warming. You know what the most effective way was to get people to reject conservation? It was the endlessly-repeated "joke" ((which eventually became a beeeeeee-LEEEEEF)) that "lih-broolz all want to make everyone live in caves and give up soap". That soon turned into the claim that "lih-brooolz all wanna take away people's trucks and make everyone drive around in a trash-can-ob-wheels". Also bullshit, but it appealed to miserliness and selfishness.
    - Equal opportunity is rejected, and racism embraced, on the basis of
    the same sort of bullshit propaganda.
    - Racism is only one of the things used to keep us non-plutocrats fighting one-another like hungry rats in a box...

  64. Bold, James Bold3:15 PM

    ""Whitey made all these things out of wilderness"..that's classic."

    Big truths usually are classic.  You, on the other hand, believe you're all that and a bag of chips based on easily-debunked lies.  You think you built this entire country, when you weren't even present in most of it when it was built.  There weren't any Africans on the Oregon Trail; the territory and then the state banned Africans from living there.  Practically every craft your artisans practiced was invented by Whites.  You think shoemaking was invented by African tribes who go around barefoot?  You think some Black clown invented "the" traffic signal?  You think some Black engineer was essential to designing the IBM PC, when Woz and Jobs had built the RAM refresh function into their video generator years before?  SRSLY?  You're deluded.

    If you could build anything, Africa would be a high-tech powerhouse and Detroit wouldn't have thousands of abandoned and decaying buildings.

    "You are incredible at capturing the very societal thread that percolates just under the surface in our country, and other countries as well. You've got the blame game down pat as well as selective history revision. Understand, I'm not saying these words to insult you, I find it refreshing that you are able to present your point of view clearly and unapologetically. Give it to us right between our eyes...It's what we need."

    "Selective history revision."  That's a good one.  Maybe you should try checking some pre-Marxist revision sources for facts on a few things.  I suggest an Encyclopedia Britannica printed sometime before 1960.  You'll see which facts have been revised, or created out of whole cloth.

    But you'll never do this, because your whole pose here is a lie and you know it.  You know the truth, but cannot speak it in public.  If you believed what you say, you'd be working overtime to get away from the "racism" and "oppression" you say is holding you back.  You'd be headed back to Africa to be away from Whitey.  Instead, you adamantly refuse to do this.

    Your actual behavior shows that you understand just where all the goodies in the world came from—and that it wasn't you.  The gross disconnect between what you say and your revealed preferences is one of the funniest things about this blog.

    "The problems which they CLAIM is genetic in "non-white", are problems of POVERTY."

    Poorest White town in the USA has lower crime than the richest Black town.  When welfare was used to improve the living standards of the poor, crime went UP.  Giving blacks money puts their children roughly on par with the poorest Whites.

    If believing libtard bullshit wasn't so destructive, it would be hilarious.

  65. Bold, James Bold3:19 PM

    "they are usually the same people who also reject Science, and facts in general, because it's easier to blame one's frustrations and failures and bad choices on "immuhgrintz, cullurdz, an lihbroolz", rather than bruising their frail-yet-overinflated egos. They prefer to shout over, or shoot, anyone who *dares* to point out their errors."

    Yeah, like any Marxist propagandist has been shouted down by right-wingers in this century.  Meanwhile, Antifa and BLM have shut down many speeches and issued death threats.  Everything you say is total projection.

    "Malnourishment permanently denies equal access to opportunity because, regardless of "race", a child who is malnourished from conception onwards cannot develop to his or her full physical, INCLUDING full brain/mental, capacity. That is a known and proven fact."

    I don't think you quite thought this through.  Long after welfare had made certain that no woman with children was under-nourished in the USA, the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study found that changing the parents—and inevitably the diets—of Black children did not change their mental capacity.

    "Oh, but they were malnourished (or drugged, or whatever) in utero!" I hear you saying.  Think THAT through.  The only way to stop that is to put all Black women under strict supervision of diet and everything else (like, you know, a prison?) or sterilize them to end the problem at the source.

    The great thing about sterilization is that is ends the transmission of genetic deficiencies too.

    "The fact is that, even if only on an unadmitted and subconscious level, they fricking well KNOW that what they say is bogus - BUT if they *admit* it's bogus, they're afraid they might have to do something about improving the situation."

    As opposed to blaming an entire race for things they did nothing to create and can't do anything about... like Black stupidity, low impulse control and lack of empathy.  If you stopped blaming non-Marxist White people for that, you'd lose all your power over them.  And that, my colored-winged comrade, would IMMENSELY benefit them.

    It might even benefit Black people, by making it possible to stop trying to "fix" them.  Just separate from them and let them be what they are.  Problem solved.

  66. James is weird and dumb5:29 PM

    And how about you seperate from us James? No one wants to read your idiotic ramblings. Now take your weird ass somewhere and rub a cat's butt bald.

    150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

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