Saturday, October 14, 2017


                         Image result for trump  images

I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from huffington


  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    skinny man with blond weave questions God "why can't I get sex?"

  2. Anonymous10:00 PM

    An AP photographer captured Ann Coulter's last moments, as she pretended to be a Christian ... right before the lightning bolt struck her.

  3. Anonymous10:26 PM

    "No one hates white America more than those who owe their very existence to us."

  4. The Gorgon prayed, but not for forgiveness.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. pterochromics10:31 PM

    - "Lord please let me keep finding more suckers so I can buy the yacht I deserve!"

    ((In the background, we hear Janis Joplin's rendition of: "Oh lord, woncha buy me a mer-ce-des benz..."))

  6. Former UCLA DB and KR shows the proper technique for returning punts.

  7. Angelo11:53 PM

    When Hillary was asked if her husband's actions were comparable to Weinstein's she said "Close, but no cigar."

  8. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Why are libtards so obtuse??

  9. "I offer my thoughts and prayers to Cthulhu. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"

  10. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Why are conservatards so fucking stupid??

  11. My erection is this big

  12. Limpbaugh4:24 AM

    A stopped clock is right twice a day. Coulter predicted Trump would win and she got pissed when Trump bombed Syria.

  13. Limpbaugh4:39 AM

    by the way, the interviewer in that link is about as ignorant as they come. And soon after Trump bombed Syria, ISIS was blamed for a gas attack in Iraq, and ISIS lured children to side of an evacuation bus with potato chips and blew them up. There wasn't much coverage of those things, but the MSM loved Trump when he bombed Syria. Brian "I was there" Williams came in his pants.

  14. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Just a reminder:

    It's October 15th and Puerto Rico ���� is still thoroughly screwed:

    *64% of customers have water service

    *15% have electricity service

    *24% of cellular antennas are operational

    *Huge numbers of buildings have been destroyed

    And Donald Trump is helpfully reminding Puerto Ricans that the federal government can't keep FEMA/military/aid workers in PR "forever," even though they have only been there for a couple of freaking weeks so far.

    It's October 15th and the POTUS is still a festering pile of rat droppings.

  15. Oh, Lord of the Underworld, THANK YOU for giving us Trump!

  16. October 10th marks the 100th birthday of Thelonious Monk, one of the key monuments of jazz. He was a Force who lived in defiance of convention, even those within his own orbit, and the ripples of his musical influence reverberate even today.

    best sound quality:

    He was arrested in Delaware when he was "traveling with a white woman, when he was going to a gig, and the police pulled up and stopped him. That white woman was the Baroness Pannonica de Koenigswarter. She was a member of the powerful Rothschild family — and a jazz enthusiast. She became Monk's muse and patron, giving him money, driving him to gigs and letting him rehearse and record at her home."

    I would love to have been in that car when the cop pulled them over. OK, maybe not. Racism is so fucking bizarre, though.

  17. Lord, you fucking Commie POS, where's my dick this long to match my Adams Apple?

  18. Limpaw- ain't it a grand thing Americans have never slaughtered any children or civilians, anywhere in the world at any time?

  19. Anonymous11:26 AM

    "please stop the negroe violence in Chicago"

    Cynthia and John Trevillion, both longtime teachers at the Chicago Waldorf School in Rogers Park, were trying to catch a train at the Morse CTA station, a few blocks from their home, to meet up with friends Friday night.

    At the sound of rapid gunshots, John quickly dropped to the ground. But Cynthia, 64, didn’t make it in time. She was fatally hit in the head and pronounced dead at Presence St. Francis Hospital in Evanston just before 7:20 p.m. An autopsy Saturday determined she died of a gunshot wound to the head and neck and her death was ruled a homicide, officials said.

  20. Coulter went to the same law school as my sister, she loves it when I remind her of this fact. I'm such a great brother.


  22. Anymoose @ 11:26 a m forget to give attribution to Chicago Tribune for copy/pasting their first 2 paragraphs - pretty much.

    Victims of a drive by shooting.

  23. Coulter is still ugly as sin. Inside and out.

  24. BTW, Anymoose, didn't Drumpfuck send in the feds to put a stop to all the violence? Seems to me he did and has failed miserably, like he always does.

  25. Anonymous12:38 PM

    "God, you know I absolutely LOOOOVE, Adore and Worship Black Men.
    So either make me Black...
    Or... just send me the biggest, baddest, blackest, republican you can find!!!!"

  26. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Or... just send me the biggest, baddest, blackest, republican you can find!
    oxymoron, no such thing as a Black republican.

  27. Anonymous3:10 PM

    "So much grabbing you're going to get sick of it."

  28. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Somewhere there's a jealous giraffe!!!

  29. anotherbozo @8:31 is going to be hard to beat.

    There are some good ones, though.

    Anon@9:41 P.M., Doug @10:29 P.M., pterochromics @10:31, and Pilot @10:48 P.M. are all pretty good.

    '"No one hates white America more than those who owe their very existence to us."'

    There are a millions of dead slaves who would tend to disagree.

  30. Saw this at Dakota Free Press a couple of days ago. Drumpf troll who thinks just like Drumpfuck that everything is right as rain because Drumpfuck sez so.

    2017-10-13 at 20:27

    Oh, on your point about Puerto Rico: I talked to a Naval Officer there today, the restaurants are open, Walmart is busy, people are not starving, the homes have electricity and the SeaBees are searching for roads to clear without much luck.

    FEMA is only broadcasting positive happenings, nothing about the work left to do or the people doing without.

  31. "Pee away, Mr. President!"

  32. Anonymous8:19 PM

    "No one hates white America more than those who owe their very existence to us."

    Right, I wouldn't exist if not for the white man that raped my great grandmother, resulting in her pregnancy. True story.

  33. A little white goes a long way10:10 PM

    "Right, I wouldn't exist if not for the white man that raped my great grandmother, resulting in her pregnancy. True story."

    Well of course you wouldn't.

    And you are more intelligent because he did.

  34. pterochromics12:23 AM

    field negro said...

    '"No one hates white America more than those who owe their very existence to us."'

    There are a millions of dead slaves who would tend to disagree.

    - Not to mention millions of Amerinds, Asians, and so on.
    - These self-aggrandizing shitheads can go to hell. They are the most despicable narcissists imaginable - as if THEY PERSONALLY did *everything* with *their own hands*.
    - Um, no. Lots of people contributed to building America. What these hubris-filled intellectual incompetents are doing is NOT building - they are tearing down what **others** built. Every time they speak or write, they prove their utter disdain for, and rejection of, the Constitution. Oh, they can yip and yap about supposedly "loving" it, but everything else they do and say proves that they want to destroy it, and replace it with their dictatorship of everyone else.
    - And for all their blither, they even hate their own "race". The only thing they want is power for themselves, and they don't give a rat's crap how many of their "fellow whites" they kill or impoverish or destroy in the process, as long as they gain POWER and can go back to lynching innocent people based upon blatant lies, just because they LIKE to kill and WANT to kill, and beeeeLEEEEEV they have some "right" to kill. Beyond being racists, they simply hate pretty much everyone and everything.
    - That's it. That's what they really want. Power to kill. Power to take. Power to terrorize.

  35. Anonymous10:25 AM

    They think this world was created just for them

  36. Anonymous6:15 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Anymoose @ 11:26 a m forget to give attribution to Chicago Tribune for copy/pasting their first 2 paragraphs - pretty much.

    your so special.........

  37. pterochromics6:22 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    They think this world was created just for them
    10:25 AM

    - Some, to be sure. A lot seem to be pissed off because the world WASN'T created just for them! =:-o

  38. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Thank you, Lord, for defeating the Hillarybeast.

  39. Anonymous said...

    mike from iowa said...
    Anymoose @ 11:26 a m forget to give attribution to Chicago Tribune for copy/pasting their first 2 paragraphs - pretty much.

    your so special..

    and you are a plagiarist..
