Thursday, October 19, 2017

Defending the indefensible.

“Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

"In defending President Donald Trump's comments to the widow of a slain soldier, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly on Thursday undercut a stunning allegation levied by Trump against a member of Congress a day earlier.

On Wednesday morning, as the controversy over his call to the wife of Sgt. La David Johnson widened, Trump accused Rep. Frederica Wilson, a Florida Democrat, of lying about the details of the conversation -- in which he reportedly told Myeshia Johnson of her husband, "he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt."
"Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof)," Trump tweeted. "Sad!"

But there was no clear-cut evidence, like a recording, as White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders conceded on Wednesday after being pressed for details by CNN's Sara Murray -- only a handful of witnesses. One of them, she said, was Kelly. A day later, the chief of staff, who lost his own son in combat in Afghanistan, took the podium to provide new context.

Kelly spoke at length, and in detail, about what follows the death of a US soldier at war -- and the painstaking, awful banality of how the government delivers the news to their loved ones. He talked about his own experience and told reporters that Trump tried his level best to communicate warmly, with empathy, in his own calls.

"He called four people the other day to express his condolences in the best way that he could," Kelly said of the President. "And he said to me, 'What do I say?' I said to him, 'Sir, there is nothing you can do to lighten the burden on these families.'"

Kelly continued, recalling what he was told by Gen. Joseph Dunford, now chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, after his own son died, then, addressing the situation here, added that he was "stunned" and "broken-hearted" by Wilson's role in conveying the details of the call to the media.
"In his way," Kelly said of Trump, he "tried to express that opinion -- that (Johnson) is a brave man, a fallen hero. He knew what he was getting himself into because he enlisted. There's no reason to enlist, he enlisted. And he was where he wanted to be with exactly the people he wanted to be with when his life was taken. That was the message. That was the message that was transmitted."
The message received, however, was different. For whatever reason -- some kind of miscommunication, the President's own shortcomings -- it did not land as intended. We know that because the family, not just the politician, told us. Cowanda Jones-Johnson told CNN Wednesday that Wilson's account of the call was "very accurate."

But rather than own up to it, apologize, or simply move along, Trump chose to attack the messenger.
We know now, based on what Kelly said Thursday, that Wilson's account was not "totally fabricated"
-- and are left with still more reason to believe Trump's accusation was." [Source]

Of course it was. Mr. trump, once again, was caught in a lie. He will provide no proof because there is none.

Remember when he said that he would provide proof that former president Obama was born in Kenya?

What was sad was watching General Kelly up there trying to defend the man who politicized the death of his son.

Instead of imploring Mr. trump to call the widow of Sgt Johnson and apologize, he was up there making excuses for inexcusable. 

Sadly, it just goes to show you how far some people will go to protect supremacy and hold on to power.

*Pic from 



  1. Anonymous11:36 PM

    "At this point in time, what difference does it make?"

  2. Anonymous11:45 PM

    "He talked about his own experience and told reporters that Trump tried his level best to communicate warmly, with empathy, in his own calls."

    I'm sure Trump did try his best. He's just really bad at appearing to have empathy, because he doesn't genuinely have any. It's like a dog trying to do multi-variable Calculus or speak Mandarin. Basic empathy is way outside his abilities.

    People are making long-distance psychiatric assessments of Trump, diagnosing him as a malignant narcissist. Which seems quite accurate. Our president's reaction to any concern that is brought to his attention? "Enough about you. What about me?"

    Maybe voters could get past a cold-hearted lack of compassion if they thought the president were a really competent manager. They could say, "Okay, he's not warm and cuddly, but at least he knows what he's doing in terms of governmental policy."

    But Trump has no idea what he's doing. He's flailing and clueless AND a racist, sexist, narcissistic, greedy, lying asshole. There are no redeeming qualities to be found.

  3. Anonymous11:51 PM


  4. Anonymous11:53 PM

    2017 Race of Victim/Assailant

    Self Defense

  5. Winning!12:06 AM

    Wow, Field is desperately trying to spin this PR disaster involving a rodeo clown congresswoman's disgusting smear of the President.

    Smells. Like. Victory!

  6. As horrible as the press around this is, please remember that Fergus chose it as the focus of this story.

    Why would he willingly appear to be so awful, someone who would call a family grieving a soldier killed on a mission over which he was the commander in chief liars on national TV?

    Why would he still not release a statement about the actual event that got those soldiers killed, even when he's being roasted in the media for not doing so after all of this time?

    Perhaps he would rather talk about literally anything else, including what a despicable moron he is, than the events that led up to the ambush of that patrol in Niger.

    It seems that in the fight against terrorism in that part of the world, our best partner is Chad. Not just our best partner, but France's best partner, Mali's best partner, Nigeria's best partner, and Niger's best partner. They have the most experienced and effective military in the region, and when Boko Haram or the Islamic State shows up in any of those countries and starts getting a foothold, the country where they are fights against them always with the help of Chad's military.
    Chad doesn't have that much of a terrorism problem itself, partly because of its military, but its neighboring countries do, and Chad has been serious about suppressing it in the region, and its soldiers have been securing the safety of villages in neighboring countries for years now.
    Or they had been until the end of September when Fergus put them on the list of countries in his Muslim ban.
    That's when they pulled their military out of Niger, the end of September, the week before our guys were ambushed by the assholes they had been there to keep in check.

    So yeah, president bumblefuck would likely rather suck a dick on national television than admit that he is so fucking stupid that he went on with his stunt of a Muslim ban against the vehement opposition of everyone who knew anything about that part of the world, including the former expert on Chad at the state department who said that putting Chad on that list "could put Americans in harm's way."

    Wrong again, Fergus. You own this shit now, and every new low in public behavior you use to try and avoid said ownership when you are the motherfucking president of the United States only reinforces what 65 million of us have been saying for two years now: you have no business running anything at all. You are not fit to run the bingo game at the old folk's home, much less the United States of America, and you should really step down before you disgrace yourself and your country even more.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous12:29 AM

    How can anyone be as completely clueless as Doug is?


  8. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Apparently, Chad ended up on Trump's idiotic Muslim-ban list because -- well, because they're Muslims, of course, but also because of this nonsense:

    Chad Added To Trump's Travel Ban Partly Because It Ran Out Of Passport Paper

  9. DNC marching orders lol

    1. Josh is a bitch2:50 AM

      And you get your RNC marching orders chica

  10. Yeah, the passport paper bullshit, but also because they're trying to get Exxon to pay taxes there, and our current secretary of state is Rex Tillerson.

    -Doug in Oakland

  11. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Clinton is finished. That bitch is going to jail.

    The NFL* is finished. No one wants to watch trained monkeys chase balls anymore.

    The left is finished. Everyone sees you for the spoiled babies that you are.

    Making America great has never been so fun ... wonder what 2018 will bring?

    *Negro Felon League

  12. Anonymous2:22 AM

    @ Anon 12:29 -

    How can anyone be as dumb as Doug? Well, start by doing a shitload of drugs. Then spend your entire life in the SF Bay Area.

    And voila! Shit for brains!

  13. StillaPanther25:43 AM

    There is a difference even among the same. Same soldiers, difference outcomes.

    What do we expect from a cowardly draft dodging man. Sad is watching a general of the Marines carrying water for the coward. White supremacy supplants esprit de Corp. or what ever the term is for alligence to the brotherhood. You got to ponder what general of any worth would serve a draft dodger that stated he was smarter than them. Other than to protect their gun dealers and war profiteers, I see no rational reasoning for their presence. Again, white supremacy.

    Now follow me for two minutes whilst I spin my yarn. I, after missing the thrill of combat and death and destruction, went back in the Army in 1980 an d was assigned to 5th Special Forces , Ft Bragg NC. And supported the Green Berets as a recruitment NCO. So I have had a close and personal relationship with Special Forces. First and foremost, they look out for their own. Other Military personnel is below thie dignity to fully respect. In other words in this present situation. sSgt Johnson was a support person that had little value to the team. That may be why they left his Black aszout there. Wherever there is there. Also Special Forces is white men at their most supremist being.. maybe that is why Donald felt he could talk to this Black dead soldier any kind of way. After all USA troops was not looking for the guy. These white men thought the Brother has fled during the firefight.

    And yes I know about firefights. I probably had more combat than the three weak ass generals that sucking Donald’s ask in one day in all know where. Reply only if you have personal knowledge about firefights and white Special Forces and Seal teams. Let me know how many Black men you guys got any respect for. Exclude the ones that are trying to be you,

  14. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Proverb...(Author Unknown)

    "If You're Not Part Of The Solution,
    Then You're Part Of The Problem."

    Looks like POTUS told General Kelly "he knew what he was signing up for" and forced him to humiliate himself in public yesterday.

    Yes folks, children are running the country.

  15. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Re: StillaPanther2 at 5:43 AM ....The following is an EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT point.

    "What do we expect from a cowardly draft dodging man. Sad is watching a general of the Marines carrying water for the coward. White supremacy supplants esprit de Corp. or what ever the term is for alligence to the brotherhood. You got to ponder what general of any worth would serve a draft dodger that stated he was smarter than them. Other than to protect their gun dealers and war profiteers, I see no rational reasoning for their presence. Again, white supremacy."

  16. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Re: The "White Boys" Uproar About NFL Kneelers

    ...Looks like after the white boys destroy and bury their favorite American past time they will make way for the real football game which is SOCCER. You know, the one played throughout the WORLD.

    So, white boys, you'll need to start learning a language other than English.

  17. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Trump is still Obama's legacy.

  18. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Hillary broke a cloven hoof and Field post this crap. Geez...

  19. He expressed his condolences in the best way that he could?? This is what a special needs president looks like.

  20. Anonymous9:47 AM

    So, white boys, you'll need to start learning a language other than English.
    7:16 AM


  21. Yeah, but, HRC dodged the draft, too, and liberals never say a damn thing about it. It is always the lily white, stinking coward whitey wingnuts they give hell to. Like shit fer cologne, admitted child molestor Nugent and Rmoney and Raygun, and Drumofuck.

    Anytime you got a Drumpfuck on the phone is a good time to record or have witnesses because you know Drumpfuck will lie about sooner rather than later.

  22. ...Looks like after the white boys destroy and bury their favorite American past time they will make way for the real football game which is SOCCER.

    Oh noes, whitey wingnuts thought you meant sock her which is a delightful pasttime for pansy ass whitey wingnuts who are afraid of their own shadows unless they be armed like the fucking Marines. Woman beaters all?

  23. Anonymous10:15 AM


    This is what Trump said to Sgt. Johnson's widow:

    "They know the risk, they know what they signed up for but they still volunteer to put their lives on the line for their fellow Americans. We owe them a debt that can never be repaid".

    Sgt. Johnson's widow got the same call that the families of the three other soldiers who were killed got.

    Why are you letting yourself be manipulated by those who wish stir hate?

  24. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Pizza Gate is real.

  25. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Here's another story to file under "Lying Trump And The Liars Who Work For Him":

    In attack on Frederica Wilson over Trump’s call to widow, John Kelly gets facts wrong

  26. Bill Clinton sought his wife's State Department’s permission to meet with Russian nuclear official during Obama uranium decision:

    As he prepared to collect a $500,000 payday in Moscow in 2010, Bill Clinton sought clearance from the State Department to meet with a key board director of the Russian nuclear energy firm Rosatom — which at the time needed the Obama administration’s approval for a controversial uranium deal, government records show.

    Arkady Dvorkovich, a top aide to then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and one of the highest-ranking government officials to serve on Rosatom’s board of supervisors, was listed on a May 14, 2010, email as one of 15 Russians the former president wanted to meet during a late June 2010 trip, the documents show.

    1. Sean Hannity1:16 PM

      We can do without the fake news from Fox trying to divert attention from the dead soldiers in Niger. Thanks tick tock.

  27. Fauxknee Noise lead wasn't about Drumpf's deplorable call to a Vet's widow, no they went apeshit over a Mississippi school being renamed for the greatest Potus in our lifetime-Obama.

    3 whitey wingnut white racists opened fire on protesters in Florida, yesterday and now face attempted murder charges among other charges. The shooter was a convicted felon who had no right to be armed. But. don't you just know, it's them damn libs that cause responsible village idiots with guns to go postal on unarmed protesters?

  28. for-harvey-relief-funds-residents-in-texas-town-must-vow-not-to-boycott-israel

    Defending the indefensible?

  29. Fake News Update2:05 PM

    Yes, State department documents detailing the Clinton's sale of US uranium assets for personal gain be damned! Let's focus on the shameful political manipulation of the President's phone call to a fallen soldier's widow!

    1. Dead Soldier4:27 PM

      So we shouldn't care when US soldiers are killed in a nation we are not at war with? Misdirection at its finest. Where is Dead Ambassador when you need him? Yoohoo DA, where are you? Fox goes on and on for years about Bengauzee but not a peep about the Niger ambush. Fucking shameful and you know it!

  30. Russians transferred advanced portable refrigeration technology to the Marshallese.

    Indefinite ability to store human meat =unlimited attack radius.

  31. mfi @ 2:20 is a troll.

    Clinton selling uranium for contributions has been debunked ever since wingnuts in caves first learned to scratch their nuts back in the stone age.


    Go Suck is as bad as Americans figured. No defending the indefensible way wingnuts stole Obama's appointment.

  33. pterochromics2:53 PM

    Field Negro said...
    "Sadly, it just goes to show you how far some people will go to protect supremacy and hold on to power."

    - And that holds true no matter how pathetically petty and insignificant that perceived power might be. The truly pathetic part, as I see it, is that the people who lust after power the most, always seem to be the ones who lack any power over their own spirits, minds, and actions. I suppose it's a sort of "overcompensation" to pursue "power" - meaning, in essence, control - over others, as a way to try, albeit unsuccessfully, to hide and "make up for" that lack of personal power, personal control.
    - The saddest part is that we see it over and over, every day:
    vindictive paranoiacs wasting their lives
    ((because that's what time and effort *is*: one's life))
    spewing pseudoscience and magical thinking and grade-school-level "insults" in a vain effort to prevent the proverbial tide from rising and to maintain their delusions of majority and superiority.

  34. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Hate to break it to you pathetic trolls, but the Hillary Clinton uranium story is just as bogus as it's ever been.

    Also, and here's the really important part, Hillary Clinton doesn't matter anymore. Her career is over. Even if she were convicted of the most heinous crimes imaginable, it wouldn't in any way save Trump's flabby orange ass. The dollar-store despot can tweet all he wants about "Crooked Hillary," but the only people that give a damn about that junk are the backwoods inbred Klanboy fanboys who make up his base.

    Meanwhile, back in reality, Trump's approval ratings continue to fall, and Mueller's investigation continues to catalog his crimes. His days are numbered.

  35. pterochromics3:04 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    mfi @ 2:20 is a troll.

    Clinton selling uranium for contributions has been debunked ever since wingnuts in caves first learned to scratch their nuts back in the stone age.

    - Sadly, de-evolution is as operative as is evolution...

  36. Hang the traitors3:13 PM

    "Also, and here's the really important part, Hillary Clinton doesn't matter anymore"

    Bill impeached and disbarred for perjury: "Move On"

    Hillary busted lying to country over Benghazi: "What difference does it make?"

    Hillary destroys subpoenaed server: "Let it go"

    This time, let's not walk away from justice.

  37. Pay for play3:15 PM

    pterochromics said...
    "Clinton selling uranium for contributions has been debunked"

    When and how has this ever been "debunked"?

    Please explain.


    Pay vewwy cwose attention to the timelines. They'll teach you something.


    Here is a newer debunking which includes the shit flowing from Drumpfuck's shitty mouth. Just trying to get attention away from Drumpf's imminent castration with a dull knife and no-salve.

  40. Wouldn't it be a revelation if HRC finally had enough of right wing lies to go ......... what's that word I'm looking for? Has something to do with the post office or something. Anyway, you get the idea. Wingnuts would be suing America for common sense gun control legislation and demanded the NRA be burnt at the stake.


  41. Anonymous Hang the traitors said. bleeech!

    Tsk, tsk, tsk, another easily debunkable lie about a Clinton.

    While Clinton can no longer practice law in front of the highest court, it’s not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas. Clinton’s license was suspended in Arkansas, but he was not disbarred, and while Clinton did face the possibility of being barred from arguing in front the U.S. Supreme Court, he resigned before the ruling was handed down.

    On his last day in office in 2001, Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license in order to head off any criminal charges for lying under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky. Clinton has been eligible to seek reinstatement of his license since 2006, but as of 2013 he had not applied to do so.

    Shortly after Clinton’s license was suspended in Arkansas, the U.S. Supreme Court suspended Clinton from presenting cases in front of the highest court (which he had never done) and gave him 40 days to contest his disbarment (which Clinton did not do). Instead, he resigned from the Supreme Court bar:

    I love bursting wingnut bubbles.

  42. Dead Soldier4:34 PM

    Are you fucking kidding me? The deadliest attack on our military personel and Fox is talking about Loretta Lynch's meeting with Bill Clinton? Who the fuck cares? Jesus, conservatives are masters of hypocrisy!

    1. Dead Soldier4:42 PM

      *deadliest attack on US military personel during the trump administration.

  43. Perspective:

    "NEW DELHI (AP) — Environmental pollution — from filthy air to contaminated water — is killing more people every year than all war and violence in the world. More than smoking, hunger or natural disasters. More than AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined.

    One out of every six premature deaths in the world in 2015 — about 9 million — could be attributed to disease from toxic exposure, according to a major study released Thursday in the Lancet medical journal. The financial cost from pollution-related death, sickness and welfare is equally massive, the report says, costing some $4.6 trillion in annual losses — or about 6.2 percent of the global economy."

    Two words: Scott Pruitt.

    -Doug in Oakland

  44. Doug's bubble burster8:01 PM

    The Lancet is garbage, but I'll give you two words back:

    "Not America".

    Deaths from pollution are something that happens in countries without environmental laws, like China, India, and most African countries.

  45. Anonymous8:21 PM

    "Deaths from pollution are something that happens in countries without environmental laws, like China, India, and most African countries."

    Jesus fucking Christ, how can anyone be this dumb?

    Of course there are far more deaths due to pollution in countries with filthy air like China. But that does not mean the United States is pollution-free! With the crap that is coming out the tailpipes of millions of internal combustion vehicles alone, there are guaranteed to be many American deaths every year due to cancer and lung diseases, etc.

    Unfathomable levels of ignorance here ...

  46. Niger attack is Obama's fault. If Obama hadn't been playing golf during Katrina, Drumpf wouldn't have felt the need to duplictae Obama's callous disregard for human suffering by playing golf during Maria. Then he could have given special attention to troops Obama forced him to get killed in Niger.

    On a whole other level, Drumpfuck's dumbfuck economists claim that huge taxcuts for korporate ameika will raise pay by $4000 bucks. Not in this universe. Just another lie so wingnuts can lavish more wealthy on the ungodly rich at the expense of everyone else.

  47. At a really tired 71, if Drumpf can't do empathy by now (he can't except for himself) he will never learn empathy. Bet he doesn't do windows, either.

  48. "Are you fucking kidding me? The deadliest attack on our military personel and Fox is talking about Loretta Lynch's meeting with Bill Clinton? Who the fuck cares? Jesus, conservatives are masters of hypocrisy!"

    It's what they do.

    They even had a fake war hero on earlier praising trump.

  49. The US was in the top ten countries on the list of most citizens killed prematurely by pollution.

    -Doug in Oakland

  50. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Sadly, white people (especially white men) suffer from such an inexplicable inferiority complex that they go insane with fear whenever they encounter an articulate, intelligent, coherent, intellectual, calm, and professional TRUTHFUL black person.

    Trump is a classic example and now Kelly can be added to the "basket of deplorables."

    They will, lie, cheat, and do worse (more unspeakable) things to discredit anyone of color to try and make themselves appear superior....but they are not fooling ANYONE!!!!!

    Congresswoman unleashed a "can of whip ass" on all of the White House cronies. So now they are trying to squirm out of it by adding on another pack of lies.

    The deplorables are more interested in bigotry and discrediting blacks in this un-United States than they are in getting answers from their president about what happened to our soldiers.

    ...But then again, to them, TRUMP is their "Great White Hope.

  51. Anonymous10:35 PM



  52. Why do so many evil albino devils feel the need to come to this blog seriously

  53. Anonymous6:19 AM

    In Germany, Hitler lied to the Germans and convinced and brainwashed them that Jews were "less than animals" and not worth keeping alive (and these were white Jews). They believed him and killed 6 million of them.

    Even with actual film footage, and living proof of Jews being raped, starved, gassed and killed. Even with Nazi soldiers making films showing factories that used the skin of dead Jews to make lamp shades...the haters still (to this day) say that it is fake news and never happened.

    When the brain is manipulated it doesn't believe what it sees with its own eyes.
    When the brain is manipulated it doesn't believe what it hears with its own ears.

    The same principle has been applied here in the good old U S of A towards people who "look" black, brown, or beige. it started with slavery and continues today.

  54. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Hey Russia, China, and North Korea don't worry. You can keep on doing what you've been doing.

    A black person telling the truth is more threatening to these American white guys than the 3 of you put together.

  55. Anonymous6:51 AM

    dodging the draft 5 times...
    insulting and degrading a veteran war hero battling brain cancer
    insulting and degrading gold star families
    colluding with Russians to win an American election
    ignoring a constitutional amendment

    ...and you say that kneeling NFL players should be fired by their owners for being unpatriotic.
    You should be fired by your owners (the American people) for being unpatriotic.

    Hell, the only one being unpatriotic, unAmerican, and disrespectful to our flag and country is the POTUS

    But then again it's not about's all about RACE and the white man's fear of becoming EXTINCT.

  56. Anonymous11:27 AM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  57. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Bernie 2020!

  58. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Kanye 2020!

  59. Anonymous5:02 PM

    James Bold mom 2020!

  60. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Bernie 2020!
    4:59 PM lose again

  61. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Kanye 2020!
    5:00 PM

    Go ahead and run him.....FAIL

  62. James Bold's mom 2020!9:32 PM lose again
    giggle? I knew trump supporters were little bitches!
