Friday, October 20, 2017

Night off.

MORE DISCLAIMERSI'm off tonight field hands. Hopefully I will be with you again tomorrow.

That is if the North Koreans don't nuke us while we sleep.


  1. The Trumpening9:57 PM

    You deserve a night off, Field. It's got to be hard chasing after the latest desperate fake news smear of Trump day after day, especially when they never amount to anything. Outrage porn wears you out, as does continually losing. Just relax in the nice quiet white neighborhood you live in and be thankful we have a President who is working to Make America Great Again!

  2. I know that Nazis were evil because I saw a movie about it that was made by jews who literally fuck children.

  3. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Keep up the great work! As usual, you're the BEST!

    Enjoy the evening off.

  4. StillaPanther210:47 PM

    Now I saw Gen. Marks explaining what Gen. Kelly said. White people will always have the last word in regards to any situation of dispute. After all they had 350 years of Blacks having to subdue their feelings and thoughts in all dealings with them. In this latest scuff we now have a president hiding behind generals that are attacking BLACK people that they have anointed as less than people.

    Look at the list that Trump has attacked in the Black race . Football players that by design are subservient to white owners. Young female sportscaster. Female congresswoman. You guys know the list. It is funny that he did no “tweettack of any man. Other than white males, he is a wimp . The president has the opportunity to blast Mr. Mathis. Or continue to hide behind the Hide. Hide behind K.I.A.

  5. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Myeshia Johnson, Sgt. David Johnson's widow, has confirmed President Trump's version of the phone call, and criticized Frederica Wilson's politicization of her husbands death.

    So you all can apologize to the President now.

  6. How lunatic and stupid must liberals be to have really believed Trump gets on the phone with families who've lost sons and husbands to war and says "Listen to me, your punk-ass boy knew exactly what he signed up for, bitch"?

    Yet they believed this. They actually believed this lunatic narrative.

  7. So now the stated and official policy of the Trump administration is lie, double down, and when confronted with video evidence of the lie, keep lying as if no truth exists outside of their lies.
    Fergus is a lying sack of shit who demands his hired minions also be lying sacks of shit.
    It will catch up with them, though, and the sooner the better.

    -Doug in Oakland

  8. Reality always wins, Doug.

    There's no stopping the Trump train.

  9. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Myeshia Johnson, Sgt. David Johnson's widow, has confirmed President Trump's version of the phone call, and criticized Frederica Wilson's politicization of her husbands death.
    no link?

    1. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Conservatives lie about everything just like their insane clown posse leader trump.

  10. Anonymous6:16 AM

    In Germany, Hitler lied to the Germans and convinced and brainwashed them that Jews were "less than animals" and not worth keeping alive (and these were white Jews). They believed him and killed 6 million of them.

    Even with actual film footage, and living proof of Jews being raped, starved, gassed and killed. Even with Nazi soldiers making films showing factories that used the skin of dead Jews to make lamp shades...the haters still (to this day) say that it is fake news and never happened.

    When the brain is manipulated it doesn't believe what it sees with its own eyes.
    When the brain is manipulated it doesn't believe what it hears with its own ears.

    The same principle has been applied here in the good old U S of A towards people who "look" black, brown, or beige. it started with slavery and continues today.

  11. Anonymous6:21 AM



  12. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Re:11:59PM post--------

    "So now the stated and official policy of the Trump administration is lie, double down, and when confronted with video evidence of the lie, keep lying as if no truth exists outside of their lies."

    Yes, lies. It's called American History. Read through the pages of any American history book and it will be filled with a pack of lies and factual distortions, and slanted writing to make the white man "appear superior" and leave out all the brains and manpower of the "coloreds" that were responsible for their success.

  13. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Sneakin' out for a night with Tay-Tay, huh? Just can't resist that good booty, I guess, LOL.

    Make sure you wear a cond - oh, wait, too late.


    What Field said yesterday. Fauxknee Noize runs a story about a highly decorated Navy Seal who made a glass seal of the Navy for Drumpfuck. The day after the story ran, people called Faske News and told them the story was fake, the guy is an impostor.

    Took 2 weeks but it was finally pulled. More fake news from Fake Niws, but of course it is the liberal media's fault for reporting the story was a fake.


    Drumpf lied, more Americans died.


    Kryptonite for the asse.....masses of right wing asses. Simple, easy to understand lesson why taxcuts for the wealthy causes zero growth. Raise taxes and the economy booms. Cut them and you get dumbass dubya's recession all over again.

    Stoopid wingnuts.

  17. FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow:

  18. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Black activists participated in a protest against police brutality. It was organized by an online website called "Blacktivist."

    Turns out that "Blacktivist" was actually run by a Russian troll factory, who figured that black people protesting the cops would piss some white people off and make them vote for Trump.

    'Our pain for their gain': the American activists manipulated by Russian trolls

    So I guess now wingnuts can stop whining about George Soros' foundations funding BLM. Trump's friends are doing the same (albeit for different reasons).

  19. You're almost there....2:01 PM

    "So I guess now wingnuts can stop whining about George Soros' foundations funding BLM. Trump's friends are doing the same (albeit for different reasons)."

    Ever wonder what the "different reasons" Jews fund and direct black anger might be?

  20. Anonymous2:19 PM

    "Ever wonder what the different reasons' Jews fund and direct black anger might be?"

    Nope. I don't wonder. Jews, having been on the receiving end of centuries of racism themselves, have a tendency to hate racism. Not complicated.

    Vladimir Putin doesn't hate racism; he hates America.

    He is hoping that while American racists are throwing a temper tantrum trying to defend shitty cops, the U.S. will be too internally preoccupied to get in the way of Putin's global ambitions.

  21. Hang the traitors said.. been there, debunked that. HRC wasn't involved. FBI didn't notify any officials of their supposed findings. The case was closed in 2015 and wingnuts just want to hope against hope they will finally catch HRC jay walking so they can execute her. Tsk, tsk,tsk.

    Meanwhile crooked fucking Drumpfuck gets to continue his lying, law breaking ways with complete immunity because he sends his minions out looking for blue unicorns.

    The dumbfucker in chief even has generals lying for him in public.

  22. Getting warmer...3:38 PM

    "Jews, having been on the receiving end of centuries of racism themselves"

    Why is that always the case?

    Who invented "racism"? And "ethnonationalism"?

  23. Um, the 2009 uranium "deal" was an attempt by the Obama administration to secure highly enriched uranium away from access to terrorists. It was highly successful, and now there is much less HEU floating around where some extremist asshole could make a dirty bomb out of it.
    The negotiated decision to keep it under the Russian security apparatus was questionable, but at the time it was considered to be out of the reach of terrorists there.
    Perhaps we could have secured it ourselves, but as we can't do so with our own radioactive waste (see also Hanford Site, Yucca Mountain, and spent rod cold storage) perhaps not.

    -Doug in Oakland

    1. No Doug, it was a uge conspiracy because Fox says so. It couldn't just be a distraction from Niger can it? I guess it worked because we're talking about it.🤔

  24. So Fergus is personally interviewing the people he is trying to appoint as US attorney in two districts in New York, DC, and one in Florida.
    I wonder why he would want to do that?

    -Doug in Oakland

  25. Dirtbag Drumpfuck has promised to personally pay some aides legal bills arising from Russia probe. Of course Drumpfuck is guilty. This is just another admission he is guilty. And of course tomorrow he will accuse Obama of lying about Drumpduck promising to pay aides legal bills.

  26. A bit of levity, this is hilarous!

  27. Anonymous You're almost there.... said.

    Got a single iota of proof that Soros is funding any of this stuff you claim? I'd like to see some cash changing hands or cancelled checks- anything but vicious rumours and lies from goofy fucking wingnuts.

  28. Anonymous4:55 PM

    looks like the shooting in Florida freaked everybody else out. Welcome to trump's America where nazis are making a comeback.


    Soros gave 75% of hid fortune to his foundation that serves to fight for open societies all around the globe. Unlike Drumpfuck's crooked foundation that Drumpfuck used as a personal slush fund and barely put a nickel into, Soros puts his money on the line to make the world a better place, even for stinky, slut wingnuts.


    Nother fucking nutter that should be denied the opportunity to possess a gun. Says if a reporter asks her a question, she would have shot him. Just like jeebus said in the bibble-"kill 'em all."

  31. Anonymous Remy said. I just go barf. Drumpfuck hadn't called half the families of troops that died for their country and the WH didn't even have a list of the families names so they could get Drumpfuck to call and insult them.

    Real topnotch crew you got going there, Remy.


    Angry vet calls Kelly a "blue falcon" and it isn't a nice name.

  33. Lt.Commander Johnson5:55 PM

    Perhaps I am mistaken, but, did I actually see that Congresswoman wearing a cowboy hat at the soldiers graveside service?

    Talk about insulting.


    How is it you wingnuts missed the opportunity to lie about kids being raped in bathrooms by transgendered women?

    Bill Orally settled sex accusations for 32 mil out of his own pocket right before Fake Noize signed him to his newest contract. Sexual deviancy runs in wingnut political families. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  35. pterochromics6:33 PM

    StillaPanther2 said...

    Now I saw Gen. Marks explaining what Gen. Kelly said. White people will always have the last word in regards to any situation of dispute.

    - Well, up until this past Summer, I'd have tended to say 'a particular type of white people' because, despite my misanthropic streak, I still liked to think that most people are rational. Sadly, I've been finding out, over time, that many, if not most, people whom I'd always *thought* were rational, have been turning out to be nearly brain-dead when it comes to realizing that other people were treated far more unfairly and unjustly than were they, by both society and by government institutions.
    - It's as though it's some back-asswards kindergarten contest as to whose hangnail is 100 times worse than who else's broken leg, and the more stupid and minor the claimed "harm" turns out to be, the more loudly and often they yip and squeal about it. The worst of 'em are the ones who whine even though they live damned GOOD lives that *used* to be just fine, but now, all of a sudden, they are ever so very AGGRIEVED and *suffering*.
    - Good fricking grief... -
    - And yes, the les misérables nouveaux always MUST have the Last Word, even if it's a whiny, passive-aggressive "well whatever, you believe what you want", or something even more infantile.
    - It's disgusting. Especially when they then torun around and bitch that *everyone else* "should get off their butts and stop blaming their failures on everyone else".
    - It's a circle-jerk of self-pity.

  36. Lt.Commander Johnson6:54 PM

    Blogger mike from iowa said...

    How is it you wingnuts missed the opportunity to lie about kids being raped in bathrooms by transgendered women?

    Bill Orally settled sex accusations for 32 mil out of his own pocket right before Fake Noize signed him to his newest contract. Sexual deviancy runs in wingnut political families. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    By "wingnuts", I suppose you are referring to Republicans/conservatives.

    I seem to remember that the leftnuts were the first to scream for making ALL public restrooms "transgendered". The very fact you would call these freaks "trans-gendered women" is very telling.

    Bwahaahaa is so obvious, Queenie.

  37. Pilot X's half brother7:13 PM

    PilotX said...
    It couldn't just be a distraction from Niger can it?

    Why would the story from Niger need a distraction? Explain.

  38. "Why would the story from Niger need a distraction? Explain."

    Benghazi!!! *drinks*

  39. Benghazi was not a scandal because four Americans died, it was a scandal because the Obama administration lied for months about what happened, why it happened, and who was involved. They lied to the families of the dead, they lied to the American people through official statements, and they lied to congress.

    Four Americans were killed in an ambush in Niger. The Trump administration has not lied to anybody about what happened. By the way, those troops were there because President Obama established a presence in Niger in 2013.

    Once again you show yourself to be a fool and a liar.

  40. Benghazi was a scandal because stoopid wingnuts refused to accept the truth there was no way to save those 4 men. Like every other minute of Clinton's being, wingnuts milked it for every single second of bad press they could wring out of it.

    There hasn't been a single episode of either Clinton's adult lives that haven't been scandalized, lied about and just plain trashed because whiny sub-human wingnuts can't ever get a Clinton charged with an actual crime and found guilty. So wingnuts do what they do best. They smear everything and everyone around the Clintons because whitey wingnut is a POS.

  41. Anonymous8:02 PM

    "Benghazi was a scandal because stoopid wingnuts refused to accept the truth there was no way to save those 4 men"

    what about the CIA Annex??

  42. Anonymous8:03 PM

    field negro said...
    "Why would the story from Niger need a distraction? Explain."

    Benghazi!!! *drinks*
    7:19 PM


  43. Troops are in Niger looking for new golf course locations for the shithead in the ....wait he is on the golf course again. 74th golf outing and 94th day at one of his properties where he can gouge the federal government for SS golf car rentals and whatever rooms they stay in that Drumpfuck owns.

    Sure is busy running up federal debt for a guy whore promised he'd be too busy wrecking America to ever golf.

    I call them all Commandeered Queenies, now, Commandeered Queenie.

  44. pterochromics8:15 PM

    Johnson said...

    By "wingnuts", I suppose you are referring to Republicans/conservatives.

    - No, your supposition is erroneous because the current Republican Party ((as opposed to "various individual Republicans")) has, for some years, been reactionary and corporatist, and definitely not "conservative". The people currently prominent in the party would call Eisenhower a "fascistocommie bastard", and would reject Regan as a "liberal", if either were to reappear and try to run as Republicans.
    - On the other hand, there are individuals, a few of whom have remained registered Republicans, and many others who became Independents, who *are* conservative. When George Will finally left the party, that much became patently obvious.
    - Reactionaries and corporatists are extreme right-wing, as are Dominionists and white supremacists, and it is the *extremists* who earned the name "right-wing nuts", which became abbreviated to "wingnuts".
    - That is the background and meaning of the term.

  45. pterochromics8:18 PM

    - OH NOES off with my head, I made a death-worthy grammatical error!!!
    Change " if either were to reappear and try to run as Republicans" to if either were to reappear and try to run as a Republican."

  46. pterochromics8:24 PM

    - Benghazi was a scandal in large part because the Republican-ruled Congress refused repeated pleas for additional funding to increase the security at the site, thereby deliberately setting-up the conditions which allowed the deaths.

  47. Anonymous8:33 PM

    pterochromics is lying. Hillary's State department made the decision not to increase security.

    fuck off.

  48. Lt. Commander is a no serving bitch9:24 PM

    Talk about insulting.
    Actually you wanna know what's insulting? An asshole who uses a screenname of a military rank he never earned. Shut the fuck up you no serving bitch!

  49. pterochromics10:45 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    pterochromics is lying. Hillary's State department made the decision not to increase security.

    fuck off.

    - Um, wrong, and wrong.
    - And, no.

  50. pterochromics11:01 PM

    Lt. Commander is a no serving bitch said...

    Johnson said: Talk about insulting.
    Actually you wanna know what's insulting? An asshole who uses a screenname of a military rank he never earned. Shut the fuck up you no serving bitch!"

    - All too true. And that's only one of the differences between a Conservative, and a wingnut:
    a Conservative wouldn't have that need to steal honor while hissing and cursing about the supposed "lack of respect" of others because he dislikes them on the basis of the race they are - or which he imagines them to be.
    - Sadly, the title of "Conservative", like the Republican party, has been commandeered by those who are neither.

  51. Anonymous11:47 PM

  52. Anonymous11:49 PM

    HRC and obummer left the personal at the CIA annex to rot. If it wasn't for the security contractors and CIA staff calling in favors they all would have died

  53. Anonymous11:51 PM

    pterochromics said...
    - Benghazi was a scandal in large part because the Republican-ruled Congress refused repeated pleas for additional funding to increase the security at the site, thereby deliberately setting-up the conditions which allowed the deaths.
    8:24 PM

    Total Busllshit....FAKE NEWS....wolf wolf wolf

  54. Dead Soldier12:10 AM

    I'm glad Dead Ambassador is here, maybe now we can get to the bottom of the deaths of those soldiers.

  55. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Myeshia Johnson, Sgt. David Johnson's widow, has confirmed President Trump's version of the phone call, and criticized Frederica Wilson's politicization of her husbands death.

    So you all can apologize to the President now. Really Big Fail.

    Not so fast, Pig Pen. The fake facebook post was dated one hour before Drumpfuck ever called the widow. Don't you people ever check yer sources?

  56. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Don't you people ever check yer sources?
    11:19 AM

    Do you???

  57. There hasn't been anything conservative about the conservative movement for years. The conserving of norms and traditions has long since fallen to the Democratic party, as the Republican party is a dysfunctional mess hell bent on destroying the government and hurting poor people.
    And lying a lot.

    -Doug in Oakland

  58. Anonymous3:04 PM

