Monday, October 23, 2017

The coward vs. The widow.

Well it's about time. I am glad John McCain is stating the obvious and calling out the elephant in the room: Mr. trump took the cowards way out rather than serve his country in Vietnam. It must be nice to have a little money and be able to get out of service by saying you have foot issues.

Meanwhile, the children of people of color and poor people were giving their livs to protect our freedoms here at home.

It has to be sickening to those who actually served to have to call Donald trump their commander in chief. This is a man who cares about as much for the soldiers as I do for the Dallas Cowboys. And yet he has the audacity to tell NFL players to kneel and show their patriotism for their country and their  flag. It's laughable. He had a chance to show his patriotism fifty years ago and was too afraid to serve.

Now, many years later, he is the president and leader of our troops. One of our sons died on African soil, and it took days for the white house to even acknowledge La David Johnson's death.  He made a mockery of his phone call to the grieving widow, and just today he was on twitter calling her a liar.

I believe Mrs. Johnson, not the president. He has told one lie after another since becoming president. He doesn't get the benefit of the doubt with this one. Let's just say that he doesn't have the best track record when it comes to the truth. 

"Donald Trump has repeatedly labeled his political opponents liars. He dubbed Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) Lyin' Ted when it became clear that Cruz was a serious rival for his nomination; he called Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) an "even bigger liar" than Cruz. He dubbed Dr. Ben Carson a "pathological liar" and said former Florida Governor Jeb Bush's lies were almost as bad as Cruz's. Trump has termed virtually every mildly adversarial media member a liar, too.

But there's only one truly massive liar in this race: Donald Trump. When Politico attempted to measure how many lies Trump told over the course of 4.6 hours of speeches, they found that he lied, on average, once every five minutes. When Huffington Post catalogued his lies over the course of just one town hall event, they came up with 71 lies.

Which made it relatively easy to come up with this not-even-close-to-complete list of 101 lies from Donald Trump." [List]


  1. Yet on Fox this story seems to have slipped through the cracks. The next two hours will be exclusively dedicated to the Uranium One "scandal". Very very interesting.

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Sound more alike a case of ghetto lottery fever.....

  3. Anonymous8:50 PM

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      National Review. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  4. Gideon8:59 PM

    There's special place in hell for those who exploit the widow of a dead soldier to score political points.

  5. Shooter9:07 PM

    One of our sons died on African soil, and it took days for the white house to even acknowledge La David Johnson's death. He made a mockery of his phone call to the grieving widow, and just today he was on twitter calling her a liar.

    Actually, four of "our" sons died on African soil, one of whom was black. Thanks for confirming again that white lives don't matter to you.

    The President acknowledged all of their deaths in the same way, on the established time scale. No one else spit in the Presidents face for calling them to express his condolences.

    It is absolutely shameful how she is being used. This will not turn out like you think it will.

  6. Man, try and make this more cartoonish.

    Everyone who watched her CNN interview today feels bad – as I do – but the reason they feel bad is not because her husband, a soldier, is dead. Soldiers die. That is their job. They know what they sign up for. A tragedy that has happened millions of times before. The reason people feel bad watching this clip is because this woman is so obviously being exploited.

    She has obviously been coached. Steponopoulous is coaching her throughout the interview. And she still admits in the interview that the President did remember her husband’s name, just that he only remembered it for some reason (which she read his mind to figure out). If it took him a minute to say it, that was either the nature of the conversation or because he was taking the time to check a piece of paper that had it on it.

    The media is just running with the claim that Trump forgot the husband’s name – their original claim – even though this woman said on TV that he did remember his name, just didn’t say it as fast as she felt he should.

    President Trump has corrected the record.

  7. Interesting interview with Eric Holder on Rachel Maddow's show tonite.


  9. Anonymous10:58 PM

  10. I'z going to medical school!



  12. "But the latest developments, as they relate to Clinton, are not as explosive as certain news outlets — eager to draw attention away from reporting on President Trump and Russia — would have you believe."

    From the above article.

  13. Anonymous11:18 PM

    What branch of the US military did you serve Mr. Negro?

    More importantly, what branch of the World military do you plan to serve?

  14. Pilot X's half brother11:42 PM

    "But the latest developments, as they relate to Clinton, are not as explosive as certain news outlets — eager to draw attention away from reporting on President Trump and Russia — would have you believe."

    What is there to report on "President Trump and Russia"? A year of intense media coverage and official investigations into the Trump/Russia collusion theory and there has been zero evidence of any wrongdoing.

    However we have documented evidence of Hillary accepting vast sums of money from Russian interests during a period when her State Department was making decisions regarding the sale of US uranium reserves to Putin.

    We know that Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton two days before the decision not to prosecute his wife for deleting emails and destroying a server that had been subpoenaed by congress.

    We also have evidence of the Obama administration using US intelligence agencies to spy on the Trump campaign.

    It boggles my mind how anyone can still pretend that Trump is the one with a Russia problem.

    1. Anonymous12:36 AM

      It boggles my mind how anyone can still pretend that Trump is the one with a Russia problem.
      Because it's so easy to boggle your little mind.

  15. Golobki11:55 PM

    Opportunistic McCain is in no position to criticize anyone for using wealth or privilege to get somewhere.
    Had it not been for his Navy Admiral father, he never would have been admitted to the Naval Academy or allowed to fly a plane since he crashed several of them and was an academic washout.

    He launched his political career after dumping his faithful wife and marrying a millionaire's daughter.

    Hardly one to throw stones from his glass house.

    1. All true but when it came time to serve his country during war time one heeded the call the other didn't.

  16. And so we are all off in the damn weeds over Fergus behavior just like he wanted us to be.

    All of this was his doing. They asked him why he hadn't said anything about the four soldiers who were killed in Niger, and he went off on letters and calls and never answered the damn question.

    Still hasn't.

    What is it about what happened in Niger that he would rather call a war widow a liar on national TV than talk about?

    -Doug in Oakland


  17. It is funny how people say that there was no wrong doing by our president and Russia. Legally you are right. Now to the NFL kneelers, their acts also are legal by 1948 Supreme Court's decision. Both acts of both parties were legal. Why you feel Donald should have no punitive actions, but the footballers should?

    Surely we know on the internet most supporters of wrong is only motivated by a need to feel superior, because I can not believe any body that have lived in our society does not have the faculties to go along with situations that are so wrong. The biggest wrong is a president on Day 1 showed all Americans that he had this nations interest in mind. I look at the multitude of "water carriers" on tv and I want them to answer the questions : would you allow your 16 year old daughter spend a night in the white house? Would you be comfortable if your wife spent the night there? Would you let Donald be your banker? Lastly, Being a draft dodger, did Donald turn his back on this country as well as it's flag?

    Keep supporting wrong, the Black people still will not be in charge in America

    Again, during national anthem, I saw the stands and once again there were fans not respecting me (I am a combat medic) and the flag. I am okay with that because sup

    osively I fought for their right to do that. As for the flag.... for the tenth time I saw many more Confederate flags in Vietnam than American

  18. Brother Field, your post got me fired up that I lost the subject. I wish the mainstream start calling this guy out for the major transgressions. I am amazed that Donald's family life was not brought to the forefront. Mafia connections, family"s race history, his race history, his lying constantly as well as his need to be a bully. Some may see his bully tactics as strength

    .... but we know better.

    Next time after reading the post I will take a moment.... but this draft dodging chump talking to a wife of a real soldier.... he needs what his KKK daddy didn't give. A good asz whopping. Not to hurt him but to give him the same medicine. Again, enjoyed the post.

  19. 24th October 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.

  20. Presidents face for calling them to express his condolences.

    No, no his WARMEST condolences.

    We still would not know of any deaths if someone in the media hadn't found out. It is for sure this sorry excuse for a POS in the WH wasn't going to bring it up.

  21. However we have documented evidence of Hillary accepting vast sums of money from Russian interests during a period when her State Department was making decisions regarding the sale of US uranium reserves to Putin.

    You have documented shit! The incestigation was thorough and closed. Nothing there. But, but....if we have a hundred investigations we might find something-anything to validate our perceptions.

    No you won't. Keep dreaming. You have fucked up every investigation and people do not take your side seriously anymore. Too many wolf-wolfs.

    Nearly 140 million dollars donated to the Clinton foundation were donated before she became Sec of State. HRC did not make the decision to sell any uranium to any Russians, That has been made clear over and over again. Go molesy groundhogs. It would be a more valuable use of your time.

  22. What is there to report on "President Trump and Russia"

    It is this, Mueller, unlike every loose brained fucking wingnut investigating Clintons doesn't run immediately to Fake News and let thm disseminate classified information. Kenny Boy Starr's inquisition of Bill Clinton's zippers did the exacvt same thing- they leaked classified info so the right wing press could keep a steady drumbeat of how crooked the Clinton's supposedly were. And yet, Starr found nothing and all the little fucking sniveling wingnuts and their investigations found nothing. And they have had 30 years to slander and libel the Clintons.

    Mueller only had about 6 months. Give him time and Drumpfuck will surely hang hismself and others.

  23. Lt.Commander Johnson10:49 AM

    There appeared to be confusion among jurors before the judge declared the mistrial. The jury said it had reached a verdict and the court clerk read the not-guilty verdict recorded on a piece of paper. But at the prosecution's request, the judge polled the jury, and most jurors said their vote was guilty.
    The judge reread the instructions. More than an hour later, the jury said it was deadlocked and couldn't reach a unanimous verdict after about nine hours of deliberation."

    Uh huh. Seems sorta strange, that field, being a "defense lawyler" doesn't follow this story.

  24. Lt.Commander Johnson11:01 AM

    BTW, Pilot X, you are right. I've been trying to say, for years, that the mass media will NOT cover a story about blacks killing whites.

    There appeared to be confusion among jurors before the judge declared the mistrial. The jury said it had reached a verdict and the court clerk read the not-guilty verdict recorded on a piece of paper. But at the prosecution's request, the judge polled the jury, and most jurors said their vote was guilty.
    The judge reread the instructions. More than an hour later, the jury said it was deadlocked and couldn't reach a unanimous verdict after about nine hours of deliberation.

    Could cause massive looting and burning when de white folks lose.

    That's so stupid, mebbe you and Queenie could understand it.

  25. White Man's Burden11:27 AM

    President Trump did not insult this widow, he offered her his condolences and expressed the country's gratitude in a personal phone call.

    She is a young, not very bright woman who has been manipulated by a vile half wit congresswoman whom her family has a long relationship with.

    Losing a family member in service to the country earns you the sympathy of the nation. It does not give you a license to lie, even when you don't fully understand what you are being coached to say.

    Some of you are so Goddamned dumb you actually believe this pathetically transparent and disgusting exploitation of a soldier's death. The rest of you are just pretending this is a real story, because you have nothing real with which to prop up your hate.

    The great majority of people in America look at this debacle and move a little more forward with the realization that the Democrat party hates white America, and that living together as equals in a society with black people is never going to be possible.

    You keep fucking up. Apparently, you just can't help yourselves.

  26. Looks like the impeach PEEOTUS campaign being led by that billionaire is really gaining momentum!

  27. Losing a family member in service to the country earns you the sympathy of the nation.

    Drumpfuck doesn't do sympathy. Only whiny lamentations of how he is always the victim. Drumpf does nothing right. You don't send grieving families your warmest condolences. You don't call her a liar, especially when she is right. Drumpf is a disgusting pile of regurgitated wingnut vomit/shit mixed thoroughly and seasoned with hate and spite.

    Get over yer badself, fella.

  28. Commandeered Queensland, I reported the hung jury shortly after it happened. Many seasoned lawyers ejaculated the over riding question that should have been investigated and wasn't was who the hell is ERIC?

    Dipshit white prosecutor never once brought it up. He stubbornly convinced himself the victim couldn't have said what 8 witnesses claim she said. He is a loser in more ways that one and will need an all white , racist jury to convict the defendent after so many miscues.

    Why must Field follow this or any other case? Because you say so?

  29. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Lieutenant Commander Buford Swampdweller needs to seek out therapy for his bizarre and unhealthy obsession with Jessica Chambers. There is more going on in the world than this one woman's ghastly murder.

  30. BTW Queensland- if memory serves, during the trial the prosecutor asked a cell phone expert if he knew whose phone some pings belonged to, the dude said it was the liar and then named the defendant. I have doubts whether an outburst like that would pass muster in a normal courtroom setting, but maybe it is ok where you come from.

    I'd think the witness would get bitch slapped by an impartial judge, had his comment stricken from the record and made to stand in a corner with a dunce hat with Drumpfuck.

  31. Bold, James Bold1:05 PM

    The stoopid, it's hilarious.  Here's Feeled:

    "This is a man who cares about as much for the soldiers as I do for the Dallas Cowboys. And yet he has the audacity to tell NFL players to kneel and show their patriotism for their country and their flag."

    Here's the article he links:

    "Trump in recent weeks has been attacking NFL players who kneel during the national anthem.
    Trump last week urged supporters to sign a petition in support of standing during the national anthem."

    Feeled, the supposedly educated Black man, can't even get the facts of a very public controversy correct.  He has them completely backwards.  Maybe this is just practice for inverting the facts of every other bit of US race relations, but more likely he's just incompetent.

    What makes this really funny is he's definitely the smartest Black posting here.

  32. Yīshēng is a genius1:32 PM

    What makes this really funny is he's definitely the smartest Black posting here.
    But but but Yishbag has four degrees!


  33. Jessica Chamber' ghost1:43 PM

    Uh huh. Seems sorta strange, that field, being a "defense lawyler" doesn't follow this story.
    What is sorta strange is your obsession with this case. You are right Lt. Commander Pussy, the media has an unhealthy obsession with black on white crime with the exception of white on white crime. Now that I think about it you also completely ignore white on white crime, even babies raped and killed why is that Lt. Commander No Serving Pussy? Probably because you're a racist is that the reason? My guess is yes. And once again you're right, whites in Mississippi will probably riot because as you have intimated before negro men are deemed immediately guilty and lynched for even looking at a white woman so we know how the slow pace of an actual crime drives you hillbillies crazy.

  34. James is kinda dumb1:51 PM

    What makes this funny is that James is definitely the dumbest person on the fucking planet and pretends to be some kind of genius. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
    This is the moron who used a high schooler's term paper as evidence of his moronic argument. That is a sign of just utter unrepentant stupidity.

    1. White racists are unremarkable1:54 PM

      The bar must be very low for white men if James has ANY respect. Must be nice.

  35. Baldingo, the problem is you totally ignore is the draft dodger in cheap questioning the patriotism of citizens exercising their constitutional right to protest the government. That is a criminal act and one no other Potus would consider-unless it was another fucking wingnut like Nixon or Baldingo's dingle berries.

    So shove a sock in it and go stroke around in circles, circle jerker. Yer gotcha minute got nothing. Except you.


    Wingnuts latest plan to cleanse voter rolls of eligible Democrat voters. Yes, wingnuts are slimy enough to use sworn enemies to advance their agendas. That is because they have no souls.

  37. "It does not give you a license to lie,"

    Tell that to Kelly, who still hasn't owned up to lying about Rep. Wilson despite the video proving him to be a lying sack of shit.

    So I guess the question moves to "Does it give you a license to be a sack of shit?" Except that you don't need a license for that. The Republican party is full to the brim with unlicensed sacks of shit.

    -Doug in Oakland

  38. So Flake is retiring. It being Arizona, though, they'll probably just elect an even worse Republican.

    -Doug in Oakland

  39. Doug is always wrong4:06 PM

    "Tell that to Kelly, who still hasn't owned up to lying about Rep. Wilson "

    Kelly never lied about that stinking POS rodeo clown Wilson.

  40. AAAand yeah, her name is Kelli Ward, and two of her Breitbarting staffers have just quit her campaign after 6 months, apparently because they don't find her crazy enough...
    At least Kid Rock isn't running any more.

    -Doug in Oakland

  41. Kelly never lied about that stinking POS rodeo clown Wilson.

    You're a moron. Kelly lied about her over and over again. And your alternative facts don'5t change reality that he lied about her claiming to have secured funds for an FBI building. That has been proven to be pants on fire lies like Drumpfuck ejaculates so many of.

    Kelly also admitted Drumpfuck lied about her as well. Fucking wingnut liars. You are all stoopid.

  42. Anonymous4:40 PM

    The things you morons believe, SMDH.

    Keep riding that rodeo clown right out of town! LMAO!

  43. Anonymous5:30 PM


    October to Date
    Shot & Killed: 39
    Shot & Wounded: 177
    Total Shot: 216
    Total Homicides: 43

  44. Wow, two senators from his own party think trump is unhinged and in need of adult supervision. Flake went off.


  46. October to Date
    Shot & Killed: 39
    Shot & Wounded: 177
    Total Shot: 216
    Total Homicides: 43

    Geez, Drumpfuck and his government intervention have done wonders for Chicago. Maybe Drumpfuck ought to start calling them radical Muslim terrorists. That sure enough ought to make them throw down their guns. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  47. The Trumpening6:38 PM

    PilotX said...
    Wow, two senators from his own party think trump is unhinged and in need of adult supervision. Flake went off.

    Both are on their way out.

    Neither supports the President's agenda, and subsequently neither has any support from their voters.

    These people don't seem to understand that we have a representative government. They are supposed to represent the interests of the people who put them there, not the interests of their donors or the Democrats to whose cocktail parties they want to continue to be invited.

    The revolution continues.

  48. trump supporters are kinda dumb6:48 PM

    The revolution continues.
    More like teh stooopid continues. They are on their way out so now they can tell the truth. Trump needs 51 votes to do anything so he picks a fight with numbers 50 and 51. Brilliant fucking strategy Napoleon.

  49. Anonymous6:52 PM

    The military does not protect our freedoms,the constitution does!

  50. These people don't seem to understand that we have a representative government. They are supposed to represent the interests of the people who put them there, not the interests of their donors or the Democrats to whose cocktail parties they want to continue to be invited.

    Youfucking wingnuts only care about the interests of Wall Street, hence the humongous taxcuts that stoopid fucking wingnuts claim will increase wages by 4 to 9000 dollars. Taxcuts do not stimulate economic growth. Get that through yer fucking heads. At least try to learn something once in a while. You retarded masses can't hang on very long. You will soon be the ex part of the stinked.

  51. Bone spurs?


  52. Bold, James Bold12:59 AM

    "Baldingo, the problem is you totally ignore is the draft dodger in cheap"

    What allows you to use that slur?  How many tours did Obama serve?  He was eligible for GWI, where was he?

    "questioning the patriotism of citizens exercising their constitutional right to protest the government."

    I must remind you that those aren't normal "citizens", they're millionaire entertainers paid to play a child's ball game who are "protesting" in uniform on their work time.  And the people paying them to entertain are objecting that the knee is allowed, but supporting the murdered (by BLM) Dallas policemen is not.

    "That is a criminal act"

    Telling people to fuck off for blatantly anti-American acts is no more criminal than taking the knee... but vastly more patriotic.  It seems you want to criminalize patriotism.  Perhaps you should be forced to surrender your house and your pension to a rapefugee?  You hate Americans, so why should you not be made to practice your morality upon yourself first and foremost?

    "Geez, Drumpfuck and his government intervention have done wonders for Chicago."

    That was Obama, Holder and Lynch, you dumbfuck.  It all started under them.

  53. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Didn't Trump say he could stand in the middle of 5th avenue, and shoot somebody and not lose any voters.
    His "basket of deplorables" will stick by him no matter what.
    He's their "Great White Hope"
    Even though he's really just an "empty barrel."

  54. James 007,

    Men born in 1960 were not subject to the draft or even selective service. I guess we thought that war was no longer necessary. The all-volunteer Armed Forces was actually a pretty good career path for a lot of people, both men and women. It was a big surprise when Bush started sending off a lot of people to die and come home maimed and disabled. Now Trump wants the option to recall retired pilots. It's a different world.

  55. Anonymous2:38 AM

    To all of the insensitive people making light of the fact that POTUS has not offered an explanation for the death of the 4 soldiers...the next round of murdered soldiers could be one of your friends or family members.

    ...If you believe that this POTUS (who is a pathological liar and UNWILLNG to tell the truth, will tell you the truth in cases of national security where our country and the lives of its citizen are at stake...then you are sadly mistaken.

    He'll put a body double in the White House, hop onto Air Force One, and fly out of here like a "bat out of hell."

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Anonymous2:55 AM

    The 2 biggest cowards are Melania and Ivanka.
    What family member stands by and watches another family member sink deeper and deeper into insanity and does or says nothing?

  58. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The 2 biggest cowards are Melania and Ivanka.
    What family member stands by and watches another family member sink deeper and deeper into insanity and does or says nothing?
    2:55 AM

    Total FAKE NEWS!! Keep doubling down on being incorrect.

    TRUMP 2020!!

  59. pterochromics1:53 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Didn't Trump say he could stand in the middle of 5th avenue, and shoot somebody and not lose any voters.

    - Yes, he did indeed.
    - He also said he was OK with being compared with Hitler. His ex-wife, Ivana, had said that he kept a copy of "Mein Kampf" on his bedside table, so naturally, *she* is the one who was reviled and hissed-at...

    His "basket of deplorables" will stick by him no matter what.

    - The term "quisling" comes to mind.
    - They always beeeeLEEEEV that, by riding the coattails of the top bully, they'll absorb some of the bully's power to abuse others at will and control others through fear, AND that they'll be rewarded for supporting the bully. -- Once the bully gets to where his power has been secured, however, the vast majority of those quislings end up in the same proverbial boat as the people whom they once abused. -- It's happened over and over and over throughout history, and probably before the advent of written history, but quislings continue to pop-up, and continue to beeeeLEEEEV that they will be different because they delusionally beeeeLEEEEV that they are ever so superior to anyone else, past or present.

    He's their "Great White Hope"
    Even though he's really just an "empty barrel."

    - The most pathetic part is that he's the same as he had been all of his adult life. It's not as though he was never on television prior to that silly "apprentice" thing, and it's not as though there is not an extensive record of his shenanigans. The quisling-types supported, and continue to support, him *because* of his past misbehavior. he sad part is the number of people who simply ignore what's there, and unthinkingly saw only what they wished to see.

  60. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I had to read "Mein Kampf" for my Masters Degree, does that mean I'm a Nazi??

  61. you-know-who12:46 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I had to read "Mein Kampf" for my Masters Degree, does that mean I'm a Nazi??

    9:34 PM

    - If you really have to ask, you must have gotten that MA in crayon-eating.
