Tuesday, October 24, 2017

How we lost our moral authority.

I am trying to remember exactly when conservatism turned to nativism. There was a time, in the not too distant past, when conservatives were people of principles. Regardless of what you thought of their politics, you had to respect them for having a set of core beliefs and sticking to them. They still, for the most part, were people of basic human decency.

There are no longer men and women of principle in positions of power in the republican party. It has been hijacked by the alt-right and white nationalist; people who have no intellectual core or sound beliefs other than white is good and the others are bad.

Donald trump epitomizes everything that is wrong with American politics on the right these days. He is a crude shameful bigot, whose only goal in life is to praise himself. Along with his loyal minions, he thinks that he will shape America in his own image. ----Picture America in the nineteen fifties when  people of color had no rights,  and they had no stake or input in their own country.

Today, republican Jeff Flake decided that he had enough, and he spoke in no uncertain terms on the senate floor about where the current president is taking the nation.

" It must also be said that I rise today with no small measure of regret. Regret because of the state of our disunion, regret because of the disrepair and destructiveness of our politics. Regret because of the indecency of our discourse. Regret because of the coarseness of our leadership.
Regret for the compromise of our moral authority, and by our, I mean all of our complicity in this alarming and dangerous state of affairs. It is time for our complicity and our accommodation of the unacceptable to end. In this century, a new phrase has entered the language to describe the accommodation of a new and undesirable order, that phrase being the new normal.  

That we must never adjust to the present coarseness of our national dialogue with the tone set up at the top. We must never regard as normal the regular and casual undermining of our democratic norms and ideals, we must never meekly accept the daily sundering of our country. The personal attacks, the threats against principles, freedoms and institution, the flagrant disregard for truth and decency.

The reckless provocations, most often for the pettiest and most personal reasons, reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with the fortunes of the people that we have been elected to serve. None of these appalling features of our current politics should ever be regarded as normal...."[Source] 

If only other politicians (republicans and democrats) had the courage to speak of their convictions in the age of trump. 

"And when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else. It is dangerous to a democracy. Such behavior does not project strength because our strength comes from our values. It instead projects a corruption of the spirit and weakness. It is often said that children are watching. Well, they are. And what are we going to do about that? When the next generation asks us, why didn’t you do something? Why didn’t you speak up? What are we going to say?

Mr. President, I rise today to say: enough. We must dedicate ourselves to making sure that the anomalous never becomes the normal. With respect and humility, I must say that we have fooled ourselves for long enough that a pivot to governing is right around the corner, a return to civility and stability right behind it."

As Americans we like to talk about American "values", but what are they, really? These American "values". In the age of trump, maybe most Americans aren't as decent and upstanding as we would like to believe. Maybe those "values" that we like to boast about aren't as pure and morally above board as we think they are. Maybe these so called "values" are all just a sham. 

Sorry Mr. Flake, we have no moral authority. We gave that up when we elected Donald trump. 




  1. This was just the logical conclusion of the southern strategy. Pitting one group against another is a good short term strategy for a one off election but long term it causes harm. Not sure how we're gonna reverse this thing beyond living in our selected corners. 🤔

  2. Chickens always come home to roost9:22 PM

    I am trying to remember exactly when conservatism turned to nativism

    Sometime after liberalism turned to anti-white racism.

  3. Mitt McBushitler9:27 PM

    There was a time, in the not too distant past, when conservatives were people of principles. Regardless of what you thought of their politics, you had to respect them for having a set of core beliefs and sticking to them. They still, for the most part, were people of basic human decency.

    Says the guy who called them greedy, racist, murderers every fucking day for years!


    You're too much brother!

  4. The United States has a long tradition of going back for our wounded. We have a social safety net for senior citizens, the disabled and the poor. We take care of our own. This is not only accomplished through community and faith-based organizations, but through the efforts of local, state and federal government. We have a belief that all of our people have equal rights to human dignity and opportunity, and accordingly we have anti-discrimination laws. We also believe in getting out the vote. We try to make it easier for more people to vote, not more difficult if impossible. We strive to treat people justly. We fight, poverty, hunger and privation. We give of ourselves to help others in need. We condemn any and all forms of prejudice whether they are based upon race, economic status, religion or sexual orientation. We strongly condemn violence and harassment against women. We stand with the oppressed. We oppose unjust incarceration. We believe in using technology to monitor the public actions of our police departments. We oppose the militarization of the police.


    Help me out! Dammit! I thought that being an American was something to be proud of. It sure as hell should be something that brings honor.

    You know, there still are decent and honorable republicans. There was a time not that long ago that we worked together. Kevin Faulconer. Jerry Sanders. John Kasich. Olympia Snowe. Bob Dole. Gerald Ford. We shared a common purpose. We cobbled together strong agreements and fair compromises.

  5. Jeff Flake values civility over winning. He pines for the good old days when the GOP stood politely by while the Democrats destroyed legacy America.

    We're not going to put up with that anymore. The times call for some blunt and coarse speaking, and Trump is the manifestation of the times.

    Good times make weak men.

    Weak men make make hard times.

    Hard times make strong men.

    Strong men make good times.

    We're Making America Great Again.

  6. BLM LaRaza9:40 PM


    White nationalism is not white supremacy.

  7. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Trump is Obama's legacy.

  8. Flake's days in office were numbered anyway.

    There is no constituency for open borders, endless wars, and lopsided trade deals.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  9. Bone spurs?


  10. Shorter version of Jeff Flake speech: Waaaaah. My pussy hurts.

  11. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Bone spurs?


    Is this person retarded?

  12. We know ONE thing for sure about ambush in Niger. Donald Trump did not go to the American people and lie like Obama did about Benghazi.

  13. Stefan10:37 PM

    So Russia didn’t hack the DNC, but the DNC did work to create the phony Russia/Trump ‘Golden Shower’ dossier.

    Total narrative collapse.

  14. Winning!10:38 PM

    Corker out.

    Flake out.

    Refugee ban in.

    Dow record.

    Russia probe turns to Hillary.

    MSM outed for spreading DNC dossier.

  15. According the Washington Post, OBAMA’s FBI used opposition research — paid for by HILLARY CLINTON — to get surveillance of Trump!

    Exclusive: The Clinton campaign and the DNC helped fund research that resulted in the now-famous phony Trump dossier


  16. Lil' Donald10:51 PM

    Interesting. You know if the Washington Post can’t sweep this under the rug it’s a big deal.

  17. "We don’t identify as white supremacists, that’s ridiculous. Basically, we look at terms like that as anti-white slurs… We don’t view ourselves as superior to any particular people… We aren’t interested in supremacy or anything like that. We are interested in manifesting a political entity surround our initiative, our racial identity in a very rapidly changing world and a rapidly changing country where our demographic status is at a crossroads.”

  18. I'm not entirely sure what loving your nation and wanting to keep non-Americans out of America and away from our tax dollars has to do with "morals."

    You always parrot these DNC talking points and then you can't be found to back them up.

    So some Americans want America to be for Americans. How, exactly, is that immoral? Sovereignty is a bedrock fundamental of any successful civilization. The keyword there would be successful.

    To put America first is just that. You fucking moron never-Trumpers do the same thing in your lives every fucking day. When you get paid, to whom does the money first go? To your rent, to your bills, to your children's needs. That's where it goes. You put shit that's closest to you first. You don't have an adopted poor family to whom you're catering before your own family, asshole, so why the fuck should America have one?

    Not to even mention this shit is just talking-point fodder now that it's Trump. Obama didn't give a fuck either, but none of you assholes ever cared.

    America should come first for Americans.

    When it was Bush, you same assholes were preaching that America should leave alone everyone else but Americans, because it was advantageous to do so.

    You lot have no consistency. More talking points taken straight from DNC mailers. You don't even try to hide it or add anything original to it.

    I'll put up money in a third-party escrow right now, and any right of assholes, if you can prove Trump's taking away rights, or any way he's taking us back to these 1950s, you'll be $100 richer per every objective example.

    I know you cant, but I'll give you all screen-shots right now and will put the money up in escrow. You're so full of fucking partisan bullshit.

    As was mentioned to me earlier, and as is mentioned to me often, this is supposed to be a "black blog," speaking about "black issues," and you've turned this into a mouthpiece for the DNC.

    For shame, sir; for shame.

  19. "Pitting one group against another is a good short term strategy"

    Then why does your side continue to do it to this day as their entire fucking platform in perpetuity? The left doesn't even pretend anymore to not be a giant movement of special-interest collectivists.

    What a fucking sad day it is when someone only has to say "I love America" to be considered some sort of bigot or racist or Hitler's clone.

    You faggots should be ashamed of yourselves.

  20. J. Burton11:31 PM

    Principled Conservatism™ is spending the final moments of your political life maligning your own party for ONE LAST TASTE of positive press.

    Adios, motherfucker.

  21. I didn't accuse anyone of being a white supremacist. Those are just my values. It's original content. It came from another blog. The question of just what do we liberals consider to be our values seems to be coming up quite a bit recently. But the values that I defined used to be American values. Not that fucking long ago, really. I learned a lot about discrimination and harassment by attending inservices and receiving training on the computer during one of my later careers. California has the most effective anti-discrimination laws, but the federal government has followed suit for the most part. If these laws had been decided by the bumper crop of misfits and miscreants that populate Capitol Hill today there wouldn't be any protection from discrimination at all.

    But if the shoe fits, bros... Thank you for the confessional.

  22. The toxic trolls on this thread prove the Senator's point.

  23. "I am trying to remember exactly when conservatism turned to nativism."


    "That we must never adjust to the present coarseness of our national dialogue with the tone set up at the top. We must never regard as normal the regular and casual undermining of our democratic norms and ideals, we must never meekly accept the daily sundering of our country. The personal attacks, the threats against principles, freedoms and institution, the flagrant disregard for truth and decency."

    Try 1996 when Newton Leroy Gingrich's GOPAC released "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" which was basically a list of pejoratives for any Republican who could get within shouting distance of a live mic to call Democrats, and basically destroyed what little comity was left in congress.

    And Jeff? And Bob? So you called out Fergus on your way out of the door. So? If you really gave a shit about the damage Fergus is doing to the country, there are several effective tools for stopping him within your grasp.

    All you are really doing is being not quite honest enough to clearly state the truth about the Republican party: that it's so fucking crazy that even right wingers like yourselves can't win a primary any more.

    Guess what? Neither could Nixon, Reagan, or Goldwater right now.
    You know why that is?

    It's because of you and your Republican brethren making it that way.
    We tried to tell you it was a bad idea to fill your party with bigots, Pig People, and imbeciles, but you wouldn't listen to us.
    As I recall, we got called traitors, fifth-columnists, and America-hating surrender monkeys for our trouble.

    So your carping about coarseness as if it just happened when YOU elected Fergus is fucking adorable.

    You may be finding Fergus inconvenient to your political careers right now, what with the unwinnable primaries and all, but your idiot hordes LOVE Fergus and everything you say you hate about him.

    Your base. Just the way you've made them since the dawn of the southern strategy.

    But like I said, if you wanted to stop Fergus, you could do it. But you don't. You voted for the destruction of the ACA, you're still gonna vote for the Giant Tax Cut for the Filthy Rich, and you would be just fine with his behavior if you could still win a primary. And the sick thing about that is that it's not even Fergus' fault that you can't win a primary.

    If you wanted to stop Fergus, you could have some meetings with each other, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and maybe a few other anachronisms in the Republican conference and announce that you will for the rest of your terms caucus with the Democrats.
    Then the leadership of the senate switches sides and it's game over for Fergus' legislative agenda, and the brakes would be applied to his nominations to the judiciary.

    Or fuck, if you're too cowardly to do that, just start putting holds on all of his (as of yet nonexistent) legislation, and judicial appointees.

    "It is often said that children are watching. Well, they are. And what are we going to do about that?"

    From the looks of it, you're gonna sit by and watch Fergus destroy their futures, and grab the pussies of the skinny, white, female ones.

    Fuck the both of you. This is not new. You've been doing it for years.

    -Doug in Oakland

  24. pterochromics1:12 AM

    "And when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else.

    - Exactly the point I've been trying to make.

    Paradoctor said...

    The toxic trolls on this thread prove the Senator's point.

    - Yup. The idea is to just keep hammering on how "the enemy" ((meaning, anyone not to the political right of Attila the Hun)) has "destroyed America".
    - It doesn't matter that it's mere confabulation - look up "The Big Lie": sadly, it works.

  25. Limpbaugh1:24 AM

    I don't suppose all those "principled conservative" war pimps like McCain, Bill Kristol, Cheney, and Michael Hayden could be opposing Trump and going on MSNBC because Trump isn't blood thirsty enough for them.

  26. pterochromics1:42 AM

    @ -Doug in Oakland

    - Everything you noted is spot-on, but I'm compelled to note that the groundwork was laid earlier, the first section of the foundation in the 1960s when the "Dixiecrats" realized they couldn't get the entire Democratic Party to give up ts platform of Equal Civil Rights, so they went over to the Republican party to try their luck there - and were accepted. The next section of the foundation was laid in the 1980s. Even though I've never been the most politically-astute person in the world, by around the mid-to-late 80s, it became clearly obvious even to me that the Republican Party was absorbing and promoting the views of the Birchers, Dominionists, KKK and its offshoots, and so on.
    - That's when I left the Republican Party - 1986.
    - What pisses me off is that NONE of the "Conservative Thinkers" or RNC/GOP "leaders" or any other of the poobahs DID ANYTHING. When George Will made a big fricking deal about leaving the Republican Party in 2016, my thought was, Where the hell was he for the past 20 years? Why didn't he help keep it from becoming reactionary and corporatist?
    - ALL of these people, who just now are speaking all of their fine words, they can all go jump in a lake of pig piss as far as I'm concerned, because they DID NOTHING. They let this happen - it was predicted, but they preferred their own short-term fame and didn't care about what was happening.
    - They are ALL complicit.
    - And the DNC/Dem. Party plutocrats are also complicit.
    - And eligible voters are complicit, especially the nearly 2/3 who couldn't be *bothered*.
    - Too many people grubbing for pennies, too many people greedily and stupidly trying to be Gordon Gecko and ending up just being broke and bitter, with nothing to show for all of their scrambling and nasty miserliness. But instead of facing reality, they instead blame everybody *but* themselves.
    - And the plutocrats have been taking full advantage of that, feeding the blame-game - and most people swallow it hook, line, and sinker.

  27. I agree with Doug. The ascendancy of Newt Gingrich was a turning point in our democracy. I'm not saying that everything that happened before him was okay. Newt and his obstructionist agenda in the congress, fueled by his irrational hatred of the better-looking and more intelligent and successful William Jefferson Clinton, coupled with the rise of right-wing hate radio spelled disaster for the American public. With Newt in charge of the opposition and the maniacal R. Limbaugh as minister of propaganda, nothing would ever return to accepted norms that we knew even during the Reagan administration.

  28. Newt was just once again the logical conclusion of the gop adopting the southern strategy. What did we think would happen if we group together racists, flat earthers, the religious right and corporate interests? The left wanted purity and gave up the Supreme Court. Maybe the Bernie bros can be happy knowing that for the rest of their lives the SC will be controlled by a religious corporation.

  29. Not seeing the "winning" the MAGA minions are talking about. Still no major legislation; no wall built;no relief for hurricane ravaged American territories; indictments any day now from Mueller investigation; cronyism and corruption at every level of government (private jets), and any day now North Korea will nuke Japan and South Korea into oblivion.

    But keep dreaming, wingnuts. The game show host will make everything alright.

  30. WTF are you talking about?9:43 AM

    "cronyism and corruption at every level of government (private jets),"

    Tom Price abused air travel privileges and RESIGNED.

    Lois Lerner used the IRS to intimidate and silence political opponents and PLEAD THE FIFTH.

    Susan Rice repeatedly went on TV and lied about Benghazi and WAS PROMOTED.

    Hillary Clinton used Bleach Bit and hammers to destroy subpoenaed servers and Blackberries and WAS NOMINATED FOR PRESIDENT.

  31. Mr. Frexit9:49 AM

    Flying Junior said...
    "California has the most effective anti-discrimination laws, but the federal government has followed suit for the most part."

    Whites are the only race actively discriminated against in corporations, government contracts and university admissions.

    It's literally systemic racism.

    No justice, no peace.

  32. El Chapo9:54 AM

    Census Bureau: 44.6% in California Don’t Speak English at Home.

    No wonder Hillary won California by 4 million votes.

    Talk about foreign influence in our elections! Compare what Mexico did to Russia buying $100,000 in Facebook adds, mostly after the election, that promoted both sides.

  33. Libtard10:33 AM

    One year ago today on Twitter:

    Hillary Clinton‏Verified account

    Donald Trump refused to say that he’d respect the results of this election.

    That’s a direct threat to our democracy.

    Things sure are different now, huh?

  34. "Lois Lerner used the IRS to intimidate and silence political opponents and PLEAD THE FIFTH.

    Susan Rice repeatedly went on TV and lied about Benghazi and WAS PROMOTED."

    Benghazi turned out to be nothing as well as the IRS "scandal". No charges were foled and no one went to jail. That was a first for an 8 year term. Barack was one of the cleanest Presidents in our lifetime.

  35. "August 5, 2015 - The Senate Finance Committee concludes its investigation and issues its report. The findings indicate the division of the IRS that handles tax exempt organizations was mismanaged and unprepared for the surge in applications from new nonprofits affiliated with the Tea Party movement. According to the committee, the delays in processing the applications from conservative groups were due to poor communication and layers of bureaucracy"

  36. http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/18/politics/irs-scandal-fast-facts/index.html

  37. "The Trump administration said Friday it won't charge a key IRS figure in the mistreatment of conservative political groups during the 2010 and 2012 elections.

    In a letter to members of Congress, the Justice Department said that "reopening the criminal investigation would not be appropriate based on the available evidence."

    1. https://www.google.com/amp/www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-lois-lerner-irs-doj-20170908-story,amp.html

  38. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Alt left and progressive center left was allowed to take a foothold.Death Of America

  39. And I think we're seeing just the tip of the iceberg. It's like Al Capone cut you off on the freeway, or John Gotti sneered at your jacket. Trump's a crook, but we have no idea yet of the depths of his depravity.

    Mueller is probably finding out some of it. Kissing Putin's ass goes without saying. Trump would sell out this country in a New York minute for a stake in Trump Tower Moscow, make no mistake. He's been thick with Russian mobsters, laundering their money for profit, would screw old ladies out of their social security checks if he could—check the scam that was Trump University. So no surprise he doesn't give a damn about Puerto Rico. And by extension, any other part of the country. Or world, where global warming is an issue. For pats on the head by a few more billionaires he'd let them drill in Sequoia. Or the Rose Garden.

    Get. Him. Out!

  40. Anonymous12:04 PM

    But keep dreaming, wingnuts. The game show host will make everything alright.
    7:51 AM


  41. Limpbaugh12:55 PM

    Flake just admitted that he can't win his upcoming primary.

  42. Don't play dumb12:58 PM

    PilotX said...
    "No charges were filed and no one went to jail."

    That's the whole point, man.

    Lois Lerner used the IRS to fuck with conservative groups and then destroyed email records (smashing hard drives with hammers!) to hide her activities.

    Susan Rice and the entire Obama administration said Benghazi was a spontaneous riot over a You Tube video when they knew that it was pre-planned, highly coordinated terrorist operation. They repeated this lie for weeks until they were forced to stop. Later revelations confirmed they knew the truth from the start.

    Hillary used a private server to hide pay-for-play deals with her foundation, refused to hand over the server when subpoenaed, instead deleting 30,000 emails and then wiping the server with Bleach Bit. Her staff destroyed a dozen Blackberries with hammers to prevent the congressional committee from getting the emails.

    They all were caught lying on numerous occasions. Lerner and Clinton destroyed evidence after it had been subpoenaed by congress. No one was held accountable.

    1. No DPD, nothing of the sort happened. If it did happen in the manner that you suggest Jeff Sessions' just us department would be all over it right? They declined to prosecute because there is no evidence Lerner and the IRS did anything close to what you claim.

    2. "The Trump administration said Friday it won't charge a key IRS figure in the mistreatment of conservative political groups during the 2010 and 2012 elections.

      In a letter to members of Congress, the Justice Department said that "reopening the criminal investigation would not be appropriate based on the available evidence."

  43. Limpbaugh1:14 PM

    Frankly, I think our politicians who supported ISIS are ISIS. That includes people from both parties. The people who were least likely to support terrorists are the true progressives and the more libertarian conservatives. Niger is about fighting terrorists, some of whom we supported to overthrow Libya. We fly drones to look for jihadist rebels and tell the governments in the region where they are, now that the terrorists have served their purpose. Benghazi was about supporting terrorists. Neocon Republicans were for that, so they pursued witch hunt issues. Obama supported McCain's "moderate rebels" so the terrorists in our government and media were fine with it.

  44. pterochromics1:20 PM

    PilotX said...

    Newt was just once again the logical conclusion of the gop adopting the southern strategy. [...] Maybe the Bernie bros can be happy knowing that for the rest of their lives the SC will be controlled by a religious corporation.

    - True re: The Amphibian (("Newt")) and true, what Doug and FlyingJunior wrote, but that couldn't have happened without the foundation of nuttery that the Republican Party deliberately allowed to be laid during the 10 to 15 years prior to Noot and Co.'s malignant "revolution".
    - The descent into extremism was obvious even to me by the mid 1980s, but the "party faithful" didn't care at all, and still don't care, about the depths to which the Republican Party has sunk, and continues to sink. They just continue to ballyhoo whatever nonsense the right-wing propagandists turn out.
    - And of course they bleat and bark that everyone else is doing the same thing that they're doing - it's pure projection. The major mistake made by reasonable people is continuing to think that extremists of any sort can be reasoned with. Nope, not possible. They swore some weird equivalent of a Blood Oath to **the party**, and no matter how far down the party leads them, they will follow - and all the way down, they'll continue to mewland wimper and howl about "the left", even though there has been no significant "left" in the US for many years.
    - I still say that the left- and right-leaning moderates, and the centrists, have a whole hell of a lot more in common, than *any* of them has in common with "their side's" extremists, and need to shed *both* Party Machines and form a party to elect people who understand they are supposed to REPRESENT We The People, *not* don some ermine cloak of aristocracy.
    - Grunting, howling, and pigsquealing by extremist trolls to begin in 3......2........1........

    1. You pretty much nailed it on the head. Since science mostly agrees with most lefty ideals science is shunned as is inclusiveness (trump's war on Christmas😂) Good observations.

  45. 70% of the non-profits flagged by IRS agents had gone beyond the thresh hold for political activities and yet not a one of them was charged.

    Susan Rice- for the 10 millionth time was only the spokesperson who relayed the info she was given at that time. If it was wrong, so be it, but it wasn't a deliberate lie on her part. Deliberate lies are what Spicer and Fuckabee's fat ass daughter did/do every time they open their mouths. They repeat verbatim lies from Drumpfuck the pathological lying fucking moron that Russia installed in the WH.

    The group behind the dossier was originally tasked and paid to dig up dirt on HRC by lying fucking wingnuts. When they didn't get what they wanted, Dems got opposition research which yielded lots of naughty nuggets about piss drinker Drumpfuck. Fucking wingnuts are just jealous because HRC is squeaky clean and there ain't a wingnut in the world as clean as HRC. Sore fucking losers.

  46. Racists ain’t shit, they’ll conflate a discussion about bird shit to “win” an argument.

  47. Anonymous1:36 PM

    The Clinton uranium scandal is really starting to unfold and get hot for the left. The TRUE Russia story!!

  48. Sorry Anymoose. That dog don't hunt. Been there, done that, refuted that, now fuck that.

  49. mike from special ed2:04 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Susan Rice- for the 10 millionth time was only the spokesperson who relayed the info she was given at that time. If it was wrong, so be it, but it wasn't a deliberate lie on her part."

    If that is true, then Obama and Hillary sent the black woman out to do their lying for them and have her take all the flak for it. Even worse.

  50. Yisheng is a genius2:06 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Racists ain’t shit, they’ll conflate a discussion about bird shit to “win” an argument

    Yisheng's brilliance shines through with every commment.

  51. Blogger mike from iowa said...
    Sorry Anymoose. That dog don't hunt. Been there, done that, refuted that, now fuck that.


  52. And this, all you sick fuck wingnuts, HRC did not sell weapons to ISIS, as Asshatange claimed in wikileaks.

    Anonymous mike from special ed said. Bullshit! Rice was sent out with the best available info -at that time- since the whole incident was still fluid. Unlike wingnuts spokesliars, the info at that time Rice spoke was what was thought to be the facts.

    You fucking moron wingnuts wouldn't know the difference because you rely on right wing propaganda 24/7.

    Can any of you educated by fake noize disciples tell me how much US uranium Russia gets to take home at the end of the day?

  53. Lost another great one. Fats Domino has left the building.

  54. Take that retard's computer away3:07 PM

    extra chromosome mike said..
    "Bullshit! Rice was sent out with the best available info -at that time- since the whole incident was still fluid"

    Both Obama and Hillary were informed of the attack in real time.

    Hillary tweeted to her daughter on the night of the attack that it was a terrorist operation.

    Obama later coordinated with the CNN presidential debate moderator Candy Crawley to ambush Romney by falsely claiming that Obama had called it a terrorist attack from the beginning

    They even put some poor guy in jail for posting a video on You Tube.

    WTF is wrong with you?

  55. Crust Stuffer3:11 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Lost another great one. Fats Domino has left the building.

    Putin had Fats Domino killed because he knew too much about Trump selling US uranium to Russia for hooker urine.

    The only rational response would be to impeach Trump, install Hillary president, and then nuke Russia.

  56. Hitler Weasel Bush was accused of having groped an actress four years ago. He has apologized, sort of. Fucking wingnuts just can't leave women alone. He's 93 for krissakes.

    You got the impeach Drumpfuck part right. Waterboard his fat ass, too.

  57. pterochromics:

    I agree with you about the stuff that happened before 1996, but the question was "I am trying to remember exactly when conservatism turned to nativism." which tied into Flake's carping about the coarseness infecting out discourse, and that memo just stood out as something nobody remembers very much, but was as much of a turning point as we tend to get in US politics, whereas the stuff that led up to it was part of a continuous process that grinds on even as I type this.

    -Doug in Oakland

  58. Fruit bearing black woman5:06 PM

    Get a life, Doug.

  59. Obama did say it was a terrorist attack the day after it happened. Romney lied through his teeth, like we have come to expect from wingnuts.

    The idea that at least some of the attackers in Benghazi were inspired by protests over the video was still current in intelligence circles three days after the attacks. The first draft of "talking points" prepared by the CIA, dated Sept. 14, said: "We believe based on currently available information that the attacks in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and subsequently its annex."

    But those talking points also said this: "We do know that Islamic extremists with ties to Al Qaeda participated in the attack." (That statement later morphed into a reference to generic "extremists.")

    In other words, the attacks could be both an example of terrorism and influenced by outrage over the video -- a seemingly simple concept Republicans still can't wrap their heads around.

  60. Wingnuts cut the budget of IRS so they can't do their jobs. Just like they cut security funding before Benghazi happened.

    America lost its moral compass when Nixon was allowed to resign and then the next 5 wingnut POS precedents after him are all steeped in one scandal after another and high crimes and misdemeanors. But wingnuts don't care about rules or morals when they are in charge,

  61. corn fed simpleton6:09 PM

    mike, mike, mike...

  62. "The Clinton uranium scandal is really starting to unfold and get hot for the left. The TRUE Russia story!!"

    We heard the same thing about Benghazi, the knockout game, climategate, Lois Lerner.

  63. Courts kicked Drumpfuck in the nutz again and made the feds allow 17 year old foreign girl to terminate her pregnancy.

    Every wingnut in America will scream that each of them paid for the abortion personally. One less anchor baby for wingnuts to kick around.

    Want to do something important? Protest Drumpfuck properties he rents to wealthy Russians so they can have anchor babies. That's tight. Drumpfuck loves anchor babies if he can personally profit from them and his butt buddy Vlad the inhaler.

  64. Bold, James Bold9:31 PM

    "I am trying to remember exactly when conservatism turned to nativism."

    It was a couple of decades after leftism turned into hatred of historical Americans.  Yes, they were slow to react.  It was not suddently bred.  It will not swiftly abate.  And it will not be before you are erased from this continent.  We are DONE with you.  I hope we remove you from the Carribean too, all back to Afreaka where you belong.  You condemn us for ever taking you from there, so what else do you expect?

    (Actually, your own "brothers" grabbed you and sold you.  The lucky ones got to go to the Americas; most wound up in Brazil.  The unlucky ones (vastly greater numbers) were sold to Arab slave traders who operated from AD 650 until the late 20th century, or simply killed and eaten.)

    "There are no longer men and women of principle in positions of power in the republican party."

    Translation:  there are no longer Lincoln-ish radicals in the Republican party, and thank the non-existent deities for that.  We have cucks like Ryan, Graham and Flake for as long as they can hold office, which appears to be not very; Flake is gone and Ryan will likely lose his primary challenge by Nehlen the way Cantor was given the boot.  There will be MANY others.  You're going to be facing a very different Republican party in 2019.  It will reflect the people, not Wall Street.

    "Picture America in the nineteen fifties when people of color had no rights, and they had no stake or input in their own country."

    Picture America in the 1950's when Africans were kept from ruining things, and Selma and Detroit were actually livable places rather than hellholes that even Africans want to get out of.

    "Sorry Mr. Flake, we have no moral authority. We gave that up when we elected Donald trump."

    You didn't elect Donald Trump.  Americans did.  You have no moral authority because you are nothing resembling an American.  You have to go.  You don't have to go back, but you won't stay here.

  65. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Tell it James!!

  66. You aren't that stupid10:10 PM

    PilotX said...
    "In a letter to members of Congress, the Justice Department said that "reopening the criminal investigation would not be appropriate based on the available evidence."

    Because they smashed their hard drives with hammers.

  67. "Because they smashed their hard drives with hammers."

    The IRS did not smash their hard drives with hammers. Don't be ridiculous.

  68. Stop playing dumb3:51 PM

    The Obama IRS destroyed computer hard drives, back up tapes, and Blackberries on several occasions, after they had been subpoenaed by Congress:






    1. According the the cnn story Lernerms computer crashed and IT tried to retrieve the data. The hard drive was recycled. I saw no where in the story where hammers were used to destroy anything. I didn't bother reading the Fox news and national review stories because I would lose too many brain cells. Looks like this matter has been resolved and if there was some wrong doing on the part of Lerner Sessions' justice dept would reopen the case don't you think?

  69. Lt.Commander Johnson6:19 AM

    C'mon. X...when something stinks, won't you even try to find the creature that shit the turd?

    Refusing to even read Fox or national Review. You know as well as I do "hammer" was just a metaphorical thing.

  70. Anonymous1:28 AM

    I appreciate James Bold (I know who to take out first) and the rest of the trolls on here. They accuse the liberals of parroting Dem talking points, but they themselves parrot the inane fodder of white nationalist websites, citing made up history. Keeps me WOKE to the fact that 'those people' are part of Real America too. Best part of the Field is the comments ha ha ha
