Sunday, November 05, 2017

Another mass killing in America.

"May God be w/ the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas. The FBI & law enforcement are on the scene. I am monitoring the situation from Japan," Trump tweeted shortly after reports of the incident."

Sorry Mr. trump, "God" didn't help those dead people (twenty six by the latest count) in Sutherland Springs, Texas. They were in church , if God couldn't help them there, it's a safe bet that they are pretty much out of luck.

But you know what might be able to help the next poor victims of gun violence? More sensible gun laws. We say it every time there is one of these mass shootings in America, and we are
starting to sound like one big broken record, but until politricksters show the political will to
stand up to the NRA and the gun crazies in this country, there will be more to come.

A few days ago a terrorist killed eight people in New York with a car, and Mr. trump and his minions were calling for Muslim bans and extreme vetting of people who come to this country. He couldn't wait to get political after that act of terrorism. Now we will hear that we shouldn't be politicizing this latest tragedy, because it's time for mourning and praying to "God" for the families. I think it's safe to say that just praying to God is not enough. What we need  is real action along with getting our collective heads out of our asses.

I know that the technical definition of  terrorism is that when terror or fear is spread to achieve a political, religious or ideological goal, but try telling that to those people in that church today. I am sure that those poor survivors were terrified. So are the hardworking people in some of these crime ridden neighborhoods in large urban spaces like Philly. These people have to deal with little urban terrorist killing each other over turf and money on a daily basis. Terrorism takes many forms. and these politicians like the president should stop treating it differently depending on whether it suits their political agenda.

"A young man standing outside the hospital, his head bandaged and his right arm taped from where an IV had been put in, said he had been wounded in the shooting and that this father had been killed.
His mother was in another hospital. He declined to talk but expressed faith that they would pull through with God's help."

Sorry young man, I think God wants us to fix this ourselves. 

*Pic from



  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Here comes the leftist babble for gun control to get the heat off HRC and the alt left DNC scandal/

  2. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Muslim terrorist kills people with a rental vehicle and nothing from the liberal left.
    But soon as a gun is used its ban guns. A firearm is just a tool.

  3. Mass shootings have killed more people than Mooslim terrorists. We can walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. Let's address ALL fools trying to kill a bunch of people.

  4. The best way to get your prayers answered is to get up off of your knees and do something about them.
    We will never get any gun control legislation as long as guns are a $1.35 billion industry in the US.
    And even were it politically possible, it wouldn't stop mass shootings. There is a black market.
    It would, statistics show, reduce the number and severity of mass shootings, but that's not a potent enough sell to the congresscritters who have primary challenges and mountains of lies to contrast it with.
    We either grow the fuck up as a society, or continue to mourn a regular stream of slaughtered citizens.
    Like we do now.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Lilac the hurricane survivor7:49 PM

    Hi everybody, got electricity last week, although water we've had since a week after the hurricane,and finally a few days ago internet and telephone communication although spotty. Man that was bad, not to have communication with anybody! The part I hated the most was when it started getting dark and we had to use flashlights, I used to be in bed by 7:) My son set up a couple of solar panels so I could use the therapy machine without turning on the stinky generator. That was bad also, the fumes and smell of gasoline and noise from all the generators! We always had food because we stocked up before and the supermarkets had some stuff available. We we were also able to run fans in the rooms with those solar panels, they are the coolest things! I took pics so when I get a blog I'll post them.

    I did just want to say that in my humble opinion, the only reason this man did not finish off all of the parishioners there and continued on to the other church down the street, was because an ARMED CITIZEN heard the shots and screams, grabbed his rifle and he went and confronted and shot the shooter, the shooter dropped his rifle and fled in his car. It is not known whether this was the shot that killed him, or if he was killed by the police or if he shot himself. So an ARMED CITIZEN saved the rest of those folks and God knows how many more!

    Guns don't kill, people do. :D

    1. Glad you're ok Desert!

    2. Lilac, glad to hear that u are safe.

  6. Anonymous8:54 PM

    "It would, statistics show, reduce the number and severity of mass shootings"

    Total bunk.

  7. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Maybe we should ban hollyweird and the amount of sexual assaults on women and pedophilia would be reduced.

  8. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Shooter was alt left antifa. Liberals are getting people killed for their political agenda. Hollyweirdos and Left wing politicians colluding together would fall under RICO.

  9. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "Here comes the leftist babble for gun control to get the heat off HRC and the alt left DNC scandal/"

    Oh no! You mean there could be a left-wing gun control distraction away from the right-wing Hillary bullshit distraction away from Donald Trump's treason? Diabolical!

    But seriously, let's get back to Trump's treason. We all need to see him in a jumpsuit the same color as his ugly fluorescent face. This really can't wait.

    Also: Gun control isn't a distraction. America's current gun laws really are retarded.

  10. @Field: "Sorry young man, I think God wants us to fix this ourselves."

    No matter how the problem is approached, if it's fixed, God will have had a hand in the fixing.

    Our definition of God needs to be updated.

    By the way: It took forever to verify that "I'm not a robot."

  11. 1. Ban all males from having guns.
    2. Ban all religions.
    3. Vote out all Republicans.

  12. @ThatDeborahGirl

    Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Not all religions are the same.

    There're some you may actually approve of.

  13. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Another diversion...

    I'm sure Putin is enjoying his ring side seat to America's madness.

    Hey..looks like Trump is never going to enforce those sanctions against Russia for corrupting an American election.

  14. Grow up already10:06 PM

    Russia had less to do with the election than Israel did. Or Mexico for that matter.

  15. PilotX said...
    Mass shootings have killed more people than Mooslim terrorists.

    Wrong, dumbass.

    Muslim terrorists have killed thousands more.

    1. More Americans were shot by toddlers in 2015 and 2016 than by Muslim terrorists.

    2. But the toddlers weren't Muslims so we don't care😖


  16. "Muslim terrorists have killed thousands more."

    Not since 9-11.

  17. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Black News You Can Use said...
    The McRib is back.

    The sandwich was the brainchild of Roger Mandigo, a meat scientist from Nebraska and Rene Arend, a Luxembourg-born, French-trained chef from the Drake Hotel.

    It is part of the most esoteric and rare meal on the McDonald's menu: A McRib and a Shamrock Shake with a Cherry Pie for dessert.

  18. Guns aren't the problem10:38 PM

    Sutherland Springs shooting was a terrorist act, committed by Antifa member Devin Patrick Kelley.

    ANTIFA must be banned.

  19. Potato Rodriguez10:40 PM

    Good to hear you are okay, Lilac.

  20. According to the University of Maryland’s START consortium, between 12 September 2001 and 2016 there were 31 fatal “Islamist extremist” attacks, leading to 119 deaths. In the same time period, there were 89 “far-right extremist” attacks, resulting in a total of 158 deaths.

    1. This didn't account for Vegas.

  21. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Emmmm McRib...

  22. Anonymous10:45 PM

    "But seriously, let's get back to Trump's treason. We all need to see him in a jumpsuit the same color as his ugly fluorescent face. This really can't wait."


  23. Bullshit PilotX.

    Picking September 12, 2001 as your starting point is bullshit.

    Also, the Snopes count calls all mass shootings by non-Muslims "right wing", when in fact most were left wing loons.

    Why do you feel the need to lie about this?

  24. Diceman10:46 PM

    Most liberals don't care about Christians being targeted in Sutherland Springs slaughter. But they are happy the gunman wasn't dark skinned.

  25. Limpbaugh10:47 PM

    It seems strange that people who are against killings in Texas ignore neocon wars in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Trump didn't vote for those killings. Hillary did.

  26. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Also: Gun control isn't a distraction. America's current gun laws really are retarded.
    9:38 PM

    Yes they are. The National Firearms Act needs to be gutted and Hughes Amendment repealed.

  27. It's ok to be Christian10:48 PM

    It's a pretty neat trick where the left shoots us and then the left prescribes constitutional restrictions as the cure.

  28. Anonymous10:50 PM

    BREAKING: Official says Texas church gunman was confronted by community member who returned fire, causing him to flee

  29. PilotX's Boss10:51 PM

    Out of all mass shooters of the past half-century, none was an NRA member and the majority were affiliated with an anti-NRA political party.

  30. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Speaking of Sparklefarters and McRib:

  31. "Why do you feel the need to lie about this?"

    OK, then let's just consider killings by non-Muslims and the number goes up drastically. Bottom line is America has a gun problem.

  32. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Its funny how hollyweirdos hide behind men with guns, armoured limos and elaborate safe houses but want to deprive the citizenry the right to defend themselves.

  33. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Bottom line is America has a gun problem.
    10:54 PM

    America has a nigger problem.

  34. June: Bernie Bro shoots Republican congressmen at softball practice.
    September: African refugee shoots church attendees in Tennessee.
    October: Registered democrat kills 60 people at country music concert.
    November: Atheist Antifa kills 27 attending Baptist church in Texas.

    This country is already embroiled in a civil war, but only one side is participating yet.

  35. justice11:01 PM

    I guess ANTIFA’s threats weren’t a hoax after all.

    Every last one of these rabid dogs need to be put down.


  37. A nigger11:05 PM

    America has a nigger problem.
    Unless nigger means crazy white guy with a gun. America has a crazy white guy problem.

  38. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Most of Americas gun laws fail and get people hurt and killed, especailly people of colour who need protection from other people of colour.

    1. We need serious research into the problem, linked from the article above

      "Despite studies showing that gun violence is a threat to human health and safety, the CDC, a federally funded public health agency with a seven billion dollar annual budget, still withholds support from gun research. Perhaps these new findings will bolster the case for federal funding"

      Doctors are even prohibited from even asking if there is a gun in the house. The only reason they ask is to help disceminate information about gun safety. Our gun laws are insane.

  39. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Chicago November to Date and time of posting:
    Shot & Killed: 9
    Shot & Wounded: 36
    Total Shot: 45
    Total Homicides: 9

  40. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Chicago Year to Date: Jan-Nov-4th 2017
    Shot & Killed: 557
    Shot & Wounded: 2639
    Total Shot: 3196
    Total Homicides: 601

  41. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Doctors are even prohibited from even asking if there is a gun in the house. The only reason they ask is to help disceminate information about gun safety. Our gun laws are insane.
    11:10 PM

    Bullshit. medical doctors have nothing to do with gun safety. Its to try and get people prohibited from owning guns or having them seized.

    owning a firearm has nothing to do with medicine.

    1. The Centers for Disease Control disagrees with you.

    2. Thank you Deborah. Doctors are supposed to preserve health and life. Looks like your brain works just fine😂

    3. Many doctors call the number of gun deaths and injuries an epidemic and many are accidents. Doctors often educate their patients about preventing home accidents. There could be many deaths and injuries prevented by giving gun owners information about how to prevent accidents. Seems like common sense. The nra should be all for this as it promotes sensible and responsible gun ownership.

  42. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Do we call this a christian terrorist or a former miltary misfit gone mad??

  43. Hey There Lilac!

    Good to hear from you. It's a test of strength to be sure.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Oh dear god, Sean Hannity is making a faith based movie starring Kevin Sorbo. If you want to stop crime force criminals to watch it but we do have a prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment.

  46. Lilacpr7:53 AM

    Hey Pilot, Flying J!

    It was pretty scary, among many other things that happened but specially when the river overflowed and came raging right up to our driveway and climbing! My son and some other men quickly cleared the sewer drain and luckily thank God it went down as quickly as it had come. We had gotten together some documents and my meds and were ready to climb to the roof.

    Many stories to tell! :)

    But it feels almost guilty to have everything back, and almost as if it may go at any moment again! Also it feels guilty because many, many people are still without water or electricity! I know I won't feel complete happiness until everyone has their utilities back on.

  47. Lilacpr7:55 AM

    field negro said...

    Lilac, glad to hear that u are safe.

    7:07 AM

    Thanks Field! Great to be back bothering ya'll again :D!

    I know, I know, I also have some crow pie eating to do!xD

    Words cannot describe, when he made all those inane and cruel comments! Ugh!...

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Lilacpr8:07 AM

    Potato Rodriguez said...

    Good to hear you are okay, Lilac.

    10:40 PM

    Hey Potato! A little bit worse for wear, but that's life :)

  50. Anymoose starts off the conversation with his usual pack of lies.

    Dipshit Donny Drumpfuck Junior told Russians if he got into power he would overturn the Magnitsky Act. More proof of collusion.

    All you right wing retards keep lying about having yer guns taken away. Obama didn't and HRC didn't. But you stoopid fucking morons convinced me none of you are grown up and responsible enough to possess any guns.

    Can't wait for the very first time someone lowers the boom boom boom on yer pastey white asses. You'll be blaming Obama and HRC for not taking guns away.Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  51. Hey PR, I’m so VERY VERY glad to hear you’re ok,, 👋🏽 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽😀😀😀

  52. Right wing liars are lying again.

    I didn't happen to notice too many verifiable Dems as mass shooters. Keep on believing fake noize. Makes it easy to debunk everythingyou ejaculate from yer deplorable mouths.

  53. Lilacpr9:23 AM

    Thanks Yisheng! It was tough there for awhile, but thank God we made it! Just praying the entire island will be okay soon.

    You guys were on my mind. I would think, I wish I could blog about this or that so y'all could see. I guess I just wanted to include you guys in on the suffering as well Lol!

  54. Before 9-11, there were 3 fatal shootings which involved possible Muslims. The DC snipers (no motive given for the shootings), there was a drive by an Arkansas military base where one person was killed and Fort Hood which was never called a terrorist attack. It was classified as a workplace killing.

    Having said that, there are still many more killings involving whitey weasel racists than Muslims.

    Pilot X wins the internets.

  55. Ted Bundy was an active young wingnut in college. His activities included kidnap, rape and oh, a couple dozen murders of rape victims.

    In the interest of fairness he did convert to a Democrat just before they fried him. Prolly the only thing that might have saved his mangy, pastey white soul.

  56. Many doctors call the number of gun deaths and injuries an epidemic and many are accidents. Doctors often educate their patients about preventing home accidents.

    They tried this in Florida where docs asked kids about guns in their homes and wingnuts and NRA freaked out, They claimed that info would lead to confiscation if authorities knew who had guns. Another salient point that shows wingnuts don't give a fuck about a fetus after it is forced to be born.

  57. Can we agree on something?9:55 AM

    Even if you share "mike from iowa's" politics, he has to creep you out somewhat, am I right?

  58. Ricky9:57 AM

    In the past 48 hours a Liberal has broken 5 of Rand Paul’s ribs and another shot up a Church.

    Stop Liberal Terrorism

  59. Lil' Donald10:01 AM


    A psycho with an illegal gun kills 27 of 50 people in a church before a law abiding citizen with a gun chases him off.

    Which one of these would be out of the equation with more gun control?

  60. Just try to imagine the stories about the "atmosphere of hate and bigotry" we would be deluged with had this atheist settled on a different house of worship like a mosque or a synagogue to shoot up. Or a church with a black congregation.

    Then ask yourself just who it is exactly that it is acceptable to hate in 2017 America.

  61. Anonymous10:21 AM

    "Doctors often educate their patients about preventing home accidents."

    Since when are medical doctors qualified firearms trainers??? Its not there place.

    Seek a NRA certified trainer if you want good solid firearms safety training and gun care and handling.

  62. Anonymous10:22 AM

    " mike from iowa said...
    Ted Bundy was an active young wingnut in college. His activities included kidnap, rape and oh, a couple dozen murders of rape victims."

    he was trying to break into show business.

  63. Anonymous10:33 AM

  64. This was definitely terrorism.

    But did this guy buy his guns legally? Wasn't he a felon?

    According to what I read on Business Insider (a white, right-wing rag, no doubt), he was a felon, which prohibited him. And he was dishonorably discharged from the military, which also prohibited him. Or bad conduct discharge. At this point I'm seeing a lot of conflicting reports.

    So there were "sensible gun laws" on the books which should have prevented him from getting a gun. They weren't followed. Some dumb-ass faggot sold him a gun anyway. He was specifically denied the right to carry in Texas yet ended up carrying anyway.

    How, exactly, do we legislate against people breaking the law before they break the law? This isn't Minority Report. This is the real world. There were laws against him owning guns and carrying guns. These laws were broken.

    There are also laws against murdering people.

    Guess what...

    As far as treating terrorism "differently," why shouldn't we? We sporadically get these sorts of monsters, which is horrible enough in its own right. Though for Radical Islam, we have hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people who are engaged with the entire world in a holy war. The end results of their terror are often the same, and sadly we have to see innocent people killed on the regular. But they're not the same sort of beast.

    If we can call for sensible gun laws here, which I agree with fully (I just don't know how the fuck to stop people from breaking the law!), then we can also call for sensible immigration measures. Nobody has a "right" to come here, and holding fucking visa lotteries is the silliest shit I've ever heard of for immigration.

    When it's one of these American guys, there seem to be two ways by which it's handled:

    1) Blame it on the right-wing if you can, and then
    2) Talk about magically getting rid of guns

    Y'all are treating it differently on your side too, no? All I ever hear when it's a Muslim is how we can't blame it on Islam. All I ever hear when it's some American-born faggot is how Sarah Palin's map targets are responsible and if only we didn't have guns.

  65. who cares11:08 AM

    "Sparklefarts"? What is this, kindergarten?

    Anyway, I'd rather fart sparkles, then barf up the reeking putrid pigshit lies that the "kill the lih-broolz"/"kill 'antifa'" idiots continually spray everywhere.

  66. Bold, James Bold11:25 AM

    "But you know what might be able to help the next poor victims of gun violence? More sensible gun laws."

    Hey nig-nog, the shooting was STOPPED by an armed bystander.

    The shooter had a dishonorable discharge, which made him ineligible to buy or own ANY firearm already.  So how's another law going to stop someone who wasn't stopped by all the existing laws?

    Oh, right, you want to disarm the LAW-ABIDING so you can put your political enemies on trucks and send them to death camps.  Sorry, we're not going to play the Jews to your Hitler.

    "until politricksters show the political will to stand up to the NRA and the gun crazies in this country"

    Most mass-shooters are registered Democrats... NONE are NRA members.  One of Antifa's tactics for getting Trump and Pence to resign was... church shootings.  It's time to ban Democrats and put them into re-education camps, and liquidate all BAMN, Antifa and BLM terrorists.

    "A few days ago a terrorist killed eight people in New York with a car"

    And you don't see this attack as a way to get the public mind off the desperate need for MUSLIM CONTROL IN THE USA.  The only reason the NYC attacker didn't kill 80+ like the one in Nice is that he was only able to get a pickup truck, not a semi.  We need trucks.  We don't need Muslims.  And we don't need Blacks or leftards either.

  67. To be clear the man behind the largest mass shooting spree in American history has NO ties to any terrorist organizations, and the only hint we have about his politics is that he was happy with Donald Trump.

    Does it mean that his mass murder has anything to do with his political point of view?

    Probably not, but if this guy were a Muslim Hillary Clinton supporter would that make any difference to the right wing media?


    So there were "sensible gun laws" on the books which should have prevented him from getting a gun. They weren't followed. Some dumb-ass faggot sold him a gun anyway. He was specifically denied the right to carry in Texas yet ended up carrying anyway.

    First of all there aren't enough sensible gun laws on any books in America. We can ban assault weapons and don't give me that shit we tried and it failed. We didn't try. We need a comprehensive and full out total ban on civilian ownership of any assault type weapons and large capacity clips and no enhancements to make them fully automatic' Plus toss the grandfather shit in the shitter where it belongs.

    And another thing FAGGOT Josh. You wonder why yer considered racist, FAGGOT!


  68. Since when are medical doctors qualified firearms trainers??? Its not there place.

    No one claimed doctors are trained experts in firearms training. What they are and pissants like Anymoose isn't, is their front lines training for gunshot victims of all ages. I can imagine just how few of these accidents waiting to happen have ever heard of firearms training or responsible gun ownership. There are numerous cases where the parents claim afterwards they are responsible gun owners even though their kids are lying in a puddle of blood. Just because a (chike, choke) responsible gun owner acted irresponsibly.

  69. Hey nig-nog, the shooting was STOPPED by an armed bystander.

    27 deaths too late. If only some brave church goer had the balls to confront the shooter, but apparently they leave their courage at home in a bottle of bonded Kentucky drain cleaner.

    If Baldingo had been there, this would be an entirely different story. New world record for scared-ass whitey wingnut getting the fuck out of Dodge so he doesn't get shot at. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  70. Anonymous Grow up already said...

    Russia had less to do with the election than Israel did. Or Mexico for that matter.

    And yer proof is? Russia has fingerprints all over the election and gang raped the entire Drumpfuck administration to get Drumpfuck elected. Wingnuts refuse to believe reality when fake noize makes them orgasm in unison.

  71. Anonymous1:11 PM

    No American Presidential candidate critical of any aspect of America's relationship with Israel has received a major party nomination. 40% of American congressional representatives have visited Israel on AIPAC's dime.

    Millions of Mexican citizens illegally voted in the 2016 election.

    The Mexican government funded several million dollars worth of pro-Hillary/anti-Trump Spanish language ads in the US.

    Russian interests bought about $150,000 in Facebook ads, some of which ran after the election, that were about equally pro-Hillary/pro-Trump.

    Wikileaks has said repeatedly that they did not receive the hacked DNC emails from Russia.

  72. Where's the proof. I didn't ask for suppositions or guesses. Show the numbers where millions of illegals voted.

    Where's the info on Mexico paying for ads?

    Why would any sane person trust Julian Assange?

    Where is the breakdown on Russia paying for ads for both candidates?

    1. Yeah, I'd like to see the evidence of millions of illegal immigrants voting too.

  73. wo cares1:24 PM

    Oh, look, the new bogeyman on the block:


    Reports state: "his mother-in-law had attended the church and been threatened by him.", but WHO CARES? Some people will just keep screaming "Atifa!" and "Killer libtards!" regardless of the facts, because all they want to do is derail any return to reasonable gun laws, and I said "return to", because we did have those in the 50s and 60s (a.k.a., "back when America was Great"), along with a top tax rate of 91% - odd, isn't it?, how people who keep trying to drag us backwards to "the good old days" want NO part of THOSE two things.

    Well, whatever - the practical matter at hand is that nothing will get done.
    So, I'm looking at concealed body armor for me and mine.
    Yeah, it's fucked-up, but there's no use pretending it isn't.

  74. I found a single mention of Russia buying an ad targeting BLM in Baltimore and Ferguson Missouri. Not a thing about ads helping HRC.

  75. "First of all there aren't enough sensible gun laws on any books in America."

    The places in America with the most constant gun crime are all gun-free zones. You can't really do much more than that to make guns illegal, can you?

    (Some of you fucknuts aren't even intelligent enough to limp through a social science class! Laws aren't deterrents so much as punishments. And blaming whitey doesn't stop shootings, it only encourages more.)

    Drugs are against the law, as is rape and murder, etc.

    How's that workin' out for ya?

    Politically grandstanding on "assault" weapons is just your DNC mailer fuckin' wit ya, boy.

    So I guess it's okay if 17 die, but not 27. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

    "You wonder why yer considered racist, FAGGOT!"

    No. I don't wonder. I mean, leave it to you people to take a post in which I didn't mention anyone's race, or a single word about race, and somehow spin it into me being a racist. The word doesn't fucking mean anything.

    It used to be we sought objectivity in what "racism" was; e.g. an ideology of believing another race was inferior and the actions born thereof. Then it broadened to include any racially insensitive or provocative slur. Then it changed to include white kids dressing as Pancho Villa for Halloween. Then it was changed to mean "power + privilege," which made it conveniently impossible to be racist against white people, since a homeless white man is more powerful than Barack Obama, per your loony-ass standards -- white privilege and all. Then it changed to mean any white person who doesn't hate their own skin, apologize for being white, and agree with collectivist ideology.

    Now it just means being a white person.

    It's okay to be white.


  76. "Since when are medical doctors qualified firearms trainers??? Its not there place"

    Doctors are trained in the arena of saving lives. For example, they are not lifeguards but if you are a pool owner they distribute information about how to prevent accidental drownings. Doctors are trained to save lives and distributing information to prevent accidental deaths and injuries is part of the deal. They could save thousands of lives if we let them but right wingers pass stupid laws that cost lives. I propose a test, allow doctors to talk about gun safety and then follow the numbers, if they decrease then we're on to something. Same with CDC, allow them to study gun deaths and injuries and come up with some solutions. If it saves lives we should all be for it.

  77. Haven't seen where Mexico spent a dime in 2016 election. Must only be made up on right wing blogs.

  78. PilotX said...
    "Yeah, I'd like to see the evidence of millions of illegal immigrants voting too."

    1. So once again an opinion piece is posted as evidence. Here's a quote from the article

      "But, in fact, it's almost certain that illegals did vote — and in significant numbers. Whether it was three million or not is another question."

      There is no evidence of illegal voting, the author just assumes there is because. Now all together, an opinion piece is not evidence.😝

    2. Voter fraud exists in the minds of teh stupid1:57 PM

      Voting fraud is illegal punishible by imprisonment is federal prison. To register to vote you need certain documents that illegal aliens wouldn't have so where is the investigation into this? What is Jeff Sessions doing about it? Didn't trump investigate this? Other than an opinion piece in the Investor Daily where is the evidence? Have they found even ONE actual illegal voter?

  79. Anonymous1:43 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Haven't seen where Mexico spent a dime in 2016 election. Must only be made up on right wing blogs.

    Nope, Washington Post:


  81. Poor widdle Joshy got his widdle feelers hurt. He calls people faggots but don't you dare call him a faggot. He has a selective short memory. Like the Drumpfucker in the WH.

    If the word has no meaning, why get upset being called racist, Faggot?

    1. Josh's bra1:53 PM

      Josh doesn't have a good memory. A few months ago she was all over the Russia thing telling us we hated Russia because it was a white country(the talking point at the time) but now she doesn't give a shit about Russia. Trolling for trollings sake. Flash tits rinse and repeat.

  82. True the vote2:03 PM

    States find little evidence of voting fraud. Maybe a couple of hundred voted illegally but many of those are honest mistakes.

  83. "He calls people faggots but don't you dare call him a faggot"

    Quote me where I complained about being called a faggot.

    Or where I mentioned anything about being called a faggot.

    I don't care, faggot.

    So, go ahead, show me.

    I'll wait, faggot...

  84. Anymoose- yer WaPo link has no story. Not even going through that other link. Here, I thought you were serious about providing proof. Alex Collins gets posted through infowars, the Guardian, RT and other right wing sites. He does not print a single verifiable fact. Then he claims it is proof positive a foreign nation influenced an election. Grasping at straws.

    Quote me where I complained about being called a faggot.

    Or where I mentioned anything about being called a faggot.

    Little faggot can't read, either.

    1. Sean Hannity3:29 PM

      Waiting for a verifiable fact from a conservative will take a long time. Just sit back, watch Fox and fight the war on Christmas. Oh yeah, yell Chicago every chance you get.

  85. For all the idiots who keep saying the shooter was stopped by a responsible shooter - please understand that if we had sensible gun laws, there may not have been an attack to stop and all those people would still be living their lives right now.

    I mean it's great that the shooter was stopped but 27 people were dead by then. How about we work on stopping these acts before they begin by enforcing existing laws and making new ones.

  86. Young victim shot five times is out of surgery. Might make it.

    Drumpfuck's Russia lawyer connection to Kremlin sez Donnie Drumofuck said he could get Magnitsky act overturned in exchange for dirt on HRC. She wants to testify in front of congress only if her words will be published. So far some congressweasels won't have it.

  87. So the Texas Church Asswipe was in an "ongoing domestic dispute" with his mother in law who attended the church.
    So no, the guy with a rifle who chased him did not, in fact, stop said asswipe from shooting up another church.
    There is a problem we have with men shooting up their families and everyone around them, that is magnified by the ease of access to weapons of the sort that Mr. Asswipe used.
    Unfortunately, due to the existence of the black market, prohibition laws do not work, so saying "thou shalt not" is a useless tactic for the most part.
    It seems like it would be useful to study the situation and maybe find a non-"thou shalt not" approach, but the $1.35 billion a year gun industry is afraid that such studies would support them making less than $1.35 billion a year, so they have made good and sure that no CDC money can be used to study the issue.
    So they are literally making sure more people get killed to protect their profits. If they didn't think they were doing anything unethical, why would they spend so much money to hide what they are doing and its effects on the society at large?
    Mostly because they are cowards presiding over an entire cult of cowardice and poltroonery, and rich enough to buy their way.

    -Doug in Oakland

  88. Lilacpr5:07 PM

    ThatDeborahGirl said...

    For all the idiots who keep saying the shooter was stopped by a responsible shooter - please understand that if we had sensible gun laws, there may not have been an attack to stop and all those people would still be living their lives right now.

    I mean it's great that the shooter was stopped but 27 people were dead by then. How about we work on stopping these acts before they begin by enforcing existing laws and making new ones.

    3:30 PM

    Laws? Laws? LOLOL! Oh honey I hate to say it but people like that will always wipe their asses with those "laws" xD

    Anybody can buy a gun, anybody! This is a capitalistic country, if anyone can make money on something, however illicit, they will do it! And as the Mafia and the Irish during prohibition have more than proven, lawmakers can and will be bought ;)

    1. We gotta start somewhere, look at what Australia did after a mass shooting. It may take 50 years but it's not too soon.

  89. free man5:51 PM

    I am not giving up my guns voluntarily, and you will not take them from me involuntarily until you repeal the second amendment. Any talk of imposing an Australian-style gun confiscation before then is meaningless.

    A disarmed population is a population of slaves.

  90. Donna Brazile Says She Thought About Starting the Process to Swap Hillary Clinton for Joe Biden After Her, Um, "Stumble"

    Brazile's book will reveal that she considered invoking the DNC rule about swapping out an incapacitated/medically unwell candidate.

    Despite the furious assertions by Democrats and the Democrats' spokesmen, the media, that everything was fine with Hilary's health, Democrat officials worried that wasn't true, and so their media PR agents must have also have known.

    From the Washington Post:

    Brazile describes in wrenching detail Clinton’s bout with pneumonia. On Sept. 9, she saw the nominee backstage at a Manhattan gala and she seemed "wobbly on her feet" and had a "rattled cough." Brazile recommended Clinton see an acupuncturist.

    Acupuncture? What is it with the "Party Of Science" and unscientific, non-medical treatments?

    Alternate nostril breathing? Acupuncture?

    What superstition-bothered medieval ignoramuses!

    Two days later, Clinton collapsed as she left a Sept. 11 memorial service at Ground Zero in New York. Brazile blasts the campaign’s initial efforts to shroud details of her health as "shameful."
    If a nominee became disabled, she explains, the party chair would oversee a complicated process of filling the vacancy that would include a meeting of the full DNC.

    After Clinton’s fainting spell, some Democratic insiders were abuzz with talk of replacing her -- and Brazile says she was giving it considerable thought.

    It is nearly impossible that media types didn't hear some of this chatter. And yet they insisted, in unison, that Hillary's health was fine (because her personal paid physician, who has a duty to not disclose her health conditions to the public without her consent, said so).

    Donna Brazile apparently also committed a crime for admitting that Seth Rich's mysterious murder was in fact a mysterious murder. The "Elite," which are charged with protecting The Masses from distractions to The Official Narrative, insists that there is nothing at all mysterious about his murder, except for who did it and why it was done.

  91. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Lilacpr said...
    ThatDeborahGirl said...

    For all the idiots who keep saying the shooter was stopped by a responsible shooter - please understand that if we had sensible gun laws, there may not have been an attack to stop and all those people would still be living their lives right now.

    I mean it's great that the shooter was stopped but 27 people were dead by then. How about we work on stopping these acts before they begin by enforcing existing laws and making new ones.

    3:30 PM

    Criminals do not obey laws. Laws do not provide any real physical protection.

  92. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Hollywood love guns and small children and makes a fortune off of them.

  93. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Those that support gun laws that would leave the citizenry defenseless are a clear and present danger to America.

  94. Anonymous7:10 PM

    ThatDeborahGirl said...
    1. Ban all male negroes from having guns.
    2. Ban all progressive center left.
    3. Vote out all Democrats.

    9:53 PM

  95. Air Force forgot to forward Kelly's criminal records.

    ThatDeborahGirl said...
    1. Ban all whitey wingnuts
    2. Ban all whitey wingnuts
    3. Erase all whitey wingnuts

    Anymoose is teched in the head. He is the only one talking about banning all guns. But he ejaculates it out there as if it is gospel.

  96. Evil people in the US get their hands on deadlier weapons because of the NRA and their bought and paid for subsidiaries - wingnuts in congress.

    Kelly had no business with an assault weapon and the guy who allegedly shot him could have done so with either a pistol or a shotgun. Someday stoopid wingnuts will have so many guns they won't be able to move under the weight. Then they will get picked off by the thousands by little girls swinging sledge hammers. Stoopid wingnuts.

  97. How's this for good detecting- It was not immediately clear whether Kelley died from the self-inflicted gunshot wound or from the shot by the resident. "However, investigators found evidence at the scene that indicates the subject may have died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound," Martin said.

    Let me take a stab at this, chief. If he had died from earlier shot he wouldn't have had the necessity to shoot himself in the head. Prolly wouldn't have had time since he would have been dead.

    I'm guessing maybe we had better disarm some of the LEOs as well as everyone else.

  98. Anonymous9:16 PM

    The armed civilian saved lives.

  99. Just another White Old Fart9:26 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Evil people in the US get their hands on deadlier weapons because of the NRA and their bought and paid for subsidiaries - wingnuts in congress.

    - Nobody wants to even acknowledge the fact that "back when America was great", we DID have laws in most states which placed restrictions on buyers AND which had a waiting period to prevent impulse-buying ((as in, when someone was enraged, and wanted to kill - they couldn't go and get a gun that same day)).
    - We ALSO had a top tax rate of 91%.
    - We were most definitely not "enslaved" and there definitely was not any "mass exodus" of business people from the US.
    - Everything started to go to hell in a hand-basket when US culture/society forgot about things like responsibility and duty, and focused instead upon the glorification of unlimited and insatiable personal material greed.
    - As for the local LEOs - well, consider the candidates they get. And think about what will happen to that candidate poll if the Texas "Bored of Edjookashun" is allowed to have its way.
    ---- Totally tangential, but, I still do not understand why it is that, in the age of e-Books, cheap electronic pads various sorts, and super-easy self-publishing (you can even do it through Amazon now), AND cheap printers, "the nation's largest textbook publisher and purchaser" should have ANY influence at all any more.....but I seem to be the only person on earth who has that thought, Go Figure...

  100. Anonymous9:31 PM

    The Happy Land fire was an act of arson that killed 87 people trapped in the unlicensed Happy Land social club:

    "González went to an Amoco gas station, then returned to the establishment with a plastic container with $1 worth of gasoline.[2][4] He spread the fuel at the base of a staircase, the only access into the club, and then ignited the gasoline"

  101. Just another White Old Fart9:53 PM

    someone wrote:
    Criminals do not obey laws. Laws do not provide any real physical protection.

    - Well no shit. The punishments for breaking the laws have always been called *deterrents* - they have NEVER been called "guaranteed protections".
    - It's only recently that people have started preaching the nonsense that there should be no laws because laws "can't guarantee safety". It's the same sort of shabby excuse for thinking that started claiming "a republic is not a democracy", even though the writings of the nation's founders VERY clearly indicate they defined "republic" as did most thinkers of that age, namely: a *representative* democracy. Why do these blockheads think part of The Legislature is called "The House of Representatives"...?
    - Primarily, laws are, and always have been, deterrents. Just as regulations have always been industry- or profession-specific laws. What they do is set up punishments for the perpetrators, and/or monetary compensation for the victims, when/if the perps are caught and prosecuted.
    - Secondarily, laws have sought to set up certain controls in order to protect the majority of the citizenry. This, too, has always been so, in ANY and EVERY situation where humans have lived in groups. Hell, even animals have certain rules of behavior, and the more complex the social structure, the more complex the rules.
    - Again rules don't guarantee that someone won't behave like an asshole, or won't steal the fruits of other people's labors, or commit acts of violence against others. Rules say, If you do X, the consequence will be Y.
    - NONE of that is in any way a passable "reason" for throwing all laws out the window, just as the difference between a direct democracy and a representative democracy is in no way a passable "reason" for destroying all vestiges of citizen participation in the political process.
    - Not that anyone cares any more. More likely than not, I'd probably be better off scribbling this onto sheets of paper, stuffing them into a bottle, corking it, and tossing it into the sea, or into a river...

  102. Bold, James Bold11:24 PM

    "The places in America with the most constant gun crime are all gun-free zones."

    The Aurora theater shooter picked the Aurora theater in particular because it was a gun-free zone.  Other theaters in the area allowed concealed carry, and he didn't want anyone shooting back at him.

    "Doctors are trained in the arena of saving lives."

    Doctors know nothing about gun safety.  However, they do put everything they learn into an electronic medical records database.  Understandably, people who own guns don't want their doctors creating a database of gun-owners, or Child Abductive Services being able to single out gun owners for "investigation" of "unsafe home environments".

    "Same with CDC, allow them to study gun deaths and injuries and come up with some solutions."

    CDC was banned from investigating guns after producing several studies which mysteriously echoed all the gun-banner talking points.  Funny how that works.

    And of course PX gives a URL with no context.  If the CDC was actually doing proper epidemiology of gun fatalities, it would find that they're strongly associated with Blackness.  The solution to "mean streets" is to get Black people off of them.  This is the lesson from the fourth felonious assault of a White woman by a mob of Black "teens" in Baltimore recently:  GET RID OF THE BLACKS AND YOU GET RID OF THE PROBLEM.

    "There is a problem we have with men shooting up their families and everyone around them, that is magnified by the ease of access to weapons of the sort that Mr. Asswipe used."

    Except the trend of gun crime is going down, while the number of guns is going upward, steeply.  If you run a regression analysis, it's going to tell you that gun crime will go to zero when there's some (large) number of guns in the USA.

    Of course, such a conclusion is bullshit.  Some people are going to commit crimes with whatever is at hand.  This applies especially to Blacks.

    "Nobody wants to even acknowledge the fact that "back when America was great", we DID have laws in most states which placed restrictions on buyers"

    You mean like the Black Codes which forbade Blacks from buying or possessing guns?  Chimpcongo, Kansas Shitty MO, Killmeton Hellaware and Killadelphia would CERTAINLY benefit from those laws we had When America Was Great.

    Know why Feeled won't go home but thinks Killadelphia is great?  Jamaica murder rate, 50/100k/yr. Philadelphia murder rate, 17.9/100k/yr.  Killadelphia is far safer and more secure than Jamaica.

    Compared to the USA as a whole, 4.9/100k/yr, Killadephia is hell.  That goes doubly so when you remove the areas with Black-dominated murder rates.  The murder rate of White Americans is about 2/100k/yr.  This should not surprise us; they're Europeans and behave like it... and Africans re-create Africa wherever they go.

  103. All my life I've heard that media portray blacks in a negative light. And all my life I've had to find alternative sources to learn about these attacks of black teens on white people. They've been happening regularly for as long as I've been alive and paying attention, at the least, and not one time have I seen any of them on a mainstream media source. I live in NOVA, which is just a quick drive away from Baltimore. Baltimore news basically shows up on like six channels here as our local news. Yet none of these four attacks were ever shown. Like a week ago I seen some "Halloween" story which said something to the effect of "Teen suspects wanted in assault of female" but nowhere did it say the attacks were racially motivated, which they clearly are.

    A black kid can literally lie about the KKK being on campus, and admit it's a lie, and it still gets national coverage for a month. One can only imagine if these were white teens beating an old black lady.

    The black community is entirely incapable and unwilling to put a stop to this from its own children. They then cry "waycism" when the cops attempt to stop it. The only other option is for white men to go Charles Bronson and stop it.

    This isn't a fight whites will lose. At best, once you scratch out the too old, the too young, and the incarcerated, it's like 4% of the nation up against 40%, if ever it comes to that. It won't be pretty.

  104. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The armed civilian saved lives.

    You have no way of proving that, Gomer. Stay stuck in yer little phantasy world.

    Josh 2 Smart can't be very old or has an extremely selective memory. Back in the 50's and 60's Blacks were the targets du jour of every white cop and every white citizen. Beatings, shootings, attacks with water cannons and police dogs.
    Blacks were attacked constantly for demanding their equal rights and to not be treated as second class Americans. Repressive whitey at his worst.

    Don't forget church bombings and lynchings and Klan rallys, crosses burnt on lawns of black Americans. America got a taste of black retaliation back then and it will only be that much worse when pissed off blacks are armed like the Marines. Whitey been asking for it for decades and when it happens, ol' whitey gonna claim victimhood like he always does.

  105. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Buy a gun.....annoy a liberal.

  106. Give to wingnuts. Help ISIS kill Americans.

  107. Carter Page confirmed more parts of the Drumpfuck Dossier. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

  108. Bold, James Bold11:58 AM

    "Back in the 50's and 60's Blacks were the targets du jour of every white cop and every white citizen. Beatings, shootings, attacks with water cannons and police dogs."

    Today you can see exactly what Bull Connor was trying to prevent, because everything he warned about came to pass.  Selma is a cesspit cleaned up once a year for the cameras which accompany the bridge march.

    "Blacks were attacked constantly for demanding their equal rights and to not be treated as second class Americans. Repressive whitey at his worst."

    For a time, Blacks were kept from destroying everything by keeping them separate.  Blacks create the unequal all by themselves.  Chinese create clean, industrious Chinatowns wherever they go; Blacks create Africa, and complain that they got shit.  They're the ones with the selective memories, because Newark, Gary and Detroit weren't shit when they got them.  Blacks have the anti-Midas touch:  they turn EVERYTHING to shit.

    "Whitey been asking for it for decades"

    Whitey has been bending over backwards for Daquan and Latrina for five decades, and they've only gotten worse.  Or have you forgotten things like Griggs vs. Duke Power, which forced the hiring of lower-qualified Blacks due to "disparate impact" of uniform standards?  These decisions declare that Blacks cannot live up to White standards... but must be treated as if they do.  And when they get these unmerited benefits, are they happy and grateful?  No, they're surly and resentful and a PITA to deal with.  Anyone who's had to deal with Blacks is either a "racist" (realist) or a loon.

    "it will only be that much worse when pissed off blacks are armed like the Marines."

    They won't be able to shoot ARs; you can't hold them sideways.

    In all seriousness, Blacks in general are very poor shots and have no discipline under fire.  They'll be badly outnumbered as well, and if the utilities are shut off to the 'hood they will be weak from hunger or food poisoning within 3 days.  This does not make for a useful resistance force.  The exceptions are easy to deal with.  Whitey just sneaks up to the house next door, uses an air cannon to lob a couple Molotov cocktails over that house onto the barricaded gunman, and he's dealt with one way or another in 20 minutes.

    Blacks have no chance of even remaining in America if it comes to open warfare, and those who get out will be those who move before Whitey starts shooting back.

  109. Selma is a cesspit cleaned up once a year for the cameras which accompany the bridge march. Whites destroyed it as they moved out.

    Chinese create clean, industrious Chinatowns wherever they go; Opium dens are natural breeding grounds for diseases.

    Blacks that come after you, Badingo, will be ex-special forces with a mean look on their faces. That alone will give you the vapors. Maybe you can Miss Lindsey Graham's fainting couch. It won't save yer pastey white ass when the bill for your racism comes due.

  110. Kelley sounded like a right wing sweetheart of a guy. Escaped a mental facility. Threatened to kill superior officers. He died with his boots on.


    google sends users to fake anti-fa site.

  112. Anonymous10:01 AM

    "Blacks that come after you, Badingo, will be ex-special forces with a mean look on their faces."



    Must read.

  114. Bold, James Bold12:25 PM

    "Whites destroyed it as they moved out."

    Funny, if you look at the present vs. past Google Streetview images around 4600 Labadie in St. Louis, you'll see plenty of stuff being destroyed in the very recent past.  Obviously White people left it all standing when they moved out.

    The real problem is that Whitey took all the Magic Dirt with him.  Magic Dirt makes clean, peaceful municipalities.  Without Magic Dirt you get mean streets and unemployment.

    "Blacks that come after you, Badingo, will be ex-special forces with a mean look on their faces."

    Excuse me, but WHAT Black ex-special forces?  I'm sure all three of them have better things to do.  Special Forces are the second-Whitest section of the armed forces, with only the Navy Seals ahead of them.  The REMFs are where the Blacks go, and we all know how the guys at the pointy end feel about REMFs.

    You are always good for a laugh, Mikey, but especially when you try to intimidate.
