Saturday, November 04, 2017


Image result for jeff sessions image.

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: This guy is an even better liar than I am..

*Pic from


  1. Damn it Jeff, you made Pence pee on the carpet again.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. "Raise your hand if you were involved in Electrocution Against the Gays 2013."

  3. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Donna Brazille' nuts says Hillary is a liar. Go finger.

  4. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Whatever happened to Pigford?

  5. Anonymous11:49 PM

    "Hi y'all mine furor!"

  6. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Sessions: "Right about here is the spot you push, which opens the secret door into the tree where we make the cookies."

  7. Anonymous12:18 AM

    I, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend Donald Trump against all enemies, foreign (California) and domestic (CNN, black congresswomen, Bob Mueller); that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same cretinous orange real estate tycoon; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion (though I must admit Trump would hurt me if I didn't); and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter (well, mostly, but of course not all that PC libtard "defending the civil rights of minorities" malarkey).

  8. Limpbaugh1:05 AM

    Damn! Look at how big his hands are!

  9. Pence: You can put your hand down, I'm not swearing you in just yet.

    Sessions: But, But, But, I have a question to ask.

    Pence: Well ask it.

    Sessions: After I take the oath, can I recuse myself?

    Pence: No, you can't excuse yourself.

    Sessions: No, No, I said recuse myself.

  10. Limpbaugh1:07 AM

    Now I won't feel so bad about that pee pee tape. Jeff cornholed a little boy in front of his smart TV.

  11. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Pence: Repeat after me: "It's ok to be white".

    Sessions: "It's ok to be huwhite"

    Trump: "White"

    Sessions: "That's what I said, huwhite"

    Trump: "Who is that holding the bible for you?"

    Sessions: "My huwife"

    Trump: "Did you huwipe your ass after you used the toilet this morning?"

    Pence: "I think we're good here".

  12. Lt.Commander Johnson2:11 AM

    You know, Dougie, when you aren't trying to be nasty, you seem like a nice guy. I thought you might appreciate this:

    I believe it to be one of the finest revolvers ever made.

  13. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions3:38 AM

    I swear to uphold the constitution unlike the no serving pussy Lt. Commander No-Johnson. I'll be arresting him soon for impersonating an officer.

  14. Anonymous4:39 AM

    "Who here would hatefuck Yisheng? Raise your hand."

  15. Anonymous4:42 AM

    IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE ... Meme Of The Year

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  16. Anonymous6:48 AM


  17. Anonymous7:05 AM

    "...Just wait until our racist base of deplorables experiences the repercussions of your 'Fucked Up" tax the time they realize it's only going to benefit the rich you would have already created another racist diversion."

    "Hey Putin...if you're listening...are you proud of us?"

  18. Tarzan Lord Of The Apes7:12 AM

    Ya know? show me a big dog, and I;ll be I can show you a bigger cat.

    I know canines have the wolves to rely on...but what else?

    Tho endangered, why are felines the baddest-assed killers still around?

  19. Lance Cockstrong8:19 AM

    You 2 turkeys are hereby pardoned ... Happy Thanksgiving and keep your damn mouths shut ...

  20. he unsmoking gun- But here's the part Brazile conveniently forgot to mention in her publicity stunt designed to generate Bernie Bro outrage and boost sales:
    However, the memo also made clear that the arrangement pertained to only the general election, not the primary season, and it left open the possibility that it would sign similar agreements with other candidates.
    So....Hillary didn't control the party during the primary? And Bernie could have had the exact same arrangement if he hadn't refused it (which he did)? Doesn't that negate the entire "Hillary rigged the primary" narrative of this story?
    But wait, it gets so much worse for the Hillary haters:
    "Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to violate the DNC's obligation of impartiality and neutrality through the Nominating process. All activities performed under this agreement will be focused exclusively on preparations for the General Election and not the Democratic Primary," the memo state

  21. Tho endangered, why are felines the baddest-assed killers still around?

    Negatory. The worst killers are whitey wingnuts with a perceived grievance against Libs given to them by the NRA and right wing hatemongers.

    Watch out for grizzlies in Wyoming schools. Public not private. Public schools, by law, are forced to take on all students, grizzlies and retarded whitey wingnuts included.

  22. Lance Cockstrong11:59 AM

    I have been called a lot worse things than Bernie Bro so I will just repeat what I have said all along in this space and elsewhere during and after the fact. Democrats presented their least electable candidate. Bernie would be president today if he were the nominee. Donald Trump and his pollster Fabrizio both know that.

  23. Lance Cockstrong12:20 PM

    I was just kidding. America wouldn't have elected that idiot Bernie Sanders president, Sure, college kids would have voted for free college, but blacks already hated Sanders after Soros sicced BLM on him to help Hillary.

  24. Now Hillary is blaming the Russians for Donna Brazile saying that she almost replaced her as the nominee because of her health issues:

    Wow. Doubling down on the Russia collusion transference.

    A. This bitch is completely crazy, or
    B. She thinks you are dumber than a box of rocks.

    Probably both.

    And she's right about B.

  25. Anonymous12:39 PM

    "Now Hillary is blaming the Russians for Donna Brazile saying that she almost replaced her as the nominee because of her health issues:"

    No she isn't.

    That statement didn't claim Donna Brazile was working for the Russians or anything of the sort.

    It did claim that the lie about Hillary being too unhealthy to serve as president was fabricated by Russians. In any event, I'm not sure how much it actually matters whether the lie was invented by Putin-employed scumbags or homegrown wingnuts scumbags. Both groups hate America.

  26. According to NBC Flynn and his son are the next to go to jail. Lock him up. Oh the irony.

  27. RE: Donna Brazile's bombshell:

    Journalist Pierce was a Sanders supporter early on, so when he says there's no there there I believe him. Clinton taking over the DNC because she could was S.O.P., was usual practice.

    "...The joint fundraising agreement, now being described as a piece of dark magic, was a completely banal campaign-finance mechanism; Sanders, after all, signed one, too. The May, 2016 Politico piece on which Brazile bases a lot of her argument about HRC’s hijacking of the Democratic National Committee was fatally flawed; it made this claim before HRC had clinched the nomination and, therefore, before she could legally transfer money to state candidates, which is Brazile’s primary retroactive gripe. (Writing in The New Republic, Dana Houle explained in July of 2016 how the “rigged primary” narrative fell apart under close inspection.) In any event, instead of taking Brazile’s book simply as one person’s view of what happened, the Democrats promptly (and predictably) have lost their minds over it."

  28. Anonymous1:09 PM

    "I will put HRC in prison"

  29. Anonymous1:10 PM

    PilotX said...
    According to NBC Flynn and his son are the next to go to jail. Lock him up. Oh the irony.
    12:46 PM

    NBC is another alt left sound board. More leftist dribble.

  30. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Chicago November to Date
    Shot & Killed: 7
    Shot & Wounded: 31
    Total Shot: 38
    Total Homicides: 7

  31. "NBC is another alt left sound board. More leftist dribble."

    You're right what was I thinking? I'll turn on Fox to see when Hillary and Barack will be going to jail.😝

  32. When Bernie has a goddamn "D" after his name, and raises a few hundred million dollars for the Democrats, then we can talk about him having more control over the party. Until such time as his actual contributions are on the same order of magnitude as Hillary's, all of the carping about the supposed raw deal he got can go fuck itself, or in this case, be used to sell books.

    But more importantly, fuck Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. We have more new Democratic candidates for state-level office preparing to run right now than we have had in decades.

    Sure, it would be nice to retake a house of congress, especially the senate, and shut down Fergus and his stupid, stupid, agenda, legislative and judicial, but if we don't stop squabbling over the shit that the goddamn Russian bots on Twitter keep stirring up for the expressed purpose of keeping us divided against ourselves, not only will we fail to win the midterms, but we will fuck off our chance at actually rebuilding the party from the local level and taking back some of the redistricting power that has been buggering us since 2011. You know, the kind of politics Bernie actually says he wants.

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. "NBC is another alt left sound board. More leftist dribble."

    Out of curiosity, what news outlets do you recommend anon 1310?

  34. "I Jefferson Beauregard Sessions do hereby swear my allegiance and loyalty to the knights of the ku klux klan".

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Chicago November to Date
    Shot & Killed: 7
    Shot & Wounded: 31
    Total Shot: 38
    Total Homicides: 7

    Las Vegas- one 9 minute period. 59 dead, 527 wounded. More than a million whitey wingnut NRA nutz creamed their jeans in unison. What a glorious 9 minutes for the 2nd Amendmenters.

  36. "It did claim that the lie about Hillary being too unhealthy to serve as president was fabricated by Russians"

    It wasn't a lie fabricated by the Russians or anyone else, Hillary was passing out and collapsing all over the campaign trail.

    She couldn't even do a book tour last month in Europe without winding up in the hospital.

    There is no way she could have handled the rigors of being President.

    She lost because she was a terrible candidate, a inveterate liar, a rapacious criminal, and on death's door.

    Thank God Trump won.

    It is a particular kind of moronic madness that thinks the Russians had any effect on the election. Get a grip, losers.

  37. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Las Vegas- one 9 minute period. 59 dead, 527 wounded. More than a million whitey wingnut NRA nutz creamed their jeans in unison. What a glorious 9 minutes for the 2nd Amendmenters.
    2:20 PM

    Mr. delusional, the 59 figure includes the shooter,so only 58 victims.How many of them died due to gunshots???
    While Mr. Paddock is responsible for all the deaths and injuries,there is something not kosher with this case.

    527,that was last reduced by LVMP to 489 wounded. But again, how many were hit by gunfire and how many were trampled or simply broke a finger.

    Nobody from the NRA jizzed in their pants over this, they were appalled.

    Why hate the NRA when they have trained millions in firearms safety to reduce any firearms deaths.

    Its the left that gets people killed with their fantasy twisted ideas.

    More people are killed in automobile accidents.I don't see you libtards rushing out to demonize Ford, Chevy, Toyota or BMW

    You do realize the Nov stats posted are only the first week of November, Chicago has the rest of the month.

  38. Anonymous3:51 PM

    "look into this pizza gate thing and orgy island"

  39. Anonymous3:54 PM

  40. Anonymous3:55 PM

  41. Anonymous3:58 PM

  42. Lance Cockstrong4:30 PM

    Not about the raw deal Bernie got Doug. It's about the raw deal you got. All that money raised by the Clintons doesn't mean a damn thing. Hillary could not be bothered to show up for the campaign and that is why we got this shit we got. Yeah Bernie could have gone out and mingled with the donor class like Hillary did but then he wouldn't be Bernie ... he would be every other smarmy politician with a D or an R after his name. It is getting very tiresome hearing how Bernie and his Bros are why Hillary lost. Let's give Bernie the respect he deserves that in this post Citizens United world with no big money backing Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump ... And Trump knows it. And going forward at the forefront of 'Lur Revolution' Bernie is working to promote progressives at all levels of government.

  43. Lance Cockstrong4:38 PM

    All that being said, we know America never would have chosen a man of childish ideas and personal failures like Bernie over someone with as much credibility as Donald Trump. We all should be thankful on how the election turned out.

  44. Bernie Ho4:46 PM

    Donna Brazile knew the DNC was rigging the process for Hillary, and said that she feared for her life after Seth Rich was murdered.

    Just who was she afraid of coming after her if she blew the whistle?

  45. BBC Breaking News


    At least 27 dead in Texas church shooting, @BBCBarbaraPlett provides updates on events in Sutherland Springs
    2:26 PM - Nov 5, 2017

    Another mass slaughter wingnut fuckers. Is it tome top talk sensible gun control, yet??????


  46. More people are killed in automobile accidents.I don't see you libtards rushing out to demonize Ford, Chevy, Toyota or BMW

    Yer a moron. Guns were designed for one purpose- to kill. And they sure do when used appropriately.

    Autos were not designed as instruments of death. Something you right wingers conveniently forget when you can't defend the senseless slaughter of humans by guns.

  47. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Drumpfuck pushed her out of the way so he could be on tv.


  48. Las Vegas ...... But Black murder rate in Chicago.

    San Antonio ......... But Black murder rate in Chicago.

    Charlottesville........ But Black murder rate in Chicago.

    Columbine.......... But Black murder rate in Chicago.

    Sandy Hook........... But Black murder rate in Chicago.

    Dumb ass whooteemoo speak........... But Black murder rate in Chicago.

  49. Texas shooter described as honky in mid 20s.

  50. Anonymous5:52 PM

    mike knows before anyone else

  51. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    Dumb ass whooteemoo speak........... But Black murder rate in Chicago.

    Yisheng does not understand statistics, or even basic math.

    What a dumb niggermoo.

  52. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Nice that you fucking pieces of shit take such glee in the fact it was a white perp and white victims.

    We will remember all of this.

  53. Anymoose, this classic is fer you, since you can't fathom life and/or death.

    Imagine you’re a deer. You’re prancing along, you get thirsty, you spot a little brook, you put your little deer lips down to the cool clear water… BAM! A fucking bullet rips off part of your head! Your brains are laying on the ground in little bloody pieces! Now I ask ya. Would you give a fuck what kind of pants the son of a bitch who shot you was wearing?

    Duh, but how would I know the bullet did the damage? Maybe the deer's head just fell off and brains spilled. It could happen. Why blame the gun.

  54. Reap what you sow6:05 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Another mass slaughter wingnut fuckers. Is it tome top talk sensible gun control, yet??????

    Don't spike the football just yet, cretin.

    Reports coming in that the Church Shooter posted Anti-Trump, Hyper-Liberal content on Facebook.

    Last church shooter was also a Trump hater, a black one though.

    Antifa had called for a "day of Violence" for yesterday, November 4th.

    Today is Guy Fawkes day.

    Best to wait before you cream in your jeans over evil wingnuts getting offed.

  55. "Nice that you fucking pieces of shit take such glee in the fact it was a white perp and white victims."

    The only way they wouldn’t have cared to politicized this, is if he screamed ‘allah huakbar’ before hand.

  56. Anonymous6:34 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Another mass slaughter wingnut fuckers. Is it tome top talk sensible gun control, yet??????

    If you hate America and the Bill of Rights move to North Korea.

  57. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Dumb ass whooteemoo speak........... But Black murder rate in Chicago.
    5:32 PM

    You alt left type sure do not want to talk about the out of control negroe violence in Chicago.

  58. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "look into this pizza gate thing and orgy island"
    3:51 PM

    No shit, the left wing types sure do like molesting children and adolescents.

  59. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Another mass slaughter wingnut fuckers. Is it tome top talk sensible gun control, yet??????
    4:49 PM

    Not gun control....we need nigger control

  60. Anonymous6:43 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Texas shooter described as honky in mid 20s.
    5:46 PM


  61. The shooter is dead so I guess the state of Texas saved themselves a trip to Burger King for the shooter.

    Nevermind, the victims weren’t Black, so no BK trip for him.

  62. 26 year old pastey white stinking honky, Anymoosemofo!!!

  63. No shit, the left wing types sure do like molesting children and adolescents.

    Let's see the evidence of the kiddie prostitution ring run out of pizza shop basement that doesn't exist. That's right fuckheads, you have no evidence because it didn't happen. How fucking dumb are you dumb fucking morons?

    No evidence? Then shut the fuck up!

  64. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Dude was an Antifa atheist who hated Christians.

    Got his news from CNN.

  65. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Wait, a guy who can't legally have a gun had a gun. How again does this become an argument that law-abiding people should be less able to defend themselves?

  66. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dude was an Antifa atheist who hated Christians.

    Got his news from CNN.
    7:03 PM

    Left wing types....especially many hollyweirdos are atheists. Their sense of entitlement and elitist ways are breeding grounds for pedophilia.


    Look what whiey wingnut girls are capable of- making an autistic boy perform sex acts with animals at knifepoint. Kill all them disgusting white bitches.

  68. Shoppers in Colorado Walmart had guns and the cops wasted a lot of time trying to determine how many actual shooters there were. Not a single gun owner stopped the killing. Not a single one stood up to be that hero you fucking liars always brag about. You need a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun.

    You going to tell me no one in Texas church was heeled today?

  69. The trend of murdering White Christians is unacceptable.

    These murders are inspired by media and entertainment depictions of White Christians.

    The blood is on their hands.

  70. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Don't always have a clear shot and you have to watch your background before firing.

  71. Anonymous7:21 PM

    These attacks are being funded by looney left billionaire types and hollyweirdos.

  72. Shooter's Facebook page lists the gunman as being a member of the group "Together We Rise" which is a pro Bernie Sanders group.

  73. "Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump ..."

    No he would not have, as anyone who has seen the oppo file they had on him knows.

    But fuck Bernie. And fuck Hillary. This is not 2016 any more. We have an all-hands-on-deck situation with the opportunity we have with this influx of Democratic candidates who aren't all seventy years old and have a chance to win state level races and undo some of the gerrymandering that has hamstrung us since 2011.
    We have to WIN ELECTIONS, and nobody wins elections by bickering over inside baseball bullshit that doesn't matter.
    If we want to actually do the stuff Bernie talks about doing, we have to start winning at the local level, and considering the massive incompetence we get to run against this time, it doesn't help if we hand them ammunition by sounding as scattered and lame as they are.

    This is bait. I say don't take it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  74. Anonymous8:59 PM

    You sparklefarters are too busy barking at the sky and having hissy fits in college class rooms.
    You are not going to win any elections for a long time.

  75. Anonymous9:03 PM

    "Kill all them disgusting white bitches.
    7:12 PM "

    Hate speech.

  76. Lance Cockstrong9:06 PM

    No doubt Trump's pollster has seen the oppo file and yet he says Bernie would have won. But fair enough Doug, I won't take it if you and Mike stop dishing it out. Bernie is an asset not a liability. He is working to develop young talent and they would do well to learn from him. And Bernie is still a vital force to be reckoned with as Ted Cruz (a top notch debater even if he is a complete prick) found out in their recent CNN debate where Cruz was reduced to stale pot in every chicken jokes.

  77. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Come on man, Cruz wiped the floor with Colonel Sanders.

  78. Yeah, Ted asks the big questions:

    -Doug in Oakland

  79. Together We Rise is a non-profit dedicated to making life better for foster kids.

  80. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Kill all them disgusting white bitches.
    7:12 PM "

    Hate speech

    No worse than a dozen of you racist whiteys on here wanting to kill all POC.

  81. Just another White Old Fart10:02 PM

    mike from iowa said...

    Together We Rise is a non-profit dedicated to making life better for foster kids.

    1:13 PM

    - Oh DEFINITELY a fascistocommie leftyLIH-brool anti-white-"christian"-male hate group that spawns killer Hillarybots...!!!
    - And yes, that is total sarcasm, thick and dripping...
