Saturday, November 11, 2017


Image result for ROY MOORE WOMEN IMAGE

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: Back off toots, you are way too old for me. 

*Pic from 


  1. Cowboy Roy10:11 PM

    Sorry ladies, you can't touch this"

  2. Roy Rogered10:16 PM

    Here's your scoop, baby: The Washington Post is Fake News

  3. Jesus who?

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Fundamentalist Phony Roy Moore: "That's what I love about these junior high school girls, man. I get older; they stay the same age."

    (Apologies to Matthew McConaughey in Dazed and Confused.)

  5. Excuse me, I'm off to prom!

  6. Excuse me, ma’am, do you have a daughter?

  7. The halo proves his sainthood.

  8. Anonymous4:11 AM

    "EEEEOOWWW, I never liked the taste of old, rotten white meat!"

  9. (no ideas for the caption. Like CenterPuke's best so far)

    two provocative articles in today's NY Times:

    "Can I Befriend White People?"

    Racism makes you sick (literally):

  10. Hey Perv, math question. How many times does 32 get into 14?

  11. Anonymous9:53 AM

  12. Anonymous10:37 AM

    TXT messages sent along with phone photos:

    "A pic of the perv so your girls and their friends know what he looks like and can run away if they see him"

  13. Lance Cockstrong11:15 AM

    The age of consent in Alabama is 6. 5 if it's a relative

  14. Lance Cockstrong11:24 AM

    "Your daughter is safe with me I can't get it up"

  15. It's ok to be white12:08 PM

    anotherbozo said...
    "Can I Befriend White People?"
    Another NYT article where an entitled black person justifies raising their children to be racist. What a hopeless future progressives are working towards.

    If black parents are teaching their children to distrust white children, then it would be negligent for white parents not to make sure their children understand that blacks hate them and should be avoided at all costs.

    We are Sick of Racism too. We basically deconstructed our entire society in the name of "equality" and all we get is endless hate campaigns from the media and academia. That and demands for more handouts. We are done with it.

  16. Make way for the chairman of the party of pedophilia!

  17. You basically deconstructed reconstruction so you can be the racists you always wanted to be.

    Back parent would be remiss if they didn't teach their children not to offer white cops a shot at their unprotected backs.

    Whitey wingnut is reaping the racist whirlwind he has sown- and they don't like being on the shit end of the stick.

  18. Anonymous1:37 PM

    mike is a twisted little soul, isn't he?

  19. GOP=gross old pedophiles.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Oops, I'm sorry, I got that wrong:

    GOP = greedy old pedophiles.

    -Doug in Oakland

  21. "That and demands for more handouts. We are done with it."

    That's what you think? Black people want handouts? Just wow, that's not racist at all.

  22. mfi is a seeker of truth and eraser of wingnut fauxkeeness. mike from iowaness is next to gawdliness as you'll ever get.

  23. GOP = greedy old pedophiles.


  24. The GOP sucks ass4:18 PM

    GOP- grabbing others pu**ies.

    GOP - gaging old pencild*cks.

    GOP - groupies ogling preteens

  25. Anonymous5:10 PM

    PilotX said...
    "That's what you think? Black people want handouts?"


  26. Anonymous6:59 PM

    "I'm glad I live in a gated community."

  27. Anonymous7:01 PM

    GOP = greedy old pedophiles.

    -Doug in Oakland
    2:38 PM

    Sorry, that's your left wing friends in Hollyweird that like the young ones.


  28. "That's what you think? Black people want handouts?"


    Then that makes you a racist.

  29. The GOP7:18 PM

    Sorry, that's your left wing friends in Hollyweird that like the young ones.
    Actually that sounds like GOP leadership. The former Republican Speaker of the House went to jail for molesting boys. Don't forget Mark Foley, he liked little boys too.

  30. I don't want a handout. Nobody I know does.

  31. Moore had ample opportuniies to deny he dated underage women on Hannity's ass kissing love fest. Too stoopid to breathe on his own Moore couldn't or wouldn't take the easy way out. Because he is a fucking stoopid POS.

    Hannity was practically begging Moore to deny he dated young girls. Moore said he couldn't remember if he dated certain ones, but he was sure if he did he asked her parents permission. The stoopid runs deep through wasicu wastey creeps.

  32. Don't forget the Catholic priesthood.
    Foleys and Hasterts and Craigs, oh my!
    And who was that Packwood creep, and how long did they know about what he was doing before they did anything about it?
    This is not a new issue.

    -Doug in Oakland

  33. Anonymous8:42 PM

    PilotX said...
    I don't want a handout. Nobody I know does.


    No more Affirmative Action.

    No more minority set-asides.

    No more talk of reparations.

    1. When was the last time you heard me talk about those issues.
      Well, there was the white male AA for the 36 year old guy who's only practiced law for 3 years and never tried a case but is up for a federal judgeship. How is that not white male affirmative action?
      I'm more of a Harold Washington kind of guy, make things fair for everyone and everyone benefits not just the well to do.

  34. When Bill Clinton couldn’t prove he was innocent of the accusations by Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones, then democrats just told him YOU HAVE TO GO. That’s the precedent.

  35. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Well, then good for you PilotX.

    Your experience proves nothing stands between a black man with talent and initiative from succeeding in America.

    I just wish everyone else would stop claiming that was not the case, and that I was to blame.

    1. There are/were structural inequities that restrict some from achieving greatness. I was lucky in sooooo many ways. 1. Both parents were college grads. 2. Mom was a teacher so I got a head start at a young age. 3. I went to a decent high school and had good teachers. 4. Both parents had good union jobs(as do I) and didn't live in a right to work state that tries to destroy good paying union jobs.
      Take away something from that equation and I wouldn't be where I am today. I am glad you do recognize blah people are just as capable as anyone else. Too bad more people don't share your beliefs. Hopefully there are others as intelligent as you in positions of power willing to be colorblind when it comes to hiring and access.


  36. Blogger PilotX said...
    When was the last time you heard me talk about those issues.


    I say F*CK THEM ALL and tell them to learn to live without White privilege!!

  37. Black Power9:49 PM

    And Blacks are OWED reparations for the free labor our ancestors provided which built this country, for the mutaliation, rape, murder, sodomy of millions of people Blacks and Native Americans, and for basically being the world’s assholes, when it comes to treatment of people of color.


  38. Anonymous9:55 PM

    PilotX said...
    "There are/were structural inequities that restrict some from achieving greatness. I was lucky in sooooo many ways. 1. Both parents were college grads. 2. Mom was a teacher so I got a head start at a young age. 3. I went to a decent high school and had good teachers. 4. Both parents had good union jobs(as do I) and didn't live in a right to work state that tries to destroy good paying union jobs. "

    None of those things has anything to do with race.

  39. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Yīshēng said...

    You, on the other hand, are the living incarnation of several negative stereotypes.

    Your failures have as much do with race as PilotX's successes.

  40. "None of those things has anything to do with race."

    Actually some of it does. In years past blah people were kept away from owing property in areas in which we could benefit. Take Chicago for example, because of redlining by banks and sometimes actual physical intimidation we were limited in the areas in which we could live/buy property. We were also limited in the resources we could use to purchase said homes i.e. the GI Bill which was given to white soldiers returning from WW2 but not blah soldiers. Fast forward years and now you have a situation in which blahs are segregated into areas with low property values thus low property taxes and thus unequal funding for schools. This was done purposely, if you research the city plans of Chicago you will find actual physical barriers between neighborhoods. We began on unequal footing and these structural problems get worse as time goes on not better. Now there are ways to try to fix these problems but first we have to agree there is a problem. There is a racial as well as a economic component to many problems in this country to deny such is either ignorance of the situation or plain dishonesty.

    1. Here is an article that can give you some insight into the benefits whites were privy to but not blahs.

    2. Some more evidence of the disparate treatment between whites and blahs. Many whites gained advantages by taking advantage of the GI Bill, low interest mortgages and other educational vouchers not offered to blahs. Had there been equal treatment in the past doesn't it stand to reason things would be more equitable now? If your argument is blah people are just as bright and talented as whites how much more success would we have now if these programs had been equally distrubuted.

  41. Anonymous11:39 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Actually some of it does. In years past blah people were kept away from owing property in areas in which we could benefit"

    That didn't stop your parents.

    1. Did you read any of the material I posted? If so do you agree white Americans had an advantage over blah Americans historically? If you then agree with that could you also agree historical advantages translate to certain present day advantages?

  42. "That didn't stop your parents."

    Non sequator. Because some people were successful doesn't negate the fact that there was discrimination.

  43. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Of course. That's why there was a moral argument for affirmative action for blacks.

    You could also say blacks have had a historic advantage over the past 50 years.

    Those 50 years are more important to the people alive today than the centuries before they were alive.

    But I don't begrudge giving blacks a leg up. I do resent being hated despite of it.

    And I deeply resent anyone other than American born blacks getting AA.

    1. There are many modern advantages that whites take advantage of. I don't begrudge that but let's also call that affirmative action. White males have structural advantages women and people of color do not. But I'm sure we both want equality for everyone but I guess we disagree about who enjoys the biggest advantages.

    2. White women also benefit from several forma of affirmative action so let's never get the idea that only blah people are the beneficiaries of special privileges.

  44. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "Because some people were successful doesn't negate the fact that there was discrimination"

    It proves that discrimination wasn't the only factor.

    1. That is true but you have to admit that it was a huge factor.

  45. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Any nonwhite who drags their ass legally or illegally over the border immediately qualifies for Affirmative Action.

    They, and white women, merit no such advantage.

    1. Ok, I see this is going no where. Whites also enjoy certain advantages so let's work towards equality for all.

  46. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Whites enjoy advantages in a majority white country like blacks do in a majority black country.

    It's called reality. If your culture is what cultural norms are built around, you probably have an advantage over people with a different culture.

    Do Chinese people in China benefit from Chinese privilege. Of course they do.

    1. America is not a white country, it is multi-ethnic.

  47. Anonymous1:00 AM

    I, like the vast majority of white people, want nothing more than for blacks to participate fully and equally in America.

    To this end, we have spent the last 50 years reordering our society, changing our laws, and radically altering our institutions. For all that, we are hated more than ever.

    I like blacks. Blacks are not my enemy. My enemies are those who use the historical circumstances of blacks as a cudgel to destroy my way of life - not in any way to address those past injustices or improve the situation of blacks, but only to advance their own position.

    This is why so many black people are still suffering - the whole project has a different goal.

    The lesson is becoming clear. It will never be enough. It's not about equality, it's about power.

    To the left, black anger and discontent are absolutely vital to the advancement of their agenda. This is why the more real discrimination fades into past, the more extreme the anti-white rhetoric becomes.

    And when people tell you that you have no place in the future of your country, you should take them at their word.

    1. This country has never truly done what is necessary to attain equality. Two questions. Did you read the links I provided? About how old are you?

  48. Anonymous1:08 AM


    Old enough

    Just saw this:

    1. Interesting but it's an opinion piece by someone who's credentials are unknown. The reason I asked your age is younger individuals have no clue as to how difficult life was for blah people not that long ago. Are you over 40? Just curious.

  49. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Over 50

    And I understand past difficulties, I am not arguing about addressing past injustices, just that the way it has been done has been terrible for almost everyone.

    It's late, and I'm out.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Agreed, the remedies have been lackluster. Good discussion.

  50. Anonymous9:02 AM

    "its ok to be white"

  51. Anonymous moron from iowa said...

    When Bill Clinton couldn’t prove he was innocent of the accusations by Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones, then democrats just told him YOU HAVE TO GO. That’s the precedent.

    Paula Jones case was laughed out of court. The judge threw it out and told her if everything she said happened-happened, it did not constitute sexual assault. Wingnut lawyers who wanted to use this case to harass Clinton and look for dirt refused to let her settle and when she did finally get a settlement, after lawyers couldn't do any damage to Clinton, she got very little because her so called concerned lawyers to the majority of it.

    I don't remember Willey ever filing charges and Broaddrick signed two affidavits saying the rape never occurred.

    Lets get Gennifer Flowers in here as well. She told the court she had numerous affairs in a Little Rock hotel five years before it was ever built. Sounds trustworthy to me.

    I did not ask for precedence. I asked for proof that Clinton raped anyone. Where it is?

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Conservatives don't understand facts. When you ask for proof they just google some opinion writer and call it a day.

  52. Anonymous10:58 AM

    It's ok to be an Eskimo.

  53. Ming the Merciless11:38 AM

    It's ok to be Mongolian.

  54. Sgt. Waters11:43 AM

    It's ok to be Gullah.

  55. Joseph Smith12:02 PM

    It's ok to be Mormon.

  56. Danica Roem12:28 PM

    It's ok to be transgender.

  57. Anonymous1:06 PM

    It's ok to be gay.

  58. Roy Moore1:56 PM

    It's ok to be a child molestor.

  59. Bill Clinton2:34 PM

    It's ok to be a rapist.

  60. mike from iowa's mom2:35 PM

    It's ok to drink heavily during pregnancy.

  61. James Bold's dad2:38 PM

    It's ok to have sex with your sister and mother.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Reality Check: Did Hillary Clinton attack her husband's accusers?

    By Steven A. Holmes and Lisa Rose, CNN

    Updated 7:00 AM ET, Wed October 12, 2016
    Trump promises Clinton attacks if more video surfaces

    Trump promises Clinton attacks if more video surfaces 01:06

    (CNN)During the second presidential debate, Donald Trump responded to revelations that he made derogatory remarks about women with a full-throated charge that Hillary Clinton had attacked women who had accused her husband of sexual assault over the past four-plus decades.
    "Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously," said Trump.
    What's the truth here? Did she? Let's look at the cases one-by-one.
    Juanita Broaddrick

    One of the women, Juanita Broaddrick, had accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 when he was attorney general of Arkansas. Broaddrick's allegation that Hillary Clinton warned her to remain silent about the rape stems from an encounter she had with Hillary Clinton at a fund raiser that same year. In an interview with the website, Breitbart, last week, Broaddrick recalled how Hillary Clinton held her hand and said to her, "I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him. Do you understand? Everything you do."
    Broaddrick told Breitbart: "What really went through my mind at that time is 'She knows. She knew. She's covering it up and she expects me to do the very same thing."
    Broaddrick did not initially report the alleged assault to law enforcement, but she did make the claim in interviews with the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The New York Times. Years later, she was subpoenaed to testify in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case. As part of her testimony, she signed an affidavit denying that Clinton sexually assaulted her.
    She later recanted that denial when interviewed by investigators from Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's office. But, House managers chose not to call her as a witness in the case to impeach President Bill Clinton.
    In a February 1999 NBC interview, correspondent Lisa Myers asked Broaddrick, "did Bill Clinton or anyone near him ever threaten you, try to intimidate you, do anything to keep you silent?"
    Broaddrick answered: "no."

  64. Anonymous7:01 PM

    TRUMP 2020!!

  65. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Obama 2020!!

  66. Just another White Old Fart7:33 PM

    - Yes, it's OK for Moore to be a pedophile because, Clinton-something-something.
    - This is the "party of God and morals":
    Two wrongs magically make THEIR wrong right.

  67. Just another White Old Fart8:21 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    Whitey wingnut is reaping the racist whirlwind he has sown- and they don't like being on the shit end of the stick.
    12:40 PM

    - Actually, the only provable complaint is that some Black people don't like them.
    - They are not in any way reaping the whirlwind *or* on the shitty end of the proverbial stick.
    - They are disliked. That in and of itself isn't the problem - the problem is their assumption that they're disliked, or passed over for promotion, or otherwise not getting what they believe they deserve, because they're white, and therefore, they don't believe they at all need to change any aspect of their own behavior.
    - If the good things in life are passing them by, however, it's not because they're White; it's because they're too hostile, self-pitying, vindictive, anti-social, paranoid, and otherwise too self-centered, to cope with reasonable social interactions.
    - Think of it this way - if you were an employer and hired someone who ended up having, and acting on, the sort of persecution complex and paranoia and hostility, et cetera, and especially, the sort of inability to take ANY suggestion for change, that we've seen displayed so brazenly, and so repeatedly, in this comment section, I ask you:
    What would you, as an employer, do? Especially after the person flat-out *refused* to try to change even the smallest aspect of his behavior?
    Would you, the employer, ignore the complaints of other employees, and risk losing good employees, just to stroke the ego of the nutjob because he beeeLEEEVZ he "deserves" to be treated like some rare and special critter?
    - Nope.
    - As an employer, you'd pick out the proverbial rotten apple *before* it ruins the entire proverbial barrel.
    - If you are a Black or otherwise not-ethnically-Northern-European (or at least, don't look like one), the nutjob is NOT going to stop and consider his (or her) behavior - nope, they're going to come here onto FIeld Negro's blog, or some similar venue, and whine about "the war against Whites".
    - And it would not matter whether most or all of the *other* employees are White - no no no, to the self-centered asshole, he will insist he was fired "for being White".
    - So, as I said, that is in no way "reaping the whirlwind". At most, it's merely the jerk being hoist by his own proverbial petard - the one with which he tried to stab others, but ineptly, and in his blind disjointed aggression, managed only to stick himself. While then claiming that he was "attacked".

  68. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Obama 2020!!
    9:52 PM

    Not going to happen.he served two terms.keep dreaming sparklefarter.
