Friday, November 10, 2017

Veterans Day.

Image result for field negro black soldiers crying veterans day

Today we honor those who served.

Not cowards who waited 48 years before going to Vietnam.


  1. The Halls of Valor10:15 PM

    Field Negro is the Bravest of the Brave.

    A Real American Hero.

  2. Just another WHite Old Fart10:42 PM

    - All the blood that's been spilled in war,
    all the lives given that our can be more full and free,
    all the seas of tears wept in pain and sorrow,
    the broken lives, the maimed bodies,
    and look, see what it is, what it will be, to which we dedicate ourselves:
    non-existent "points" tallied for snippy comments and rude behaviors that we'd punish our own children for saying.

    - How many will be able to keep a civil tongue in their heads for even one mere day? And not even a whole day, not an entire 24 hours, at that - but for a few hours out of a day?

    - I don't think I'll be able, or even want, to look at the Comments section here tomorrow. Too many refuse to acknowledge that honor has but one color.


  3. Limpbaugh11:50 PM

    About 22 veterens commit suicide per day. The Veterans Crisis Line number is 800-273-8255.

  4. Armistice Day, by Paul Simon:

    On Armistice Day
    The Philharmonic will play
    But the songs that we sing
    Will be sad
    Shufflin’ brown tunes
    Hanging around

    No long-drawn, blown out excuses
    Were made
    When I needed a friend, she was there
    Just like an easy chair

    Armistice Day
    Armistice Day
    That’s all I really wanted to say

    Oh, I’m weary from waiting
    In Washington, D.C.
    I’m coming to see my congressman
    But he’s avoiding me
    Weary from waiting down in Washington, D.C.

    Oh, Congresswoman
    Won’t you tell that congressman
    I’ve waited such a long time
    I’ve about waited all I can
    Oh, Congresswoman
    Won’t you tell that congressman

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Served who or what Mr. Negro? You proudly claim to be a "world citizen". As usual I'm confused about your worldview.

    Not mike from iota, he has left the reservation.

  6. There's always a war on somewhere.

  7. Lt. Commander is a pussy2:50 AM

    And especially no fake assed nobserving punks who pretend to be military officers.

  8. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Yes we salute and thank ALL of our veterans.
    Especially our black veterans who still fight to defend a country that continues to see and treat them as second class citizens.

    Not Cowards like the POTUS...

    and to think that the people who voted him IN overlooked the fact that he
    dodged the military
    colluded with a foreign government (going against the freedom that America fought for)
    insulted a war hero (McCain)
    insulted a military family
    refused to show his tax returns
    served up a tax plan designed to benefit the rich and devastate the poor and middle class

    But then he did say that he could shoot someone in the middle of fifth avenue and still get elected.

  9. Lt.Commander Johnson7:05 AM

    What the fuck are you talking about, Queenie?

    I didn't even make a post on this thread.

    Am I putting a cob up your well-used asshole?

  10. Lt.Commander Johnson7:15 AM

    BTW...who WAS the last President to serve in the military?

    You stoopdid bitch.

    1. Lt. Commander no-johnson is a no serving pussy10:55 AM

      You seem to know a lot about the military, been playing soldier again little fake assed pussy? We all know you wanted to be in the navy after seeing the Village People video punk.

  11. Too bad vets can't be honored with VA services that are adequately funded. That don't have months of wait time for medical care.

    Veterans' Day--a chance for more congressional displays of hypocrisy.

  12. The last phony patriot to serve was the last one to use white privilege and wealth to get slotted into the Texas Air National Guard at the height of VietNam and then didn't honorably serve his full commitment. That'd be dumbass dubya.

    Too bad vets can't be honored with VA services that are adequately funded. That don't have months of wait time for medical care.

    They can be and deserve to be taken care of. The problem is wingnuts have to disabuse themselves of the notion that the wealthy can't afford to pay any taxes which help our government provide for the general welfare. It's Veteran's Day. For their sake vote wingnuts out of power everywhere.

  13. Lt.Commander Johnson9:37 AM

    Uh huh...If that is not another fake poster name proof that Queenie uses another fake poster name a "mike from Iowa", I don't know what is.

    Admit it, whore.

    1. Lt. Commander no-johnson is a fat assed dumb no serving pussybiatch10:57 AM

      Why don't you admit you're too much of a pussy to actually serve you fat assed dumb pussy. Now go eat fried butter or whatever you fat dumb assed pussies from the fattest and dumbest state do.

    2. LTC Pussy is a no serving biatch11:00 AM

      Go sign up to serve or are you too much of a biatch? You can steal an officer's title but can't be bothered to actually earn it. Typical.

  14. Anonymous12:07 PM

    ^^^ for sure! he's probably this guy:

  15. I’ve said it here a THOUSAND times, NO ONE who hasn’t served in the military should be allowed to run for President.

    1. That would disqualify a lot of smart capable people. I don't know about that one Doc.

  16. Lt. Commander no-johnson is a no serving pussy and a dumbass delusional muthafuker12:45 PM

    You seem to know a lot about the military, been playing soldier again little fake assed pussy? We all know you wanted to be in the navy after seeing the Village People video punk.


    NO daily bathing WOMAN, is interested in the pencil d*cked, wanna be military officer, psycho.


    And for the unpteenth time, Yisheng and Mike aren’t the only ones here that think you’re a stupid, low life, hick desperate for attention on a Black Blog. And you’re STILL too stupid to distinguish comments from Mike and Yisheng because YOU are the one with NO LIFE/CAREER with the time to post here ALL FUCKING DAY YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!!!!

  17. PilotX said...
    That would disqualify a lot of smart capable people.

    Oh well, so now we have tRump and that wouldn’t have happened if military service had been required.

    1. Well, all you have to do is require that tax returns have to be shown. Problem solved😂

  18. Yisheng is neither smart nor capable.

    She has demonstrated it here a THOUSAND times.

  19. Even I wouldn't rape her.

  20. A well deserved tip o' the hat to my Father of blessed memory, brothers who served and are no longer with us, plus the other brothers who served and are still alive. Both BILs served. Classmates who served and sacrificed their lives for wasted reasons.
    This is yer day to be honored, just not by deplorable wingnuts.

  21. I think that civilian control of our half-trillion-dollar-a-year military is an excellent idea.
    I don't like the way Fergus is trying to use it, but Fergus won't be there forever, and even he would be doing a better job of it if he'd had his ass kicked a few dozen times when he was younger.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. A program to help veterans avoid suicide by getting them service dogs, trained by other veterans has been kicked out of its offices by Fergus' administration.

    -Doug in Oakland

  23. My man Fergus3:19 PM

    President Trump has deescalated Obama's foolish war in Syria and has stopped supporting ISIS, which is now collapsing. This will save a lot of lives, including those of American soldiers.

    He also tamped down Obama's extremely dangerous provocations over Ukraine that threatened to start WW III.

    He has worked with China to address the issue of North Korea launching missiles over its neighbors and threatening the US with nuclear weaponry.

    The Trump administration is pursuing the most sane foreign policy within living memory.

  24. New mayor of St. Paul, MN is an Alpha!

  25. Drumpfuck deescalated the war in Syria by putting more troops on the ground? Uh huh. Drumpfuck has goven Putin carte blanche to annex whatever he wants and Drumpfuck will hold Putin's pee pee tail while ge pees.

  26. mike from iowa has a sad. It pains me to look at you deplorable wingnuts and realize what cracking good crash test dummies you would have been. What utter waste.

  27. Have a rotten night crash test dummy wannabes. I am out of here.

  28. Extending much gratitude to the men and women who exemplify the nobler spirit of our nation. Happy Veterans’ Day :-)


  30. Field, what do you think about these unqualified judicial nominees being put forward by trump and approved on partyline votes? The latest guy trump nominated for a lifetime federal judgeship is 36 years old, has only been an active lawyer for 3 years AND has never tried a case. WTF?,amp.html

    1. If that ain't affirmative action what is?

  31. The Trumpening9:56 PM

    PilotX said...
    Field, what do you think about these unqualified judicial nominees being put forward by trump and approved on partyline votes?

    Absolutely love it. The activist judiciary is being replaced with people who will uphold the law, not make it.

  32. Y'all know who9:58 PM

    PilotX said...
    If that ain't affirmative action what is?

    A functionally illiterate woman spending 40 years in college trying to get a medical degree.

    1. Yisheng's ass licker11:35 PM

      I'm so jealous and butt hurt that an educationally superior Black woman will earn 5 degrees in 40 years, including a medical degree.

  33. Philly Buster10:00 PM

    "...approved on partyline votes?"

    Good thing Harry Reid changed the rules for approving judges, isn't it X?

  34. "Good thing Harry Reid changed the rules for approving judges, isn't it X?"

    It was going to happen anyway, it should have happened when the gang of 14 or was it 7? Gang of whatever, they should have done it years ago. Was a super majority required for judiciary below the SC level?


  35. "Absolutely love it. The activist judiciary is being replaced with people who will uphold the law, not make it."

    But at least nominate qualified people but it's the Republican Party so what do you expect?
