Saturday, December 23, 2017


Image result for image black grinch santa

I need a caption for this pic.


  1. Anonymous10:50 AM

    How man negroes will murder each other over the holiday??

    1. Get your opioid and die great Christmas gift for hue manity

  2. Anonymous said...

    How man negroes will murder each other over the holiday??

    10:50 AM

    As many as Italians,Irish and Jewish murdered each other when they were poor immigrants in the same conditions, before the government stepped in and gave them decent, well paying jobs in the fire and police departments, and gave the Jewish government jobs. That's how many ;)

  3. Donald J. Grinch slinks offstage now that he's got his giant tax break.

  4. anotherbozo said...

    Donald J. Grinch slinks offstage now that he's got his giant tax break.

    12:22 PM

    Iloveit! You win! Hands down! :D

  5. Americans are getting raises and bonuses after the tax cuts and liberals are furious.

    Liberals hate Christmas - the whole Christmas season. Now, please don't ask why; no one quite knows the reason. It could be, perhaps, that their shoes are too tight. Or it could be that their heads aren't screwed on just right. But I think that the most likely reason of all... may be that their brains are two sizes too small.

  6. Pepe dresses up for the holidays.

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. All wingnuts have aids and live in white huts.

  8. Anonymous Newt Gingrinch said...

    Americans are getting raises and bonuses after the tax cuts and liberals are furious.

    Check out AT&T. They have been quietly laying off thousands of workers and announced raises and bonuses before the tax bill was ever formulated. Stoopid, desperate, fucking, wingnuts.



    Direct tv is hiking rates again and those hikes alone will cover any bonuses and raises given out.

    Merry Christmas to all the losers who voted for the mangled apricot. Will you listen to liberal reason and wisdom now and save what is left of your pathetic inbred lives? Prolly not.

  10. Top news at Fox, enemy general in the war on Christmas captured.

  11. The Grinch off to steal healthcare from 10,000,000 kids.


    We have met the Grinch and it is Drumpf and korporate amerikorp.

  13. Anonymous6:43 PM

    ”Americans are getting raises and bonuses after the tax cuts and liberals are furious.”

    The top 10% of earners are getting loads of shiny presents.

    Everybody else is getting coal. Or maybe a stocking full of dog shit.

    Of course, next Christmas, Santa will be delivering pink slips to half the Republicans in Congress and indictments to the White House, because they’ve been extremely naughty.

  14. Black Santa7:21 PM

    Of course, next Christmas, Santa will be delivering pink slips to half the Republicans in Congress and indictments to the White House, because they’ve been extremely naughty.

    Ho ho ho! Happy Holidays!

  15. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Green Lives Matter

  16. The Santa white people deserve

    1. Trump said pants were not mandatory

  17. Anonymous9:07 PM

    "I think I'll start some class warfare."

  18. I won the election, and still they protest.

    Surely they jest. Liberals in their nest.

    Women wear pussy hats; antifa weild bats.

    “Good” Nazis love me; even the GOP.

    Great saying Merry Christmas; Happy Kwanza, I’ll pass.

    A tax bill for my chums, last laugh for Trump.

    This game was a cinch; a bigly win for Trump Grinch...


  20. To my fellow posters: Wishing each of you and your loved ones a holiday season with much warmth, peace of mind and all the joy your heart can hold ~FAITH

  21. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Smellania before her "procedures"

  22. Lt.Commander Johnson6:05 AM

    Though I disagree with pretty much anything you Negros say, or espouse....I still wish you and yours a Merry Christmas.....Kwanzaa, or, whatever.

    God Bless.

  23. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Random@ 9:08,Doug@ 1:52, and anotherbozo@ 12:22,all tough to beat.☺

    (field Negro)

  24. Merry Christmas everybody! Happy Holy days to all!

    My pernil is in the oven and my granddaughter can't hardly wait, and neither can I!

    I hope and pray y'all get all the toys you asked for ;)

    Myself I'm just glad to be alive and be able to live another day on this beautiful planet! Much love and kisses y'all!

    Ho ho ho! xD

  25. Cornell West going back across the pond.

  26. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Chicago Year 2017 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 616
    Shot & Wounded: 2906
    Total Shot: 3522
    Total Homicides: 666

  27. Anonymous10:01 AM

  28. This Caption Saturday Is on fire! Everybody rocking it! :D

  29. Skol Vikings. First shutout since the last one.

  30. Anonymous11:54 AM

    "I am your...backdoor man...the men don't know, but the little girls...Understand!"

  31. What I learned today from my local 18 year olds.

    'Peng' means very good looking. In fact, if you are Peng, you are even better looking than someone who is just 'Boom'. So Boom is attractive, roughly the equivalent of being'Lush' - but if you are Peng - you're absolutely gorgeous.

    The opposite of 'Peng' is 'Butters'. So if an English teenager accuses you of being Butters - smack them in the mouth.

    This is only of interest to me, because when I was a teenager, 'Peng' was the finest quality hash. As in "Whoa man, this weed is like 'Peng"."

  32. I apologize profanely to Drumpfuck the dumbfuck. He can tell the truth now and again. Witness-

    Since only poor people can afford memberships to Drumpf Dump South, he just made many poors much wealthier as he brags,

  33. So someone left a gift-wrapped box of horse shit addressed to Steve Mnuchin near his mansion in Los Angeles. It was signed "from the American people".

    A waste of perfectly good horse shit, if you ask me.

    -Doug in Oakland

  34. So Jerry Brown just pardoned two guys who fled from the Khmer Rouge as children, and whose convictions were about to be used to deport them.

    -Doug in Oakland

  35. If a Santa of Color busted a move such as pictured above, white cops would have busted dozens of caps because they have no rhythm and can't dance and are scared of POC that can.

  36. If the world had more people like these who were killed by a teenage neonazi, it would be a FAR Better place!

  37. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Sutherland Springs 2017 year to date:
    4% of the entire town killed including babies and pregnant women.

  38. Black Santa8:13 PM

    Here's my gift to Lt. Commander Pussy, the balls to go sign up for the military to try to earn the title he uses without actually earning it.

  39. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Smiley/Simmons in 2020 Monkeys Unite

  40. GOP=pedophile2:23 AM

    Moore 2020! Trailer trolls unite!

  41. God help us2:24 AM

    Yīshēng said...
    "If the world had more people like these who were killed by a teenage neonazi, it would be a FAR Better place!"

    Yisheng's Christmas wish, as depraved and idiotic as every other thought she has.

  42. StillaPanther22:35 AM

    We have not seen hash in too long. Is it not kook that a country that provides poppy, which is destroying white sensibilities, is ruined by white America. 15 to 16 years and all you have is more domestic addicts. Funk the Taliban or any other name you use to scare Americans, start a war on poppy. To the Anon that keep a tally on Chicago violence. How about 2’000’000 civilians in VN war. No white person should take any high road when it comes to killing. One fact data you missed. Number of guns made by Blacks: ZERO.

  43. Sam from Nam2:49 AM

    Blacks don't really make anything that requires any level of technology. What's your point?

  44. As per usual, whitey wingnuts don't know shit about black people.

    Blacks made great contributions to society and mankind before America was a twinkle in anyone's eyes.

  45. Sam is a sham12:46 PM

    Blacks don't really make anything that requires any level of technology. What's your point?
    What have you ever made Sam? I mean other than a mess in your pants.

  46. Whadaya think of this Field?


  47. "We have not seen hash in too long."

    I can get it. And it's legal here now. I also know a guy who uses superctitical CO2 to extract it and comes up with THC in the high nineties with no solvent involved, so it's cleaner than hash.

    -Doug in Oakland

  48. Taco Carbon4:28 PM

    Using CO2 to extract THC is destroying the earth by contributing to global warming. Is your friend a Koch brother perchance?

  49. StillaPanther27:12 PM

    The point is that the providers of these guns also have a responsibility. I know man has choices, but other things in society are controlled. Knowing that an object is causing such carnage. When a city in West Virginia dispensed more OxyContin than citizens, the government stepped in. You controlled the number of weapons North Korea can have.

    more OxyContin

  50. Anonymous10:37 PM

    StillaPanther2 said...

    "Knowing that an object is causing such carnage."

    Guns do not kill people. Someone has to pull the trigger. A gun is only a tool.

  51. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Blacks made great contributions to society and mankind before America was a twinkle in anyone's eyes.
    11:53 AM

    Please list them.

  52. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sutherland Springs 2017 year to date:
    4% of the entire town killed including babies and pregnant women.
    8:12 PM

    One day for the whole year do to a crazy guy.One time event.

    Chicago exceeds this every month, month after month. year after year.

  53. Anonymous10:46 PM

    One fact data you missed. Number of guns made by Blacks: ZERO.
    2:35 AM

    Science&technology has never been one of the negroes strong points. Europe and America provided the world with modern technology.

  54. Anonymous11:13 PM

    One day for the whole year do to a crazy guy.One time event.
    that killed 4% of the entire fucking town including babies and pregnant women. Babies and pregnant women don't get shot in fucking church in Chicago.

  55. L is for loser11:15 PM

    Science&technology has never been one of the negroes strong points. Europe and America provided the world with modern technology.
    As did Asians and Black Americans among others.
    What the fuck has your dumb white ass invented? Nothing. Sad you have to revel in the accomplishments of others because your trailer troll ass is a loser.

  56. Modern is a relative term. A sharpened stick was a modern advancement for stoopid fucking NRA wingnuts. They haven't evolved much since.

  57. Anonymous10:26 AM

    One day for the whole year do to a crazy guy.One time event.
    Bullshit, it takes a month to do what a wingnut can do in one day.
    It'll take a century to kill 4% of the population in a major city.

  58. Inmate Drumpfuck the dumbfuck can do anything better than anyone else as long as he doesn't actually have to do it. All talk.

  59. "Guns do not kill people. Someone has to pull the trigger. A gun is only a tool."

    Chainsaws don't cut down trees, you have to have a tree faller who knows how to use the chainsaw.

    But the tree faller can cut down a lot more trees a lot faster with a Stihl or a Husqvarna than he can with a cross cut saw or a goddamn axe.

    And a crazy ass nincompoop has a lot better chance of cutting down a tree with a goddamn chainsaw than he does without one.

    Tools require skill and responsibility to use safely, and yes, guns are just tools for making holes at a distance.

    The difference I see is that guns are easy to use well enough to kill a lot of people, whereas most machine or even power tools have enough of a learning curve that you would not immediately be able to use one for mayhem, and by the time you could, you probably wouldn't still be in a homicidal rage.

    -Doug in Oakland

  60. Hog Killer7:46 PM

    Black Santa said...
    Here's my gift to Lt. Commander Pussy, the balls to go sign up for the military to try to earn the title he uses without actually earning it.

    8:13 PM

    I was trying to be nice earlier. You won't let me. I am in a holiday mood. I will consider changing my user name.

    So that you can't use it as an attack, anymore, Queenie.

  61. Lt. Commander will always be a pussy9:51 PM

    I am in a holiday mood. I will consider changing my user name.
    Doesn't matter, you're still a bitch ass no serving pussy. A pussy by any other name is still a pussy. What are you going to change it to? Twat? Cunt? Gash? Kitty Cat? Funk box?

  62. Pardon me, just trolling on Christmas, with Happy Holidays.
