Monday, December 25, 2017


From my family to yours.



  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Chicago December 1-25th 2017
    Shot & Killed: 33
    Shot & Wounded: 143
    Total Shot: 176
    Total Homicides: 35

  2. The mayor of Texas11:17 PM

    Sutherland Springs, Texas

    4% of the town murdered including pregnant women, babies and elderly while they were in church.

  3. The Donald11:18 PM

    Chicago December 1-25th 2017
    Shot & Killed: 33
    Shot & Wounded: 143
    Total Shot: 176
    Total Homicides: 35

    Fake news!

  4. Merry Christmas Field and Family!

    I think I finally felt it when the choir and myself were outside singing and playing carols for the Living Nativity. There's always something special that happens when a group of people sing Silent Night together. Christmas week was a flurry of practicing and rehearsals. Playing the big pipe organ for a sanctuary full of people on Christmas Eve is a gas. I played a new version of We Three Kings on a synth with bells and percussion. Two wonderful singers made a duet of O Holy Night. We turned the lights off for Hark the Herald Angels Sing and lit candles for Silent Night. Then we let the hammer down with a huge concertato on Joy to the World with choir, congregation, bells, organ, timpani and brass quintet.

    As thrilling as all of that is. It's the time I spent with my family today that had the most meaning of all.

  5. Was reading Wesley Morris' interview of Jordan Peele in this Sunday's NYT, then another story from Edward P. Jones' incredible "All Aunt Hagar's Children" from 2006. And thinking, this bounty from brilliant black talents, all this nuance and shared humanity, while we have atavistic white relics ripping up the government with a meat cleaver?

    Then I read "Christmas Eve Showed Me Why We Will Win" on Daily Kos:

    One world view is on its way out; another CANNOT BE STOPPED.

    Happy Holidays all.

  6. And once again we have the stoopid fucking disgrace in the White House taking credit for Merry Christmas and taking/getting credit for union negotiated bonuses at AT&T. Then as soon as the shitgibbon gets in with his rich friends he spills the beans about his taxcuts for the koch bros benefiting wealthy.

    Now he is lying about his favorability rating which sags lower than Melanoma's tits.

    Anyway happy holidays to you that deserve them. And a buttload of dirty coal for stoopid fuckinmg wingnuts for foisting this stoopid fucking wingnut disaster on the entire planet.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Your in luck the disgrace left last January.yeah Obama's term is final over and common sense has returned all hail Trump

  7. Sessions Greetings from Attorney Perjurer-

    Radical black citizens are the biggest threat to US security, but Sessions can't name a single group or crime any has committed. I'm thinking he is just plain racist.

  8. Mike: That was actually rather prescient of the little fuck. If the Republicans control the government and consider themselves the "real America", then black people, and black women in particular, are indeed the biggest threat to them, as demonstrated in Alabama recently.
    Black radicals do the radical thing called voting, and when they do that in high enough numbers, they do indeed pose an existential threat the the lame-ass kingdom of the goddamn Republicans.
    And the goddamn Republicans have themselves to blame for that: They've spent so much time, effort, and money on suppressing the turnout, which is the only way they win elections, that the turnouts are now so low that a statewide election can be swung by a group of folks who make up less than 27% of the population, like in Alabama.
    That 27% is what they need to win also is unintentionally hilarious, as it now means that the entire South is in play.
    This may seem like a dark time right now, but there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about the future, especially if you remember your recent history.
    These fucks always manage to weasel their way into power every twenty years or so, and every time they do, they remind everyone (except the 27% who are dead-enders and would support them after they had taken a dump on their holiday table cloths) why it's always a bad idea to let them run anything, ever.
    Even the goddamn Republicans are happier in the minority. They can't govern worth shit, and they hate doing so. They're much better suited to loudly lying from the sidelines about death panels and tax cuts that pay for themselves, and child sex dungeons beneath pizza parlors, and all manner of dark fantasies that seem to be their special talent.
    So let's set them free again to be the best they can be by stomping them into the dirt in 2018, and again in 2020.
    You know, like we did in 2006 and again in 2008.
    Have a good new year, if you can.

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Anonymous2:45 PM

    BLM is a racist terrorist organization. So is La Raza, the ADL, and the SPLC. We need to start arresting their leadership in preparation for a major purge.

  10. Obamacare to blame for decreasing life expectancy of Americans:

    Obama was the worst thing to ever happen to America.

  11. Yisheng is a Genius3:15 PM

    “It is amazing how many people think they are doing blacks a favor by exempting them from standards that others are expected to meet.”

    - Thomas Sowell

  12. Nat Turner4:05 PM

    The NRA is a racist terrorist organization. So is the kkk, the Rupblican Party and Fox News. We need to start arresting their leadership in preparation for a major purge.

  13. Barry4:06 PM

    Obama was the best thing to ever happen to America.

  14. Ricky done lost that number. Politifact sez, with evidence to back it up, your theory that ACA fueled the opioid crisis is pretty much wrong.

    If it weren't for scientific facts and evidence, you'd have gotten a free pass, bud.

    And Doug in Oakland, you are right about the perjurer. Temp is supposed to hit 20 below by the weekend. I don't drink and I don't go to holiday parties, but many will and I expect not a few revelers to freeze their appendages off.

  15. With 63,000 people dead from drug overdoses last year, more than from breast cancer or the diseases of old age, he’s yet to follow up with action or hire a head of the White House to carry out the emergency office known as the Drug Czar. Trump’s first choice, former Rep. Tom Marino, was withdrawn after a 60 Minutes report showed that he, along with Sen. Orrin Hatch, sponsored legislation that gutted the government’s power to slow the flood of painkillers to the country’s most vulnerable communities. No one’s been put forward since.

    Orrin Hatch is what is wrong with America. Too many gun killings= we need more guns. Too many ODs=we need more addictive drugs.

  16. Stoopid fucking Drumpf blames Sessions for Roy Moore's defeat in Alabama. If Sessions hadn't left the senate there would not have been any need for a new election.

    Has it dawned on Drumpfuck the dumbfuck that it was his idea to pick the best man for the job? Drumpf only picks the best. He has boasted about that several times. What a dumbfucking stoopid fucking fucking wingnut.

  17. Anonymous8:27 PM

  18. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Barry said...
    Obama was the best thing to ever happen to America.
    4:06 PM

  19. Barbed wire in yo’ stalking ass8:38 PM


  20. Anonymous9:47 PM

  21. The Donald9:48 PM

    Fake news!

  22. Robert Mueller9:53 PM

  23. trump is a dumbass9:55 PM
    hmmmmmm, let's see 8 years zero indictments. trump 1 year 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas. Maybe we need a president smart enough to get away with shit instead of a dumbass who gets his hand caught in the cookie jar.

  24. Hate Fact™10:08 PM

    Obama's attorney general Eric Holder became the first sitting member of a president's cabinet in US history to be held in contempt of Congress.

  25. Nine Times Obama Administration Officials 'Plead The Fifth' In High Profile Scandals

    Jeff Neely, the former Pacific Rim regional commissioner for the General Services Administration, pled the fifth on April 16, 2012 when Congress asked him to testify about overly-lavish spending on GSA conferences. He was eventually sentenced to prison for fraud anyway.

    John Beale, a former official at the EPA, pled the fifth on October 1, 2013 when Congress probed into Beale's theft of nearly $900,000 worth of salaries and bonuses from his own agency.

    John Sepulveda, a former VA official, pled the fifth on October 30, 2013 after Congress subpoenaed him to testify as to why the department spent $6 million on conferences in Florida.

    Diana Rubens and Kimberly Graves, two senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs, each pled the fifth before Congress on November 2, 2015 when asked to testify about $400,000 they had allegedly milked out of a VA relocation expense program. They were eventually given back their jobs.

    Greg Roseman, a deputy director of the IRS, pled the fifth on June 26, 2013, after Congress asked him to testify about why the largest contract in IRS history was awarded to a close friend of his.

    Patrick Cunningham, chief of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona, pled the fifth when Congress asked him to testify about Operation Fast and Furious, which trafficked more than 2,000 guns along the U.S.-Mexico border.

    Lois Lerner, an IRS director in charge of tax-exemptions, pled the fifth numerous times during Congress' investigation into the IRS' targeting of conservative groups.

    Susan Rice, United States National Security Advisor from 2013 to 2017 accused of having unmasked American citizens but even more damning is the timing.

    Loretta Lynch, Attorney General Loretta Lynch invoked her Fifth Amendment protection not to incriminate herself over the Obama administration's transfer of money to Iran

  26. Robert Mueller1:40 AM

    Nine Times Obama Administration Officials 'Plead The Fifth' In High Profile Scandals
    So fucking what? It's their right. And guess what, after 8 years of constant Republican investigations of "scandals" NOT ONE person in the Obama Administration was indicted or plead guilty. Hmmmm, not contrast that to trump who has four indictments in one year. Two have already plead guilty. Keep trying asshole but no one in the Obama administration will EVER go to jail because guess what, unlike the orange deranged menace in the WH they didn't break the law.
    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha! That shit must drive you crazy huh? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  27. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Nat Turner said...
    The NRA is a racist terrorist organization. So is the kkk, the Rupblican Party and Fox News. We need to start arresting their leadership in preparation for a major purge.

    4:05 PM

  28. We can nail Drumpf's stinking orange ass for a quid pro quo with our enemy Israel. Nutanjehu is naming a RR station in Jewrusalem after Drumpf for declaring Jewrusalem Israel's capitol.

  29. Anonymous Hate Fact™ said...

    Obama's attorney general Eric Holder became the first sitting member of a president's cabinet in US history to be held in contempt of Congress.

    10:08 PM

    As it turned out, since he was never charged with or cinvicted of a crime, pure political grandstanding on the part of stoopid fucking wingnuts.

    As far as pleading the 5th, that is a basic constitutional right all citizens enjoy, even in government. Drumpf can't remember a thing with his photographic memory. Remember he claims to have the world's best memory and the world's biggest cock. Tell him to spit the cock out. It don't belong to Drumpf.

  30. He who laughs last1:06 PM

    No one in the Trump administration has been indicted for actions while in office.

    Several Obama administration officials are about to be indicted for actions while in office.

    The swamp will be drained.

  31. Conservative=stupid5:44 PM

    Several Obama administration officials are about to be indicted for actions while in office.
    Yeah sure, and fucking Jesus Christ is coming back too. Just keep waiting on that shit like the rest of the stupid inbred fox news watchers. Sure Obama will be in a cell in Gitmo right next to Hillary huh? You trailer trolls are certainly some dumb gullible motherfuckers.
