Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The manufactured right-wing war on Christmas, and a president who took advantage of it.

Nothing is crazier coming out of wingnut- world than this phony "war on Christmas".  I mean what does this even mean? I am quite sure that the children of liberals were just as happy with their toys this year as the children of all those FOX viewers out there. I know that my nieces were.

Trust me all you people on the crazy train, there is no one out here trying to undermine the Christmas holiday or declaring a war on Christmas by doing away with those two silly words: Merry Christmas. It just makes more sense to say Happy Holidays because Christmas is actually one day. The holidays, on the other hand, run all the way through to the new year. Besides, there are people in America who are not down with the whole Christmas thing.

Still, if you want to say Merry Christmas to whoever is listening, knock yourself out.

trump is taking credit for bringing Merry Christmas back (it never left), and like he does with damn near everything else; he is lying to the American people.

"On Sunday, President Donald Trump said he was “proud to have led the charge against the assault” on the phrase “Merry Christmas.” The 45th president also posted two tweets using the phrase.
However, just a few years before he started spewing claims about America’s lack of “Merry Christmas” greetings, Trump was actually telling people “Happy Holidays” instead.
Back in December 2010 when Trump’s predecessor President Barack Obama was in office, the former reality TV star spread some Yuletide cheer with his Twitter followers and failed to use the very phrase he recently alleged was under attack.
Trump has often accused Obama of not saying “Merry Christmas” during the holiday season. But, as he did during every year of his presidency, Obama wished all of his followers a “Merry Christmas” on Twitter on Monday.
“On behalf of the Obama family, Merry Christmas. We wish you joy and peace this holiday season,” he wrote.
In addition to his presidential social media handles, Obama wished Americans “Merry Christmas” in his yearly holiday video while he was in office. He was also caught on film using the phrase while addressing citizens and giving speeches during his tenure." {Source}
The greatest hustle in the history of America continues. 


  1. Anonymous12:54 AM

    ”Besides, there are people in America who are not down with the whole Christmas thing.”

    And that’s the subtext of this phony narrative: It’s the mere presence of the people who don’t do Christmas that is, by implication, the “real problem.” Fox News has been pushing this dog-whistle bigotry for years.

    “Waaah, the non-Jesus followers are persecuting us! They won’t even let us celebrate our own holidays anymore! (Even though nobody is actually stopping our celebrations).”

    The same faulty/nonexistent logic applies here as with the alleged scourge of “American Sharia Law.” (The dastardly 1% of Americans who are Muslim are somehow going to force the other 99% of us to follow their faith. How, exactly, they would achieve this is not explained.)

    These are small-minded malcontents whining, as usual, about the supposed extreme hardship and injustice of being forced to get along with others who are different from them. And our divisive, garbage-ass president, as usual, is encouraging their bad attitudes.

    Making America 100% White And Christian Again ...

  2. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Conservatives are such fucking snowflakes. Lying assholes, who the fuck has EVER prevented them from saying Merry Fucking Christmas? Their lying asses should just tell the truth and admit they want to force everyone else to do what they want them to do! So the real message is "YOU'RE not saying Merry Christmas and I want you to so I'm going to cry and whine til I get my way". Dear god, and these childish assholes get to vote. Robert Mueller, hurry up and arrest the deranged orange menace in the White House and restore some sanity to the world.

  3. They think they can stop the great blue wave in 2018 by getting the christian taliban all het up for them, but they're wrong.

    These lies aren't much different from the other lies, except that they are fairly harmless; even the people they slander with them don't really care that much.


    Like, whatever, dude. This is still America for the time being, and you can celebrate whatever shit you want about whatever delusions you have, as long as you don't hurt anyone in the process.

    Fergus doesn't give two shits about Christmas. If he could get a bump in his poll numbers by buggering the baby jebus on live TV, he'd be up in that puppy faster than you can say MAGA...

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Hail the Trumpenreich3:04 AM

    Trump wins again.

    Republicans hold both houses in 2018.

    Trump re-elected in 2020.

    It's a new world, faggots.

  5. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Chicago December 2017 to Date:
    Shot & Killed: 35
    Shot & Wounded: 145
    Total Shot: 180
    Total Homicides: 37

    keeps going up,5 days left in December.

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Warns of Second American Revolution over Gun Control


  7. Anonymous10:25 AM

    The Feds turned around a plane with Chrissy Tiegen on it 4 hours into a flight to Tokyo to take someone off it.  Swamp creatures being taken down.


    Why do this mid-flight?  Only reason is to make sure all the swamp creatures know it.

    Shit is going down NOW.  Popcorn time!

  8. Anonymous11:51 AM

    ”Warns of Second American Revolution over Gun Control”

    Bring it on. The Feds have got much better weapons than belligerent redneck wingnuts. How do your 12-gauge and your AR-15 stack up against Apache helicopters and Hellfire missiles?

    Remember that bumper sticker slogan? “You can have my guns when you pry them from my cold, dead hands”? To me, that always sounded like an excellent plan. Cold, dead wingnut hands are the best kind of wingnut hands.

  9. "Cold, dead wingnut hands are the best kind of wingnut hands"

    The Left always winds up at the point where they have to kill a large portion of the population to get the people sufficiently on board with establishing their utopia.

    But they took their masks off a little early this time, and the people know what's up. That's why Trump is President.

    Run rats, run.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Fuck you MAGAt. Bring that shit to Oakland and see what it gets you.
    It's not our doing that Republicans are old and dying out. Republicans could have made their party into something a sane, young person could support, but they didn't. So if we seem happy over your demise, it's only because of how badly you fuck our country up when we accidentally let you, and how glad we are to get our chance to start fixing the damage. Again.

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Shristmas. just like Drumpfuck's stinking orange ass is too commercialized. Fuck the holiday spirit when the best wingnuts can come up withn is massive taxcuts for the super wealthy (just like jeebus would do, right) and nary a Merry Christmas to 330 million Americans who will suffer more because of fauxknee fucking kristians who have no clues what is in the bibble or the 10 condimants.

  13. Anonymous3:52 PM

    You know they say if you believe in something and have no physical,or historical evidence it ever existed,you qualify as suffering from mental illness! Like believing in Santa, one of the first lies you're kids were told. Morons,the merchants make out every year,while we babble about what to call it! How about a scam,bullshit,madness!

  14. dinthebeast said...
    "It's not our doing that Republicans are old and dying out."

    But it is your doing that the current generation coming up is the most right wing in 100 years.

    The old conservative movement is dead, but what is coming after is going to destroy your dreams of exterminating deplorables. This is a direct consequence of overreach by the Left.

    Pendulums are a bitch, bitch.

  15. "But it is your doing that the current generation coming up is the most right wing in 100 years."

    We'll see about that in 2018.
    I don't know even one "right wing" young person. All of the kids I know think the reactionary bullshit from the right is detestable, and don't know why anyone would want to live like that.
    The alt-right, or whatever the goddamn Nazis are calling themselves, are loud, and they have figured out how to get noticed online and in the media, but there aren't very many of them. Which is hardly surprising, who would want to live like that?
    Lies and hate only get you so far, and then there you are, stuck in a fantasy world that no-one sane would ever touch with a barge-pole.
    But why am I telling you this? You/'re way too far gone to hear reality. Truth is, I'm not. I'm only responding to one of your lies so it was responded to.
    Have fun hating your world and the people who live in it.

    -Doug in Oakland

  16. A Clockwork Watermelon5:05 PM

    Mueller has a hand full of nothing, the real show begins when DOJ IG Michael Horowitz lays out his cards after New Years...There will be a lot of Blue in 2018 but it won't be new members of congress, what it will be is a whole lot of crying the blues after indictments are handed out. The Mueller charade is a smokescreen.

  17. A Clockwork Watermelon5:16 PM

    I respectfully disagree with you Mr.Field, the greatest hustle in American history is the lie of egalitarian liberalism. It destroys the God given gift of the individual to achieve to his/her full potential. Also, it eliminates intellectual self defense.

  18. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Why do this mid-flight? Only reason is to make sure all the swamp creatures know it.
    Yawn. Sure any day now those 4,000 indictments are going to be opened huh? And the military will arrest all the Dems in congress and trump will be hailed as the greatest leader in history. Fuck you trolls are some weak minded sons of bitches.

  19. Conservatives are fucking stupid5:50 PM

    the greatest hustle in American history is the lie of egalitarian liberalism.
    nope, the greatest hustle is convincing dumb assed broke trailer trash to do the work of the rich while being totally clueless that they're being used. Sure, take my healthcare and make me work in a fucking coalmine because freedom or some dumb shit.

  20. Another brainless trump supporter5:52 PM

    Yeah MAGA because before trump we couldn't say merry christmas or some dumb shit. Freedom! Now I work in a coalmine and will die of black lung with no healthcare but socialism or something. Derp.

  21. We have always been at war with Eastasia6:33 PM

    "nope, the greatest hustle is convincing dumb assed broke trailer trash to do the work of the rich while being totally clueless that they're being used. Sure, take my healthcare and make me work in a fucking coalmine because freedom or some dumb shit."

    Libtards never question why their social justice policies are indistinguishable from those promoted by the giant corporations they supposedly oppose. Or why billionaires overwhelmingly support the democrats. Progressives think they are the rebels when in truth their ideas all come from the ruling class. Importing millions of new workers and dependents won't affect wages or costs, it will be good for The Economy. "Free" healthcare will be great healthcare. Ordinary people shouldn't be trusted with guns; the people in charge will take care of us. It's good that the government and media companies can decide what we hear and what we are allowed to say. People who think wrong things deserve to be punished.

  22. Anonymous7:41 PM

    All of the kids I know think the reactionary bullshit from the right is detestable, and don't know why anyone would want to live like that.

    "I can't believe Nixon won!  Nobody I know voted for him!"

    You live in Libtardville, and yourself make it what it is.

  23. A Clockwork Watermelon7:49 PM

    Very hard to conduct a serious dialogue about issues on this page, great hostility and myopic perspectives. A Democratic Coup de' tat was indeed attempted on two fronts, while you may despise Trump, the fact the Democrats basically continued their shredding of the U.S. Constitution starting with Obama's illegal Executive orders and Comey letting HRC off the hook for the email/server fiasco, the recent disclosures of illegal activities during and after the 2016 election should make every American shudder. The Horowitz investigation should not be shrugged off lightly. There are many who could possibly go to jail over these crimes.

  24. Horowitz investigation needs to start with stoopid fucking wingnut Devin Nunes for sharing privileged info with the WH while he was supposed to be investigating the WH. Crime much stoopid fucking wingnuts?

  25. The only crypto currency you wanna get your hands on is this: bird seed. There is a lot of birds and they all gotta eat.

  26. Anonymous9:24 PM

    The Horowitz investigation should not be shrugged off lightly. There are many who could possibly go to jail over these crimes.
    Yawn. I bet you play the lottery too. MAGA! 4,000 indictments! Coal jobs coming back! and to top it off you can say merry christmas again! It's a great time to be a conservative!

  27. Roger Ailes' ghost9:29 PM

    The Horowitz investigation should not be shrugged off lightly. There are many who could possibly go to jail over these crimes.
    I guess fox news has to talk about something these days somce they have to ignore the crimes of the trump administration. Pay no mind to that man behind the curtain. Bwahahahaha! Fucking easily led morons. They take the bait every time. Hannity breathlessly going into spasms about uranium one. How's that going? Let's just wait for the next Hillary or Obama story that's ignored and will become the next thing bigger than Watergate. It would be soooooo easy to run a conservative news outlet, the viewers are sooooo fucking stooooooopid.

  28. A Clockwork Watermelon9:51 PM

    I realize that evolution shortchanged a lot of you in the area of future time orientation,too bad. Living only in the moment must be a real handicap? What the "Plantation Presstitutes" tell you today is not necessarily going to be reality in stone looking out. Although it does avail you the time honored liberal past time of talking shit with an empty head. If the Uniparty and deep state scumbags are honestly taken to the legal woodshed so to speak,these issues under investigation(s) will be a defining moment in the country's history. But...I guess ultra liberal commies have never really given a damn about the constitution.

  29. Multiple people were shot last night after a fight broke out in the only remaining mall in Memphis. I expected behavior like this would stop now that the Confederate monuments have been taken down.

  30. -Jews are 2% of population, 6% of top SAT scorers, 25% of Harvard and other Ivy leagues

    -Whites are 60% of population, 65% of top SAT scorers, 20% of Harvard and other Ivy Leagues.

  31. Speaking of Jews...

    I had the privilege of befriending a Jewish man who had fought in WWII. He was one helluva man. Even in his early 90s, the guy did stomach crunches with a small medicine ball. My favorite story that he loved to tell over and over again was about the night that he and his mates heard about the atomic bomb and the end of the war against Japan.

    I had occasion to ask him about Christmas. Who really knows if this is still true today? But as far as mid-century America and going on into the new millennium, he told me that many Jewish families celebrated Christmas. They might have a Christmas tree. They might exchange gifts. It just was never a problem.

    Why wouldn't American Jews enjoy and take part in Christmas? Mel Tormé and Irving Berlin wrote some of the most beloved Christmas songs of all time. Legend has it that in his last decades of life in his beloved New York City, carolers would visit Berlin at his flat and sing Christmas songs to him for Christmas Eve.

    We just heard this year from Jerusalem that Jews, Christians and Muslims had all come together to celebrate the birth of Christ.

    This notion of politically correct atheists and non-Christians getting butthurt about Christmas is malarky. Nobody serious really hates Christmas. We love it. The music. The decorations. The warmth during the cold winter months. The family get-togethers. The parties. The costumes. It doesn't matter if you are a practicing Christian. It's bigger than all of that. Christmas is about loving and caring for people.

    The last two threads were supposed to be about Christmas.

    Why did they both break down in these same old tired arguments?

    Well I hope you all had a nice Christmas. I didn't expect to see so much hatred on Field's blog.

    Happy New Year. And I pray a Christmas blessing for all of you Nazis.

  32. A clock that doesn't work3:29 AM

    I realize that evolution shortchanged a lot of you in the area of future time orientation,too bad
    and I realize that you suffer from a serious case of cognitive dissonance. It's just easier for ignorant people to believe anything they hear that justifies their childish beliefs. Sure sure Obama will be frogwalked to Gitmo along with Hillary and the entire CBC. Just keep watching high school graduates like Sean Hannity and dimwitted actors like Alex Jones and masturbate to your delusional fantasies. Stupid conservatives who believe they can't celebrate Christmas for some dumb reason but I have the problem. Whatever you say asshole, let me know when those 4,000 indictmens come down and Obama is arrested.

  33. A Clockwork Watermelon6:46 AM

    If only your zip code is Baltimore...

  34. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Merry Christmas....Hope all of you got planned Parenthood gift cards in your stockings !

  35. Anonymous9:28 AM

    If only your zip code is Baltimore...
    That would be nice. Better than your trailer park shithole. I couldn't put up with the banjo music all night.

  36. Anonymous9:40 PM

