Tuesday, December 05, 2017

The R word when referring to the president is not for Republican.

Image result for trump racist imagesAnd now I give you the following essay about the president of the United States; a man who just openly endorsed an "alleged" pedophile for the senate:

"Civil rights advocates, social scientists and regular citizens have all called out President Trump as a racist in recent weeks. The president’s supporters have countered with stories about the blacks and Latinos he has hired or befriended, and with personal testimonies: “I’ve known Donald Trump for many years. He doesn’t have a racist bone in his body.”

As a professor who researches and teaches courses on the health effects of race, racism and inequality, I can assure you that the president’s defenders are wrong. Trump is a racist. What he says and does meets the scholarly definition of the term.

Broadly speaking, a racist combines negative prejudicial biases with sufficient power to leverage action against targeted groups. Trump’s words and behaviors demonstrate considerable prejudicial bias, and, as president of the United States — arguably the most powerful office in the contemporary world — he has indeed leveraged action against various groups.

Racism is predicated on belief in the scientifically discredited concept of biological race. Skin color simply has no correlation with significant inherent distinctions among human beings. However, “race” in the past and now has led to notions of a natural hierarchy among various populations. In the United States, it was used to justify stealing labor from black Africans through slavery and stealing land from red Native Americans through forced relocation and genocide.

s far back as Colonial days, northwestern European immigrants placed themselves at the pinnacle of the pecking order while relegating populations of color and other ethnic groups to inferior positions. False perceptions of inherent differences in traits, such as intelligence or work ethic, have been systematically associated with geographic origin, ancestry, skin color or some combination of all three.

Those supposed differences have justified restricting some groups’ access to resources and exposing them to all manner of risks in every sphere of life — cultural, educational, political and economic.

Scholars break racism into multiple categories:
  • Structural racism: Assigning social value to human populations contingent on misperceptions of inherent differences.
  • Symbolic racism: Rhetoric that delegitimizes others.
  • Institutional racism: Incorporating and formalizing misperceptions of differences into society through public policy.
  • Interpersonal racism: Acting on such misperceptions in direct or face-to-face interactions.
  • Insidious racism: Unconscious belief in and perpetuation of these phenomena.
  • Internalized racism: Among victimized populations, accepting and manifesting 
  • negative portrayals.
  • Systemic racism: The influence of these phenomena at multiple levels and across multiple dimensions of society.
Trump’s insensitive, disrespectful and mean-spirited statements and actions partake of all these variations.

Throughout last year’s campaign and his first eight months in office, the president has expressed his bias through government orders and the presidential bully pulpit (systemic racism).
Trump argued that as a “Mexican,” U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who was born and raised in the United States, could not fairly arbitrate lawsuits related to Trump University (structural racism). For years, Trump protested, falsely, that Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. and was consequently elected illegitimately (symbolic racism).

The Trump administration cut funds for Department of Homeland Security programs to combat right-wing fascism and white supremacy and it slow-walked Hurricane Maria aid to Puerto Ricans who “want everything done for them,” in the president’s words (institutional racism).

Trump’s actions, according to a growing number of mental health professionals, reveal deep-seated and possibly unconscious prejudices (insidious racism). He blatantly and directly disrespected Gold Star parents of South Asian origin (interpersonal racism).

In response to the Trump travel ban, his threat to “deport them all” and his promise to build a wall on the border, many targeted immigrant populations report increased levels of social insecurity, anxiety and distress. Research demonstrates that among children, the result of such stress is compromised academic performance (internalized racism).

Trump and his supporters seem to believe that simple protestations to the contrary are sufficient to refute and erase his actions. Despite these claims, some in the Republican Party recognize the truth. Rep. Will Hurd of Texas and Sens. Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake, John McCain and Mitch McConnell have all specifically spoken out against Trump’s worst behavior.

Perhaps House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said it best when he responded to Trump’s statement about Curiel. “Isn’t that the textbook definition of racism?” Ryan asked.

The answer is simple: Yes, it is".  [Source]



  1. Just another White Old Fart8:58 PM

    - We all know this. The *real* question is:
    Will the people who oppose his crap (and the crap his supporters spew) be sufficiently moved to vote the fright-wingnuts out of office?
    - It *seems* as though people in at least some areas are seeing through the baloney, but the problem remains that there still are a hell of a lot of people in this country who love their hatred more than they love anything, or anyone, else.

  2. Anonymous9:56 PM

    How about Delusional Racism? You know any other tunes Field? This shit is old.

  3. denniiggii10:45 PM

    Anonymous said..."How about Delusional Racism?..." Yes this all encompassing american racism shit IS old - 500 years and going. Only someone delusional would say that ugly racisim is delusional.

  4. And the sad thing is so many people still back this fool. American exceptionalism huh?

  5. Anonymous11:00 PM

    The Trump Card (Pun Intended) of racism doesn't play anymore. Quit whining and fix your own problems on your own time and dime.

  6. Limpbaugh12:00 AM

    Let's not talk about Obama, Clinton, and Adam Schiff paying terrorists, with our money, to kill people in Syria and Libya or the slavery of black people in Libya it led to.

  7. Lance Cockstrong12:06 AM

    Let's not forget Butt Trumpet exonerating America's Racist Sheriff and endorsing Judge Roy Stringbean. Like everything else with this put-on president how much is genuine vs his idea of a sick joke is anyone's guess. But he obviously wants us to believe it so let's go with it. Not surprising that Dead Man Walking McConnell and the RNC are punking out. Greed Over Principle

  8. Just another White Old Fart12:13 AM

    "Quit whining and fix your own problems on your own time and dime. "

    - How about right wingers take their own advice, and stop blaming everyone from the Jews, to Blacks, to what remains of Indigenous Americans, and pretty much everyone else on the planet, for their own dissatisfaction with their own bad choices?
    - That blaming of other ethnic groups for "making" one a loser, BTW, is also racism, and it also is as old as the hills.

  9. Just another White Old Fart12:19 AM

    PilotX said...

    And the sad thing is so many people still back this fool. American exceptionalism huh?

    10:59 PM

    - Sadly, far too many Americans (like snake-in-the-Grassley) are mostly just exceptionally self-centered and exceptionally opposed to deep thought and introspection, and have been working hard to gut all the things that made, or could make, America exceptional.

  10. Looks like we may have a sistagirl and FAMU grad as mayor of the ATL. I think she's a Delta.

  11. Just another White Old Fart12:30 AM

    Field Negro said...

    "In response to the Trump travel ban, his threat to “deport them all” and his promise to build a wall on the border, many targeted immigrant populations report increased levels of social insecurity, anxiety and distress."

    - Oh heck, Mr. Fields, it's not just targeted immigrant populations and People of Color. They of course have the most to fear, but that anxiety is also felt among people, even highly-skilled professionals, who also happen to be on the rather-extensive fright-wing hate-list.

  12. Limpbaugh12:37 AM

    The slave auctions in Libya were first exposed on the partisan Clinton News Network of all places. But a partisan hack who pretends to be a civil rights activist won't touch the subject.

  13. The auctioneers in Libya are using Fergus bullshit about CNN being "fake news" as cover to deny the auctions are taking place.

    Still think it's a good idea to follow Fergus' program and deny the legitimacy of news outlets?

    The slaves being auctioned don't seem to.

    You know, as much as I can get behind the work it took to put the above article together, who doesn't already know Fergus is a racist? Or, really, a malignant narcissist, and the racism is just baked into the pathology.

    I don't think understanding him is hard, or requires that much work, if you are not already a member of his propaganda addicted base.

    Doing anything about the damage he is inflicting takes work.

    Understanding the mindset, if you can call it that, which is propagating the damage is easy, at least for anyone who reads the English language, and of questionable value at this point.

    He has revealed who he is and what he wants to do. I don't see much of a need for analysis of it beyond what I can already call up with a few mouse clicks.

    Fuck him, and fuck everyone who voted for him.

    -Doug in Oakland

  14. Despite these claims, some in the Republican Party recognize the truth.

    Yeah, you included the senior senator, Lindsey Graham, from the state I find myself forced to live but his awareness of the truth is sketchy at best. Lindsey made a regular habit of turning my stomach with his thinly veiled racist comments about President Obama. Never fully embracing birtherism, in a round about way he questioned just about every aspect of President Obama's existence.

    Lindsey was playing to the blatantly racist voters of this state but that just means he scores a zero on courage. Anyway, while he does give trump hell, he absolutely loved Sarah Palin. As far as I'm concerned she was just foreshadowing the arrival of trump.

  15. Another food for thought in light of today’s discussion - an essay authored by Tavis Smiley: “Donald Trump and Martin Luther King Have One Thing In Common.”


  16. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Trump isn't a racist he is a Realist.

  17. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Trump is not, and has never been, a realist, because he lacks the required comprehension of the real world, a place which he has never even visited, never mind lived in.

  18. Pale ale2:01 PM

    How about right wingers take their own advice, and stop blaming everyone from the Jews, to Blacks, to what remains of Indigenous Americans, and pretty much everyone else on the planet, for their own dissatisfaction with their own bad choices?

    Sure would be nice if you'd just leave us alone, but you keep inflicting YOUR manufactured problems on US.  Problems like:

    Affirmative action, so white men can't get hired because the employer has to take on women and minoroties to avoid EEOC problems.
    Disparate impact laws, which force companies to hire incompetent, hostile and sometimes murderous minorities (see Omar Thornton and Vester Lee Flanagan).
    "Fair housing" laws, which force us to live with incompatible, hostile and often criminal minorities.
    Section 8 vouchers, which force us to pay them to live where we don't want them.
    Forced desegregation of schools, which turns what once were learning environments into war zones.

    None of those things were chosen by white people, especially not GenX and millennials.  They were all done by Jews with black footsoldiers.

    That blaming of other ethnic groups for "making" one a loser, BTW, is also racism, and it also is as old as the hills.

    Why don't you ask Jamie Urton about that?  Oh, wait, you can't; he's dead because a feral ape whose offspring ran into the path of his car decided that beating him was more important than seeing after the kid, and then another ape neighbor shot him to death.

    The auctioneers in Libya are using Fergus bullshit about CNN being "fake news" as cover to deny the auctions are taking place.

    So Libyans are selling blacks as slaves as they have since about 650 AD.  Why is this America's problem?  If the Apefricans don't want to wind up as Arab slaves, they have a simple solution:  don't go to Libya.

    Of course, that's not your real complaint.  Your complaint is that they're no longer being allowed to go on to Europe and make them a problem for white people.  You just keep inflicting YOUR manufactured problems on US.  Then you virtue-signal about it from your ever-whitening area of Oakland, where it costs you nothing.

    Virtue-signalling isn't virtue.  At the very best, it's theft.

    1. James, like all Republicans, is a pedophile2:15 PM

      Found your "virgin" yet James? How many malls have you been banned from you pedophile?

  19. He brought it up, and I thought I'd point out the misinformation he was trying to sell. I didn't say a damn thing about what should happen in Libya, I said that what actually is happening is being aided and abetted by Fergus' attacks on the very idea of a free press.

    -Doug in Oakland

  20. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Fake sign language interpreter: Negroe Woman has record of arrests for fraud:


  21. From Steve Benen:

    "In Georgia yesterday, Jen Jordan (D) won a state Senate seat yesterday previously held by a Republican, denying the GOP a supermajority in the chamber. According to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC), it's the 33rd state legislative seat that's flipped from "red" to "blue" this year."

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. Why don't you ask Jamie Urton about that? Oh, wait, you can't; he's dead because a feral ape whose offspring ran into the path of his car decided that beating him was more important than seeing after the kid, and then another ape neighbor shot him to death.

    WTF you bellyaching about, Baldingo. In the same way racist cops shoot blacks to death to prevent them from testifying, it happened to a white guy and now yer fauxknee crocodile tears taste delicious. Fuck you, bawlbaby.

  23. Derlyn Roberts, who is darkly pigmented, has the same last name as the Cheap Justice of the Scotus and the guy in the movie Mr Roberts. They are both white and must be related to this Roberts. OMFG, what has the world come to?

  24. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Mike is right.

  25. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Bean Pie Logic from the Kangz of Egypt.....Bwaahahahahahaha

  26. Just another White Old Fart7:07 PM

    piss-in-the pail ails said...

    Re: "imposing our problems" (meaning, laws designed to rectify unconstitutional systemic denial of Equality Before The Law):

    None of those things were chosen by white people, especially not GenX and millennials. They were all done by Jews with black footsoldiers.

    - Ex-CUSE me? None of those "things" (those "things" being the laws described above) was drafted and passed by by White people? So Lyndon B. Jonson, nearly all of the members of Congress in the 1960s, and the vast majority of voters at that time, were ALL "Jews and Blacks"?
    - That is one of the most idiotic piles of revisionist pig shit (not even good enough to be bull shit!) I have heard in all of my 61 years.
    - And really, if laws are now being rejected because they were made in the past, what that means is that the CONSTITUTION itself is similarly rejected.
    - The term for that is "treason" - NOT "real Americans". And traitors have no valid basis upon which to lay claim to this country as being "theirs", because traitors have, by definition, dispensed with their citizenship in this country.
    - These traitors are walking bags of feces. Just because those bags are supposedly "White", that does not magically transform the contents into rose petals.

  27. The phrase 'not a racist bone in his body' is so stupid that it inspired me to wonder what might be a racist bone. I settled on the coccyx. (Pronounced cock-six.) The coccyx is a vestige of when our ancient ancestors had tails, and presumably other bestial qualities, such as tribalism stronger than our own. So by that logic, we all have racist bones in our bodies. Fortunately it's vestigial.

    May I suggest a metaphor? The more racist someone is, the longer that person's tail.

  28. Looks like Al Franken will resign his Senate seat. Too fucking bad because wingnuts won't resign.

    1. Maybe Keith Ellison will take Franken's seat. He would be a good fit and as an added bonus it'll drive Roy Moore crazy because he doesn't believe Muslims should serve in congress.

  29. James is a feral dumb albino child molesting ape9:56 PM

    Why don't you ask Jamie Urton about that? Oh, wait, you can't; he's dead because a feral ape whose offspring ran into the path of his car decided that beating him was more important than seeing after the kid, and then another ape neighbor shot him to death.
    Why don't you ask the people of Sutherland Springs? Oh yeah that's right, a feral albino ape shot up the whole fucking town including pregnant women and children. Strange how many people these feral apes kill at one time. Wonder when James' silverbacked ass will snap because the mother of one of the kids he tries to molest call the police on his pedophile ass.

  30. James is a Pale Ape9:58 PM

    Instead of Pale Ale I think James means Pale Ape.


  31. Anonymous11:57 PM

    ain't no whites defending or marching in the streets for the trash on our side of the street. That's the difference between whites and the NAPA (North American Pavement Ape) You all approve of and deify the worst of your kind. Go get the trash cleaned out of your own coonmunities and teach your Men to be fathers and good citizens then i'll listen to your bullshit. But...we all know that ain't never gonna happen. If a white is wrong I am the first to call him out, whoop his as or advocate death for the worthless fucker. Now go visit Corrine Brown in jail and stop by and check on John Conyers health......Bwaahahahahahahahahahahah (Blowfly Style)

  32. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Field, You Forgot one very prevalent form of Racism.....Reverse Racism. Ohhh that's right...i forgot Negro Myth is that Blacks can't be racists.

  33. Reverse racism!6:16 AM

    Reverse Racism
    Only stupid people believe this. Now go find your safe space snowflake.

  34. James is a Pale Ape6:22 AM

    You all approve of and deify the worst of your kind.
    Bullshit. We elected Barack Obama a senator who was a law professor while you deify a crude ignorant pussy grabber. You are full of shit you NAATA North American Albino Trailer Ape. You ignore the worst of your kind, you know the baby rapists, child killers, etc. Now go clean your own porch before criticizing ours. And stop shooting pregnant women and babies albino apes!

  35. The ghosts of Sutherland Springs6:24 AM

    You never condemned our killer! Hypocritical asshole!

  36. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I got your snowflake... I can't wait for the happening to begin. You all been pushing for years for it.

  37. Big Black James Bold8:49 AM

    I got your snowflake... I can't wait for the happening to begin. You all been pushing for years for it.
    Wow, easy there princess. Didn't know snowflakes were THAT easily triggered. The happening huh? Is that when you experience your first BBC like your mom?

  38. IOKIYAR =
    It's O.K. if you're a Republican =
    It's O.K. if you're a racist =
    It's O.K. if you're a rapist.

    Any other candidates for R? Suggestions welcome.

  39. Blogger PilotX said...

    Maybe Keith Ellison will take Franken's seat. He would be a good fit and as an added bonus it'll drive Roy Moore crazy because he doesn't believe Muslims should serve in congress.

    Word has it Ellison won't be supported by more rural Minnesotans. He'd be ideal to drive Islamophobes batty. Specially if he carried a Koran around.

    Word has it there are now a dozen women accusing Franken. He is supposed to resign around 11:30 today. How is it the two time perjurer Sessions is still in office?

  40. Anonymous11:54 AM

    All this wizdumb from the Kangz of Egypt.... I pay no attention to the gibberish of the sons of the Nephilim.

  41. All this wizdumb from the Kangz of Egypt.... I pay no attention to the gibberish of the sons of the Nephilim.
    Better than the bullshit from the sons of Odin.

  42. The Funky Bunch1:15 PM

    The Happening? Wasn't that a shitty movie starting Marky Mark? So that's what's gonna happen? You white trash assholes are fucking stupid.

  43. Anonymous4:34 PM

    says the mayor of 80 IQ Town....BWAhahahahahahahaha

  44. Pale Apes are dumb6:49 PM

    says the mayor of 80 IQ Town....BWAhahahahahahahaha
    which is several points higher than all of you stupid fucks. Especially James, now take your snowflake ass and watch Marky Mark.

  45. Anonymous12:45 AM

    The only replacement the Senate should accept for Franken is the legitimate winner of the last real contest, Norm Coleman.

  46. Mark Dayton5:38 AM

    The only replacement the Senate should accept for Franken is the legitimate winner of the last real contest, Norm Coleman.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
    Hold your breath til it happens! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  47. Just another White Old Fart4:11 PM

    - From the article to which Field Negro had linked:
    "And yet, we must at this point ponder the possibility that the self-correcting mechanisms on which we pin our hopes for the future will turn out to be just as illusory as those that have proved elusive in the past."

    - I've been saying, and still say: the biggest problem we have is that far too many people are passively waiting for "a leader" to materialize out of thin air, when the fact is that, in a democracy (including a representative democracy such as out Republic), We The People are supposed to be our own leaders, and politicians are supposed to be our employees.
