Wednesday, December 06, 2017


MORE DISCLAIMERSTonight I have one question for you field hands. And it's based on an essay that I just read.

 "What would you do if murderous authoritarians came to power? Are you sure?" 

Read the the essay in this link and let me know what you think.





  2. OK, so we're talking gradations and semantics here. While Fergus hasn't started exterminating large portions of the population yet, he and his Republican brethren spent the better part of this year trying their damnedest to enact policy that would have killed 24,000 poor people yearly.
    So what would I and my people do? Just what we did, and are still doing: Try to figure out the most effective ways to rid ourselves and our country of the menace that we face.

    In this case, that's to beat them politically, so we can begin to fix the damage they have inflicted, but if it were a different situation, different tactics would be called for.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Limpbaugh10:53 PM

    We would do the same thing Germans did under the Nazis. The establishment calls the Russia hack lie "collusion". It is a false conspiracy theory but they don't even want to call it a conspiracy. It is another red scare like McCarthyism. The DNC wouldn't let the government see their "hacked" server and the metadata shows the data was downloaded too fast to have been done over the internet, etc. NIST admitted that Building 7 fell at free fall speed for several stories after an independent scientist proved it, and after NIST said no explosives were used a reporter asked if they looked for explosives. They answered "no". It would have been standard procedure to look. Buildings don't fall through themselves into their own footprint at free fall speed without explosives. Hitler used the false flag attack on Gleiwitz as an excuse to attack Poland. We used 9/11 as an excuse to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. And we killed our own citizens to do it.

    The Vietnam War was escalated because of the made up Gulf of Tonkin attack that didn't happen. All of the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to kill American citizens to start a war with Cuba but Kennedy overruled them. And we had a real media in those days. The military industrial complex had to be slick to fool the media. Now the media is all too glad to lie for them. We already are fascist. And they are clamping down on the internet. They use excuses like Russians posting memes on Facebook. Half of the $100,000 worth of posts were after the election and half were in red states. Facebook is worth 350 billion dollars. It is true that it is in Russia's interest for other countries to produce less oil, so telling us about the evils of fracking counts as Russian propaganda.

  4. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Too late....the country has been fucked for all since Woodrow Wilson and The Creel Commission started their evil shit. Bernays, Lippman, Rockefeller, etc.etc. laid the foundation for our continual death spiral. There are many others who followed in their footsteps but space does not permit. So sit back and relax, Nazis, Bigots, Black Panthers, Libtards, Conjobservatives, Antifa, Altright and any other group of you self indulgent asswipes cause you don't count, shit was finalized long before you started your shit. Best thing we all can do is READ...Put away your hate and your pretzel public school logic and READ !!!!

  5. "JERUSALEM – In response to US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, the Palestinian National Authority has announced that it will recognize Texas as a state of Mexico since it was violently annexed by the United States in the 1840s.

    “The territory north and east of the Rio Grande is very important to the Mexican people,” explained a PNA spokesperson. “Before American settlers showed up and implemented slavery, Mexico oversaw this land. Then, President Polk sent his armies to invade the rest of these Mexican territories, and force the country to give up California, New Mexico, most of Arizona, Nevada, and Utah, and parts of Wyoming and Colorado. We may soon recognize these states as part of Mexico too.”

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says that this is a new approach to Mexican-US relations, and hopes it will help ease the tension between the two countries over security and immigration.

    “We understand that the Mexican state of Texas is a sacred place for many large-buckled Americans, but they can rest assured that a two-state solution or a wall was not feasible,” explained Abbas.

    “Besides, most people in Texas speak Spanish.”

    The Palestinian consulate in Mexico City will soon be moved to Houston to formally recognize the seized territory as part of Mexico.

    At press time, President Trump hopes that his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital will offer a new path for Middle East violence."

    1. Bravo, PC!! Posting of annexed Mexico territories in the United States manages to Out Onion “The Onion.”

  6. Bravo, PC!! Posting of annexed Mexico territories in the United States manages to Out Onion “The Onion.”

  7. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Its ok to be white.

  8. The first gun legislation passed since Las Vegas slaughter is....wait for gun. What did you expect, something sensible?
    The reciprocity act for concealed carry means every state must allow other state's concealed carriers the same rights, apparently in spite of the fact that 12 states have no permitting requirements to carry concealed and some states require stringent training to get a permit.

    Limpaw- why don't you just pretend Russia and Putin are a figment of people's imagination so you don't have to make shit up to pretend they don't exist and aren't a danger to Americans.

  9. Anonymous12:02 PM

    10:24 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    The first gun legislation passed since Las Vegas slaughter is....wait for gun. What did you expect, something sensible?
    The reciprocity act for concealed carry means every state must allow other state's concealed carriers the same rights, apparently in spite of the fact that 12 states have no permitting requirements to carry concealed and some states require stringent training to get a permit.
    10:24 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    The first gun legislation passed since Las Vegas slaughter is....wait for gun. What did you expect, something sensible?
    The reciprocity act for concealed carry means every state must allow other state's concealed carriers the same rights, apparently in spite of the fact that 12 states have no permitting requirements to carry concealed and some states require stringent training to get a permit.
    10:51 AM

    Slowly restoring the Second Amendment.The only people that have a problem with this are elitist alt left types and criminals.

    Already 15 million plus(and growing) CCW holders out there plus 1 million police.The more good people with guns means less crime.

  10. Anonymous12:47 PM

    It's ok to be Muslim.

  11. Notice Drumpfuck is still trying to tag HRC with any little thing to take the heat of his worthless ass. Meanwhile, California is literally burning and Drumpfuck the dumbfuck doesn't even know it, and doesn't care. They just gave all the government
    s future money to billionaires so the government can't function.

    To all you lying 2nd amendmenters out there claiming good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns- fuck you and the NRA constipated fucking lying horse you rode in on. You have had numerous opportunities to save lives and you chicken out so the cops don't shoot you. Fuck you all. Fuck yer pathetic excuses, too.

  12. Trey Gowdy Dooddy, head of 8 failed investigations into Benghazi and HRC just accused the top Dem on the committee, the honorable Elijah Cummings of being obsessed with Benghazi.

  13. Anonymous1:35 PM

    To all you lying 2nd amendmenters out there claiming good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns- fuck you and the NRA constipated fucking lying horse you rode in on. You have had numerous opportunities to save lives and you chicken out so the cops don't shoot you. Fuck you all. Fuck yer pathetic excuses, too.
    12:56 PM

  14. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Good Woman with a Gun Shoots Man Allegedly Assaulting Officer

  15. Anonymous1:40 PM

    It's ok to be Latino

  16. According to fake news CNN a leading candidate to replace Franken is Lt. Gov Tina Smith.

  17. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Al Franken resigns!!! DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!

    1. Anon@2:32, now if we can just get the head swamp creature we will be good. You know, the Orange haired one with the dentures😁

  18. Anonymous2:37 PM

  19. Anonymous2:38 PM

  20. None of the suspects were armed and one unarmed suspect was shot multiple times, whether he deserved it or not.

    Finally neither of these incidents conclusively tie into HRC selling all our uranium to Putin so they count even less than usual.

    I guarantee some women driving by both incidents were molested by either Drumpfuck or pedo Moore.

    One last thingy, Obama swapping spies with Russia-10 of theirs for 4 of ours had nothing to do with uranium deal either.

  21. So Slager got 20 years for murdering Walter Scott. Now watch him get off on appeal.

    -Doug in Oakland

  22. Anonymous4:06 PM

    dinthebeast said...
    So Slager got 20 years for murdering Walter Scott. Now watch him get off on appeal.

    -Doug in Oakland
    3:57 PM

    He was an idiot for changing his plea to guilty. It was a clean shoot and I saw nothing wrong with the officers actions. The officer was only trying to protect society from TNB.

  23. Anon@4:06, I hope u don't have children.

  24. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Walter Scott fought with and Tasered a cop, I guess he should be able to do so with no repercussions in the land of 80 IQ ?

  25. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Vasco da Gama was no friend of mine!!!

  26. Swamp Thing Killer6:41 PM

    Pussy grabber in chief can't drain the swamp because he is the muthafuckin' swamp.

  27. Anonymous6:46 PM

    He was an idiot for changing his plea to guilty. It was a clean shoot and I saw nothing wrong with the officers actions. The officer was only trying to protect society from TNB.
    No, he was a typical lying ass albino ape who tried to get away with murder. Strange he didn't shoot up a church or classroom.

  28. Sons of Odin6:52 PM

    Typical snowflake behavior, shoot somebody in the back as they run away. Either that or shoot em in church or a classroom. Such strong brave vikings! Bwahahahahahahaha!

  29. Fer crying out loud, house no ethics committee cleared Devin Numbnuts by claiming the info he shared with the WH was not classified. Big fucking deal. That wasn't the problem. The problem was he shared info with the WH while he was leading an investigation against the WH. Fucking wingnut investigators can't get anything right.

  30. I like the way the mangled apricot is pretending he didn't employ Flynn, by saying Obama hired him.

    Really, this is just a bad dream and we will wake up soon with HRC as duly elected Potusa and the US of A will be operating smoothly, once all wingnuts are shot for treason.

  31. Anonymous7:13 PM

    This is the water, and this is the well.
    Drink full, and descend.
    The horse is the white of the eyes, and dark within

  32. Anonymous7:16 PM

    No, he was a typical lying ass albino ape who tried to get away with murder. Strange he didn't shoot up a church or classroom.
    6:46 PM

    Lets see,the negroid attacked the officer,then disarmed him of his Taser,shot the officer with the Taser.The officer feared for his life used proper force.
    Travesty of justice caused by the crackhead bi-sexual himself.

  33. Anonymous7:22 PM

    The Second Amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791. It reads:
    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

  34. WASHINGTON — A white police officer in North Charleston, S.C., was charged with murder on Tuesday after a video surfaced showing him shooting in the back and killing an apparently unarmed black man while the man ran away.

    The officer, Michael T. Slager, 33, said he had feared for his life because the man had taken his stun gun in a scuffle after a traffic stop on Saturday. A video, however, shows the officer firing eight times as the man, Walter L. Scott, 50, fled. The North Charleston mayor announced the state charges at a news conference Tuesday evening.

    Scott must have been one speedy mofo to struggle with, shoot the officer with his own stun gun and get that far away before being salted down with so much lead he assayed at 40%.

    Anymoose is full of it some more. Case closed. Darn video tapes.

  35. I saw this video earlier, I think. Isn't this the one where the officer walks up to the deceased and drops an object by the body?

  36. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Chicago December 2017 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 5
    Shot & Wounded: 48
    Total Shot: 53
    Total Homicides: 5

  37. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Chicago December 2017 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 5
    Shot & Wounded: 48
    Total Shot: 53
    Total Homicides: 5


    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Trump white house to date
      number of staff indicted for felonies:

      Number who plead guilty:2

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Obama White House to date
      number of staff indicted: 0

  38. I'm sorry, but Drumpfuck the dumbfuck put an end to Chicago violence last summer. You must be making this stuff up.

    Don't tell me the feds didn't do the job Drumpf claimed they would.

  39. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Hands Up Don't Shoot Was a Lie just like 99% of these thug Dead(beat) cases including the Walter Scott case. But, never confuse African'ts in America with the facts. Instead of talking shit, why don't you figure out how to fix Negro dysfunctional behavior? Why don't you bad asses join the PoPo yourselves and make shit right? Hopefully all cops stand down and let you Kangz kill each other into extinction.

  40. Sore loser much, Anymoose? Why don't you white asswipes stop defending the indefensible murders of unarmed blacks by racist cops?

  41. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Chicago December 2017 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 5
    Shot & Wounded: 48
    Total Shot: 53
    Total Homicides: 5

    7:46 PM

    Come check Stroeger Hospital and the County Morgue.Hundreds of unclaimed negroe bodies at the morgue.

  42. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Walter Scott was not unarmed, had taser lanyard in his hand when he ran the second time. Due some research or did you graduate from Ballou High in DC as well. Stop defending worthless thugs that attack cops for no reason.

  43. Anonymous8:58 PM

    .Hundreds of unclaimed negroe bodies at the morgue
    thousands of white unclaimed bodies in West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio due to OD.

  44. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Walter Scott was not unarmed, had taser lanyard in his hand when he ran the second time.
    Ran AWAY! That is not a capital offense. If the shooting was so justified why did the dumb ass cop lie and try to plant a weapon. Go back to stormfront asshole!

  45. Anonymous9:03 PM

  46. Uh oh, the party of family values has some undercover freaks.

  47. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Do you understand the consequence of taser induced incapacity and fear that a cop may lose his gun as a result? So a cop just lets a perp beat him tase him and take his gun? All because a highly edited video and corrupt Black Racist judge are in the Mix? He planted no weapon, it was the grip of his own taser that Walter Scott dropped as it ripped from the electrode lanyard. Do some research Spoonie G

  48. Spoonie G5:36 AM

    All because a highly edited video and corrupt Black Racist judge are in the Mix? He planted no weapon, it was the grip of his own taser that Walter Scott dropped as it ripped from the electrode lanyard. Do some research Spoonie G
    Uh yeah. Black racist judge. You must be another 150 IQ genius. Ok, let's play your game can you give us any evidence the judge is racist? But the real racist, the cop, is going to jail! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Don't drop the soap asshole. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  49. The snowplow5:57 AM

    "When asked by a prosecutor whether he agreed that Scott was unarmed and running away, Slager testified that he did not realize the Taser had fallen behind him when he fired the fatal shots. Slager said that at the time, he did not think Scott was unarmed, but he realized it after watching the video. The bystander video also shows Slager placing an item — his Taser — near Scott’s body following the shooting."

    Were there prosecutors white? Why did he enter a guilty plea deal? He feared for his life because someone was running away? You easily triggered snowflakes are certainly dumb. Oh well, one cop down many more to go. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

  50. The wheels of justice7:11 AM

  51. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Taser is a "less lethal" force option....hence it "can" cause death. The criminal negroe unlawfully attacking the officer used deadly force. The officers actions were just and I see NO WRONG DOING.

  52. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Officer Slager is a HERO!! and a PATRIOT!!

  53. Bwahahahahahahaha!9:18 AM

    Officer Slager is a HERO!! and a PATRIOT!!
    Officer Slager is about to get butt-raped for 20 years. Weird way to choose your heroes.

  54. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Officer Slager is about to get butt-raped for 20 years. Weird way to choose your heroes.
    9:18 AM

    why are niggers into male ass rape??? is it because of some genetic disorder or just a ghetto thing??

  55. Act of domination and whitey learns to love it. And sucking chocolate popsicles with creme filling. Once you go black women are a waste of time.

  56. Slager gets years in prison-maybe. Scott faces the rest of eternity -dead. which would you prefer, Anymoose? Maybe you'd like getting butt fucked if you don't already.

  57. Scott was already dead on the ground when Slager dropped whatever it was he dropped. Pretty obvious from the video.

    Slager admitted the taser fell behind him before he murdered Scott. What parts of that have you stumped?

  58. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Clean shoot.

  59. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Don't attack police officers and obey the law and you wont get shot.

  60. Jake Steed3:09 PM

    why are niggers into male ass rape??? is it because of some genetic disorder or just a ghetto thing??
    Ask Officer Slager. He's about to find out. He is white too?
    Also, why do white women want BBC's so much?

  61. A good cop3:11 PM

    Don't attack police officers and obey the law and you wont get shot.
    Son't shoot people in the back and then lie about it and you won't go to jail for 20 years.


    Wingnut Justickt Dept wants to re-witch hunt PP and their non role in selling infants parts. All them fake O'Keefe edited vids and the other investigations weren't enough.

    Wingnuts just discovered there could be loopholes in the clamping down on women's rights that can violate the spirit of the law.

    Absolutely fucking brilliant detecting for stoopid fucking wingnuts that can't find their ass with either hand when wingnuts are under investigation.

  63. A Clockwork Watermelon4:26 PM

    here spoonie....Do some research on Judge Clifton Newman who presided over the Slager mistrial,some very questionable actions were taken.Also, why was Walter Scott's DNA found on the officers's taser if he dindu nuffin? The problem is what it has always been... NAPAs refuse to obey law, can't do that, Dat beez Honky law not mine. The smart thing to be done is what we all want including you Spoonie....A return to segregation and total seperation. That way you all can flourish like your Pyramid flying ancestors without the interference of da ebil honky. Let's all focus more on our divorce and less on talking shit and comparing idiots. If Big Brother Government would stop forcing us to associate we would all be better off.

  64. Pale ape curator5:57 PM

    If Big Brother Government would stop forcing us to associate we would all be better off.
    Why do you think I would wanna be around your worthless ass you smelly inbred hillbilly.

    Do some research on Judge Clifton Newman who presided over the Slager mistrial,some very questionable actions were taken
    Don't give a fuck about the mistrial, the only thing that matters is that the prosecutors got the murderous asshole cop sho shot a fleeing suspect in the back and then lied about it is going to jail Cleetus. Now you can accept that as fact or you can whine about it on the internets all day, that is what you easily triggered white pussies are good at. Want me to call the whambulance for you sweety?
    Wha wha wha, Scott's dna blah blah blah. The only facts we need concern ourselves with is that the coward shot a man in the back and he is going to jail like the bitch he is. I know I know stormfront or whatever site that snowflakes gather will put up "facts" like Scott's dna was in the grassy knoll but it doesn't matter but we all knnow it's bullshit and we can safely ignore it. Now go play in traffic yoou smelly albino ape.

  65. A pyramid pilot6:05 PM

    That way you all can flourish like your Pyramid flying ancestors without the interference of da ebil honky.
    I am flourishing asshole unlike you trailer trash pieceof shit. Maybe you can find a place to actually get out of the inbred hell you live. Segregation is already happening, I don't set foot in your smelly trailerparks and never will. Sons of Odin, bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  66. A Clockwork Watermelon12:42 PM

    Yes, yes I know Pilot and Pale ape i understand how upset you Kangz get when asked to critically think about things. And the utter contempt you all have for facts and truth. Lack of proper genetics is surely a bitch for you all.... ALL HAIL THE BALLOU HIGH SCHOOL KNIGHTS hahahahaha lmfao

  67. Quite a conumdrum if the taser was behind the cop on the ground when he hosed a distant Scott down, yet the lanyard was around a dead Scott's wrist. Hmmm, now how could that have happened? I got it, HRC and Obama put it there when no one was looking. Right?

  68. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Yes, yes I know Pilot and Pale ape i understand how upset you Kangz get when asked to critically think about things
    Please, you couldn't critically think if you got a brain transplant. Dumb assed trailer troll. I bet you're an orbital engineer and went to Harvard. Bwahahahahahahaha!

  69. A Clockwork Watermelon10:50 PM

    It's Conundrum Negro Perry Mason. Taser was never behind the Cop. And why was upstanding citizen Walter Scott Running from police, fighting with police, Tasering Police? TNB perhaps? Lose your life over a tail light stop? Maybe you NAPAs worst nightmare comes true and Trump pardons Slager?
