Saturday, January 20, 2018


Image result for sarah sanders clueless image

I need a caption for this pic.

*Pic from


  1. Not a chance grandpa!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Keep the niggers gay as fuck and their paws off human women. They are dirty, diseased, poor, and chimpy.
      They really are just like little retarded monkeys
      0¥ VE¥! π muh nigger

    4. Keep the niggers gay as fuck and their paws off human women. They are dirty, diseased, poor, and chimpy.
      They really are just like little retarded monkeys
      0¥ VE¥! π muh nigger

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Field Negro is a childless, degenerate pervert who cannot fathom normal familial relationships. Sad.

  3. Trevor Noah9:09 PM


  4. Trevor Noah9:20 PM

    Obama bangs his daughter Sasha with a strap-on dildo.

  5. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Trump thought bubble: “Ahhhh, soft and nice-smelling. Just like Stormy Daniels ... only better.”

  6. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Ivanka bangs trump with a strap on.

  7. Men are disturbed, not by things, but by the principles and notions which they form concerning things. When therefore we are hindered, or disturbed, or grieved, let us never attribute it to others, but to ourselves; that is, to our own principles.

  8. "We'll start the bidding at..."

    -Doug in Oakland

  9. Imagine being the King Mulatto and having your entire legacy disassembled before your eyes because you roasted someone and didn't give them an immediate chance to roast back.

  10. Anonymous1:48 AM

    ”Imagine being the King Mulatto and having your entire legacy disassembled before your eyes because you roasted someone and didn't give them an immediate chance to roast back.”

    Imagine being such a dumb redneck that you actually voted for a joke candidate who doesn’t know how to be president and who is so psychologically disturbed he only ran for office out of spite because someone hurt his fee-fees.

    Not really something to be proud of, eh?

  11. trump is a fuckboi1:57 AM

    Not really something to be proud of, eh?
    If you're a snowflake fuckboi it is.

  12. Slavic Steel2:05 AM

    Francis Ngannou learned a hard lesson today: Bad-mouth Trump and you get humbled.

  13. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Damn, Stipe Miocic whooped that little punkass black boy's ASS tonight!

    Where's your black power now, bitches? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  14. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Feelz is da kang oved da whirled! anz I meens its!

  15. Anonymous6:36 AM

    That girl looks so happy. The God Emperor chose her; her mission in life has been fulfilled.

    She will now go make lots of beautiful white babies.


  16. Anonymous6:44 AM

    @ anon 6:36 am-

    White babies are the most beautiful creatures on Earth. Their hair is so soft, their eyes so inquisitive, so intelligent. My cousin (we call her 'Fat Becky', LOL) had a baby with a black gang banger, and that thing is just a holy terror. Three years old and still craps its pants. It screams like a monkey, too. Who knows where the dad even went. So sad.

  17. Black is beautiful7:04 AM

    White babies are the most beautiful creatures on Earth. Their hair is so soft, their eyes so inquisitive, so intelligent.
    Great, now we get Roy Moore pedophiles posting. That baby craps its pants because it has your family genes. You still crap your pants at 15 sooooooo what does that say about you? You smell like a monkey and we know where your uncle/daddy is. And it's nice to finally see someone in your family actually breed with someone not a close relative. Now that's progress.

  18. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Ha ha! The ignoramous cadet tries to put his bone spur in his daughter.

  19. Anonymous7:08 AM

    trump shows his poor white voters he's one of them by screwing his daughter.

    trump 2020

  20. Hey, I was the first one in. Who's next?

  21. Once a perv.......

    Did I ever tell you she is the most eminently fuckable grope toy I have? Haven't told you that one, yet?

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Proof that between 1980 and 2008, Blacks committed 52% of all homicides in the United States.

    I'd tell you to stick to the subject, but you are already so covered with Drumpfuck's bodily fluids your stuck tight to his little stumpy Drumpfy dick..

  23. Lilacpr9:31 AM

    Not to worry ivanka dear, government may close but we're rich so who cares!

  24. Lilacpr9:37 AM

    Not to worry deary, let em eat cake!

  25. Anonymous9:50 AM

    "stick to the subject"

    The subject's not interesting. Getting real information out there is. :D

    I know Whites come to this blog, perhaps some of them have never seen *real* data about Black dysfunction. Now's their chance. Yay!

  26. johnomason10:39 AM

    Hey, baby, how's you like to be in my cabinet?

  27. A Clockwork Watermelon1:31 PM

    Yes, yes we will release the memo that destroys the Democrats.

  28. "Field Negro is a childless, degenerate pervert who cannot fathom normal familial relationships. Sad."

    What's the weather like in Moscow?

  29. Anonymous2:12 PM

    @ Field Negro:

    -3 C and light snow.

    How is weather in Nigeria, Comrade Onyx?

    Age of consent there, good ja?

  30. Anonymous A Clockwork Watermelon said...

    Yes, yes we will release the memo that destroys the Democrats.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Yer memo, comrade, has been debunked. It is a smear campaign and there is no serious substance to it. Typical wingnut ploy. Pretend to have serious incriminating stuff and then hide behind top secret tag so the memo never sees the light of day. Just stoopid fucking wingnut innuendo.

  31. Anonymous3:17 PM

    A Racial Lesson for Western Civilization:

    Built in 1905 when Camden was 100% White, the Carnegie Library Lays in Ruins in now 96% Non-White Camden

    What becomes of white civilization - western civilization - when white people abandon what their ancestors created?

    Camden, New Jersey tells us the tragic lesson, where a tree growing inside a long-abandoned library is symbolic of the desolation of western civilization once non-whites inherit what they had no hand in building.

    What they are incapable of maintaining.

    The roof is gone on the Carnegie Library in now 96% non-white Camden
    In 2018, Camden is nearly 96 percent non-white (49% Hispanic/ 42% black), requiring hundreds of millions of loans, grants, and aid from the taxpayers of New Jersey over the past decades to pay for services, employees, and infrastructure fixes the almost entirely non-white tax-base of the city can't provide.

    In 1900, the city was almost 100 percent white, a growing metropolis and a vital contributor to the American economy with an innovative business sector burgeoning. By 1940, Camden was 90 percent white and absolutely thriving.

    But as the demographics slowly shifted, and white people abandoned the city, the quality of life regressed to the black (and brown) mean.

    What better illustrates the demise of white civilization in Camden then the Camden Free Library Building, built in 1905 when the city was nearly 100 percent white?

    The Library Committee of City Council, on February 24th, adopted a resolution presented by Councilman Charles Ellis, formally accepting Andrew Carnegie’s offer of $100,000 for a public library in Camden. On April 28, 1903 the Free Library Trustees recommended the purchase of the Dialogue property, at Broadway and Line Street, 80 x 1600 feet, for the new Carnegie Library. The sum asked was $15,0900 and on November 4, 1903 the property was obtained for that sum.

    Inside the roofless library, trees grow among the ruins...

    Camden Free Library Building, built with money donated by Andrew Carnegie, Broadway and Line Street, opened to the public on June 27, 1905. 7,000 books were on the shelves. The cost of the building was about $86,000. Carnegie's donation eventually came to $120,000.

    Sadly in the years between 1986 and 2004 the Carnegie Library stood as a symbol of much that was wrong with Camden - physical decay, political inertia, and an indifference to both the heritage of the past and the need to instill a love of books and learning in Camden's children. A few interested parties attempted to get government help in preserving the building, but met with little success.

    For the benefit of not just maintaining, but advancing white civilization.
    Today, in less than four percent white Camden, the building is abandoned, though on the ornate facade the names of great white authors (Chaucer, Irving, and Hawthorne) are inscribed, a visible reminder for the city's almost entirely non-white population of just who the Carnegie Library was built for and whom was expected to help grow the community for centuries to come.

    But in the span of a century, Camden went from nearly 100 percent white to, in 2018, almost less than four percent white.

    Buildings, especially those built long ago, have a way of speaking for the dead.
    Built when white people were not just optimistic about their future (and their posterities), but desirous to advance western civilization, the Carnegie Library in 2018 is derelict and in ruin, a visible reminder of the true theme running through H.P. Lovecraft's horror fiction; the consequences of racial degeneracy, amalgamation, and, worse, the inability of those watching it all unfold to confront the evil.

    Reminders of the civilization white people long ago built in Camden are still visible, though the ruin, decay and their degradation is a visible indication of what happens to western civilization in the hands of non-whites.

    In now 96 percent non-white Camden, America's future as white people become a racial minority are on full display.

  32. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Anon @3:17

    Too long, too racist; didn’t read.

  33. Ao what Anymoose is trying to say is the library decayed because wasicu wasteys abandoned it and let it go to waste.

    Had the building been of any interest, it should have been put on the register of historic places and saved. But it is easier for Anymoose to shift the blame to minorities because that is the way his stick floats. Everything bad is the fault of people of color. Wah, fucking, wah!

  34. Anonymous3:30 PM

    @ Anonymous 3:26 PM,

    Quite alright, I make allowances for those with short attention spans and limited vocabulary.

    To summarize: non-Whites are a pestilence. A non-contributing, non-innovating, parasitic, pestilence.

    Short enough for you? :D

  35. Anonymous3:37 PM

    @ Mike from Iowa:

    Actually, let's be clear on this. You're saying that because your kind brought crime and filth to Camden, which led to Whites leaving, that they [Whites] should have continued to subsidize the locations *in* Camden, just so your lot could cover them in graffiti and generally vandalize them, while getting no use out of them themselves?

    Simply because you bunch cannot manage a city or pay your way?

    Damn, you have issues. :)

  36. White babies make a neat noise when the hogs eat them...

    -Doug in Oakland


    Wasicu wasteys started this.

  38. The city was consistently prosperous throughout the Great Depression and World War II. After World War II, Camden manufacturers began gradually closing their factories and moving out of the city. With the loss of manufacturing jobs came a sharp decline in population numbers. Suburbanization also influenced the drop in population. Civil unrest and crime became common in Camden. In 1971, civil unrest reached its peak with riots breaking out in response to the death of Horacio Jimenez, a Puerto Rican motorist who was killed by two white police officers.[30] from Wiki

    I'm saying whites and their racist police are the culprits. Admit it- you and your racist buds are the problem.

    Look around and you see empirical evidence that whites can easily co-exist with POC unless the whites are Klansmen, or white nationalists or wingnuts.

  39. I noticed how many Jews black or hispanic Hitler slaughtered. Same with black/hispanic Stalin, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Caesar, the English, French and Spanish empire builders. Minorities every one, right, stoopid?

  40. Anonymous4:05 PM

    @ Mike from Iowa:

    Almost no comparison. Out of the eight, only one even qualifies as a close comparison. Rosewood, and even that is pushing it as the town was co-founded by Whites and Blacks.

    The rest are race wars and skirmishes in White cities.

    So you're whole attempt at a rebuttal is just a single town of a few hundred, that claims to have been self-sufficient? Camden, New Jersey has about 75,000. Mostly non-White. And it cannot pay its way at all.

    So what happened from then and now?

    Let me guess, a non-White city like Camden is still being plagued with racism. If Whites were not in the United States, you'd be fine.

    But, that doesn't play out either, since you just mentioned earlier you needed Whites to pay for buildings you deem "not important".

    Try harder.

  41. Anonymous4:15 PM

    So, Whites are responsible for the economic pit Camden is today? Because of what occurred in the 1970's.

    Um. No. non-Whites are responsible for that. They apparently lack the capacity to run a city without blaming their many failures on Whites.

  42. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Chicago January 2018 to Date
    Shot & Killed: 23
    Shot & Wounded: 116
    Total Shot: 139
    Total Homicides: 26

  43. How many Superfund waste dumps belonged to blacks? How many black owned industries polluted the Cayuhoga River and made it burn? How many pipeline spills are blacks credited with? How about Hispanics?

    Yer problem Anymoose is white flight. They create the mess and then abandon them to anyone who can't afford to move somewhere else. You can make book there won't be any smokestack industries, no refineries, no packing plants in affluent white neighborhoods. You will find plenty racists and racist cops.

  44. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Black Baby thrown from balcony in South Shore in serious condition:

  45. Anonymous4:24 PM

    @ Anonymous 4:17 PM -

    I'll lay odds what color the pitcher was.

    Hint: Since ABC is Left-leaning, and they don't go out of their way to identify the mother's race, etc. That the pitcher was a Black guy.

  46. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Wow. ;) Beginning to delete my posts hm? Guess your "kinq of squat" doesn't like certain truths.


    Fake Noize reporting on white guy molesting a horse repeatedly. Gotta be a Drumpf supporter and won't take Nay for an answer.

  48. Anonymous5:48 PM

    @ Mike from Iowa:

    I can play that game too.

    Just so the White guy doesn't get lonely, here's a Black guy arrested for raping a horse, and they interview him. :) And yes, it's a news broadcast, just happens to be posted to YouTube.

    Your post still doesn't prove non-Whites can run any sort of sustainable government.

  49. Your post still doesn't prove non-Whites can run any sort of sustainable government.

    Your post doesn't prove whitey wingnuts can run any gubmint.


    mules, men and watermelons for whitey wingnut candidate for Georgia governor.

  51. A Clockwork Watermelon8:30 PM

    Tick... Tick... Tick... Soon Memo time.

  52. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Boko Haram in 2020

  53. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I'd tell you to stick to the subject, but you are already so covered with Drumpfuck's bodily fluids your stuck tight to his little stumpy Drumpfy dick..
    This is what happens when you deal with the supposed superior race.

  54. Human women are great and sheboons stink like sheeeit! π O¥ V€Y!

  55. and sheboons stink like sheeeit!

    Actually, that is yer breath blowing back in your face after you sucked Drumpfuck's orange ass.
