Sunday, January 21, 2018

Trying to negotiate with Jell-O.

As of the writing of this post, the American government is still officially shutdown. 

Both sides are pointing the fingers and playing the blame game, but I think that Stevie Wonder can see who is at fault here. Of course it's the man who says that he is the greatest deal- maker of all time.

His deal making skills clearly leaves a lot to be desired, because those in his own party have no clue what he wants, and those on the other side of the table declared that dealing with him is like trying to negotiate with Jell-O.  Let's face it, all trump knows how to do is play us versus them, and demonize his opponents.

The latest example of this is the trump campaign ad being played around the shutdown. Instead of coming to the table with dems and trying to find real solutions, the president is running a misleading ad that implies that democrats are complicit in murders committed by illegal immigrants.

Go figure, it's the latest in a long line of political scare tactics that is used by republicans and those on the right to scare their mostly white base into voting for them. As if somehow their tougher laws will shield white Americans from the black and brown bogeymen out there. 

The sad part about all of this is that the facts and statistics speak to a totally different reality:

Trump has repeatedly sought to paint immigrants as dangerous, talking about transnational gangs, such as MS-13, and implementing a travel ban on travelers from some countries in the Middle East and Africa over what he said were concerns about terrorism.

But some studies have shown that immigrants, including those here illegally, commit crimes at lower rates than do native-born Americans.

For example, a March 2017 study by the pro-immigration Cato Institute found that “all immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated than natives relative to their shares of the population” and that “even illegal immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated than native-born Americans.”

As The Washington Post’s Fact Checker reported in 2015, one study showed that between 1990 and 2013, “the foreign-born share of the U.S. population grew from 7.9 percent to 13.1 percent and the number of unauthorized immigrants more than tripled from 3.5 million to 11.2 million.

“During the same period, FBI data indicate that the violent crime rate declined 48 percent – which included falling rates of aggravated assault, robbery, rape, and murder. Likewise, the property crime rate fell 41 percent, including declining rates of motor vehicle theft, larceny/robbery, and burglary,” according to the American Immigration Council.

The violent crime rate was cut nearly by half during a period in which unauthorized immigrants tripled, according to the council."

Facts are wonderful things. It's a shame that they are antithetical to our president and his minions.

(Dear white people living in America, you are more likely to be hit by a meteorite than you are to be attacked by a MS-13 gang member.) 

I am almost finished with my post and the government is still shutdown. I feel bad for the folks who will be affected by this, and I hope that the politricksters in Washington can work something out in a reasonable manner.

Wait, did I just say that? Sorry folks, for just a minute there I forgot that Donald trump is the president of these divided states of America.  Reasonable and that guy just does not go together. 



  1. Drumopf can do anything better than anybody in history, as long as he doesn't actually have to do it.

    When all else fails, blame HRC and Obama.

  2. Irrefutable proof that whites get more benefits than other poor people and this is true of korporate welfare as well.

    ) According to the New York Times blacks comprise 22 percent of the poor, but blacks only take in 14 percent of government benefits. Conversely, whites make up 42 percent of the poor , but take in a disproportionate 69 percent of government benefits.

    Here are a few other facts you should consider as well:

    2) Although minorities are disproportionately poorer than their white counterparts, poor people only received 36 percent of benefits in 2007, down from 54 percent in 1979.

    3) Wealthy people, who are disproportionately white, receive a higher share of corporate welfare and other tax benefits

    1. niggers and maff SMH
      Weez bilt dem ∆s n sheeeeeit!

  3. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Green Jell-O, a.k.a. Money. . . .

  4. Anonymous8:40 PM

    69% of what stupid boy? SS? Medicare? Both bennies that whites paid in to. 85% of Black families in USA get some sort of Tanf or Food stamp bennies. Big difference between FREE SHIT and Payroll deducted. Another Ballou High Graduate I guess?

  5. Now I won't be able to eat Jell-O anymore :( I used to like Jell-O, but now...

  6. Drumpfuck negotiating with Jell-o finally found his intellectual doppleganger.

    Stoopid fucking wingnut Anymoose can't read. It clearly sez 69% of gubmint benefits. Need an interpretor stoopid fucking wingnut? Do you? Huh? Must be homeschooled stoopid fucking wingnut.

    Want to really know about welfare for you white rascals, ask yer momma if one will claim you, stoopid fucking wingnut.

  7. I'm going to caption that picture!

    Trump: Ugh! I can't stand browns, blacks, and that island surrounded by water, what's it called? Ugh!

  8. Field wouldn't lie, would he?8:53 PM

    "“all immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated than natives relative to their shares of the population”

    That's because native blacks exhibit such a high degree of criminality.

    And "all immigrants" include Asian and Indian coders and physicians. Immigrants from Latin America have higher crime rates than average.

    If you actually understood statistics, you'd know when they are being used to push a lie. But apparently you don't.

  9. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Fake news!!!!

    Where's the fake news guy whenever someone posts statistics? Did l beat him to it??


    Global warming is here and it's real.

  11. Al Whore9:08 PM

    2018: Coldest year ever. Global warming theory debunked.

  12. Another fuckboi with a 150 IQ9:09 PM

    Proof that between 1980 and 2008, Blacks committed 52% of all homicides in the United States.
    Uh, wasn't this already posted in the other blog update the other day? Does this guy have some kind of racist Tourette's or something? Oh yeah, we are definitely dealing with a superior intellect here.

  13. 2017 – The Fakest Year On Record At NASA And NOAA

  14. Aryan idiots9:20 PM

    So this is what happens when we interact with the supposed superior race? No advanced math, no new scientific calculations, nothing new in any arena just Chicago crime stats and a web site claiming negroes committed 52% of murders. This is the master race? Sooooooo disappointed. Maybe we get the damaged models?

  15. "Of course it's the man who says that he is the greatest deal- maker of all time."

    IKR? He even had the tv cameras come to watch him wield his superhuman deal making abilities. 😂 We are sooooooo screwed. Not to be petty but I kind of want to see him defend his lack of deal making at the SOTU.

  16. 2017 – The Fakest Year On Record At NASA And NOAA
    Nope, I proved it with government stats! It has a .gov site so it has to be true. And this idiot uses YouTube to discount my government data! Ha! I knew you guys were idiots.

  17. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! This idiot uses a website run by tv weatherman Johnny Coleman who doesn't even have a degree in atmospheric science to refute government stats!

    "To begin, Coleman hasn’t published a single peer-reviewed paper pertaining to climate change science. His career, a successful and distinguished one, was in TV weather for over half a century, prior to his retirement in San Diego last April. If you watch Coleman on-camera, his skill is obvious. He speaks with authority, injects an irreverent sense of humor and knows how to connect with his viewer.

    But a climate scientist, he is not."

    The superior race is kinda disappointing me. Sad.

  18. Aryan idiots9:39 PM

    2018: Coldest year ever. Global warming theory debunked.
    500 people shot in Las Vegas in one day. White people committed 98% of all murders in the US.

    1. Faggot pussyasß niggerboy gets assfucked by aids stick •¶

    2. Faggot pussyasß niggerboy gets assfucked by aids stick •¶

  19. Trying to be real niggerish the lil monnkeys chimpout and fling poo•¶

  20. Trying to be real niggerish the lil monnkeys chimpout and fling poo•¶

  21. Pale Apes10:19 PM

    Trying to be all fuckboyish the hillbillies take hillbilly heroin and fuck their momma/aunties.

  22. Trying to be real niggerish the lil monnkeys chimpout and fling poo•¶
    Jezus! Will any of you Aryans EVER post anything that gives a hint that you guys are the superior intellect? All I ever see from mein furers are crime stats and gibberish. I'm starting to think the "master race" is kind of a myth.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Anonymous10:24 PM

    "Both sides are pointing the fingers and playing the blame game, but I think that Stevie Wonder can see who is at fault here."

    Yeah.  It's you.  You've never negotiated in good faith.  That's why we never got an immigration enforcement bill after the 1986 amnesty.

    "His deal making skills clearly leaves a lot to be desired, because those in his own party have no clue what he wants, and those on the other side of the table declared that dealing with him is like trying to negotiate with Jell-O."

    He's taken your playbook and used it against you.  Masterful!

    "Let's face it, all trump knows how to do is play us versus them, and demonize his opponents."

    He knows much more than this, but using your rulebook against you to crush you is the route to #Winning.

    "the president is running a misleading ad that implies that democrats are complicit in murders committed by illegal immigrants."

    Which you are.  You refused to deport the murderers of Kate Steinle and the Bologna family and so many others.  You gave sanctuary to killers in preference to the lives of US citizens.  You ARE complicit!

    "As if somehow their tougher laws will shield white Americans from the black and brown bogeymen out there."

    Getting rid of you starts with halting your impunity and protection from the law.

    "some studies have shown that immigrants, including those here illegally, commit crimes at lower rates than do native-born Americans."

    That only works if you include African-Americans.

    Why don't we all just break everyone out into separate groups?

    It's easiest to do this in separate countries.

    Then we can look at the statistics.

    And true Americans will never let you shitskins back in.  Ever.

    "(Dear white people living in America, you are more likely to be hit by a meteorite than you are to be attacked by a MS-13 gang member.)"

    The last American to be hit by a meteorite was Ann Hodges in 1954.  If MS-13 doesn't attack white people in America, it's only because they limit their predations to blacks and hispanics... and the Bologna pere et fils were murdered in 2008.

    I'm sure more have been murdered since.  You're fucked in the head, Field.

    ") According to the New York Times"

    The Carlos Slim blog is Fake News.  It still accepts Duranty's Pulitzer for fake reporting from the Soviet Union during the Holodomor.

    "wasn't this already posted in the other blog update the other day?"

    The lesson will be repeated until you learn it.

    "Does this guy have some kind of racist Tourette's or something?"

    He knows how thick your skulls are, and what it takes to ram facts through them.

    1. (((James)))10:36 PM

      Ok, thanks to this very thoughtful missive by none other than Mr. 150 IQ himself we can conclude that the idea of white intellectual superiority is a complete myth. Not once have any of these nazis typed anything remotely intellectual. At least this moron stayed on topic sort of. I guess that's progress.

  24. Black James a brotha with an IQ of 15110:39 PM

    The lesson will be repeated until you learn it.

    Translated from moron: we are intellectually bereft and have nothing to add so we mindlessly post stats everyday.


  25. 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!11:24 PM

    This brain warrior thinks he's gonna deport 20,000,000 negroes from "his" country. Where do you find these winners Field?

  26. Lord these trolls are stupid, wrong, and repetitive. Hint: no matter how many times you repeat your lies, they are still lies.
    Meanwhile Fergus the king of deals blew up negotiations for the simplest function of government: keeping it open. And so the CDC is left without funding during a flu epidemic.
    Fuck all of you repugnant assholes who did this.
    I hope you are buggered to death by sheep.

    -Doug in Oakland

  27. This is what you get with a 150 IQ?11:41 PM

    Hey (((James))), when are those 4,000 indictments coming out? Yawn. The same day you deport 20,000,000 negroes. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Don't worry, deep down Sen. Schlomo and Rep.Peeloosey as well as the other Demonrat plantation massas love them some people of color, just you wait and see. Stalin and Lennon had millions of useful idiots too.

  29. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Soylent Green is people.

    1. Shitstains are niggers •¶KEK

    2. Shitstains are niggers •¶KEK

  30. Herr Hitler12:20 AM

    Don't worry, deep down Sen. Schlomo and Rep.Peeloosey as well as the other Demonrat plantation massas love them some people of color, just you wait and see. Stalin and Lennon had millions of useful idiots too.
    We'll just throw in with the orange idiot who rage tweets while watching Fox and Friends. That's the best you geniuses could do? No wonder the level of discourse here is so low due to the Aryan brain trust.😂

  31. Speaking of Dear WiPiPo,

    Just found out that netflix renewed another season of, "Dear White People."

    Yeah man!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Saw a good interview with the new Philly DA on Al Sharpton's show. Seems like a good dude.

  33. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Why are there so many gay black men? Why are so many black men sissies?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Anonymous3:23 AM

    @ 3:01-

    So true. Every black dude I've ever fought has been a pussy. They can't punch, or take a punch. And they always cry like little bitches when they go down.

  35. Asshole @ 3:23 a.m.

    You hate yourself. That's why you hate everyone else who is living.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. If you disrespect anybody
    That you run into;
    How in the world do you think
    Anybody 'sposed to respect you?

    If you don't give a heck about
    The man with a bible in his hand, y’all;
    Just get out the way and
    Let the gentleman do his thing!

    You're the kind of gentleman
    That wants everything your way, yeah;
    Take your sheet off your face, boy;
    It's a brand new day.

    Respect yourself. Na na na na na;
    Respect yourself. Dee dee dee dee;
    Respect yourself. Na na na na na;
    Respect yourself. Dee dee dee dee;

    If you don't respect yourself
    Ain't nobody gonna give a good
    Two hoots na na na whoa-o-o;

    Respect yourself. Na na na na na;
    Respect yourself. Dee dee dee dee;
    Respect yourself. Na na na na na;
    Respect yourself. Dee dee dee dee;

    (One verse and bridge vocal scat singing)

    If you're walking around thinking
    That the world owes you something 'cause you're here, ahh;
    You're going out the world backwards
    Like you did when you first came here, yeah!

    Keep talking about the president
    Won't stop air pollution.
    Put your hand over your mouth
    When you cough, that'll help the solution.

    Whoa ya cuss around women folk
    You don't even know their name, no;
    Then you're dumb enough to think
    That’ll make you a big ol' man. Yeah-hah!

    Respect yourself. Na na na na na;
    Respect yourself. Dee dee dee dee;
    Respect yourself. Na na na na na;
    Respect yourself. Dee dee dee dee;

    If you don't respect yourself
    Ain't nobody gonna give a good
    Two hoots na na na whoa-o-o;

    Respect yourself. Na na na na na;
    Respect yourself. Dee dee dee dee;
    Respect yourself. Na na na na na;
    Respect yourself. Dee dee dee dee;

    Respect yourself. Na na na na na;
    Respect yourself. Dee dee dee dee;
    Respect yourself. Na na na na na;
    I mean respect yourself. Dee dee dee dee;

    Respect yourself. Na na na na na;
    Respect yourself. Dee dee dee dee;
    Respect yourself. Na na na na na;
    Respect yourself. Dee dee dee dee;

    (Repeat and Jam-On-Ay!)

  37. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I'm tired of black people always picking on me.

    I'm taking MMA.

  38. You refused to deport the murderers of Kate Steinle an

    BULLSHIT! He was deported 5 times and returned. He did not murder anyone.

    Wanna try for strike three?

  39. Stoopid fucking wingnjts and superior intellect? Bwahahahahahahahaha!

    Superior barbarism is more accurate. They can't stand up to adult POC so they target the children.

    If immigrants weren't afraid to report the crimes committed upon them by superior barbarian stoopid fucking wingnuts, crime stats would be out of this world. That is why there are so many stoopid fucking wingnut pedos around. They molest immigrant kids with impunity.

  40. Lilacpr9:54 AM

    What a crying shame! The united States government shut down. What in heavens name is going on over there? And they want Norwegians to immigrate over here? HA!

  41. El Chapo9:56 AM

    "BULLSHIT! He was deported 5 times and returned."

    That's why we need a wall.

  42. Walls have never stopped anyone from getting where or what they wanted.Not even prisons with armed guard towers.

    Jello, unlike the orange shitgibbon bogus potus, is practically transparent. Blubber, otoh, is not. Cross blubber with bluster you get blubster- Drumpfuck the dumbfuck for short.

  43. Having a wee bit o' blizzard in NE iowa. Never seen so much stone waste of white since the last blizzard. Cold hearted and cruel blowhard- just like wasicu wasteys.

  44. If anyone is complicit in the murder of guest workers it is vicious Drumpfuck and the koyote kerfluffle that shows up here everyday and rants about POC and how generally worthless wasicu wasteys think they are. Typical right wing tactics- dehumanize the enemy and it makes it easier for stoopid fucking wingnuts to commit violent acts against them.

    Don't fall for the part where Drumpfuck promises to pay yer legal bills if you commit violence at his behest.

  45. Jell-O doesn't have a mean bone in its body, unlike wasicu wasteys.

  46. El Chapo11:11 AM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Walls have never stopped anyone from getting where or what they wanted.Not even prisons with armed guard towers."

    Works for Israel.

    And we paid for that wall.

  47. Maybe not so much, El Chapo- Hamas ceasefire

    The significance of the second factor, Hamas’ ceasefire, was acknowledged by none other than the Israeli security services. In January 2006, Shin Bet’s annual statistics showed a considerable drop in “terror attacks” for 2005, with “the main reason for the sharp decline,” Shin Bet said, “the [Hamas-called] truce in the [occupied] territories.”

    Haaretz commented that “the security fence is no longer mentioned as the major factor in preventing suicide bombings, mainly because the terrorists have found ways to bypass it.” The “main reason for the reduction in terrorist acts,” the report emphasized, was the Hamas truce, and the organization’s “focus on the political arena.”

    Even a 2004 paper authored by an Israeli colonel that was intended to show the effectiveness of the “security fence” in reducing suicide bombing attacks referred to the wall as one of three causes for the drop. Avi Dichter, head of Shin Bet from 2000-2005, was clear in 2011 that “the West Bank fence alone did not solve the terror problem.”

  48. Anonymous12:17 PM

    More than 10,000 sealed indictments now.  Some are being unsealed.  This one is on Uranium 1.

    Hillary's going down.

  49. Check it out. First blah person to get a statue at the U of Chicago.

  50. Cool organization founded by a former President. Check it out.

  51. That was good for a chuckle or two after you get walked through how you aren't supposed to believe anything you heard before because now they have the real truth.

    Wingnuts will not hand over supposed sekret memo that would have enabled HRC to be indicted for some fucking thing or another because, just like this link, there is nothing to report. And stoopid fucking wingnuts just keep getting their hopes dashed. Good thing they are told who to blame for all the fake info.

    1. Yeah, the first Uranium One indictment has been debunked. If you are a trump fan and want to fuel your belief that Hillary and Barack are going to jail you HAVE to believe the not so savory sources.

    2. Oh, now we're up to 10,000 sealed indictments? I wonder if they'll lose interest a year from now when not one of these magical indictments is acted upon.🤔

  52. Anonymous12:50 PM

    "He was deported 5 times and returned."

    He was in jail in San Francisco and released instead of turned over to ICE.

    "He did not murder anyone."

    He took a gun and fired it at an innocent person.  The story about a ricochet is bogus, no impact mark was ever found.  That means he intended to kill Steinle.

    It is so ironic that you claim Trayvon Martin was murdered and Kate Steinle wasn't.

    "Wanna try for strike three?"

    Go ahead, show us how stupid you have to be to say what you're saying.  If you go any further you're going to have to stretch your asshole wide enough to take your shoulders.

  53. Good links, Pilot X. I learn new stuff everyday about POC I had not realized. Thank you.

  54. Anyfuckingmoose, you are a fucking liar and a racist.

    Your own bible says she was killed by a deflected bullet. You are such a stoopid fucki9ng wingnut loser.

    BTW, there was an impact in the concrete and on the bullet itself, fucking loser.

  55. BTW, anyfuckingmoose, Steinle's killer was deported five times and came back five times, four of them before Obama the great was elected Potus. So don't start whining it is all Obama's fault, loser.

  56. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Ta'Negro Coates in 2020

  57. Oh no, I saw his name invoked here last night. Longtime Chicago weatherman and founder of TWC Johnny Coleman died😳

  58. Not who we are1:53 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Check it out. First blah person to get a statue at the U of Chicago."

    Georgiana Simpson was pro-immigration restriction, did not support gay marriage, and never advocated for transgender rights, clinging to the belief that there were only two genders for her entire life. This statue terrorizes Hispanic Americans and the LGBTQIA community, and it must come down.

  59. mike from whitopia1:55 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    "Good links, Pilot X. I learn new stuff everyday about POC I had not realized."

    I hope some day a POC gives you a real lesson, right upside the head.

  60. No justice, no peace2:03 PM

    "He took a gun and fired it at an innocent person. The story about a ricochet is bogus, no impact mark was ever found. That means he intended to kill Steinle."

    This is correct. The first story he told police was that he was shooting at sea lions and accidentally hit Steinle. He later changed this to say it went off as was picking up a t-shirt he found under the wharf, which is of course next to impossible and simply incredible given the fact he had previously admitted intentionally firing the gun. That the jury let him get away with killing this young woman tells you just how deep anti-white sentiment runs in places like San Francisco.

  61. Anonymous2:33 PM

    WTH is the moron from Iowa trying to communicate? Good grief! Try English dipshit.


    Bullet mark was found in concrete four days after the shooting you stoopid fucking wingnuts. Another of yer reliable sources is telling you yer lying through yer hats.

    Get over your lying asses. She's dead. It was not murder, unlike Trayvon Martin's death.

  63. He took a gun and fired it at an innocent person.

    You got the Messican mixed up with Zimmerkiller.

  64. Anonymous3:29 PM

    mike needs to relocate to the north side of St. Louis.

  65. Anymoose needs a barrel full of truth serum, straight, not on the rocks.

    A moment of silence for another fucking wingnut liar- Ted 'I shut down the gubmint by my self" lying Cruz..... Ted Cruz Claims: ‘I Have Consistently Opposed Shutdowns’. Bwahahahahahahahahahahhaha!

  66. Winning!3:37 PM

    The failed Democrat shutdown has completely shredded any leverage they could have exercised on DACA. Now they'll either have to give Trump everything he wants or they will be held accountable for another devastating shutdown with a four week time limit until DACA expires.

  67. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Chuck Schumer learned the hard way that President Trump does not negotiate with terrorists and hostage-takers.

  68. "So true. Every black dude I've ever fought has been a pussy. They can't punch, or take a punch. And they always cry like little bitches when they go down."

    Come out to Oakland for a visit, and I'll introduce you to some of my black biker friends.

    -Doug in Oakland

  69. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Doug is the most cringe-inducing faggot on the internet, is he not?

  70. We have one party totally in control of all branches of gubmint. Guess who is getting the rightful blame for this mess. Hint- it isn't the party not in power.

    And whatever Drumpfuck is lying about is more lies from the pathological liar in thief.


  71. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Doug is the most cringe-inducing faggot on the internet, is he not?

    Uh, no. That would be you. Doug is a straight arrow. You, I heard went home and yer momma found lipstick ring and chewing tobacco ring on yer little Donnie. Not good!

  72. They have to go back4:30 PM

    mike from iowa said...
    We have one party totally in control of all branches of gubmint.

    Don't you know it, bitch.

  73. And it's time for another episode of... GUESS THE RACE, the game in which we take a description of a despicable act and try to guess what kind of person would stoop so low as to commit it.

    Today's example comes to us from Champaign, Illinois.  We've redacted the names so as not to spill the beans, replacing them with perpetrator numbers:

    "URBANA — A Champaign man convicted of molesting a 90-year-old resident of a memory care facility in Champaign more than two years ago has been sentenced to 30 years in prison.

    "[PERP1], 24, last of the 2300 block of Southmoor Drive, will have to serve at least 25 1/2 years of that but was given credit for a year and three months that he's been in custody.

    "In early December, a jury convicted [PERP1] of aggravated criminal sexual assault, attempted aggravated criminal sexual assault and conspiracy to commit aggravated criminal sexual assault.

    "The charges stemmed from a scheme devised by former Bickford Cottage employee [PERP2] to invite young men to the facility to have sex with women there afflicted with dementia while he took pictures of the activity.

    "[PERP2], 28, of Champaign is serving a 14-year prison sentence after pleading guilty in July 2016 to solicitation to commit aggravated criminal sexual assault. He admitted arranging for [PERP1] and two other men to have sex with three different women at the facility at 1002 S. Staley Road, C, in summer 2015.

    "Evidence showed that late at night he let them in the building, where he was the sole caretaker on duty in that area."

    We have the elements of rape, abuse of the elderly, and photographically documenting their crimes.  Now it's time for you to... GUESS THE RACE!

    (No mystery here.  Of course all involved are black; nobody else is that dumb.)

  74. Our Senator Schumer caved. He listened to the whines of nervous Democrats who represent red states and folded like a cheap tent. He'll bring up DACA later, when he has absolutely no negotiating power. Maybe the Republicans (the ones who thought keeping famlies from being ripped apart was just the Dems "playing to their base") will be moved by stories of compassion and they will somehow convince the Asshole-in-Chief to re-instate what he already dissolved. Sure.

  75. Anonymous6:26 PM

    (No mystery here. Of course all involved are black; nobody else is that dumb.)
    Why have a game, even name your profile after the game and then give away the answer? If you were so sure the answer was obvious why give it away?

  76. Anonymous6:33 PM

    500 people shot in Las Vegas in one day. White people committed 98% of all murders in the US.
    9:39 PM

    The amount of people actually shot has not been released yet. You need to actually look at the real stats and see that whites are not the leaders in violent crime.

  77. Ding dong, the Schumer Shutdown is dead!6:34 PM

    STILL not tired of winning!

  78. Can you guess the race?6:38 PM

    And once again it's another episode of Guess the Race. We'll give you a despicable act and you guess what type of person would be so low as to have committed it.
    Today's example takes us to West Virginia.

    The perps have been accused of committing the worst act of child molestation the judge has ever seen. A two year old boy was beaten, his arm broken, his mouth duct taped and even had hot sauce injected into his tiny nose using a syringe.

    The prizes double so let the fun begin!

  79. No more Clown World policies6:55 PM

    anotherbozo said...
    Maybe the Republicans (the ones who thought keeping famlies from being ripped apart was just the Dems "playing to their base") will be moved by stories of compassion

    Yes, compassion for:
    1. Working class families of all races whose wages have been reduced by illegal alien labor.
    2. Families of victims of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens.
    3. American taxpayers who have to subsidize their own replacements.
    4. American voters who are disenfranchised by illegal alien votes.
    5. American citizens who watch people come here illegally and then get special treatment and put in line ahead of their own kids for college admission/scholarships and jobs - forever.

    Americans have dreams too.

    And don't think of it as ripping families apart, think of it as reuniting them in their home countries.

  80. Anonymous said...

    500 people shot in Las Vegas in one day. White people committed 98% of all murders in the US.
    9:39 PM

    The amount of people actually shot has not been released yet. You need to actually look at the real stats and see that whites are not the leaders in violent crime.

    How many of the 2800 victims of 9-11 were hit by the airliners? Yet they are all victims of the same attack. I don't really expect you to figure this out.

  81. Anonymous No more Clown World policies said

    Working class families of all races whose wages have been reduced by illegal alien labor.

    False according to Forbes.

    Immigration has taken center stage in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination. The conventional wisdom says illegal immigrants take American jobs and lower American wages.

    That conventional wisdom is wrong.

    According to an April 2015 symposium on the effects of illegal immigrants in the Southern Economic Journal, illegal immigrants actually raise wages for documented/native workers. Meanwhile, rules preventing illegal immigrants from getting driver's licenses raise our car insurance premiums and E-Verify requirements raise the cost of doing business and reduce employment.

    American voters who are disenfranchised by illegal alien votes.
    5. American citizens who watch people come here illegally and then get special treatment and put in line ahead of their own kids for college admission/scholarships and jobs - forever.

    Not happening.

  82. Guess the race none of that can be true. Drumpf cleaned up Chicago last summer when he sent the feds to town. Stop trying to make Drumpfuck look like a complete fucking moron.

  83. Drumpfuck's inauguration was attended by several Russians with connections to the Kremlin which is most unusual. Collusion everywhere. Can obstruction of justice be far behind?

    It is still blizzarding snowflakes outside. Best use ever for snowflakes unless that would have been Ivory Snow snowflake detergent with a young Marilyn Chambers as the lucky little lady whose face graced the boxes. More wingnut/pornstar connections. This shit never ends.

    Don't drive and blizzard at the same time.

  84. The Supply and Demand Curve8:48 PM

    "legal immigrants actually raise wages for documented/native workers"

    No one believes this.

  85. "No one believes this."

    You don't have to believe it for it to be true. Reality doesn't give one hair on a rat's furry ass what you believe.

    -Doug in Oakland

  86. Anonymous9:40 PM

    It doesn't have to be true for Doug to believe it.

  87. Anonymous10:39 PM

    > Today's example takes us to West Virginia.

    Which is only 3.6% black.

    > The perps have been accused of committing the worst act of child molestation the judge has ever seen.

    That's because the judge works in a state which is only 3.6% black.  Had the judge spent some time working in Detoile... er, Detroit, he would have seen things like Mitchelle Blair's cold-blooded torture and murder of two of her own children and stuffing them into a chest freezer.  After dealing with some real black savagery, a mere molestation case would be FAR less upsetting to him.  He would already have seen much worse.

    I'm all for separating blacks from everyone else, so that the standards of this judge are the prevailing ones and nobody in Whitopia ever has to contend with the quotidian depravity among "people" of African descent living in America.

    1. Guess the race10:57 PM

      Excuse me sir, play the game correctly. You were supposed to guess the race of the perps not give us demographics and commentary. You're not very good at following directions are you? You would think with an IQ of 150 one could follow simple instructions.

  88. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Subhumans do not get satire.

    That is part of why they are subhumans.

  89. Subhumans don't get satire? Really?

    -Doug in Oakland

  90. Guess which color of honkey wasicu wastey the white South Carolina mom was when she drove her car into a lake with her two kids strapped in and then blamed negroes?

    Susan Smith is the poster child for child abuse and she is all wasicu wastey white honkey.

  91. It just struck me why wingnuts don't like to negotiate. The first three letters of negotiate look strikingly similar to negro and that scares the shit out of stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  92. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Negatory, not-so-good buddy.  We neglect to negotiate because we intend to simply negate everything you've done and remove the negritude which is bringing this country down.
