Sunday, January 07, 2018


Image result for trump camp david image fire and fury

I need a caption for this pic.

Example: Mike Pence's thoughts. *Any day now*


  1. Winning!12:17 PM

    Millions of new jobs, historic low unemployment, border laws being enforced, lower taxes for working people, wages and bonuses up, no more Obamacare mandate, opened up oil drilling across the country, Dow at record levels, growth up to 4 percent, ISIS smashed, and global warming defeated.

    Tired of winning yet?

    No! Me neither!


  2. Lance Cockstrong1:07 PM

    They're coming to take me away ... ha-ha ...
    They're coming to take me away ... ho-ho ...
    To the funny farm ... hee-hee ... haa-haa ... hoo-hoo ...

  3. Who's gonna kiss my ass today? Gee I really don't know.

  4. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Yea we need more GHETTOIZATION of America...More Niiiigggers so we can crash and burn even faster so we can get this war over with and finally get rid of niggggeers and Muzzies!

  5. Thought bubble for each of the guys behind trump "it's gonna be so sweet when I replace this mofo. Time to measure the drapes."

  6. Ryan and McConnell: Welp, he's a Republican...

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Why is the economy rocketing along now while under Obama it was in the toilet?

    Why do you think?!?

  8. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Malfeasance and Prestidigitation Conglomerate

  9. What da’ fuck do I know, I thought Frederick Douglas was alive.

  10. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I have directed the Surgeon General to make sure people who can't graduate after 40 years in college and lie about their credentials will never be a doctor. Although Yisheng never would have been anyway.


  11. "See these trolls? These are my trolls. I have the best trolls!"

    -Doug in Oakland

  12. Ok I admit, everything in the book is true.

  13. You can trust the stock market and unemployment numbers now because we all know we couldn't when the fake news said the stock markets reached record highs under Obama and they claimed unemployment was under 5%. We all know unemployment was 50% under Obama but trust me, we can trust the numbers now.

  14. Good one Doug!👍🏽

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Why is the economy rocketing along now while under Obama it was in the toilet?

    Why do you think?!?

    What did Drumpfuck to do make the economy rocket along? The economy is an extension of what The GOAT Obama and Dems did over the past 8 years to wipe the shit off everything dumbass dubya and wingnuts fucked up. Pure and simple truth, unlike the shit you spread.

    1. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Damn, you got me there. Yes, it was actually Obama's economic genius that kept the unemployment numbers high as a kite while the GDP was in the crapper every month...but it FINALLY paid off after 8 years. What rotten luck that "Drumph" takes credit! I mean, if we only had Obama & Democrats in charge, we could turn the entire COUNTRY into Detroit, Baltimore, East St. Louis, the list goes on.

  16. Drumpf has denied nothing in the book. Just attacked the author like usual.

  17. How fucking stoopid are wingnuts? One over at yer Wonkette says Drumpfuck is the first potus to lose wealth as potus. Really is no cure for this malignant un reality, parallel universe wingnuts reside in.

  18. Trump: I respectfully decline to answer because I honestly believe my answer might tend to incriminate me.

    *courtesy of Joey Gallo*

  19. Trump: So what if I threw a roll of paper towels? Faggedaboudid!

  20. Trump: You don't like it? so whadayagonnadoaboudit huh?

  21. Trumps entourage thinking: This mo'fuqer sounds like a gotdamn gangster! Dayum! No finesse, and then there's the bimbo...SMH!

  22. Fake News9:18 PM

    moron from iowa said...
    "Drumpf has denied nothing in the book"

    Actually, Trump has denied everything in the book. The author himself has admitted he can't guarantee everything in it is true.

  23. Lance Cockstrong9:23 PM

    In a stable full of horses asses ... I'm a genius ...

  24. “If I tell you that there are powerful people who are oppressing you to defend their own interests, you’ll call me a progressive, a liberal, and a reformer.

    If I tell you who those people are, you’ll call me a Nazi.”

  25. My ass is this wide!!!!

  26. Anonymous10:29 PM

    TMI, Yisheng.

  27. Anonymous10:54 PM

    "You have nothing!!!"

  28. Meryl Streep11:48 PM

    "Apparently, it's Americas fault that a bunch of grotesque Hollywood jews have been sexually assaulting shiksas. Who knew?"

  29. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Mike Pence: "I don't give a rat's ass about this dumb mother_ _ _r...I can't wait to take his spot when they
    impeach this imbecile."

    "But like the rest of the white guys in the old boys' network...I have to pretend that he's not
    dumb, stupid, incompetent, unfit and a life long racist."

  30. Anonymous12:39 AM

    "Hey...whaddaya mean?"

    "We're not racist...we just wish all of you black, brown and beige folks would just disappear that's all."

    1. Miklo1:59 AM

      Quit trying to make Latinos on the side of your cause. POC is a democratic tool for people to get on the democratic plantation. Beaners hate negro violence too . No more TNB, tinto

  31. Anonymous1:00 AM

    "Damn...we voted a bumbling incompetent inexperienced, inarticulate, low class, immature idiot into the White House and put him up on a pedestal while he makes a laughing stock out of this country.
    Just because he is white.

    And we spent 8 years trying to discredit our previous president who is a politically astute, experienced articulate lawyer and Harvard graduate for no other reason other than the fact that he is black and we are insanely jealous of him and his great accomplishments. "

    "Well do anything to discredit a Black man."

  32. Anonymous1:05 AM

    "Can't we all just get along?"

    1. Fooo Scramps2:02 AM

      Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt(kkkkkkeeeee laugh) kkkkkeeeeee laugh)

  33. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Why do Negroes forget that Obama was half white?

  34. Anonymous said...
    Talented, Magnificent, Incredible, Yisheng.

    Why yes, you know! 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

  35. The evil it took to make slavery a reality in the US for hundreds of years:

  36. I feel like that guy at Abu Ghraib! When will the mean democrats stop crucifying me and just let me do my job?

  37. 2:02 AM

    Goddamit Fuk U

  38. Anonymous10:03 AM

    "whats going on in Chicago?"

    January 1st to Date(01-08-18)
    Shot & Killed: 8
    Shot & Wounded: 37
    Total Shot: 45
    Total Homicides: 9

  39. "Remember people, the Democrat Party is singularly dependent on racial and gender identity politics. They have abandoned all pretense of caring about the economy, the environment, labor, or education.

    It's just anti-White and anti-male identity politics all the way"

  40. "Free Trump Steaks for everyone!"

  41. Drumpf pleas, "How did I get stuck with all these ivory apes?"

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "whats going on in Chicago?"

    January 1st to Date(01-08-18)
    Shot & Killed: 8
    Shot & Wounded: 37
    Total Shot: 45
    Total Homicides: 9

    10:03 AM

    You know wingnut rent control. That's what whitey wingnut be doing in Chi town.

  42. Am smart not like people say, just like Frado

  43. There is a GROUP called Black Gold Devalued... It is about African Americans being Self-Reliant!! Please Watch and give your opinion.

  44. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I'm still da shit

  45. Diceman4:37 PM

    Tough start to 2018 for liberals. Google is getting sued for being racist against whites and conservatives, Cliven Bundy had charges dropped, Russia investigation is a dud, and everyone is laughing at Democrats for being stuck back in 2016.

  46. Feds murder White ranchers minding their own business and withhold evidence at their kangaroo trial while rolling out the red carpet for dregs from the 3rd world. All with our money.

  47. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Remember, when Watergate broke, Republicans stood up and demanded answers too. Where are the Democrats on the Obamagate spying scandal? After all, it’s only the most consequential abuse of federal government law enforcement and intelligence powers in modern times.

  48. There was no evidence that Bundy and his little bitches boys weren't guilty of federal crimes. Prosecutorial misbehavior has no impact on the fact that Bundy is a fucking whitey wingnut fucking criminal and needs to be in prison for life and return government land back to the government for deliberate f

    You notice it was an Obama appointed Judge that ended the case because Obama appointed competent judges who are familiar with the law. Stoopid fucking wingnuts appoint rigid idealogues who don't give a shit about the rule of law. Only the rule of "free speech" That means money to you stoopid fucking wingnuts.


    Wingnut found somehing more lucrative than fleecing constituents. Drumpf will probably put this guy in charge of WH run meth ring. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

  50. So now Fergus says his presidency is "consensual"...
    Kinda explains the whole "grab them by the pussy" thing.

    -Doug in Oakland

  51. mike from iowa said...
    "There was no evidence that Bundy and his little bitches boys weren't guilty of federal crimes."

    This is still America, and until the day you scumbag leftists take over, evidence is needed to prove guilt, not innocence.

  52. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Wigger Mike from Iowa....Was it the Negro part or the White part of Obama that appointed competent judges?

  53. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Okrah in 2020

  54. Prosecutorial misbehavior is proof of no proof? Get a grip on reality, stud.

  55. Anonymous said...

    Wigger Mike from Iowa....Was it the Negro part or the White part of Obama that appointed competent judges?
    6:28 PM

    How perfectly racist and totally fucking stoopid. Can't fix stoopid fucking wingnuts.

  56. Anonymous Winning! said...

    Millions of new lies is all I can tell.

    You got that right. You sure got that right.

  57. An ALL SEC national championship, OF COURSE!!




  58. stillaPanther28:40 PM

    The plantation owner made people salute the flag. He strolled on a football field that had all slave boys getting ready to knock each others’ brain out. That told the world he had control over those plantation players. I have no respect for my people that continue to kiss this man’s butt. Did you see the backup singers in the back of the white male quartet? He even walked out on the field with the Black military man walking in an inferior position. Black people.... we been here about 400 years and still in such a gross inferior position. I am SAD.

  59. Anonymous8:55 PM

    You can always move to Wakanda, i hear it's very nice there?

  60. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Yīshēng said...
    An ALL SEC national championship, OF COURSE!!

    SEC has the lowest academic standards, OF COURSE!!

  61. Trump is a baller10:12 PM

    stillaPanther2 said...
    "He even walked out on the field with the Black military man walking in an inferior position."

    Yeah, he's the fucking Commander in Chief.

    Get a grip man, come on.

  62. You can always move to Wakanda, i hear it's very nice there?
    --------And you can move to Valhalla or wherever it is you arians think you're from.

  63. Little Jelly’s Lie Detector10:52 PM

    “SEC has the lowest academic standards, OF COURSE!!”

    Compared to Georgetown University where Yisheng earned an advanced degree, you may be correct!

    So tell us, what was your ranking at Nincompoop community college??


  64. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Valhalla only for those who die in combat not the perpetually aggrieved such as the American Negro.

  65. StillaPanther211:01 PM

    To the Anon.... fuck your grip. When I was 18 years old I fought in the Vietnam war as a medic while this scared ass white boy stayed home. I can’t respect a commmander in chief that will not send his family into wars that he will send others. You will never understand the lack of respect I have for people that are afraid to serve this country. Please stop with the analysis of someone that knows more about the commander in chief crap. This position was created prior to a time where the office was usually held by someone that knows what a commander should be like. You whites finallly got a person in office that portray all the images of white supremacy.

  66. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Name one thing Trump has done that has specifically and intentionally harmed only black citizens?

  67. Anonymous11:53 PM

    They can't. They just hate Trump because they are told to.

    They do what you are told.

  68. Anonymous11:54 PM

    "Georgetown University where Yisheng earned an advanced degree"

    In what?

  69. Nincompoopanator11:55 PM

    “Name one thing Trump has done that has specifically and intentionally to benefit only black citizens?”


  70. Little Jelly’s Lie Detector12:01 AM

    “In what?”

    A field neither you nor your ancestors going 1000 years back, would be smart enough to understand much less study at the graduate level. But since Yisheng is a (self-proclaimed) STEM master, I’d assume it’s a field in STEM.

    In other words, a field neither you nor your ancestors going 1000 years back, would be smart enough to understand much less study at the graduate level.


  71. Trump is a baller12:04 AM

    StillaPanther2 said...
    "I can’t respect a commmander in chief that will not send his family into wars that he will send others"

    So you respected Obama as Commander in Chief? At least Trump hasn't started two meaningless wars like Obama did Libya and Syria, and sacrifice American troops by imposing criminally dangerous rules of engagement in order to cover his own ass with our enemies. Casualties are way down under Trump in Afghanistan. He is the most responsible Commander in Chief since Eisenhower.

  72. President Fuckboy1:00 AM

    Name one thing Trump has done that has specifically and intentionally harmed only black citizens?
    That stupid mother fucker is going to destroy the world. He tweets like a deranged teenaged girl not like a grown ass man. No wonder you fuckboys like trump, he is the biggest fuckboy ever.

  73. Anonymous1:20 AM

    I see reading comprehension isn't your strong point. Put aside your leftist hysterics and answer the question.

  74. trump=idiot10:04 AM

    I see reading comprehension isn't your strong point. Put aside your leftist hysterics and answer the question.
    I see logic isn't your strong suit. trump is so stupid he didn't realize he could say merry christmas while Obama was in office. Dumbass though Ted Cruz's dad shot Kennedy. What a genius, my bet is just like you.

  75. Anonymous10:56 AM

    "I’d assume it’s a field in STEM."

    I'd assume it is in some soft pseudo science program where Yisheng was AA admitted and passed through without merit.

  76. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I'd assume it is in some soft pseudo science program where Yisheng was AA admitted and passed through without merit.
    Someone who has never even been to college would say something stupid like that. Instead of demeaning others you should work to better your own life.

  77. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Black=Idiot, You can't give any example of Trump acting racist towards Negroes as President. Hang your hat on the smart move that he did not want to rent properties to Section 8, but Section 8 is not solely a negro program. This is why there should be literacy/Civics tests for voting.

  78. When whitey weasel Drumpfuck and his klan daddy refused to rent to blacks, that is racism. There is no other possibility no matter how stoopid fucking wingnuts want to ignore reality. They signed an agreement with the court not to do it no more and I believe they continued doing it.

    If memory serves he sicced rally goers on a black man and then tried to deny he was inciting violence.

  79. Little Jelly's Lie Detector4:50 PM

    "I'd assume it is in some soft pseudo science program where Yisheng was AA admitted and passed through without merit."

    Of course you'd assume that because you're the dumbass too stupid to study hardcore STEM your damn self!! So what did you in, Calc 1 or Chem for STEM majors? Or Both?

    Once again, evil half-white folks projecting their low academic standards/achievements on others. Don't be jelly, Little Jelly!!


  80. Anonymous10:38 PM

    "projecting their low academic standards/achievements on others"

    Not at all. I know what I have achieved is far beyond your capabilities.

    So there's that.

  81. "I don't know how it happened either. I don't know that guy. I never met Donald Trump. Never met the guy."
